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SURA 34 SHEBA. S.34 requires much concentration on the part of the reader. In vv. 10'18, there are two unconnected stories about David and Solomon and the queen of Sheba. The text consists of early and late exhortations and “Say passages. ” The main themes are the Day of Judgment and the uniqueness of God. Their meaning is better grasped by a deeply religious person whose eyes have been unveiled, and whose mind has been opened to Knowledge. Striking comparisons illustrate the nature of man and his relation to God.

34.     S H E B A

Meccan, 54 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Praised be God, the Owner of everything

in Heavens and earth! Praise be to Him in the Hereafter!

He is the Wise, the All-Knowing.

2.    He knows what seeps down into the earth and what comes out of it,

what descends from the sky and what ascends to it.

He is the Merciful, the Forgiving.

3.     The disbelievers say:

“The Hour will never come for us!”


“By my Lord, it will certainly come!

[God] knows the Unseen, and nothing in Heaven or on earth can be hidden from Him, even the lightest particle.

There’s nothing smaller or bigger than it that isn’t recorded in the lucid Book.

4* This is to reward those who believed and did right: there’s forgiveness for them and a generous sustenance.”

1.     Those who work against Our Signs and strive to subvert them

shall receive a painful retribution.

2.     Those who have received the Knowledge sent down to you from your Lord perceive in it the Truth that guides

on the path of the Almighty, the Praise-Worthy.

7* The disbelievers say:

“Shall We show you a man who says that after you’re scattered like dust, you’ll become a new Creation?

8* Is he slandering God or is he possessed?” Yes! A penalty is looming upon those who do not believe in the Hereafter and are far astray.

9.     Do they not see the sky and the earth before them and behind them?

If We wished, We could make the earth swallow them, or We could drop upon them a piece of the sky.

Verily, there is a Sign in this for every servant turning [to God].

10.   We have bestowed Our Grace upon David:

— O mountains, sing praises with him, and you, o birds! We made iron soft for him:

11.  — Make [coats of mail] and adjust the armor! Do good works, for I see everything you do!

12* And to Solomon [We have given] the wind that [covers] a month’s [journey] in the morning and a month’s in the evening.

We gave him a fountain of molten brass. Some Jinn worked for him by permission of his Lord. If anyone of them disobeyed Our command, We made him taste the punishment of the Fire.

13. They made whatever he desired: altars, adornments, bowls like cisterns, and cauldrons too heavy to move.

— O family of David! Toil and be grateful! But so few are grateful among My servants!

14* When We decreed his death, nothing signalled his passing away, except a creature from the soil, which had been gnawing at his staff. When [the staff] collapsed, the Jinn understood that had they known the Unseen, they would not have suffered a humiliating punishment.

15* The dwellers of Sheba had a Sign: two gardens, one to the right and one to the left.

— Eat of what your Lord provides you with

and be grateful to Him:

indeed, fertile is this land and forgiving is your Lord!

16* But they turned away,

and We sent upon them a flood that even dams [failed to contain].

We replaced their gardens by two gardens with bitter fruit, tamarisks, and a few thorny [trees].

17* Such was Our reward for their disbelief — indeed, We punish only the disbelievers!

18. Between them and the towns We had blessed

We have placed [a few] prominent towns, and We measured the roads between them.

— Travel on them safely by night and by day!

19* But they said:

“O our Lord!

Increase the distances between our stations!”

By doing so they wronged themselves.

We left of them nothing but memories, and We scattered them to all winds.

Verily, there are Signs in this for the patient and grateful!

20*What Iblis had planned for them proved to be true: they all followed him, except a few believers

21* over whom he had no authority.

Indeed, We discern the one who believes in the Hereafter from the one who has doubts about it.

Your Lord keeps guard over everything!

19.      Say:

“You can call upon [those]

whom you recognize besides God,

but even the lightest particle in Heavens and earth is not under their control.

They have no part in that

and [God] has no helper among them.”

23* Intercession before Him would not help anyone, except those who get His permission.

After their hearts recover from fright, they shall say: “What did your Lord say?”

[The Angels] shall say:

“The Truth! He is the Highest, the Greatest.”

22.      Say:

“Who gives you sustenance from Heavens and earth?”


“God! It’s as obvious as [the truth] that some of us are on the right way, and the others in manifest error.”

23.      Say:

“You shall not be asked about our sins,

and we shall not be asked about your deeds.”

24.      Say:

“Our Lord will bring us together, and He will judge between us in Truth.

He is the Judge, the All-Knowing.”

25.      Say:

“Show me the partners you’ve associated with Him.

But no! He’s God, the Almighty, the Wise.”

28* We have sent you to all the people

as a Carrier of good news and a Warner, but most people do not know [it].

27.      They say:

“When will this promise come true if you’re telling the truth?”

28.      Say:

“There is a Day appointed for you

that you can neither postpone nor advance by one hour.”

29.      The disbelievers say:

“We’ll believe neither in this Koran

nor in whatever came before it.”

If you could only see the sinners accusing one another as they are lined up before their Lord!

The submissive shall say to the arrogant:

“Had it not been for you, we would’ve surely believed!”

30.      The arrogant shall say to the submissive:

“Have we turned you away from the Guidance

when it came to you? No, you were the transgressors!”

31.      The submissive shall say to the arrogant:

“Not at all, it was you who plotted night and day, pressuring us to disbelieve in God and to associate others to Him!”

But they will strongly repent when they see their punishment!

We will put shackles ’round the disbelievers’ necks in retribution for their deeds!.

32.  Each time We sent a Warner to a town, the wealthy said:

“We reject what you’re sent with.”

33.      And they said:

“We’re superior in wealth and in sons, therefore, we cannot be punished!”

34.      Say:

“Verily, my Lord increases or reduces

the provision to anyone He wills, but most people don’t know [it].”

35.     Neither your possessions nor your sons

will bring you closer to Us.

But those who believed and did good works shall receive a double reward for their deeds and shall dwell in peace in [lofty] Chambers.

36.   And those who vilify Our Signs shall be dragged off to punishment.

37.      Say:

“Verily, My Lord increases or decreases the provision to those He wills among His servants.

He will compensate you for everything you give away — indeed, He’s the best of providers!”

38.   On that Day He will gather them all together and say to the Angels:

— Is it not you that they worshiped?

39.      [The Angels] shall say:

“Glory to You! You’re our Protector, not they!

No! They worshiped the Jinn — indeed, most of them believed in them!”

40.   But on that Day, nobody shall be able to help or to harm anyone else.

We shall say to the sinners:

— Taste of the punishment by the Fire you used to deny!

41.   When Our clear Verses are read to them, they say: “He’s just a man who wants to seduce you away from what your fathers used to worship.”

They say:

“These are just fabrications and deceptions!”

And when the Truth comes to them,

the disbelievers say:

“This’s just obvious magic!”

44*We had not given them any Books to study,

and We had not sent to them any Warner before you.

45*They have not received even the tenth part of what we had given to their predecessors. Yet, when [the latter] rejected My Messengers, how [terrible] was My condemnation!

46.      Say:

“I’m asking you only one thing:

to stand before God singly or in pairs

and to consider that your companion isn’t possessed.

He’s just warning you of the forecoming stern punishment!”

47.      Say:

“I’m not asking you for a reward — keep it for yourselves.

My reward is only with God, the Witness to everything!”

48.      Say:

“Verily, my Lord conquers by the Truth, and He knows the Unseen.”

49.      Say:

“When the Truth comes, falsehood won’t appear and won’t return!”

50.      Say:

“If I’m in error, I’m in error to my detriment,

but if I accept Guidance,

it’s by inspiration from my Lord —

verily, He’s hearing, He’s close by!”

51* If you could only see how they will tremble

when they will find no way to escape

and will be seized from a place close by!

52.      They will say:

“We do believe in Him!”

But how will they be able to return from a place far away?

53.      They used to deny Him before,

and they slandered the Unseen from a place far away!

54* But there is a barrier between them and their wishes.

And so it was in the past with their supporters who also dwelled in oppressive doubt!

Vv. 4-5: Man will be rewarded for his good deeds and punished for his transgressions. Clearly, predestination depends on how he discharges his own responsibility.

V. 7: “A new Creation” or “in a new Creation.”

V. 8: “[Possessed] by a Jinni” — majnoon, meaning “crazy.”

V. 14: Unaware of the purpose of their work, the Jinn took work for punishment. They saw that the staff was weakened, but being spiritually blind, they did not foresee its collapse. Spiritual blindness is what made Iblis and his kind repudiate Adam: they saw him in his flesh and not in his spirit.

V. 15: Not much is known about the dwellers of Sheba or Saba.

They apparently came from Mesopotamia with the Patriarch Abraham. While Abraham and his son Ishmael stayed in Mecca, the sons of Ishmael moved South to Yemen. There, their successors are supposed to have founded the dynasty of Himyarites which ruled over the kingdom of Saba.

V. 16: “A flood that even dams [failed to contain],” or “the flood of ’Irim,” if ’Irim is the name of a locality. This could be the dam of Ma'rib (its ruins still stand in southern Arabia).

The two gardens remind the duality expressed in S.55 and the destruction of two gardens in S.18:32-34.

The “thorny [trees]” — “lotetrees,” growing in the Middle East (the crown ofJesus at his trial was made of twigs from this tree).

V. 17: There are three degrees of disbelief: denial of God, association of idols with God, and ungratitude to God.

V. 19: Apparently, they tried to increase their territory at the expense of their neighbors.

V. 20: Iblis seduces people without much effort since people are light-minded and prone to do evil.

V. 21: “Your Lord keeps guard over all things” (cf. vv. 28 and 36). Such phrases do rein­force the rhyme, but they are far from being void of content: they are introduced for rhetorical and stylistic purposes to enhance the emotional appeal of the chanted text. When repeated in a haunting tone, they sound like an impetuous refrain and help connect the verses together rather than separate them. Without them, many suras would seem flat, lifeless, even purposeless (cf. S.26:21). All the words in the Koran contribute to its clarity and expression.

The most sublime form of poetry is the praise of God, the communication with the holy. With this definition of poetry, one can say that the Koran is poetry of the most elevated kind. A good translation treats the Koran with respect, but it does not convert it into a simulacrum of poetry by introducing rhythms and rimes that are alien to the Arabic language and by carving the text into unnatural lines that do not correspond to the Arabic spirit. One can foresee a serious problem if attempts are made at an artistic chanting of the Koran in English.

V. 23: The words of the righteous may belong to the Angels, and those of the Angels, — to the righteous.

V. 33: “They will strongly repent” or, according to a another translation: “they will conceal their repentance.

V. 44: The Prophet Muhammad was the first Messenger to bring a Scripture to the Arab people.

V. 45: The people of Saba, Thamood and ’Ad belonged to “the People of the Scripture.” They received many gifts from God, and yet, they rejected Him. Muhammad’s contemporaries, the Quraishites, were idolaters and, therefore, were receiving fewer gifts from God.

Vv. 51, 53: A “place close by” or “a place far away” denote degrees of nearness to God; however, there is no compromise in faith, and all those who distance themselves from God are guilty to the same extent.

Those who “will tremble when they will have no way to escape” are either the trans­gressors in general or the enemies of the Prophet in particular.

V. 54: Two ideas are combined here: how goodness will overcome evil and how Islam will overcome the confederation of enemies.

IV.    Attitude Toward the Other Religions

Sura 25 Salvation. S. 25 supports the Prophet Muhammad and warns the idolaters and the disbelievers of their punishment. It is made mostly of Warning and Sign passages and it ends with a lengthy glorification of God (vv. 45f) and some uplifting words for the believers (vv. 63-76). The comforting tone of this sura is enhanced by the fre­quent occurrence of God's names “the Compassionate” and “the Forgiving.” Occasionally, this sura is called “the Koran. ”

25.       S A L V A T I O N

Meccan, 77 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Blessed is the One, Who sent Salvation to His servant, making it a warning to the worlds.

2.     The Sovereign of Heavens and earth has not taken a son for Himself,

and He has no partner in His Dominion. He has created all things and proportioned them well.

3.      Yet you have taken to some gods besides Him

who didn’t create anything

and have been created themselves.

They can neither hurt nor benefit themselves,

They have no control over death, life, and resurrection.

4* The disbelievers say:

“It’s just a fabrication he has contrived

with the help of other people.”

But th ey are the ones who brought out evil and falsehood!

5.     They also say:

“These are tales of the old, written at his request, that are read to him mornings and evenings.”

6.     Say:

“[The Koran] has been sent down by the One, Who knows the secret of Heavens and earth.

Verily, He’s forgiving and merciful!”

7.     They say:

“What kind of a Messenger is he, if he eats food and walks the markets?

And why wasn’t an Angel sent down to join him in warning?

8.     [Why] wasn’t he given a treasure or a garden, which would’ve fed him?”

The wrong-doers [also] say:

“The one you follow is nothing but a man bewitched!”

9.      See, to whom they are comparing you!

They have gone astray and cannot find a way out!

10* Blessed be the One, Who, if He willed, could give you something better — gardens under which the rivers flow, or build castles for you!

9.     But no, they deny the Hour [ofJudgment], and for those who deny the Hour We have prepared a blazing Fire.

10.  When it spots them from afar, they will hear its raging howl.

11.  They shall be thrown into it, chained together, in a narrow space where they will wish to die.

14* On that Day, you will wish to die not only once, you will wish to die several times!

15* Say:

“Is this better than the eternal Garden promised to the God-fearing,

which is going to be their reward and destination?

16.     They’ll receive there whatever they wish;

they’ll abide there for ever,

as your Lord has promised them

in response to their prayers.”

17.     On the Day He gathers them together with those

they have been serving besides God, He will say to them:

— Are you the ones who led My servants astray, or they have lost their way themselves?

18.     They shall say: “Glory to You!

We shouldn’t have taken protectors besides You!

But you allowed their fathers to enjoy [life] for so long that they forgot the Warning and became a lost people.”

19.     — Now that it became clear that your words are lies,

you will not be able to avert [punishment] nor receive help. To those of you who committed evil, We will give a taste of the great punishment.

20*We had never sent Messengers before you who would not eat food and walk the markets. Of some of you We made a test for the others, but will you have enough patience?

Indeed, your Lord sees [everything]!

