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A Note from the Author

This translation of the Koran is the achievement of my life. Its source is in my youth in Egypt. But I was able to approach the Koran closely only in my forties, after I had acquired life experience, spiritual potential, and the desire to understand the Muslim Scripture. Now that the Word of the Koran has penetrated into my heart, I want to share my experience with others. Some comments on how I approached the prject are found in the Foreword. May the simple words of this translation bring to the reader the essence of Islam and uncover the reasons why millions of people in the contemporary world are attracted and tremendously influenced by this inspirational Book.

Being versed in both the Arabic and the Western cultures and languages, I am well qualified to translate the Koran. I was born in Alexandria, Egypt in 1922 and I spent thirty-five years in that country before coming to the United States. My first language was Russian, Arabic was my third, and English — my fifth. I earned a doc­torate degree at Cairo University and I took graduate courses in English at George Mason University in Virginia. Having cultivated my interest in Islam since my early youth, I have started this translation years ago when some of my friends, both in Egypt and the USA, both Muslims and non-Muslims, asked me to introduce them to the Koran. In the process of explaining the Koran to them, I gained a deep-seated appreci­ation for its wisdom and a better understanding of myself and my fellow man.

I am deeply indebted to my wife, Lilia Kurasheva Starkovsky, with whom I made a simultaneous translation of the Koran to Russian, for her advice, encour­agement and poetic talent. I should also want to thank all the people who stimulated my interest in this work for over half of a century.

This book is dedicated to the generous peoples of Egypt and the United States of America, among whom I have equally shared my life.

The Koran as It Defines Itself

(In lieu of an epigraph)

Verily, this is the Holy Koran in a well guarded Book.

It can be touched only by those who are purified.

This is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds!


Verily, this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.

The faithful Spirit descended with it into your heart to make you w arn in the clear Arabic tongue,

as [revealed] in the Books of the Ancients.


In the past the Scripture of Moses was a Guidance and a mercy.

This Scripture confirms it in the Arabic language.

It warns the wrong-doers

and brings good tidings to those who do right.


We have made the Koran easy to remember, but who remembers [it] now?


Here are some Verses from the lucid Scripture

that We have sent down as an Arabic Koran — perhaps you will understand!


Verily, We made [the Koran] easy in your tongue — perhaps they will remember!


We have been sending a Messenger

only to give clear explanations in the language of his people.


[This is] a Revelation from the Compassionate, the Merciful, a Scripture with Verses made clear,

an Arabic Koran for the people who understand.



In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!


The aim of this work is to give to the English reader an authentic translation of the Koran and to convey to him the essence of the Muslim Scripture, while preserving as much as possible of its specific flavor and its concise imagery.

At the mention of the Koran, one often hears such observations as: “Why should we read the Koran? Who can make sense of it, if many Arabs and Muslims do not read and understand it? Should we invest our time in reading a forbidding religious text when even the Bible is not easy to comprehend?”

This translation of the Koran is an attempt at answering these questions and an effort at making it available to a wide range of readers. It should make the Koran inter­esting, revealing, exciting to the reader who, be he believing, unbiased, skeptical, or hostile, will gain a new insight into the development of religious, social, and political thought in the contemporary world.

The cultural map of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim world extends over the five continents, with the exclusion of Hinduist/Buddhist cultures and a few animistic pockets in Africa and the Pacific.

The Koran is the spiritual and cultural inheritance of millions of people. It is built upon the faith and the ethics of the Old and New Testaments, so that any denizen of the Western world should feel that the Koran belongs to the same cultural tradition, the beneficiaries of which can come to terms with each other to end wars, hatred, derision, terrorism, and persecutions that have disgraced humanity for cen­turies of discord.

The reading of the third installment of our tradition — the Koran — will help even those who had not studied the Bible and the Gospels to defuse in a personal way the enmity between the three religions that sustain the same ideals, laws and spiritual values and to gain an objective understanding of what is shared by the different cul­tures that seem to be so inimical to each other in the modern world.

Each religious tradition has its “Book”: Judaism — the Torah, Christianity — the Old and New Testaments, and Islam the Koran. For a Muslim, the Koran is a pre­scriptive Revelation from God communicated through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad during his mission in Arabia in 610-632; it is also a spiritual and moral guide and the foundation of social and political life.

The collection of sermons, stories, parables, exhortations and prescriptions that constitute the Koran is considered to be the creation of God. From the point of view of a devout Muslim, the Koran, being perfect and complete, contains everything of value to man; it teaches mankind how to live in righteousness and deserve a reward in the Hereafter.

The Koran calls to strict monotheism, expressed in five acts of faith, the so- called “pillars” of Islam: belief in one God, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca (the hajj) at least once in a lifetime. The chanting of the Koran, inherent to each of these obligations, is a devotional act, remotely resembling a religious service.

In the Koran, God and man exist on totally different planes. Whereas in the Bible, God talks directly to the Prophets (thus supporting the idea of a “personal God”), in the Koran, God talks to the Prophet Muhammad through an intermediate “Spirit” (Gabriel). If the theme of the Koran is the relationship between God and man, then the Prophet Muhammad is only an instrument of the transmission of this con­nection to man.

Inspired by the idea of monotheism, the Prophet preached his faith with the zeal of an innovator who would rather be imprisoned, declared insane, or killed rather than accept a compromise. By his incessant missionary work he became the founder, the mover, and the leader of one of the most powerful and cohesive religious and political forces in modern history.

The Prophet Muhammad (May God accept his prayers and grant him peace! — a greeting that traditionally follows his name) was a merchant of the prominent Meccan tribe of Quraish at the crossing of east-west trade roads from the city of Taif to the Red Sea port of Djedda and north-south roads from Damascus and Jerusalem down to Yemen and the Indian Ocean.

At the beginning of the VIIth century — the century of the Prophet Muhammad — Arabia supported innumerable agricultural or nomadic tribes and clans. Most of the tribes were pagan, but there were some enclaves of Jews and Christians who were more on the fringes than in the mainstream of their own faiths. The idea of one supreme God existed even among the idolaters, yet the sanctuary of Mecca was conse­crated to hundreds of divinities. Prominent among them were a few female idols: the guardian angels of birth and fertility.

In the center of the “sacred temple” stood a masonry shrine, the Ka'ba, believed to have been built by the ancestors of Arabs: Abraham and his son Ishmael. The shrine attracted crowds of worshippers of all creeds during the yearly pilgrimage months when all wars were banned. The Meccan shrines were managed by the Hashemite clan of the Quraish tribe, for which guarding and maintaining them was a lucrative business. Since the economic prosperity of this clan depended on the support received from different groups and sects represented by their idols, the appeal to monotheism by the Prophet Mohammed was bitterly opposed by his tribesmen.

The Koran, a synthesis of man’s highest spiritual quests, appeared in a region where communication was assured by the already well developed Arabic language. The text of the Koran, however, can be baffling in the extreme for the unprepared reader, especially if its 114 chapters are read in their canonical order. These chapters (suras) have been assembled more or less in the order of their length, starting with the longest (usually the latest) and ending with the shortest (usually the earliest). Under these conditions, the embedded scant historical and liguistic markers can’t help the reader to get his bearings, but if the Koran is read in the thematic and chronological order proposed in these pages, it is easy to grasp the Muslim Scripture in its devel­opment from the simplest ideas to the most complex moral, ethical and legal prescrip­tions. To further help the reader, each translated sura is accompanied by a short introduction and a few pertinent notes.

It should be emphasized that this book cannot be called the “English Koran.” No book can exist under such a contradictory title, as there is only one Koran, the Arabic one.

No consistent attempt will be made in this book at teaching the correct pronun­ciation of Arabic words. Half-knowledge is no knowledge at all. Therefore, we start by calling the Koran by its traditional English-language name and not Alkoran, Qur'an or Qur'aan.

bismil-lah ar-rahman ar-rahim


I am offering this translation of the Koran to the general reader because the existing versions are either too free or too academic. They may be scholarly, literary, highly emotive or poetic, but they do not sound or feel authentic. This rendition is faithful both to the words of the original and to their deeper meaning. It uses a lan­guage that most people understand, and it is arranged in a novel way that makes its perusal not only thought-provoking and informative, but also enjoyable.

The general reader would easily lose his way in the Koran if he tried to follow the translations now on the market. For all their merits, they lack the necessary uncluttered step-by-step guidance which is provided in this translation. I urge the reader to follow this guidance if he wants to benefit from this Book.

My innovation consists in arranging the chapters of the Koran thematically and chronologically, so that they proceed from the simplest concepts to the most compli­cated ones and from the earliest to the latest. In no way the transposition of the suras does violate the integrity of the Koran. Each chapter is preceded by a short summary or introduction and is followed by brief Notes that place it in the proper context and lead the reader to the next chapter. These Notes seem to be justified by the Koran itself, since it pauses at times to explain the words that could have sounded unfamiliar to the first Muslims. For example: “The Disaster! And what is the Disaster? How to explain the Disaster to you? It is the Day when men shall be scattered like moths...” (S.101:1-4).

In my comments, I give priority to the traditional Muslim ideology and I care­fully avoid adapting the Koran to a modern way of thinking or presenting it as a solution to our present social, economic, or political ills. And, yes, I am fascinated by the Koran and I have derived immense satisfaction from working on it.

Much effort has been devoted to making the text of the Koran easy to read and to recite. This is important because the Koran is meant to be read aloud. Reading the Koran “in measure” and its chanting are the basic sources of popular faith and inspi­ration.

After a first acquaintance with the Koran in this book, the reader can find satis­faction in re-reading it in its traditional order established by its first editors, from its first chapter, “The Opening Sura” to the last one, “The People.”



Chronology of Events Relevant to the Koran

(Years of the Muslim calendar are followed by the letter H)

A.D. 578

Birth of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca. His tribe is the Quraish and his clan, the Hashemites.



Beginning of his public life in Mecca among his tribesmen, the Quraish.

The hijra: emigration of the Prophet to Yathrib, soon to be renamed Medina.

The beginning of the Muslim era.

623, 1 H

Consolidation of Islam in Medina with the help of the Emigrants from Mecca (the Muhajjirun) and the local faithful (the Ansar).

624,  2 H

625,  3 H

Victory over the Meccans at Badr south of Medina.

Severe setback for the Muslims in a battle against the Meccans at Uhud in the vicinity of Medina; the Prophet is wounded, but Medina is saved.

626, 4 H

Successful campaign against the Jewish tribe Bani Nadir, an ally of the Meccans.

627, 5 H

Victory over the attacking Meccans in the War of the Trenches” at Medina; a successful campaign against the Jewish tribe Bani Quraiza.

628, 6 H

Truce with the Meccans at Hudabiya; growth of Islam; civil war against the Hypocrites” and the Nomads.

629, 7 H

Defeat of Jewish tribes at Khaibar; appeal to neighboring nations to join Islam; the Prophet's pilgrimage to Mecca under a truce.

630, 8 H

Conquest of Mecca by the Prophet; the battle of Hunain and the expedition to the eastern city of Taif.

631, 9 H

Subjugation of the remaining Christian, Jewish and pagan groups. Expedition to Tabuk, north of Medina.

632, 10 H

Consolidation of the Islamic state; last pilgrimage of the Prophet to Mecca and his death in Medina.


The first and definitive edition of the Koran produced by the relatives and the followers of the Prophet Muhammad.

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

Description of the Koran

What is the Koran? — For a Muslim, it is the speech of God descended upon the Prophet Muhammad during the two decades of his mission, permanently recorded within fifteen years of his death.

Described as “the Mother of Scriptures” (S.13:39) or “the source of Scripture” (S.43:4), the Koran is much more than a compendium of religious prescriptions. Its text is wowen into each prayer and act of Muslim worship, and is endlessly recited in all religious settings. It is a hymn and a prayer, it is a state Constitution, it is a pledge of allegiance to Islam. Its reverent recital in a mosque can be compared not only to the reading of the Scriptures in synagogues and churches, but to a Jewish service or a Christian sacrament.

The Koran consists of 114 chapters or “suras” varying in length from three to 286 verses, totaling 6244 verses. Only a few suras cover just one topic; most of the others are highly complex and contain re-statements and illustrations of previously presented material. For those who want to read the Koran in one month, the Arabic original is divided into thirty parts by special marks in the margins.

Since many suras are made of passages revealed to the Prophet at different stages of his mission, it is next to impossible to re-arrange all the suras chronologically. This task has been attempted rather loosely on the basis of comparative linguistics, trends in rhetoric, and the analysis of historical references that surface here and there, especially in the later suras. In the XIX century, Rodwell divided the suras into four groups: the poetic suras, the “Compas­sionate” (ar-rahman) suras characterized by the frequent occurence of this word, the pro­phetic suras, and the late suras. This division is too superficial to be of value. Later, Bell, a literalist, has tried to disentangle the different “fragments” in the suras. However, this approach makes the Koran seem still more forbidding, especially for the beginner.

In this translation the suras are divided into seven groups according to their thematic content:

I.    The Foundation of Islamic Belief

Short and early, these thirty-four suras establish the tenets of the Muslim faith. They stand out by their highly emotional content and poetic form. The verses are compact and incisive, and carry direct messages that can be easily understood when read in the proposed arrangement. They speak of One God, the Judgement Day, and the Afterlife, and define the basic rules of conduct by short and clear descriptions of virtue and evil. The existence of God is proven by the perfection of His Creation. The Koranic exortations to faith are not directed to reason as much as to man’s longings, emotions, and imagination. The suras of this group are replete with depictions of the attributes of God, Who is merciful to the believers and vengeful toward the sinners. The suras also inform us about the mission of the Prophet and his initial rejection by the people of his native Mecca.

