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SURA 2 (II) The Cow . Here begins the second part of S.2. By its contents and style, S.2 (II) resembles S.5. It deals with at least four main themes in mixed order: 1) food (vv. 168'169,172'73), wine and gambling (v.219), proper behavior (vv. 189, 267), and usury and lending (vv. 275,280, 282'283); 2) prayer (vv. 238'239), making contributions (vv. 195, 215, 254, 261'267, 270'274), pilgrimage (vv. 189, 194, 196'203, 217), and fasting (vv. 183' 187); 3) justice (v.188), oaths (vv. 224'225), retaliation and murder (vv. 178'179), wills (vv. 180'182, 240), orphans (v.220), marriage (vv. 221'223), and divorce (vv. 226'237, 241); and

4)      the absence of compulsion in religion (v.256), the Christians (v.253), a few Biblical Prophets (vv. 246'251), and conduct in war (vv. 190'195, 216'218, 243'244).

2.     T H E C O W

Medinan, 286 verses

Part II. (Vv. 163-286)

163. Your God is One God!

There is no god but Him, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

164*Verily, in the creation of Heavens and earth,

in the succession of night and day,

in the ships that sail upon the sea for man’s benefit,

in the water that God sends down from the sky

to revive the earth after it had died,

in the dispersal of animals on it, in the change of winds, in the clouds caught between the sky and the earth, there are Signs for the people who think.

165.Some people take [gods] besides God as [His] equals

and love them as they love God,

but the love of the believers for God is much stronger.

If the wrong-doers were able to see, they would see the punishment and realize that all power is with God, and that God is severe in retaliation!

165.     When the leaders will abandon their followers,

they will see the punishment and their ties will break off.

166.     Those who followed them shall say:

“If we only had a chance,

we would’ve disowned them, just as they’ve disowned us!” Then God will show them how much their actions were damaging to them, and that they have no way out of the Fire!

168.O people! Of all that is upon the earth, eat only what is lawful and good, and do not walk in the footsteps of Satan — indeed, he is your declared enemy.

169. He urges you to commit evil and indecency,

and to accuse God of something you do not know.

170.     When told:

“Follow God’s Revelation,”

they say:

“No, we’ll follow what we’ve inherited from our fathers.” But their fathers had little understanding and did not follow the Guidance.

171. The disbelievers are like those who respond only to yelling. They hear nothing but calls and cries —

they are deaf, dumb, and blind; they lack understanding.

172.     O you, who have believed!

Eat of the good things We have provided you with and be grateful to God if you are worshiping Him.

173*He has forbidden you carrion, blood, pork, and [food] over which a name other than God’s had been invoked. But if someone does it under duress and not out of disobedience or enmity, there will be no sin upon him.

Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

174.    Verily, those who conceal for a small gain

the smallest part of the Scripture revealed by God are stuffing their bellies with Fire.

On Resurrection Day God will not turn to them and will not purify them.

A painful punishment is [in store] for them!

175. They are of those who traded Guidance for error and forgiveness for punishment.

They are obstinate even before the Fire!

176. It is because God has sent down a Scripture with the Truth — verily, those who contest the Scripture are in deep dissent.

177*Righteousness is not in turning your faces east or west. Righteousness is in believing in God, the Last Day, the Angels, the Scripture, and the Prophets;

in contributing, out of love for Him,

to relatives, to orphans, to the needy, to travelers, to beggars, and to the captives;

in observing the prayer, paying the zakat, and fulfilling one’s obligations;

in being patient in suffering, adversity, and war — such are the truthful, such are those who fear God!

178*O you, who have believed!

Here is the balanced retaliation imposed on you for murder: a free [man] for a free [man], a slave for a slave, and a woman for a woman.

If the brother [of the victim] forgives, then resolve the [case] according to custom, and compensate him in an amiable way.

There is relief in this and mercy from your Lord;

but a repeat transgressor shall get a painful punishment! 179. O people with sense!

There is life for you in balanced retaliation — perhaps you will fear God!

180*If you own property, and death approaches you, you ought to draw a will, as required by custom, naming your parents and relatives. Such is the duty of the God-fearing!

181. If [a will] is changed after its reading, then those who changed it are guilty. Verily, God hears and knows [everything]!

182.   But if someone, fearing partiality

or malice on the part of the testator, reconciles [the contenders], no guilt shall be upon him.

Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

183.O you who have believed!

Fasting is prescribed to you, as it has been prescribed to your predecessors, perhaps, you will fear God!

184. There is a prescribed number of days [for fasting]; but if anyone of you is sick or is traveling,

their number should [be completed] on other days. Any one who cannot do it must redeem himself by feeding a poor person, but it is better for him to give more of his own accord.

Fasting is better for you, if you [only] knew!

185. Ramadan is the month of the revelation of the Koran — a Guide with clear Proofs for men,

for their Guidance and Salvation.

Everybody should spend this month fasting!

But if any one is sick or is on the road, let him complete the missed days later on — indeed, God wants to make things easy for you. After completing the number [of days], glorify Him for His Guidance — perhaps, you will be grateful!

186. If My servants ask you about Me, [tell them] that I am nearby and that I will answer the prayer of everyone who prays if he calls upon Me.

Let them respond to Me and believe in Me — perhaps, they will walk in the right path!

187*You are allowed to approach your wives during the fast at night.

They are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them.

God knows that you will be deceiving yourselves, so He turned to you and forgave you.

Therefore, approach them and seek what God has prescribed to you. Eat and drink till dawn, until you can tell a white thread from a black one, and then keep fasting till nightfall.

And do not approach [your wives] when you retreat to the mosques. Such are the limits of God — do not transgress them.

This is how God makes His Signs clear to the people — perhaps, they will be God-fearing!

188. Do not consume your property among yourselves frivolously, and do not use it to bribe judges

in order to consume unlawfully and knowingly a part of [other] people’s property.

189*If you are asked about the new moons, say: “They are Signs for people to keep time and [to perform] the pilgrimage.”

It is not proper to sneak into a house from the back, but it is proper to fear God.

So enter a house through the front door and fear God — perhaps, you will prosper!

190.    Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress any limits.

Verily, God does not love the transgressors.

191.    Slay them wherever you come upon them

and expel them from where they have expelled you.

Indeed, persecution is worse than murder!

But do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque, unless they attack you first.

Slay them if they fight you — such is the retribution for those who disbelieve!

192.    But if they refrain themselves,

then, verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

193.    Fight them to the end of the persecutions, and until religion is restored to God.

If they stop, hostility will end, except against the wrong-doers.

194*A sacred month — for a sacred month.

The law of balanced retaliation applies to prohibitions. If anyone attacks you, attack him as he attacked you; but fear God and know that God is with the God-fearing.

195.Contribute to the cause of God

and do not let your hands lead you to destruction.

Do good works — verily, God loves those who do good!

196*Complete the pilgrimage and the [rite of] ’umra

for God’s sake; but if something stands in your way, contribute according to your means.

And do not shave your head until the offering reaches its destination.

If any one of you is sick or has sores on his scalp, let him substitute shaving by fasting, almsgiving, or making an offering.

When peace returns, anyone can carry over [the rite] of ’umra to pilgrimage;

but first let him make an offering according to his means.

If he does not have the means,

let him fast three days while in pilgrimage and seven upon his return for a total of ten.

This does not apply to the families living by the Sacred Mosque.

Fear God and remember that God is severe in punishment. 197*The months of pilgrimage are known to all.

Whoever takes upon himself the duty of pilgrimage must abstain from intercourse and vice and avoid quarreling during pilgrimage.

Whatever good you do, God will be aware of it!

Prepare provisions, but the best provision

is the fear of God. So fear Me if you have sense.

198*You shall not be at fault if [during pilgrimage] you seek a bounty from your Lord.

After coming down from [Mount] ’Arafat, celebrate God at the Sacred Memorial and remember how He has guided you, even if you were astray before.

199.     Then move further along with the other people and ask God for forgiveness —

verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

200.      After performing your religious duties, remember God, as you remember your fathers, but even with more fervor. Some people say:

“Our Lord! Give us [Your bounty] in this world!”

But they shall have no part in the Hereafter!

201.      Among them there are those who say:

“Our Lord! Give us goodness in this world

and goodness in the Hereafter,

protect us from the punishment by the Fire!”

202.      These shall receive a share of their earnings — indeed, God is quick at accounting.

203*Celebrate God on the appointed days!

There shall be no blame on someone who leaves two days earlier, as there shall be no blame on someone who stays longer. This is for those who fear God — so fear God and remember that you shall [all] appear before Him.

204.Among the people [you may find] someone

who will impress you by his talk about the life of this world,

and he will call God to witness what is in his heart.

He is your most implacable enemy!

205.Indeed, turning around, he will spread disorder in the land and destroy cultures and young cattle.

God does not love corruption!

206.      When told:

“Fear God,”

his arrogance entices him to sin.

Hell is enough for him — what a bad couch it is!

207.      Among the people [you may find] someone

who devotes his soul to winning God’s satisfaction.

God is full of kindness for [His] servants!

208.O you who have believed!

Surrender yourselves [to God] completely and do not follow in Satan’s footsteps — verily, he is your declared enemy!

209. But if you falter after receiving the Proofs, know that God is almighty and wise!

210. Are they waiting for God to descend upon them with the Angels under the canopy of clouds, thus bringing the matter to an end?

But [all] affairs return to God!

211.     Ask the Children of Israel

how many clear Signs We have sent them!

If someone altered the favor of God

after it had reached him, then, verily, God is severe in punishment.

212.     The life of this world is embellished for the disbelievers.

They laugh at the believers, but on Resurrection Day the God-fearing shall be raised above them.

God gives limitless provisions to anyone He wills.

213*[At first] people formed one community.

God used to send them Prophets as Carriers of good tidings and Warners.

He sent down with them a Scripture with the Truth to resolve all contentions between people.

But those who received it continued to argue in order to oppress the others after the clear Proofs came to them.

By His Grace God disclosed to the believers

the true cause of the discord.

God guides to the straight path those He wills.

214.     Do you think that you will enter Paradise

without going through what your predecessors went through? They had suffered such grief, distress, and shock that even the Messenger and those who believed with him kept saying: “When will God help us?”

But, verily, God’s help is nearby!

215.     They ask you what they should contribute.


“Everything valuable! Indeed, all you contribute is for parents, relatives, and orphans, the poor and the wayfarers.

Verily, God is well aware of your good works.”

216.     It is prescribed for you to fight,

even though you dislike it.

Yet, you may dislike what is good for you and like what is bad for you.

God knows, but you do not know.

217.     They ask you about war during the sacred month.


“Fighting during [this month] is a great [sin].

But a greater [sin] in the eyes of God

is preventing access to God while denying Him,

and [admission] to the Sacred Mosque, while expelling people from it.”

Oppression is worse than murder!

They will not cease to fight you

until they turn you away from your religion,

if they only could do it.

But those who turn away from their religion

and die in disbelief, their deeds will be to no avail both in this world and in the Hereafter.

They are the inmates of the Fire

in which they shall stay for ever!

218.     Verily, the believers who had been exiled

while fighting in the cause of God, aspire to God’s mercy — indeed, God is forgiving and merciful!

219.     They ask you about wine and the game of maisir.


“There is a great sin in them

and also some profit for people,

albeit more sin than profit.”

They ask you how much they have to contribute.


“All you can spare!”

This is how God explains the Signs to you — perhaps, you will start thinking about this life and the Hereafter!

220.     They ask you about the orphans.


“It’s best to act in their interest.

If you become their partners, they become your brothers. God can tell the corrupt from the righteous.

If God so willed, He could cause you trouble — verily, He is all-mighty and all-wise!”

221. Do not marry [female] Associators until they believe. A believing female slave is better than an Associator who appeals to you.

Do not wed [your women] to Associators until they believe. A believing male slave is better than an Associator who appeals to you and calls you to the Fire.

But by His Grace God calls you to the Garden and to forgiveness.

Thus He explains His Signs to the people — perhaps they will come to their senses!

222*They ask you about menstruation.


“It’s a pain and a pollution!

So withdraw from women in menstruation

and don’t come near them until they purified themselves. After they purified themselves,

approach them as God has commanded you to do.” Verily, God loves those who turn to him, and He loves those who purify themselves.

223.     Your women are like your fields,

so go to your fields whenever you wish, but first do something good for your soul.

Fear God and keep in mind that you shall meet Him; and announce the good tidings to the believers!

224.     Do not use God’s Name in your oaths

as an excuse for abstaining from good works, devotion, and peace-making among people. God is hearing and all-knowing!

225. God will not hold you accountable for the superficial in your oaths, but He will hold you accountable for the intentions in your hearts. God is forgiving and full of love!

226. Those who swore not to approach their wives have to wait four months, but if they return, then, verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

227.     And if they decide to divorce,

then verily, God is hearing and all-knowing!

228.    Divorced women must wait three periods.

If they believe in God and the Last Day, they are not allowed to hide what God has created in their wombs.

It is more honorable for their husbands to take them back during that time if they incline toward reconciliation.

By custom, [women] have the same rights as men, albeit men have a degree of advantage over them. God is all-mighty and all-wise!

229.     Divorce [is allowed] twice.

After that, let them stay together as customary or separate on kindly terms.

[The husband] should not take back any of his gifts if they are both apprehensive

of transgressing the limits set up by God.

But if you fear that they will not be able to keep the limits set up by God, then neither of them shall be at fault if [the wife] buys herself out.

Such are the limits set up by God — do not transgress them!

Whoever exceeds God’s limits is doing wrong.

230*A man who divorces [irrevocably] cannot remarry [his wife] before she marries someone else, and [the latter] divorces her.

After that neither of them shall be at fault if they return [to each other] and agree to keep the limits set up by God.

Such are the limits set up by God

which He makes clear to the people who understand.

231.   When you divorce your wives,

you can retain them according to custom, to the end of the time prescribed for them, or let them go according to custom.

But do not retain them to harm or to oppress them. Whoever does that is harming his soul.

Do not take the Signs of God lightly, but remember the goodness you have received from God and what He has sent down to you for your edification from the Scripture and Wisdom.

Fear God and know that God is aware of everything.

232.    When you divorce your wives,

then, after they reach the term prescribed for them, do not prevent them from marrying their [former] husbands if they both agree on the usual terms.

This is an instruction for everyone who believes in God and the Last Day — this is clearer and purer for you.

God knows what you do not know!

233. Let mothers breast-feed their children two full years if the father wants to complete this term.

His duty is to feed and clothe them as customary.

No soul should bear a burden greater than she can bear; no mother should suffer because of her child, and no father because of his child.

This applies to the father’s heir as well.

If by mutual agreement the [parents] decide to wean early, there will be no fault upon either of them.

There will be no fault upon you

if you decide to get a wet nurse for your children, but by custom you must pay [her] the fee agreed upon. Fear God and know that God sees everything you do.

234.If widows are left after one of you dies let them wait four months and ten [days].

At the end of this period, it will not be sinful of them, if they dispose of themselves according to custom.

God is well aware of everything you do.

235. You will not be blamed if you make a proposal or if you conceive it in your soul:

God knows that you cannot abstain from [women].

Do not make them secret promises, but speak, as required by custom.

And do not tie the marriage knot with them until the prescribed term is over.

Know that God is aware of what is in your hearts. Beware of Him and know

that God is forgiving and full of love!

236. There will be no fault upon you if you divorce wives before touching them or determining their dower.

Make them [a gift] — the rich according to his means, and the poor according to his means.

This is binding for the upright.

237*If you divorce them before consummation, but after the dower has been agreed upon, then half of the dower is theirs, unless they relinquish it themselves or it is relinquished by the one who holds the [marriage] ties.

But to relinquish is nearer to righteousness. Do not forget to be generous to each other. Verily, God observes everything you do.

238.Attend to prayers, [especially] the mid[day] prayer and stand reverently before God!

239.If you fear [the enemy], pray standing or on horseback; and when the danger is over, remember God — indeed, He is the One,

Who taught you what you did not know.

240.      Those of you who might leave widows upon dying should bequeath to their widows upkeep for a year. But if they leave on their accord,

there will be no fault upon you

if they dispose of themselves according to custom.

God is mighty and wise!

241.      Provide divorced women with the customary upkeep — such is the duty of the God-fearing.

242.      This is how God explains His Signs to you — perhaps you will understand!

243*Didn’t your sight turn to those who left their houses fearing for their life? There were thousands of them! God said to them:

— Let you die!

Then He brought them back to life. Verily, God is full of mercy for man, but most people are ungrateful.

244.So fight in the cause of God,

and know that God is hearing and all-knowing!

245.Who will give God a good loan,

which God will return multiplied many times? God gives you either poverty or prosperity — to Him is your return.

246*Have you not turned your sight

to the leaders of the Sons of Israel after Moses?

They said to their Prophet:

“Anoint us a King, and we’ll fight in the cause of God!”

He said:

“And what if you refuse to fight when required to go to battle?” They said:

“How can we refuse to fight in the cause of God

after we’ve been chased away from our houses and children?” But when they were ordered to fight, they turned back, except a few of them.

God knows those who do wrong!

247*The Prophet said to them:

“God has appointed Talut as your King.”

They said:

“How can he rule over us

if we’ve more rights to kingship than he; moreover, he’s not that wealthy!” [The Prophet] said:

“God has chosen him over you

and has raised him in Knowledge and strength. God bestows His power upon anyone He wills.

God is all-encompassing and all-knowing!”

248*And the Prophet also said:

“The Sign of his kingship is the coming to you of an Ark, carried by Angels, with the Sakina of your Lord and relics of the family of Moses and the family of Aaron. There’s a Sign for you in this if you believe.”

249*Then Talut set out with [his] forces and said: “God is going to test you by a river — whoever drinks from it, isn’t with me, but whoever doesn’t taste it, is with me;

and whoever scoops a little with his hand won’t be counted.” They all drank from it, except a few.

When he and those who believed with him crossed [the river], they said:

“Today We won’t be able to cope with Djalut and his forces!” But those who believed in the meeting with God, said: “How many times with God’s permission, a small force has defeated a stronger one!

God is with those who endure!”

250.    Advancing to meet Djalut and his armies, they said:

“O our Lord! Fill us with endurance, steady our feet, and help us against the disbelievers!”

251. They prevailed, with God’s permission, and David killed Djalut.

God gave him kingship and wisdom, and taught him everything He willed.

Had not God restrained people from one another, the land would have been swamped with iniquity; but God is full of Grace for the Worlds.

252.    These are the Verses of God

which We recite to you in Truth.

Verily, you are one of the Messengers!

253*We have given preference to some Messengers over the others: God spoke to some of them; others He raised in rank.

To Jesus, son of Mary, We gave the Proofs, and We supported him by the Holy Spirit. Had God so willed, the next generations would not have fought among themselves. But when the Proofs came to them, they went separate ways: some believed and others rejected the faith.

Had God so willed, they would not have fought one another, but God does whatever He wills.

254.O you who have believed!

Contribute from the provisions We have given to you, till the Day when there shall be no trade nor friendship, nor intercession — those who rejected faith are sinners.

255*God! There is no god but Him.

He is the Living, the Existing!

Neither slumber nor sleep can overcome Him.

To Him belongs everything in the Heavens and earth!

Who can intercede for you before Him without His permission?

He knows their past and their future, but without His permission, they cannot grasp a speck of His Knowledge!

His Throne extends over the Heavens and earth, and He is not tired of caring for them.

He is the Exalted, the Great.

256*There is no compulsion in religion!

It is easy to tell righteousness from error.

Whoever rejects the idols and believes in God leans onto the sturdiest support that nothing can break. God is hearing and all-knowing!

257.God is the Protector of the believers.

He leads them out of darkness into the light, but those who reject faith are sponsored by idols who lead them out of the light into darkness.

They are the inmates of the Fire, and they shall abide in it for ever.

258*Have you not turned your sight to the man who argued with Abraham about his Lord because God had given him power?

Abraham said:

“My Lord is the One, Who gives life and death!”

He said:

“I’m the one who gives life and death!”

Abraham said:

“God makes the sun rise from the east, try to make it rise from the west!” This confounded the disbeliever —

God does not guide the people who do wrong!

259*Or another example.

Someone passing by a ruined town with overturned roofs said: “How can God bring back to life what has been destroyed?” God caused him to die for a hundred years, then He revived him and said:

— How long have you waited?

He said:

“A day or less.”

[God] said:

— No, you have waited for a hundred years.

Look at your food and your drink: they have not changed.

Now, look at your donkey:

to let you become a Sign for the people, see how We assemble his bones and cover them up with flesh.

After this was clearly demonstrated to him, he said: “I know that God has power over everything!”

260*And Abraham said:

“O my Lord! Show me how You revive the dead.” [God] said: — Have you not believed yet?

He said:

“Yes, but reassure my heart.”

[God] said:

— Take four birds and teach them to return to you, then place them in pieces on different hills.

Call them, and they will hurry back to you!

Know that God is mighty and wise!

261. He who contributes of his wealth to the cause of God is like a seed that produces seven ears

with a hundred grains in each ear.

God enriches anyone He wills —

God is boundless and all-knowing!

262. Those who spend of their wealth in the cause of God and contribute without reproaches or insults,

shall receive their reward from their Lord;

they shall have no fear nor grief.

263.      Kind words and forgiveness

are better than charity with abuse.

God is rich and full of love!

264.O you who have believed!

Do not depreciate your charitable acts by reproaches and abuse like someone who contributes of his property just to show off, without believing either in God or the Last Day. He is like a rock covered with soil: rain will fall and wash it bare.

What they have earned will be in vain —

God does not guide the people who reject faith.

265. But those who contribute of their property, seeking to please God and fortify their souls, are like a garden on a high place.

A downpour will fall and double the crop, and if not a downpour, then some dew will suffice — God sees well all what you do.

266. Would not each of you like to have a garden with rivers flowing under it,

with palm trees and vines, with fruit of all kinds? What if old age comes and the children are still weak, and suddenly a fire-bearing whirlwind alights and sets it on fire?

This is how God makes the Signs clear to you — perhaps you will reflect?

267.O you who have believed!

Contribute from the best of your possessions and of from what We have grown for you on the land. When you contribute, do not look for worthless things that you would accept for yourselves only with closed eyes. Let you know that God is rich and praiseworthy!

268.Satan threatens you with poverty

and calls you to indecency;

whereas God promises you His forgiveness and Grace.

God is limitless and all-knowing!

269. He grants wisdom to whom He wills, and the one who is granted wisdom receives an abundance of goodness.

But only those who have sense remember [it].

270. God knows about each of your contributions and about each of your pledges.

And the wrong-doers will not have any helpers!

271. It is all right if you give alms in the open, but it is better for you to do it in secret and to give to the poorest;

this will atone for some of your sins — God is well aware of what you do.

272.    — [O Muhammad!]

It is not up to you to set [people] on the right path — It is God Who sets on the right path anyone He wills. Everything good you donate will benefit your souls, but donate only while seeking the Face of God!

Whatever good you donate shall be returned to you in full, and you shall not be treated wrongly.

273*All this is for the needy who have devoted themselves to the cause of God, but are unable to travel in the land.

They are so modest that the ignorant may think that they are not in need.

But you recognize them by their mark: they do not importune people, [begging] for help. Verily, God is aware of whatever of value you give away.

274. Those who contribute of their wealth by night or day, in secret or in public, shall get a reward from their Lord, and they shall neither fear nor grieve.

275. But those who feed on usury shall rise like those whom Satan has driven to madness by his touch.

They say:

“Trade is like usury,”

although God has allowed trade and forbidden usury. Those who abstain upon learning the prohibition of their Lord shall have their past forgiven —

indeed, their case is in God’s hands.

But those who relapse shall be the inmates of the Fire to abide in it for ever.

276. God does not condone usury, but encourages almsgiving — God does not love disbelieving sinners!

277. But those who have believed, have done good works, prayed, and paid the zakat, their reward is with their Lord;

they shall neither fear nor grieve.

278.O you who have believed!

If you really believe, fear God and give up your profit from usury.

279.If you do not do it, then may you know that God and His Messenger shall go to war against you.

But if you repent, you shall retain most of your property.

Do not oppress anyone — then nobody will oppress you.

280.If [a debtor] is in difficulty,

give him time to recover.

But it will be better for you to remit out of charity, if you [only] knew!

281. Beware of the Day when you shall be returned to God: then every soul shall be paid what she earned, and nobody shall be wronged.

282.O you who have believed!

If you contract a debt for a stated term, write it down. Let a scribe record it faithfully for both sides.

and let him not refuse to write as God has taught [him].

Let the debtor himself dictate to him,

but let him fear God, his Lord,

and avoid reducing his debt by the least amount.

If the debtor is feeble-minded

or if he is in ill health, or unable to dictate, then let his caretaker dictate, but in fairness.

Call in two of your men as witnesses

or, if two men are not available,

one man and two women from among those whom you approve as witnesses.

If one makes a mistake, the other one will correct her. When summoned, witnesses should not recuse themselves.

Do not neglect to write the term [of a transaction], be it small or large as this is more equitable in the sight of God, more authentic as evidence, and more convenient to avoid doubt.

But if the transaction is done between you hand to hand, you shall not be blamed for not writing it down.

Bargain with each other before witnesses, but see that no harm is caused to the scribe or to the witness.

If you cause [them harm], it shall be a sinful act on your part.

Fear God! God teaches you — indeed, God is aware of all things!

283.Deposits are in order when you are traveling and cannot find a scribe,

but if one party trusts the other party with a deposit, the one receiving the deposit should return it.

Let him fear God, his Lord, and let him avoid concealing a testimony.

If anyone conceals it, his heart is really corrupt — God knows all that you do.

284.      To God belongs everything in Heavens and earth.

If you reveal or conceal what is in your soul, God will bring you to account.

He will forgive whom He wills and punish whom He wills.

God has power over all things.

285.The Messenger and the faithful believe in the Revelation sent down to him from his Lord.

They all believe in God, in His Angels, in His Scriptures, and in His Messengers.

[The faithful say]:

“We make no distinction between His Messengers.”

They also say:

“We hear and we obey! Forgive us, o our Lord!

To You is [our] return!”

286.      God does not burden any soul beyond her strength.

She earns something to her good, and something to her harm.


“O our Lord! Don’t condemn us

if we forget something or make a mistake.

O our Lord! Don’t load us with the same burden You’ve loaded on those who were before us.

O our Lord! Don’t load us beyond our strength.

Overlook [our sins], pardon us and have mercy upon us —

You are our Sovereign indeed!

And help us against disbelieving people!”

V. 173: “Over which any name other than God’s was invoked,” or: “what has not been con­secrated to God.”

V. 177: A description of righteousness. “The wayfarers” or “those who fight for God” (cf. v.215). “In war” or “in calamity.”

V. 178: “A balanced retaliation,” — qisas — is the lawful vengeance, mitigated by the pos­sibility of ransom (S.27:48).

V. 180-2: A more detailed legislation of inheritance is given in S.5:106-8. “According to custom” (al-ma'ruf) also means “in the accepted way,” ’’honorably,” “reputedly,” “as required.”

Islamic law is based on the Koran, tradition, and the hadith — a collection of a few hundred thousand sayings of the Prophet and his associates on a variety of social occasions.

V. 187: “They are a garment for you,” meaning: they are for your comfort (lit.: “they are your covers”). “What God has prescribed to you” is the offspring of marriage.

V. 189: “Enter through the front door,” figuratively, be open, straightforward.

V. 194: “Fear of God” (taqawa) is the highest virtue, the constant feeling of God’s presence (S.88:24); the epithet “the God-fearing” al-muttaqin is met at every turn of the Koran; it can also been understood as “those who fear evil.”

V. 196: Pilgrimage is the duty of every Muslim, but it depends on financial and other con­siderations listed in the Koran.

”An offering,” probably an animal.

V. 197: The three months of pilgrimage — Shawwal, Dhul-qa'da, and Dhul-hajj, the latter meaning “[the month] of pilgrimage.”

V. 198: Trade is allowed during pilgrimage.

V. 203: The last three days of pilgrimage — tashrik.

V. 213: The first Scripture was the Bible; clear Proofs came with the Koran, later on, but many Jews rejected them.

V. 222: Pollution and ailment are one word in Arabic.

V. 230: “[Irrevocably],” i.e., for a third time. “The limits of God” are the waiting periods and financial settlements.

V. 237: “Who holds the [marriage] ties,” i.e., the husband.

V. 243: A reference to the expulsion of Muslims from Mecca.

V. 246: The Prophet in question is Samuel.

V. 247: Talut is the Biblical king Saul.

V. 248: Sakina, the Hebrew “shekhina,” symbolizes the Spirit and the Presence of God. The Prophets who have “seen” God, Moses, for example, have not experienced God Himself, but His sakina. The “Ark” is the symbol of man’s heart and soul.