8.       Those who do not hope to meet with Us, say:

“If only Angels had been sent down to us,

or if we could see our Lord [with our own eyes]!”

They are so swollen with pride

that they have rebelled in a great rebellion!

22* The Day they see the Angels, that Day shall not be good news for the sinners. [The Angels] shall say: “You’re facing a barrier you won’t be able to surmount!”

20.   Then We will consider their deeds and scatter them like dust!

21.   But on that Day, the dwellers of the Garden shall be in the best abode, the best resting place.

25* On that Day the sky and the clouds shall be rent asunder, and the Angels shall descend in ranks.

26.      On that Day the Dominion of Truth

shall belong to the Compassionate.

Harsh shall be that Day for the disbelievers!

27* On that Day the wrong-doer shall bite his hands and say: “Oh, woe to me! It would’ve been better

if I had followed the way of the Messenger!

26.      Oh, woe to me! If had never had such a friend!

27.      When the Warning came to me, Satan led me astray.

Surely he is a traitor to man!”

28.      And the Messenger shall say: “O my Lord!

My people have indeed taken this Koran for nonsense!”

29.   Thus to every Prophet We gave a foe from among the sinners; but sufficient is your Lord as a Guide and a Helper!

30.      The disbelievers say:

“Why wasn’t the Koran revealed to him in its entirety?”

— We have recited it in stages to brace your heart.

31.      No sooner they ask you a question

that We bring you the Truth and its best explanation.

32.   And those who will be dragged face down to Hellfire shall be in the worst place and the deepest delusion.

35* We have sent the Scripture to Moses

and made his brother, Aaron, his assistant.

32.      We said:

— Go to the people who rejected Our Signs!

Later on We exterminated them completely.

33.      After the people of Noah had rejected the Messengers,

We drowned them all and made of them a Sign for mankind.

We have prepared a painful punishment for the sinners,

38* and also for ’Ad, Thamood, the dwellers of Ar-rass, and many intervening generations.

37.   We had taught each of them by examples, and then We utterly destroyed all of them.

40*And now, as they are passing by their town that had been pelted by an evil rain,

do they not notice anything?

No! They do not dread the Resurrection!

41.  — [O Muhammad!] As soon as they see you, you become the object of their derision:

“Is he the one that God has sent to us as a Messenger?

42.  He would have surely separated us from our gods if we hadn’t held fast unto them!”

But at the sight of the punishment they shall know who is the farthest astray!

43.  Have you seen the one who worships his passion? Would you be his guarantor?

44.  Do you think that most of them can listen and understand? No! They are like cattle, only farther astray!

45.  Do you not see how your Lord lengthens a shadow? Had He willed it, He would have made it stationary. We allow the sun to regulate it,

46.      and then We gradually pull it to Ourselves.

47.  He is the One, Who made for you the night as a cover, the sleep to rest, and the day to be awake.

48.      He is the One, Who sends you the winds

as messengers of the good tidings of His mercy.

We are sending you pure water from the sky

49.  to let it revive the dead land and quench the thirst of Our creatures — a multitude of cattle and men.

50.  We distribute it among them to let them remember [Us], yet most people reject everything, except disbelief!

51.      Had We willed it,

We would have sent a Warner to each town.

52.  So, do not give in to the disbelievers, but fight a big fight against them!

53.  He is the One, Who let two bodies of water flow freely: one pleasant and sweet, the other one salty and bitter. He separated them by a dam, a forbidding barrier.

54.  He is the One, Who has created man from water and instituted the ties of blood and marriage, for mighty is your Lord!

55.  Yet, besides God, they worship what can neither help nor harm them.

A disbeliever is a helper against his Lord!

56.      We have sent you only as a Herald and a Warner.

57.      Say:

“I’m not asking you for a fee,

I only want anyone who wills to take the path to his Lord!”

58.      Put your trust in the One,

Who lives and does not die, and glorify Him!

Sufficient is He to know the sins of His servants.

59.      He is the One, Who has created in six days

the Heavens and the earth, and what is in between, and then established Himself on the Throne.

He is the Compassionate. Ask about Him anyone who knows!

60*They have been told:

“Bow to the Compassionate!”

Yet they say:

“And who is the Compassionate?

Why should we bow to anyone at your command?” And it further increases their aversion!

61.   Blessed be the One, Who has set constellations in the sky and has placed in it a light and a shining moon.

62.   He is the One, Who alternates night and day for those who wish to remember, for those who wish to be thankful.

63.   The servants of the Compassionate are those who walk modestly upon the earth

and say: “Peace!” to the ignorant who address them.

64.      They spend nights before their Lord, standing or bowing.

65.      They say:

“Our Lord! Divert from us the punishment of Hellfire, for such a punishment is a torment that never ends!

66.      It’s a terrible abode and resting place.”

67.      They are not profligate or stingy, but keep to the middle.

68.      They do not call to other gods besides God.

They kill a soul guilty of murder only for a just cause, and they do not commit fornication.

Whoever acts otherwise shall be punished,

69.   and his punishment shall be doubled On Resurrection Day — he shall be humiliated for ever,

70* unless he repents, believes, and does righteous works. Then God will replace his bad deeds by good ones — indeed, God is forgiving and merciful!

71.     Those who repent and do right,

who repent to God in sincere repentance,

72.   who do not give false testimony, who pass by idle talk with dignity,

73.      who, when reminded of the Signs of their Lord,

do not lose attention, as if they were deaf and blind,

74.      but say:

“O our Lord! Give us wives and offspring who will comfort our eyes. Make of us an example for the God-fearing.”

75.   They are the ones who, for their patience, shall be rewarded with the highest abode.

There they shall be met with welcome and peace

76.      and they shall stay therein for ever.

What a good dwelling and resting place!

77.      Say [to the disbelievers]:

“It makes no difference to my Lord if you pray or do not pray to Him.

But if you’ve rejected [Him], the Inevitable shall soon come [upon you]!”

V. 1: “Salvation” (furqan) is “discernment between evil and good.” It has several other meanings — deliverance, illumination, inerrant judgment, spiritual Knowledge, or the Koran itself.

V. 4: The disbelievers accuse the Prophet of plagiarism and hint at his presumed illit­eracy, but he does not contradict them. V. 10: “Gardens under which the rivers flow” — running water represents movement, life, renewal, and purity. According to legend, when Agar with her son Ishmael was chased to the desert by the wife of Abraham, Sarah, Zamzam, a spring with curative waters, sprung at her feet. According to another legend, when Mary gave birth to Jesus, a spring flowed beneath her. Water also appeared under the feet of Job (S.38:42). The Koran repeatedly refers to rivers flowing in Paradise under houses and gardens.

V. 14: “You will wish to die numerous times” or “will wish the death of the many.” The sinners want to die, but in vain.

V. 15: The word “reward” is often a figure of speech. The reward of the righteous is in their righteousness.

V. 20: “Will you have [enough] patience?” — the same question was addressed to Moses by the wise man (S.18:67).

V. 22: “The impassable barrier” — it could be their past.

V. 25: The sky and the clouds limit visibility. They must be rent asunder to allow the spir­itual eye to focus on the infinite and to understand the mystery of the Universe. The mention of the battle of Badr (2 H) is probably a late addition.

V. 33: According to this verse, God has been anticipating the questions that would be asked by the readers of the Koran and He provided them with the appropriate answers.

V. 35: “His assistant” or “his Vizier.”

V. 38: Ar-rass was already mentioned in S.50:12.

V. 50: “We distribute it among them” (it is water), or “We distribute [the Reminder] among them” in agreement with v. 52: “fight [with the Reminder] a big fight against them.”

V. 40: The evil rain is taken from the story of Lot.

V. 60: The confusion about the Compassionate (ar-Rahman) may have been due to the existence of a pre-Islamic god by this name.

V. 70: In His compassion, God is willing to pardon the disbelievers, provided they mend their ways.

Sura 3(I) The House of 'Imran. Starting with this sura, the pace and the content of the Koranic verses undergo some changes. A part of S.3 is an appraisal of the situation at the time when the Prophet was well established in Medina, but had to fight hostile factions besieging the city. Among them were the leaders of Mecca who were defeated at Badr and theJewish tribes that supported them.

The House of Imran for which S3 is named is the family ofJesus. The first half of S.3 (vv. 1'109) deals with the attitude of the Muslims towards Judaism and Christianity. In the second half (vv. 110'200) it deals with the military actions of Islam, and thus belongs to Part VII. The Fight in the Cause of God.

Such a division of S.3 sura into two parts is appropriate and reasonable. The Holy Book itself recommends to use reason in the interpretation of the Koran. In v. 7 it states that the Verses are either didactic or allegorical. The first ones are “the essence of the Book” and are meant to teach people, whereas the interpretation of allegorical Verses can lead to dissent because man cannot understand what is accessible only to God.

In S3(I) a short invocation is followed by 1) a medley of Warning, Sign and Saypas­sages (vv. 2-32); 2) the story of Mary and Jesus (vv. 33-61); 3) a section on Abraham, the progenitor of the Arabs (vv. 65-68); 4) some Warnings to the Jews (vv. 69-84); and 5) some Warnings to thenon-committedMuslims (vv. 85-109).

3.      T H E H O U S E OF 'I M R A N

Medinan, 200 verses

Part I. (Vv. 1-109)

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Alif lam mim.

2.      God! There is no god besides Him,

He is the Living, the Self-Existing!

3* He has sent down to you the Scripture with the Truth, confirming what had been sent before it. Earlier He had sent the Torah and the Evangel as a Guidance for the people.

And He had sent down the Salvation.

4.     Verily, those who reject the Signs of God shall receive a severe punishment — God is mighty and vengeful!

5.      Verily, nothing is hidden from God on earth or in Heaven.

6.      He is the One, Who forms you in the wombs, as He wills.

There is no god but Him, the Mighty, the Wise.

7* He is the One, Who has sent down to you

the Scripture with prescriptive Verses,

which are the essence of the Book.

There are other, allegorical ones.

Those with impure hearts follow the allegorical [Verses], interpreting them and thus inciting dissent.

But their meaning is known only to God!

The steadfast in Knowledge say:

“We believe in [the Scripture] —

it’s entirely from our Lord,

but only those with insight remember [it].

8.      “O our Lord!

Don’t let our hearts go astray after You’ve guided us,

and provide us from Your mercy — verily, You’re the Giver.

9.      O our Lord!

You will round up the people

on that Day about which there’s no doubt.

Verily, God will never fail [His] promise!”

10.     Neither their wealth nor their children

shall protect the disbelievers from God.

They are no more than fuel for the Fire!

11.   They are not better than the house of Pharaoh and those who were before them.

They denied Our Signs, and God seized them for their sins, for God is stern in punishment.

12.    Say to the disbelievers:

“You shall soon be overthrown and gathered in Hell — evil will be this bedding!”

13* You’ve already been given a Sign in the clash between the two armies:

one fought in the cause of God, the other — against it.

Then the enemies saw with their eyes twice as many [Muslims] as they actually were. Thus God supports by His help those He wills — verily, there is a lesson in this for those who can see.

14. People are consumed by passions for women and sons, for hoarded kintars of gold and silver, for branded horses, for cattle, and for cultivated fields, but these are only some enjoyments of the present life — the best calling is nearness to God.

15* Say:

“Shall I tell you what’s better for the God-fearing? It’s nearness to their Lord in Gardens under which the rivers flow.

By the Grace of God, they shall stay there for ever with their pure spouses. God is observing [His] servants

16.    who say:

’O our Lord! We’ve truly believed! Forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment by the Fire.’

17.   But this is only for the patient and the truthful, the devout and the generous

who pray for forgiveness from early morning.”

18.    There is no god but Him!

This is witnessed by God and the Angels, and those who possess Knowledge and uphold justice. There is no god but Him, the Mighty, the Wise.

19* Verily, in God’s sight, religion is Islam!

After receiving Knowledge, the People of the Scripture dissented from it out of enmity to one another.

But for those who reject the Signs of God, God is quick to settle the account!

20.   If they start arguing with you, say: “I’ve totally submitted myself to God, and so have those who followed me.” Tell the People of the Scripture and the unenlightened ones: “Have you submitted yourselves [to God]?” If they have submitted themselves,

they are on the right path, but if they have turned away, then your duty is to convey [the Message].

God is observant of [His] servants!

21.   Verily, announce a painful punishment to those who reject the Signs of God, wrongfully slay the Prophets,

and kill the people who call to justice.

22.   Their works shall amount to nothing both in this world and the Hereafter, and nobody shall help them!

23.     Do you not see those

who have received a portion of the Scripture?

When called to judgment by the Divine Scripture, some of them refuse to comply and turn away.

24.     They say:

“If the Fire touched us, it would be only for a few days.” By their lies about religion they deceive only themselves!

25.   And what will happen when We gather them on the Day, which cannot be doubted, when each soul

shall be paid in full for what she has deserved?

26.     Say:

O God! O Lord of Sovereignty!

You give power to whom You will and withdraw it from whom You will.

You exalt whom You will and abase whom You will.

All goodness is in Your hand and you’ve power over everything!

27* You allow the night to catch up the day and the day to catch up the night.

You bring forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living.

You provide without reckoning for everyone You will.”

28* Do not let the believers befriend disbelievers in preference to believers, except for safety, otherwise, God will not help them.

God cautions you against Himself, indeed, to God is [your] return!

29.   Say: “God knows what you conceal in your souls and what you reveal.

He knows everything in Heavens and earth — indeed, God has power over all things!

30.   On that Day, every soul shall be confronted with all the good she has done

and all the evil she has done.

Then she will wish [evil] to depart from her far away. God cautions you against Himself, but God is full of good will for [His] servants!

31.     Say:

“Follow me if you love God, then God will love you and forgive your sins, for God is forgiving and merciful!”

32.      Say:

“Obey God and the Messenger!”

But if they turn around,

then, verily, God doesn’t love the disbelievers!

33.      God chose Adam and Noah, the house of Abraham,

and the house of ’Imran over all the people of the world —

34.      all in the same line of descent.

God is hearing and knowing!

35* The wife of ’Imran said:

“O my Lord! I dedicate to You what’s in my womb to freely [serve You].

Accept it from me, for you’re the Hearing, the Knowing.”

36. After delivery she said:

“O my Lord! I’ve delivered a girl!”

But God knew well whom she had delivered, the male being unlike the female.