II.    Eschatology and Apocalypsis

Longer than the preceding ones, but still highly emotional in content, the eighteen suras of this group dramatize the fate of man during and after the “inevitable” Day of Judgment. Descriptions of Hell and Paradise alternate with exhortations to ethical conduct and submission to the will of God. The reader is introduced to the Angels and the Jinn, the good and evil spirits of the “Unseen.”

Eschatology is the religious doctrine of the last events that will take place at the far­thest boundary (Gr.: eschaton) of time and space. This boundary is the veil that separates our world from the Unseen and prevents us from seeing Hell and Paradise. Muslim eschato­logical events are brief because the Last Day shall come when least expected and it will usher man directly into apocalyptic events.

Apocalypsis is the lifting of this veil (Gr. apokalupsis), and thus the revelation of the Unseen. The Koran aptly uses the metaphor of veils and curtains when it invites us to glimpse beyond the end of the world. Apocalypsis is not just a description of punishments for sins, but also an invitation to salvation.

The suras belonging to this group are not devoid of other Koranic elements. Apoca­lyptic visions blend with praises of God, exhortations to virtue and the prophetic stories that are the subject of the next group of suras. Some of the apocalyptic events described in the Koran could be cross-referenced with the prophetic Books of Daniel and Ezekiel, and the Revelation of St. John.

III.    Stories about the Prophets

While an apocalypse forecasts the future after the end of the world, a prophesy pre­dicts the historical future. The Koran compares the mission of the Prophet Mohammed to that of twenty-eight Biblical and non-Biblical Prophets or Messengers from Adam to Jesus. The point is made that God had been selecting men of high virtue to bring His Warning to the first men and to the descendants of Abraham: the Hebrews and the Arabs.

The lives and the missions of all the Prophets are seen as part of an uninterrupted tra­dition culminating in the descent of the Koran. Therefore, their stories share the same tonality and movement: they begin with statements that God had never judged a nation without first sending a Prophet with a Reminder, continue with descriptions of the tribula­tions of a people who neglected the divine Warnings, and end with an appeal to Muslims to learn from the examples of their predecessors in order to avoid their fate.

In the Prophetic stories, the Koran resembles the Bible in presenting a panorama of man’s life from his origin to and beyond his death. In the Bible, the Prophetic missions are a succession of “historical” events with a detailed chronology that we may believe or not. The Koran presents the past as a succession of God’s Signs that guide man to worship One God. Except for a few hints at some historical events in Arabia during the last ten years of the Prophet’s preaching, chronology is missing. The Biblical characters are blurred because the focus is on their mission. Joseph is the only personage to whom a whole lengthy sura is devoted. The two most frequently mentioned Prophets are Moses and Abraham, but their personalities fade beside the importance of their religious experience, which was high in educational value for all of mankind.

Man is a passive bystander in the apocalyptic events, but in the seventeen prophetic suras he is an actor participating in debates and confrontations. The vivid dialogs and the startling developments in the stories take the listener from flights of vivid imagination to periods of contemplation and from overt poetry to rhymed prose. The onus of the stories is the uniqueness of God with emphasis on His Creation and his Compassion. This theme brings up a passionate castigation of the “Associators” — those who deny the uniqueness of God.

IV.    Attitude Toward the Other Religions

The suras become more and more polemic. The brunt of the criticism are the “Associ- ators” of all kinds who deviate from strict monotheism, to wit, the pagans and the Christians. In Jesus, the Koran sees a great Prophet, a great human being, who did not want to be wor­shiped like God. The Jews are not spared, either: they are accused of disrespecting their own laws, of presumptuously rejecting the Koran, and of joining the enemies of Islam.

Almost all of the fourteen suras of this group, together with parts of SS. 2, 3, and 6, are early and Meccan in content, belonging to the period that preceded the relocation of the Prophet to Medina. Re-statements increase in frequency; the verses increase in length, lose their haunting rhythm, and gradually merge into rhymed prose.

V.      Doxologies

This short set of nine suras, reputedly of the late Meccan period, does not quite fit the other groups. The suras concentrate on praising God and extolling His compassion to man. They contain sermons consisting of Signs, Warnings, and some often repeated phrases, which by their changes in tone and mode of assembly, express shades of meaning that can be better appreciated in the beautiful and expressive Arabic text.

VI.     Legal Matters

The seven suras gathered under this heading (together with parts of SS. 2, 4 and 6) describe the Muslim legal system in detail. The Koran shifts from teaching moral precepts to enunciating rules and laws in its version of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and becomes a Codex of Law (S.13:37; S.4:105).

The need for elaborate pronouncements results in long and ponderous verses sounding like prose, occasionally spiked with added rhymed phrases and sentences.

VII.     The Conduct of Holy War

These eleven late Medinan suras, together with parts of SS. 3 and 4, deal with the orga­nization of the Islamic nation and its military expeditions against its opponents in Arabia and on the boundaries of Byzantium and Persia. Fighting in the cause of God becomes the duty of all Muslims. The emerging state needs to be protected not only from foreign enemies, but also from the tepid or discontented Muslims — the Bedouins and the so-called “Hypo­crites,” who resist civil obedience and refuse to join the fight to spread the message of Islam across Arabia and beyond.

The sequence of the suras in this group can be established with some reliability thanks to the historical references they contain. The last suras of this group (SS. 9 and 110) exalt the achievements of the Prophet and forecast the triumph of Islam.

It is important to remember that the Koran is to be listened to and not only to be read silently. The emotional content of its verses requires an inspired oral transmission. This requirement led to the emergence in each Muslim community of skilled religious readers capable of chanting the Koran by heart and of enriching its rhythm and rhymes by voice modulations, dramatic pauses and breathing sounds.

The Koran is strikingly different in form and content from the Bible and the Gospels, even though Prophet Muhammad continued and completed the religion of the Peoples of the Book (as the Christians and Jews are collectively called).

For Muslims, the Koran is the recorded Word of God, from its initial stroke of the pen to the last. Coming from a single source and transmitted by one Prophet over only twenty years, the Koran focuses on a few sharply defined articles of faith and presents, unlike the other Scriptures — a monolithic Revelation with one Message, one Prophet, one God.

In contrast, the Old Testament is a discontinuous series of books widely different in style and subject matter, and the New Testament is a collection of oral accounts compiled long after the death of Jesus Christ and selected by contending religious factions over several generations. In the process, some books (the apocryphia) have been discarded, and others retained as God-inspired, according to the criteria of the first churches.

The Koran has been recorded during the life of the Prophet Muhammad. It was cod­ified and published soon after his death by the people who had intimately known him and one another. The testimonies of doubtful value were discarded. Since the Koran has been revealed during a time replete with historical events, it reflects the Muslim ideas in creation and action. In turn, these events were likely to mold some of its ideas. Being God's Creation, the Koran can be changed through the infinite power of the Creator.

Secondly, the Koran is not only a collection of religious prescriptions, but a blueprint for social life, statehood, and an international unity in faith. No other Book has ever changed the customs and life of so many adherents as fast as the Koran.

Thirdly, in the form we read them nowadays, the Old and New Testaments have been translated and re-translated from one language to another (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, and, later on, German, English, Church Slavonic...) with inevitable losses, glosses, distortions and editorial changes. The original Word of the Bible was irremediately dissolved, diluted and charged with new meanings, while the Koran has been preserved in its original edition. The first and only definitive written collection of its suras was published in A.D. 651, under the Khalif 'Othman, with the help of the Prophet’s secretary Zein Abu-sabit and some con­temporaries of the Prophet who had committed passages of the Koran to memory and to written records. Each of them might have remembered the sacred verses in somewhat dif­ferent versions, and so, as in the Bible, the reliable versions could have been reverently pre­served side by side. This may explain some of the repetitions that are so characteristic of the Koran. Several centuries later, the Koran was issued in two canonical editions, the Turkish and the Egyptian, which differ from the original only by added vowel and diacritical signs, and by the splitting of a few verses resulting in a slight discrepancy in the number and enu­meration of the verses, but not in their content or their order. The Egyptian Edition has been used throughout this translation.

It would be improper to submit to a rational critical analysis a Book meant to elevate the soul of its listener. Just as Genesis offers, side by side, two scenarios of the Creation or the Flood, the Koran may present numerous versions of a single dramatic event. The Koran cannot be treated like any literary genre — it does not belong to epics, poetry, lyrics, history, legends, fables, or tragedies. It is a genre by itself, the sum of all genres. It includes tragedy conveyed in lively dialogs, but its action seems to take place behind a curtain because the Koran does not dwell on the description of time and places. Therefore, the Koran should be looked at anagogically, as a simultaneous description of several layers of reality and several partially fused meanings.

The Biblical stories in the Koran frequently turn into fables — indeed, fables were popular in teaching. But fables are out of the historical context and Solomon, for example, may come before Moses in S.27, and after him in S.21, before Lot in S.27 and after Lot in S.21. The locale of Solomon’s story is not indicated and his crystal palace is unreal. The story turns into a fable when Solomon talks to a bird and the ants speak among themselves in a human tongue he understands. In fact, the Koran focuses on Solomon’s preaching of monotheism and the rest is there to attract the listener’s attention. At first reading, one can get the impression that some suras are “hanging in the air,” lacking in mood and in unifying purpose. But on closer look, almost each sura has an introduction, a conclusion, and an internal logic, if not a particular style. The Arab reader becomes totally immersed in the original text; a non­Arab reader should also be deeply involved in its meanings, if the words of the translation are authentic and the inspiration of the translator is true.

The Koran is revered by hundreds of millions of people because it provides hope and a deep emotional motivation. To this day, it is the foundation of Islam, even if Islamic thought has evolved through the centuries. Had this thought gelled in one immutable form, Islam would have been still-born. Thus, the reading of the Koran must be accompanied by the study of Islamic history and outlook. Only then will the reader make the first step towards the knowledge of Islam, as a cultural and historical event with great cultural, historical, and political prospects in the XXI century.


The available translations of the Koran into European languages range from literal (and incoherent) transcriptions to elaborate (and often imaginative) adapta­tions. The first Latin translation of the Koran was made by Robertus Retenensis in the Xiith century and was re-published in Basel centuries later. A French translation by Andre de Ryer appeared in 1647. These early translations were, naturally, anti-Islamic in spirit because they were designed to protect the (Christian) youth of their times from Muslim influence. A German version appeared in Hamburg in 1694 and a new Latin one in Padua in 1698.

An English version, reprinted several times since its first edition in 1734, was authored by George Sale. One can gather some idea of the value of these translations by Thomas Carlyle’s comment: “It is as toilsome reading as I ever undertook, a wea­risome, confused jumble, crude, incondite. Nothing but a sense of duty could carry any European through the Koran” (AJA Vol.I, 12).

The XIXth century saw the much improved versions of Gustav Fluegel in Leipzig (1841), J.M. Rodwell’s (1861), and Edward Henry Palmer’s (1880) in England.

Translations in Urdu and a few Turkic languages of Central Asia and the Cau­casus have been known for centuries. By now, the Koran can be read in most of the languages of the world.

Translations Quoted in this Book

(AA): Ahmad 'Ali, Al-Qur'an. A Contemporary Trans­lation, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1988. 569 pp. and 2001, 572 pp. First published by Akrash Publishing, 1984. Arabic and English texts in parallel columns without any explanatory notes.

(AH): Abdel Haleem, M.A.S., The Qur'an. A New Trans- la ti on, Oxford University Press, USA, 2004, 464 pp. with very few notes.

(AJA): Arberry, Arthur J., The Koran Interpreted, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London, 1955 in two volumes, and Simon and Schuster's Touchtone Books, several reprints since 1996, 358 pp. A poetic version.

(AO): Amatul Rahman 'Omar and Abdul Mannan 'Omar, The Holy Q ur 'an, Noor Foundation-International, Inc., Hockesin, DE, last printing, 2002, 723 pp. and appendices. Bilingual.

(AYA): 'Abdallah Yusuf 'Ali, The Holy Qur'an , Amana Corp., Brentwood, MD, 1403/1983. 1862 pp. First published in 1934. Also

Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., Elmshurst, N.Y., last edition 2002, 1862 pp. A bilingual edition with copious paraphrasing and an extensive religious commentary in introductions and footnotes.

(ChG): Chingiz Guseinov, The Suras of the Koran Rear­ranged by Abu Hassan According to the Order of Their Revelation to the Prophet, Moscow, Three Squares (2002). A translation to Russian from an Azeri dialect, 495 pp.

(EHP): Palmer, E.H., The Koran (Qur'an), The Worlds Classics, London Oxford University Press (1928). Reprinted from an original 1880 edition.

(FN): Fazlollah Nikayin, The Holy Quran. A Poetic Trans­lation from the Original, The Ultimate Book, Inc., Skokie, IL (2000), 1104 pp.

(GSS): Sablukov, G.S., The Koran, third ed., Central Publishing House, Kazan, 1907. 1169 pp., reprinted by MP “MIF,” Moscow (in Russian and Arabic), 1991. 1169 + viii pp.

(IYuK): Krachkovsky, I.Yu., The Kora n, Publishing House of Oriental Lit­erature, Moscow (in Russian), 1963. 714 pp. A post-humous work with sketchy refer­ences; also published by MNPP “The Word,” Moscow, 1991. 528 pp., without notes.