V. 249. Djalut is Goliath. In the Bible the story of crossing the river is attributed to Gideon (Judges 7:4-7).

V. 253: It is Moses who has “spoken with God.”

V. 255: Called “the verse of the Throne,” (ayat al-kursi), this remarkable verse is one of the best known of the Koran.

V. 256: Idols or “taghut” (S.39;17).

V. 258: The person who disputed with Abraham could have been Nimrod. However, identification of Koranic characters with Biblical characters is often problematic.

V. 259: The man is a stereotype of several Biblical figures.

V. 260: In another version of this story Abraham was told to place four birds on the hill­tops instead of pieces of four birds, but then the strong image of miraculous revival is lost.

V. 273: To travel in order to make a living.

Sura 58 The Plaintiff. This late sura, addressed directly to the Prophet, is without introduction or conclusion. It consists of four pronouncements on 1) the validity of pagan divorce, the so-called zihar (vv. 1-4); 2) the proper conduct of a Muslim in private and public life (vv. 5-13); 3) the conduct of disbelievers (vv. 14-20); and 4) the inevitable triumph of Islam (vv. 21-22).

58.      T H E P L A I N T I F F

Meccan, 22 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* — [O Muhammad!] God has heard the words of [the woman] who petitioned you concerning her husband.

She complained to God,

and God listens to the arguments of both sides.

Verily, God is hearing and observing!

2* Some of you divorce their wives by the rite of zihar,

[calling them their mothers’ spine].

But they are not their mothers!

Their mothers are those who gave them birth.

Of course, their words are offending and deceptive, but, verily, God is relenting and forgiving!

3.     Whoever divorces his wives by the rite of zihar, and later on wants to go back on his words, [should] free a slave before resuming relations — this is prescribed for you.

God is well informed of [everything] you do.

4.      If this is above his means, he should fast

two consecutive months before resuming relations.

If this is still too much for him,

let him feed sixty poor people.

This is to make you believe in God and His Messenger.

Such are the limits set up by God.

There will be a painful punishment for the disbelievers!

5.      Verily, those who oppose God and His Messenger

shall be humiliated

like their predecessors have been humiliated.

Indeed, We had been sending down clear Signs in the past.

There will be a humiliating punishment for the disbelievers!

6.      On the Day when God raises them all,

He will inform them of what they have done. Indeed, God takes all into account, but they have forgotten!

God is witness of all things.

7.     Do you not see that God knows everything in Heavens and earth?

Three people cannot meet in private

without [God] being the fourth;

or five people without Him being the sixth; or a smaller or larger number without Him being among them.

He is with them wherever they are.

Then, on Resurrection Day,

He will inform them of what they have done.

Verily, God is aware of everything.

8* Do you not see that those who were forbidden to hold secret meetings continue to do what has been prohibited?

They confer in private about sin, enmity, and disobedience to the Messenger. When they meet you, they greet you, but not like God would greet you, and say among themselves:

“Why doesn’t God punish us for our words?” Hellfire is sufficient for them, and in it they shall burn.

What a bad destination!

9.     O you who have believed!

When you confer in private, do not plot sin, enmity, and disobedience to the Messenger, but talk about virtue and fear of God.

Fear God: to Him is your return!

10.   Private meetings are from Satan, who wants to grieve the believers.

But he cannot harm them a bit without God’s permission. Let the believers put their trust in God!

11.    O you who have believed!

If you are asked to make room at a meeting, step aside, then God will make room for you. If you are asked to stand up, stand up, then God will elevate those of you who have believed and received Knowledge. God is well informed of everything you do.

12.    O you who have believed!

Before consulting the Messenger in private, give some alms: that will be better and purer for you.

But if you cannot do it, then, verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

13.    Or do you fear to spend on alms before the meeting?

If you did not give anything, and God forgave you, then stand up to pray, pay the zakat, and obey God and His Messenger.

God is well informed of everything you do.

14* Do you not see those who befriend the people that incurred the wrath of God?

They are neither with you nor with them,

and they knowingly swear to falsehood.

15.     God has prepared for them a grievous punishment.

Verily, evil are their deeds!

16.     They use their oaths as a cover-up,

to turn [people] away from God’s path.

There is a degrading punishment for them.

17.     Neither wealth nor children

shall help them against God.

They are the inmates of the Fire,

and they shall abide in it for ever!

18.     On the Day when God will raise them all,

they shall swear to God,

as they have been swearing to you.

They think that they stand on firm ground,

but in reality, they are liars!

19.     Satan prevailed upon them and made them forget God.

They belong to the party of Satan,

but, verily, the party of Satan is bound to lose.

20.      Verily, those who oppose God and His Messenger

shall be among the most humiliated.

21.      God has decreed:

— I and My Messengers will prevail!

Verily, God is strong and almighty!

22.   Among those who believe in God and the Last Day, you will not find people

who love the enemies of God and His Messenger,

be they their fathers, sons, brothers, or relatives.

God will admit into the Gardens

under which the rivers flow — their everlasting abode —

only those in whose hearts He has inscribed faith

and whom He has fortified with a Spirit from Himself.

God is satisfied with them, and they are satisfied with Him.

They are the party of God,

and verily, the party of God shall succeed!

V. 1: Based on an actual case (Khaula vs. ’Aus ibn as-Samit).

V. 2: “You’re like my mother’s back” was the formula by which a pagan divorced, leaving his wife tied to the house as a slave.

V. 4: The Koran spells out in detail the conditions for legal marriage and divorce. Islamic marriage is a civil contract concluded by the bridegroom and the bride (or her legal guardian) before a judge (qadi) and witnesses. It is confirmed by the transfer of the dowry that was agreed upon to the bride. In some countries, the marriage is announced by a noisy parade of the newly­weds in the vicinity of their houses with a display of the gifts to the bride. It is illegal to marry a woman without her consent.

Divorce, which the Prophet used to call a necessary evil, is also described in detail in the Koran and sha’ria. There are two possibilities: dissolution of marriage on the basis of strict con­ditions and waiting periods, and divorce based on mutual consent. In both cases the dowry remains with the divorced wife, and the parents must abide by certain definite rules concerning the upkeep and education of their children.

V. 8: Instead of saying as-salamu 'aleik (peace be upon you), they used to say as-samu 'aleik (poison be upon you).

V. 11: A Muslim must be polite with people, kind at home, reserved with strangers, respectful with the elderly, hospitable to the traveler and the needy, and honest in fulfilling his promises. He must scrupulously observe the traditions, for example, using his right hand for good deeds, greetings and eating, and his left hand for everything considered to be unclean.

Good manners demand the exchange of salutations with proper responses and pious expressions. It is rude, even insulting, to sit cross legged, turning the soles of one’s shoes to the interlocutor, and it is especially ill-mannered to put one’s feet on the table.

Whatever his status in society, a Muslim must behave in all occasions with self-respect. He is adverse to any laissez-faire and to any manifestation of light-mindedness. The pre-Islamic times are called the Times of Ignorance. People overcame ignorance when they received Knowledge and came to believe in Islam. Those who stay outside of Islam are “ignorant,” whatever historical time they belong to. There is a strong conviction in the Muslim world that the Western countries have returned to the state of cultural ignorance and that their life is less enlightened than that of the ancient heathens.

V. 14: The “falsehood” is that the Jews would accept Islam.

SURA 4 (I) ^VOMEN. This lengthy late sura with numerous warnings and prescriptions is better read in separate parts.

The first part deals with the following topics: 1) Proper conduct (vv. 15-18, 29, 32); 2)prayer (v.43); 3) justice (v.58), murder (v.29), betrayal, sedition (vv. 105-109, 114-115), and orphans (vv. 2-5, 8-10,127); 4) marriage (vv. 3-4,19-25, 34), divorce (vv. 35, 128-130), and inheritance (vv. 7-8,11-13, 33); and 5) a criticism of the Jews (vv. 44-47).

The Koranic laws are interpreted and acted upon by Muslim jurists on the basis of the Arabic original of the Scripture, with reference to the hadith (sayings of the Prophet) and the commentaries of scholars. According to their understanding of the Law, Muslim scholars form several “schools, ” four of which are canonical.

Part II of the sura is on p. 482.

4.     W O M E N

Medinan, 176 verses

Part I. Vv. 1-60; 105-134

1* O people! Fear your Lord,

Who has created you from a single soul.

From her He has created a mate of like nature,

then He multiplied them

and dispersed them as men and women.

Fear God Whom [you invoke]

when you socialize with one another,

and [respect] the wombs [that have borne you].

Verily, God is watching over you.

2. Return their property to orphans without replacing valuable items by worthless ones, and do not consume their property by absorbing it into your own. Verily, this is a great sin.

3* If you fear to be unfair to female orphans, then marry those who appeal to you, two, three, or four, but if you fear to be unfair to them, then [marry] only one or a slave — that will be nearer to righteousness.

4* Leave their dower to the women as a gift. But if they wish to return a part of it to you, use it to your satisfaction.

5.     Do not give to the feeble-minded the property which God has consigned to you,

but use it to feed and clothe them.

And speak to them with kindness.

6.     Examine orphans when they reach marriageable age. If you find their judgment sound,

return to them their property.

And do not consume it in excess and in haste before they have grown up.

Let a rich one show restraint [in remuneration], and let a poor one get as much as allowed by custom. Return the property in the presence of witnesses, although God suffices for settling the account.

7.     There is a share for men in the inheritance left by parents and near relatives,

and there is a share for women in the inheritance left by parents and near relatives.

Small or large, [everyone] has a definite share in it.

8.     If other relatives, orphans, or the poor

take part in the distribution, give them their share and treat them with kindness.

9.     Let [the executors] fear, as they would fear

to leave after themselves an indigent posterity. Let them fear God and speak appropriate words.

10.   And those who wrongfully devour the property of orphans are stuffing their bellies with Fire.

Soon they shall burn in the blazing Fire!

11* This is what God enjoins you about your children’s [inheritance]. To a son — the share of two daughters. If there are two or more daughters, their share is two-thirds of the inheritance. If there is only one, her share is one half.

For the parents it is one sixth each

if [the deceased] has left children;

if there are no children

and the parents are the inheritors, the mother gets one third.

If he has left children, the mother gets one sixth after the payment of all obligations and debts. You do not know who are closer to you in benefit, your parents or your children, as God has decreed — verily, God is all-knowing and wise!

12* Half of your wives’ inheritance belongs to you if they are childless, but if they have a child, then your share is one-fourth after the payment of all obligations and debts.

If you do not have a child, [your wives’] share of inheritance is one-fourth.

If you have a child, their share is one-eighth after the payment of all obligations and debts.

If the man or the woman who leaves an inheritance has neither parents nor children and if he [or she] has a brother or sister, then the share of each of them is one-sixth.

But if there are more [of them], then they share one-third after the payment of any obligations and debts. This is to avoid causing loss to [anyone].

Such is God’s decree —

indeed, God is all-knowing and full of love!

13.   Such are the limits of God.

He will usher into the Gardens under which the rivers flow those who obey God and His Messenger to abide [there] for ever.

This will be a great success!

14.   But those who disobey God and His Messenger and transgress His limits

will be ushered into the Fire to abide [there] for ever.

This will be a degrading punishment!

15* If your women have committed indecency, call four witnesses from your midst.

If they confirm it, confine them to houses till they die, or till God opens for them [another] way.

16.   If two men among you are guilty of it, punish them both,

but let them go if they repent and mend their ways. Verily, God is relenting and merciful!

17.     God accepts the repentance of those

who did evil out of ignorance and then quickly repented. God relents towards them —

indeed, God is all-knowing and wise!

18.   Repentance is not accepted from someone who continues to commit evil

and says only in the face of death: “Now, I repent,”

or from someone who died in disbelief.

We have prepared for them a painful punishment.

19.     O you who have believed!

It is unlawful for you to inherit women against their will.

If they are innocent of obvious indecency, do not force them to return to you

even a part of what you have given to them.

Treat them according to custom.

If you hate them, then think

that God could have put much good in something you hate.

20* If you wish to replace one wife by another one, do not take back even a bit

of what you have given [to the first one], even if it is a qintar [of gold].

Would you like to take it back

by lying and doing a manifest wrong?

21.   How can you take it back after you came into each other, and gave a solemn pledge?

22.   Do not marry women your fathers have been married to. But what has passed, has passed.

Verily, it is indecent and repulsive — evil is that way!

23.   Forbidden to you are your mothers, daughters, sisters; your paternal and maternal aunts;

your brothers’ and sisters’ daughters;

your suckling nurses, your sisters in suckling;

the mothers of your wives;

the stepdaughters under your guardianship from the wives you have been intimate with;

and if you have not been intimate with them, then, you are not to be blamed.

Forbidden to you are the wives of your natural sons and two sisters at the same time.

But what has passed, has passed.

Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

24* [Are also forbidden] married women, except your slaves. Such is God’s decree!

[Other women] are allowed to you on condition that you will seek them by your means, decently, and without lust.

If you have relations with them, give them the compensation agreed upon. You will not to be blamed if, after making a promise, you change your promise by mutual consent. Verily, God is all-knowing and wise!

25* If any one of you does not have the means to marry free believing women, he may [marry] your believing slaves. God is well aware of your faith — indeed, you are all from one another. Marry them with their masters’ permission and give them their compensation according to custom. Let them be chaste, not lustful, and let them abstain from lovers.

If they commit indecency after marriage, they shall get half the punishment given to free women. This is for those of you who are afraid of sin;

but it is better for you to abstain. God is forgiving and merciful!

26* God wants to give you clear instructions to guide you in the customs of those who lived before you and to forgive you. God is all-knowing and wise!

27.    God wants to forgive you,

but those who follow their passions want to lead you far away.

28.   God wishes to make it easy for you, [indeed], man has been created weak!

29* O you who have believed!

Do not consume each other’s property unjustly, but engage in trade in a mutually profitable way. Do not destroy yourselves — verily, God is merciful to you.

30.   And those who do it out of hostility and injustice, We will soon cast them into the Fire —

easy it is for God!

31.    If you avoid the most hateful transgressions

that have been forbidden to you, then We will free you of evil and lead you through the Gate of honor.

32.   And do not covet what God has bestowed upon some of you more than upon the others. Men shall receive according to their deeds,

and women shall receive according to their deeds, so ask God for His favors!

Verily, God knows about all things!

33* For everyone We have designated heirs

to what is left by parents and near relatives.

Give their share to those

with whom you are tied by a sworn pledge.

Verily, God is witness to all things!

34* Men keep women in their care

because God gave an advantage to some over the others and because they support them out of their means.

Upright women are obedient to God

and they guard the concealed that God protects.

As to those whose loyalty you doubt, admonish them, avoid them in bed, and beat them; but do not get at them if they start obeying you. Verily, God is sublime and great!

35* If you fear a breach between two [spouses], appoint referees —

one from his family and one from her family.

God will bring them back together if they want to be reconciled.

Verily, God is all-knowing and well-informed!

36* Worship God and do not associate any partners with Him.

Be kind to [your] parents and relatives, to orphans and the needy, to neighbors, related or unrelated to you, to a close friend, to the traveler, and to your slaves.

Verily, God does not love the arrogant and the haughty, 37. the stingy ones who urge the others to stinginess,

and those who conceal the favors bestowed upon them by God.

We have prepared a shameful punishment for disbelievers 38* and those who spend of their wealth to show off before men,

but have no faith in God and the Last Day, and for those who befriend Satan, what a bad friend he is!

39.   Why do they refuse to believe in God and the Last Day and to contribute of what God has provided them with? God knows everything about them —

40*God would not wrong anyone a bit.

And to the one who does goodness, He will double it and will give a great reward from Himself.

41.   What if We bring forth a witness from each community and bring you, [o Muhammad!], as a witness against them?

42.      On that Day, those who disbelieved

and disobeyed the Messenger

will wish to be leveled to the earth.

They cannot hide anything from God!

43.      O you who have believed!

Do not start praying when you are intoxicated and do not understand what you say;

or when you are polluted

and have not washed your whole body.

But if you are ailing or undertaking a journey, or if you have relieved yourselves, or if you have touched women and cannot find water, then wash yourselves with clean soil, rubbing your faces and hands with it.

Verily, God is relenting and forgiving!

44*Have you not seen those

who were given a part of the Scripture?

They are trading in error and want you to lose the way.

45.     But God knows your enemies well.

Sufficient is God as a Protector, sufficient is God as a Helper!

46*There are some among the Jews who transpose words and say: “We hear and disobey!”

“Hear the unhearable!” “Look at us!”

They revile religion by twisting their tongues!

It would be better and more becoming for them to say: “We hear and obey!” “Listen!” “Take care of us!” God has cursed them for their disbelief — indeed, only a few of them have faith.

47.     O you, who have received the Scripture!

Believe in what has been sent down by Us as a confirmation of what you possess before We disfigure your faces

by twisting them backwards; before We curse you, as We used to curse the violators of the Sabbath!

God’s Design shall be ever fulfilled!

48.   God may forgive anything He pleases to anyone He pleases, but He will not forgive association to Him.

An Associator to God is guilty of a great sin!

49.      Have you seen anyone who purified himself [of sin]?

No! Only God purifies anyone He pleases, and no one shall be wronged by the skin of a date stone.

50.   See, how they invent lies against God — indeed, this is a manifest sin!

51* Have you not seen those

who received a part of the Scripture?

They believe in witchcraft and idols and say to the disbelievers that they are better guided than the believers.

52.   God has cursed them, and for those who have been cursed by God, you shall not find any helper.

53.     Even if they had a share in power,

they would not give a man even the skin of a date stone. 54*Or do they envy people

for what God has bestowed upon them of His favors?

We have given the Scripture and Wisdom to the descendents of Abraham,

We have endowed them with a great power!

55* Some of them have believed in [God], others turned away from Him.

Is there not enough Fire burning in Hell?

56.   Soon We will cast in the Fire those who rejected Our Signs. As their skin burns through, We will be replacing it with fresh skin to give them a full taste of punishment. Verily, God is mighty and wise!

57* We will soon admit into the Gardens under which the rivers flow

those who have believed and have done good works, to abide in them with their pure spouses for ever. We shall lead them into the shadiest shade!

58.   God commands you to return to their owners whatever they have entrusted to you.

Be just when you judge between people. Verily, excellent is what God teaches you! Verily, God is hearing and seeing!

59.    O you who have believed!

Obey God and obey the Messenger and those among you who are in command.

If you disagree among yourselves about something and if you believe in God and the Last Day, then refer the matter to God and the Messenger — such a resolution is the best and the most fitting!

60.   Have you not seen those who profess their belief in what has been sent down to you and before you, and yet prefer to seek the judgment of idols,

even though they were commanded to disavow them — Satan leads them far astray!

V. 61-104: see S.4 (II), p. 482.

105*We have sent down to you the Scripture with the Truth to let you judge between the people as instructed by God. Do not intercede in behalf of the traitors,

106.    but ask for God’s forgiveness.

Verily, God is all-forgiving and merciful!

107. Do not intercede for those who betray their souls! Verily, God does not love the traitors and the sinners.

108. They can hide from people, but they cannot hide from God! He is among them when they hold the nightly palavers that He does not condone —

indeed, God encompasses everything they do.

109. You may intercede for them in this life, but who will intercede for them before God

on Resurrection Day? Who will be their trustee?

110. Whoever does evil or wrongs his soul and then asks for God’s forgiveness,

will find that God is forgiving and merciful.

111. But whoever accumulates sins is hurting himself — indeed, God is knowing and wise!

112.     Whoever commits an error or a sin

and then blames it on an innocent person, is guilty of slander and brazen sin.

113. — [O Muhammed!] Had it not been for the favors of God to you and His mercy, a band of them would have surely conspired to lead you astray.

But they cannot injure you in the least without leading astray their own souls.

God has sent down to you the Scripture and the Wisdom and taught you what you did not know.

Indeed, great is God’s Grace for you!

114. There is nothing good in many of their secret palavers. If any one of them urges to alms-giving,

to honorable conduct, or to peace between men,

and does it to please God,

We will give him soon a great reward.

115. But whoever, after receiving the clear Guidance, repudiates the Messenger

and strays from the way of the believers,

We will abandon him astray on the path he has chosen and burn him in Hell. Evil will be this outcome!

116. Verily, God does not forgive associating with Him, but He forgives other offenses to anyone He wills. Whoever associates with God is far astray in error.

117.     Whom do they call to besides Him? —

Some female [idols] or Satan, the rebel

118.     cursed by God, who said:

“I’ll surely take some of your servants for myself,

119*I’ll surely lead them astray and fill them with lust.

I’ll inspire them to slit the ears of cattle and thus to tamper with God’s creation!”

Whoever takes Satan as protector instead of God, will surely suffer a manifest loss.

120.Satan makes them promises and fills them with passions, but his promises are mere delusions.

121.    Their abode shall be Hell

from which they will not find a way to escape.

122.But those who have believed and did good, We shall soon admit into the Gardens

under which the rivers flow to abide in them for ever.

God’s promise is true, and are there words more truthful than God’s?

123.     Your wishes shall not come true

like the wishes of the People of the Scripture. Whoever does evil shall receive the same in return, and he shall not find any protector or helper besides God.

124.But men and women who do good and believe, shall enter Paradise and shall not be wronged by the skin of a date stone!

125.     Who is better in religion than the one

who fully surrenders to God, does good works, and follows the creed of Abraham, the Hanif?

Indeed, God had taken Abraham for a friend.

126.[Everything] in Heavens and earth belongs to God, and God encompasses all things.

127*They ask you to make a pronouncement about women.


“God gives you a pronouncement about them in the Book and instructs you about the female orphans

whom you wish to marry, but to whom you don’t give the prescribed compensation;

and also about defenseless children.

This is to make you treat the orphans equitably.

The moment you do something good, verily, God is already aware of it!”

128.If a woman fears duress or abandonment on the part of her husband, there shall be no blame upon both of them if they reach a settlement.

A settlement is the best thing!

Greed lives in everyone’s soul, but if you do good deeds and fear God... God is well aware of your deeds!

129*You would never be equally just to all [your] wives, even if you eagerly wanted to be!

But do not abandon [any of them] completely, leaving her without support.

If you reach a settlement and fear God, then, verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

130.But if the two separate, God will enrich them both out of His abundance, for God is limitless and wise!

131.    To God belongs everything in Heavens and earth!

We have guided those who received the Scripture before you

as well as yourselves to make you fear God.

If you deny God, verily,

everything in Heavens and earth [still] belongs to God.

God is rich and praiseworthy!

132.    Indeed, everything in Heavens and on earth belongs to God,

and God is sufficient as a Protector.

133.    O people!

If such is His will, He would remove you

and replace you by others —

indeed, this is in the power of God!

134.     And if someone desires the reward in this world,

surely, the reward is with God

in this world and in the Hereafter.

God is all-hearing and all-seeing!

V. 1: “Who created you from a single soul.” The modernistic interpretation “who created you from a single cell” (AA) is hardly suitable in the Koran.

V. 3: New rules concerning marriage were needed because of the large number of ruined families and orphans during the wars and migrations, especially after Uhud (3 H). Marrying off orphan girls was a social need. The slaves are “those held in your right hands.”

V. 4: Dowers or dowries are a compensation paid by men to their brides (S.2:236). In those times women did not pay dowries to their husbands, as usual in modern cultures, the Muslim ones included, but the husbands “bought” wives for the dowries they paid.

V. 11: “You do not know which are more useful to you: your parents or your children.” There is a variant: “you do not know to whom your inheritance will be more useful, to your parents or to your children.”

V. 12: It could have been followed by v.176 (S.4,II p. 605).

V. 15: The ruling may apply to lesbians.

V. 20: A qintar — a hundred pounds.

V. 24: This verse does not condone adultery. Simply, during religious wars all previous civil ties between the captives, including marriage, were void.

V. 25: “Free” women, lit., women “under somebody’s care,” i.e., belonging to a reputable family or living with it.

”You are all from one another,” or “you are [all] one nation,” is an emphatic renouncement of ethnic or racial prejudice.

V. 26: Muslims believe that the oral Revelations to the Prophets and the three written Scriptures, the Bible, the Evangel, and the Koran form together one Reminder, one Truth, obvious to those who possess Knowledge. Therefore, to deny the Koran is to deny the whole Prophetic tradition and with it the belief in one God.

Islam does not exclude from Heaven those who led exemplary lives without ever hearing about the Koran. In contrast, Christians hold that baptism is a necessary condition to be saved. Muslims think that even though Truth is absolute, it can be reached in many ways. Therefore, there is no need for destroying foreign cultures and religions and desecrating their monuments. All monuments are valuable because God has allowed their creation and has let them stand for ages. Even the heathen idols can be spared because they cannot hurt the established religions. More hurtful for Islam are the c ults and movements like the Taliban in Afghanistan, con­trived by fanatics bent on destroying Hindu temples, churches and synagogues. Equally repre­hensible are the Christian extremists who have destroyed objects of art in ancient Egypt and in America.

V. 29: “Do not destroy yourselves” may be a warning against suicide or spiritual suicide, or homicide in general.

V. 33: A sworn pledge might refer to obligations in marriage, as well as to family and social relationships.

V. 34: “They guard the concealed that God protects,” i.e., the couple’s reputation.

“Beat them.” Some critics of Islam see in this verse a licence for husbands to violate the human rights of their wives. Muslim scholars argue that beating of wives is made unnecessary by the call in the next verse for a family arbitration in marital disputes (cf. vv.125-129).

V. 35: According to Islamic jurisprudence, the judge must be a man with Knowledge, a 'alim, and not necessary a theologian. He must base his decisions on the three disciplines: idjma' (common law), qias (comparative law) and idjtihad (use of reason).

V. 36: “The traveler” or “the follower of the [right] way.”

V. 38: “Who takes Satan as a friend.” This companion is the double of the opposite sex, the qarin or qarina (S.49:25).

V. 40: All sins may be forgiven, except association to God.

V. 44: Those who have received a part of the Scripture are the Jews and the Christians.

V. 46: Obviously, one cannot convey in English the word-play based on the mispronunci­ation of Arabic and Hebrew words.

In several verses of this sura God “curses” the disbelievers. By this strong expression the Koran means that God rejects the sinners for rejecting Him.

V. 51: “They believe in sorcery and idols,” lit., “in Jibt and Taghut. The latter are the names of two idols (S.2:256).

S.113 deals with sorcery (blowing on knots while pronouncing some imprecations), but it must be understood on the spiritual level: the knots are the evil acts that disrupt the peace of the soul, and the women who blow on the knots are the human passions that cause the dis­ruption.

V. 54: The people who have received the favors of God are the Muslims, the rightful descendants of Abraham.

Vv. 55f: An admonition to the Jews.

V. 57: “The pure spouses,” as in S.2:25.

V. 105: About a case in which the Prophet acquitted a Jew unjustly accused by a Muslim.

V. 119: Cutting the ears of consecrated animals was a pagan custom, and so was the muti­lation of slaves. The Muslims believe that it is sinful to alter God’s creatures. One can see in this attitude a call to respect the environment.

V. 127: A clarification of the treatment due to women and children who are deprived of family support.

V. 129: The first sentence of this verse is considered to be a justification of monogamy.

Sura 22 The Pilgrimage. S. 22is complex, combining Warning, Sign, and Say passages with references to food (vv. 30-37), animal sacrifices (vv. 36-37), prayer (v.35), contributions (vv. 41, 78), pilgrimage (vv. 27-33), rites (vv. 34, 67), the possibility of changes in the Koran (vv. 52-55), retaliation (v.60), sedition (vv. 3-4,11-13,19-25), attitude towardJews and Christians (vv. 17,19, 67-70), and Holy War (vv. 39-40, 58).

S.22 is not only complicated in content, it is also “mixed”: some of its verses are early Meccan and others — late Medinan.

22.      T H E P I L G R I M A G E
Medinan, 78 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     O people! Fear your Lord!

Verily, the commotion of the [Last] Hour shall be a mighty event!

2.      On the Day when you see it,

every breast-feeding woman shall forget whom she feeds

and every pregnant woman shall drop her burden.

You shall see people acting drunk without being drunk,

[you shall see] how strong is God’s wrath.

3* There are people who argue about God without knowledge.

They follow every rebellious Satan

4.     about whom it is written that if anyone befriends him, he will make him lose the way

and will lead him to the punishment by the Fire.

5.      O people!

You doubt the Resurrection, but We have created

you first from dust, then from a seed drop,

then from a blood clot, and then from a piece

of partly formed and partly formless flesh

to make [Our power] manifest to you!

We keep in the wombs what We will for a set time,

then We bring you forth as infants

and let you grow to maturity.

Some of you will die [young],

and some will approach the feeble age

when man forgets all he had known before.

You see how barren the earth can be,

but as soon as We pour water upon it, it stirs and swells, and produces all kinds of handsome pairs.

6.      This is because God is the Truth.

He revives the dead and has power over all things.

7.     There is no doubt that the Hour is near, and that, verily, God will raise

those who inhabit the graves.

8.     Some people argue about God without Knowledge or Guidance, or an enlightening Scripture.

9.     Disdainfully turning away,

they lead astray from the way of God. Shame on them in this life!