[She said]:

“I named her Mary. I’m putting her and her progeny under Your protection from Satan, the stoned one.”

37* God gave her a gracious reception, provided her with good upbringing, and entrusted her to Zechariah.

Each time he entered [her] sanctuary, he found some provisions with her and said: “O Mary! Where does it come from?” She said:

“It’s from God,

for God provides without reckoning anyone He wills!”

38.     Calling from there to his Lord, Zechariah said:

“O my Lord! Give me a good progeny from Yourself, indeed, You listen to prayers!”

39.   As he was praying in the sanctuary, the Angels announced to him: “Confirming the Truth of the Word of God, God brings to you the good tidings

of the [birth of your son] John,

an abstinent Prophet among the righteous!”

40.      [Zechariah] said:

“O my Lord! How can I have a son if I’ve reached old age and my wife is barren?” [God] said:

— God does what He wills!

41.      [Zechariah] said:

“O my Lord! Give me a Sign!”

[God] said:

— Your Sign is that for three days you shall communicate with people only by signs. Remember your Lord oftentimes and glorify [Him] evenings and mornings.

42.      The Angels said:

“O Mary! God has selected you, purified you, and put you above the women of the Worlds.

43.   O Mary! Worship your Lord, prostrate yourself, and bow with those who bow!”

44*This is one of the events of the Unseen

that We are inspiring you with.

You were not with them when they cast writing reeds, [divining] who will take charge of Mary, and you were not with them when they argued among themselves.

45*The Angels said:

“O Mary! God announces to you the glad tidings of the Word from Himself,

whose name is the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary.

[He]’ll be revered in [this] world and in the Hereafter as one of the nearest [to God].

46* He shall speak to the people from his crib and in maturity, and he will be one of the upright.”

47* [Mary] said:

“O my Lord! How can I have a child if I haven’t been touched by a man?” [God] said:

— God creates what He wills.

When He rules upon some matter,

He says to it: — Be! And there it is!

48. [God] will teach him the Scripture and the Wisdom, the Torah and the Evangel,

49*and he will be a Messenger to the Children of Israel.

[And Jesus will say]:

‘I’m coming to you with a Sign from your Lord.

I’ll shape for you the likeness of a bird from clay, then I’ll breathe into it,

and with God’s permission it’ll become a bird.

With God’s permission, I’ll heal the blind and the lepers, and bring the dead to life.

I’ll tell you what you may eat, and what you may keep in your houses. There is a Sign for you in this if you believe.

50* I’m confirming what I had already known of the Torah, and I’m allowing you a part

of what had been forbidden to you before.

I’m coming to you with a Sign from your Lord, so fear God and obey me!

51. God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him — this is the straight path’.”

52* Feeling that they were inclined to disbelief,

Jesus said:

“Who are my helpers in [the cause of] God?”

His disciples said:

“We are God’s helpers. We’ve believed in God, so vouch for us that we’re Muslims.

53* O our Lord! We believe in Your Revelation and we’re following the Messenger, so write us down as confessors!”

54* [The disbelievers] have plotted; and God has plotted, but truly God is the best at plotting!

55* God said:

— O Jesus! I will let you die, then I will raise you to Myself and purify you from the disbelievers.

I shall put those who follow you above those who will not believe till Resurrection Day. And when you return to Me,

I shall resolve your disputes.

56.   I will inflict a stern retribution upon the disbelievers both in this life and in the Hereafter,

and they will find nobody to help them!

57.     And to those who believed and did good works,

I will give a full reward, indeed, God does not love the sinners!

58.   — [O Muhammad!] This is what We are reading to you from the Verses and the wise Reminder.

59* Verily, for God Jesus is like Adam, whom He created from dust and to whom He said:

— Be! And there he was!

60.   Truth is from your Lord, so do not be of those who doubt!

61* If anyone argues with you about this after Knowledge has come to you, say: “Let’s gather our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our people and your people, and let’s pray and invoke the curse of God on the liars!”

62.     Verily, this is a true story!

There is no god besides God — verily, God is the Mighty, the Wise.

63.     And if they turn away, God is fully aware of the corrupt!

64.      Say:

“O People of the Scripture!

Let’s agree to worship only God, not to ascribe any partner to Him, and not to associate with God any lords from our midst.”

If they turn away, say:

“Be witnesses that we are Muslims!”

65* O People of the Scripture!

How can you argue about Abraham if the Torah and the Evangel have been sent down after his time?

Do you not understand?

66. You used to argue before about something you knew, so why do you argue now about something you do not know?

God knows, but you do not know!

67* Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian: he was a Hanif who submitted himself to God; and he was not an Associator.

68.   Verily, the closest to Abraham are his followers — this Prophet and those who have believed.

God is the Protector of [all] the believers!

69.   A faction of the People of the Scripture would like to lead you astray,

but they are leading astray only themselves, without even realizing [it]!

70.     O People of the Scripture!

Why do you reject the Signs of God if you are witnessing them?

71.     O People of the Scripture!

Why do you wrap Truth in falsehood,

and why do you conceal the Truth if you know it?

72.   Some of the People of the Scripture say: “Believe in the morning

in what has been revealed to the believers and deny it in the evening — perhaps they’ll deny it as well.

73* And don’t believe anyone who does not follow your religion!” Say:

“Verily, Guidance is God’s teaching.

It’s given to others, as it’s given to you, so why would they argue with you before your Lord?” Say:

“Verily, Grace is in God’s hand, and He bestows it upon anyone He wills.” God is generous and all-knowing!

74. He distinguishes by His mercy anyone He wills. To God belongs a boundless Grace!

75* Some of the People of the Scripture are such that if you trusted them with a qintar [of gold], they will return it to you.

But some others, if you trusted them with a dinar, will not return it to you, unless you pressure them.

They say:

“We don’t have any obligations toward the ignorant.” But they lie against God, and they know [it]!

76* And the one who fulfills his pledge and fears God... verily, God loves the God-fearing!

77.   Verily, those who sell for a small price their oaths to God and their pledges, shall have no part in the Hereafter.

On Resurrection Day God will not speak to them, He will not even look at them!

He will not purify them [from sin], and they shall receive a painful retribution.

78.   Some of them distort the Scripture with their tongues. You might think that something is in the Scripture, but it is not in the Scripture at all.

They say:

“It’s from God.”

But it is not from God —

they are their fabrications about God, and they know [it] 79* How can a man who has received from God

the Scripture, the Wisdom, and the Prophetic Gift, say to the people:

“Serve me and not God,” instead of:

“Stand by the Lord for you have taught the Scripture and have studied it yourselves.”

80.      [God] would not command you

to make lords out of Angels and Prophets; he would not command you to disbelieve after you have submitted yourselves to Him.

81.      God made a Covenant with the Prophets:

— I am giving you the Scripture and the Wisdom.

Then a Messenger will come to you to confirm what you have received.

Trust him and help him! And He said:

— Do you accept My Covenant as your obligation?

They said: “We do accept [it]!”

[God] said:

— Then be witnesses, and I will be a Witness with you.

82.      And those who will turn away are corrupt!

83.   Why do they aspire to a religion other than God’s after everything in Heavens and earth

has submitted itself to Him, willingly or unwillingly? Indeed, to Him is their return!


“We believe in God and in the Revelation

that has been sent down to us,

and in what had been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what had been given by their Lord

to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets.

We make no distinction between them, and We’re all Muslims!”

85.   If any one chooses a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him

and in the Hereafter he shall be among the losers.

86.      How can God show the way to a people

who had believed at first and testified

that the Messenger was true,

that the Proofs have reached them, and then disbelieved later on?

God does not guide sinful people!

87.   God, the Angels, and the people will reward them with a curse

88.      under which they shall abide for ever.

Their punishment shall not be reduced

and they shall not get a reprieve,

89.      except those who have repented later on and made amends.

Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

90.      Repentance shall not be accepted

from those who believed, then disbelieved,

and persisted in their disbelief,

for they are really astray.

91* Those who disbelieved and died disbelieving

shall not ransom themselves with all the gold on earth.

There is a painful punishment for them, and nobody shall help them.

92.   You shall not be upright until you begin contributing from what is dear to you.

Whatever you contribute, verily, God will know about it!

93.   The Children of Israel were allowed all kinds of food, except what Israel had made unlawful for itself before the Torah was revealed.


“Bring out the Torah and read it if you’re telling the truth.”

94.   After that those who fabricate lies about God — they are the sinners!

95.      Say:

“God speaks the Truth, so follow the creed of Abraham, the Hanif who was not an Associator.”

96* Verily, the first House [of worship] for people was established in Mecca.

In it are the blessings and the guidance for the Worlds.

97. There are clear Signs in it — one of them

is the spot where Abraham used to stand.

Whoever enters it enjoys security.

Pilgrimage to this House is a duty before God for anyone who has the means to travel.

But if anyone disbelieves...

verily, God has no need for the Worlds.

98.      Say:

“O People of the Scripture!

Why do you reject the Signs of God if God is Witness to all your deeds?”

99.      Say:

“O People of the Scripture! If you are witnesses, why do you turn the believers away from God’s path and try to make it crooked?

Indeed, God isn’t unmindful of what you do.”

100.O you who have believed!

If you listened to some of the people who had received the Scripture, they would turn you into disbelievers after you have believed.

101. How can you deny faith

when the Verses of God are recited to you, and when His Messenger is with you?

Whoever holds firmly onto God will be guided to the straight path.

102.O you who have believed!

Fear God as He should be feared, and die only as Muslims. 103*Hold onto God’s Covenant in one body and do not split up!

Remember the goodness of God towards you.

You were enemies indeed, but He has joined your hearts, and you became brothers by His Grace.

You stood at the edge of the Fire Pit, and He rescued you from it.

This is how God makes His Signs clear to you — perhaps you will accept Guidance!

104*Let you form a community that invites to the good, enjoins the honorable, and restrains from the disreputable.

They are the only ones who will succeed!

105*Do not emulate those who received the Proofs and then split up and fell into discord.

A great punishment is [in store] for them!

106.On that Day some faces shall brighten and some others shall darken.

Those with darkened faces [will hear]:

— Have you not disbelieved after you had believed?

Then, taste the punishment for your disbelief!

107. But those with brightened faces will be in God’s mercy for ever.

108.Such are the Verses of God

that We recite to you in Truth.

God does not want injustice to the Worlds!

109.Everything in the Heavens and earth belongs to God. And to God all the matters return!

V. 3: Salvation — the furqan of S.25:1.

V. 7: “[Verses] that are allegorical” or “[Verses] with hidden meaning.” The Koran addresses itself not only to the intelligence of the listener, but also to his imagination. Thus any discussion of the historicity of events in the Koran is irrelevant.

According to Islamic symbolism, the human heart comprises four sites: in addition to sadr, qalb, and fu'ad mentioned on p. 187, there is the deepest recess of the heart (sirr or lubb), which is the site of the full understanding of God in his Unity and Glory (S.3:190).

V. 13: A reference to the battle of Badr (S.25:23).

V. 15: “The Grace of God” (ridwan).

V. 19: “The People of the Scripture” are the Jews. “Knowledge” is understanding the Koran (S.102) or the Koran itself.

V. 27: Night and day remind of darkness and light. Darkness is ignorance and spiritual death; light is knowledge and spiritual growth.

V. 28: In these formative years, the Muslims were advised to stay away from outsiders, especially from the renegades.

V. 35: In this verse, ’Imran is Moses’s father and Mary is ’Imran’s daughter, and thus, the sister of Moses and Aaron. Therefore, Jesus is ’Imran’s grandson and Moses’s nephew. In Luke 1:5, Zecharias’s wife Elisabeth “was of the daughters of Aaron.” Genealogical searches are futile as family relations may be metaphors.

The “Family” or the “House” of ’Imran might be a collective name for all the Jewish Prophets from Moses to Jesus.

V. 37: “Sanctuary” (mihrab). Mary has been raised by Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist (Yahia).

V. 44: There seems to have been a disagreement concerning Mary’s guardianship. The sit­uation was resolved by casting lots: the contenders wrote their names on writing reeds and cast them into the river. The winner was the one whose reed stayed afloat the longest.

V. 45: “Word” is kalima in Arabic and logos in Greek. That this passage connects to John 1:1 is speculative.

”The nearest to God” (muqarribin), as in S.56:11.

V. 47: The Koran does not mention that Mary was married to Joseph.

V. 46: Jesus spoke from the cradle in the apocryphal “The First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ,” 1:2.

V. 49: A bird symbolizes the fate of a man.

V. 50: According to Islam, some of the Jewish dietary laws were too restrictive. These restrictions have been lifted by Jesus (cf. Mark 7:18-19, where it is stated that all food is clean).

V. 52: “A Helper” (ansar) is a supporter of Islam in Medina.

V. 53: “Confessors,” “Witnesses,” or “Martyrs for faith.”

V. 54: “Plotted” (makara) or “made plans.”

V. 55: The Muslims believe that Jesus died a natural death. He will return at the end of the world to slay “The Beast.” Then he will die and will be raised again with all humankind.

The problem with the Christians was that by worshiping Jesus as son of God, they were defying the basic concept of monotheism. The Muslims do not believe in the suffering and res­urrection of Jesus; therefore, in his redemption of mankind from both Adam’s disobedience and the transgressions of the sinners. They revere Jesus as a Prophet and as the precursor of the last Messenger, the Prophet Muhammed. The problem with the Jews was that many of them refused to consider the Koran as the culmination of the Bible. Both Muslims and Jews were monotheists, and their differences were mostly cultural: for example, the Jews stood by some food restrictions that Muslims considered unjustified.

Islam teaches that man is weak, but his soul is free of any “original sin.” Man can achieve spiritual harmony by his faith and works. He must fear God’s punishment only for his own sins and not for the transgressions of Adam and other people. In contrast, the Christians believe that man is born in sin, and cannot be saved without the sacrifice of Jesus and baptism. The concept of a Church as an institution that brings man in communication with God is not acceptable for Muslims. Unacceptable for them are the confession to a priest and communion; in marriage they see a formal contract that is fully described in the Koran.

V. 59: Both Adam and Jesus were not fathered by a man.

V. 61: The Shi’ites believe that this call was addressed to ’Ali, to his sons Hassan and Hussein, and to his wife Fatima.