(EK): Elmir Kuliev, The Meanings of the Koran, Umma Corp., Moscow, Russia, 2003 (in Russian), a translation made specifically for Muslims.

(JMR): Rodwell, J.M., The Koran, Everyman’s Library. J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd, London and E.P. Dutton Co., New York, 2003, 509 pp. First pub. in 1861. The chapters of the Koran are divided in four loosely chronological groups; notes at the end of the text. Also published by Ballantine Books, New York, N.Y., 1993, after the 1861 original, 412 pp. with no introductions to suras.

(MAA): Mir Ahmad Ali, S.V., The Holy Qur'an, Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., Elmshurst, N.Y., 2004, 1951 pp. A bilingual edition with extensive introductions and comments by the Shi'ite Ayatullah Agha Pooya Yazdi.

(MHS): Shakir, M.H., Holy Qur'an, ibid, 1982, 634 pp. Bilingual edition; in an expanded version, 1998, 662 pp., but again without any explanatory notes.

(MMA): Maulana Mohammed Ali, The Holy Qur'an Ahmadiyyah Anjuman Isha'at Islam, Lahore, Inc. USA, Columbus, OH. First edition in 1917 with subsequent editions, 1995, 1256 pp; 2002, 1324 pp. Russian edition available. Bilingual with commentary in line with the Ahmadiyyah doctrine.

(MMK): Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali, Interpretation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an, Dar-us-Salam Publications, Saudi Arabia, 1995, 990 pp.

(MMP): Pickthall, Mohammed Marmaduke, The Meaning of the Glorious Koran, A Mentor Book, New York, 1953. 464 pp. First published in 1930. A poetic rendition by a Muslim. Also published by Everyman’s, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY, 1992. 693 pp. (first published in 1909), by Dar Al Kitab Al Masri, Cairo, Egypt, 1981, and by Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, India, 1982 and 1990, 912 pp. Bilingual editions without notes.

(MS): Savary, M., Mah omet — Le Koran, Editions Garnier Freres, Paris, (in French), 1951. 587 pp. A rather free translation with an excellent historical introduction.

(MZK): Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, The Q ur 'a n, Olive Branch Press, New York, N,Y, 1997 and 2003, 673 pp. First published in 1970. Arabic text and translation without notes.

(NJD): Dawood, NJ., The Kora n, Penguin Books, London, England, 1990. 456 pp. First pub. in 1956. Reprinted in 1997, 614 pp. In contemporary English with very short notes. Penguin Classics, 2000, 612 pp. Several bilingual editions.

(PIR): The Presidency of Islamic Research, IFTA, The Holy Qur-an, Revised and Edited. King Fahd Holy Qur-an Printing Complex, Al-Medinah Al- Munawarah, Saudi Arabia, 1410 H. Bilingual edition.

(RB): Bell, Richard, The Qur'an, Translation with internal re­arrangement in some Surahs. T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh, 1960. Two Vols., 697 pp. First published in 1937.

(SM): Sells, Michael, Approaching the Qur'an. The Early R e velation , White Cloud Press, Ashland OR, 1999, 219 pp. with call to prayer and 6 suras on CD.

(SQ): Qutb, Sayyid, In the Shade of the Qur'an, Translated by M. Adil Salahi and Ashur A. Shamis. MWH London Publishers, London, England, 1979, in thirty volumes. With extensive sura by sura and verse by verse religious com­mentary by a radical author.

(TBI): Irving, T.B., The Qur'an, Amana Books, Brattleboro, VT, 1991. 401 pp. Annotated and commented upon, but with no clear division into verses and with confusing headings.

(TC): Cleary, Thomas, The Essential Koran, Harper San Fran-cisco, CA, 1993. 203 pp. A partial translation of 39 suras in the canonical order, but no num­bering of the verses.

(TC2): Cleary, Thomas, The Qur'an. A New Translation. Starlatch Press, USA, 2004, 301 pp. without notes.

(TSh): Shumovsky, Teodor, The Holy Koran. A poetical translation, Moscow, St. Petersburg (in Russian), Dilia Publishing, 2001, 639 pp. An imitation of the Koran in rhyming two-line verses.

(VP): Porokhova, Valeria, The Koran. A translation of meanings and Comments, Damascus and Moscow (in Russian), “Al Furqan Center,” Dar-al-Bashair, 1996, 815 pp. A bilingual translation with comments at the end of the book.

(***): No author’s name, The Wisdom of the Qur'an, Oneworld Publications, Oxford, England. Excerpts by topics.


The Arabic texts on which this translation is based are Qur'an Karim, Al Ahram At-Tugarya Press, Cairo, 1390/1970. 827 pp., and Qur'an Karim — an artistic rendition of the Ottoman variant by the General Agency for Distribution, Beirut, Lebanon, 522 pp.

Citations from the Bible are from The Holy Bible in the King James Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1977.

I.    The Foundation of Islamic Belief

SURA 1 The OPENING SURA. The first chapter of the Koran, appropriately enough named “The Opening,” (al-fatiha), resembles the Christian Lord's Prayer and con­tains the same number of petitions. An integral part of worship, al-fatiha is recited at all religious functions and public events. It is customary to end its recitation with amin (amen), although this word is rarely heard in other contexts of Muslim devotions. S.2 is called by a host of other names, two of which are “The Often Repeated Seven” and “The Essence of the Scripture.”

1.     T H E O P E N I N G

Meccan, 7 verses

1* In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

2* Praised be God, the Lord of the Worlds,

3* the Compassionate, the Merciful,

4* the Sovereign of Judgment Day.

5. You alone do we worship,

You alone do we beg for assistance!

6* Lead us on the straight path,

7. the path of those for whom You have mercy,

but not of those who have incurred Your wrath and gone astray.


A chapter of the Koran is called a sura, meaning row or sequence. Arabic words are high­lighted the first time they are used. Verses explained in the Notes are marked by an asterisk.

V. 1: In this translation, God is not called Allah. Calling God Allah in an English text might falsely suggest that the God of Islam is different from the God of the Judeo-Christian tra­dition. The God of Islam is the One and Same God of Jews and Christians; He is Abraham’s God (el), omnipotent, omnipresent, demanding, forgiving, jealous, generous, as is the God of the Koran. Al-lah is derived from el, whose plural Hebrew form elohim is used in the Bible. Its definite article al underscores His uniqueness. For a Muslim, Allah is the Creator God, the God of Adam and the Prophets. His most exalted attribute is His infinite mercy for mankind.

The words of vs.1, bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim, have a special meaning in Muslim religion and culture. They are prefixed to all contracts, letters and writings. Pupils write them at the top of each page of their notebooks. In the Koran they precede each sura, except the ninth, and they sanctify all human actions. Ar-Rahman and ar-Rahim are two of God’s names, derived from rahma (mercy). The former may denote the source of mercy on earth, and the latter the source of mercy in the spiritual realm.

The Names of God are capitalized, in contrast to His attributes, for example, The V/ercilul; He is merciful.

Discrepancies among the translators of the Koran start at the very first verse of the first sura. Here are a few examples of earlier renderings, with the initials of the translators as they appear in the Bibliography:

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate (RB).

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful (AJA,NJD,TC).

In the name of Allah, most benevolent, ever-merciful (AA).

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful (MMP, SK).

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful (AYA).

Vv. 1-3: In public prayers, Islam favors celebrating God’s mercy over asking for personal favors. Indeed, God knows our needs even before we tell Him about them.

V. 2: “The Worlds” (al-'alamin) has the meaning of “the Universe” or “all beings”; it has the same root 'lm as knowledge ('ilm). “Worlds” in plural suggests the complexity of the uni­verse and the existence of the supernatural realm of the Unseen. Some Muslim mystics believe that the Worlds comprise at least three realms: the material world, the world of the Angels, and the world of God.

Personified by Gabriel, the world of the Angels allows man to communicate with God without actually meeting Him or seeing Him.

V. 4: Islam proclaims its belief in the Judgment Day, the Day when people will appear before God to answer for their deeds.

V. 6: The Koran teaches that God leads the righteous to the straight path. He leads and guides them as their Helper, Defender, and Sustainer. Deprived of God’s mercy, the sinners go astray and lose their way in disbelief.

Here is the text of the Christian Lord’s prayer (Matt. 6:9-13) for a direct comparison with S.1:

(1)     Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

(2)      Thy kingdom come.

(3)      Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

(4)      Give us this day our daily bread.

(5)      And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

(6)      And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

(7)      For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

SURA 112 The UNITY. S.112, addressed by God to His Prophet and through him to all Muslims, establishes that Islam is based on the unity of God. The word “say” is used in the Koran some 300 times in order to usher in the words addressed by God to the Prophet Muhammad. This four-verse sura, also called al-ikhlas (Unity in faith), summa­rizes the whole Koran.

112.     T H E U N I T Y

Meccan, 4 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Say: “God is One,

2* God is steadfast.

3* He didn’t give birth nor was He begotten,

4.     and no one is equal to Him.”

V. 1: The Koran is God’s Word transmitted to the Prophet by Gabriel, Djibril, the Arch­angel of the Christians, often called in the Koran “The Spirit.” As a Messenger of God, the Prophet is responsible for passing God’s Words along to the people.

The Koran is not a narrative, but rather a compendium of exhortations. Unlike the Torah, the Koran does not suggest that the spiritual reality depends on historical order and chro­nology.

When introduced by “Say,” God’s words are addressed to the Prophet himself, though he is called by name only five times; otherwise they are addressed to the people at large. The “Say passages” need not be connected to any definite time or place. The frequent occurrence of “say” (qul) and “said” (qala) is so typical of the Koran that their occasional replacement by “replied” or “exclaimed” could compromise the tonality of the translation.

V. 2: The Arabic word as-samad (steadfast) suggests completeness and perfection, divine permanence and eternity. All the attributes of God are one in His Oneness, something man cannot comprehend. The Koran is full of comparisons and metaphors that describe abstract ideas. Explanations are given in the notes whenever they seem necessary, but educated Muslims are conscious of the allegorical character of metaphors and see no purpose in dwelling on what defies explanation.

V. 3: Contractions such as “didn’t” or “I’ll” are used in all direct speech and in all the “Say passages” spoken by the Prophet.

V. 4: There are two opposite doctrines concerning the unity of God: 1) God is unique, absolute, and free of anything, except His Oneness, and 2) God is all-inclusive and thus encom­passing all that is in this World and in the Unseen.

Sura 114 T he People. A prayer for God's protection against evil thoughts.

114.     T H E P E O P L E

Meccan, 6 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Say:

“I seek refuge by the Lord of the people,

2.     the Ruler of the people,

3.     the God of the people,

4* from the evil of the hiding Whisperer

5* who whispers into the hearts of the people,

6* the Jinn and the people!”

V. 1: The words to be spoken by the Prophet Muhammad or the words spoken by anyone else are in quotation marks. The words of God are not in put in quotation marks, as the whole Koran is God’s Word, but are occasionally preceded by a dash for clarity’s sake.

V. 4: The Whisperer is Satan, the Tempter.

V. 5: In the Koran, the site of both understanding and feeling is “the chest” or “the heart.” Some translators prefer “breast.” In English, “heart” seems to be more appropriate. The substi­tution of Arabic words that seem strange or out of place by better sounding or “more logical” English words is acceptable only when such a substitution is essential for preserving the meaning.

V. 6: “The Jinn and the people.” Like all revealed religions, Islam believes in the existence of immaterial beings: the Angels — the benevolent spirits who assist God and fulfill His orders and the genies (Jinn; singular, Jinni), some benevolent, others mischievous (Cf. S.72).

In the Koran, like in the Bible, God speaks, sees, and hears. Such attributes are to be understood metaphorically: they are not meant to create an anthropomorphic image of the Supreme Being.

Islam forbids to make any kind of images of God and Muhammad, and at first it was for­bidden to represent both people and animals — only arabesques and sacred calligraphy were allowed for decoration. Concordances between different suras, and between the Koran and other Scriptures are limited to a minimum. Also omitted are references to scholarly works on the Koran: such references would only confuse the reader. The translators listed in this work are referred to by their initials (See Bibliography, p. xvii).

SURA 113 The Dawn. This sura resembles S.114 in construction and intent. It is used both as a prayer and as an inscription on amulets for protection against the evil eye and the satanic forces.

113.    T H E D A W N

Meccan, 5 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Say:

“I seek refuge by the Lord of the dawn

2* from the evil of what He has created,

3. from the evil of spreading darkness,

4* from the evil of those who blow on knots,

5.     from the evil of the envious one when he envies.”

V. 1: In the Koran, “Lord” is always preceded by a possessive pronoun “my Lord, your Lord,” etc., unless it is followed by a possessive case as in “the Lord of the Worlds.” It precludes the possibility of attributing the title of Lord to anyone other than God.

The name of the sura, The Da wn, suggests spiritual awakening.

God is “the Lord of the dawn” because He is the real Light that brings enlightenment to man.

V. 2: God uses evil and Satan to fulfill His Design. As it is said in Isaiah 45:7: “I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I the Lord do all these things.”

The Koran frequently says that God has elevated man above all His creatures, including the Angels, whom, to make them acknowledge the supremacy of man, He ordered to bow to Adam. Only one Angel (or Jinni) refused to do it, the one called Iblis. He became the chief Tempter, the enemy of mankind, and the leader of the forces of evil — the Shaitans (Satans) or the Devils. Satan/Iblis seduces people by making evil and sin attractive to their eyes and souls, but only when God allows it.