On Resurrection Day We will make them taste the punishment of the Fire:

10.  — This is for you, for what your hands have sent forth! Verily, God will not be unjust to His servants.

11* Among those who serve God there are people who waver. When something good comes their way, they are elated, but as soon as they are put to test, they turn their faces away.

Thus they waste both this life and the Hereafter — this is an obvious loss.

12.  They call on something besides God that can neither harm nor benefit them: this is how far they have gone astray!

13.  They worship someone who harms more than assists, who is a bad protector and a bad companion.

14.  Verily, God will admit into the Gardens under which the rivers flow

those who have believed and done good works.

Verily, God does what He wills!

15* And if someone thinks that God will not help [the Prophet] in this life and in the Hereafter,

let him stretch a rope to the sky and then cut it off, and see if his trick abates whatever enrages [him].

16. We have sent down [the Koran] in clear Verses. Verily, God guides anyone He wills.

17* On Resurrection Day God will judge between the believers and the Jews, Sabeians, Christians, Magi, and Associators. Verily, God is witness to all things!

18.  Do you not see that everything in Heavens and earth bows down in worship before God: the sun, the moon, the stars, the hills, the trees,

the beasts, and a multitude of people.

Yet many of them deserve to be punished.

Whoever God has abased will never raise in dignity. Verily, God does whatever He pleases!

19.  Two opposing parties argue about their Lord. Garments of Fire shall be cut for the disbelievers, and their heads shall be doused with boiling water

20.     that will melt their innards and skins.

21* Iron maces for them!

22. Each time they try to get away from suffering, they shall be returned into it:

— Taste the punishment by the Fire!

23.   Verily, God will admit into the Gardens under which the rivers flow

those who have believed and have done good works. They shall be adorned therein with golden bracelets and pearls, and garments of silk.

24.   Indeed, they have been guided to the good Word, they have been guided to the path of the Praiseworthy!

25* But those who disbelieved and turned [others]

away from the path of God and from the Sacred Mosque, which We have opened to all people — the local residents and the nomads as well, — and those who defile it and do evil in it, We will make them taste a painful punishment.

26* We gave Abraham the site of the [Sacred] House, saying to him:

— Do not associate anything with Me and sanctify My House for those who walk around it, stand in it, bow, and prostrate themselves.

27. Announce the pilgrimage to the people.

Let they come to you on foot or on lean [camels] emerging from every deep mountain gap 28* to witness the favors that they have been granted, to invoke on certain days the name of God over the cattle He gave them, and then to eat it and feed the unfortunate poor. 29*Then let them spruce themselves up, complete their vows, and walk around the Ancient House.

30.    Let it be so!

Indeed, whoever respects the rites of God is commendable in his Lord’s sight!

[During pilgrimage] you are allowed meat,

but not the one prohibited to you.

Avoid the pollution of idols and deceiving words.

31.   Be [like] Hanifs before God and do not associate to Him.

Whoever associates to God is like someone

who fell from the sky or was snatched by birds, or was blown by the wind to a remote place. 32* And so it is!

Respect for the rites of God truly comes from the devotion of the hearts.

33.   [Cattle] is useful to you till a certain time, and then their place is near the Ancient House.

34.   We have set up devotional rites for every community to let them pronounce the name of God

over the cattle that He has given them.

Your God is one God, so surrender to Him!

— And you, [o Muhammad!], announce the good news to the humble [people]

35.    whose hearts fill with awe at the mention of God.

They patiently bear their afflictions, observe the prayer, and contribute from what We have given to them.

36.    We have made for you sacrificial camels

for performing the rites of God and to be useful to you.

So pronounce the name of God over them when they are lined up for sacrifice.

And after they fall on their sides, eat their meat and feed those who beg with restraint and humility. This is how We have subjected [the cattle] to you — perhaps you will be grateful!

37.  Neither their flesh nor their blood will reach God — it is your devotion that will reach Him.

He has subjected them to you, so glorify God for His Guidance and announce the good news to those who do good!

38.  God will protect those who have believed, but verily, God does not love the traitors and those who have no faith.

39.  Those who are attacked are allowed [to fight back] — indeed, they have been treated unjustly!

Verily, God has the power to help those

40.  who have been unlawfully expelled from their houses only for their words:

“Our Lord is God.”

If God had not protected some people from the others, then monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, where the name of God is often pronounced, would have certainly been destroyed.

God will help those who help Him, for, verily, God is powerful and all-mighty!

41.  Indeed, they belong to those who, when We settle them in the land, observe the prayer, pay the zakat, urge to the reputable, and forbid evil. In God is the conclusion of [all] affairs!

42.  — And if they reject you, [o Muhammad!], others have been rejected before

by the peoples of Noah, ’Ad, and Thamood,

43.     by the people of Abraham, the people of Lot,

44.     and the dwellers of Madyan.

Moses had been rejected [too].

I gave a respite to the disbelievers

and then I seized them — so great was My indignation!

45.   How many towns have We have turned upside down in the midst of their wrong-doing!

We destroyed them to their foundations

[together] with many wells and mighty castles.

46.   Why do their hearts fail to understand and their ears fail to hear

when they travel in the land?

Insensitive are not their eyes, but the hearts in their chests.

47.   They ask you to hurry up with punishment, but God will not break His promise.

Verily, one Day with your Lord

is like a thousand years by your reckoning.

48.      And how many towns have I respited

in the midst of their wrong-doing!

Then I seized them — indeed, to Me is the return!

49.      Say:

“O people! I’m your clear Warner!”

50.   For those who have believed and have done good works, there will be forgiveness and a generous provision.

51.   But those who try to belittle our Verses shall be the inmates of the blazing Fire.

52* And before you, when We sent a Messenger or a Prophet with the intent of bringing a revelation, Satan threw [something of his own] into his intent.

But God canceled whatever Satan threw in

and confirmed His Verses — indeed, God is knowing and wise!

53.     Of the suggestions thrown in by Satan,

[God] makes a test for those whose hearts are diseased, whose hearts are hardened.

Verily, the wrong-doers are deeply alienated!

54.      Let those who have been given Knowledge

realize that [the Koran] is the Truth from your Lord.

Let them believe in Him, and let their hearts open to Him. Verily, God guides the believers to the straight path.

55.      The disbelievers shall continue to doubt

until the Hour suddenly comes upon them,

and they are hit by the punishment of Devastation Day.

56.   On that Day all power shall be with God, and He will judge between them. For those who believed and did good works — the Gardens of Bliss,

57.      and for those who disbelieved

and rejected Our Signs — a humiliating punishment.

58.   God will surely give a good provision to those who have been exiled in the cause of God and then were killed or died.

Verily, God is the best of providers!

59.   Verily, He will lead them to the entrance that will be to their liking.

Verily, God is all-knowing and forbearing!

60.     And if someone retaliates in kind,

and then is treated harshly, God will surely help him. Verily, God is exonerating and ever-forgiving!

61.   God merges the night with the day and merges the day with the night. Verily, God is hearing and observing!

62.   God is the Truth, and what they are calling to besides Him is falsehood!

Verily, God is the Lofty, the Great.

63.   Do you not see how the earth turns green when God pours water from the sky?

Verily, God is gracious and well informed!

64.   Everything in Heavens and earth belongs to Him. Verily, God is the Wealthy, the Praiseworthy.

65.   Do you not see that God has subjected to you everything on earth, including the ships that sail in the sea by His command?

He supports the sky to keep it from falling upon the earth without His permission.

Verily, God is kind and merciful to man!

66.     He is the One, Who gave you life,

Who will cause you to die, and Who will bring you back to life. But verily, how ungrateful is man!

67.   We have established for each nation the rites they ought to observe.

Do not let anyone argue with you about them, but call to your Lord.

Verily, you are on the right path!

68.     And if they argue with you, say:

“God knows best everything you do,

69.   and God will judge your differences on Resurrection Day.”

70.   Do you not know that God is aware of everything in Heaven and earth?

Indeed, everything is in the Book — verily, this is simple for God!

71.     Besides God they worship [idols]

for which they have not received any authority, and about which they have no knowledge.

The sinners shall not have any helper!

72.   When Our clear Proofs are recited to the disbelievers, you see in their faces that they reject them!

They are even ready to assault those who recite Our Verses.


“Shall I announce to you something worse?

Worse is the Fire that God has promised to the disbelievers.

What a bad outcome it will be!”

73.     O people! Listen to this example:

the ones you are calling to besides God

are not able to create a fly, even if they joined forces, or even to retrieve what a fly has snatched from them, Weak is the petitioner, and weak is the petitioned one.

74.     They do not value God at His true value.

Verily, God is strong and powerful!

75.     God chooses Messengers from among the Angels and men.

Verily, God is hearing and observing!

76. He knows what was before them and what will be after them.

All matters return to God.

77.     O you who have believed!

Bow, prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord!

And do good works — perhaps you will succeed!

78* Fight in His cause an honorable fight.

He chose you and gave you a burden-free religion.

Such was the faith of your father Abraham.

Now, as before, [God] is calling you Muslims.

His Messenger is your witness,

and you are witnesses for the people.

So observe the prayer, pay the zakat,

and hold onto God, your Protector.

What an excellent Protector,

what an excellent Helper He is!

V. 3: Against an enemy of the Prophet, Abu Jahl (cf. v.9).

V. 11: “On the edge,” lit., “on a blade.”

V. 15: This verse can be understood in different ways: 1) is “him” the Prophet or the rep­robate? 2) the sama' might be the sky or “the ceiling”; 3) was h e cut off, or the rope?

“Let him stretch a rope to the ceiling, then let him cut [it] off (MHS),

“Let him hook a rope onto the sky and strangle himself” (GSS).

The rope stretched to the sky is a common trick among Persian magicians and Indian fakirs.

V. 17: With those whom God will judge are listed the Magi and the Associators. According to the Koran, even the pagans are to appear before Him if they are sincere in their faith.

V. 21: “Iron maces,” or shepherd’s staffs or hooks.

V. 25: The nomads are the Bedouins of S.49:14-17.

V. 26: Abraham’s site is beside the Ka’ba in Mecca (S.2:125).

V. 27: “Pilgrimage” is hajj in Arabic.

V. 28: The fixed days — the first ten days of the month of pilgrimage (Dhul-hajj). Among the favors are the receipts of licit trade the pilgrims might be engaged in.

V. 29: Pilgrims are expected to shave, clip their nails, and keep their bodies clean.

V. 32: The marked cattle: the animals kept for sacrifices.

V. 52f: God can correct the Koranic Verses to replace those which were inspired by Satan (S.13:39).

V. 78: “A burden-free religion” — in opposition to Christianity, Islam does not demand humility and retreat from life, and redemption from an original sin for which man is not responsible.

Sura 65 Divorce. This short sura, aimed through the Prophet at the whole community, completes in its first six verses the legislation of divorce that was promul­gated in S.2.

65.      D I V O R C E

Medinan, 12 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* O Prophet! When you divorce women, divorce them during the term prescribed for them and compute the prescribed time correctly. Fear God, your Lord, and do not expel them from their houses. They themselves should not leave either, unless they are guilty of flagrant indecency. Such are the limits of God, and whoever transgresses the limits of God does wrong to his soul. Perhaps God will give this matter a new turn!

2.      When they reach their term,

retain them equitably or part with them equitably.

Call two just [people] from your midst as witnesses

and testify before God.

This Admonition is for anyone

who believes in God and the Last Day.

God will find a way out for the one who fears God,

3.      and provide for him from unexpected sources.

God is sufficient for any one who trusts Him.

Verily, God will fulfill His purpose.

Verily, everything has a measure with God!

4* If you have any doubts,

the prescribed term is three months

for those of your women who have stopped expecting menses, and also for those who have not had their menses yet.

For pregnant women, their term is at delivery.

God will make his commands easy for the God-fearing.

5.      Such is God’s Design,

which He has sent down to you.

He will free the God-fearing of evil and will increase his reward.

6.     Lodge [women during the waiting period] where you live and according to your means. Do not harass them to make their life difficult;

if they are pregnant, spend on them until they deliver. If they are breast-feeding your [child], pay them their dues and consult with them in good faith. If you disagree, [leave] breast-feeding to another woman.

7.     Let a man of means spend from his wealth

and let a man in want spend from what God has given him. God will not burden any soul

with more than what He has assigned to her; indeed, soon after hardship God brings you relief.

8.     How many towns have rebelled against the commands of their Lord and His Messengers!

We called them to strict account and inflicted upon them a severe punishment.

9.     They tasted the evil of their deeds, and their deeds led them to losses.

10.    God has prepared a harsh punishment for them!

O people with sense and faith, fear God! Indeed, God has sent down to you a Reminder

11.   and a Messenger who recites to you the clear Verses of God to bring those who believed and did good works

out of darkness into the light.

And those who believed in God and did good works, He will admit into the Gardens

under which the rivers flow to abide in them for ever.

What an excellent provision God bestows upon them!

12* God is the One, Who has created seven heavens and the earth in the same number!

His commands descend between them

to let you know that God has power over everything, and that God’s Knowledge encompasses all things.

V. 1: The words “God will give this matter a new turn” open the possibility for reconciliation.

V. 4: “Those who did not have their menses yet” — in those days, some girls were given in marriage at a very young age.

V. 12: Seven is a mystical number. The seven skies are the seven levels of spiritual growth corresponding to the seven planets known in those times. The seven earths are the levels of righteousness, corresponding to the implied geological strata of the earth.

Sura 66 Prohibition. A short sura defending the Prophet from slander. One of his wives, Hafsa, saw him with his Coptic consort, Mariam, and reported it to another wife, 'A'isha. Hence, the lesson: women should not bother their husbands with jealousy and petty squabbles.

66.      P R O H I B I T I O N

Medinan, 12 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* O Prophet!

Why, in order to please your wives,

do you deprive yourself

of what God has made lawful for you?

God is forgiving and merciful!

2* God has made it lawful for you all to dissolve your oaths.

God is your Protector —

He is the Knowing, the Wise.

3* After the Prophet told a secret

to one of his wives,

she reported it [to another one], and God made him aware of that.

He told her a part of it

and kept silent about the rest.

When he disclosed it to her, she said:

“Who told you that?”

He said:

“The Knowing, the Well-Informed.”

4* If you both repent before God, then your hearts are inclined to it, but if you conspire against [your husband], then, verily, God is his Protector

and Gabriel, and the upright among the believers, and the Angels will all lend him their support!

5* If he divorces you,

his Lord will replace you by better wives — widows and virgins who submitted themselves to God, who believe and are devout, who repent and worship God, who go on pilgrimage and keep the fasts.

6.      O you who have believed!

Save yourselves and your families from the Fire, which will be fueled by men and rocks!

It is controlled by tough and powerful Angels. who are committed to enforcing God’s orders and to acting as commanded. [They will say:]

7.      “O you who haven’t believed!

Don’t make excuses on this Day!

Verily, you shall be punished for what you have done!”

8* O you who have believed!

Repent to God sincerely

and hope that God will absolve you

from your sins and usher you into the Gardens

under which the rivers flow.

On that Day God will not allow to humiliate the Prophet

and those who believe with him.

Light shall shine forward from them

and from their right hands. They will say:

“O our Lord!

Bring our Light to perfection and forgive us!

Verily, You have power over all things!”

9* O Prophet!

Fight the disbelievers and the Hypocrites

and be tough with them!

Their dwelling shall be Hell — what an awful outcome!

10* God gave to the disbelievers the examples

of the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot.

Both were married to two of Our upright servants

and both betrayed them.

Nothing could help them with God and they were told:

— Enter the Fire with those who enter [it]!

11* God gave to the believers the example

of Pharaoh’s wife, who said:

“O my Lord! Build me a house near You in Paradise

and deliver me from Pharaoh and his deeds,

deliver me from the people who do wrong!”

12* And Mary, the daughter of ’Imran, who kept herself chaste...

We breathed into her from Our Spirit,

and she believed in the Words of her Lord

and in His Scriptures.

She was one of those who feared God.

V. 1: The Prophet Muhammad had nine wives. Of these, the daughter of Abu Bakr, ’Aisha, and the daughter of ’Omar, Hafza, were literate. He also had several concubines: one of them, Raihana, was a former slave and the other, Mary or Mariam, was Christian. His two boys (by Hadidja) died in infancy.

Details about the personal life of the Prophet may seem to be out of place in the Koran. However, they are in the spirit of the Holy Book because they are a pretext for a practical lesson about family ties and responsibilities that still ought to be upheld in modern society.

V. 2: An oath may be void if it interferes with righteousness or if it concerns a trivial matter (cf. S.5:91).

V. 3: The principle is more important than the details of the gossip about which the Prophet kept silent. The sura teaches that domestic problems should be resolved with love and tact.

V. 4: It is not enough to believe: man must also earn his righteousness by his own deeds (S.7:147).

V. 5: “Who go on pilgrimage” or “who travel.”

V. 8: For the mystic interpretation of Light, see S.24:35f.

V. 10: There is nothing in the Bible about the wife of Noah being unfaithful to her husband.

V. 11: The reference should be to the daughter of Pharaoh and not to his wife.

V. 12: Mary, daughter of ’Imran, is Jesus’s mother. “We breathed into her from Our Spirit” or “We breathed into her [body] from Our Spirit”

The whole sura deals with good breeding, courtesy, politeness, [adab], which are con­sidered serious matters in Islam. “Adab” covers dignified behavior, respecting clansmen and for­eigners, granting asylum, visiting the sick and avoiding rough language.

Good manners are the object of an elaborate code of ethics that also covers respect for one’s body. This code prescribes cleanliness and teaches to have more respect for the right side of the body than for the left side: thus, the right hand is for eating, writing, and greeting, and the left hand is for less dignified actions. Politeness requires that a meal or at least coffee be offered to a visitor and that he be allowed to relax and feel himself at home before starting a business conversation. Tidiness, modesty, and composure require that women dress conservatively and cover their hair with shawls. Country women wear long black attire and veils covering their faces when they go outside their property or their fields. Such customs are part of the social culture of Muslim people.

Sura 24 The Light. S.24 owes its name to a remarkable mystical passage, “God is the light of the Heavens and the earth...” (vv. 35'44).

The other topics of the sura are:proper conduct (vv. 21'22, 26'33, 58'63), respect for the Prophet (vv. 58'59, 62'63), prayer (v.56), support of the destitute (vv. 22, 61), obe' dience to God (vv. 47'54), sedition and slander (vv. 11'20, 23'25, 47'52), marriage (vv. 26, 32'33), and adultery (vv. 2'10, 26).

24.      T H E L I G H T
Medinan, 64 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1. We have descended this sura and made it a law.

We have descended it in clear Verses — perhaps you will remember!

2* Flog an adulterer and an adulteress a hundred lashes.

If you believe in God and the Last Day,

do not let pity prevent you

from carrying out God’s prescription.

And let some believers witness their punishment.

3* An adulterer is allowed to marry

only an adulteress or an Associator.

And an adulteress is allowed to marry

only an adulterer or an Associator.

This is forbidden to believers.

4.     Flog eighty lashes those who accuse decent women without producing four witnesses,

and do not accept their testimony ever again — indeed, they are reprobates,

5.     except those who repent and mend their ways. Verily, God is all-forgiving and merciful!

6.     Whoever accuses his wives

and cannot produce any witness other than himself, must call God to witness four times that he is telling the truth.

7.     And the fifth time he will call upon himself the curse of God if he is telling a lie.

8.     Punishment shall be withheld from [the wife]

if she calls God to witness four times that he is a liar.

9.     The fifth time she will call on herself

the wrath of God if he is telling the truth.

10.   If it were not for the Grace of God to you and His mercy... but, verily, God is relentful and wise!

11* Verily, those who slander you are from your midst!

Do not think that it can harm you — on the contrary, it is to your advantage. Indeed, each of [the slanderers] will get what he deserved for this sin, and the one who assumed the greater part of it shall receive a mighty punishment.

12.     When you heard about it, how is it that you,

believing men and women, did not think of goodness and say: “This is an obvious slander!”

13.   And why have they not produced four witnesses? Indeed, if they have not produced witnesses, then they are liars before God.

14.   Had it not been for the favors of God towards you and His mercy in this world and the Hereafter,

a mighty punishment would have landed upon you for making [a false rumor] public.

15* You picked up on your tongues

and you said with your mouths what you did not know.

You think that it is a trifle, yet it is serious in the eyes of God.

16.     When you heard it, why did you not say:

“It isn’t proper for us to talk about that.

Glory to You! This is a monstrous slander!”

17.     God directs you to never do it again as long as you believe.

18.     God makes the Signs clear to you — God is knowing and wise!

19.   Verily, there is a painful punishment in this world and in the Hereafter

for those who spread gossip among the believers. God knows, and you do not know.

20*W ere it not for the favors of God and His mercy to you... God is kind-hearted and merciful!

21. O you who have believed!

Do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. Anyone who follows in his footsteps is urged by Satan to indecency and evil.

Were it not for the favors of God and His mercy to you, no one of you would have ever been pure.

God purifies anyone He wills —

God is hearing and all-knowing!

22* Let the virtuous and affluent ones among you cease swearing that they will not support their relatives, the poor, and the exiled in the way of God.

Let them forgive and forget!

Do you not want God to forgive you?

God is forgiving and merciful!

23* Let those who slander chaste and naive believing women be cursed in this world and in the Hereafter — a mighty punishment [is in store] for them!

24. On that Day their tongues, hands, and feet will testify against them for what they have done.

25* On that Day God will pay them back what they truly deserve, and they will understand that God is the manifest Truth.

26.   Wicked [women] are for wicked [men] and wicked [men] — for wicked [women]. Good [women] are for good [men]

and good [men] — for good [women]. The [good ones] are innocent of heresy — there is forgiveness and a generous provision for them.

27.     O you, who have believed!

Do not enter other people’s houses without permission and without wishing peace to their dwellers.

This is better for you — perhaps you will remember!

28.   If you see that no one is home, do not enter without permission.

If you are told to go away, go away — this will be more decent of you.

God is well aware of what you do!

29.     There will be no fault upon you

if for some reason you have entered deserted houses. God knows what you reveal and what you conceal.

30.   Tell believing men to keep their eyes downcast and to guard their private parts —

this is more decent of them.

Verily, God is well aware of all their deeds.

31* Tell believing women to keep their eyes downcast, to guard their private parts, and to avoid displaying their loveliness if it is not naturally exposed to the eyes.

Let them cover their cleavage with scarves and conceal their loveliness from everyone, except their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their female relatives, their slaves, male attendants who are free of desire, and children who do not notice female nakedness. And let them not stomp their feet in a way that reveals their hidden loveliness.

O believers!

Let you all turn to God — perhaps you will succeed!

32. Marry the single ones among you and the virtuous ones among your male and female slaves.

If they are poor, God will enrich them by His Grace. God is limitless and all-knowing!

33* Let those who do not have the means to marry restrain themselves until God enriches them by His Grace.

If some of your slaves ask you

for a writ granting them freedom, give them the writ if you know that there is some good in them,

and give them something of the means that God has given you. Do not force your girls into prostitution for material gain in this life if they wish to keep their chastity.

But if anyone compels them... Verily, after compulsion, God is forgiving and merciful!

34. We have sent down to you some Verses with an Admonition for the God-fearing. They explain everything by the examples of those who died before you.

35* God is the Light of the Heavens and earth. His Light is like a lamp in a niche.

The lamp is behind glass, which shines like a star, lit from a blessed olive tree

neither from the East nor the West.

Its oil lights up without being touched by fire.

Light upon Light! God guides to His Light anyone He wills.

God teaches people by examples — God is aware of all things. 36. [His Light] is in the houses built with God’s permission,

in which His Name is remembered,

and where He is glorified mornings and evenings

37* by men who are not distracted from remembering God either by bargain or trade, who observe the prayer and pay the zakat. They fear the Day when their hearts and sight will be transformed.

38.   God will reward them for the best of their deeds, and will give them even more of His Grace.

God provides without measure any one He wills.

39.   And the works of the disbelievers are like a mirage in the desert —

a thirsty man imagines it to be water, and when he approaches, he finds it to be nothing. But in himself he will find God, Who will demand his account — God is quick at accounting!

40.   Or they are like darkness in the deep ocean, where a wave overlays a wave with a cloud above, where darkness overlays darkness.

He stretches his hand out, but he barely sees it. He to whom God did not give any Light shall remain without Light!

41* Do you not see how everything in the Heavens and earth glorifies God? The birds do it by flapping their wings. Everyone knows one’s prayer and praise, and God knows well all their works.

42.   To God belongs the Dominion of the Heavens and earth, and to God is [our] return!

43.   Do you not see how God drives the clouds, then assembles them together,

piling them up on top of each other?

Do you not see how the rain seeps down between them? Then, down from the sky,

He sends mountains [of clouds] loaded with hail.

He strikes with them anyone He wills, or turns them away from anyone He wills. The flash of His lightning obscures the sight!

44.    God alternates the night and the day —

verily, there is a lesson in this for those who can see!

45*God has created all the beasts from water.

Some crawl on their bellies, some walk on two or four feet. God creates whatever He wills — verily, God has power over everything.

46.   We have sent down Verses pouring forth Light. God guides to the straight path anyone He wishes.

47* [The Hypocrites] say:

“We believe in God and the Messenger, and we obey!” Then some of them turn around — they are the disbelievers!

48.   When they are called to God and His Messenger to let him decide between them,

some of them turn away.

49.      If they were supporting the Truth,

they would have come to him in submission.

50.      What is in their hearts? Is it disease or doubt?

Or do they fear that God and His Messenger might treat them unjustly?

But no, they themselves are unjust!

51.      When the believers are called to God

and His Messenger to let him judge between them, they have just one answer:

“We hear and we obey!”

They are the ones who will succeed.

52.   They obey God and His Messenger, they fear God and are devout, they are the ones who will prevail!

53.   They swear their most solemn oath, by God, that the moment you command them, they will set forth [to fight].


“Stop swearing, but obey as you should.

Verily, God is well informed of everything you do!”

54.      Say:

“Obey God and obey the Messenger!

If you turn away, he’s responsible for his burden and you are responsible for your burden.

If you obey him, you’ll follow the right path.

The Messenger’s duty is only a clear transmission!”

55* God has promised to those

who believed and did good works that He will make them inherit the land, as He made their predecessors inherit it;

that He will establish the religion He chose for them, and that He will grant them security after they have been in fear:

— Let them serve Me

without associating anything with Me!

Those who disbelieve after that are reprobates.

56.   Observe the prayer, pay the zakat, and obey the Messenger. Then, perhaps you will be treated to mercy.

57.   Do not think that the disbelievers can change anything in the land.

Their abode will be Hellfire — what an evil outcome!

58.      O you who have believed!

Let your slaves and those who are under age ask your permission [to enter] three times a day: before the morning prayer, around noon when you divest yourself of your garments, and after the evening prayer — three times when you are undressed. There will be no fault upon anyone of you if you visit one another at other times. Thus God makes the Signs clear to you. God is all-knowing and wise!

59.   Let the children who have come of age ask your permission like adults. Thus God makes His Signs clear to you. God is all-knowing and wise!

60*There is no fault upon elderly women with no hope for marriage if they divest themselves of their garments without displaying their loveliness.

Modesty suits them best — God is hearing and knowing!

61* There is no fault upon the blind, the lame, the sick, and upon yourselves if you eat in your houses or in the houses of your fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, of your uncles, your aunts on both your father’s and mother’s side, as well as in the houses to which you have keys or at your friend’s [house]. There is no fault upon you if you eat with others or separately.

Upon entering a house, greet each other with a blessing and a kind salutation from God. Thus God makes the Signs clear to you — perhaps you will understand!

62.    The believers are those

who believe in God and His Messenger.

When you see him on official business, do not leave without his permission. Verily, those who ask for permission believe in God and His Messenger.

If they ask your permission to leave for personal business, give it to those you wish and ask God to forgive them. Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

63.   Do not address the Messenger in your gatherings in the same manner as you address one another.

God knows who of you hides and then slips away unseen. Those who disobey [the Prophet’s] orders, let them beware, lest some misfortune befalls them, or a painful punishment is meted upon them.

64.   Verily, everything in Heavens and earth belongs to God. He surely knows your intentions.

The Day they are brought back to Him, He will tell them what they have done. God is well aware of everything!

V. 2: The Koran doesn’t advocate the stoning of adulterers. Should she be flogged with a whip, a cane, or a bunch of grass?

V. 3: An “Associator,” i.e., a Christian or an Idolater.

Vv. 11f: After being lost in the desert, the Prophet’s wife 'Aisha was returned to camp by a soldier, provoking slanderous rumors about her virtue. “The one who assumed the greater part [of the sin],” was the main slanderer — the leader of the Hypocrites in Medina, 'Abdallah ibn Ubay.

V. 15: Events in the life of the Prophet and his community served to bolster human rights. The Koran is not an abstract discourse: it is based on real life in the Prophet’s time.

V. 20: The ellipsis emphasizes the threat of punishment.

V. 22: At first ’Aisha’s father wanted to kill his daughter’s revilers; but being righteous, he pardoned and forgot their sin.