Vv. 65f: Both Arabs and Jews descend from Abraham: the Arabs from his elder son Ishmael, and the Jews from Isaac.

V. 67: Abraham was a righteous man, a hanif (S.10:105).

V. 72: According to the Jews, one must believe in the older Scriptures and reject the new one (the Koran); then, the Muslims might repent and return to the belief in the old Scriptures.

V. 75: A rebuke to the Jewish leaders. “Ignorant” or “simple [folks],” or “unlettered people” are probably the pagan Arabs.

V. 76: Everyone must fulfill his promises. All people past and present are bound by the Mosaic Covenant.

V. 79: “Stand by the Lord” or be the Lord’s worshipers;” the latter are called here rab- baniyin.

V. 84: The Koran enjoins the Muslims to respect all the Scriptures and to consider that all the Prophets are equal.

V. 91: “For all the gold on earth” or “the weight of the earth in gold.”

V. 96: “In Mecca” or Bacca in a local dialect. It is also the ancient name of Mecca.

V. 97: The pilgrimage to Mecca is incontestably the most important spiritual event in the life of a Muslim. The trip to Arabia requires much exertion and funds. Some pilgrims save money for decades with the only purpose of going to Mecca. This is not only the fulfillment of an obligation to God, but also the unique religious experience of socializing with millions of people united in aspiration and effort. The pilgrimage is not only a total immersion in the reli­gious ritual for ten consecutive days, but a one or even two year commitment away from home, depending on the length of the trip that is often done on foot. Upon their return home the pil­grims are feted by their relatives and neighbors and receive the honorific title of hajji which ensures a dignified position in their society.

Muslims believe that pilgrimage was instituted by Abraham. Pilgrims flocked to Mecca long before Islam. The focus of the pilgrimage was a sanctuary dedicated to the One God, but later desecrated by the introduction of literally hundreds of shrines and idols dedicated to local gods and goddesses. Islam can be seen as the return under the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad to the monotheism of Abraham that started with Adam who knew only one God.

V. 103: “To God’s Covenant,” or “to the rope [stretched] by God.” The reference is to the Medinans who had not rallied to the Prophet yet.

V. 104: “Community” or “nation” — umma.

V. 105: The reference is to the Jews and the Christians.

Sura 21 The Prophets. S.21 is mixed in subject and composition, and it may present difficulties in reading and comprehending. The sura begins with accusations directed at the Meccans for not supporting the Prophet Muhammad and his mission. The usual introductory verses are followed by several unconnected passages (vv. 11'48), one of which examines the nature of Angels (vv. 26'29). The second part (vv. 48'93) brings up the Biblical prophets: Moses, Abraham, Lot, Noah, David and Solomon, Job, Jonas and others. The main story, that of Abraham, is targeted against polytheism. The themes of John the Baptist, (Yahia), and Jesus'Christ are briefly presented at the end (vv. 89'91).

Like the preceding sura, S.21 is strongly critical of the “People of the Scripture, ” i.e., the Jews and the Christians.

21.      T H E P R O P H E T S

Meccan, 112 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Reckoning is coming closer to men, but being mindless, they turn away.

2.     No new Revelation comes to them from their Lord that they do not listen to without mockery.

3* Frivolous are their hearts!

The wrong-doers say in their secret [meetings]:

“Isn’t [Muhammad] a man like us?

Would you yield to magic with open eyes?”

4.      Say:

“My Lord knows about [every] word in Heavens and earth.

He’s the Hearer, the Knowing.”

5.      But they say:

“No, [these are] only bundles of dreams,

He contrived them himself! Indeed, he’s a poet!

Let him bring us [at least] one Sign

like the ones that were sent in old times!”

6.      Would th ey believe, if not a single town

We had destroyed before them, had believed?

7* — And before [you, o Muhammad],

We used to send only men We had inspired.

If you do not know it,

ask those who have received the Revelation!

8* We did not give them bodies that do not require food, and they were not immortal.

9.      We fulfilled Our promise to them:

We saved those We pleased, and We destroyed those who were given to excesses.

10.   We have sent down upon you a Scripture with a Reminder. So why do you not understand?

11.   How many towns We have destroyed for their iniquity! We have settled other people in their place,

12.   but sensing the approach of Our retribution, they ran away from it.

13* Do not run away, return to good life and your dwellings — perhaps you will be called to account!

14. They said:

“Woe to us! Truly We have transgressed!”

15* They didn’t stop their lamentations until We changed them into a devastated field.

16.   We have not created the Heaven and the earth and what is in between on a whim.

17.   Were We looking for a pastime and had We wished for it, We would have found it in Ourselves.

18.   When We use Truth to eradicate falsehood, We smash it to pieces and it disappears.

Woe to you for what you associate!

19* Everything in Heavens and earth belongs to [God]. Those who are with Him are proud to serve Him — that never tires them out!

20.      They glorify Him night and day without interruption.

21.      Are gods from the earth

really able to bring [the dead] back to life?

22.   How confused everything would have been if there were other gods besides God! Praised be God, the Lord of the Throne!

Exalted He is above what they ascribe [to Him]!

23.   [God] cannot be questioned about His works; but they shall be questioned.

24.      Have they really taken other gods besides [God]?


“Then bring out your proofs!

This is a Revelation for those who are with me and a Revelation for those who preceded me.” But most of them ignore the Truth and turn away.

25.   And before your time, We have never sent a Messenger without first inspiring him

that there is no god, except Me. So, worship Me!

26* They say:

“The Compassionate has taken children for Himself!” Glory to Him! They are just honored servants [of His]

27.     who do not speak before He speaks and follow His command.

28.   He knows what was before them and what will be after them. Intercession is only for those He approves of,

and they tremble in fear before Him.

29.      If one of them says:

“I’m a god equal to Him,”

he’ll be punished by Hellfire —

such is Our reward for the wrong-doers!

30.      And the disbelievers, do they not realize

that the Heavens and the earth were connected

before We pulled them apart,

and that We made all living things from water?

Why will they not believe?

31* We have placed mountains on the earth as firm supports, lest it quakes under them,

We have traced gaps between them to pass through — perhaps they will accept Guidance!

32.   We have made the sky as a protected dome, yet they still turn away from its Signs.

33.   He is the One, Who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon, and everything

that sails in the firmament.

34.   — [O Muhammad!] We have never made any person immortal before you.

Should you die, then would [others] live for ever?

35.      Every soul shall taste death.

We test you by evil and virtue — to Us is your return!

36.      Seeing you, the disbelievers mock you:

“Is he not the one who keeps reminding you of your gods?” They repudiate faith at the mention of the Compassionate!

37* Man is a creature of haste, but let him not hurry: soon I will show you My Signs!

38.     They say:

“When will the threat come upon us if you’re telling the truth?”

39.   If only the disbelievers knew how helpless they will be when they will be unable to shield

their faces and their backs from the Fire!

40.   Yes! It shall catch them unawares and shall confuse them — they will not avert it or get a respite!

41.   Many Messengers have been ridiculed before you, but the scoffers were caught

in what they had been sneering at.

42.      Say:

“Who will protect you from the Compassionate night or day?” But at the mention of their Lord, they turn away.

43.   Do they have any gods capable of protecting them from Us? They cannot help themselves or save themselves from Us.

44.      Yes, We allowed them and their fathers

to enjoy themselves till their life became quite long.

Do they not see how We go over [their] land,

shrinking its boundaries? Then, are they the winners?

45.      Say:

“I’m warning you by the Revelation.”

But can the deaf hear the call, when they are warned?

46.   If only a whiff of their Lord’s wrath touched them, they would say:

“Woe to us for the wrong we have done!”

47* On Resurrection Day We shall set an exact balance, and no soul shall be wronged in the least.

We will take everything into account down to the weight of a mustard seed. Sufficient We are for accounting!

48* In the past We gave to Moses and Aaron

Salvation, Light, and a Reminder for the God-fearing

49.      who fear their Lord in secret and dread the Hour.

50.   Blessed is the Reminder sent down by Us — then why do you reject it?

51.   In the past We gave rectitude to Abraham, indeed, We knew him well.

52.      Once he said to his father and to his people:

“What are these images you worship?”

53.      They said:

“We found out that our fathers had been worshiping them.”

54.      [Abraham] said:

“You and your fathers were in plain error!”

55.      They said:

“Have you brought us the Truth,

or are you one of those who want to have fun?”

56.      He said:

“No! Your Lord is the Lord of Heavens and earth, their Creator, and I’m a witness to it.

57.   By God! I’m determined to do something to your idols as soon as you turn around and go away.”

58.      And he broke all of them to pieces,

except the biggest one, to let [the people] speak to it.

59.      [Coming back], they said:

“The one who did that to our gods is surely evil!”

60.      [Some people] said:

“We heard a youth called Abraham talking about them.”

61.      They said:

“Then bring him before the people, and let them all see him:

there might be some witnesses!”

62.      And they said:

“O Abraham! Is it you who did that to our gods?”

63.      He said:

“No! It’s the biggest of them who did it!

Ask them if they can talk!”

64.      Turning to one another they said:

“Actually, the wrong-doers are you!”

65* But then, coming back on their words, they said: “But you know that they can’t talk!”

66.      [Abraham] said:

“So, instead of God you worship

what can neither benefit you in anything nor harm you!

67.      Fie upon you and upon whatever you worship besides God!

Why don’t you think?”

68.      They said:

“Protect your gods and burn him if you want to do something!”

69.      We said:

— O Fire! Be cool and safe to Abraham!

70.      They plotted against him,

but We made them sustain the greatest losses!

71.   We saved him and Lot in the land that We had blessed for the Worlds.

72.   To [Abraham] We gave Isaac, then We granted him Jacob, and made them both righteous.

73.   We made them leaders to guide under Our command. We inspired them to do good works,

to establish the prayer, and to pay the zakat.

They were devoted to worshiping Us.

74.      To Lot We gave Wisdom and Knowledge.

We saved him from [the dwellers of] a town who practiced abominations — they were really evil and perverse people.

75.   We brought him into Our mercy, for he was one of the righteous.

76.   And earlier Noah called upon Us. We responded to him and saved him and his family from a great disaster.

77.   We protected him against the people who rejected Our Signs: indeed, they were evil people, and We drowned them all.

78* When David and Solomon sat in judgement about a field that was damaged at night by the sheep of some folks, We were present at the trial.

79.     We gave Solomon the Insight

and to both of them Wisdom and Knowledge.

We made mountains and birds join David in glorifying Us. We did it so!

80.   We taught [David] how to make coats-of-mail for your protection against mutual violence.

Will you ever be grateful?

81.   To Solomon We subjected the hurricane wind to make it blow at his command

to the land We have blessed — indeed, We are aware of all things!

82.      There were [a few] Satans who dived for him

and performed other work, while We kept watch over them.

83.      And Job called to his Lord:

“I’m beset by adversity,

but You’re the Most Compassionate of the compassionate!”

84.      We heard him and freed him from adversity.

We gave him his family back, doubling it as a mercy from Us and as a reminder for those who serve Us.

85* And Ishmael, Idris and Dhul-Kifl, all of them were patient.

86.      We took them into Our mercy: indeed, they were all upright.

87* Jonas left in anger, assuming that We had no power over him.

But then he called to Us from darkness:

“There’s no god but You! Glory to You! Indeed, I was among the wrong-doers!”

88.   We listened to him and rescued him from distress — this is how We save the believers!

89.      And Zechariah called to his Lord:

“O my Lord! Don’t leave me alone!

You’re the best of bequeathers!”

90.      We listened to him, healed his wife, and gave him John.

They were keen to do good works, and they used to call upon Us with love and fear.

They were humble before Us.

91* And also [Mary], who kept her chastity.

We breathed of Our Spirit into her

and made of her and her son a Sign for the Worlds.

92. Verily, your nation is one nation, and I am your Lord! So worship Me!

93* They shall all return to Us even if they go separate ways.

94.   He who does good work and believes, his efforts shall not be in vain —

We will write it to his credit.

95.      There is a ban on repenting in [every] town We destroyed 96* until Gog and Magog are released

and rush down from every hill.

97.   When the true promise approaches, you will see the eyes of the disbelievers bulging from terror: “Oh, woe to us for forgetting about it!

Yes, we were in the wrong!”

98.      And you, and what you worship besides God

shall be firewood for Hellfire — such is your destination!

99.      If they were really gods, none of them

would have gotten into it to abide therein for ever,

100.     where they shall hear nothing but their own groans!

101.    Verily, the ones for whom We have decreed better things

shall be far from it.

102.     They shall not hear the slightest sound [of Hellfire].

They shall dwell for ever among what their souls desire,

103.     and the Great Terror shall not sadden them!

The Angels shall greet them:

“This is your promised Day!”

104.On that Day We will roll up the heaven like a scroll.

As We came up with the first Creation, We shall repeat it.

Such is Our promise, and We shall fulfill it for sure!

105.     We have written in the Psalms

after the Revelation [came to Moses]

that My righteous servants shall inherit the earth.

106.     Verily, there is a message in that

for those who worship [Us].

107.     And you, We have sent you as a mercy to the Worlds.


“It has been revealed to me that your God is one God.

Will you then become Muslims!”

109.     But if they turn away, say:

“I’ve warned you all alike, but I don’t know

if what has been promised to you is nearby or far away.

110.     But He knows what is said openly,

and He knows what you conceal.

111.     I don’t know, it might be a trial for you

and enjoyment [of life] for some time.”


“O my Lord! You judge according to the Truth!

You are our Lord, the Compassionate,

You are Our Helper against everything they contrive!”

V. 7: “Those who have received the Revelation”: the “People of the Scripture” — the Jews, the “Children of Israel” (S.3:19), and by extension, both the Jews and the Christians.

V. 8: The Messengers were not Angels.

V. 13: The advice given in this verse is ironical, and so is the answer given by Abraham to the idolaters in v.63.

V. 15: “Their lamentations” is said with irony. Lamentations and mourning are not in the spirit of the Koran.

V. 19: Here, the talk is about the Angels.

V. 26: That the chief deity can have children is a pagan idea. “The honored servants” are the Angels or Jesus and Mary.

V. 31: “Under them” — under the people or the disbelievers.

V. 37: “A creature of haste” — How true of modern man!

V. 47: Here ends the first part of the sura consisting of loosely bound passages. The heter­ogeneity of composition is due to the abundance of ideas, the alternation between direct and indirect speech, and the combination of poetic passages with stern warnings.