V. 4: The people of Arabia practiced a kind of witchcraft that consisted in tying knots along a rope while cursing and blowing on them. Another pre-Islamic superstition was the worship of idols and the attribution of “Angelic daughters” to the Supreme Being.

Sura 109 The Disbelievers. S.109is an eloquent condemnation of poly­theism. Emphasis is attained by the haunting repetition of the same words.

109.     T H E D I S B E L I E V E R S

Meccan, 6 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Say:

“O you, disbelievers!

2* I don’t worship what you worship.

3.     You won’t worship what I worship,

4.     and I won’t worship what you worshiped.

5.     You won’t worship what I worship!

6* You have your faith, and I have my faith.”

V. 1: The vocative “O” is ubiquitous in Arabic.

The Arabic term for those who reject Islam is kafirun, to be conveyed as “disbelievers” rather than “atheists” or “unbelievers” because the kafirun, be they pagans, Zoroastrians, Chris­tians or Jews, while denying the Prophet’s mission, still can have religious beliefs.

Muslims considered that both Christians and pagans were not monotheists but Associators. Indeed, idolaters worshiped heathen goddesses as God’s “divine daughters” (Cf. S.53) and the Christians believed that God had a divine son in the person ofJesus Christ.

The elevated style of this sura is typical of the Koran. This style reinforces direct speech, exhortations and narratives. Like all the Koran, S.109 consists of simple words made solemn by its rhythm and interjections.

V. 2f: In the Koran, events of the future may be referred to in the present or even in the past tense. In some cases, this may be required by the rhyme. But one can also reason as follows: the past has already passed and the present becomes past as soon as it occurs. Therefore, the past and the present have a common function: to help understand the future.

V. 6: Islam stands on five pillars: belief in God and the Judgment Day, prayer, fasting, pil­grimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime, and paying the prescribed alms (zakat or zakawa).

Sura 107 Religion. S.107can be called “Religion”or “Judgment”because its Arabic name “din” doubles for both. Belief in Judgment Day is an essential requirement of Islam. Divine justice requires that the righteous be recompensed and the evil people punished. Hence, the need for Paradise and Hell.

The Muslim ethics is now expanded to include the duties of prayer and charity. Such religious concepts as prayer, almsgiving, Hell, Heaven, and Day of Judgment belong to Christianity, Judaism, and many other creeds as well However, they may acquire a dif­ferent meaning in the Koran because of the particular connotations of the Arabic words, if not for theological and ethical reasons.

107.    R E L I G I O N

Meccan, 7 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Have you observed the man who denies religion,

2.     who drives the orphan away,

3.     who urges not to feed the poor?

4.     Woe to worshipers

5.     who pray carelessly,

6.     just to show off,

7* and abstain from almsgiving.

V. 1: The Muslim religion is based on devotion to God, to His Message, to His Prophet, and to the community. Devotion to the community consists in giving alms, protecting the weak and the destitute, honoring one’s equals, and respecting one’s parents and superiors. Islam cannot be called Muhammadism or Muslimism, as there is no cult of the Prophet and all Muslims worship one God.

V. 7: “Abstain from almsgiving” or “refuse to help [others]”.

Belief in God is tightly bound to charity. By giving alms man purifies his soul. Com­passion to the indigent cleanses the soul from greed and egoism, and elevates it to the Truth, i.e., to God. The ethics of the Koran is based on the idea that the highest value in life besides faith is what we do for others. Man cannot be good if he leads a self-centered life, no matter how strong is his faith and how virtuous is his behavior.

Sura 103 T he late Afternoon. S.103 starts with a rhetorical oath or adjuration, a feature common to many early suras. The apparent purpose of the oath is not only to establish the veracity of the statements that follow, but also to create a tone, an ambience, a mode of feeling and thinking for the whole sura. Some of these emotional invo­cations create a mystical atmosphere by conjuring surrealistic associations. For example, a horse race may remind one of the flight of time and the approach of Judgment Day. The short oath at the beginning of this sura bespeaks of the end of an afternoon that suggests the running out of time before Resurrection Day.

According to tradition, the Prophet recited S.103 shortly before his death.

103.      T H E L A T E A F T E R N O O N
Meccan, 3 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by the late afternoon!

2* Verily, men will suffer a loss!

3* But not those who believed, did good works, urged to the Truth, and called to forbearance.

V. 1: The word 'asr (the late afternoon) refers not only to the end of the day, but also to time without beginning or end, or to the “never resting time,” as in Shakespeare’s Fifth Sonnet.

V. 2: The Arabic text is rich in expletives such as inna that can be rendered by “verily,” “indeed,” “in truth,” “surely,” “in fact,” etc. These words bring emotions into the text; in addition, “verily” conveys to it a sacramental character.

The Koran is read aloud with frequent stops that are not indicated by punctuation. In this text, long verses are broken into different themes or ideas by means of skipped lines that divide the text into paragraphs, thus helping to understand complex suras. For example, in this sura the oath is made into a separate epigraph.

In order to preserve at least a few Arabisms and unusual associations of ideas, some rules of standard English, especially, those of punctuation, are relaxed or modified.

V. 3: The phrase “But not those who believed...” is the mark of late texts; it is probably an addition to an early short sura.

Sura 93 The Morning Light. S.93 contains words of comfort to the Prophet, an orphan who went through a period of poverty andpersecution.

93.      TH E M O R N I N G L I G H T

Meccan, 11 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by the morning light

2.      and the night when it is still!

3* Your Lord has not forsaken you and He does not disdain you!

4* Verily, the later [life]

shall be better for you than the first one.

5. Soon your Lord will provide you with what will make you happy.

6* Did He not shelter you when He found you orphaned?

7.     Did He not offer you guidance when He found you wandering?

8* Did He not enrich you when He found you in need?

9.      So, do not oppress the orphan

10* or drive the beggar away,

11.    but proclaim the mercy of your Lord!

V. 1: Light and darkness are often mentioned in the Koran. The morning light is the nascent and developing spiritual life, and the night is the quiet preparation for its further growth.

V. 3: At the beginning of his mission the Prophet Muhammad stopped receiving the divine Revelation for about six months.

V. 4: This verse must remind the believer that each moment of his life is better than the preceding one.

V. 6: The Prophet lost his father, 'Abdullah, at the age of two and was raised first by his grandfather, 'Abdul-Muttaleb, and then by his uncle, Abu-Taleb. Protecting the orphans and feeding the poor are two sacred duties of a devoted Muslim.

V. 8: The Prophet and his first wife Khadidja, his companion of many years, were endowed with spiritual gifts and mutual love.

Sura 94 Reassurance. The Koranic suras cannot be classified rigidly: some are short, with just a few verses, like S.94; others are long, like S.2; some are highly emotional and exhortative, others tell stories or offer advice; but they are all unique in their diversity and unpredictable constructions. S.94 appeals by its pleasing rhythmic verses. It deals with the poor reception accorded to the Prophet by his own folks. The preaching of the Prophet was the butt of jokes and the target of attacks on the part of the rich hedonistic Meccans. They could not stand in their midst a man who extolled a new way of life and condemned the lucrative business of the cult of idols.

S.94 is wholly addressed to the Prophet. Some translators call it “The Opening, ” but then it could be confused with S.1. Here, it is called “Reassurance, ” according to its content.

94.     R E A S S U R A N C E

Meccan, 8 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Have We not opened your heart

2* and eased your burden

3.     that was straining your back?

4.     Have We not exalted your fame?

5* Verily, after tension [comes] ease,

6.     verily, after tension [comes] ease.

7* Work hard in your free time

8.     and strive to your Lord!

V. 1: The heart shrinks under the influence of sin, pain, and grief. To open or widen one’s heart is to cleanse the soul from evil and sin, and to fill it with Knowledge and happiness.

V. 2: The burden of the Prophet is his responsibility for preaching monotheism.

V. 5: Relief follows strenuous efforts at accomplishing a task. The Koran teaches that deliberateness is from God and haste is from the Devil.

V. 7: “Work hard in your free time” i.e., after fulfilling your secular obligations, switch to spiritual pursuits: work on self-improvement and preach the Word of God.

Sura 95 The Fig. Islam is inconceivable without the belief in Judgment Day. The further you read the Koran, the more you hear about “that Day. ” The short “poetical” suras are followed by longer suras dealing with the end of the world and life beyond the grave.

95.      T H E F I G

Meccan, 8 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by the fig and the olive,

2.     and Mount Sinai,

3* and this safe city!

4.     We have created man in the best shape.

5.     Then We will make him the lowest of the lowest.

6* But not those who believed and did good works —

an unlimited reward is [in store] for them!

7.     What makes you deny the Judgment?

8.     Is not God the wisest of judges?

V. 1: The objects of the oaths — a common feature of the earliest suras — are night and day, places, animals, plants, celestial bodies, or even entities that defy identification. Later on, the object of the oaths becomes the Koran itself.

To some interpreters, the olive-tree suggests Christianity, Mount Sinai — Judaism, and the fig-tree — Buddhism; thus the Koran is an affirmation of the universal validity of Islam. According to others, the fig-tree represents man: like any other fruit-tree it needs care and pro­tection from pests to produce a perfect fruit.

V. 3: The safe city (or country) is Mecca, a sacred site in Arabia since pre-Islamic times. Wars and acts of violence were prohibited within its boundaries.

V. 6: This is one of the most often repeated statements in the Koran: indeed, salvation is not possible without belief and works of kindness. To do good works is not only to hold onto the five pillars of Islam, but also to deal with relatives and strangers with patience, charity, and respect. A strong family, clan, and society are based on a feeling of communality, togetherness, and solidarity, supported by earnest faith. Pushed to its logical extreme, this ethical imperative abolishes all personal property.

Sura 100 T hose Who race. a dramatic apocalyptic vision, this beautiful sura has been the subject of many mystic interpretations. The Koran has a unique preoccupation with the Day of Judgment and the dreadful fate that will befall the trans­gressors. In counterpoint, it is rich in pictures of the joyous rewards that are in store for the believers.

100.      T H O S E W H O R A C E

Meccan, 11 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by those who race at full speed,

2.     striking sparks,

3.     who attack in the morning,

4.      and, raising clouds of dust,

5* irrupt in a body!

6* Verily, man is ungrateful to his Lord!

7.     Verily, he himself is a witness to that!

8.      Verily, he has a passion for wealth!

9* Does he not know

that when the graves are emptied out

10.     and the content of the hearts is exposed,

11.     verily, on that Day,

their Lord will know everything about them.

V. 1-5: Those who race are horses that are striking sparks with their horseshoes.

V. 5: Depending on their spiritual development and mystic perception, Muslims perceive in this oath the battle horses that give the most of themselves in the war for the cause of God or the heroic defenders of Islam who fight for their faith with all their might and courage, or the Holy War for spiritual awakening and the supremacy of Islam in the whole world.

Vv. 6-8: The two most serious transgressions for a Muslim are ingratitude to God (synon­ymous with disbelief) and a passion for wealth. The Prophet himself was frugal and lived with minimal comfort. His example was lost on the Khalifs, Shahs and Emirs of Islam who sur­rounded themselves with the most refined luxury.

V. 9: The destiny of man does not end with death: man will continue to be responsible for his deeds through the Afterlife.

SURA 102 GREED. As already proclaimed in S.100, the passion for wealth is a passport to Hell, and generosity is the supreme purifying virtue.

102.      G R E E D

Meccan, 8 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* You will be distracted by greed

2.      until you meet with [your] grave.

3.      But soon you shall know!

4.      Yes, soon you shall know!

5* If you had real Knowledge,

6.      you would surely see Hell.

7.      Yes, you would surely see with an unerring eye!

8* Yes, on that Day, you shall surely be asked about your good times.

V. 1: The reader might be interested in comparing a few renderings of other translators, v.1 being chosen as example:

“The mutual rivalry // For piling up [the good things// Of this world] diverts you // [From the more serious things]” (AYA).

“Abundance diverts you” (MHS).

“The desire of increasing riches occupieth you” (JMR).

“Emulation occupies you” (RB).

“The avarice of plenitude keeps you occupied” (AA).

“Competition has distracted you” (TBI).

“Your hearts are taken up with worldly gain” (NJD).

“Passion for hoarding wealth // Distracts you from the required deeds (VP).

V. 5: In the Koran “Knowledge” ('ilm) has the religious meaning of understanding God’s way and choosing the right path. If “Truth” (haqq) encompasses everything that exists, “Knowledge” is the acceptance of Truth.

V. 8: The Judgment Day is also called the Day, the Last Day, the Resurrection Day, the Awful Day, the Day of Tumult, the Separation Day, or simply the Hour. The believers thought that the Day was due soon and that the Prophet knew its date (cf. S.79:42). Jesus had also been predicting the end of the world for the near future.

SURA 101 The DISASTER. The Day ofJudgment will be a Day of calamity, horror, and turmoil. The Koran is very rich in epithets and metaphors that describe the punishment of the wrong-doers.

101.      T H E D I S A S T E R

Meccan, 11 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     The Disaster!

2.      What is the Disaster?

3* How will you know what the Disaster is?

4.      [It is] the Day

when men shall be like scattered moths,

5.      and the mountains like carded wool.

6* The one whose balance is heavy

7.     shall dwell in happiness.

8.      The one whose balance is light,

9.      his mother shall be an Abyss.

10.     And how will you know what it is? —

11* It is a raging Fire!

V. 3 More accurately “What will explain to you what the Disaster is?” Such rhetorical questions serve to define the terms that were not clear to the Prophet’s contemporaries them­selves.