V. 23: Mary, mother ofJesus, was also a victim of slander.

V. 25: “What they really deserve” or “by the true religion”.

V. 31: Enemies of Islam see in this verse permission to plunder other people’s houses.

V. 31: “Loveliness,” lit., “ornaments.” The male attendants free of desire are old men and eunuchs. Is dancing banned, if women “should not stomp their feet?”

V. 33: The Koran endorses a humane attitude towards slaves.

V. 35: This verse ushers one of the most intense spiritual passages. God’s Light shines from a niche in the wall — from the depths of the Unknown. According to one interpretation, the niche is the symbol of man’s five senses; the glass that of imagination that enhances the physical sensation; the lamp that of the power of reason that brings logic into imagination; the tree that of the power of generalization, which extends through its branching the spiritual experience to the boundaries of the universe and not only beyond the east and the west; and the oil that of the energy which multiplies the Light to infinity.

“Light upon Light”: God is believed to be hidden under seventy thousand veils of Light and Darkness.

Vv. 35f are Christian in spirit. Comp.: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereupon you do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts (2 Peter 1:19).

The beauty of the Koran is not only in its language, in the rhythm of its verses, and in the sound of the Arabic words, but also in its highly spiritual and moral thoughts that equal or sur­pass those found in many other spiritual texts in the contemporary world. The Koran is not a difficult Book, on the contrary, it is simple, deep and diverse, as life itself, and it must be easy to read in translations to modern languages. An attentive reader will find in it images and teachings that complement and explain the Old and New Testaments.

V. 37: “When their hearts and sight will be transformed” or “turned inside out.”

V. 41: “Each [creature] knows its prayer and praise,” i.e., all living creatures have an innate knowledge of God. This is why it is prescribed to pronounce the name of God while slaughtering animals: the sound of God’s Name should divert the attention of the animal from its suffering and remind the butcher that the life of all living creatures is sacred. The existence of a soul is predicated on the existence of a central nervous system. Therefore, most living crea­tures have a rudimentary soul, or at least the potential to have a soul and to feel thereby the presence of their Creator.

To glorify God by prayer or action is a natural act, as flapping their wings is natural for birds. Indeed, all that exists glorifies God (S.17:44). Remembering God is like reciting His praise, and forgetting God is like forgetting one’s existence (S.59:19).

V. 45: Such a version of the creation of animals is not at odds with modern science.

Vv. 47-51: Notice that the Prophet Muhammad had the right to judge people by the Koran. When these verses were promulgated, he was already the recognized absolute leader of his nation.

V. 55: “He will grant them security after they have been in fear.” This may be a reference to the retreat of the Meccans after their siege of Medina during the War of Trenches (7 H).

V. 61: Abrogation of the bias against the poor and the handicapped who, apparently, were fed separately in pre-Islamic times.

VII.     Fighting in the Way of God

Sura 8 The Spoils of War. S.8 is devoted to war in the way of God and to the division of the booty after a victory. The date of the sura is probably 2 H, because the intervention of Angels on the side of the Prophet's troops tis considered to have taken place at the battle of Badr (A.D. 624).

S.8 refers to some of the problems the Muslims had to deal with at the time: lack of discipline in the armed forces bent on looting and disobeying orders; bickering between the Ansar (the Muslim converts of Medina) and the Muhajjirun (Muslim emigrants from Mecca); the persecution of the Muslims who stayed behind in Mecca after the emigration of the Prophet to Medina. The situation demanded a community based on faith, discipline and legislation.

8.      T H E S P O I L S OF W A R

Medinan, 75 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* They ask you about the spoils of war.


“The spoils belong to God and the Messenger.

If you believe, then fear God, live in harmony,

and obey God and His Messenger.”

2.      The believers are the ones

whose hearts throb at the mention of God

and whose faith grows at the recitation of His Verses.

They put their trust in their Lord,

3.      observe the prayer, and give from the provisions

We have bestowed upon them.

4.      These are the true believers!

They have degrees of honor, forgiveness, and ample provision with their Lord.

5* Your Lord made you leave your home for the sake of Truth, albeit some of the believers were against it.

But after Truth manifested itself, they argued with you about it, as if they were driven to death that was before their eyes.

God had promised you that one of the two companies would fall in your hands, and you chose the one that was unarmed.

By His Words God wanted to affirm the Truth and cut the roots under the disbelievers.

This was in order to affirm the Truth and expose falsehood; however hateful that was for the sinners.

Then you called for your Lord’s help, and He answered you:

     I am going to support you

with a thousand Angels in ranks upon ranks.

By these glad tidings God wanted to give hope and comfort to your hearts.

No victory is possible without God!

Verily, God is almighty and wise!

Then He induced sleepiness in you as a comfort from Himself.

He sent down water upon you from the sky to purify you, to wash from you the pollution of Satan, to fortify your hearts, and to make you stand firmly on your feet.

Then your Lord inspired the Angels:

     I am with you, support the believers!

I will fill the hearts of the disbelievers with terror, and you, smite [them] on their necks and chop all their fingers off!

This was because they opposed God and His Messenger. And if any one opposes God and His Messenger... verily, God is stern in punishment!

     This is for you, let you taste it!

The disbelievers will suffer the penalty of the Fire!

O you who have believed!

When you meet disbelievers in battle array, do not turn your backs to them.

Whoever turns his back to them on that day, will bring God’s wrath upon himself, unless it is a maneuver in battle or a move to rejoin [one’s] company.

His abode shall be Hellfire — what a terrible outcome!

It is not you who killed them — it was God.

It is not you who blinded their eyes — it was God, Who was testing believers by His gracious intervention. Verily, God is hearing and all-knowing!

18. Verily, God will weaken the plots of the disbelievers.

19* They were asking for victory, and they received judgment!

It would have been better for you to end [the war], but if you resume it, We will resume it as well, and then your forces will not help you, even if they are multiplied many times.

Verily, God is on the side of the believers!

20.      O you who have believed!

Obey God and His Messenger and do not turn away, but listen.

21.      Do not be like those who say:

“We hear,”

and do not listen.

22.      Verily, the meanest creatures in God’s sight

are the deaf and dumb — those who do not understand.

23.      Had God found any good in them,

He would have allowed them to hear, but even if He allowed them to hear, they would have turned away and denied.

24*O you who have believed!

Respond to the call of God and His Messenger when He calls you to the source of life.

Know that God stands between man and his heart, and that you shall be gathered to Him.

25.   Fear the ordeal that shall beset [you all] and not only the sinners,

and know that God is severe in punishment.

26.      Remember the time when you were few in the land.

You were despised and feared eviction,

but [God] sheltered you, supported you by His help, and provided you with good sustenance — perhaps you will be grateful!

27.      O you who have believed!

Do not betray the trust of God and the Messenger;

do not knowingly betray your trusts!

28.   Know that your wealth and your children are only a trial, and that with God there is a great reward for you.

29* O you who have believed!

Fear God, then He will grant you Salvation, absolve you from evil, and forgive you — indeed, mighty is the grace of God!

30.   Then the disbelievers plotted against you in order to capture, murder, or expel you. They were plotting and God was plotting, but God is the best of plotters!

31.   When Our Verses were recited to them, they said: “We’ve heard that before —

these are just tales of the Ancients.

We would have made others like them, if we wanted to.”

32.      Then they said:

“O God! If this is really the Truth from You, then pelt us with rocks from the sky or inflict upon us a painful punishment.”

33.   But God will not punish them as long as you are among them.

He will not punish them

as long as they can ask for forgiveness.

34* But why is not God punishing them for denying access to the Sacred Mosque, though they are not its custodians? Only the God-fearing can be its custodians, but most of them do not know [it].

35.    Their prayer at the [Sacred] House

is but whistling and clapping of hands.

Let you taste the punishment for your disbelief!

36.   Verily, the disbelievers spend of their wealth only to create diversions on the path of God. They spend, but then they regret it.

In the end the disbelievers shall be defeated and gathered in Hellfire.

37.   God will separate the impure from the righteous, pile the impure ones on top of each other,

and dump them into Hellfire — indeed, they are the losers.

38.   Tell the disbelievers that if they renounce [disbelief], their past shall be forgiven, but if they start again, their fate shall be that of the [nations] of Old!

39.    So fight them until dissent is over,

and the entire religion is returned to God!

If they desist, then, verily, God sees everything they do.

40.     But if they start again,

then know that God is your Protector, the best Protector and the best Helper.

41.   One fifth of your spoils belongs to God and the Messenger, to near relatives and orphans, to the poor and the wayfarer, if you believe in God and in what We revealed

to Our servant on salvation day — the day when the two companies clashed.

God has power over everything!

42*Then you were on the nearer side [of the valley] and the [enemy’s] caravan was below you on the farther side. Even if you had agreed on the time, you would have still missed the appointment, so that God might complete a pre-ordained matter: that those predestined to perish and those predestined to survive, survive.

Verily, God is hearing and knowing!

43.   Then God made you dream that they were few in number. Had he showed you that their number was great, you would have certainly lost heart

and begun to argue about [the fight]. But God saved [you]. Verily, He knows what is in [people’s] hearts.

44.      When you met, God reduced their number in your eyes.

He also reduced your number in their eyes to bring a pre-ordained matter to an end. [All] affairs return to God.

45.      O you who have believed!

When you meet a [hostile] company, be steadfast

and remember God oftentimes — perhaps you will succeed!

46.      Obey God and His Messenger

and do not argue among yourselves, lest you weaken and lose your resolve.

And endure — verily, God is with those who endure!

47.   Do not be like those who walk out of their houses full of themselves, wanting to show off.

They put obstacles in God’s way, but God encompasses everything they do.

48.   Then Satan made their actions alluring to them, saying: “Nobody will overcome you today if I stay beside you.”

But when the two companies met, he turned around and said: “I’ve nothing to do with you! I see what you can’t see and I fear God, for God is harsh in punishment.”

49.   The Hypocrites and the diseased at heart say: “These people are deluded by their religion!” But if one puts his trust in God...

verily, God is mighty and wise!

50.      If you could only see the sinners dying,

while the Angels beat them in their faces and backs: “Taste the punishment of the burning flames!

51.      Get it for the workings of your hands,

for God will never be unjust to [His] servants!

52.      [Get it] like the people of Pharaoh and their predecessors!

They rejected the Signs of God

and God seized them for their sins.

Verily, God is strong and stern in punishment!

53.   God will not change the Grace He has given to people, unless they change what is in their souls.

Verily, God is hearing and all-knowing!

54.   [Get it] like the people of Pharaoh and their predecessors!” They had rejected the Signs of God,

so We destroyed them for their sins.

We drowned the people of Pharaoh — indeed, they were wrong-doers!

55.   Verily, the worst creatures in God’s sight are those who deny Him: they have no faith!

56.      They are the ones with whom you entered a treaty,

and who are ever breaking the treaty without fearing God!

57.   If you have the upper hand against them in war, disperse them and those who follow in their steps —

perhaps they will remember!

58.     If you fear betrayal from certain quarters,

abrogate [the treaty] to be on equal terms [with them]. Verily, God does not love traitors!

59.     Do not let the disbelievers think

that they will have the upper hand — they cannot escape, anyway!

60* Prepare against them everything you can — the forces and the cavalry to terrify God’s enemies and yours, and other enemies unknown to you, but known to God. Whatever you spend in the way of God will be returned to you, and you shall not be wronged.

61.    But if they incline toward peace,

incline toward it as well and put your trust in God. Verily, He is the Hearer, the All-Knowing.

62.     If they want to outsmart you,

then, verily, God is sufficient for you.

He has fortified you by His help and by the believers,

63.     binding their hearts together.

You would not achieve such a union of hearts even if you had spent all that exists on earth. but God has bound them together — verily, He is mighty and wise!

64.     — O Prophet! God is sufficient for you

and for the believers who follow in your steps.

65.   — O Prophet! Incite the believers to fight! If among you there are twenty who endure, they will overcome two hundred [disbelievers].

If among you there are one hundred, they will overcome a thousand — indeed, these people lack understanding!

66.   God knows your weak spots and will lighten your burden. If among you there are one hundred who endure,

they will overcome two hundred [disbelievers].

If among you there are a thousand, with God’s permission, they will overcome two thousand — indeed, God is with those who endure.

67* It is not proper for a Prophet to take prisoners before he conquers the entire land.

You desire the vanities of this world, but God desires the Hereafter. God is mighty and wise!

68.     Had it not been for an earlier Divine Ordinance,

a severe punishment would have been meted upon you for [the spoils] you had taken.

69.   So enjoy the permissible and the rightful of your spoils, and fear God — verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

70.   — O Prophet! Tell the prisoners who have fallen into your hands: “If God finds goodness in your hearts, He will give you

something better than what has been taken away from you.

And He will forgive you — God is forgiving and merciful!”

71.     But if they intend to betray you,

then they have already betrayed God,

Who gives [you] power over them.

God is all-knowing and wise!

72* Those who believed, emigrated, and fought

with their property and persons in the cause of God, and those who sheltered and helped them, are all close to one another.

But you are not close to those who had believed until they [joined you] in emigration.

If they ask you for help in religious matters,

it is your duty to help them, but not against a people

with whom you are bound by a treaty.

God sees everything you do!

73.  The disbelievers befriend one another, and if you do not emulate them,

mutiny and a great corruption will reign in the land.

74.      The true believers are those who believed, emigrated,

and fought in the cause of God,

and those who gave them shelter and help.

There is forgiveness for them and a generous provision.

75* Those who have believed at a later date,

then emigrated and fought on your side,

are also with you, but in God’s Book,

relatives are the closest to one another.

Verily, God is aware of everything!

V. 1: The division of spoils is further detailed in vv. 41 and 67-70. The injunction to obey both God and the Prophet testifies to the rising prestige of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina.

Vv. 5f: “Your home” is Mecca (S.106:3). Some of the followers of the Prophet did not emi­grate with him to Medina and stayed in Mecca, where they suffered persecution and forced exile.

V. 6: “Argued... about the Truth,” i.e., about the war.

V. 7: The Muslims could attack either a poorly guarded caravan coming from Syria or clash with superior forces from Mecca. After some hesitation, the Prophet decided to engage the former.

V. 9: More about the heavenly help in vv. 12 and 42-44.

V. 12: “Smite [them] on their necks and chop all their fingers off.” These words, addressed here to the Angels, are often mentioned by the enemies of Islam as a proof of its belligerence and intolerance. However, they referred to internecine discords among the Arabs when there were several attempts at killing the Prophet. They were an answer to the “terrorists” of that time. Nowadays, these words incite to violence only the most fanatical opponents of the spoliation of Arab lands by “infidels”.

V. 17: “Threw [dust] in their eyes.” According to tradition, the Prophet’s forces were helped by a dust storm that blinded the assailants. Badr is the first Muslim victory (Cf. SS.25,30,8,47).

V. 19: “Victory” and “judgment” are expressed by the same word, fath, allowing a word­play on the two meanings of this word.

V. 24: “God stands between man and his heart,” meaning that God knows the thoughts of man better than man himself.

V. 29: Salvation — furqan, see S.25. Same word in v. 41.

V. 34: The Prophet claimed control of Mecca for his clan.

V. 42: “Predestined,” lit., “destined by a Sign.”

V. 60: First mention of cavalry in battle.

Vv. 67ff: Taking prisoners complicated the division of the spoils of war. The Prophet opposed selling prisoners as slaves and he greeted as full members of his community any pris­oners who converted to Islam.

V. 72: “Those who sheltered...” are the Ansars (S.3:52).

V. 75: Blood relations have precedence over casual relationships. Breaking the ties within the family, the circle of friends, and the clan is a great sin for the Muslims.

SURA 47 MUHAMMAD. This early Medinan sura (the first in which the Prophet is called by name) is composed of Warnings and exhortations about war, probably issued after the battle of Badr (2 H).

47.      M U H A M M A D
Medinan, 38 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     The works of those who disbelieve

and create obstructions in God’s path are doomed to fail.

2.      [God] will absolve from evil deeds

and improve the well-being of those who believe, do good works, and trust that the [Revelation] sent down to Muhammad is the Truth of their Lord.

3.      Indeed, the disbelievers follow falsehood,

and the believers follow the Truth of their Lord.

This is how God teaches people by their own examples!

4* When you meet disbelievers, smite [them] on their necks, and when they are subdued, tighten [their] bonds.

[Free them] out of mercy or for ransom after the war lays down its burdens.

Let it be so!

If God wills, He will surely defeat them, but [first] He wants to test some of you by the others.

Those who died in the cause of God, He will never let their works fail.

5* He will guide them, improve their conditions

6.      and admit them to the Paradise He has described to them.

7.      O you who have believed!

If you help God, He will help you and set you firmly on your feet.

8.      But for the disbelievers there is a downfall!

[God] will fail their works

9.      for hating God’s Revelation,

and He will make their works fruitless.

10.     Have they not traveled in the land

and seen the fate of their predecessors?

God had brought destruction upon them, and so it shall be with the disbelievers.

11.     Indeed, God protects the believers,

but the disbelievers are without a protector.

12.   Verily, God will lead those who believed and did good into the Gardens under which the rivers flow.

As for the disbelievers,

they will indulge in pleasures and devour food like cattle.

The Fire will be their abode!

13.   How many towns We have destroyed that were more powerful than the town which expelled you!

Nobody came to their rescue!

14.     Is the one who accepts the clear Proofs of his Lord

like the one whose evil deeds are made attractive to him and who follows his passions?

15* Here is the Paradise promised to the God-fearing with rivers of water that never corrupts, rivers of milk whose taste never changes, rivers of wine delicious to taste, and rivers of pure honey;

with fruit of all kinds and forgiveness of their Lord!

Are they like those who shall stay in the Fire for ever and drink boiling water that will tear up their entrails?

16* Some of them seem to listen to you.

But as soon as they leave you,

they say to those who have received Knowledge:

“What was he talking about?”

These are the ones whose hearts God has sealed and who follow their passions.

17.     [God] increases in righteousness

those who received Guidance, and gives them devotion.

18.     Let [the sinners] wait for the Hour

which shall suddenly come upon them — its portents are already in plain view!

But will the Reminder benefit them

when they are suddenly confronted with it?

19* Be aware that there is no god but God, and ask forgiveness for your sins and those of believing men and believing women.

God knows everything: how you get around and where you rest.

20.      The believers say:

“How come a sura isn’t revealed?”

But when a teaching sura mentioning fighting is revealed, just look at the diseased at heart:

they stare at you as if they were seeing death.

It would have been better for them

21.     to obey and to speak the just words.

When their affairs come up for judgment, it will be better for them to be true to God.

22* If they had the power,

they would have spread corruption in the land and broken the blood ties.

23.     Such are those that God has cursed

and deprived of hearing and sight.

24.      Why do they not meditate on the Koran?

Are their hearts so tightly locked?

25.  Verily, Satan instigates and seduces with [false] hopes those who turn around when Guidance is explained to them.

26.  They say to those who hate God’s Revelation: “We’ll follow you in some of these matters.” But God is aware of their secret plots!

27* And how will it be when the Angels come to take them away, and start beating them on their faces and backs!

28.  Yes, they followed what angers God and hated what satisfies Him.

So He ruined their works!

29.  Those who are diseased in their hearts, [do they hope] that God will not bring their resentment to light?

30.  Had We willed, We would have shown them to you and you would have recognized them by their features, you would have surely recognized them by their speech! God is aware of [all] what you do!

31.      We test you to We find out

who is the best among you in stamina and endurance, and We will check everything that is said about you!

32.  Verily, those who deny God turn away from God’s path. They oppose the Messenger,

albeit Guidance has been made clear to them.

They cannot harm God in the least, and He will ruin their works.

33.      O you who have believed!

Obey God and obey the Messenger, and do not reduce your works to naught.

34.      Verily, God will not pardon those who deny God,

go astray from God’s path, and die after rejecting God.

35.  Do do not falter and do not call for peace when you have the upper hand!

God is with you —

He will not nullify your works.

36* The life of this world is only play and fun.

If you believe and fear Him,

He will give you your reward,

and He will not demand anything

of your property in exchange.

37.     But if He asked for it and pressured you,

you would cling to it,

and He would bring out your anger.

38.     Indeed, you are called upon

to spend in the cause of God.

But some of you are miserly,

and whoever is miserly

is miserly to his own disadvantage.

God is rich and you are poor. If you turned away,

He would replace you by another people

that would not be like you!

V. 4: The reference is to the battle of Badr (S.8:7, 12). For moderate Muslims there is only one just war — a war for monotheism, provoked by the enemy. Participation in such a war (djihad, from the root djhd — to strive toward something) is not an obligation like prayer and alms-giving, but is the duty of Muslims who can bear arms (a Mudjahed is someone who fights for faith). Jesus recognized a just war, as well: “Think not that I come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword” (Matt. 10:34).

“Tighten their bonds” i.e., take them prisoner. “Until the war lays down its burdens” — “until the war is over.” About the humane treatment of prisoners, cf. S.8:70.

Vv. 5,6: These verses are applied to the souls of the dead.

V. 15: Afterlife is described in its symbolical aspect. Fruit of all kinds are the bounties of God; water is for purifying and freshening the spirit; milk is nourishment for the heart; wine is to celebrate love; honey is to sweeten life after death.

V. 19: “How you get around and where you rest,” meaning that God knows how you manage your affairs and how you behave at home — good breeding is considered to be a reli­gious duty (cf. SS.22,58). V. 22: “Had you had the power” or “had you turned away.”

“Broken the blood ties” or “caused bloodshed.”

V. 27: “Beat them on their faces and backs” — on their faces for open misdeeds, and on their backs for covert sins.

V. 36: God does not ask man to desist of all his worldly possessions. He is too just to ask for unnatural means of salvation. Islam used to allow abortion before the 120th day of con­ception, i.e., before, as they believed, the soul entered the fetus and made it a person. In our times, Muslims usually do not condone abortion.

Sura 3 (II) The House of 'Imran. The second part of S3 con­tains passages about war, with several references to the victory at Badr (2 H), which has already been alluded to in the preceding suras, and to the defeat at Uhud (3 H). The first part of S3 starts on p. 228.

3.     T H E H O U S E O F 'I M R A N
Medinan, 200 verses

Part II. (Vv. 110-200)

110*You are the best community established for man.

You urge to what is lawful and you forbid evil, and you believe in God.

Had the People of the Scripture believed, it would have been much better for them.

Some of them believe, but most of them are reprobate.

111.   If they harm you, it will be only slightly

and if they fight you, they will show you their backs — nobody shall help them.

112*Wherever they are, humiliation shall hover over them, unless they bind themselves by a Covenant with God and a Covenant with the people.

They called upon themselves the wrath of God and agony for denying the Signs of God, killing the Prophets unjustly, rebelling, and transgressing all bounds.

113.   But they are not all alike!

Among the People of the Scripture there is a steadfast community. They prostrate themselves and recite the Verses of God all night long.

114.   They believe in God and the Last Day,

they urge to the acceptable and forbid the unlawful. They compete among themselves in good deeds — they are the upright.

115.   The good that they do shall never be in vain. God is well aware of those who fear Him.

116.   The disbelievers cannot protect themselves from God by their wealth or their children!

They shall be the inmates of the Fire in which they shall abide for ever.

117.   Their life on earth is like a chilly wind that destroys the harvest of the people who wronged their souls.

God has not wronged them — they have wronged themselves!

118.   O you who have believed!

Do not choose close friends outside of your community, lest they harm you, as they enjoy seeing you suffer.

Hatred flows from their mouths, but still worse is what is hidden in their hearts.

This is how We explain the Signs to you — if you [only] had wisdom!

119*You love them, but they do not love you, though you believe in the whole Scripture. Upon meeting you, they say: “We have believed!”

But when alone, they bite their nails in anger at you.


“Let you choke on your anger!”

Verily, God knows what is in the hearts!

120. It irks them when you get something good and they cheer up when misfortune strikes you. But if you are patient and God-fearing, their intrigues will not harm you in the least. Verily, God encompasses everything they do!

121*You left your family one morning to lead the believers to their battle positions. God is hearing and knowing!

122. Two of your sections were faltering, but God took them under His protection. Let the believers put their trust in God!

123*God had already sustained you at Badr when you were helpless.

So,     fear God — perhaps you will be grateful!

124.    You said to the believers:

“Is it not enough for you that your Lord assisted you by sending down three thousand Angels?

125.    Yes! Be patient and fear God.

If you’re suddenly attacked, your Lord would reinforce you with five thousand charging Angels.”

126. God did it to comfort you with good news and to reassure your hearts.

Help is from God alone, the Mighty, the Wise.

127*He can cut off a wing of the disbelievers or abase them so much that they will withdraw before reaching their goal.

128. It does not depend on you if He forgives or punishes them. Verily, they are among the evildoers!

129.    Everything in Heavens and earth belongs to God.

He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. God is forgiving and merciful!

130*O you who have believed!

Do not enrich yourselves by usury, doubling or twice-doubling [a loan], but fear God — perhaps you will succeed!

131.   And beware of the Fire prepared for the disbelievers!

132. Obey God and the Messenger, perhaps you will be shown mercy!

133. Hasten towards receiving your Lord’s forgiveness and a Garden as wide as Heavens and earth prepared for the God-fearing —

134. for those who contribute in prosperity and in adversity, who restrain their anger and pardon people.

God loves those who do good deeds!

135.     They are of those who, after committing indecency or wronging their souls, remember God

and ask forgiveness for their sins.

And who besides God can forgive sins?

They do not persist in evil, knowing

136.     that their reward will be forgiveness from their Lord and Gardens under which the rivers flow

where they will abide for ever.

What a great reward for those who toil!

137.     There were many ways of life before you, but travel in the land and see

what was the end of those who denied!

138*This is an oration to the people,

a Guidance and an admonition for the God-fearing!

139. Do not lose heart and do not grieve.

If you have faith, you shall gain in stature;

140*and if affliction touches you,

a similar affliction will touch the others.

We distribute such days equally among the people, so that God might identify the believers and choose confessors in your midst (indeed, God does not love sinners),

141. and so that God might purify the believers and abase the disbelievers.

142.Or do you think that you will enter Paradise without God finding out who of you fought and showed endurance?

143.You wished death before seeing it, and now here it is before your eyes.

144*Muhammad is only a Messenger among many earlier Messengers. Would you turn back if he died or was killed?

Those who turn back will not hurt God in the least, and those who are grateful, God will soon reward them.

145.     Not a single soul can die, except by God’s permission — her term is written in a Book.

If someone desires the reward in this life,

We will give it to him.

If someone desires the reward in the Hereafter,

We will give it to him.

Soon We will reward all the grateful ones!

146.     How many Prophets have led in battle numerous companies of steadfast [fighters].

After suffering setbacks in the way of God, they did not weaken or give up — God loves those who endure!

147.     All what they were able to say was:

“O our Lord! Forgive us our sins and the excesses in our affairs.

Steady our feet, help us

against the people who disbelieve.”

148.                   God will give them a reward in this life

and an excellent recompense in the Hereafter.

God loves those who do good!

149.O you who have believed!

If you obeyed the disbelievers,

they would make you turn back and join the losers.

150.     Yes! God is your Protector and your best Helper.

151.     Soon We will cast terror in the hearts of the disbelievers

for their associating with God [some idols] for which He has not sent down any power. Their abode shall be the Fire —

what a bad dwelling for the wrong-doers!

152*God has fulfilled His promise to you when,

with His permission, you began defeating [the enemy];

but later you lost heart and began to oppose His Command. You defied it when He showed you the coveted [spoils]. Indeed, some of you want this life, while others want the Hereafter!

Then, to test you,

[God] gave [the enemy] the upper hand.

But He pardoned you:

God is full of mercy for the believers.

153*[Remember] how, oblivious of everyone, you clambered uphill, while the Messenger was calling you back from the rear.

To punish you [God] sent to you one setback after another to prevent you from grieving over the loss and over what had befallen you. God is well aware of your deeds!

154*After the setback, He sent to some of you a quiet sleep, and anxiety into the souls of the others, so that they began to have doubts about God, as they used to doubt in the Time of Ignorance; they said: “Does this matter concern us?”


“Verily, this matter is entirely in God’s hands!”

What they don’t reveal to you, they hide in their souls.

They say:

“If we had anything to do with this matter, we wouldn’t have been slaughtered here.” Say:

“Even if you had stayed at home, those who were destined to die would have certainly gone to the place of their death!” This would have been a Divine test

to reveal what is in your souls and to purify you of what is in your hearts. Indeed, God knows well what is in the souls!

155*And those who retreated on the day when the two armies met, it was Satan who caused them to fail because of what they had done.

But God pardoned them, for, verily, God is forgiving and full of love!

156. O you who have believed!

Do not imitate the disbelievers

who say about their brothers while traveling in the land or fighting:

“Had they stayed with us, they would’ve remained alive and wouldn’t have been killed!”

Thus God filled their hearts with remorse!

God gives life and death: God observes everything you do.