V. 48: For the concept of Salvation, furqan, see S.25:1.

V. 65: “Coming back on their words” or “reversing their belief,” lit., “standing on their heads.”

V. 78: The stories attributed to David and Solomon are mostly mythical and do not appear in the Bible (cf. SS. 38, 27, 34).

V. 85: Idris is Enoch; Dhul-Kifl is probably Iezekiel.

V. 87: Jonas or “the one with the fish” (Dhun-Nun). According to the Bible, when a storm hit the ship on which he was sailing, he was cast into the sea where a big fish swallowed him.

V. 91: Reference to the Virgin Mary and the birth ofJesus.

V. 93: The Koran attributes the feuds between the Jewish and Christian factions to the weakness of their religious and moral convictions.

V. 96: Gog and Magog will arrive at world’s end (S.18:94).

V. 112: “Against everything they contrive” or “against what you are ascribing [to Him].”

Sura 19 Mary. The sura starts with detailed stories of the birth of John the Baptist (vv. 2'15), based on the Gospel according to Luke, and the birth ofJesus (vv. 16' 34), based on the apocryphal Gospel according to James. One notices the respect accorded to John the Baptist and to Jesus and Mary. These stories are followed by a reminder about the ancestors of the Arabs — Abraham, and Ishmael (Ismail), as well as about Moses and other Prophets. The second part of the sura deals with appeals to monotheism and to con' version to Islam.

S19 and others, where God is repeatedly called the Compassionate (Ar'rahman) form the group of so'called “Ar'rahman suras. ”

19.     M A R Y

Meccan, 98 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Kaf ha ya ’ain sad.

2.      In memory of your Lord’s mercy to His servant Zechariah.

3.      He called to his Lord in secret

4.      and said:

“O my Lord! My bones have weakened and my head has been lit up with grey, but in my prayers to You, o my Lord, I’ve never been unsuccessful.

5* I’m worried about the fate of my relatives after I pass away.

Although my wife is barren, give me a heir from Yourself.

6. Make him my heir and the heir of the House ofJacob, and make him, o my Lord, agreeable [to You].”

7* — O Zechariah!

We are announcing to you [the birth] of your son John, the first one We are calling by this name.

8. [Zechariah] said:

“O my Lord! How can I have a son if my wife is barren,

and I’ve reached old age?”

9* [The Spirit] said:

“It will be as your Lord has announced:

— Easy it is for Me!

Indeed, you were nothing before I created you!”

10* [Zechariah] said:

“O my Lord! Give me a Sign!”

[God] said:

— Your Sign is that, while not being mute, you will not speak to the people for three nights.

11.  Coming out to his people from the sanctuary, [Zechariah] enjoined them by signs

to glorify [God] mornings and evenings.

12.     — O John! Hold fast to the Scripture!

From childhood We granted him Wisdom,

13* compassion from Us, and purity. He was devout,

14.     kind to his parents, and not oppressive or rebellious.

15.  Let peace be on him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the Day he is raised!

16* Mention Mary in the Scripture.

She left her family for a place in the east

17* and retired from them behind a curtain.

We sent her Our Spirit,

[who] came to her in the full guise of a person.

18.     [Mary] said:

“If you aren’t God-fearing,

I’ll find refuge from you with the Compassionate.”

19.     [The Spirit] said:

“I’m your Lord’s Envoy — He bestows upon you a pure son.”

20.      She said:

“How can I have a son

if no man has ever touched me, and I’m not unchaste?”

21.      Then [the Spirit] announced:

“Your Lord has said:

— Easy it is for Me!

We will make him a Sign for the people and a mercy from Us. Let it be so!”

22* She carried a child and retired with him to a remote place.

23.      The pains brought her to the trunk of a palm-tree.

She said:

“Oh! Why haven’t I died before, forsaken and forgotten!”

24.      A voice [was heard] from under her:

“Don’t grieve! Your Lord has run a stream beneath you,

25.  and [if] you shake the palm-tree that stands over you, you’ll be showered with fresh ripe [fruit].

26.      Eat, drink, and freshen your eyes.

And if you see someone, say:

‘I’ve vowed to fast to the Compassionate and today I won’t speak to anyone.’”

27.      When she returned to her family, they told her:

“O Mary! What happened to you is a thing unheard of!

28* O sister of Aaron! Your father was not a wicked man and your mother was not unchaste!”

29. And when she pointed to [her son], they said: “How can we talk to a child who is still in his cradle?”

30* [The child] said:

“I am a servant of God.

He gave me a Scripture and made me a Prophet.

31.     He made me blessed wherever I go.

He enjoined on me prayer and charity for as long as I live,

32.      and also kindness to my mother.

He didn’t make me oppressive or miserable.

33.   Let peace be on me the day I was born, the day I die, and the Day I’m raised.”

34.      Such was Jesus, the son of Mary.

This Word is true, though many dispute it.

35.   It is not proper for God to beget a son for Himself. Glory to Him! When He decides something,

He just says: — Be! And there it is!

36.      God is my Lord and your Lord,

so worship Him: this is the right way!

37* But their factions continue to argue among themselves. Woe to the disbelievers when the Great Day comes!

38.     How clearly shall they hear and see

on the Day when they appear before Us! Today the wrong-doers are in manifest error!

39.   — [O Muhammad!] Warn them about the Day of Sorrow when [their] fate shall be decided —

they are still heedless and do not believe!

40.   We are the heirs to the earth and to those who dwell on it, to Us is their return!

41.      Mention Abraham in the Scripture.

Verily, he was a righteous Prophet.

42.      He said to his father:

“O my father! Why do you worship something that doesn’t hear and see,

and doesn’t benefit you in any way?

43.   O my father! I’ve received Knowledge that hadn’t come to you, so follow me, and I’ll guide you on the smooth path.

44.      O my father! Don’t worship Satan

because Satan rebelled against the Compassionate.

45.   O my father! I fear that you’ll be touched by punishment from the Compassionate, and that you’ll become Satan’s friend.”

46.      [His father] said:

“O Abraham! What makes you hate my gods?

If you don’t stop, I’ll surely stone you!

Go away from me for a long time.”

47.      [Abraham] said:

“Peace be upon you! I’ll pray my Lord to forgive you, for He is gracious to me.

48.  I’ll leave you and whatever you worship besides God, and I’ll call upon my Lord —

perhaps my Lord will not reject my prayer.”

49.      After [Abraham] turned away from them

and from whatever they worshiped besides God,

We gave him Isaac and Jacob, making each of them a Prophet.

50* We bestowed Our mercy upon them, and We granted them the high word of Truth.

51. Mention Moses in the Scripture.

He was chosen as a Messenger and a Prophet.

52* We called him from the right side of the mountain and let him approach for a spiritual [communion].

53.     By Our Mercy We gave him his brother Aaron, a Prophet.

54.      Mention Ishmael in the Scripture.

He fulfilled [his] promises

and was a Messenger and a Prophet.

55.  He enjoined on his family prayer and almsgiving, and he was agreeable to his Lord.

56* Mention Idris in the Scripture,

a man of Truth, a Prophet,

57.     whom We lifted up to a high place.

58.      These are some of the Prophets

to whom God has granted [His] Grace.

They are of the posterity of Adam whom We rescued together with Noah.

They are of the posterity of Abraham and Israel whom We have guided and chosen.

When the Verses of the Compassionate were recited to them, they used to prostrate themselves and bow in tears.

59.      But they have been followed by a posterity

which neglected the prayer and pursued [their] lusts. Soon they shall face their destruction,

60.  except those who repented, believed, and did good works: these shall not be wronged in any way!

They shall enter Paradise —

61* the Gardens of Eden, promised by the Compassionate to His servants in the Unseen.

His promise shall truly come to pass!

62.  Therein they shall not hear any babble, but only “Peace”. Therein they shall have provisions morning and evening.

63.  Such is Paradise! We give it in inheritance to those of Our servants who fear God.

64* [The Angels say]:

“We descend only by your Lord’s command who owns everything in the future, the past, and in between. Your Lord never forgets!

65.      He’s the Lord of Heavens and earth

and what is in between.

So worship Him and serve Him with patience.

Do you know anyone else going by His Name?”

66.      Man says:

“Shall I really be raised after I die?”

67.      Does not man remember he was nothing before We created him?

68.      By your Lord!

We will certainly gather them together with the Satans and put them all on their knees around Hell.

69.      Then, from each faction, We will certainly pluck

the most obstinate rebels against the Compassionate.

70.      We surely know

who deserves the most to be burned in [Hell].

71* None of you shall be exempt from passing through it.

Such is the irrevocable decree of your Lord!

72.      We will rescue the God-fearing

and leave the wrong-doers [standing] on their knees.

73.   When Our Verses are read to them as clear Proofs, the disbelievers say to the believers:

“Which of the two sides

is better in position and stronger in influence?”

74.   But how many generations We have destroyed before them that outdid them in outfit and appearance!

75* Say:

“The Compassionate will extend the life of the sinners, until they see what they are threatened with: the punishment or the Hour. Then they will realize whose position is worse and whose forces are weaker.

76.      God increases Guidance to those who seek Guidance.

With your Lord the lasting good deeds

are best in reward and best in fruition.”

77.      Have you seen the one who rejects Our Signs and says:

“I’m sure I’ll be given both wealth and children!”

78.      Did he grasp the Unseen

or did he make a covenant with the Compassionate?

79.   Of course not! We will record his words and keep adding to his punishment.

80*We will take into account what he says, and he shall appear before Us all alone.

81.   They took to other gods besides God in the hope of boosting their glory.

82.   But no! The [idols] shall reject their worship and become their opponents.

83* Do you not see that We have sent Satans

against the disbelievers to incite them to rebellion?

84.      So, do not hurry against them,

for We keep an exact count of their days!

85.      On that Day We shall assemble the God-fearing

as envoys before the Compassionate.

86.      And We shall drive the wrong-doers to Hell

like cattle to water —

87.   they shall all be bereft of intercession, except those to whom it has been promised by the Compassionate.

88.      They say:

“The Compassionate has begotten a son!”

89.      Your allegation is so outrageous

90.      that it makes the skies ready to explode,

the earth to split,

and the mountains to crumble to pieces.

91.      How can they ascribe a son to the Compassionate

92.      when it does not befit the Compassionate to have a son!

93.      There is no creature in Heavens and earth

that shall not approach the Compassionate as a servant.

94.      He has numbered them, He has counted them accurately!

95.      On Judgment Day they shall come to Him one by one,

96* and the Compassionate will take into His affection those who believed and did good works.

97.     We have made [the Koran] easy in your tongue

to let you bring good tidings to the God-fearing

and to let you warn people given to discord!

98.      We have destroyed many generations before them!

Do you perceive a single one of them, do their whispers reach you?

V. 1: The five letters that begin this sura are considered by some to be abbreviations of the names of Zechariah, Yahia (John), Mariam (Mary), ’Issa (Jesus), and Ibrahim (Abraham). An alternate suggestion is that these letters represent five of the Names of God. The other “lettered” suras do not yield to such speculations (see the Introduction to S.44, p.76).

V. 5: Zechariah wanted an adopted child (S.3:37, C.21:89).

V. 7: John was the first by this name in the family of Zechariah to be chosen by God (cf. Luke 1:61).

V. 9: If the words “So will it be!” are translated as “How can it be!” then, they could be Zechariah’s words. The one who “said” is either the Angel or God.

V. 10: Here it is “three nights.” Elsewhere it is “three days” (S.3:41). In both cases three 24­hour periods are meant.

V. 13: Comp. Luke, 11:41: “But rather give alms of such things as you have; and, behold, all things are clean unto you.”

V. 16: On the eastern side of the Temple.

V. 17: The Spirit is the Angel Gabriel (S.53:5).

V. 22: “A remote location”: it could be Nazareth, 70 miles north from Bethlehem, or a remote corner of the Temple as in v.16.

V. 28: Mary is identified with her namesake, the sister of Aaron and Moses (S.3:35).

V. 30: Jesus is “a servant of God” like all the righteous.

V. 37: The “factions”: Jewish or Christian sects (S:40:5).

V. 50: Cf. S.26:85. A man of Truth is a saddiq.

V. 52: The mountain is Mount Sinai.

V. 56: Idris is Enoch (Gen. 5:21-24), cf. C.21:85.

V. 61: “Gardens of Eden” or “Eternity.” Islam teaches that spiritual perceptions are real in the Unseen and deceiving on earth. Knowledge is the perception of the spiritual essence of everything, and God is the totality of everything.

V. 64: “What is in the future, in the past, and in between” or “what is before us, behind us, and in between.”

V. 71: There is a belief that after death people will have to pass over Hell on a hair-thick bridge.

V. 75: To extend the life, lit., “to stretch a rope.”

V. 80: “We will take into account what he says,” lit.: “We

will inherit what he says.”

V. 83: Satan seduces the disbelievers with God’s permission (S.15:28-44; S.7:16-18).

V. 96: “Love” (wad) is goodwill between people. This feeling is more elevated than ordinary love (hob).

Sura 43 The Ornaments. This sura is composed of passages that belong to both the Meccan and Medinan periods. That we are entering a transitional period in the development of Islam is shown by the frequent use of the word Prophet for Messenger and by a more open criticism of the Christians andJews. A short segment on Abraham is followed bypassages about Moses and Jesus's place among the other Prophets.

The sura is directed against polytheism that was denounced by Abraham, Moses, andJesus, and against material wealth that causes spiritual decline. Frivolous people are often taken in by their ornaments: the rich people dream of houses made of silver and gold, and Pharaoh scorns Moses because he does not wear golden bracelets.

One can find still other themes in the sura; however, its character and dynamics depend on the poetic drive, unusual images, repetitions, and digressions. Like many other suras — if not the whole Koran — S.43 is meant to be read in a religious meditative mood with the critical faculties temporarily disconnected.

43.      T H E O R N A M E N T S

Meccan, 89 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Ha mim.

2.     By the lucid Scripture!

3.    We have made it an Arabic Koran — perhaps you will understand it!

4* Verily, it is for us the mother of Scripture, exalted and wise.