V. 6 The balance of the just is heavy with good deeds and that of the sinners is light for the lack of them.

V. 11: Soon the descriptions of Hell and Paradise will be amplified with vivid details. Hell is “the Fire,” and Paradise is “the Garden,” or “the Gardens under which the rivers flow.”

According to Arabic lore, the Fire in Hell has seven layers: 1) Hellfire (djohannam) for the rebels and the believers who died without contrition; 2) laza — a blazing Fire for the disbe­lievers; 3) al-djahim, the Hell of Gog and Magog; 4) as-sair where the issue of Iblis are grinding their teeth; 5) saqar for those who did not pray; 6) al-khutama (the smasher) for the Pagan and Christian Associators; and 7) hawia — a fiery Abyss for the Hypocrites. Hawia is loaded with another suggestive meaning: a mother who lost her first child. The distinction between the seven names for Hellfire is not a matter of principle and may be disregarded in translation.

Sura 99 T he Earthquake. This sura has a beautiful beginning with a powerful visual imagery like anywhere in the Koran where abstract thoughts are sup­ported by striking graphic metaphors. The important questions — what is man and what is his fate are answered simply and succintly. The similes for the Afterlife are drawn from the life of the nomads of the desert. Water and rest, comfort and quiet were so much on the mind of the desert dweller that he pictured Heaven as a peaceful shady Garden where he will enjoy food and relaxation, and where the faithful will savor friendship untainted by disputes. Hell is a torrid place where the damned will be at one another's throat and ever feel hot and thirsty, nauseated and exhausted.

99.     T H E E A R T H Q U A K E
Meccan, 8 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* When the earth is jolted by an earthquake,

2* when the earth releases her burdens,

3.     man shall say: “What’s the matter with her?”

4* On that Day she shall announce her news

5.     inspired to her by your Lord.

6.     On that Day men shall march in groups to review what they have done.

7* Whoever produced a tiny weight of good shall see it.

8.     Whoever produced a tiny weight of evil shall see it.

Vv. 1-5: The verses end in the “feminine” rhyme “aha” (ha is the feminine possessive pronoun) and thus have a special rich sonority that makes this sura resemble S.91.

V. 1: “The earth” is a feminine noun in Arabic.

V. 2: Because in Arabic common names are masculine or feminine, the meaning of some utterances can be extended to metaphors that are not possible in English. Thus “the earth” can conceivably not only “release her burdens” (the ashes of the dead), but also give birth (to plants, for example).

V. 4: The earth symbolizes the world and its order. A New World will come into being on Judgment Day.

V. 7: Some translators call the “tiny weight” an “atom.” As zarra designates the atom in modern physics, this word may seem inappropriate in a translation of the Koran.

Sura 86 The Shooting Star. S.86 consists of two suras fused together, or of two separate parts, as evidenced by the additional “Oath passage” of vv. 11-12.

Part I deals with the creation of man in three stages: the initial creation of Adam from mud or clay, the continuous renewed creation of men through fertilization (as in vv 5-7), and the resurrection seen as a new creation on Judgment Day. According to the Koran, God can create an unlimited number of times; thus, the Jinn and the Angels resulted from separate acts of creation.

Part II contains short statements with abrupt transitions, a common feature in the Koran. It should be noted that sudden changes of theme and pace can add meaning and emotion to a text recited with modulations and inflections. To be on the right path to understanding the Koran, one should put logic aside for a while and let imagination and feeling linger around the suggested images.

Some of verses are so concise that their translation would not be intelligible enough without the words added in square brackets.

86.      T H E S H O O T I N G S T A R

Meccan, 17 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by the sky and by the shooting star!

2.      How will you know what a shooting star is?

3.      It is a star of piercing light!

4* Verily, every soul has her Protector.

5.      Let man consider what he is made of!

6.      He is made of emitted water

7* issued between his spine and his ribs.

8.      Verily, [God] has the power to resurrect him!

9.      But on the Day when the secrets are revealed,

10* he shall have no strength and no assistance.

11* [I swear] by the sky with its cycles

12* and the earth with its awakening

13* that this is the deciding Word

14* and not a joke!

15* They are plotting a plot,

16.     and I am plotting a plot!

17.   But grant the disbelievers a reprieve, a light reprieve!

V. 1: The Arabic word tariq has been understood as “a night traveler,” a “visitor,” or “a shooting star.” The latter fits the following verses best, but it is not important to know if it is a star or a night visitor, or if the Protector of v. 4 is an Angel or God. Muslims believe that the words of the Koran cannot be the subject of discussion or doubt. When asked about them, they say: “So it is.”

In the desolate landscape of the desert, the splendor of the sky is dazzling. No wonder that there is a predilection in the Koran for metaphors about stars and light. Truth is as unfath­omable and beautiful as the sky. God is the Guiding Light; His Revelation in the three Scrip­tures recognized by Islam as God-inspired — the Torah, the Evangel, and the Koran — brings enlightenment to man. The first three verses of this sura should remind man of the light of God’s Revelation that shines in spiritual darkness.

V. 4: As the soul is feminine in Arabic, “she” and “her” are more appropriate pronouns for her than the impersonal “it.” This verse would support the idea of a “personal God”.

V. 7: The spine and the ribs keep the body together just as religion keeps the soul together. The spine conducts nerve energy to the body; the ribs prevent it from collapsing.

V. 10: On Judgment Day God’s Guidance shall be withdrawn and each man will have to justify himself on the strength of his own deeds. Nothing can be hidden from God, and neither from men who, in the Hereafter, will see each other’s good and bad deeds.

V. 11: The spiritual world is compared again to the sky.

V. 12: The earth is split by springs and sprouting plants.

V. 13: “The deciding Word” is the Law of God that spells the difference between good and evil. Continuing the metaphor of the preceding verse, this Word — the Koran — tears through the material fabric of life. The Koran makes God, the Truth, the Guiding Light visible, and the language of the Koran gives shape to the Universe. The Koran is actual and humanistic to its core. Natural like life, it accurately depicts the whole Universe.

V. 14: Simple and direct words such as “joke” make translators search for mild substitutes such as quip, jest, frivolity, fun, and amusement.

Vv. 15,16: “They are plotting a plot” is a typical Arabic construction. Men are plotting evil and God is plotting goodness. Some Western commentators are taken aback by the idea that God can devise a plot or connive. These words are allegorical, of course, but they are quite natural if we remember that part of God’s Design is the fight of virtue against evil in which deception and violence are inevitable.

SURA. 81 The FOLDED UP. Like the preceding sura, S.81 consists of two parts which start with a description of the sky and the celestial bodies. When the physical world comes to an end, it will be dimmed and put out, and the most valuable asset of God's Creation — the spiritual and moral achievement of man — will come to the forefront.

The reader should interpret the metaphors in accordance with his own imagination, taste, education, and conception of the world, without much concern for the explanations given by others.

Visions such as the one mentioned in v.23 establish the connection of man with the Unseen world. The Muslims believe that man comes in contact with the Unseen in his dreams.

S.81 is rich in thoughts concerning the destiny of man, his toils on earth (vv. 4, 8), and his fate afterJudgment Day. Predestination is reminded in v.29.

Further “doublesuras”areSS. 84, 91, 74, 69and56.

81.      TH E F O L D E D U P
Meccan, 29 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     When the sun folds up,

2.      when the stars are dimmed,

3.      when the mountains are dissolved,

4.     when the ten-month [pregnant] she-camels are left unattended,

5.      when the beasts huddle together,

6.      when the seas boil over,

7.      when the souls are sorted out,

8* when the infant-girl buried alive is asked

9.      for what crime she has been slain,

10* when the Scrolls are unrolled,

11.    when the sky is uncovered,

12.     when Hell is set ablaze,

13.     when Paradise approaches,

14* then each soul shall know

what her hands have brought forth.

15* I swear by the receding planets,

16.     as they rise and as they set,

17.     by the night, as it darkens,

18.     by the dawn, as it breathes!

19* Verily, this is the Word of a noble Envoy,

20.      who has power and eminence

in the eyes of the Lord of the Throne.

21.      He is obeyed and trusted.

22* Your companion is not demented!

23* He has really seen [the Envoy] on the clear horizon,

24*and he is not cagey about the Unseen.

25* These are not the words of Satan, the stoned one!

26.      Then where are you going?

27.      Verily, this is but a Warning to the Worlds,

28.      to those of you who want to be upright.

29* But you can will only what God wills, the Lord of the Worlds.

V. 8: A reference to the slaying of girls practiced by some Arabian tribes to reduce popu­lation. The Prophet was strongly opposed to this custom. As for abortion, Muslims usually do not approve of it because it seemingly interferes with God’s Design.

V. 10: These Scrolls contain the record of all men.

V. 14: On Resurrection Day every soul will be judged by her deeds — lit., by “what she has brought forth.”

V. 15: The “receding” or retrograde planets are Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.

V. 19: Gabriel is an En voy and the Prophets Abraham, Jesus and Muhammad are Messengers. Some commentators erroneously attach the attributes of vv. 19-22 to the person of the Prophet Muhammad.

V. 22: A defense of the Prophet Muhammad against his foes.

V. 23: There is more about the Prophet’s vision in S.53.

V. 24: The Prophet is not a soothsayer: he speaks openly and does not hide any tricks up his sleeve.

V. 25: “The stoned one” is the literal translation of ar-ragim. In the Koran the word “Satan” is used both in the singular and in the plural. Prayers and readings from the Koran are usually preceded by calling to God for protection from the Satan to be stoned (aghuzu bil-lah min ash-shaitan ar-ragim).

V. 29: An affirmation of predestination. Theologians of all persuasions have a hard time reconciling man’s free will with God’s knowledge of the future. Predestination is basically a Christian idea. God had chosen us before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4) and “many are called, but few are chosen” (Matt. 22:14). Muslims are sensitive to this issue and recognize the supremacy of God’s will in all their actions. In His infinite compassion, God is willing to pardon repenting disbelievers. Just as the seen and the “Unseen” coexist and complement each other, so do God’s omniscience and man’s freedom of choice.

Sura 82 Cleft Asunder. This sura can be compared to S.99 for its wealth of images and expression. Like in S.99 the first five verses have a haunting feminine rhyme (rat). “As the scrolls are unrolled, ” the reader may appreciate the effect of repeti­tions and subtle changes in tone and details that can be easily missed in translation.

The purpose of S.82 is to call the people to Islam. In exhortative preaching that includes politics and the modern media, repetition is one of the most powerful means of convincing people. If we look for parallels in other religions, we might think of “mantras” in the Eastern cults, and the recitation of litanies in churches.

82.     C L E F T A S U N D E R

Meccan, 19 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* When the sky is cleft asunder

2.     and the stars are dispersed,

3.     and the oceans boil over,

4.     and the graves are overturned,

5* then each soul shall know

what she has brought forth, and what she has kept back.

6.     O man! What seduces you away

from your generous Lord,

7.     Who created you,

formed you, shaped you,

8.     and assembled you according to His Will?

9.     But no, you still deny the Judgment Day!

10.   Verily, there are Guardians over you,

11.   honorable scribes,

12.   aware of all your deeds!

13.   Verily, for the righteous there shall be bliss,

14.    and for the corrupt there shall be the Fire

15.    which they shall enter on Judgment Day.

16.    They shall not escape from it!

17.    But how will you know

what is Judgment Day?

18.  And again, how will you know what is Judgment Day?

19* — It is the Day when no soul shall help another soul!

On that Day all power shall be with God!

Vv. 1f: The sura opens with the description of the chaos that will overtake the material world on Judgment Day. Its first five verses summarize S.81:1-14. As already made clear in the notes to the preceding suras, such passages resemble a series of “onion skins,” which, when peeled, reveal a vision of Judgment Day, a glimpse of man in spiritual revival, or a revelation of the stormy spiritual life of the universe.

“When the sky is cleft asunder” is an image of the destruction of the barrier between the life of this world and the Afterlife; “the stars are dispersed” is an image of the annihilation of the natural order in the world; “the oceans boil over” — an image of the advent of a unified Knowledge and Truth; and “the graves are up-turned” — an image of the transition from death to Life. Many Arab commentators contend that such images do not lend themselves to trans­lation and that, therefore, attempts at translating them are reprehensible. However, these com­mentators often paraphrase the sacred verses in colloquial speech, in fact, conveying them from one language to another.

V. 5: Man easily forgets his trespasses, but he shall be reminded of each of them on Judgment Day.

V. 19: Man is doomed when God leaves him alone and his friends and family deprive him of companionship and assistance. Before Judgment Day people should help one another — only on the Last Day man shall carry his burden alone. He can achieve virtue only by a recourse to God and through his own good deeds in the society he belongs to.

C.82 resembles the preceding one, S.81. Both affirm that each soul is responsible for its fate and that we are all individually answerable to God for the life we have lived. In both suras one can easily spot an introduction and a conclusion. As is typical for short suras, the verses are ringing and richly rhymed; their tone is solemn. The sentences are brisk and seem to be clipped — the reader can complete them by using his imagination. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully restore the harmony and vigor of the Koranic verses in English.

SURA 84 The SPLIT OPEN. The first part of this “double sura” starts with a five verse oath-Uk'c injunction with the rhyme “at, ’’followed by an emotional appeal to righteousness. In the second part starting with another Oath, the Prophet Muhammad is ordered by God to warn the enemies of faith of the dire consequences of their rejection of the Koran.

84.      TH E S P L I T O P E N

Meccan, 25 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     When the sky is split open,

2.      it will obey its Lord as ordained.