157*If you are killed or die in the cause of God, then God’s forgiveness and His mercy will be better for you than the sum of your deeds.

158.Whether you die or are killed, you shall all be gathered to God.

159* — [O Muhammad!] By the mercy of God you are too soft-hearted toward them; but had you been rough and inflexible, they would have certainly broken away from you. So pardon them and ask God to forgive them. Consult with them in the affairs,

but while making decisions, put your trust in God — verily, God loves those who trust Him.

160. Nobody will overcome you if God helps you, but if He abandons you, then who will help you? Let all the believers put their trust in God!

161*It does not befit a Prophet to deceive.

Anyone who deceives shall have to return on Judgment Day everything he obtained by deceit.

Then every soul shall receive according to her deeds, and not a single one shall be treated unjustly.

162.Is the one who follows God’s pleasure like the one who incurs God’s wrath and whose abode will be Hell — [what] a bad outcome!

163. Everyone has his degree [of goodness] before God; God observes everything they do.

164.    God bestowed a favor upon the believers

when He sent them a Messenger from their midst to recite God’s Verses to them, to purify them, and to teach them the Scripture and Wisdom — indeed, they had been in blatant error before!

165*But when you suffered a defeat, even though they suffered it twice as much, you said:

“Where does it come from?”


“It comes from yourselves!”

Verily, God has power over everything!

166. And if you suffered on the day when the two armies met, it all happened with God’s permission

because He wanted to test the believers,

167.     as well as the Hypocrites, who were told:

“Join the fight in the cause of God

or oppose resistance!”

They said:

“Had we known how to fight, we would’ve surely followed you!”

On that day they were closer to disbelief than to belief — they were saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts.

But God knows best what they conceal!

168.     They were saying while sitting out:

“Had they listened to us, they would’ve stayed alive!”


“Then avert death from yourselves if you’re telling the truth!”

169.     Do not count as dead those who were killed

in the cause of God. No! They are alive!

They will receive their provision from their Lord

170.     and enjoy what God has given them of His bounty.

They rejoice for those who stayed behind and have not joined them yet — they have no fear and no grief!

171. They rejoice at the goodness and generosity of God, and at God’s intention not to let

the reward of the believers go to waste.

172. They are those who, regardless of defeat, responded to God and the Messenger.

They are those who do good deeds and fear God — a great reward is in store for them.

173.     They are those who were told:

“These people have gathered in force against you, so beware of them!”

That only increased their faith, and they said:

“God is sufficient for us, He’s the best of Trustees!”

174*They returned with God’s grace and favor.

Misfortune did not touch them —

indeed, they sought God’s benevolence, and God is the possessor of a mighty Grace.

175.     Only Satan can scare you by his followers,

but if you believe, do not fear them, but fear Me.

176.     Do not grieve over those who rush into disbelief.

They cannot harm God in the least, but God will give them a great punishment instead of a share in the Afterlife.

177. Verily, those who buy disbelief at the price of faith cannot hurt God a bit —

a painful punishment is [in store] for them!

178. Let not the disbelievers think that the respite that We have granted them will benefit them.

We grant them a respite to let them sink into corruption — a humiliating punishment [is in store] for them.

179*God will not leave the believers as they are now, but He will separate the wrong from the right. And He will not reveal to you the Unseen, but He will choose whom He wills among His Messengers. So believe in God and His Messengers!

If you believe in God and fear Him, you shall get a great reward.

180*Those who are too stingy to spend out of the gifts they have received by the Grace of God, must not think that it is to their advantage. No, it is worse for them! On Resurrection Day all they hoarded for themselves shall be wound around their necks.

The Heavens and the earth belong to God, and God is well aware of all you do.

181*God hears the words of those who say: “Truly, isn’t God poor and we’re rich!” — We will record their words

and how they have wrongfully murdered the Prophets, and We will say:

— Taste the punishment by the Fire

182.for the deeds you have brought forth!

Verily, God will not be unjust to [His] servants!

183*They also say:

“Didn’t God enjoin us not to believe a Messenger until he shows an offering that is consumed by the Fire?” Say:

“There have been Messengers who came to you before me with clear Proofs and with what you were asking for.

Why have you murdered them if you’re telling the truth?” 184*If they reject you,

they have similarly rejected the Messengers who came before you with clear Proofs, the Psalms, and an enlightening Scripture.

185. Everyone shall taste death,

but you shall receive your full reward only on Judgment Day. Successful shall be the one

who is saved from the Fire and enters Paradise.

Is not the life of this world just illusion and deception? 186*Yes, your property and person shall be a test for you.

And you shall hear much aggravating talk from those who had received the Scripture before you and those who associate [with God].

But if you are patient and God-fearing, verily, that will add resolve to [your] deeds.

187.     Remember how God made a Covenant

with those who had been given the Scripture, [commanding] to make it clear to the people and not to hide it!

But they threw it behind their backs

and traded it for a small gain. Evil is this trade!

188.     Those who rejoice in their actions

and love unmerited praise, let them not think — yes, let them not think that they will avoid retribution.

A painful punishment is [in store] for them!

189. To God belongs the Dominion of Heavens and earth — indeed, God has power over everything.

190. Verily, in the creation of Heavens and earth and in the succession of night and day there are Signs for those who think,

191. for those who remember God standing, sitting, or on their sides, for those who meditate

on the creation of Heavens and earth: “O our Lord!

You’ve not created all this in vain!

Glory to You! Save us from the punishment by the Fire!

192.O our Lord!

Truly, You cover with shame anyone You send into the Fire! The sinners shall not have any helpers!

193.O our Lord!

We’ve heard a voice calling us to belief: ‘Believe in your Lord,’ and we have believed. O our Lord!

Forgive us our sins, absolve us from our evil deeds;

and let us die with the righteous!

194.O our Lord!

Give us what You’ve promised us through Your Messengers and don’t humiliate us on Judgment Day.

Indeed, Your promises You never forget!”

195*Their Lord accepted their prayer:

— I will not let a single work of yours go to waste, be you male or female —

indeed, you are all [issued] the one from the other.

I will surely absolve from evil deeds and introduce into the Gardens under which the rivers flow those who emigrated or were expelled from their dwellings; who suffered in My cause, fought, and were killed.

This is their reward from God — with God is the best reward!

196*Do not be deluded by the fleeting success of the disbelievers in the land.

197.     There is little enjoyment in it for them.

Their dwelling shall be Hell — evil is this bedding!

198.     The God-fearing shall have Gardens

under which the rivers flow to abide therein for ever.

Such is their gift from God

and what is from God is the best for the righteous.

199.     Verily, among the people who have received the Scripture, there are some who believe in God,

in the Revelation received by you, and in the Revelation received by them.

They humble themselves before God

and do not sell the Signs of God for a small price.

Their reward is with their Lord.

Verily, God is quick at accounting!

200.O you who have believed!

Be patient, steadfast, firm, and God-fearing, then, perhaps, you will prosper!

V. 110: “You urge to what is lawful,” i.e., to the respect of the laws, the customs, and the rules of conduct of your people.

V. 110f apply only to the Jews.

V. 112: “They bind themselves by a Covenant with God and a Covenant with the people,” lit., “they [are bound] by a rope to God and by a rope to the people.”

V. 119: “Their nails,” lit., “their fingertips.”

V. 121: A reference to the battle of Uhud, west of Medina.

V. 123: A rare designation of a place by its name (Badr).

Vv. 127-128: Reference to divine intervention in battle.

Vv. 130: It is not clear whether the prohibition of usury covers only excessive interest or interest in general. Usury is sinful because it is incompatible with the forgiveness of debts to the poor. This verse is not a fortuitous addition. It completes the preceding verses that God might forgive even His disbelieving enemies.

V. 138: This verse sounds like the beginning of a new sura.

V. 140: A “martyr” or a “witness” — the same name, shahid, is given to someone who has died fighting for the cause of God.

V. 144: The Prophet Muhammad was injured in the head at the battle of Uhud.

V. 152: The Command about the spoils — cf. S.8.

V. 153: In reference to the victory at Badr and the defeat at Uhud, when some Muslim dis­obeyed their Commander.

V. 154: “Doubts of the Time of Ignorance” or “doubts due to ignorance.”

V. 155: The kindness of God to the rebels is noteworthy.

V. 157: To qualify as fight in the cause of God or djihad, an armed intervention must meet several strict conditions. The aim of a true djihad is to ensure the freedom of preaching the Koran. If the already existing religions do not create obstacles to this preaching, they should be tolerated and, if necessary, protected.

V. 159: “Them” are probably the Prophet’s companions. The verse appeals to moderation in war and to a consultative form of government.

Islam spread much faster than Christianity. The victory at Badr against the pagans of Arabia was won by the Prophet himself. After his death, Persia and Byzantium were defeated in 14-16 H, and Egypt, then a part of Byzantium, was conquered three years later. The triumph of Islam was followed by a reduction of the power of priesthood, a curb on superstitions, the introduction of laws protecting minorities and women, and a scientific, literary and economic revival that brought this medieval society out of the doldrums. The civilizing influence of Islam was the object of many a calumny on the part of its opponents. One example of such calumny is the presumed destruction of the famous Library in Alexandria by the Islamic conqueror ’Amru ibn al-’As. In fact, the libraries of Alexandria had been plundered by the Romans and destroyed by the Christian Emperor Theodosius I. A sumptuous modern library was recently built in Alexandria to commemorate the ancient wonder of the world. Muslims revere the relics of past civilizations and maintain exemplary museums in Cairo, Baghdad, and other capital cities.

V. 161: The Prophet was accused of misappropriating some of the booty.

V. 165: A double [defeat] for the enemy: at Badr and at Uhud.

V. 174: A reference to the fighters who came back victorious after the battle of Badr.

V. 179: “The wrong from the right,” or “the disbelievers from the faithful.” This Verse may have other interpretations.

V. 180 is about the spoils taken against the Prophet’s will.

V. 181: “God is poor,” meaning: “His supporters are few.”

V. 183: One of the slain Prophets could be Abel, the son of Adam. About the Fire con­suming the offerings God was satisfied with, cf. Lev. 9:24.

V. 184: The Psalms or, more generally, the Scriptures.

V. 186: “That will add resolve to [your] deeds” or “this is why you have resolve in [your] deeds.”

V. 195: “You are the one from the other” — all people are equal regardless of gender, origin, clan, and position.

V. 196: “Fleeting success,” or “wanderings,” or “fluctuations” of the disbelievers.

Sura 61 T he battle Array. S. 61 attacks hypocrisy and inaction (vv. 2-3); it summons to fight in the cause of God (v.4) and to devote one's life and assets to this cause (v.11). In vv. 5-6 it castigates the Jews, and in v.14 it expresses some approval of the Christians.

In this sura, Jesus predicts the coming of the Prophet Ahmad (or Muhammad — the two names have the same root hmd).

61.    T H E B A T T L E A R R A Y
Medinan, 14 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Everything in Heavens and earth glorifies God.

He is the All-Mighty, the Wise.

2* O you who have believed!

Why do you talk about what you do not do?

3.     Talking about what you do not do is hateful to God!

4.     Verily, God loves those who, in His cause, fight in a battle array solid like a wall.

5.      Moses said to his people:

“O my people! Why do you insult me

if you know that I’m your Messenger from God?”

When they turned around,

God turned their hearts around —

indeed, God does not guide sinful people!

6* Jesus, son of Mary, said:

“O Children of Israel! I’m the Messenger of God [sent down] to you to confirm the Truth that had come before me in the Torah

and to announce the good news that a Messenger by the name of Ahmad shall come after me.” But when he came to them with the clear Proofs, they said:

“This’s obvious magic!”

7.     Who does a greater wrong

than the one who lies about God when he is called to Islam?

God does not guide sinful people!

8.     They want to extinguish God’s light with their mouths, but God will perfect His Light

even if the disbelievers hate it.

9.     He is the One, Who has sent His Messenger with the Guidance and the religion of Truth to make him raise it above all religions, even if the Associators hate it.

10.     O you who have believed!

Should I offer you a bargain

that will save you from a painful punishment? —

11.     Believe in God and His Messenger

and fight in the cause of God

with your property and your persons.

This is better for you, if you only knew!

12.     God will forgive your sins and usher you

into the Gardens under which the rivers flow

and into the beautiful dwellings in the Gardens of Eden. This will be a great success!

13* There is something else that will delight you — God’s help and a rapid victory.

So announce the good news to the believers!

14* O you who have believed!

Be God’s helpers.

When Jesus, son of Mary, said to the Apostles:

“Who are my helpers in God’s way?”

The Apostles said:

“We are God’s helpers!”

Then some of the Children of Israel believed,

and some did not believe.

We gave to the believers power against their enemies, and they prevailed.

V. 2-3: Accusation directed at the Muslims who withdrew at the battle of Uhud.

V. 6: Jesus aimed his preaching only at the Jews (Matt. 10: 5,6; 15:24). God has promised them “another Comforter” (John 14: 16; 15:26), predicting the coming of the Prophet Muhammad. “He” refers either to Jesus or to the Prophet Ahmad (Muhammad).

V. 13: “A rapid victory” — the return of the Prophet to Mecca.

V. 14: Cf. a similar question to the Apostles in S.3:52-53. The Koran praises the Christians for vindicating the teachings of Jesus. Not only did Christianity win after vicious persecutions, but it became one of the main religions that united whole nations, while the Jews were scat­tered all over the world.

SURA 63 The HYPOCRITES. After addressing Christianity and theJews, the Prophet fought the Hypocrites (munafiqun) who supported the old ways of life, dodged the draft, and promoted civil disobedience. Building a monolithic Muslim com­munity andnation became a necessity.

63.      T H E H Y P O C R I T E S
Medinan, 11 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* — [O Muhammad!] When the Hypocrites come to you, they say:

“We testify that you’re really the Messenger of God.”

Yes! God knows that you are really His Messenger,

and God testifies that the Hypocrites are liars!

2.     With their oaths as shields,

they turn [men] away from the path of God.

Verily, evil are their deeds!

3.     They have accepted faith, then they rejected it.

Their hearts are sealed, and they cannot understand!

4* When you look at them, they charm you by their appearance.

But listen to the words they speak!

They are like propped up logs,

for them every call is hostile.

They are your enemies, so beware of them

and let God dispose of them, for deep is their deceit!

5. When told:

“Come, God’s Messenger will pray for your forgiveness,”

they shake their heads.

Look with what arrogance they turn away.

6.      They do not care if you pray

or do not pray for their forgiveness

because God will not forgive them.

Verily, God does not guide sinful people!

7.      They say:

“Don’t contribute to the followers of the Messenger of God,

because they will abandon him soon!”

The treasuries of Heavens and earth belong to God, but the Hypocrites do not understand [it].

8* They say:

“When we return to Medina, the most honorable ones

will expel the least honorable ones.”

But all honor is with God,

His Messenger, and the believers,

albeit the Hypocrites do not know [it].

9* O you who have believed!

Do not let your property and your children

divert you from remembering God!

The one who allows it will sustain a loss.

10.     Spend from what We have provided you with

before death comes to any one of you, and he says:

“O my Lord! Had you given me a short respite,

I would’ve distributed alms and joined the upright!”

11.     But God will not respite any soul after her term is up!

God is well informed of [all] you do.

V. 1: The Hypocrites (spelled with a capital letter because they are the name of a party) were such a serious opposition to Islam that they are mentioned in several late suras (S.59:11; S.33:1,73; S.48:6; S.57:13; S.9:64,67,101). They are described in detail in S.4:88,138,142,145.

V. 4: “They are like buttressed logs,” i.e., they are weak as supports.

V. 8: Medina, originally Yathrib, whose full name is “al-Medina-al-munauara” (the Illu­minated City) is the second holiest city of Islam. The Prophet was born in an inconspicuous spot near Mecca, but he spent his most productive years in Medina, a city that was often attacked by Meccans and hostile surrounding tribes. Inside the city he had to face the oppo­sition of warring factions, indolent bedouins and unreliable “Hypocrites” among his own kins­men. It is there, in Medina, that the Prophet resided and died, it is there that Islam was really born. The fourth Khalif, ’Ali, moved the capital of Islam from Medina to Kufa situated in modern Iraq.

The original modest mosque in Medina in which the Prophet and the first three Khalifs are buried has been rebuilt several times until it has become a vast and richly decorated place of worship and pilgrimage. In the twentieth century, most of the old city was razed and replaced by an agglomeration of modern buildings, shopping centers, and hotels linked by streets and highways.

Vv. 9-11: These verses seem to be out of context. They might have found their way to S.63 from some other sura.

Sura 4 (II) ^V OMEN. The second part of S.4 belongs to the post-Uhud period (3 H). Its emphasis is on military affairs and the consolidation of the power of Islam. The sura also deals with the status of women and castigates the Hypocrites and the Jews (vv. 153'170), as well as the Christians (vv. 171'175). Its last verse (v. 176) is a post' script to the inheritance laws. Part I of S. 4 starts on p. 427.

4.      W O M E N

Meccan, 176 verses

Part II. Vv. 61-104.

61.     — [O Muhammad!] When the Hypocrites are told:

“Come to what has been sent down by God,

[come] to the Messenger,”

you see with what contempt they turn away from you.

62.      And what will happen if misfortune befalls them

for what their hands have done?

Then they will come to you and swear by God:

“We want only goodness and conciliation!”

63.      God knows what is in their hearts.

So, stay away from them,

but admonish them with words that can reach into their souls.

64.      We have been sending each Messenger

to be obeyed by everyone as God wills.

If they came to you after they had wronged themselves,

and ask for God’s forgiveness,

or if the Messenger pleaded to forgive them,

they would have found

that God is relenting and merciful!

65.      But no, [I swear] by your Lord!

They will not believe until they make you

the arbiter of their disputes,

[until they] stop resisting your decisions in their minds, and submit to them in full submission.

66.      If We have commanded them to sacrifice their lives

or to abandon their dwellings,

only a few would have done it.

Yet, how much better it would have been for them if they had done what was expected of them!

They would have grown [in faith],

67.      and We would have given them Our great reward

68.      and would have guided them on the straight path.

69.      Those who obey God and the Messenger

are with the Prophets, the Truthful,

the Martyrs, and the Righteous,

with those upon whom God has bestowed [His] Grace — excellent is this fellowship!

70.      This is the Grace of God,

and sufficient is God, the all-knowing!

71.      O you who have believed!

Be on the alert and go forward only in detachments or in a body.

72.  There will always be a laggard among you who would say if you were defeated: “God has done me the favor

of not becoming a martyr like you!”

73* But had God given you a victory,

he would have surely said,

pretending there was love between you and him: “What a pity that I hadn’t been with you, then great would have been my success!”

74. Let those who exchanged this life for the Hereafter fight in the way of God!

To the one who is killed

while fighting in the way of God or is victorious, We will soon give a great reward!

75* So why would you not fight in the way of God

for the weak men, women and children, and those who say: “O our Lord! Help us to get away from this city where they oppress us.

Give us a protector from Yourself, give us a helper from Yourself!”

76.  The believers fight in the way of God, and the disbelievers fight in the way of Taghut.

So fight against Satan’s friends —

verily, the plots of Satan are hanging by a thread!

77* Have you not seen those who were told to restrain their hands [from the booty], to observe the prayer, and to pay the zakat? When they were ordered to fight, some of them feared men

as much as they feared God and even more.

They said:

“O our Lord! Why have You ordered us to fight?

You had better given us a short respite!”


“Brief is the enjoyment of this life.

The Hereafter is better for the God-fearing

and you won’t be wronged by the skin of a date pit.

78* Death can overtake you anywhere, even if you climb the loftiest towers.”

When a benefit comes their way, they say: “It’s from God.”

And when they experience evil, they say: “[O Prophet], that’s from you!” Say:

“It’s all from God!”

What is the matter with these people that they do not understand simple words?

79.   Whatever benefit comes your way is from God, whatever evil befalls you is from yourself.

We have sent you as a Messenger to the people, and God is sufficient as a Witness!

80.   Whoever obeys the Messenger is obeying God, and if some of them turn away,

We have not sent you to be their guardian!

81.     They say:

“We obey!”

Yet after they leave you, some of them spend the night discussing things that you did not say.

God keeps a record of their nightly [palavers], and you, stay clear of them and put your trust in God. God is sufficient as a Trustee!

82.     Why do they not ponder over the Koran?

If it were not from God,

they would have found it full of contradictions.

83.   When some news reaches them, reassuring or alarming, they spread it around.

It would have been better to report it to the Messenger or to the men in command in their midst who would have cleared it thoroughly.

If it were not for God’s favors to you and His mercy, many of you would have followed Satan.

84.     But you are responsible only for yourself.

So fight in God’s way and inspire the believers!

God might curtail the fury of the disbelievers — indeed, God is the strongest in wrath and the toughest in punishment.

85.   Whoever supports a good cause shall be recompensed for it. Whoever supports an evil cause shall carry a part of its burden.

In truth, God has power over everything.

86.   Return a salutation with a better or equal salutation. Verily, God keeps count of everything.

87.     God!... There is no god but Him!

He will surely gather you together on Judgment Day, about which there is no doubt.

So whose Words are truer than God’s?

88* Why have you split into two parties regarding the Hypocrites?

Indeed, God has crushed them for their deeds.

Do you hope to put on the [right] path those whom God has sent astray?

For those whom God has sent astray you will never find the [right] path!

89. They wish you renounced faith and became like them.

So do not befriend any one of them until they emigrate [from Mecca] in the cause of God. But if they betray [you], catch them and slay them any place you find them.

And do not take defenders or helpers from their midst, 90*except those who had joined your allies, and whose conscience will prevent them from fighting you and their own people.

Had God so willed, He would have given them power over you and then they would have surely fought against you, but if they retreat without a fight and offer you peace, then God will not give you a pretext to attack them.

91* You shall also meet those who will seek

to earn your confidence and that of their people.

But each time they are called to rebellion, they throw themselves into it!

If they do not withdraw from you, do not offer you peace, and do not restrain their hands, then capture and kill them any place you find them!

We give you full authority over them.

92*A believer should never kill a believer, unless by accident.

Anyone who kills a believer by accident should free a believing slave and pay the blood money to the [victim’s] family, unless they refuse it out of good will.

If [the victim] is a believer from a hostile people, then [it is enough] to free a believing slave, but if he belongs to a people allied to you, then pay the blood money to his family and free a believing slave.

Those for whom this is beyond their means should fast two consecutive months in repentance to God. God is truly all-knowing and wise!

93.    Anyone who kills a believer intentionally

will be rewarded with Hellfire as an everlasting abode.

The wrath and the curse of God shall be upon him — a great punishment is ready for him.

94*O you who have believed!

Be discriminating when you go forth in the way of God.

Do not tell someone who greets you with peace:

“You’re a disbeliever,”

seeking for yourself some fleeting profit in this life. Indeed, the greatest spoils are with God!

And you were like them before God granted you His favors.

So, be discriminating!

Verily, God is well aware of what you do.

95.   Do not consider as equals the believers who remained behind without exposing themselves to danger and those

who strive in the way of God with their property and person. Those who strive with their property and person, God raises to higher degrees than those who remain behind.

God has promised goodness, and God will distinguish those who fight from those who stayed behind by a great reward —

96.     by degrees [of distinction], forgiveness, and mercy.

Truly, God is forgiving and merciful!

97* When the Angels are carrying away those who damaged their souls, they shall say to them: “How was it there, for you?” They shall say:

“We’ve been oppressed in the land.”

The Angels shall say:

“The land of God is broad, you could have settled elsewhere!” Their abode shall be Hellfire — what a bad outcome!

98.   But the weak among men, women, and children who are deprived of means and guidance,

99.   let them hope that God will pardon them, for God is exonerating and forgiving!

100.     Whoever emigrates in the way of God

shall find many shelters and a great expanse on earth. Whoever leaves his home to follow God and His Messenger and meets with death,

shall receive a sure reward from God.

In truth, God is forgiving and merciful!

101. When you travel about in the land, there is no fault upon you

if you shorten the prayer fearing molestation from disbelievers — indeed, disbelievers are your open enemies.

102. — [O Muhammad], when you are leading in prayer, let a part of [the troops] stand

beside you with their weapons.

After they complete their prostrations, make them stand behind you.

Then let those who have not prayed yet come forward and pray with you, keeping their weapons and taking all precautions.

The disbelievers are waiting until you put down your weapons and equipment to attack you in one drive.

However, there will be no fault upon you if you lay your weapons aside because of rain or illness, while taking all precautions.

Verily, God has prepared a humiliating punishment for the disbelievers.

103*If you skip the prayer, remember God standing, sitting, or on your side. And when you feel secure again, stand up for prayer, indeed, the believers ought to pray at definite hours.

104.                  Do not be lax in seeking the enemy — if you suffer, they suffer like you.

But you hope in God, and they have nothing to hope for.

In truth, God is all-knowing and wise.

Part II. Vv. 135-176.

135.   O you who have believed!

Stand for justice and be witnesses before God, even against your parents or relatives, even against yourselves.

God is the Protector of the rich and the poor.

Do not follow your passions, but hold onto [the Truth] to avoid evading [justice] or swerving from it, verily, God knows everything you do.

136.   O you who have believed!

Believe in God and His Messenger, and in the Scripture He has sent down to His Messenger and in the Scripture He had sent down before.

Whoever denies God, His Angels, His Scriptures, His Messengers, and the Last Day, is gone far astray.

137*God will not forgive or guide on the [right] path those who have believed, then disbelieved;

then believed again, then disbelieved, and continued to sink into disbelief.

138.   Announce the good tidings to the Hypocrites that a painful retribution is ready for them.

139.    And those who befriend disbelievers instead of believers, do they expect that they will honor them?

No! Verily, all honors are with God.

140.    [God] has already revealed to you in the Scripture that if you hear that some people deny and mock the Verses of God, you should not sit beside them until they speak of something else; otherwise you would be like them. Verily, God will gather in Hell all the Hypocrites and the disbelievers!

141. They are the ones who are watching you — when God grants you victory, they say: “Were we not on your side?”

But when success is on the disbelievers’ side, they say to them:

“Aren’t you indebted to us

for defending you against the believers?”

God will judge between you on Resurrection Day, and God will never allow the disbelievers to overcome the believers.

142. Verily, the Hypocrites try to double-cross God, but it is He, Who will double-cross them! They stand in prayer indolently,

thinking not so much of God, as of showing off before the people.

143.    They waver, not knowing which side to join.

You will never find a way for those whom God has sent astray!

144.O you who have believed!

Do not befriend disbelievers over the believers if you do not want to provide God with a clear case against yourselves.

145*Verily, the Hypocrites will be in the lower circle of Fire, and you will not find any helper for them.

146.    But not for those who repent, amend their ways,

hold fast to God, and purify their religion for God’s sake — they are the ones who are with the believers, and soon God will give the believers a great reward.

147. Why would God punish you if you are grateful and believing? In truth, God is appreciative and all-knowing!

148. God does not like if someone broadcasts evil, except if he himself has been treated unjustly. In truth, God is hearing and all-knowing!

149. Whether you divulge a good deed or conceal it, whether you forgive evil...

verily, God is forgiving and powerful!

150.    Verily, those who reject God and His Messengers

wish to separate God from His Messengers, and they say: “We believe in some and reject the others,” and they seek a middle way.

151*In truth they are disbelievers, and for the disbelievers

We have prepared a humiliating punishment.

152.     We will soon give their reward

to those who believe in God and His Messengers and make no distinction between them.

In truth, God is forgiving and merciful!

153.     The People of the Scripture ask you

to descend upon them a Scripture from Heaven.

They had asked even more of Moses, saying:

“Show us God as He is!”

A thunderbolt struck them for their blasphemy! After receiving the clear Proofs, they worshiped a calf.

Even then, We pardoned them and gave Moses a firm authority.

154.     We raised a mountain over them

as a Sign of the Covenant, and We said to them:

— Prostrate yourselves when you enter the gate!

We [also] said to them:

— Do not violate the Sabbath!

We concluded with them a solemn Covenant,

155*but they broke the Covenant, rejected God’s Signs, murdered some Prophets unjustly, and said: “Closed are our hearts!” How weak is their faith!

God put a seal upon them for their disbelief,

156*for departing from faith, for viciously slandering Mary,

157*and for their words:

“We’re the ones who killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of God.”

But they did not kill or crucify him: they just imagined it.

Verily, those who argue about that are full of doubts.

They have no knowledge about it — they are just guessing, as it is certain that they have not killed him.

158. No! God has raised him up to Himself — indeed, God is mighty and wise!

159*Verily, among the People of the Scripture there is not a single one

who will not believe [in Jesus] before he dies.

On Judgment Day he will be a witness against them.

160*For their iniquity We have forbidden the Jews some food that was [previously] allowed to them. They were turning [people] away from God’s way.

161. They practiced usury, although it was forbidden to them, and consumed people’s wealth under false pretenses.

For those among them who disbelieve, We have prepared a painful punishment.