5.     Shall We withhold the Reminder from you for being a people who transgressed all limits?

6.      We sent so many Prophets to the first generations,

7.     but not a single Prophet has ever come to them without them laughing at him!

8.      We destroyed them,

albeit they were greater in power than these ones.

Such is the example of the first people.

9* But had you asked them,

Who has created the Heavens and earth, they would have certainly said:

“They’ve been created by the Almighty, the Knowing.”

10.   He is the One, Who has spread out the earth for you and has traced roads upon it —

perhaps, you will follow the right way!

11.   He is the One Who in due measure pours down the rain from the sky.

We shall revive you just as We revive a dead land!

12.     He is the One, Who has created everything in pairs.

He gave you ships to sail and beasts to ride.

13.   When you sit squarely on their backs, you remember the favors of your Lord.

Sitting upon them, you say:

“Glory to Him, who made this for our use, indeed, we wouldn’t have ever achieved it ourselves.

14.     And we’ll surely return to our Lord!”

15* Yet, they made of some of His servants a part of Himself. Verily, stubborn is man in his disbelief!

16. Is it possible that from all He has created,

He took daughters for Himself, and He gave sons to you?

17* Although they ascribe [daughters] to the Compassionate, when a man receives the news of the [birth of a daughter], his face darkens, and he can hardly contain his rage.

18* How can one [associate to God those]

who grew among trinkets and are unskilled in debates?

19* And the Angels who serve the Compassionate, they mistake for females!

Have they witnessed their creation?

Their testimony shall be recorded and they shall be called to account!

20*They say:

“Had the Compassionate willed it, we wouldn’t have worshiped them!”

But they do not know anything about them — they are only their own fabrications!

21. Have We not given them a Scripture before, to which they should have been holding fast?

22.     They say:

“We’ve found that our fathers have been following a certain creed, and we’re following in their tracks.”

23.   — And before you, [o Muhammad!], whenever We sent a Warner to a town, the most notable of the dwellers said: “We’ve found that our fathers had a creed, and we’re following in their tracks.”

24.     [The Prophet] said to them:

“And what if the Guidance that I brought you is better than the one you’ve found with your fathers?” They said:

“We deny [the Message] you’ve been sent with!”

25.   — And We took revenge upon them: consider the fate of those who denied!

26.   Abraham said to his father and to his people: “I’m staying clear of what you’re worshiping.

27.   [I worship] only the One, Who has created me — He’ll certainly show me the way.”

28.   He left these words to his posterity, hoping that perhaps they will repent.

29.   — Yes, I let them and their fathers enjoy life until the Truth and a Messenger

came to them with clear explanations.

30.     But when the Truth came to them, they said:

“This is just magic! We won’t ever believe it!”

31* And they also said:

“Why wasn’t this Koran sent to a man of influence in either of the two cities?”

32* Are they the ones who apportion the favors of your Lord? No, We are apportioning the provisions in this life. We raise some of them in rank above the others to allow some of them to take others in their employ.

But God’s mercy is better than what they have amassed!

33* If [all] the people were one nation, then to those who rejected the Compassionate We should have given silver roofs for their houses, and steps leading upstairs,

34.     and doors in their homes, and couches to recline upon,

35.     and golden ornaments.

But these are only amenities of the present life, while the Hereafter is with your Lord, ready for the God-fearing.

36* To him who refuses to remember the Compassionate, We shall assign a Satan for companion

37.    to lead him astray from the [right] path,

while he thinks that he is guided aright.

38.     When he comes before Us, he will say:

“It would’ve been better for us to be as far apart as the east is from the west!”

Yes, what a wretched companion he is!

39.   Nothing will help you if you were doing wrong — today you are companions in punishment!

40.   — [O Muhammad!] You cannot force the deaf to hear, as you cannot lead on the straight path

the blind or someone in deep error.

41* But We will retaliate against them, when We take you away

42.      or show you what We have promised them.

Verily, We shall prevail!

43.   Hold fast onto what We are inspiring you with — verily, you are on the straight path!

44.   Verily, this Reminder is for you and your people — soon you shall all be brought to account!

45.      Inquire about Our Messengers

whom We had sent before you:

have We appointed for them other gods

to be worshiped instead of the Compassionate?

46.   We sent Moses with Our Signs to Pharaoh and his court. He said:

“I’m a Messenger from the Lord of the Worlds.”

47.      And he showed them Our Signs,

but they only laughed at them, albeit each of Our Signs was more compelling than the preceding one.

We seized them with punishment, hoping that they might turn [to Us].

49.      But they said:

“O Magician! Pray to your Lord in our behalf

as He’d promised you —

then we’ll surely accept Guidance.”

50.      But they broke their pledge

as soon as We lifted their punishment.

51.      Then Pharaoh addressed his people, saying:

“O my people! Isn’t Egypt in my power as surely as the rivers that flow at my feet? Don’t you see it?

52.   And am I not better than this measly fellow who can hardly express himself?

53.   Why doesn’t he wear golden bracelets and [why] isn’t he accompanied by Angels?

54.   This is how he made fools of his people to keep them in submission.

Verily, these people were dissolute!

55.      Since they had angered Us,

We took revenge upon them: We drowned them all!

56.   We made this people of the past an example for future generations.

57* When the son of Mary is given as an example, your people are in turmoil.

58.      They say:

“Who’s better, our gods or he?”

They bring this up only to argue with you — indeed, how obstinate these people are!

59.   But [Jesus] was just a servant [of God] to whom We bestowed Our mercy

and whom We set as an example to the Sons of Israel.

60.   Had We so willed, We would have made some of you Angels, coming one after the other upon the earth.

61* Verily, he is a Sign of the Hour — have no doubts about it and follow Me: this is the straight path!

62.   Do not allow Satan to restrain you, for he is your open foe!

63.      Jesus came with the Proofs and said:

“I come to you with Wisdom

to explain to you a part

of what you’re arguing about.

So fear God and obey me!

64.      Verily, God is my Lord and your Lord.

Therefore, worship Him: this is the straight path.”

65.      But their factions continued to argue among themselves.

Woe to the wrong-doers

because of the punishment of the painful Day!

66.   Let them only wait for the Hour, which shall dawn upon them so suddenly that they shall not recover their senses.

67.   On that Day friends shall become mutual enemies, but not those who fear God.

68.      O My servants!

On that Day you shall have no fear and no grief

69.      if you believe in Our Signs and surrender [to God]:

70* — Enter the Garden with your wives and be happy!

71.   You shall be served therein with golden dishes and bowls. Everything shall be there to your soul’s desire

and for your eyes’ delight!

And you shall dwell therein for ever!

72.      Such is the Garden that you shall inherit for your deeds.

73* It is full of abundant fruit for you to enjoy.

74.      But the sinners shall abide

in the torments of Hellfire for ever

75.      with no relief, deep in despair.

76.      We will not be unjust to them —

they were unjust to themselves.

77* They will call:

“O Malik! Let your Lord put an end to us!”

He shall say: “No! You’re [here] to stay!”

78* We have brought you the Truth,

but most of you hate the Truth!

79.     Have they arranged anything by themselves?

No! We are the arrangers!

80.      Or do they think that We are not aware

of their secrets and private encounters?

Our Envoys are at their side, keeping a complete record.

81.      Say:

“If the Compassionate had a son,

I would’ve been be the first to worship him!”

82.      Glory to the Lord of Heavens and earth,

the Lord of the Throne!

[Exalted He is] above what they ascribe [to Him]!

83.      Let them babble and play until they meet the promised Day.

84.      He is the One, Who is God in Heaven and God on earth,

the Wise, the All-knowing.

85.      Blessed be the Sovereign of Heaven and earth,

and what is in between.

He knows the Hour [ofJudgment], and to Him is your return.

86* And those they invoke beside [God]

will not intercede [in their behalf].

Only a witness to the Truth can do it, they know it!

87.     If you ask them Who has created them,

they shall certainly say:


Then why are they turning away?

88.     And [the Messenger] said:

“O my Lord! Verily, these people will never believe!”

89.      So turn away from them and say: “Peace!”

And soon they shall know!

V. 4: “The Mother of the Scripture” is the origin or proto-type of the Scripture, or the sum of all Revelations.

V. 9: These words refer to those who believe in God, the Creator, but deny that He cares for His creatures.

Vv. 15f: The attribution of a son or a daughter to God is a blasphemous fantasy of the polytheists.

V. 17: The birth of a daughter instead of a son was deemed to be a disgrace by the Arabs (S.108, S.16:57-59).

V. 18: This seems to be a condemnation of effeminate and confused people in general and not specifically of women. According to the Koran, men and women are equal before God. However, the role of women in different societies depends on tradition. Polygamy in early Muslim society allowed many women to lead an honorable life. Without polygamy, given the

numerical preponderance of women over men, many women would have been left without shelter and a family.

V. 19: The idols the Prophet was opposed to, were the female Angels (S.53:19-28).

V. 20: The disbelievers accuse God of not preventing them from becoming idolaters.

V. 31: The two cities are probably Mecca and Taif.

V. 32: Full social equality is impossible in any society.

Vv. 33f: “If [all] the people were one nation,” i.e., if all the people were disbelievers.

Vv. 36, 38: “The companion” is the Qarina, the evil persona of a man (S.50:23, S.7:202).

V. 41: “Whether We take you away” — comp. S.10:46.

Vv. 57-59: Jesus was a Prophet and a servant of God like all the other Messengers.

V. 61: This verse seems to be about the second coming of Jesus before the Judgment Day, when he’ll unite all mankind under Islam. The idea of messianism — the coming of a savior (Mahdi) before the end of the world — is not alien to Islam. It is believed that the Conciliator (Shiloh) of the Bible (Gen. 49:10) is the Prophet Muhammad. As for the Shi’a, they believe in the return of the lost twelfth Imam, who will establish an exemplary order on earth for some time when all the rules of Islam are complied with.

V. 70: Believing women will be admitted to Paradise along with their husbands (S.36:56).

V. 73: The fruit — the good deeds of man.

V. 77: Malik (the owner) is the guardian Angel of Hell. Non-existence is better than eternal suffering.

V. 78: The word Truth stands out in the Koran like a guiding light. “ We have bro ugh t you the Truth is one of the most important declarations in the Koran (cf. vv. 29-30). The tragic heroes of the greatest writings of the world, Oedipus, Hamlet, Don Quixote, Alyosha Karamazov, as well as such extraordinary men as Jesus and Buddha were all seekers of the Truth, and the Prophets sought the Truth often with tragic consequences for themselves.

V. 86: “And they know [it]” has no object. The intercessor might be the Prophet Muhammad or Jesus, the subject of vv. 57-64, or the savior Mahdi (cf. note to v.61).

Sura 23 The Believers. Most of this deeply poetic sura is typically Meccan. A description of the believers (vv. 1-11) is followed by the story of Noah (vv. 23­30) and of an unnamed Messenger, who typifies all the Prophets (vv. 31-41). The sura con­tains a short segment on Moses and some other Prophets, and Warnings to Jews and Christians. Vv. 1-16 are among the most beautiful of the Koran by form and content.

23.      T H E B E L I E V E R S

Meccan, 118 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Successful shall be the believers

2.     who are humble in praying,

3.     who avoid vain talk,

4.      who engage in almsgiving,

5.      who restrain themselves in sex,

6* except with their wives and their slaves — they are blameless in that —

7.     (but those who go beyond that are sinners),

8.      who keep their covenants and pledges,

9.      and who pray as ordained.

10.     These are the heirs

11* who shall inherit Paradise and dwell in it for ever.

12. We have created man from the purest clay.

13* Then We placed him in a safe place as a drop.

14* From the drop We made a clot of blood.

Inside the clot We made bones and clothed them with flesh, and from that We produced another creature. Blessed be God, the best of Creators!

15.     Time goes by and you shall die,

16.     and then you shall be raised on Resurrection Day.

17.  We have created seven [heavenly] paths above you. We have never neglected Our Creation!

18.  From the sky We send down the rain in due measure and let it seep into the ground,

and then We are able to retrieve it!

19.  With it We grow for you groves of palm-trees and vine orchards with abundant fruit that you eat,

20.  and the tree originating from Mount Sinai that produces oil and relish for consumers,

21.      and the cattle in which there is a lesson for you.

We let you drink what is in their bellies.

They have another use: you eat them,

22.      and they carry you like ships.

23.      We sent Noah to his people.

He said:

“O my people! Worship God.

You have no other god but Him.

So why don’t you fear Him?”

24.  The leaders of the disbelievers among his people said: “He’s a man like us, but he wants to dominate you. Were it God’s will, He’d have sent us Angels.

We’ve never heard anything like that from our forefathers.

25.      Verily, this man is demented,

but let us bear with him for a little while.”

26.      [Noah] said]:

“O my Lord! Help me: they call me a liar!”

27* We inspired him:

— Build an ark in Our sight and under Our Guidance.

When We issue Our Command, and the waters overflow, bring into [the ark all] the creatures in pairs, male and female, as well as your family,

except those who have already been condemned.

Do not speak to Me for the sinners — they shall be drowned.

28.      After settling on the ark with your company, say:

“Praised be God who saved us from sinful people!”

29.      And say:

“O my Lord! Grant me a blessed landing, for You’re the best at landing!”

30.      Verily, there are Signs in this —

this is how We submit [people] to trial!

31.      After them We raised another generation.

32.   We sent them a Messenger from their midst [who said]: “Worship God! You have no other god, but Him,

so why don’t you fear Him?”

33.   But the leaders of his people who had disbelieved and had denied the meeting in the Hereafter, though We gave them many amenities in this life, said: “He’s a man just like you:

he eats what you eat and drinks what you drink.

34.   If you obeyed a man from your midst, you’d surely sustain losses.

35.   Didn’t he promise you that you’ll be raised after you die and are reduced to dust and bones?

36.      But what has been promised to you is far, far away,

37.      and there is nothing in the world, except our life.

We live and we die, but We’ll [never] be raised!

38.   He’s just a man who lies against God, We’ll never believe him!”

39.      [The Prophet] said:

“O my Lord! Help me against their charges of lying!”

40.   Soon they shall regret [it]

41.   when the Shout overtakes them, and We turn them into rubbish. Away with the people of sinners!

42.      After them We have brought up other generations, 43* but no community can rush or postpone its term.

44.   We had been sending Our Messengers in succession, but each time a Messenger came to a community, they accused him of lying.