3.      When the earth is stretched flat,

4.      expels its content, and empties itself,

5.      it will hear its Lord as ordained.

6.      O man!

Strive strenuously to your Lord and you shall meet Him!

7* Whoever receives his record in his right hand

8.      shall have his record readily accepted

9* and shall return to his people fulfilled.

10* But whoever receives his record behind his back,

11.    let him call perdition upon himself!

12.     His destination is the scorching Fire!

13.     Indeed, he enjoyed himself with his kin

14.     and did not think of his return [to God].

15.     Yet his Lord has ever been watching him!

16.     I swear by the [flaming] sunset,

17* and by the night and by what it collects,

18.     and by the moon and by what makes it full

19* that you shall be ascending step by step!

20* But what is the matter with them,

why do they disbelieve,

21* why do they not fall prostrate

when the Koran is read to them?

22.      Only the disbelievers deny it,

23.      and God knows best what they conceal.

24.      So announce to them a painful punishment!

25.   But not to those who believed and did good works — for them there is a sure reward!

V. 6: The Koran contains many teaching statements that resemble proverbs. In contrast to the Biblical Proverbs and the sayings of Ecclesiastes, in general, their content is more reli­gious than secular. Comp. “Strive strenuously to your Lord and you shall meet Him!” with “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6).

V. 7: The believers will receive the record of their deeds in their right hand and the disbe­lievers in their left hand or behind their back. In addition, the sinners will have their right hand tied behind their head and their left hand tied behind their back. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth will be divided into “the people of the right hand” and “the people of the left hand.”

This admonishment brings the future into the present to make the reader or listener realize the imminence and inevitability of the Judgment Day.

V. 9: “His family” includes its righteous members, provided he himself is righteous.

Vv. 10-15: Verses that invite to caution can be called Warning or Guidance passages.

V. 17: The night brings animals and people to their homes.

V. 19: “You shall be ascending step by step,” or “from layer to layer” — a reference to the gradual spiritual growth of man.

According to the Koran both the material and the spiritual worlds consist of clearly defined levels or strata. Both the sky and the Heaven were believed to mirror these worlds by being built in the shape of concentric spheres.

V. 20: In general, God addresses the believers in the second person and speaks of the dis­believers in the third person.

V. 21: In this arrangement of suras, the Koran is mentioned by name for the first time. At first, the divine Message was called Revelation, Warning, Reminder, or simply the Word. After several suras had been revealed, they were collected to form the Koran (the Recitation). Still later, the Koran was called a Scripture, kitab, from the root ktb (to write). It is said that the Prophet himself started collecting the suras to publish the Revelation during his lifetime on the model of the Torah and the Gospel.

Sura 106 The Quraish. In the earlier suras, accusations of disbelief are addressed to the Prophet's opponents, the Meccans. The Prophet belonged to the tribe of Quraish, which ruled over Mecca and its vicinity. However, most of Muhammad's relatives were hostile to Islam till 630 (8 H). In this short sura the Prophet wishes success to his tribesmen.

106.     TH E Q U R A I S H

Meccan, 4 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* For the treaties of Quraish!

2.     For their treaties

in their summer and winter journeys!

3* Let them worship the Lord of this House,

4.    Who fed them, saved them from famine, and secured them from fear!

V. 1: “For the treaties of Quraish” or “in favor of the commercial dealings of Quraish.” The Prophet’s tribe, the Quraish, was divided into two clans: the Ommayyad clan (after its founder Ommayya) and the Hashemite clan (after its founder, Hashem, the Prophet’s great-grand­father). The kings of Jordan claim to descend from this particular Hashem.

“Arab” is the generic name of those who speak Arabic, but its meaning in Arabic is “nomad.” However, at the time of the Prophet, many Arabs lived in cities like Mecca and were involved in trade and in catering for pilgrims visiting holy shrines. Some Arabs settled in the valleys of Yemen and lived by agriculture and the production of frankincense and myrrh, which were in demand in the Middle East. Others lived in the desert near meager waterwheels, raising livestock, especially camels, and maintaining caravan routes through Arabia. Mecca (known also as Bacca), with its sanctuaries, including the Ka'ba, existed for centuries and was men­tioned by Ptolemy in the II century A.D. The Quraish was one of the prominent tribes living in the vicinity of Mecca. The Prophet Muhammad was born near Mecca in 570 in a spot that does not attract particular devotions.

V.3: “This House” is the sacred Mosque in Mecca or the Ka’ba itself. “The Lord of this House” is the One God.

Sura 105 The Elephant. This sura has been sent down to comfort the Prophet during hard times (cf. S.93). It is a reference to the failed expedition against Mecca of Abraha, the Ethiopian governor of Yemen, shortly before the Prophet was born. The expedition included elephants. Apparently, Abraha's troops were disfigured and deci­mated by smallpox. This is alluded to by the metaphors of vv. 3-5.

105.     TH E E L E P H A N T

Meccan, 5 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Have you not seen

what your Lord did to the owners of the elephant?

2.     Did He not foil their plans?

3.     Did He not send upon them the flocks of birds

4* which pelted them with lumps of baked clay

5.     and made [their faces] look like eaten up fields?

V. 1: “Have you not seen” — in spiritual vision?

Vv. 1f: To explain who were “the owners of the elephant” one needs to delve into the eventful history of the south-east corner of Arabia, the mountainous country of Yemen. In antiquity it was the probable home of the nation of ’Ad, frequently mentioned in the Koran (S.69). Later on, Yemen and adjacent regions were ruled by the apparently Jewish Sabaean nation (Sheba) whose capital was Marid, site of a famous dam (SS. 89,34). According to the Bible, a queen of Sheba paid a visit to Solomon in ca. 950 B.C. (S.34). In A.D. 340, Yemen was converted by the Abyssinians to Christianity. Some 200 years later the Jews re-instated them­selves in Yemen and their ruler, Zhun-Nuwas fought the Christians and destroyed their com­munity in Najran (S.85). Under the instigation of Byzantine, Abyssinia reconquered Yemen and returned it to Christianity. In about 560, give or take five years, the governor of Yemen, Abraha, unsuccessfully attacked Mecca (this event is the object of this sura). In 575, Yemen was conquered by the Zoroastrian Persians, and when their governor embraced Islam (628, 6 H), Yemen became Muslim. Since the IX century it practices a special creed (Zaydism).

V. 4: Stones or lumps of baked clay (sijjil) are also mentioned as carriers of God’s wrath against Sodom and Gomorrah (cf. SS. 11:82, 15:74).

SURA. 91 The Sun. The first part of this two-part sura is an eloquent appeal to the people to save their souls. The second part alludes to Salih, the Prophet of the ancient Arabian tribe of Thamood, who once asked his people to spare a she-camel conse­crated to God. After they dismissed his warning, their country was destroyed by a raging storm.

All the 15 verses of C91 have one rhyme (aha) like the beginning of S99 and thus create the impression of wholeness and completeness. Other suras like S.81 and S.82 change their rhymes with each theme, sharpening the esthetic sensation of the listener.

Stories about the predecessors of the Prophet Muhammad will become more and more frequent in the coming Prophetic suras that will remind the reader that history con­stantly repeats itself.

91.      TH E S U N

Meccan, 15 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by the sun and its radiance

2.      and the moon that follows it,

3.      and the day that reveals its splendor,

4.      and the night that conceals it,

5.      and the sky and what raised it up,

6.      and the earth and what spread it forth,

7.      and the soul and what set her up

8.      and enlightened her about corruption and devotion!

9* Successful will be the one who purifies [his soul],

10.     at a loss will be the one who corrupts her!

11* In their wrong-doing Thamood rejected [the Messenger].

12* When the most sinful of them came forth,

13* the Messenger of God said to them:

“This she-camel belongs to God. Let her drink!”

14.     But they called him a liar and cut her down.

Their Lord wiped them out for their crime

and leveled them [to the ground].

15* He was not intimidated by the outcome!

Vv. 1-8: Harmony in the world is based on contrasting pairs such as the sun and the moon, day and night, evil and virtue.

Vv. 9-10: Proverbs or verses resembling proverbs are common in the Koran. They are remembered better than plain prose and sometimes become integral parts of the language. Many proverbs, like vv. 9-10, are built on a contrast between two ideas: “Successful will be the one who purifies [his soul], but at loss will be the one who corrupts her!” This dictum has the same structure as the Biblical “The wise shall inherit glory; but shame shall be the promotion of fools” (Prov. 3:35).

V. 11: The Arabian tribe of Thamood is usually identified with the Nabateans who lived on the territory of present Jordan; their capital city was Petra. The “Thamoodites” are men­tioned in the Koran 26 times. Stories of the Arabian Prophets are followed by those of Semitic Prophets and Jesus ('Issa). Neither Buddha and Confucius, nor any other Far Eastern sage is mentioned in the Koran.

The stories of the pre-Islamic Arabian Prophets are important reminders that the Jews did not have the monopoly of God-inspired people, and that pre-Islamic monotheistic cultures have prefigured Islam. The Koran does not specify what was the religion of these cultures; pre­sumably, they were followers of God-fearing people, called the hanifs.

Some lovers of trivia become occasionally engrossed in numerology, the study of numerical coincidences to which they attribute occult meanings. Thus, the Koran mentions 28 Prophets, which is both the number of days in a lunar month and the number of letters in the Arabic alphabet. The number of Angels in S.74:30 is 19 and the number of suras in the Koran is 19 x 6 = 114. Ibn Hasan came out with the conclusion that the numbers of suras must be as high as 19 x 7 = 137, the number 7 being “more perfect” than 6 (Ch.G.).

V. 12: He was sent to kill a she-camel consecrated to God.

V. 13: Muhammad is both Messenger (rasul) and Prophet (nabi). A Messenger transmits God’s Revelation. All the Prophets from Adam to Muhammad have carried divine Messages. Thus, Adam was a Prophet: he talked to God and received His instructions, so did Jesus; both did not leave a Scripture. They were also Messengers. If Adam and Noah had not been Prophets and Messengers, the Ancient people would have been deprived of Guidance. The Koran is “the Reminder” of God’s Messages transmitted to mankind by a line of Messengers from Adam to Jesus.

V. 15: “He was not intimidated by the outcome.” “He” could be God, the Prophet Salih, or the man who killed the she-camel.

The seekers of esoteric meanings attach undue importance to such grammatical ambigu­ities as this one.

Sura 108 Abundance. The name of this sura, “Abundance, ” has the mys­tical sense of Wisdom, Knowledge, and Truth that had been given to the Prophet Muhammad at the beginning of his mission.

108.    A B U N D A N C E

Meccan, 3 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* We have granted you Abundance.

2* So pray to your Lord

and offer a sacrifice.

3* Verily, the one who hates you shall remain without a tail!

V. 1: The Arabic word for “Abundance” is Kauthar, the name of a fountain or river in Par­adise. Kauthar is the symbol of the innumerable gifts of God. According to legend, the faithful will cross it after the Last Judgment on their way to Paradise.

V. 2: The “sacrifice” is the offering of a camel as prescribed in the Old Testament (Cf. S.91:13); here it is a symbol of contrition because Islam replaced animal offerings by spiritual exercises: limiting one’s desires, fasting, and almsgiving.

The Koran has a high regard for charity, and thus helping the poor is like offering a sac­rifice to God. Charity is the absolute requirement for ritual purification and for making effective the faith that opens the gates of Paradise.

In modern Islam the slaughter of animals for food during pilgrimage and religious cele­brations is also called a sacrifice.

V. 3: A more transparent translation is: “Your foe shall be without descendants!” The Prophet’s two male children died in infancy and his opponents gloated that it was a punishment for his alleged misbehavior. Since Biblical times the lack of male posterity has been a sign of divine discontent.

The indiscriminate literal translation of Arabic metaphors may obscure the text, but their replacement with English equivalents may deprive the Koran of its color. Thus, some Arabic expressions are retained, but usually with an explanation in the Notes. Also, the choice of words in the translation is dictated not only by linguistic demands, but also by the inspi­ration of the translator.

Sura 111 The Palm Fiber. S.111 is a curse against an enemy of the Prophet, his uncle (nicknamed Abu Lahab). His wife used to spread thorny sticks tied with palm fibers in the path of the Prophet. As in some other suras, the Prophet is pictured as a righteous man who is painfully hurt by the attacks and the slanders of his opponents.

111.    TH E P A L M F I B E R

Meccan, 5 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Let both hands of Abu Lahab perish,

and let him perish himself!

2.     Neither his wealth

nor his deeds will benefit him:

3* soon he will be burning

in the flames of the Fire!

4.     And for his wife,

the carrier of firewood, —

5.     a noose of palm fibers ’round her neck!

V. 1: The hands symbolize man — all he does and all he owns, including his slaves who are usually called “those whom one’s hands possess.” A common expression in the Koran is “what his hands have brought,” meaning his good and bad deeds. Apart from Abu Lahab, the only contemporary of the Prophet mentioned in the Koran by name or nickname is his adopted son Zeid (S.33:37).

V. 3: Abu Lahab means “Father of Flame,” so that this verse echoes his name and suggests his hellish nature.

Because Abu Lahab died after the emigration of the Muslims to Medina, some commen­tators think that S.111 belongs to a much later period (2-4 H). However, it is more reasonable to count C.111 and similar suras, in which the Prophet is defended against slander (e.g., SS. 104 and 86) among the earliest, revealed when his rich relatives were ganging up against him.