162.     But soon We will give a great reward

to those who are firm in Knowledge

and believe in what has been revealed to you, and what had been revealed before you; to those who observe the prayer, pay the zakat, and believe in God and the Last Day.

163. Verily, We are inspiring you, as We inspired Noah and the Prophets who followed him.

Thus We have inspired Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the tribes [of Israel], Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, Solomon, and David to whom We gave the Psalter —

164. all the Messengers We have already mentioned to you and others We have not mentioned.

And with Moses God spoke face to face!

165.     [We have inspired] the Messengers

who brought good tidings and Warnings so that after the [admonition] of the Messengers, people would not have any case against God. Indeed, God is mighty and wise!

166*God witnesses that what has been revealed to you has been revealed with His Knowledge.

The Angels are witnessing it too, albeit God is sufficient as a witness.

167. Verily, those who renounce faith and turn [others] from God’s path have strayed far away.

168.     Verily, God does not forgive those

who disbelieve and do wrong;

He does not guide them to a way 169.other than the way to Hellfire,

their everlasting abode — that is easy for God!

170. O people!

The Messenger came to you

with the Truth from your Lord, therefore, you better believe! But if you disbelieve....

Everything in heavens and earth belongs to God.

God is all-knowing and wise!

171*O People of the Book!

Do not trespass the limits of your religion

and do not say about God anything but the Truth.

Indeed, the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary,

is only a Messenger of God, He is His Word sent to Mary, and a Spirit from Himself.

So believe in God and His Messengers and do not say:

“[They are] a trinity” —

do not do that, as God is truly One God, and too exalted He is to have a son.

Everything in Heavens and earth belongs to Him, and God is enough as a Protector.

172.     Like the attending Angels,

the Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God.

He will soon gather to Himself

those who disdain serving Him and are haughty.

173.     He will reward those who have believed and done right;

He will add to them still more of His bounty, but upon the haughty and the disdainful, He will impose a painful punishment.

Besides God they shall find for themselves neither a protector nor a helper.

174.     O people!

There have come to you the Proofs from your Lord, and the clear Light that We have sent down to you.

175.     Those who have believed in God and firmly stand by Him, He will soon admit to His mercy and to His bounty

and guide them to Himself on the straight path.

176*They ask you for a pronouncement [about inheritance].


“Here is God’s pronouncement for those who leave no parents and no offspring.

If a childless man dies leaving a sister, she receives half of his inheritance.

If a childless woman [dies] leaving a brother, he receives all of her inheritance.

If two [sisters] are left,

they share two-thirds of his estate.

If brothers and sisters are left,

then a man gets the share of two women.”

God makes this clear to you, lest you err.

Indeed, God is aware of all things!

V. 75: “This city where they oppress us” is Mecca.

V. 77: “Restrain their hands...” — avoid rushing into battle.

V. 78: In spite of the doctrine of predestination, everyone is responsible for his/her mis­fortunes. Righteousness (fitra), untainted by original sin, is the natural state of man (S.30:30).

V. 88: Some Muslims wanted to kill the Hypocrites; others to spare them. The next two verses offer a reasonable compromise.

V. 90: “Their conscience” or “their constrained hearts.”

V. 91: The renegades in this verse are the Jews and the Hypocrites who intentionally stayed behind in Mecca.

V. 92: Blood money is a compensation, a fine, a ransom for a person killed unjustly.

V. 94: “Seeking some fleeting profit in this life for yourself” — robbing someone because he is not a Muslim.

V. 97: An injunction against the Muslims who stayed behind.

V. 103: “When you skip the prayer” or “after praying.”

V. 137: The Jews doubted the Koran and ended up rejecting it.

V. 145: “A circle” or “a layer” of Fire.

Vv. 151-153: All Messengers, including Jesus, must be equally respected by the faithful.

V. 155: “Closed are our hearts” — “our hearts are under wraps” or “our hearts are uncir­cumcised” (cf. S.2:88).

V. 156: Mary was slandered by the rumor that Jesus was born out of wedlock.

V. 157: The idea that God could allow Jesus, a righteous man, suffer and die in ignominy for the sins of others was blasphemous for Muslims.

V. 159: “Will not believe in him [Jesus] before h is [o wn] death,” or “will not believe in him before his [Jesus’s] death.”

V. 160: The Muslim dietary laws are less restrictive than the Jewish ones.

V. 166: The expression “God is enough as a witness” is an answer to the Christian belief that God’s will can be swayed by the testimony of Jesus, supplications to the Saints, and even prayers of ordinary people.

V. 171: “Do not trespass...” is an appeal to moderation.

V. 176: This verse completes the inheritance laws presented at the beginning of this sura (Part I, vv. 1-12). It is clearly an addition to the sura.

Although a division of some long suras into two or three parts according to their content, as has been done in this translation, undoubtedly facilitates reading and understanding, an extensive fragmentation of the Koran is unwarranted. Nevertheless, some scholars have sub­mitted the Koran to an extensive deconstruction. Thus, a medieval Azeri student of the Koran, Ibn Hasan, whose work was translated to Russian (ChG, see Bibliography), has divided the Koran into 133 parts in the numerological belief that the number of suras should be 19x7= 137 and not 19x6= 114. He called his 137 chapters suras, but wrongly, because the word sura is specif­ically attached to the canonical Koran (chapters imply a division by subject matter — which is what he attempted to achieve). He also transferred a few verses or even one half of a verse from one sura to another one (e.g., vv. 158, 196-part of 200, and 203 from S.2 to S.22. Out of S.4 he carved four “suras”: Women (vv. 1-35; 127-130; 176), The Weight of a Speck of Dust (vv. 36-42), The Membrane of a Date (vv. 43-70), and The Blessing (vv. 71-126; 131-175). A comparison with Rodwell (JMR) shows that the English author, without mentioning his source, has practically copied the order in which Ibn Hasan listed his chapters of the Koran.

SURA 59 EXPULSION. S59 deals with the division of spoils after the defeat of the Jewish tribes Bani Qainuqa'and Bani Nadir (4 H). It was necessary then to quell any dissension among the four groups of Muslims: 1) the Muhajjirun, of Meccan descent, who accompanied the Prophet to Medina; 2) the Ansar — the Musims native to Medina; 3) the recent emigrants from Mecca, who joined the Muhajjirun; and 4) the party of the Hypo­crites who refused to fight. The gathering of Muslins was opposed by an armed “confeder­ation ” of plotters. Emigration (hijra) has the same root as Muhajjirun. The Muslim calendar starts at the hijra to Medina in 620.

59. E X P U L S I O N
Medinan, 24 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.    Everything in Heavens and earth glorifies God. He is the Mighty, the Wise.

2* He is the One Who at the first expulsion evicted from their dwellings

those who had not believed

among the People of the Scripture.

You did not think that they would leave, and they thought that their strongholds will defend them from God.

Yet God came upon them from unexpected quarters and brought [such] a terror into their hearts that their dwellings were destroyed by their own hands and the hands of the believers.

This is a warning for those who have eyes to see!

3.     If God had not decreed their expulsion,

He would have certainly punished them in this world, and in the Hereafter He will punish them by the Fire

4.     for their opposition to God and His Messenger. Verily, God is severe in punishing

anyone who opposes God.

5* If you have cut down [their] young palm-trees, leaving some of them on their roots, that was done by God’s decree to humiliate the reprobates.

6* You did not have to go on a campaign on horseback or camelback

to get what God [took away] from them and gave to His Messenger.

God gives power to His Messengers as He wills.

God has power over all things.

7* The spoils from the townspeople

that God gave to His Messenger belong to God, His Messenger, the near relatives, the orphans, the poor, and the wayfarers.

They should not be allocated to the rich among you.

Take what the Messenger gives you and abstain from what he withholds from you.

And fear God — verily, God is severe in punishment!

8.     [A part] of the spoils is for the indigent emigrants who lost their dwellings and property, while seeking God’s bounty and approval, and who were assisting God and His Messenger. They are the sincere ones!

9* Those who owned houses [in Medina] and adopted the faith, love those who emigrated to [their city], and they do not covet what has been given to them. Although they are poor themselves, they put their needs above their own.

Successful shall be those

who free themselves of greed!

10. And those who emigrated after them say: “O our Lord! Forgive us and our brothers who came to faith before us, and don’t leave in our hearts any ill-feelings toward the believers.

O our Lord! Verily, You’re full of kindness and mercy!”

Do you not know what the Hypocrites say to their disbelieving brothers among the People of the Scripture: “If they exile you, surely we’ll follow you.

We’ll never obey anyone in what concerns you, and if you’re attacked, surely we’ll help you!” God is witness that they are liars!

If they are expelled,

[the Hypocrites] will not follow them and will never help them if they are attacked.

And if they helped them, they would betray them and leave them without support.

Indeed, God has filled their hearts with a fear of you that is stronger than their fear of God — these people do not understand.

They will not fight you in a body, but only inside fortified towns or hiding behind walls. Strong is the rivalry among them.

You think that they are united, yet their hearts are apart, but these people do not think.

They shall taste the evil of their actions like their immediate predecessors.

A painful punishment is [prepared] for them.

And such is Satan who said to a man:

“Deny [God]!”

And when [the man] denied, he said:

“Now I’m repudiating you

because I’m afraid of God, the Lord of the Worlds.” Both shall end up in the Fire where they will abide for ever.

Such is the reward of the sinners!

O you who have believed! Fear God!

Let each soul consider

what she has prepared for tomorrow.

Fear God! Verily, God is well informed of your deeds. Do not be like those who have forgotten God and [God] made them forget themselves.

Indeed, they are reprobates!

Can one compare the inmates of the Fire to the dwellers of Paradise?

The dwellers of Paradise are the ones to succeed.

If We descended this Koran upon a mountain,

you would see how it will humble itself

and split asunder out of fear of God.

Such are the examples We bring up to the people —

perhaps they will reflect!

22* He is God!

There is no god, but Him.

He knows the hidden and the revealed.

He is the Compassionate, the Merciful.

23.      He is God!

There is no god, but Him.

He is the Sovereign, the Holy One,

the Source of Peace, the Guardian of Faith,

the Observer of security, the Mighty,

the Powerful, the Most High.

Glory to God!

[Exalted] He is above what they associate with Him!

24.      He is God, the Creator, the Builder, the Source of Harmony.

To Him belong the most beautiful Names.

Everything in Heavens and earth glorifies Him!

He is the Mighty, the Wise.

V. 2: “At the first expulsion.” Expulsion in Arabic is hashr, which also means “assembly” or “gathering.” If gathering is meant, here, it may refer both to the Muslims and to their enemies who were mustering their forces at the time. The Jewish tribe Bani Nadir was forced to leave the vicinity of Medina after Uhud (4 H).

V. 5: The palm groves belonged to the Bani Nadir, who might have destroyed them during their retreat.

Vv. 6-8: The lands confiscated from the Jews were not considered to be spoils of war, as they were lands previously seized by the Jews from their rightful owners.

V. 7: The Muslims justify the expulsion of the Jews by the fact that they were recent immigrants who could not be assimilated into the local Arabian communities for cultural reasons. The creation of a stable community destined to become a nation required, besides funds, discipline and full respect for Islam.

Many Koranic verses like this one speak of the high standing of the Prophet beside God, but the Prophet is not the object of a cult. The only celebration dedicated to Muhammad is his birthday (Mawlid an-Nabi on 12 Rabi’ al-Awal), which is remembered only in some localities, with no ritual is attached to it.

Vv. 9-10: The late Emigrants are the Meccan defectors to the Prophet’s side after his first victories.

V. 11: The Hypocrites were accused of betraying Islam by seeking a trade accommo­dation with the Jews.

V. 15: The “predecessors” referred to are Bani Qainuqa’ — the first Jewish tribe to be defeated by the Muslims.

V. 18: “Tomorrow,” probably, on Judgment Day.

Vv. 22-24: A doxology often quoted by Muslims (cf. S.24: 41). It contains several of God’s Names, which describe some facets of His nature but do not explain who He is. The ineffable God (S.37:180) is the total reality (S.20:114; S.4:171), but He cannot be understood by man (S.37:180). Nevertheless, a man stripped by God of his veils can feel His Presence and understand the deep sense of life and things (S.17:4; S.29:64).

God is the Holy One, Whose Oneness is His highest attribute, as stated in S.112, which every Muslim must know by heart. The statement that the Koran is easy to remember (S.54:17) is taken so seriously that thousands of faithful achieve the feat of committing the whole Book to memory.

Sura 48 Victory. This sura was revealed between the disappointing expedition of the Muslims against the Meccans at Hudabiya (6 H),which ended with the treaty of the same name, and a successful operation at Khaybar (7 H). Therefore, victory and defeat alternate from passage to passage. The sura criticizes the nomadic Arabs (the Bedouins) who defected at Hudabiya (vv. 11-12 and 15'16).

48.      VI C T O R Y

Medinan, 29 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Verily, We have granted you a decisive victory,

2.     so that God would forgive your past and future sins, fulfill His goodness to you,

guide you on the straight path,

3.      and sustain you by a mighty help.

4* He is the One, Who has sent Assurance into the hearts of the believers

to add still more belief to their belief.

To God belong the hosts of Heavens and earth.

In truth, God is all-knowing and wise!

5.     He will admit the believers,

men and women, into the Gardens

under which the rivers flow to abide in them for ever.

He will absolve them from evil deeds.

In the eyes of God this is truly a great success!

6.     He will punish the Hypocrites, men and women, and the Associators, men and women.

Their evil ideas about God encircle them in evil.

The wrath of God is upon them. He has cursed them and prepared for them Hellfire — what an evil outcome!

7* To God belong the hosts of Heavens and earth.

God is truly all-mighty and wise!

8.     — [O Muhammad!] We have sent you as a witness,

a carrier of good news, and a Warner

9.     to let everyone believe in God and His Messenger, assist Him, and glorify Him mornings and evenings.

10.   Verily, those who pledge allegiance to you, pledge allegiance to God.

The hand of God is over their hands!

Whoever breaks an oath, breaks it to his soul’s harm, and whoever fulfills his Covenant with God shall soon receive from Him a great reward.

11* The Arab nomads who stayed behind will say to you: “We’ve to mind our property and households, so ask forgiveness for us.”

Their tongues say what is not in their hearts.


“Then, who would intercede before God in your behalf if He intended to hurt or benefit you?”

God is truly well aware of your deeds.

12.   You thought that the Messenger and the believers will never return to their households.

This was a bad idea made attractive to your hearts.

And now you are a people of losers!

13.   We have prepared a Fire for the disbelievers who have not believed in God and His Messenger!

14.     God is the Sovereign of Heavens and earth.

He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills.

God is truly forgiving and merciful!

15* When you will set forth for the spoils, those who stayed behind will say: “Allow us to follow you!”

This is how they wish to breach God’s decision!


“No! You’ll not go with us, as God has already told you!”

Then they will say:

“You envy us!”

How little do they understand!

16.     Say to the Arab nomads who stayed behind:

“You’ll be called against a people skilled in violent war, and you’ll have to fight them till they surrender.

If you obey, God will give you a good reward, but if you betray, as you’ve betrayed before, He’ll punish you by a painful retribution.”

17.   There is no blame upon the blind, as there is no blame upon the lame and the sick [for not fighting].

[God] will admit whoever obeys God and His Messenger into the Gardens under which the rivers flow, and if any one retreats,

He will punish him by a painful retribution.

18* God has been satisfied with the believers when they pledged you allegiance under a tree.

He knew what was in their hearts and He sent the Sakina down upon them.

He will reward them with an upcoming victory

19.    and a rich booty that will be their lot.

God is truly mighty and wise!

20.     God promised you a rich booty that will be your lot.

He rushed it to you, while restraining from you the people’s hands, so that it might become a Sign for the believers, and He might guide you to the straight path.

21.   And there is another booty not within your reach — it is in the power of God.

God truly has power over all things!

22.   If the disbelievers fight you, they will surely retreat without finding a protector or a helper.

23.     Such was God’s decree in the past,

and you will find no change in God’s decrees!

24.   He is the One, Who in the valley of Mecca has restrained their hands from you and your hands from them

after He had granted you victory over them.

God truly sees well all that you do.

25*They are among the ones who disbelieved, kept you away from the Sacred Mosque, and prevented animal offerings from reaching their destination.

But [had you fought] at the time, you could have unknowingly trampled some believing men and believing women, thus unwillingly committing sin.

God [has restrained your hands] to admit to His mercy anyone He chooses. If [the believers] had stood apart, We would have certainly inflicted a severe punishment upon the disbelievers.

26* While the disbelievers were filling their hearts with violence — the violence of the time of Ignorance, God has been sending down

His Sakina upon His Messenger and the believers. They deserved it and were worthy of it.

[God] made them respect the word of devotion. God is truly well aware of all things!

27.    God has truly fulfilled His Messenger’s vision!

God willing, you shall enter the Sacred Mosque in full security, your heads shaven, your hair cut short, and without fear.

[God] knew what you did not know.

And besides that, He granted you a speedy victory.

28.      He is the One Who has sent His Messenger

with Guidance and the religion of Truth to exalt it above all religions.

Sufficient is God as a witness!

29* Muhammad is God’s Messenger.

His followers are firm with the disbelievers

and compassionate to one another.

You see how they bow and prostrate themselves, hoping for God’s favors and [His] approval.

Their faces are marked by the traces of prostrations.

This is how they are represented in the Torah.

Their image in the Evangel is a sprouting seed.

It grows strong and becomes a straight stalk that pleases the sowers and angers the disbelievers.

To those who have believed and have done good works, God has promised forgiveness and a great reward.

V. 1: The first three verses are addressed directly to the Prophet Muhammad. The “decisive victory” is the treaty by which the Quraish recognized Islam as a lawful power in Arabia.

V. 4: “Reassurance,” sakina, cf. S.48:26, S.2:248.

V. 7: “The hosts,” “the armies,” or “the forces.”

V. 11: The Bedouins asked to be excused from conscription.

V. 15: “As God has said before” (cf. S.8:1). “Those who stayed behind” — the Bedouins who defected in battle.

V. 18: “When they pledged you allegiance under a tree”: the treaty of Hudabiya (6 H). The victory is that of Khaybar (7 H).

V. 25: In battle, the advancing Muslims could not discern the believers from the disbe­lievers. God interfered to save innocent bystanders.

At the reading of this verse, as well as S.41:37 and S.96:19, it is customary to bow and prostrate oneself.

V. 26: “Respect the word of devotion” — show self-restraint.

V. 29: A rare mention of the Prophet’s name. The mark is the dark spot on the forehead produced by contact with the floor or the soil during prostrations. Moses and Aaron “fell on their faces” (Num. 16:22); “The angels... fell... on their faces”(Rev. 7:11).

SURA 57 THE IRON. S.57preaches humility before God and dismisses ser­vility before men. It describes the virtues of a true Muslim and reiterates the calls to con­tributions (vv. 7 10-11,17). In v.25, iron may be a symbol of strength. If the victory alluded to in v.10is the conquest of Mecca, S.57could be dated as late as 8 H.

57.      T H E I R O N

Medinan, 29 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Everything in Heavens and earth glorifies God.

He is the Mighty, the Wise.

2.     To Him belongs the Dominion of Heavens and earth. He gives life and death.

He has power over all things.

3.     He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Unseen. He is well aware of everything.

4* He is the One Who has created the Heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself on the Throne. He knows what goes into the earth and what comes out of it, what descends from the sky and what ascends to it.

He is with you, wherever you are!

God sees everything you do!

5.     To Him belongs the Dominion of Heavens and earth. [All] matters return to God.

6.     He merges the night with the day and merges the day with the night. He knows best what is in the hearts.

7* Believe in God and His Messenger, and contribute from what you have inherited from Him. Those of you who believe and contribute shall receive a great reward.

8.     What prevents you from believing in God?

The Messenger is calling upon you to believe in your Lord, Who accepted your pledge that you will not cease to believe.

9.     He is the One, Who sends clear Proofs down to His servant to let him bring you from darkness to Light.

Verily, God is full of kindness and mercy for you!

10* What prevents you from contributing to the cause of God? Indeed, the Heavens and the earth are God’s Dominion! Those who gave and fought before victory are much higher in rank than those who gave and fought after it, but God has promised goodness to everyone.

God is well aware of your deeds.

11.  Whoever lends a good loan to God, [God] will double it, and he shall receive a noble reward.

12* On [that] Day you shall see how Light will stream from believing men and believing women in front of them and to the right of them.

Good tidings for you today: Gardens under which the rivers flow to abide in them for ever; this is the highest achievement!

13.  On [that] Day the Hypocrites, men and women, shall say to the believers:

“Wait for us, we want to borrow some of your Light!”

— Go back to search for [your] Light!

Then a wall with a gate shall arise between them with mercy inside and punishment outside.

14.    They shall call out:

“Were we not with you?”

— Yes, you were, but you fell into temptation, you waited, you doubted, and your wishes deceived you. When God issued His Decision,

the Deceiver deceived you about God.

15.   Today no ransom shall be taken from you or the disbelievers! Your abode is the Fire — what an evil outcome!

16* Is it not time for the believers

to humble their hearts at the remembrance of God and at the descent of Truth upon them, and to stop emulating those who had received the Scripture in the past, and whose hearts had hardened so much in the long run that many of them became reprobate.

17.   Know that God can revive the earth after it has died.

We have already shown you the Signs — perhaps you will understand!

18* Verily, charitable men and women who lend to God a good loan shall receive twice as much in return with a liberal reward on top.

19* For their Lord, those who believe in God and His Messengers are the Keepers of Truth and the Witnesses [of Faith] who will get their reward and their Light, but those who denied God and rejected Our Signs will dwell in Hellfire.

20* Let you know that this life is only sport and fun, embellishment, bragging among yourselves, and competition for more wealth and more children. An example for you is the rain that causes a sprout to burst forth to the delight of the grower.

But soon it withers and you see how it yellows and turns into stubble. There is a severe punishment in the Hereafter, but also God’s forgiveness and approval.

And this life is only a deceiving contentment.

21. So, compete with one another

in [seeking] the forgiveness of your Lord, and Paradise which is as immense as the expanse of Heaven and earth.

It is for those who believed in God and His Messengers, it is God’s favor which He bestows upon anyone He wills. God wields a mighty Grace!

22* There is no misfortune in the land or in your souls that is not recorded in the Book before We let it happen. Verily, this is easy for God!

23* Do not despair if something has passed by you and do not exult over what you have received.

God does not love the arrogant braggarts

24. who are miserly themselves and urge people to stinginess!

And if anyone of them turns away...

then, verily, God is the Rich, the Praiseworthy.

25* And in the past We have been sending Our Messengers with clear Proofs, the Book and the Balance to let the people stand by justice.

We sent down iron for war and for the benefit of mankind.

God knows who secretly supports Him and His Messengers.

Verily, God is powerful and mighty!

26. We have sent Noah and Abraham and established

in their posterity the Prophetic gift and the Revelation.

Some of them followed the Guidance, but many of them became reprobates.

27* We continued to send Our Messengers in their footsteps, and then We sent Jesus, son of Mary,

We gave him the Evangel and put kindness and mercy in the hearts of his followers.

We have not prescribed them monastic life, which they have invented themselves, but only the search of God’s satisfaction.

Yet, they did not live up to expectations.

We gave their reward to those of them who believed, but many of them became reprobates.

28.      O you who have believed!

Fear God and believe in His Messenger.

Then [God] will give you a double portion of His mercy and a Light for you to follow. He will forgive you — indeed, God is forgiving and merciful!

29.      Let the People of the Scripture know

that they have no control over God’s Grace — it is in His hand, and He gives it to whomever He wills.

God is the Sovereign of abundant Grace!

V. 4: According to the Bible, God has created the world in six days, but in fact, he will continue to create and build it for ever. We cannot know what He will create in the future.

V. 7: “Contribute,” i.e., give to charity.

V. 10: “The victory” is either the conquest of Mecca or one of the successful campaigns of the Prophet.

V. 12: “And the believing women” might be a later addition made to enhance the prestige of women.

V. 16: The Koran used to urge the faithful to fight relentlessly; now, after victory, it invites them to soften their hearts.

Vv. 18-19: The four degrees of nearness to God are: the Prophets (S.4:9), the Keepers of Truth, the Witnesses (v.19), and charitable people (v.18). The Keepers of Truth and the Wit­nesses are sources of Light by themselves.

Faith (iman) has four degrees of merit: submission to God following the example of everything He has created; individual and wholehearted submission; submission in fulfilling the prescriptions of religion; and total immersion in faith and good works.

V. 19: “The Witnesses” comprise the Martyrs.

V. 20: “The growers” — “the disbelievers” in the original.

V. 22: “The Book” is a record of all human actions.

Vv. 22-24: The misfortune alluded to is probably the defeat at Hudabiya. For this reason, even though S.57 resembles the Meccan suras, it is placed among the latest Medinan suras.

V. 23: A righteous person is as moderate in pain as in joy: he knows that both come from God.

V. 25: “The Scripture” is the Koran; “the Balance” allows to distinguish the right from the wrong, the valuable from the fake.

V. 27: Note the conciliatory tone towards Christians.

“They did not achieve what was expected from them”: monks will never satisfy God because solitude is an unnatural way of life.

Sura 33 The Confederates. S.33 deals essentially with two topics: the personal life of the Prophet (cf. S.66) and the failed attempt of the Confederation to take Medina (5 H). While the Quraish remained in Mecca, the other Confederates — the Jewish tribes, the Hypocrites, and the Bedouins — were defeated in the trenches dug by the Musims around the city. The Jewish tribe Bani Quraiza lost its lands.

33.     T H E C O N F E D E R A T E S

Medinan, ~73 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.    O Prophet! Fear God and do not yield to the disbelievers and the Hypocrites! Verily, God is all-knowing and wise!

2.    Follow what is inspired to you by your Lord. Verily, God is well informed of your deeds.

3.      Trust God — God is sufficient as a Trustee.

4* God has not put two hearts inside a man’s chest.

He has not changed into your mothers the spouses you divorced by [the rite] of zihar, and He has not made your adopted children your sons. These are just words in your mouths, but God speaks the Truth and guides on the [right] way.

5. Call [adopted sons] after their fathers: that is more just in God’s sight.

If you do not know who their fathers are, then they are your brethren in faith or your close friends.

There will be no fault upon you if you have made a mistake in this matter, unless it was intentional in your hearts.

In truth, God is forgiving and merciful!

The Prophet is closer to the believers than they are to one another and his wives are [like] mothers to them.

In the Book of God, blood relatives are closer to one another than the believers or the emigrants among themselves. But you should treat your close friends kindly as well — so it is written in the Book [of God].

Remember that We made a Covenant with the Prophets — with you, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, son of Mary. We made a solemn Covenant with them all, so that [God] could question the Keepers of Truth about their truthfulness.

He has prepared a painful punishment for the disbelievers.

O you who have believed!

Remember God’s goodness to you when you were besieged by armies. We sent against them a violent storm, and for your support — invisible hosts. In truth, God sees well all what you do! When they came upon you from above and below, when [your] sight dimmed, and [your] hearts rose to [your] throats, you began to have doubts about God. Thus the believers were tested and jolted a tremendous jolt.

Then the Hypocrites and those with diseased hearts said: “The promise of God and His Messenger is but a delusion.” Others among them said:

“O you, people of Yathrib! Go back!

This’s not the place for you!”

Then some of them asked leave of the Prophet, saying: “Our houses are in danger!”

But they were not in danger: they just wanted to run away.

If [the enemies] surround them from all sides and incite them to revolt, they would certainly rally to them without delay. Yet they had made a Covenant with God that they will never betray.

They shall be accountable for their Covenant with God!


“Running away will not help you if you run away from death or slaughter, and even then, brief would be your enjoyment.” Say:

“Nobody would guard you from God if He wished you evil

or if He wished you mercy.”

They shall not find any protector or helper besides God.

18.  Indeed, God knows those of you who restrain others [from fighting]

and those of you who say to their brothers: “Rally to us!”

If they go out to fight,

it will be only for a short while,

19.  and they will be full of envy towards you! You will see them overcome with fear, looking at you and rolling their eyes

as if death were hovering over them!

But when fear subsides, they will viciously lash at you with [their] sharp tongues and covet the booty.

They have no faith, and God has nullified their deeds — in truth, that is easy for God.

20.  They think that the Confederates did not go away; but if the Confederates returned,

they would go over to the Arab nomads in the desert to gather information about you.

And if they stayed with you, they would fight only for a short while.

21.  Indeed, the Messenger of God is a good example for those who rely upon God and the Last Day, and frequently remember God.

22.      When the believers saw the Confederates, they said:

“This is what God and His Messenger have warned us about. God and His Messenger had been telling the truth!”

And this increased their belief and submission.

23.      Some believers are true to their Covenant with God.

and are fulfilling their vow,

while others are waiting, but they firmly believe

24.      that, God willing, He might reward

the Keepers of Truth for their truthfulness and punish the Hypocrites or pardon them.

Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

25.  God turned the disbelievers back in spite of their fury. They gained no advantage —

indeed, God is sufficient for the believers in their fight. God is truly powerful and mighty!