Then We began replacing the nations, making some of them examples [for others].

Away with the people who disbelieve!

45.      We sent Moses and his brother Aaron

with Our Signs and manifest power

46.      to Pharaoh and his attendants

who were arrogant and made much of themselves.

47.      They said:

“Why should we believe these two men if they are like us, and their people are our slaves?”

48.      Thus they rejected the two [Messengers]

and shared the fate of those who were destroyed.

49.      As to Moses, We gave him the Scripture

to make him lead [his people] on the straight path.

50.      We made a Sign of Mary and her son.

We gave them a safe shelter by a hill with a spring.

51.      O Messengers!

Enjoy what is good and do good deeds.

I am aware of [everything] you do!

52.  Your brotherhood is one brotherhood, and I am your Lord, so fear Me!

53.      But they split their creed into factions,

and each faction exulted in what it possessed.

54.      Leave them to their ignorance for a while!

55.      Do they think that if We gave them wealth and children,

56.      We would hasten [other] favors to them?

No, they do not understand!

57.      Verily, those who live in fear before their Lord,

58.      who believe in the Signs of their Lord

59.      and do not associate [anyone] to their Lord,

60.  and those who give alms — their hearts tremble because they shall return to their Lord.

61.      They hasten in good works and are foremost in them.

62.      We do not load any soul more than she can bear.

We possess the Scripture that tells the Truth — and nobody shall be wronged!

63.  But there is an abyss between [the Truth] and what is in their hearts,

and they are still engaged in [wrong] deeds.

64.  But those who are spoiled by the amenities of life, how loudly they shall wail

when We hit them with punishment!

65.      Do not wail today: no help is forthcoming from Us!

66.  When My Signs were recited to you, you used to turn around on your heels

67* in your arrogance, and you talked idly about [the Koran] like the story-tellers at night.

68.      Why would they not ponder the Word [of God]?

Or did they learn something their forefathers had not known?

69.  Failing to recognize their Messenger, have they not rejected him?

70* They said he is possessed, but he brought them the Truth. Yes, most of them hate the Truth.

71.  But if the Truth justified their passions, the Heaven and the earth would collapse with all their contents.

We came to them with a Reminder, but they turned away from the Reminder!

72.      Perhaps you ask them for a reward,

but the reward of your Lord is much better. He is the best of providers!

73.      Verily, you call them to the straight path,

74.   but those who do not believe in the Hereafter will stray far away from this path.

75.   Even if We pardoned them and freed them from the distress that looms over them,

they would persist in their error and would wander around in confusion.

76* We hit them with punishment, but they did not submit to their Lord and they did not turn [to Him].

77.   Soon We will open before them the gate to a stiff punishment — then they shall sink in despair!

78.   He is the One, Who has created for you hearing, sight, feeling, and understanding — but how small is your gratitude!

79.   He is the One, Who multiplied you on earth, and to Him you shall be returned!

80.   He is the One, Who dispenses life and death and alternates night and day.

Then, why do you not understand?

81.      Talking like those who preceded them,

82.      they say:

“Is it possible that we’ll be raised after we died and turned into dust and bones?

83.   This has been promised to us, as to our fathers before,

yet it’s nothing but fables of the old!”


“Do you know who owns the earth and those who are on it?”

85.      They shall say: “God!”


“Then why won’t you come to your senses?”

86.      Say:

“Who’s the Lord of the seven skies

and the Lord of the supreme Throne?”

87.      They shall say: “God!”


“Then why aren’t you scared?”

88.      Say:

“Do you know in Whose hands is power over everything, Who protects and doesn’t need protection Himself?”

89.      They shall say: “God!”


“Then, why are you deluding yourselves?”

90.   Yes, We have sent them the Truth, but they continued to lie.

91.   God has not begotten a son, and there is no god besides Him,

otherwise each god would have taken what he had created, and some of them would have subjugated the others. Glory to God, He is above whatever they attribute to Him!

92.      He knows the hidden and the manifest.

He is high above whatever they ascribe to Him!

93.      Say:

“O my Lord, if You show me what is promised to them,

94.   then, o my Lord, don’t leave me among the people who do wrong!”

95.   — Verily, it is in Our power to show you what has been promised to them.

96.      So repel evil with what is better.

We know best what they associate.

97.      Say:

“O my Lord! I seek refuge with You against the temptations of Satans.

98.   O my Lord! I seek refuge with You, lest they approach me!”

99.   When death comes to one of them, he says: “O my Lord! Return me [to life]

100*to let me add some goodness to the deeds I’ve left behind.” — No, by no means! These are no more than empty words! There will be a barrier behind them till the Day they are raised up.

101. On that Day when the trumpet resounds, the family ties between them shall dissolve, and they shall stop asking about one another.

102.Successful shall be the ones whose scales are heavy,

103.but the ones with light scales shall lose their souls and shall abide in Hell for ever.

104.The Fire shall scorch their faces and distort their features!

105.Did you not reject My Verses when they were recited to you?

106.     They will say:

“O our Lord! Misfortunes have overcome us, and we’ve lost our way!

107.     O our Lord! Get us out of here!

If we return [to sin], indeed, we’ll be the transgressors!”

108.     [God] will say:

— Get lost therein, and do not talk to Me anymore!

109.     This is how some of My servants prayed:

O our Lord!

We do believe, so forgive us and have mercy upon us —

indeed, You’re the best of the merciful!”

110.     — And you were so busy ridiculing them

that while laughing at them, you forgot My Reminder.

111.     On that Day I shall reward them for their patience.

Verily, they shall be successful!

112.     [God] will say to them:

— How many years have you stayed on earth?

113.     They will say:

“We stayed one day or a part of a day,

but better ask those who kept time.”

114.     [God] will say:

— Short was your stay, if you only knew!

115.     Did you think that We have created you on a whim, and that you will not be returned to Us?

116.     Exalted be God, the King of Truth!

There is no god but Him,

the Lord of the glorious Throne!

117.     Whoever calls to another god besides God

does it without evidence,

and is accountable only to his Lord.

Verily, the disbelievers shall not be successful!

118.     Say:

“O my Lord! Forgive and have mercy!

You’re the best of the merciful!”

V. 6: “Slaves,” lit.: “those in their right hands.”

V. 11: Here, Paradise is called in Farsi Firdus, from which the word “Paradise” is derived (S.18:107).

V. 13: “A drop” of semen.

V. 14: It is said that the Prophet’s scribe, ’Abdullah bin Sagada exclaimed at this point “Blessed be God, the best of the Creators!” and the Prophet made these words part of the record.

V. 27: “And the waters overflow,” or “and the oven boils.”

Vv. 43, 44: Umma — “community,” later on, “nation” (S.3:104).

V. 67: Apparently, like modern Arabs, the Prophet’s contemporaries enjoyed competing in wit during nocturnal revels.

V, 70: Cf. S.43:78.

Vv. 76-77: Two punishments — one on earth and one in Hell.

Vv. 84-90: A repetition of what has been said in S.43:9.

V. 100: “A barrier” — the transition between death and resurrection, or between this world and the Unseen (cf. S.7).

SURA 98 CLEAR EVIDENCE. The purpose of this short sura is to invite theJews and the Associators to accept the basic tenets of Islam.

98.     C L E A R E VI D E N C E

Mecca n, 8 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* The disbelievers among the People of the Scripture and the Associators would not have changed if clear Evidence had not been brought to them

2.     by a Messenger of God who read to them from sacred scrolls

3.     with convincing writings.

4.     The People of the Book did not split [into factions] until clear Evidence came to them.

5.     They were commanded to worship God

as sincerely as the Hanifs, to pray, and to pay the zakat. This is the true religion!

6.     Verily, the People of the Scripture and the Associators who have rejected faith shall abide in Hellfire for ever — they are the worst of creatures.

7.     But those who have believed and have done right are the best of creatures.

8.     Their reward is with their Lord:

the Gardens of Eden under which the rivers flow where they shall abide for ever.

God is satisfied with them, and they are satisfied with Him. This is for those who fear their Lord!

V. 1: “Clear Evidence” is the Koran or the Prophet who brings the Evidence. At first, the Prophet tried to win over his tribe, the Quraish, and other Arabian idolaters. Then he fought against Jews and Christians. The three faiths agree that 1) God is One and eternal; 2) man was created by God; 3) the dead will be raised and judged; 4) the Angels and Satan influence man’s life; 5) God knows the fate of each man; 6) the Scripture is a divine Revelation; 7) God has promised a Savior or Comforter. The Christians believe that the Savior is Jesus, the Muslims that he will be the long-awaited Mahdi, and the Jews are still waiting for his coming.

’’Clear Evidence” is the nearest translation of bayina. The title of a sura is not considered to be a part of the sacred text and some authors complicate the matter by replacing traditional names by newly invented names like “The Testament” for S.98 (TC).

Sura 39 T he Crowds. The title of sura S.39 “al-zoomar” (crowds or groups) comes from vv. 71 and 73, which announce that people will enter the Hereafter in troops. Addressed to polytheists and, particularly to Christian sects, the sura proclaims the unity and perfection of God's Design.

39.     T H E C R O W D S
Meccan, 75 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1. This Scripture is from God, the Mighty, the Wise.

2* We have sent down to you the Scripture in Truth, so worship God with sincere devotion.

3.     Is not sincere devotion due to God?

But those who seek other protectors, say:

“We worship them only to let them bring us closer to God!” Verily, God will judge their differences, God will not guide the liars and the renegades.

4.     Had God wished a son for Himself,

He would have surely chosen the one He wanted from among those He had created.

Glory to Him! He is God, the One, the Victorious.

5.     He has created the Heavens and the earth in Truth.

He wraps the night around the day and the day around the night.

He has subjected to Himself the sun and the moon, and they both complete their course in a definite time. Is He not the Mighty, the Forgiving?

6* He has created you from one soul, and from her He drew out her mate.

He has sent down to you eight heads of cattle in pairs.

He has created you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation in three layers of darkness. Such is God, your Lord, the Sovereign of the Kingdom. There is no god but Him — then, why are you turning away?

7* If you disbelieve, then, verily, God does not need you!

He does not approve of disbelief among His servants, but He does accept your gratitude.

No one carrying a burden should carry someone else’s burden.

At the end you shall return to your Lord and He will tell you the truth about your deeds. Verily, He knows what is in the hearts!

8. When harm touches a man, he calls to his Lord in repentance.

But as soon as [God] grants him His favor, he forgets that he used to pray to Him and sets up rivals to God, leading [others] away from His path.


“Enjoy your disbelief a little longer: verily, you’ll be dwelling in the Fire!”

9.     But not the one who worships in the hours of the night, prostrating himself or standing up,

who cares about the Hereafter

and hopes for the mercy of his Lord.


“Do those who know resemble those who do not know?” This is a Reminder for those who understand!

10.     Say:

“O believing servants, fear your Lord!

Goodness is due to those who do goodness in this world. Wide is the land of God, but only those who persevere shall receive a reward without measure!”

11.     Say:

“I’m ordered to worship God with sincere devotion.

12.     I’m ordered to be the first among Muslims!”

13.     Say:

“If I disobeyed my Lord,

I’d fear the punishment of the great Day!”

14.     Say:

“I worship God with sincere devotion,

15.   but you may worship whatever you wish besides Him.” Say:

“Verily, on Judgment Day the losers will be those who lose their souls and their kin — that will be a great loss!”

16.   There will be layers of Fire above and beneath them. This is how God warns His servants:

— O My servants! Fear Me!

17* There will be good news for those who spurn the idols, and turn to God instead of worshiping them.

So announce the good news to My servants — 18* to those who listen to the Word

and follow the best of it,

to those whom God has guided and who can understand.

19.   Can you save someone who has been sentenced to punishment and is already in the Fire?

20.   But for those who are fearful of their Lord, there are mansions built upon mansions with rivers flowing underneath.

Such is God’s promise to them, and God does not break His promises!

21.   Do you not see how God sends water down from the sky and makes it reappear from under the soil in springs, how He produces with its help crops of different colors which wither and turn yellow before your eyes,

and which He finally turns to dry stubble.

Verily, there is a Reminder in this for those who understand!

22*The one whose heart God has opened to Islam receives the Light of his Lord.

But woe to those, whose hearts are hardened

against the remembrance of God — they are in deep error!

23* God has sent down this Scripture

as the best narrative made of similar and repeated parts.

It makes the skin of the God-fearing creep!

But at the remembrance of God, their skins and their hearts relax.

Such is God’s way and He leads on it anyone He wills. But the one God allows to go astray will be left without a guide.

24.  [Woe to] the one who on Resurrection Day will meet the evil punishment face to face! The wrong-doers will be told:

— Have a taste of what you have deserved!

25* Indeed, others before them had disbelieved, and punishment came upon them from whence they least expected.

26.      God lets them taste humiliation in this life,

but harsher will be the punishment in the Hereafter, if they [only] knew!

27* We bring up in this Koran all kinds of analogies for the people — perhaps they will remember.

28. [This is] an Arabic Koran with no crookedness in it — perhaps they will fear God!

29* God gives the example of two men:

one has several masters who contend with each other, and the other has only one master.

Are they equal in this example?

Thank God, no! But most of them do not know [it].

30.  — [O Muhammad!] Truly, you will die, and truly, they will die.

31.     And truly, on Resurrection Day,

you shall continue to argue in your Lord’s Presence.

32.     Who does more evil than the one who lies about God

and rejects the Truth when it comes to him?

Is there not enough space in Hell for all the disbelievers?

33.     But those who come with the Truth

and support it are the God-fearing.

34.  They shall receive from their Lord everything they want — such is the reward for those who do good!

35.  God will absolve them from the worst of their deeds and reward them for the best of their deeds.

36.     Is not God sufficient for His servant?

They try to scare you by other [gods] besides Him!

Those whom God has allowed to stray will not have a guide.

37.   But of those who are guided by God, no one shall go astray! Then is not God almighty, the Lord of Retribution?

38.     If you asked them:

“Who has created the Heavens and the earth?”

they would surely say:



“Then think, are those you call to besides God capable of protecting me against God’s punishment if God decided to chastise me?

Or are they able to delay His Grace if God decided to grant me a favor?” Say:

“God is sufficient for me. Let all the trustful trust Him!”