Sura 104 The Slanderer. The slanderer of the first verse is probably the same Abu Lahab as in the preceding sura. Like SS. 100 and 92, S.104 condemns the wealthy Meccans for their stinginess.

104.      TH E S L A N D E R E R

Meccan, 9 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Woe to the slanderer and backbiter

2.     who amasses wealth, relies upon it,

3.     and thinks that wealth will make him immortal!

4* But not at all!

Surely, He shall be flung into the Smasher!

5.      How will you know what the Smasher is?

6.      [It is] the Fire of God flaring up

7.      that rises to the hearts

8.      like a vault over them

9.      with pillars swooping upwards!

V. 4: “The Smasher” (the 6th circle of Hell) suggests not only the helplessness of the damned, but also the divisiveness caused by slander and cupidity. It symbolizes the breakdown of the human soul under the influence of the passion for hoarding riches. The early suras of the Koran accentuate God’s justice and their tone is sharp and stern. In later suras the Koran cele­brates God’s compassion and leniency, and shows the disbelievers the way to redemption.

S.104 is the last of the harsh warning suras in this series. The emphasis in the next suras is on the righteous people and on their destiny on earth and in the Hereafter.

Sura 92 The Night. S.92 has only one theme: man's obligations and the reward he will earn for fulfilling them. That is uncommon among the longer suras which are usually replete with unrelated stories and appeals. According to vv. 5'10 God leads to happiness those who do good and to misery those who do evil; however He does not determine in advance who will be righteous or evil. God treats people differently depending on the good and evil in their souls, and He forgives the sins of those who repent.

S.    92 is often recited on joyous occasions.

92.      TH E N I G H T

Meccan, 21 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     [I swear] by the enshrouding night

2.      and by the shining day,

3.      and by what has created man and woman!

4.      Verily, diverse are your aspirations!

5.      To the generous one who fears God

6.      and believes in goodness,

7.      We will smoothen the path to prosperity.

8.      But to the greedy, the self-sufficient one

9.      who repudiates goodness,

10.     We will smoothen the path to misery.

11.     His wealth shall not help him after his fall!

12.     Verily, it is upon Us to show the right path!

13* Verily, the End and the Beginning are in Our Hands!

14.     I am warning you about the raging Fire

15.     in which the most wretched shall fall,

16.     the one who denied and turned away.

17.     The most devout shall escape it —

18.     the one who gave of his riches to purify himself,

19.     and not to repay the favors he had received.

20.      He only strived toward his Lord, the Exalted.

21.      Soon he shall be gratified!

V. 13: “The End and the Beginning,” or “the last and the former [life].”

Sura 97 The Night of Power. S.97commemorates the descent of the first words of the Koran on one of the last nights of the month of Ramadan.

97.      TH E N I G H T O F P O W E R

Meccan, 5 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Verily, We sent down [the Koran] on the Night of Power!

2* How will you know what the Night of Power is?

3* The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.

4* That [Night], by permission of their Lord,

the Angels and the Spirit descend with all the Decrees.

5. And peaceful it stays till sunrise.

V. 1: In the original: “We sent it (or him) down,” — it is unclear whether the Koran or the Prophet is meant.

The Arabic name of the sura is “al-qadr.” Qdr is the root of “to be able to,” “to establish,” “to ponder,” “power,” “fate,” and many other words. Accordingly, different translators call this sura “Power” (SQ, TBI), “the Glory” (FN), “Determination” (AA), “the Majesty” (MHS), etc. However, the word “Night” is the key to its content.

V. 2: One of the nights in 620 when the Koran descended into the soul of the Prophet to be transmitted to the people.

V. 3: S.97 deals with “the Unseen” or “the Unknown” as op-posed to the material world of our senses. The Unseen does not obey our laws of physics and mathematics: a night in the Unseen may last a thousand months, and a day — a thousand years (S.32:5).

The Unseen doubles for the future and the past. The words that refer to the Unseen, such as Angels and Fire, are capitalized.

Man cannot fully apprehend their significance.

V. 4: The Spirit is Gabriel (Djibril). The highest Angels are “those nearest to God”: Gabriel, Michael (Miqal), 'Asrafil, who will proclaim the Judgment day, and the Angel of death, 'Isra'il.

The Angels have no intellect, and thus, no free will. There-fore, they are one degree lower than man. The Angels may eventually vanish to reappear in “a new Creation.”

Sura 96 The Clot. S.96 is especially important because, according to tra­dition; its first five verses were the first ones revealed to the Prophet (ca. 610). They establish the relationship between man and his Creator and emphasize the importance of prayer.

96.      T H E C L O T

Meccan, 19 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* — Recite in the Name of your Lord, the Creator,

2* Who created man from a clot.

3.     Recite [how] your Lord, the most Bountiful,

4* Who taught by the pen,

5* taught man what he did not know.

6.      But no!

Verily, man has rebelled

7* and pretended he was self-sufficient.

8. But verily, they shall all return to your Lord!

9* Have you seen the one who disturbed

10* the servant [of God] in prayer?

11.    Have you seen him on the right path,

12.     calling to righteousness?

13* No, you saw him denying and turning away!

14.     Does he not know that God sees [everything]?

15.     But no!

If he persists,

We will certainly seize him by his forelock,

16* his lying, sinful forelock!

17.     Then let him call his companions,

18* and We will call the Heavenly Hosts!

19* So do not follow him,

but prostrate yourself

and come nearer [to God]!

V.1f: “Recite,” “proclaim,” or even “intone” convey the intended meaning of the Arabic word iqra' better than “read” (see S.73:4). These verses are addressed to the Prophet, but without the sacramental “Say.” The Prophet’s duty was to convey God’s Words to the world and not only to one chosen nation.

V. 2: “Clot,” by extension, a “clot of blood” or “embryo.”

V. 4: Some translators prefer “taught the use of the pen,” introducing the idea that God literally taught writing to man.V. 4 may also suggest that a written copy of the Koran was in preparation at a very early stage of the Prophet’s public life.

V. 5: God’s teaching should be taken in the broad sense of imparting Knowledge and reli­gious awareness (in Arabic “to teach” and “to know” have the same root 'lm).

V. 7: Arrogant self-sufficiency is the desire to escape God’s wardship and to challenge the harmony He gave to life.

Vv. 9f: This passage is probably directed against a fierce opponent of the Prophet, 'Amr Abul-Hikam (lit. Father of Wisdom), called by derision Abu-Jahl (Father of Ignorance).

V. 10: The servant of God in this verse is the Prophet, but he might be man in general.

“Servant of God,” lit. a “slave of God” ('abd), for Muslims a title they are proud of; ordinary slaves were called “those who are in someone’s hands.”

Among the most popular Muslim names are 'Abdulla (the Slave of God) and 'Abdu (His Slave). The Spirit (Gabriel), the Angels, and the benevolent Jinns are also Slaves or servants of God. In the Christian Orthodox Church the same expression, slaves of God, is used for the faithful who are about to partake of the communion.

Disturbing a man in prayer is a serious moral and civic offense.

V. 13: To reject God or to deceive about Him is the worst sin imaginable (isn’t Satan the master of deceit?). The harshest circle of Hell, the seventh, is reserved for the liars and the hypo­crites who do not keep their word. The Arabic root kzb means not only telling a lie (kizb), but also denying the Truth, God, and His Judgment, and being a blasphemer and a militant atheist.

V. 16: Forlocks were consecrated to God and were worn by freemen (S.55:41).

V. 18: The Heavenly Hosts are the Castigating Angels or the Angels of Death who approach a dying man to carry his soul away to his grave, to some waiting place, to Hell or Par­adise. As the life of the soul after death is outside of our perception of time and space, the question about the whereabouts of the soul between death and Judgment is purely rhetorical and has no answer.

V. 19: “Prostrate yourself”: bend forward from a kneeling position and touch the ground with your forehead. The feeling of humility and obedience toward God’s plan is contrasted to the blasphemous self-reliance alluded to in v.7.

SURA 87 T HE EXALTED. S.87 advises the Prophet to preach the Koran by reciting it clearly, word by word. The continuity of the divine Revelation from the first words of Genesis to the last sura of the Koran is demonstrated by means of Arabian and Biblical stories.

87.    T H E E X A L T E D

Meccan, 19 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Praise the Name of your Lord, the Exalted,

2.      Who created and measured,

3.      Who distributed and guided,

4.      Who raised the pastures

5.      and then turned them into rusty stubble!

6* — [O Muhammad!] We will make you recite, and do not forget anything,

7.     except if God wills it otherwise —

indeed, He knows the revealed and the concealed.

8.      We will make your way easy for you,

9.      and you keep reminding, reminding is useful indeed!

10.     The God-fearing will remember,

11.     but the most wretched one will turn away,

12.     the one who will burn in the greatest Fire

13.     where he shall neither die nor live!

14.     Successful shall be the one who purified himself,

15.     who glorified his Lord’s Name and prayed.

16.     Yet you prefer the life of this world,

17.     even though the Hereafter is better and more lasting!

18.     Verily, this is from the first Scriptures,

19.     the Scriptures of Abraham and Moses.

Vv. 6-9: The Prophet is told how to recite the Koran.

God can change the Words of the Koran without contradicting the Truth because Truth can be expressed in various ways depending on time and circumstances, and regardless of how man understands it.

Sura 85 The Constellations. Likes.i05, s.85 refers topreiimc times; namely the massacre of Christians by the King Nawas of Yemen, a convert to Judaism, who tried to convert the Christians of Najran (ca. 525). S.85 ends with an affir­mation of the divine origin of the Koran.

85.      T H E C O N S T E L L A T I O N S

Meccan, 22 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by the sky and its constellations,

2. and the promised Day,

3* and the witness and the witnessed!

4* Death to the owners of the pit

5.      and of the kindled fire!

6.      Behold, they sat around it

7.      and watched the believers being ill-treated

8.      in retaliation for their belief in God,

the Almighty, the Praise-worthy,

9.      the Owner of Heavens and earth.

God is Witness to all things!

10* Verily, those who persecute believing men and women, and do not repent, shall be punished by Hell, they shall be punished by the Fire!

11* But those who believed and did good works

shall dwell in the Gardens

under which the rivers flow.

And this will be a great success!

12.     Verily, unlimited is the power of your Lord!

13* Indeed, He is the One,

Who begins and restores [life].

14* He is the All-Forgiving and the Loving,

15* He is the Sovereign of the Glorious Throne,

16.     the Executor of His Will!

17.     Have you heard of the hosts

18* of Pharaoh and Thamood?

19.     But no! The disbelievers are still denying,

20.      though God encircles them from behind.

21.      Yes, this is the Glorious Koran

22* preserved on a Tablet.

V. 1: Because of homonymy, the “constellations” (al-buruj) could also be “towers” or signs of the Zodiac.

V. 3: The witness might be God, the Prophet, the Angels, the Records of deeds in Heaven, and even the stars mentioned in the first verse. Those witnessed might be either the sinners or those who died for their faith.

Vv. 4: “Pit” or “trench.” The compassion shown here to the Christians is worth noting.

V. 10: The sinners will be punished in this life by the Fire of hate, shame, and remorse.

Vv. 10-11: It seems that while the Koran was being collated, some verses have been added and others separated from their con-text. Some changes in verse length, rhythm and rhyme might have been introduced during the editorial process.

V. 11: The metaphor about the rivers of Paradise may refer to the river of life in Heaven (Comp. “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life” in Rev. 22:1). Paradise is frequently called “Gardens” or “Garden.”

V. 14: God’s Names such as the Merciful, the Almighty, and the Compassionate are all in the superlative degree. There are 100 of them, including the Name Allah. In Arabic these Names are preceded by the article al; in English they are capitalized.

Many Muslims carry on their persons a rosary of 33 beads of equal size and one larger, oblong bead, called “the minaret.” They use the rosary to recite the 99 Names of God in 3 groups; at the minaret they say the Name, Allah. Some authorities think that the 100th name of God is not necessarily Allah; it might be revealed only on Judgment Day.

V. 15: The Throne of God — the site of His power and glory, or the symbol of His eternal Presence.

V. 18: “Pharaoh” brings to mind the Prophet Moses to whom God revealed the Torah. Bringing a new Revelation is the prerogative of a Prophet. Although the Bible does not attribute any scripture to Abraham, the Arabs revere him and his elder son Ishmael (by Agar) as Prophets and ancestors. Thus they consider themselves as a people not less “chosen” than the Hebrews. According to the Bible, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekkah, Jacob and Leah were buried in Pal­estine in the cave of Machpelah, enclosed nowadays inside a mosque and revered both by the Muslims and the Jews.

V. 22: The original of the Koran is kept in Heaven on a Tablet or in a Book.

SURA 74 The '^WRAPPED UP. According to tradition, this sura was revealed about six months after S.96. It is composed of two parts. Part I is an address to the Prophet about his mission (the castigation of the disbelievers in vv. 30'31 that ends this Part seems to be a later gloss). Part II (v.32f) is a vivid depiction of scenes from the Last Judgment.

C. 74 opposes the predestination of man (vv. 31, 38, 56) to his full responsibility for his fate (v.38): the two concepts are not contradictory, but complete each other.

The further we proceed in this rendition of the Koran, the components of a sura increase in number and complexity.

74.      T H E W R A P P E D U P

Meccan, 56 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

*      — O you, wrapped up [in a mantle]!

2.      Arise and warn!

3.      Glorify your Lord,

4.      cleanse your garments,

5.      shun abomination,

6.      and when you give, do not seek a profit.