26.      And those of the People of the Scripture

who supported [the Confederates], God chased them from their strongholds and filled their hearts with terror. You killed some of them and others you captured.

27* [God] let you inherit their lands, dwellings, property, and a land you had not trodden [before].

In truth, God has power over all things!

28* — O Prophet! Tell your wives:

“If you desire the life of this world with its frills, then come! I’ll let you enjoy it before sending you away graciously.

29.    But if you desire God, His Messenger,

and the Last Abode, God will prepare a great reward for those among you who do good.”

30.    — O wives of the Prophet!

If one of you commits an open indecency, she shall receive a double punishment. In truth, this is easy for God.

31.   Those of you who are devoted to the service of God and His Messenger and do good works

shall receive from Us a double reward — We will prepare for them an ample provision.

32.    — O wives of the Prophet!

You are not like other women.

If you fear God, do not talk too sweetly,

but talk in a dignified way,

lest you seduce someone with a corrupted heart.

33* Keep to your houses and avoid the showy garments of the times of Ignorance. Observe the prayer, pay the zakat, and obey God and His Messenger. God wants to cleanse of pollution you and your household, and to thoroughly purify you.

34.    Remember the Verses of God

which are recited in your houses, and [His] Wisdom. Verily, God is graceful and well-informed!

35* Verily, God has prepared forgiveness and a great reward for Muslim men and women, believing men and women, obedient men and women, truthful men and women, patient men and women, humble men and women, almsgiving men and women, chaste men and women, and men and women who often remember Him.

God has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward.

36* Believing men or women should not take part in the decisions made by God and His Messenger. Whoever disobeys God and His Messenger has really gone astray!

37* — [O Muhammad!] Remember how you said to [Zeid], who had received God’s grace and your favor: “Keep your wife to yourself and be God-fearing.” But you concealed in your soul what God wanted to reveal. You feared people instead of fearing God.

When Zeid divorced, We married you to [his wife] to allow believers to marry without hindrance the divorced wives of their adopted sons after [their marriage] had been duly dissolved. Thus God’s Decision has been fulfilled.

38.   There is no difficulty for the Prophet in what God has assigned to him.

[Indeed], those who have already passed away had also observed the Law of God.

God’s Decision must be fulfilled!

39.   [This is] for those who convey God’s Messages, who fear Him, and fear nobody but Him. Sufficient is God to call to account!

40*Muhammad is not the father of any of your men. He is God’s Messenger and the seal of the Prophets. God is fully aware of all things.

41.    O you who have believed!

Remember God and do it frequently,

42.    and glorify Him mornings and evenings.

43.    He and His Angels are blessing you

to bring you out of the darkness into the Light. He is truly merciful to the believers.

44.   The Day they meet Him, their greeting shall be: “Peace!”

He has prepared for them a generous reward.

45.   — O Prophet! In truth, We have sent you as a Witness, a Carrier of good news, and a Warner

46.   who calls to God with His permission, and as an illuminating Lamp.

47.   Announce to the believers the good news that they shall receive a great mercy from God.

48.   Do not yield to the disbelievers and the Hypocrites, disregard their insults and put your trust in God. God is sufficient as a Trustee.

49*O you who have believed!

If you marry believing women, and then divorce them before consummation, you do not have to observe the waiting period. Give them a gift

and let them go in an honorable way.

50* — O Prophet! We allowed you to marry those to whom you have paid their dowries: the slaves given to you by God as part of the spoils, the daughters of paternal uncles and aunts, the daughters of maternal uncles and aunts who have emigrated with you [from Mecca], and any believing woman ready to dedicate herself to the Prophet if the Prophet desires to marry her. This is for you, but not for the believers! We know what We have commanded in regard to their wives and slaves, but you must be free of hindrance. In truth, God is forgiving and merciful!

51* You may skip [the turn] of any [of your wives] and receive any one you desire.

There will be no blame upon you if you invite one of those [whose turn] you have skipped. This is better to cool their eyes, to free them from grief, and to satisfy them with what you are giving them.

God knows what is in your hearts.

In truth, God is all-knowing and forbearing!

52* You are not allowed in the future to marry again or to replace your wives with others whose beauty might strike you, except your slaves. In truth, God is observing everything.

53* O you who have believed!

Enter the houses of the Prophet when invited for a meal, but not while it is being prepared.

If invited, come in, and disperse after eating without engaging in conversation to avoid annoying the Prophet.

Otherwise he will feel embarrassed for you, but God is not embarrassed by the truth! When you ask [women] for some utensil, ask from behind a curtain — that is purer for your hearts and their hearts. You should not annoy God’s Messenger and you should not marry his wives: that would be outrageous in God’s eyes.

54. Whatever you reveal, whatever you hide, verily, God is fully aware of everything.

55* It is not sinful for [wives to appear unveiled] before their fathers, their sons and their brothers, their brothers’ sons and sisters’ sons, and before their women, or their [female] slaves. Let them fear God — verily, God is witness to all things.

56.   Verily, God and His Angels are blessing the Prophet. And you who have believed,

bless him and greet him a great greeting.

57.   Verily, God has cursed in this world and in the Hereafter those who slander God and His Messenger.

He has prepared for them a humiliating punishment.

58.   Those who undeservedly abuse believing men and women, are guilty of calumny and obvious sin.

59* — O Prophet!

Tell your wives, your daughters, and believing women to cover themselves with over-garments [when going out]: this is more proper than to be recognized and abused. God is truly forgiving and merciful!

60.      If the Hypocrites, the diseased of heart,

and those who spread sedition in Medina do not desist, We will surely rouse you against them, and they shall cease to be your neighbors for long.

61.   A curse will be upon them and they shall be captured and utterly destroyed wherever they are found.

62.   Such was God’s Decree for those who lived before, and you will not find any changes in God’s Decrees.

63.      People ask you about the Hour.


“[Only] God knows it!”

How can you know — perhaps the Hour is near!

64.   Verily, God has cursed the disbelievers and has prepared for them a blazing Fire

65.      in which they shall dwell for ever.

And they shall not find any protector or helper.

66.   The Day when the Fire distorts their faces, they shall say:

“O woe to us! Why haven’t we obeyed God, why haven’t we obeyed the Messenger?”

67.      And they shall say:

“O our Lord! We’ve been obeying

our chiefs and our elite:

they are the ones who led us astray.

68.   O our Lord! Double their punishment and curse them a great curse!”

69* O you who have believed!

Do not be like those who slandered Moses.

God cleared him of all their accusations, as He was truly honorable in God’s sight!

70.      O you who have believed!

Fear God and speak the words of Truth,

71.   then He will improve your works and forgive your sins. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger

shall achieve the greatest success.

72* Verily, We have offered Responsibility to the Heavens, the earth, and the mountains, but it scared them, and they refused.

Then man took it upon himself, [though] he was sinful and ignorant.

73.   Thus God will punish the Hypocrites, men and women, and the Associators, men and women, and will pardon the believing men and women — indeed, God is forgiving and merciful!

V. 4: About the divorce by the Zihar, cf. S.58. The law did not assimilate adopted sons to natural sons.

V. 6: “You should treat your close friends kindly” by helping them and by remembering them in your wills.

V. 8: “The Keepers of Truth” or the righteous: cf. S.57:19.

Vv. 9-10: The same had happened at Badr. The Confederates were more numerous than the Muslims, yet they were defeated in the trenches of Uhud, partly because of blinding sand storms (S.8:9).

V. 13: Yathrib is the old name of Medina. Some of its de fenders refused to fight in the trenches dug around the city.

V. 27: The land that the faithful did not own before: the Jewish settlements in the vicinity of Khaybar (S.48:18), about 100 miles north of Medina.

Vv. 28f: The Prophet wanted his wives to play a leading role in the establishment of Islam, and he gave them the freedom of choice. Some misunderstandings about the Prophet’s wives have been revealed in S.66.

V. 33: It seems that the Prophet was hurt by the vanity of some of his wives.

V. 35: Men and women are equal in obligations before God.

V. 36: The impression is created that during the later part of his life the Prophet Muhammad took part in God’s Decisions.

V. 37: Apparently, this verse which excuses the Prophet from abiding by the law prohib­iting fathers to marry the divorced wives of their sons was addressed during his life only to the members of his family and to his close friends. Zeid, a freed slave adopted by the Prophet, was married to Zeinab, a cousin of the Prophet. This union was not a happy one. At first, the Prophet objected to their divorce, but then he approved it, but opposed its divulgation. Later on, he married Zeinab himself, thus giving rise to sarcastic rumors. Zeid is one of the two con­temporaries of the Prophet called by name.

V. 40: The “seal of the Prophets,” i.e., the last of them.

V. 49: A divorced wife has the right to keep half of her dowry and to receive a present as well.

V. 50: In the year 7 H, the Prophet had nine wives and several concubines; at the time of his death, he had twelve wives.

V. 51: The Prophet was free to break the rotation between his wives that was considered proper for a husband.

V. 52: Of the Prophet’s wives, Raihana, was formerly a slave.

V. 53: To come to a house uninvited during a meal was a violation of good manners, espe­cially as the rules of hospitality demanded that the guest be invited to partake of the meal.

V. 55: “It is not sinful for [wives to appear unveiled] before their fathers...” The meaning might be lost without the interpolation in square brackets.

Vv. 55, 59 may apply to the wives of the Prophet and to women in general. Women are required to hide behind a curtain (or veil?) in the presence of strangers, but the Koran does not give details about how this should be done. The veil covering the face or part of the face did not appear as a regular item of apparel until the Abbasid times, even though the Koran is full of pre­scriptions and images with veils and curtains. The veil (hidjab) is called purdah in Persia and shador (a whole black garment) in the Middle East. Veiling the entire body cannot be com­patible with the honorable status given to women in the Koran which stipulates that women are equal to man before God, but the role of women in most societies is dependent on cultural mores. In fringe Islamic societies like the Taliban of Afghanistan or the Alawis of Syria, women are considered to be so inferior to men that they seem to be without souls.

V. 59: Covering their faces and heads, or only their heads, is one of the prevailing customs among Muslim women in many countries.

The Koran requires that women wear long and ample “over-garments” that would dis­guise their features when they leave their houses.

V. 69: The Prophet was blamed by his opponents for marrying Zeinab, just as Moses had been blamed by his sister and brother for marrying an Ethiopian woman (Num. 12:1).

V. 72: “Trust” (amana) also means responsibility, faith and obedience. God offered the responsibility for the Universe to the highest powers, represented by the Heavens, the earth and the mountains, but they declined it. Man took it upon himself, but did not live up to his pledge because of his shortcomings.

Sura 60 The Woman Examined. This short sura was probably revealed after the Meccans broke the treaty of Hudabiya (7'8 H). It questions the wisdom of befriending members of other faiths and sets up some rules for the treatment of believing and disbelieving women.

60.      T H E W O M A N E X A M I N E D
Medinan, 13 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* O you who have believed!

Do do not befriend My enemies and your enemies and do not offer them your affection.

Indeed, they rejected the Truth after it came to you,

and expelled the Messenger and yourselves

because of your belief in God, your Lord.

When you came out to fight in My cause

and to seek My approval,

you concealed your friendship with them.

But I know well what you hide and what you reveal.

Whoever does it, has wandered off the straight path.

2.      If they overcome you, they will be your enemies.

The hands they stretch to you and their tongues are full of evil, indeed, they want you to renounce faith.

3.    Neither your relatives nor your children shall help you when God will judge you on Resurrection Day,

for He sees well all what you do.

4.      A good example for you was Abraham and his followers

when they said to the people:

“We have nothing to do with you

or with whatever you worship besides God.

We reject you! Unless you believe in One God, there shall be an everlasting enmity and hatred between us.” But [a bad example] was Abraham when he said to his father: “Yes, I’ll pray for your forgiveness, but I can’t help you with God in any way.”

“O our Lord!

We’re putting our trust in You,

We’re turning to You — in You is our outcome!

5.     O our Lord!

Don’t make of us a trial for those who don’t believe. And forgive us, O our Lord! Verily, You’re the Mighty, the Wise.”

6.     This is truly a good example

for those who yearn for God and the Last Day. And the one who turns away...

then, verily, God is the Rich, the Praiseworthy.

7* But it may happen that God establishes affection between you and those you consider as enemies — indeed, all power is with God, and God is forgiving and merciful!

8.     God does not forbid you to be kind and fair to those who do not fight you because of religion

and do not expel you from your dwellings.

Verily, God loves the just.

9.     But God forbids you to befriend

those who fight against you because of religion, who expel you from your dwellings, and help to expel you.

Those who befriend them are doing evil.

10* O you who have believed!

Examine the believing women who come to you as refugees. God knows best about their faith.

If you find out that they believe, do not send them back to the disbelievers — indeed, they are unlawful for the disbelievers and [the disbelievers] are unlawful for them. But return to them all they have spent on [a dowry]. There will be no fault upon you if you marry them and pay them their dowries.

Do not keep disbelieving women, but ask for the return of what you have spent on them, and let the disbelievers ask for the return of what they have spent. Such is God’s Judgment, and He is the Judge between you.

God is all-knowing and wise!

11.  If any of your wives crossed over to the disbelievers, when your turn comes, reimburse those they have left the equivalent of what they had spent [on the dowry]. And fear God in whom you believe.

12* — O Prophet! If believing women come to you and pledge

that they will not associate anything with God,

that they will neither steal nor commit adultery,

that they will not kill their children,

that they will not accuse others

for the deeds of their hands and feet,

and that they will not oppose you in what is lawful,

then accept their pledge and ask God to forgive them.

Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

13. O you who have believed!

Do not befriend people who have incurred the wrath of God.

They despair in the Hereafter like the disbelievers despair in [the resurrection] of the dwellers of the graves.

V. 1: “They rejected the Truth.” Truth is not an abstraction: it is the whole world with God’s decrees and the laws of nature, it is God Himself. A righteous person acquires Truth grad­ually and thus gains in wisdom and spiritual growth step by step.

”God is the Truth” means that God is a reality and not a fantasy. God is Light without admixture of darkness. Darkness is the negation of existence. The world does not exist without God’s Light. Such are the ideas of the Muslims about the Creator.

As everything else in the Universe, dualism, such as the one between ineffability and nearness to man, is subservient to God. Complementary dualism is expressed in the two cate­gories of God’s Names: 1) those that proclaim the qualities of God: Almighty, Most Powerful, Great; and 2) those that determine the relationship between God and man: Compassionate, Relenting, Forgiving.

The Muslims consider it is blasphemous to call God father, as the Christians do. It is a blasphemy to talk in human terms about God’s family ties and friendly relationship with any man on earth, the Prophet Jesus included.

Vv. 1f: Muslims are cautioned not to trust their tribesmen who did not join them in Islam — a difficult thing to do, when allegiances are split across families.

V. 7: Friendship between Muslims and their enemies is conceivable only after the latter convert to Islam.

V. 10: “They are not lawful for the disbelievers” — they cannot lawfully marry them.

V. 11: “If any of your wives went to the disbelievers” or “if something belonging to your wives went to the disbelievers.”

V. 12: “The deeds of their hands and feet” — their own deeds.

Sura 9 Repentance. This is the only sura without the introductory words “In the name of God...” (is it the continuation of S.8?) It contains passages that belong to the latest period of the Prophet's leadership, between the treaty of Hudabiya (6

H) and the return of the Prophet to Medina after his conquest of Mecca (8 H). The Prophet denounced the treaty with the Confederates (vv. 1-5), took Mecca, fought the remaining opponents and, later, Byzantium (89 H), preparing the territorial conquests that began after his death (10 H).

S.9 contains exhortations to unity and vigilance in fighting in God's way. Its focus is on the security of the Ka 'ba and the pacification of hostile Christians and Jews. As the zakat and the spoils were insufficientfor building a new nation, the faithful were exhorted to pay additional subsidies in the form of “voluntary contributions” or “alms” (sadaqat).

Since they predict the creation of a powerful Islamic State and Nation, SS.9 and 110 form the natural conclusion of the Koran.

9. R E P E N T A N C E

Medinan, 129 verses

1* God and His Messenger are abrogating the alliance with the Associators with whom you had entered a treaty.

2.     [O Associators!] Roam in the land for four months, but know that you cannot weaken God

and that God will humiliate the disbelievers.

3.     On the day of the great pilgrimage God and His Messenger are announcing to the people that God and His Messenger are abrogating the alliance with the Associators.

It is better for you to repent, but if you turn away, then know that you cannot cheat God.

Announce a painful punishment to the disbelievers!

4.     But this does not extend to the Associators

with whom you have an alliance

and who, subsequently, have not failed you in anything

and have not supported anyone against you.

So observe your agreement with them to the end of its term.

Verily, God loves the God-fearing!

5* At the expiration of the prohibited months, fight the Associators wherever you find them, capture them, assail them, and set up against them all kinds of ambush. But if they repent, establish the prayer, and pay the zakat, then open them the way. Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

6. If any of the Associators asks you for asylum, shelter him and let him hear the Word of God. Then escort him to a place safe for him — indeed, these people lack knowledge.

7* How can there be an alliance of God and His Messenger with the Associators, except with those with whom you concluded a treaty by the Sacred Mosque? Be true to them as long as they are true to you —

verily, God loves the God-fearing!

8.     And the others? As soon as they get the upper hand, they will stop respecting you and will forget

their blood relationships and agreements.

They are making lip service to you, but their hearts are set against you — indeed, most of them are reprobate.

9.     They trade the Signs of God for a small price, and they turn away from His path.

Verily. evil is what they do!

10.     They respect in a believer neither kinship

nor trust — they have transgressed all bounds.

11.   If they repent, establish the prayer, and pay the zakat, they will become your brothers in religion.

[This is how] We explain the Signs to the people who understand.

12.   But if they break their oaths after the treaty and start taunting your religion,

then fight the leaders of disbelief who violate their oaths — perhaps this will restrain them.

13.   Would you not fight the people who break their pledges

and plot to expel the Messenger?

Indeed, they were the first to attack you.

Why are you afraid of them?

God! He is the One, Whom you must fear if you believe!

14.   Fight them, and God will punish them at your hands! He will humiliate them and sustain you against them.

He will heal the hearts of the believing people

15.     and remove hate from their hearts.

God turns to anyone He wills — God is knowing and wise!

16.     Or do you think that you will be forgotten

before God finds out who of you was engaged in fighting and did not take for himself [a protector] other than God, His Messenger, and the believers?

God is well aware of what you do!

17* After the Associators have confessed their disbelief, they should not have been left in charge of God’s mosques. Fruitless are their works!

They shall abide in the Fire for ever!

18. God’s mosques should be in the care of a person who believes in God and the Last Day, establishes the prayer, pays the zakat, and does not fear anyone, except God.

Such a person is more likely to follow the straight path.

19* Is providing water to pilgrims

or managing the Sacred Mosque

is [as important] as believing in God and the Last Day and fighting in the cause of God?

No, this is not alike before God,

and God does not guide the people who do wrong.

20.      The highest in merit before God

are those who believed, were expelled, and fought in the cause of God with their property and soul.

They are the ones who will win!

21.      Their Lord sends them

the good news of His mercy and goodwill, and of the Gardens with enduring contentment

22.      in which they shall abide for ever.

Verily, God wields a great reward!

23.      O you who have believed!

Do not seek the protection of your fathers and brothers if they prefer disbelief to belief.

Those who seek their protection are sinners.

24.      Say:

“If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your spouses, and your family, the property you have acquired, your trade which worries you when it stagnates, and the dwellings you enjoy, are more important for you than God, His Messenger, and the fight in His cause, then wait until God announces His Decision.

God doesn’t guide the people who are corrupt!”

25* God has assisted you in many encounters

as on the day of Hunain

when your great number amazed you.

But it had not helped you at all, for wide as it was, the land became too narrow for you, and you retreated.

26*Then God descended His Sakina

upon His Messenger and the believers.

He sent down forces invisible to you and punished the disbelievers.

Such was the reward of those who disbelieved!

27. But after that God will pardon anyone He wills, indeed, God is forgiving and merciful!

28* O you who have believed!

The Associators are really unclean,

so do not let them manage the Sacred Mosque after their year is over.

If you fear poverty,

God will soon enrich you from His bounty if He wills, Verily, God is all-knowing and wise!

29* Fight those who do not believe in God and the Last Day, who do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, and who do not follow the religion of Truth, even if they belong to the People of the Scripture, until they pay the tribute with their own hands in sign of obedience and submission.

30* The Jews say:

“Ezra is the son of God,”

and the Christians say:

“The Messiah is the son of God,” but these are just words on their lips — they only repeat what the disbelievers had said in the past. Let God wipe them out! How deluded they are!

31.   Besides God, they took for themselves as lords

their scholars and monks, and the Messiah, son of Mary, albeit they were commanded to worship only One God. There is no god but Him!

[Exalted] He is in His glory above anything they associate.

32.   They want to snuffle out God’s Light with their mouths, but God wants only one thing: to perfect His Light, even if it is hateful to the disbelievers!

33* He is the One, Who has sent His Messenger with the Guidance and the true Religion to set it above all religions, even if this is hateful to the Associators!

34.    O you who have believed!

Many scholars and monks consume the wealth of the people unjustly and turn them away from God’s path. Some of them are hoarding gold and silver, rather than spending them in the cause of God. Announce to them a painful punishment!

35.    On that Day all this hoard will be heated in Hellfire

and used to brand them on their foreheads, sides, and backs:

— This is what you have hoarded for yourselves!

Then taste what you have hoarded!

36* Verily, in God’s Book, there are twelve months [in a year] since the day when He created the Heavens and earth.

Four of them are unlawful [for fighting], as prescribed by religion, so during [these months] do not put yourselves in harm’s way.

Fight the Associators in one body, as they fight you in one body, and know that God is with the God-fearing!

37.   Transposing [the prohibited months] only promotes disbelief among the disbelievers.

One year they consider them lawful and another, prohibited. They adjust them to the number prohibited by God and make prohibited months lawful [for war].

The evil of their actions is made attractive to them, but God does not guide people without faith!

38.     O you who have believed!

Why do you cling so firmly to the ground when told: “Set forth in the cause of God.”?

Do you really prefer this life to the Hereafter? But the enticements of this life are so small in comparison with the Hereafter!

39.   If you do not set forth [to battle], you will be submitted to a painful punishment and replaced by other people. You cannot harm God in the least —

indeed, He has power over all things.

40*God will help [the Messenger] if you do not help him.

When the disbelievers expelled him, he [hid] with his companion in a cave.

There He said to his companion:

“Don’t grieve, God is with us!”

Then God sent down to him His Sakina, supported him with invisible hosts, and abased the word of the disbelievers.

And the Word of God was exalted to the highest — indeed, God is mighty and wise!

41. Set forth with heavy or light equipment and strive in the cause of God with your property and soul.

If you [only] knew how much better it is for you!

42* If the benefits were at hand and the journey easy, they would have certainly followed you.

But the journey seemed too long, and they swore by God: “We’d have gone with you if we could!”

Thus they have destroyed their souls — indeed, God knows what liars they are.

43* — May God forgive you! Why have you exempted them [from fighting] before finding out who spoke the truth and before exposing the liars?

44.   Those who believe in God and the Last Day do not seek your exemption,

but fight with their possessions and souls. God knows the God-fearing!

45.   Only those who do not believe in God and the Last Day are asking you for exemption.

Their hearts are full of doubts

and they waver in their indecision.

46.      If they wanted to set forth,

they would have certainly been ready for that.

But God opposed their departure and delayed them.

They were told:

“Remain with those who stay [behind]!”

47.     Even if they go forth with you,

they would not bolster your strength, but only bring confusion in your ranks and sow dissent. Some of you might listen to them, but God is well aware of those who do wrong.

48.   Indeed, they had been sowing confusion and upsetting the matters for you

long before the Truth has manifested itself and God’s Design has been enforced much to their aversion.

49.     Some of them say:

“Grant me an exemption [from fighting] and don’t lead me into temptation!” But they have already yielded to temptation and Hell has already encircled the disbelievers.

50.   They are upset when something good happens to you, but when misfortune comes your way, they say: “We’ve already taken care of our affairs!”

And they turn away with glee.

51* Say:

“Nothing can happen to us other than what God has destined us for.

He’s our Protector, and the believers rely upon God.”

52* Say:

“You cannot expect for us anything other than one of the two glorious [outcomes].

But for you, we’re expecting the punishment which God will deliver either by Himself or at our hands.

So keep waiting, and we’ll also wait!”

53.     Say:

“Whether you give a contribution willingly or unwilling, it shall not be accepted

because you’re truly a people of reprobates!”

54.   Yes, their contributions shall not be accepted because they deny God and His Messenger,

are lazy in praying, and give only under compulsion.

55.   Do not admire their wealth or their children, indeed, their punishment from God in this life is in letting their souls perish in disbelief.

56.   They swear by God that they are on your side, but they are not with you —

these people are scared of everything.

57.   They would like to find a shelter or a cave, or some exit to rush into it in all haste!

58* Among them there are those who slander you because of the [new] contributions.

If they get a share of them, they rejoice, and if not, they are indignant.

59.   They should be pleased with what God and His Messenger gave them and say:

“God is sufficient for us! Indeed, God and His Messenger shall soon give us some of His bounty.

Our hopes are only with God!”

60.   Contributions are for the poor and the destitute, for those who collect them,

for those whose hearts strive to the Truth,

for the slaves and the debtors,

for the cause of God, and for the wayfarer.

Such is God’s Decree! God is all-knowing and wise!

61* Some of them slander the Prophet, saying:

“He’s [all] ears.”


“He’s [all] ears for your benefit.

He believes in God, he believes in the believers, he’s a blessing for the believers amongst you.” And for those who slander God’s Messenger, there shall be a painful punishment.

62.      Some of them swear to you by God only to please you.

But if they believed,

they would better seek to satisfy God and His Messenger.

63.      Do they not know that for each one who opposes

God and His Messenger, there is the Fire of Hell as an everlasting abode?

That will be a great humiliation!

64.   The Hypocrites are afraid that a sura revealing what is in their hearts might be sent down against them.


“Enjoy mocking as much as you wish, but, verily,

God shall bring to light what you’re so scared of!”

65.      Ask them, and they will surely say:

“We were only joking and having fun!”


“Were you not mocking God, His Signs, and His Messenger?”

66.      Make no excuses! You have denied after you had believed.

If We pardon some of you,

We will punish the rest for their sins.

67.   The Hypocrites, men and women, are all alike: they urge to evil, forbid what is lawful,

and hold their hands back to withhold contributions.

They have forgotten God, and God has forgotten them. Verily, the Hypocrites are corrupt!

68.   To the Hypocrites, men and women, and to the disbelievers, God has promised the Fire of Hell as an everlasting abode — that will be enough for them!

God has cursed them! A lasting punishment for them!

69.   The same happened to your predecessors, albeit they were stronger than you in power,

had more wealth and children, and enjoyed their share,

as you are now enjoying your share.

You lapse [into vain talk], as they used to lapse.

Their works will be useless in this life and the Hereafter — they shall be the losers!

70* Have they not heard about their predecessors:

the people of Noah, ’Ad and Thamood, the people of Abraham, the owners of Madyan, and the overthrown [cities]?

Indeed, their Messengers came to them with clear Proofs. It is not God, Who has wronged them — they have wronged themselves.

71. Believing men and women support one another, urge to the lawful, and forbid evil;

they observe the prayer, pay the zakat, and obey God and His Messenger.

God will be merciful to them.

Verily, God is mighty and wise!

72* To believing men and women God has promised Gardens under which the rivers flow to abide in them for ever

and beautiful dwellings in the Gardens of Eden.

But God’s approval is best — this is a great success!

73. — O Prophet!

Fight the disbelievers and the Hypocrites and be tough with them.

Hell shall be their refuge — what a dreadful outcome!

74* They swear by God that they did not say anything.

Yet they spoke words of disbelief, and they did it after joining Islam. But all their plots have failed!

They responded with hatred to the bounty that God and His Messenger had bestowed upon them.

It was better for them to repent!

And if they relapse, God will punish them harshly in this life and in the Hereafter;

they shall have neither a friend nor a helper on earth.

75.     Some of them had a Covenant with God; [they said]:

“If He gives us of His bounty,

we promise to contribute, we promise to be upright.”

76.     But after [God] had given them of His bounty,

they became greedy, turned away, and broke [their promise].

77.   Then, for breaking the Covenant with God and entangling themselves in lies,

[God] filled their hearts with hypocrisy till the Day of their meeting with Him.

78.     Do they not know that God is aware of their secrets

and their covert meetings, and that God knows the Unseen?

79.   Those who slander the believers and ridicule them because they willingly give contributions or help by their labor when they have nothing [else] to give, God will ridicule them in return,

and they shall receive a painful retribution.

80.     Whether you pray for their pardon or not,

even if you prayed for their pardon seventy times, it will not matter: God would not forgive them! Indeed, they rejected God and His Messenger and God does not guide the people who are corrupt!