39.      Say:

“O my people! Do what you want,

and I’ll do [what I want], but soon you’ll know

40.   to whom shall come a humiliating punishment, upon whom an everlasting retribution shall descend!”

41.      — [O Muhammed!] We have sent down to you

a Scripture with the Truth [as a Guidance] for the people. Whoever accepts Guidance, benefits from it, and whoever goes astray, harms himself.

And you are not their caretaker!

42*God calls to Himself the souls that leave their bodies and retains those destined to die.

He returns the others till the appointed term.

Verily, there are Signs in this for the people who think.

43.      How can they take protectors besides God?


“Especially as [these protectors] don’t own anything and have no understanding!”

44.      Say:

“God is the omnipotent Intercessor.

To Him belongs the Dominion of Heavens and earth, and to Him will be your return.”

45.   The hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter constrict at the mention of One God,

but at the mention of other [gods] besides Him, they are filled with joy.

46.      Say:

“O God! The Creator of Heavens and earth, Who knows the Hidden and the revealed:

only You can judge the disputes between Your servants!”

47.      If the wrong-doers owned everything on earth

and even twice as much, they would have offered it all as ransom for the evil punishment on Resurrection Day.

But they shall receive from God

something they do not expect!

48.  They shall see the evil of their actions, and they shall be engulfed

by what they have been laughing at.

49.  When an affliction touches a man, he calls to Us, but after receiving a favor from Us, he says: “I’ve received it for my Knowledge!”

No! This is just to test them, and most of them do not understand [it].

50.      Their predecessors used to speak like them,

but they did not benefit from what they had amassed.

51.      The evil of their deeds came crashing upon them.

The evil of their deeds shall crash

upon the sinners among them — they shall not elude [it]!

52.  Do they not know that God increases or restricts the provisions of anyone He wills?

Verily, there are Signs in this for the people who believe!

53.      Say:

“O servants [of God]!

If you’ve sinned against your souls, don’t despair of the mercy of God — verily, God forgives all sins.

He’s the Forgiving, the Merciful.

54.  Turn to your Lord and become Muslims before the punishment comes upon you, and you’re left without help!

55.      Follow the best of what your Lord

has revealed to you before retribution hits you so suddenly that you are caught unawares.

56.  Then [your] soul won’t have to say: ‘Woe to me for being heedless of God and for joining the scoffers!’

57.      Then you won’t have to say:

‘Had God guided me, I would’ve feared God!’

58.      Then you won’t have to say

at the sight of the punishment:

‘If I were brought back, I’d be among those who do good!’”

59.  Yes! My Signs have already reached you, but you rejected them and in your pride you have joined the disbelievers!

60.  On Resurrection Day you will see the faces of those who repudiated God turning black. Will there not be enough space in Hell

for [all] the arrogant?

61* God will lead the God-fearing to their place of salvation. Evil shall not touch them, and they shall not grieve.

62.  God is the Creator of everything, the Caretaker of all affairs,

63.      Who holds the keys to Heavens and earth.

Those who reject the Signs of God shall be the losers.

64.      Say:

“How can you urge me to worship someone besides God?

O you, ignorant people!”

65.   Has it not been inspired to you and to your predecessors that if you became Associators,

then fruitless would be your work and you would be among the losers!

66.      So worship God and be grateful [to Him]!

67.      They do not appreciate God at His true worth, yet,

on Judgment Day He will hold the whole earth in His fist, and the Heavens will be rolled up in His right hand! Glory to Him! Exalted He is above whatever they associate!

68.      When the trumpet is blown,

everyone in Heavens and earth shall pass out, everyone, except those for whom God rules [otherwise]. Another blow, and they will stand up and look around.

69.   The earth shall glow with the Light of its Lord, and the Book [of Records] shall be opened.

The Prophets and the witnesses shall be brought forth, and judgment shall be pronounced between them in Truth — they shall not be wronged!

70.   Each soul shall be paid in full for what she had done. [God] is fully aware of their deeds.

71.   The disbelievers shall be driven to Hell in crowds. When they arrive, its gates shall be opened wide, and its Keepers shall say:

“Haven’t any Messengers from your midst come to you to recite the Verses of your Lord and warn you about the meeting of this Day?” They will say:

“Yes, [they did]!”

But the punitive sentence

will have already been passed upon the disbelievers.

72.      They shall be told:

— Enter the gates of Hell and stay therein for ever!

Bad shall be this abode for the arrogant!

73.      And those who feared God

shall be escorted to Paradise in crowds.

When they arrive, its gates shall be opened wide, and its Keepers shall say:

“Peace upon you! You have fared well!

Come inside and stay here for ever!”

74.      They will say:

“Praised be God!

He kept His promise by letting us inherit the earth. Now we’ll settle in Paradise as we please.

What an excellent reward for those who have toiled!”

75* You shall see the Angels surrounding the Throne,

singing praises to their Lord!

Judging will be by the Truth, and it shall be proclaimed:

“Praised be God, the Lord of the Worlds!”

V. 2: The expression bil-haqq (in Truth, truly, verily) is an enhancer akin to an oath.

V. 6: The four kinds of animals are camels, cows, sheep and goats. The three layers of darkness around the fetus are the abdomen, the uterus, and the fetal membrane.

V. 7: The Koran insists that every man must carry his burden (his responsibilities and his sins) himself without the help of others. The New Testament is not clear on this point: comp. “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” (Gal. 6:2), and then: “For every man shall bear his own burden.” (Gal. 6:5).The idea of an intermediate between man and his Creator is foreign to Islam, be the go-between a “saint” or a priest. Therefore, confession of sins in exchange for redemption is not legitimate: nobody on earth can lift the burden of sins in the name of God, the only intercessor being God Himself (v. 44).

V. 17: The Koran calls this idol (or idols) Taghut. This word can also stand for idolatry itself.

Man is free to choose between right and wrong, provided his choice does not conflict with God’s Design.

V. 18: Besides its direct meaning, God’s Word has another connotation that can be under­stood only by those who are highly developed spiritually.

V. 22: Similarly, in the New Testament God gives Light to the people. “Then Jesus said unto them: Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness come upon you, for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While you have light, believe in the light...” (John, 22: 35-36). Apparently, Jesus knew that the light would not last very long.

V. 23: The Koran says about itself that it is made of similar and repeated parts, but its reality resides in its totality.

If a single word in it is changed or replaced, it will cease to be the Holy Koran. The Koran is known only in one version, the original Arabic one, that will never change even if the last person to know Arabic disappears from the face of earth. The Koran was revealed at a definite place and time, and its assessment of other religions is valid for the time of its promulgation and not necessarily for our time. It is considered that Islam is for ever, but other religions appear and disappear.

V. 25: What have they denied, the Message or the Prophets?

V. 27: “Analogies” — examples, comparisons, or similes.

V. 29: It is better to worship one God than several gods who could fight among them­selves, just as it is better to serve one master than several masters ad odds with one another.

V. 42: The soul leaves a person during sleep and returns, sometimes enriched by dreams and visions, when the person wakes up.

V. 61: “Salvation” or “place of victory” (mafazat).

V. 75: Cf. the first words of the Koran (S.1:2).

SURA 62 The ASSEMBLY. This short sura blames theJews for refusing to join Islam.

It prescribes a weekly communal prayer and exhorts the believers to take their religion seriously.

62.      T H E A S S E M B L Y
Meccan, 11 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

I.      Everything in Heavens and earth

glorifies God — the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Mighty, the Wise.

2* He is the One, Who has sent to common folks

a Messenger from their midst

to read them His Verses, to purify them, and to teach them the Scripture and Wisdom.

Indeed, they were in obvious error before,

3.     like the others who had not joined them yet.

He is the Mighty, the Wise.

4.      Such is God’s bounty,

which He grants to anyone He wills:

indeed, God is the owner of great mercy.

5* And what about those

who have been trusted with the Torah and failed to follow it?

They are like asses loaded with books!

Demeaning is this likeness for the people

who reject the Signs of God.

God does not guide the people who do wrong!

6* Say:

“O you who have rallied to the Jews!

If you pretend to be the only people close to God, then wish to die if you’re telling the truth!”

7.     But they will never wish it,

knowing what their hands have brought forth. God knows well those who do wrong!

8.      Say:

“Death that you’re trying to avoid

shall surely overtake you,

and you’ll returned to the One,

Who knows the concealed and the revealed,

and He’ll tell you what you have done!”

9* O you who believe!

At the call to the assembly for the Friday prayer, leave [your] trade and hasten to the remembrance of God.

If you only knew how beneficial it is for you!

10.     Disperse in the land after the prayer

to search for God’s bounty, and remember God oftentimes — perhaps you will be successful!

II.    But as soon as they see some bargain or some fun, they rush into it, leaving you standing where you stood!


“What is with God is better than fun or bargain, indeed, God is the best of providers!”

V. 2: “Common folks” or “ignorant people” who lived before the advent of Islam.

V. 5: An ass can carry books, but books cannot add to its wisdom.

V. 6: If you’re so close to God, why don’t you try to meet Him as soon as possible? Or, if you’re so certain of your salvation, why do you cling to life on earth?

V. 9: In Arabic “Friday” means “assembly.” Friday is a special day: the last day of Creation was Friday, and it was on Friday that the Prophet Muhammad entered Medina (mid-April 622). Most Muslims hold their communal weekly prayer in mosques on Friday morning.

Prayer — one of the pillars of Islam — is a serious duty for all Muslims. The weekly com­munal prayer is announced by the call (izan) of the muezzin. The faithful report to the mosque or to an open space and range themselves in rows facing the direction of Mecca. At the prompt of the man who leads the prayer (imam), the congregation performs a combination of acts such as standing, bowing, and prostrating, while reciting the obligatory sacramental invocations. These acts are done in unison to symbolize the unity of spirit and purpose among the faithful.

Participation in the Friday prayer requires that the worshiper be in a state of spiritual purity. To achieve it, he must meditate before the prayer on the generosity of God and the splendor of His Creation, and perform a full-body ritual ablution (ghusl) that can be reduced to washing the face, hands and feet in some situations. The giving of alms also contributes to ritual purification.

Sura 32 Adoration. S.32is short and simple. It admonishes those who doubt the Koran and criticizes theJews without mentioning the Associators.

32.      A D O R A T I O N

Meccan, 30 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Alif lam mim.

2.      [This is] the Revelation of a Scripture

which cannot be doubted —

it is from the Lord of the Worlds.

3.      They say:

“[Muhammad] invented it!”

No! It is the Truth from your Lord to warn a people

that no Warner had ever visited before —

perhaps they will accept Guidance!

4.      God created the Heavens and earth

and what is between in six days;

then He sat on the Throne.

You have no helper and no intercessor besides Him, why do you not remember [it]?

5* He manages all affairs from Heaven to earth.

They ascend to Him in a Day that lasts a thousand years by your count.

6.     He knows the hidden and the open, He is the Mighty, the Compassionate.

7.     He brings everything He creates to perfection.

First He created man from clay,

8.     then He made his progeny

from an extract of a lowly fluid.

9* Then He proportioned him and breathed into him of His Spirit.

He gave you hearing, sight and a heart, but how small is your gratitude!

10. They say:

“Is it possible that after the earth consumes us, we’ll return in a new Creation?”

This is how they deny the meeting with their Lord!

1.     Say:

“The Angel of death responsible for you

will receive your souls,

and you’ll be returned to your Lord.”

12.   If you could see how the sinners hanging their heads before their Lord:

“O our Lord! We saw and we heard everything.

Send us back, and we’ll be acting uprightly, for [now] we are convinced!”

13.     [God will say]:

— Had We so willed, We would have guided every soul.

But My Word will come true,

and I will fill Hell with all of you, both Jinn and men!

14.     Let you taste [of it] for having forgotten

the meeting of this Day of yours!

And now We will forget you, so taste the everlasting punishment for your deeds!

15* Those who believe in Our Verses

prostrate themselves

when they are read to them.

They praise their Lord and do not bristle with pride.

16.     They raise their sides from their couches

and call onto their Lord with fear and hope.

They contribute from what We have given to them.

17.   No soul can know what delight for their eyes is prepared as a reward for their deeds!

18.     Is a believer like a reprobate?

No! They are not alike!

19.   Those who believed and did good works will receive Gardens as a haven

for what they had done,

20.      but the reprobates shall abide in the Fire!

Each time they will try to escape from it,

they shall be returned with the words:

— Taste the punishment!

This is the Fire you used to deny!

21.   We will make them taste a punishment in this life before the greater punishment [in Hell] — perhaps they will repent!

22.      Who does a greater wrong than the one

who turns away from the Verses of his Lord

when they are recited to him.

Verily, We will retaliate against the sinners!

23* In the past We gave the Scripture to Moses.

We made it a Guidance for the Sons of Israel.

So have no doubts about your meeting with Him.

24.      As long as they were patient

and believed in Our Signs,

We have been appointing imams from their midst

who guided them under Our command.

25.      Verily, on Resurrection Day

your Lord will judge their disagreements!

26.      Is it not a lesson for them

that We had destroyed many generations in the past?

Do they not walk in [the ruins of] their houses?

Verily, there are Signs in this —

so why do they not listen?

27.      Do they not see how We irrigate the barren land

and how We use water to produce crops

that feed them and their cattle?

Do they not see [it]?

28.      They say:

“When is the Decision due if you’re telling the truth?”

29.      Say:

“When the disbelievers will believe on Decision Day,

it’ll be too late for their faith to help them,

and they shall receive no reprieve!”

30* So turn away from them and wait, and let them wait [as well]!

V. 5: Time has a different meaning and a different duration in the Unseen and in this world (S.56:4, S.44:17). Cf. “That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God required that which is past” (Eccl. 3:15). Being an absolute reality, God is outside any relative dimension of time and space.

V. 9: He “breathed into him of His Spirit. He gave yo u hearing, sight and a heart.” Before it receives the Spirit, the embryo is spoken of in the third person; after that it becomes a human being and is addressed to in the second person.

V. 15: Signs can be displayed as events or sights, or recited as Verses (S.7:73, S.86:33).

V. 23: “Have no doubts about your meeting with Him.” Other possible variants: “Have no doubts about it reaching you or “reaching him [Moses].”

V. 30: Cf. “Wait and I’ll be waiting with you” (S.7:71).

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