81.     Those who were left [at home] rejoiced

while staying behind the back of the Messenger of God. They refused to contribute their property and souls to the fight in the cause of God, saying: “Don’t set out in this heat!”


“The Fire of Hell will be much hotter!”

If they could [only] think!

82.   So let them laugh a little more, then they will cry a lot in recompense for what they have amassed.

83.   If God makes you meet some of them again, and they ask your permission to set out, say: “You’ll never set out with me again

and we’ll never fight the enemy together! Indeed, you sat idle the first time,

so continue to sit idle with those who stayed behind!”

84.   Do not pray for any one of them who has died and do not stand by his grave.

Indeed, they have denied God and His Messenger and have died as reprobates.

85.     Do not admire their wealth and their children —

God intends to use that to punish them in this world. Their souls shall perish in disbelief.

86.   When a sura is revealed, [urging] to believe in God and to fight on the side of His Messenger,

the affluent among them ask you to be excused, saying: “Leave us with those who sit [behind the lines]!”

87.   Yes, they prefer to stay with women behind the lines — Their hearts are sealed, they do not understand.

88.   But the Messenger and those who believe with him fight without sparing property or soul.

For them — all the good things! For them is prosperity!

89.     God has prepared for them the Gardens

under which the rivers flow to abide therein for ever. That will be a great victory!

90.   Some Arab nomads came with excuses to be exempted, but only those who rejected God and His Messenger asked for exemption. A painful punishment shall soon befall

those of them who did not believe.

91.   There is no blame on the frail, the sick, and those who have nothing to contribute if they are honest before God and His Messenger — there is no blame on those who do good!

God is forgiving and merciful!

92*And when you said to those who came to you for supplies:

“I don’t have any supplies for you!” — they went back, their eyes filled with tears of grief because they had no means to pay the expenses.

93. The rich who ask to be excused are to be blamed, for they prefer to stay with women behind the lines. God has sealed their hearts, so that they do not know.

94*If you turn to them,

they will start apologizing to you.


“Stop apologizing! We won’t believe you:

God has already told us the truth about you.

God and His Messenger are observing your actions, and in the end you’ll be brought back to the One, Who knows the concealed and the revealed;

then He will reveal to you what you’ve done.”

95.      If you turn to them again,

they will ask you in God’s name to be left alone.

So leave them alone — indeed, they are an abomination! Hellfire shall be their refuge

in recompense for what they have done.

96.      They shall swear pledges to you,

hoping that you will be satisfied with them. But even if you are satisfied with them, God will never approve of a people of reprobates.

97.   The Arab nomads are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy, and the less capable of understanding

what God has sent down to His Messenger.

God is all-knowing and all-wise!

98.   Some of the nomads mistake contributions for fines and only wait for a calamity to strike you.

Let a calamity strike them!

God is hearing and all-knowing!

99.   But other nomads believe in God and the Last Day, and hope that their contributions

will bring them closer to God

and that they will deserve the prayers of the Messenger.

Yes, they will come closer [to God],

and God will soon admit them to His mercy.

Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

100. The vanguard are the Muhadjirin, the Ansars, and those who follow them in good deeds.

God is pleased with them, and they are pleased with [God].

He has prepared for them Gardens under which the rivers flow

where they shall abide for ever.

What a great victory it will be!

101*Some of the nomads among you

or among the inhabitants of Medina are hypocrites, obstinate in their hypocrisy.

You do not know them, but We know who they are, and We will punish them twice before they face the great retribution.

102.Others who had been mixing good deeds with bad ones have confessed their sins — perhaps God will pardon them. Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

103.    Take contributions off their property

to cleanse and sanctify them; and pray for them! Verily, your prayers will comfort them.

God is hearing and all-knowing!

104.Do they not know that God accepts the repentance of His servants and accepts their contributions? God is truly the Relentant, the Merciful.


“Toil, and soon God, His Messenger, and the believers will see your works and you’ll be returned to the One, Who knows the Unseen and the revealed.

Then He will announce to you what you’ve done.” 106.There are others who are waiting for God’s decision.

He might either punish them or forgive — God is all-knowing and wise!

107*And there are those who out of malice and disbelief have set up a mosque to split the believers and to open the way to those who fought God and His Messenger in the past.

They naturally swear that they have good intentions, but God witnesses that they are liars.

108.    Do not ever pray over there!

It is more honorable to pray in a mosque founded from the first day upon the fear of God. People love to purify themselves therein, and God loves those who keep themselves pure.

109.Who is better: the one who founds his building on devotion to God and [His] approval

or the one who founds his building on the edge of an eroding dune

ready to tumble down with him into Hellfire?

God does not guide the people who do wrong!

110.Their building will be tearing their hearts with despair, until their hearts are shattered.

God is all-knowing and wise!

111. Verily, God has bought the souls of the believers and their possessions for the price of Paradise that was truly promised them

in the Torah, the Evangel, and the Koran.

They fight in the cause of God, they kill, and are killed. But Who fulfills His promise better than God?

So rejoice in the deal you have made — it is such a great victory!

112. It is for those who repent and worship, who glorify, and fast;

who bow and prostrate themselves;

who urge to the lawful, restrain from evil and observe the limits set up by God.

So announce the good news to the believers!

113. It is not proper for the Prophet and the believers to pray for the pardon of the Associators,

even if they are related to them, when they will obviously dwell in the blazing Fire.

114. Abraham has prayed for his father’s pardon only because he promised it to him.

But when he understood that he was God’s enemy, he dissociated himself from him.

Verily, Abraham was soft-hearted and forbearing!

115. God would not lead people astray after He guided them and explained to them what they ought to avoid. Verily, God is well aware of everything.

116.   Verily, God is the Sovereign of Heavens and earth.

He gives life and causes death; besides God you have no protector and no helper.

117. God is kind to the Prophet, the Muhadjirun, and the Ansar! They followed Him in the difficult hour

when some hearts have almost been seduced away.

He is kind and merciful to them. He pardoned them 118*and those three who were left behind when the earth, wide as it is, became so narrow for them, that their souls felt constrained, and they realized that there is no refuge from God other than in Himself. Then [God] turned to them to let them repent.

Verily, God is the Relentful, the Merciful.

119.   O you who have believed!

Fear God and stay with the Keepers of Truth.

120*It is not proper for the dwellers of Medina and for the nomads in its vicinity to abandon the Messenger of God nor to think of themselves more than of him. Indeed, all their suffering in the cause of God is credited to them as good work: be it thirst, exhaustion, hunger, the incursions that enrage the disbelievers,

or the injuries caused by the enemy.

Verily, God will not waste the reward of those who do good.

121*Any contribution they make, small or large,

their crossing a valley, — [all] will be accounted for,

so that God might reward them for the best of their deeds.

122.     It is not fitting for the believers to attack in one body.

It is better to leave behind a group from each company

to let them study religion

and admonish their people upon their return —

then, perhaps, they will be on the alert!

123.     O you who have believed!

Fight the disbelievers who surround you,

let them see how tough you are!

Know that God is on the side of the God-fearing.

124.     Each time a sura is revealed, some of them say:

“Whose faith will be increased by it?”

— It will increase the faith of the believers,

and they will rejoice at it;

125.     but it will also increase in abomination

the diseased in hearts who shall die in disbelief.

126.     Do they not see that [their faith]

is put to test once or twice a year?

But they do not want to repent or to remember.

127.     And when a sura is descended, they glance at each other:

“Is anyone watching you?”

And again they turn away.

It is God, Who has averted their hearts — indeed, these people lack sense!

128*Now, a Messenger came to you from your midst.

He is grieved by what befell you, and he worries about you.

He is kind and merciful to the believers!

129. — [O Muhammad!] If they turn away, say:

“God is sufficient for me. There’s no god but Him!

In Him I put my trust — He’s the Lord of the great Throne.”

V. 1: Some translators prefer “immunity” or “abrogation” to “repentance,” but the latter fits the text much better. The abrogated treaty is the one concluded at Hudabya (S.5:19). Vv. 1­29 were revealed in Meccas in 631.

V. 2: “For four months” — the months during which it was forbidden to wage war (cf. v.37).

V. 3: The day of the great pilgrimage is probably its ninth day when the pilgrims assemble in the plain of Arafat, some twelve miles southwest of Mecca. The meeting, in which hundreds of thousands participate, prefigures the assembly on Judgment Day.

V. 5: Leniency and tolerance to man, frequently described in the Koran as one of the highest virtues, are suspended for the duration of the last battles for the hegemony of Islam (S.5:69).

V. 7: Two pagan tribes, Bani Hamza and Bani Kinana, remained faithful to their alliance with the Muslims.

Vv. 17-18: After the conquest of Mecca by the Prophet (8 H), the management of the Ka’ba returned to Muslim caretakers.

V. 19: Being the custodian of a mosque is not as great a deed as fighting in the way of God.

V. 25: Hunain, about 15 miles west of Mecca, is where the Muslims won a difficult battle against the idolaters (8 H).

V. 26: “Sakina” — “Assurance,” cf. SS.48:4, 2:248.

V. 28: The reduction in the number of visitors to Mecca during the war caused a loss of revenue for the city.

V. 29: The jizia or poll-tax has been imposed by the Muslims on the non-believers remaining in Mecca after its conquest.

V. 30: Ezra was the object of veneration on the part of the Jews for restoring their national identity after a period of decline (Ezra 7:6f).

V. 33: “[God] is the One who has sent His Messenger with the Guidance and the true Religion.” These words occur in the Koran twice elsewhere (cf. S.48:28 and S.61:9).

V. 36: The sacred months were apparently changed according to the demands of the war. The twelve months of the Muslim calendar are Muharram, Safar, Rabi’ al-Awal, Rabi’ al-Thani, Jumad al-Ula, Jumad ath-Thania, Rajab, Sha’ban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Zul-Qa’da, and Zul-Hijja.

V. 40: The Prophet’s companion was probably Abu Bakr.

V. 42: The reference is to an expedition to Tabuk, halfway between Medina and Dam­ascus in 631 (9 H). The center of Islam during the first four Khalifs was Medina, then Damascus (661-750). Damascus was followed by Baghdad and Cordova (VIIIth to the Xth century) and the Fatimid and Abbasid Cairo. In 1517 Cairo was occupied by the Turks and Istambul, the former Constantinople, became the capital of Islam till the XXth century. Nowadays, Islam has several religious centers, Sunni Cairo and Shi’ite Qoom in Iran and Najaf in Iraq, among others.

V. 43: Before the expedition to Tabuk, the Prophet was too confident in his people to check out his men one by one.

V. 51: “Has predestined us to,” lit.: “has written” (kataba), hence the word maktoob for resignation to God’s will.

V. 52: Two glorious outcomes: victory and martyrdom.

V. 58: The additional contributions (sadaqat) that are mentioned repeatedly in this sura were instituted to complement the zakat. Apparently, there were complaints about their distri­bution.

V. 61: There is an assonance between the Arabic words uzunun (ears) and u'zunu (he hears). The words might be a disbelievers’ pun about alleged eavesdropping (intelligence gath­ering) by the Prophet.

V. 70: The overthrown cities are Sodom and Gomorrah.

V. 72: “Approval” (ridwan) is also mercy, peace and goodwill.

V. 74: “They have failed in the plot” to murder the Prophet.

V. 92: “Supplies”: transportation or mounts.

V. 94: Note the closeness between the Prophet and God.

V. 101: The double punishment before castigation in Hell consists of humiliation and death on earth.

V. 107: Someone “who fought God and His Messenger in the past” was Abu 'Amir, also known as Rahib (the Monk).

V. 118: The three people left behind were three Ansars.

V. 120: References to the expedition to Tabuk (vv. 42, 81).

V. 121: “Crossing any valley,” or “executing a heroic deed.”

V. 128: “To the believers, he is kind and merciful” — in the early suras these words were used only in reference to God.

Sura 110 Help. A short uplifting sura suggesting that the appeal to the Jews and Christians has started to bring results. It is said that in this sura the Prophet saw the closure to his ministry.

110.      H E L P

Medinan, 3 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     When God’s help and victory come to pass,

2.      and you see people entering God’s religion in crowds,

3* celebrate the praise of your Lord

and ask for His forgiveness — verily, He is ever forgiving!


After the death of the Prophet, Islam was headed by four deputies (Khalifs) related to the Prophet by blood or marriage: Abu Bakr, 'Omar, 'Othman, and 'Ali ibn Abi Taleb, the husband of the Prophet’s daughter Fatima. The main Islamic movement was called Sunni (sunna means law). Its leader, the Khalif, was a caretaker of the community, but not someone anointed by God.

Islamic “dissidents,” mostly conservative and fundamentalists (the Islamic puritans), began to appear soon after the death of the Prophet. The first ones were the Kharadjites (kharadja means to get out) who refused to recognize the leadership of the Prophet’s relatives, according to C.49:13. The most important schism occurred when the Shi’ites (shi'a 'Ali, the party of ’Ali) announced that ’Ali’s sons — the “Imams” Hassan and Hussein were the only legit­imate heirs of the Prophet in his blood line. This schism led to war and to the demise of the young Imams. The Shi’ites founded the “Imamate” under which the community is ruled by Imams, carriers of Truth, Knowledge and Light. Fighting between the Sunnis and the Shi’ites intensified during the rule of the Khalif ’ummaya and his kin in Damascus. With time, the Shi’ites came up with their own myths and traditions. The first eleven Imams kept appearing and disappearing for the purpose of conspiracy. The secretiveness and mystery surrounding the Shi’ites led them to accept hypocrisy and a kind of “Jesuitism.” The twelth Imam disappeared to become the savior (Mahdi) who will establish God’s law and peace in the world.

The Muslims of both confessions, the Sunni and the Shi’ites, alternated in number and strength. Their struggle continues to this day, especially in Iraq and Iran. Prominent among the other sects are the mystics (Sufi) who support the cult of the “saints” (aktab) that is foreign to the Koran and the early traditions.

The Khalifat and the Imamate led to a sultanate in Turkey, a monarchy in Iran, various emirates in Arabia, and republics as in Algeria and Egypt. The fight between the two main con­fessions continues until now, but all Muslims are united in their disapproval of the dissolution of ethical foundations, the immorality among young people, the ease of divorce, and the van­ishing of spiritual values in the West.

Understanding the Koran

Six Stages for the Understanding of the Koran

For the literary critic, the Koran (Al-qur'an, from qara'a = to recite) is a collection of poetic and religious fragments composed at the beginning of the Vllth century and assembled into 114 chapters or suras of unequal length. For the believer, the Koran is the Word of God recorded in Arabic by Angels and kept in Heaven on scrolls or tablets (SS.85, 80, 56). For the mystic, the language of the Koran imparts its being and form to the Universe. One may ask: can the Koran be understood at all if man should not even try to grasp the deep meaning of God’s Words that are beyond scientific inquiry? If one takes that position, the Koran cannot be under­stood in its entirety, but only perceived at one of several levels of spiritual readiness on the part of the reader.

One can start by considering the Koran as a historic document that can be subjected to scientific and linguistic study. One of the tasks of the literary critic is to submit the basic tenets of the Koran to logical analysis and to unravel its obscure themes. However, because criticism breaks down texts rather than assembles them, this approach will empty the Koran of its spir­itual content and confuse the unprepared reader or strike him as counterproductive.

One of the challenges in the study of the Koran is the impossibility of dating the suras with precision. Linguistic analysis and the elucidation of historic events can create apparently logical schemes, but many of the Koranic chapters are combinations of pronouncements made at different times and in different places. The dating of fragments within each sura has been tackled by Bell (RB). By talking of the “plan” or “composition” of suras, he might be suggesting that the VIIth century editors have exerted some literary selectivity in assembling the Holy Book. It is evident, however, that when the family and companions of Prophet, who staffed the editing commission, were gathering the evidence and establishing the reliability of witnesses, they did not aim at producing a literary masterpiece.

The Gospels were recorded in their canonical form decades after the death ofJesus Christ by people who never knew him personally. They knew beforehand what they were aiming at, and they edited well-structured texts with obvious literary appeal. In contrast, the authenticity of the Koran is felt precisely in the spontaneity of composition and the lack of elaborate editing. Often lacking a central theme, most of the suras have no descriptive or rational title and are named after one of their words. Apparently, it was assumed that the faithful could forego the logical development of ideas and exact descriptions of events: all they needed was a spiritual, timeless message. Therefore, the scientific approach to the Book is only the first tentative stage of its understanding.

The second level of understanding, the one afforded by this translation, requires a judi­cious rearrangement of the suras in order to introduce a clear picture of the key principles and ideas of Islam. If the reader encounters the Koran in the sequence here proposed, he will become acquainted step by step with the basic beliefs and duties of the faithful, the Muslim represen­tation of the Afterlife, the stories of pre-Islamic Prophets, the attitude of Islam toward other religions, the legal and aesthetic prescriptions, and the rise of the Islamic nation. This level of understanding is best served by the use of plain American English. By respecting the integrity of each sura and each verse, the proposed translation preserves both the literary and spiritual content of the Koran.

The third level of understanding requires a free emotional abandon on the part of the reader. The Koranic message is expressed in similes, metaphors, and allusions that go beyond the comprehension of the best linguists and must be “felt” by the reader. The supernatural is conveyed in symbols that allude to religious, social, political, cultural, economic, and calamitous events. To appreciate the Koran at this level, one must surrender to its beauty, simplicity, and impetuousness. Poetic renditions (AJA, FN, TSh) may seem to make pleasant reading until one realizes that they are fabrications. Indeed, the Koran is not poetry, and the Prophet himself insisted that he was not a poet. Therefore, the Koran must be translated only in prose, a mea­sured, straight prose that preserves its spiritual impetuousness and conveys some of the flavor of the Koranic language that is rooted in the depths of Arab spirituality and mode of life.

One can reach a fourth level of understanding of the Koran by listening to tapes recorded by renowned Arabic cantors, now widely available in US stores opened by immigrants from the Middle East. Indeed, the Koran is meant to be chanted and is enhanced by modulations, loud exclamations, and sudden pauses. With spiritual predisposition one can find in the recitation of the Holy Book joy and peace of mind, perceive one of the prevailing human sounds of the Uni­verse, and communicate with millions of people in the world for whom the Koran is precious and divine, even though most of them do not understand all its words.

If the fourth level of understanding involves hearing, the fifth level involves sight. The Koran proclaims itself to be a written document preserved in Heaven on a tablet. Therefore, by immersing oneself visually in the calligraphy of the Koran, a lettered Muslim sees it as a divine script of sublime perfection that enhances his wonder of the sublime. In their search for visual excellence, the best of the Muslim artists have devised magnificent inspired scripts. The respected art of sacred calligraphy became central to Islamic art. Its function is to make lan­guage accessible to the eye in its fullest expression. With his hand the artist conjures to the tip of the pen the poetry, rhetoric, geometry, music, and graphic arts, all to convey his religious fervor and ecstasy. The written words of the Koran must be beautiful, inspiring and, above all, bursting with life. Hence, the flowing rhythm, the bold strokes of the pen, the studied asym­metry, the elongation and modulation of the letters, all in brilliant color, gold, green, red, and blue. Hence, the tempestuous movement from right to left, the trenchant lines thrust forward like swords. The straight and curved lines, a reflection of the all-pervading dualism, are launched free to interplay in a rigorously prescribed fashion. Similar inscriptions set in mosaics or carved in stone adorn the walls of the most beautiful mosques.

The vignettes — the elaborate frames of luxury editions — are also lovingly designed to enhance the aspect, the color and the very fragrance of the letters. What an enriching expe­rience it is to let oneself fall under the spell of the most splendid editions of the Korans!

The sixth and highest level of the perception of the Koran is its religious and mystical acceptance by the “inner heart” of the reader. The full spiritual absorption of the Holy Book might require the study of classical Arabic and Islamic tradition. With an English text, faithful to the spirit and the letter as humanly possible, it is difficult to imagine God’s hand behind each of its words. But who will start studying the Arabic text without knowing if he will be able to persevere to the end? Obviously, one should start by reading a responsible version in one’s own language.

For the believers in Divine Guidance, Truth is established on the revealed Word of God, a Word which has a deep meaning for a religious person, even if he or she cannot grasp its full meaning by logic or experience. But here, on Earth, the Scriptures have been written by men prone to making mistakes. Wisely, Islam has recognized that differences in interpretation are inevitable and has approved parallel schools of thought within its fold. Who knows, Islam might accept one more school of thought, that of Westerners who would live by a foreign version of the Koran without destroying the unity of the Islamic world and even enriching it!

An enlightened Islam, with its love for beauty and science, might recognize all the civili­zations in the Universe as manifestations of God’s mercy.

Translating the Koran

In this version of the Koran the order of its Chapters has been rearranged and relevant notes have been provided.

It is believed in the Muslim world that Koran has been created to reveal God’s global design. No wonder then that according to many Muslims the Holy Book should never be trans­lated. They say: “How dare a measly creature translate the Word of God? Haven’t the multi­lingual Muslim nations already adopted the Arabic text as their own? Don’t the Iranian, Indonesian and Nigerian Muslims trust their scholars to read and explain to them the Holy Book? Wouldn’t the emergence of versions in different languages raise doubts about its authen­ticity, as has been the case with the Bible?

These objections to translations are not justifiable because the Koran does not condemn them. It purports to be addressed to all the nations by “the Lord of the Worlds,” and it states that the Word of God was “made easy in your tongue” (S.44:58) and “easy to remember” (S.54:22). Accordingly, Muslim Centers in Western countries are stocking various English and bilingual editions.

Some translations of the Koran are literal transcriptions and others are paraphrased rewriting (see Bibliography). Both cryptic transliterations and paraphrased texts may be con­fusing for the general reader. The scholarly literalist translates word for word with such a keen attention to definitions and grammar as to deaden the text, while the religious zealot translates from his heart and produces a personal commentary in a foreign language.

The current work seeks to fill the need for a translation which offers a reasonable com­promise between accuracy and clarity and presents the Koran in an arrangement of suras and a style that makes its reading an enlightening experience even for the non-Muslim.

While reading this Scripture, the reader must keep in mind that the language of the Koran is special and inimitable. The Prophet Muhammad preached to Arabic speakers in pos­session of a rich pre-Islamic literary tradition who were able to appreciate the beauty of cadence and rhyme put to the service of a fiery rhetoric. The Arabic scripts, Naskhi and Nabati, and the cursive script circulating through commercial channels in the Middle East, all predated Islam. It is just impossible for a twenty-first century English speaker to fully grasp every single word, allusion, expression, comparison and syntactic turn of the Holy Book. Thousands of commen­tators have worked on explaining the most elliptic and arcane passages of the Koran, but exe­gesis should not be a major concern for a modern translator. If a significant word has different connotations or if a verse has several interpretations, he may indicate the variants in appended notes without making further comments.

American English and British English, Shakespearian English and the King James Version’s English are products of their times and culture. They differ in their semantics and in their projection of esthetic and moral values. Modern American English, with its directness, expressiveness and conciseness, is a more adequate vehicle for conveying the meaning of the Koran than archaic forms of English or composite forms posing as sacramental.

A Scripture that says of itself: “These are the words of a noble Messenger and not the words of a poet” (S.69:40), should not be forced into the straitjacket of poetry, even if its inspired and vigorous language is rich in similes, metaphors, and rhyming forms.

The Koran is meant to be recited and not to be silently read. Its rhymes, alliterations, exclamations, and religious fervor make it suitable for chanting, and its musical content is per­ceived from one end of the Muslim world to the other, carrying a deep religious and experience and a feeling of universal brotherhood across the continents. The English translation cannot approach but only suggest the esthetic qualities of the original.

The Koran is also difficult to translate because of the occasional succession or overlap of unrelated passages without visible transitions, the surprising contour of some verses cut to comply with rhythm and rhyme, and the elliptic style, compact to the extreme and yet prone to endless repetitions and new starts. The absence of punctuation in the original presents a real challenge because punctuation marks have two functions that are not always compatible: helping the reader and enforcing the rules of grammar.

The translation must preserve the spirit and purpose of the original text and mirror the faith and devotion of the original as closely as possible. One should never forget that the epi­thets that the Koran attaches to itself the most insistently are clarity and lucidity.

Rules followed by the translator in his work

1)   The sequence of the Koranic chapters is rearranged to allow the reader to proceed step by step from the simplest ideas to the most elaborate ones. The key to understanding the Koran lies in this rearrangement.

2)    The number and the integrity of verses is faithfully preserved, even at the price of some awkwardness in English. Words are occasionally re-arranged, but only within the same verse.

3)    For clarity’s sake, a line is skipped between passages that differ in tone or content. Far from hurting continuity, breaking the text into paragraphs helps to emphasize missed connec­tions and eliminate apparent obscurities.

4)    Paraphrasing or substituting Arab metaphors with modern English cliches is avoided. Where the meaning stays clear, Arabic figures of speech are translated rather than replaced by English equivalents in order to keep at least some of the Arab imagery.

5)    Verbal forms are central and essential in Arabic. They give to the Koran its vigorous motion and action; thus they are preserved as much as possible. However, lack of correspon­dence between roughly equivalent Arab and English aspects and tenses is a serious difficulty, aggravated by the fact that, as the Koran unravels, the future might be described as occurring in the present or even as having occurred in the past: indeed, in the “Unseen” events take place outside of historical time and physical space. Naturally, the English verb forms should be simple and grammatically correct in translation.

6)    A recurrent feature of Arabic is the reinforcing of a verb by its own participial form as in “he’s running running,” in which the second “running” emphasizes the action of running. In English, one has to make do with adverbs with a different root (he’s running fast) with an inev­itable weakening of motion and meaning.

7)    Verbal contractions are essential for conveying the dynamics of conversation: in the Koran, verbal exchanges are short and to the point. Saying “Do you not know that...” would weaken the text. “Don’t you know that...” is definitely called for.

8)    The frequent use of the phrases “they said” and “he said,” without identification of the speaker(s), may render some passages ambiguous; however, ambiguity is eliminated in the English text by parenthetical introduction of the speakers’ names.

9)    Occasionally, the antecedents of pronouns are hard to find. The English text must use the pronouns in an unequivocal manner and bring doubtful interpretations to attention. If God refers to Himself as “We,” “your Lord,” “He,” and “I” — this distinction is respected everywhere.

10)   The declamatory emotional style of the Arabic Koran is sustained by a rich repertory of expletives and interjections, which can be ignored in most cases. The hortatory quality of the original can be restored by the introduction of exclamation and interrogation marks and other devices of punctuation. Only the expletive inna is consistently translated as “verily”; innama, which can be understood in different ways, is ignored.

11)    English words necessary for preserving the meaning are added in square brackets [ ], except when they are mandated by the English syntax. Such words as all, always, and, but, indeed are introduced without square brackets if they are consistent with the meaning.

12)     Intelligibility is served best by spelling names according to common English usage (Moses, Jesus and Koran for Musa, 'Issa and Qur'an, respectively). Muhammad is more correct phonetically than Mohammed. The pronunciation of Arabic words is, of course, only approx­imate. The Arabic guttural stop, as in 'Omar, is represented by the apostrophe , and so is the short stop in the middle of some words such as Qur'an. The diphthongs heard in “wand” is con­veyed by the English w. Q represents the Arabic guttural sound of k, and k — its soft sound, as in kataba. Kh stands for the guttural h, and h is pronounced as in the English “hit.” Arabic and English have different systems of stress: that further complicates transliteration.

13)     Words are spelled with small letters if they refer to the physical world (the stars in heaven) and with capital letters if they refer to the Unseen (Angels in Heaven).

14)     In the view of Islam, every word of the Koran emanates from God Himself and the whole Holy Book is a lengthy quotation. In this translation, quotation marks are used for the speech of Angels and people, but not for the words attributed to God with the exception of the “Say” passages that the Prophet was invited to transmit to the people.

15)     Here is an example of the application of the above rules (S.20: 49-52). First, consider the Arabic text as such:

He said then who is the Lord of you two o musa (49) he said our lord is he who gave to everything a form and then guided (50) He said then what about the first centuries (51) He said knowledge about them is with my lord in a book my lord errs not nor he forgets (52).

Punctuation and an adjustment of the syntax produces:

49.     He said: “Who is your Lord, O Musa?”

50.     He said: “Our Lord is the One who gave form to all things as well as guidance.”

51.     He said: “And what about the former generations?”

52.   He said: “Knowledge about them is in my Lord’s Book. My Lord doesn’t err and doesn’t forget.”

This passage is further improved by giving it the form which appears in this translation:

49.     [Pharaoh]: “O Moses! Who is your Lord?”

50.     [Moses]: “Our Lord is the One Who shaped all things

and then provided Guidance.”

51.     [Pharaoh]: “And what about the former generations?”

52.     [Moses]: “Knowledge about them is in my Lord’s Book.

My Lord doesn’t err and doesn’t forget!


In preparing this work, the translator benefited from his simultaneous translation of the Koran into English and Russian. Such an experience offers new possibilities for the art of trans­lation as knowledge of several languages enriches the feeling for the original text and suggests better words and nuances of meaning.

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