7.      Be patient for your Lord’s sake!

8* When the bugle is sounded,

9.      that Day will come, the Day of Distress —

10.     it will not be easy for the disbelievers.

11* Let Me deal with the one

that I created special!

12.     I endowed him with abundant riches

13.     and sons standing by his side.

14* I spread for him a smooth [path],

15.     yet he is asking Me for more!

16* But no! For opposing Our Signs,

17* I will submit him to an [exhausting] climb!

18.     He thought it over and plotted:

19.     so let him die for what he has plotted!

20.      And once more: let him die for what he has plotted!

21.     He looked all around,

22.      frowned and scowled.

23.      Then he turned his back

and making much of himself,

24.      he said:

“That’s nothing but magic passed on from father to son —

25.      just the words of a man.”

26* — Soon I will burn him in the Saqar!

27.     How will you know what the Saqar is?

28.  It does not spare anything, it leaves nothing untouched

29.      and it scorches people!

30* Over there they are nineteen.

31* They are Angels.

We have entrusted to them the Fire, and We have fixed their number to test the disbelievers.

Let those who received the Scripture be sure of it, and let those who believed grow in faith.

And let no doubts remain in those who received the Scripture and believed.

Only the infirm of heart and the disbelievers are saying:

“What did He mean by this example?”

Thus God leads astray those He wills and guides aright those He wills!

He is the only One to know the Hosts of your Lord.

This is just a Reminder to mankind!

32.     But no! [I swear] by the moon,

33.     and the retreating night,

34.      and the dawn shining forth

35.      that this is one of the greatest [Signs]!

36.      This is a Warning to mankind,

37.      to those of you who advance,

and to those of you who fall behind.

38* Every soul is responsible for her deeds.

39.     Those of the right hand —

40.  the ones in the Gardens, will be asking one another

41.      and the sinners:

42.      “What has brought you into the Sakar?

43.      They shall say:

“We didn’t pray,

44.      we didn’t feed the poor,

45.     we babbled with the babblers,

46.     and we denied the Judgment Day,

47.     until the Inevitable came upon us!”

48.     No intercessor shall intercede for them!

49.     But what is the matter with them?

Why are they running away from the Reminder

50.     like frightened asses

51.     fleeing from a lion?

52*They all want to receive their Scroll unfurled!

53. But no! They did not dread the Hereafter!

54*But no! This is the Reminder!

55.     Anyone who cares will remember it,

56.     but he shall remember it only if God wills.

He is the Lord of righteousness

and the Lord of forgiveness.

V. 1: While receiving the Revelation, the Prophet Muhammad used to wrap himself in a mantle, the symbol of prophetic mission. For example, it is said in the Bible that Elijah passed his mantle on to Elisha (I Kings 19:19). Usually, the Prophets covered their entire body to seclude themselves and commune with the Unknown in a trance. The title and the first verse of this sura are not much different from the title and the first verse of the next S.73.

V. 8: The advent of the Judgment Day will be announced by the sound of a bugle or a trumpet, by a deafening noise, or by a soul-rendering cry.

V. 11: “Special” is a more suitable word here than “unique” or “alone.”

Vv. 11-25: This passage is about man in general and the enemy of the Prophet, Walid ibn Mugaira, in particular.

V. 14: “I spread for him a smooth [path],” lit., “I made his bed smooth.”

V. 16: While the New Testament, especially the Gospel according to John, sees miracles in such violations of the laws of nature as miraculous cures, the multiplication of bread and wine, and the awakening of the dead, the Koran sees miracles in the laws of nature themselves. The harmony and beauty of the world is by itself a proof of God’s existence.

Many suras describe such wonders of nature as the movement of celestial bodies, the majesty of mountains and seas, the merits of cattle, down to the mystery of the sprouting seed and the conception of a human embryo. These are the “wonders” or Signs that prove the existence of a generous and intelligent Creator. The Koran avoids the word “miracle” (mu'ji-za) because the Signs, astounding as they are, usually do not defy the laws of nature and are mirac­ulous in themselves.

In the Koran the same word, aya is used both for “Sign” and “verse.” Are not the Verses of the Koran miraculous Signs, representing God’s inspiration and mercy? The miraculous trans­formation of Moses’s staff into a snake is also a Sign. The Bible uses “Sign” in the same sense as the Koran: “For the Jews require a sign” (1 Cor. 1:22).

V. 17: “I will submit him to an [exhausting] climb!” A steep or forbidding side of a mountain is called 'aqaba. ’Aqaba is also the name of a hill in the vicinity of Mecca upon which a group of Arabs swore allegiance to the Prophet in 620.

We remind the reader that the words between square brackets are not in the Arabic original. Sometimes such additions may look like unwarranted commentaries, but they are needed to clarify the meaning and the shades of the text. Words required by English grammar and syntax, and occasional transition words are introduced without brackets. Stylistic modifi­cations are explained in the text whenever necessary.

V. 26: The Saqar is the fifth circle of Hell.

Vv. 30-31 are later additions. It is said that the number of Angels (19) is equal to the number of positive qualities in a good man. Nineteen is a number that intrigued the mystics searching for hidden messages in mathematics.

V. 31: With regard to predestination, already met with in S.81 and S.92, the Koran adopts the teaching of the Bible: “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wickedly shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand” (Dan. 12:10). Predestination is discussed in the New Testament by Mark (Cf. Mark 4:11-12, 25, 33-34). As the community of Mark was persecuted, the belief in predestination was likely to reinforce the self-confidence and solidarity of people in peril.

V. 38: Predestination is a logical consequence of the doctrine of the unlimited Knowledge of God, but the fact that God knows the past, the present, and the future does not limit the responsibility of man for his destiny.

V. 52: The disbelievers dare God to show them the original Koran or the Record of their deeds which are both kept in Heaven.

V. 54: Especially in the earliest suras, the Holy Koran is called “a Reminder” (of the pre­vious Revelations).

Sura 73 The Enfolded. This sura seems to be one of the earliest, either following or preceding S.74. Basically, it is a call for prayer, different from the ritual prescribed in post-Koranic times. Nightly prayers can me made longer or shorter according to circum­stances, and the reading of the Koran should never be a chore that interferes with the essential demands of life. Short as it is, S.73 is complex, with an unusually long concluding verse.

73.     T H E E N F O L D E D

Meccan, 20 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* — O you, enfolded [in a mantle]!

2.     Stand up [in prayer] at night, but not all night —

3.     half of it, or a little less,

4* or more, and recite the Koran in measured recitation.

5.     Soon We will send you a mighty Word!

6.     Verily, the watches of the night

fortify the feelings and sharpen the words.

7.     Truly, you are busy all day!

8.     Glorify the Name of your Lord

and with full devotion strive to Him,

9* the Lord of the East and the West!

There is no god but Him,

so take Him as your Protector.

10.  Endure their contentions with fortitude, and leave them with dignity.

11.  Let Me deal with the disbelievers who enjoy their life, and you, bear with them a little longer!

12.     Verily, We have chains and Hellfire,

13.     and food that chokes, and a painful punishment

14.     for the Day when the earth

and the mountains start shaking,

and the mountains collapse to loose hills!

15* We have sent to you a Messenger to witness against you, as We had sent before a Messenger to Pharaoh.

16.  Pharaoh disobeyed the Messenger, and We grabbed him a mighty grab.

17.     If you do not believe,

then how will you save yourselves on the Day

when your children’s hair turns white,

18.     the sky is rent asunder,

and the promise comes true!

19* Verily, this is a Reminder.

Let anyone who wishes seek a way to his Lord!

20*Verily, your Lord knows

that you stand up [in prayer]

almost two-thirds of the night, or one half, or one-third of it, and some of your followers do the same.

God has measured out the night and the day [for prayer]. He knows how difficult it is for you to keep this count, and He is ready to forgive you!

So recite from the Koran what is easier [for you]!

He knows who of you is sick,

who travels in the land in search of God’s bounty, and who fights in the cause of God.

So recite what is easier [for you], stand up in prayer, pay the zakat, and extend to God a generous loan!

All the good deeds you have prepared for your soul, you shall find with God as a better and greater reward.

So ask for God’s forgiveness!

Verily, God is forgiving and merciful!

V. 1: While the Prophet was receiving the Revelation on the mountain, he was wrapping himself in a mantle not only because of the cold, but also because of his ecstatic fever.

V. 4: “Recite the Koran in measured recitation” suggests that the Koran should be chanted, not merely read (Cf. SS.96,75).

V. 9: “The Lord of the East and the West,” i.e., the Lord of the whole Universe.

To this day, “there is no god but God” or “la ilaha illal-lah” is the rallying call of the Muslims.

Vv. 15-19 are addressed to the people; the rest of the sura is addressed to the Prophet Muhammad personally.

V. 19: Predestination is not absolute because God is compassionate and inclined to forgive.

V. 20 is a late addition, as attested by its length and by its references to the Koran and to fighting in the cause of God.

Sura 90 The City. This sura, like S.92, describes the basic duties of a Muslim in a few sections that are smoothly connected to each other.

90.      T H E C I T Y
Meccan, 20 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* I do not swear by this city —

2.      the city in which you are a freeman,

3.      and by the progenitor or his issue!

4.      We have created man for hard work,

5.      but he thinks that no one has power over him.

6.      He says:

“I’ve squandered enormous riches!”

7.      Does he think that nobody is watching him?

8.      Have We not given him a pair of eyes,

9.      a tongue, and two lips?

10* We led him to two high places,

11.    but he did not hurry up the steep incline.

12.     How will you know what the steep incline is?

13.     [It is] freeing a captive

14.     or feeding in a day of famine

15.     an orphan of your kin

16.     or a poor man in need.

17.     [It is] to join those who believed

and called to forbearance,

and called to compassion.

18* These are the people of the right hand.

19.   And those who rejected Our Signs are the people of the left hand.

20.      They are under a Fiery Vault!

V. 1: The city is Mecca. One should not swear by a city that defiled itself by rejecting Islam.

V. 10: Two high places or “paths” — the steep one of toil and virtue ('aqaba), and the easy one of sloth and dissipation.

Vv. 18: On Judgment Day the just will receive the Record of their deeds in their right hand, and the unjust in their left hand, which will be tied behind their back (S.84:7-12).

Sura 79 T he Snatching. S.79is the first sura about a Biblical Prophet, namely Moses. It consists of seven parts, each with its own rhyme: 1) an oath; 2) a warning about the Judgment; 3) the story of Moses; 4) a glorification of God; 5) a promise of Hell and Paradise; 6) another warning about the Judgment Day; 7) a description of the Hour of Judgment. The seven parts of the sura are well balanced in length and content, and the sura is tightly knit together.

79.      T H E S N A T C H I N G

Meccan, 46 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by those who snatch ruthlessly,

2.      who draw out gently,

3.      smoothly wafting along,

4.      racing one another

5.      and distributing the commands.

6* On that Day when everything quakes and shakes

7.     without interruption,

8.      on that Day the hearts shall tremble

9.      and the eyes shall be downcast!

10* [The disbelievers] say:

“Shall we really become like before

11.    after our bones have decayed?”

12.     And they say:

“If it’s so, [our] return will be a setback!”

13.     Just one shout,

14.     and they shall wake up!

15* Have you heard the story of Moses?

16.     Your Lord called him

in the holy valley of Tuwa:

17.     — Go to Pharaoh, who transgressed all limits,

18* and say:

“Don’t you want to purify yourself?

19.     I’ll guide you to your Lord to make you fear Him.”

20.      [Moses] showed him a great Sign,

21.      but [Pharaoh] rejected it and disobeyed.

22.      Then, turning away, he left.

23.      He gathered [his men] and addressed them,

24.      saying:

“I am your lord supreme!”

25.      God seized him with a punishment

in the present life and the Afterlife.

26.      Verily, this is a Warning for those who fear God!

27* What was it harder to create, you or the sky?

[God] has built it.

28.      He has raised its vault and gave it its form.

29.      He has covered the night with darkness

and drew out the dawn.

30.     He has expanded the earth

31.     and He drew from it water and pastures.

32.     He has reinforced the mountains

33.     for your and your cattle’s use.

34* And when the great calamity comes,

35. on that Day everyone shall remember

what he has been striving to!

36* Hell will be seen by all who can see.

37.     The one who transgressed all bounds

38.     and preferred the present life,

39.     verily, Hellfire shall be his destination.

40.      But the one who feared to stand before his Lord

and refrained from passions,

41* verily, Paradise shall be his refuge.

42.      They ask you about the Hour:

“When is it due?”

43.      Can you remember it?

44.      Its time is with your Lord,

45*and you are only a Warner for those who fear it.

46* On the Day they see it, [they will think]

they had waited only one evening or the following morning!

Vv. 1-5: This oath about death is a powerful call to attention. Among the possible protag­onists are Angels, winds, souls, stars, conquerors, or even their horses (as in S.100). It would make more sense if we chose the Angels: they snatch the souls of the sinners and carry away those of the just. Judging from the variety of existing renditions, oaths prove difficult to translate without the inclusion of unnecessary comments as is apparent in the following examples of v.1:

Drawing full stretch (RB).

In the name of those who expel (the souls of the sinners) by force (VP).

By those who snatch [men’s souls] away // at their last gasp (TI).

I swear by the angels who violently pull out the souls of the wicked (MHS).

By those sent forth with goodness, one after another (MAA).

By Emissaries in succession sent (FN).

Vv. 6-9: As a sequel to the preceding, the material world shall be utterly destroyed; only the spiritual world will remain.

Vv. 10-14: A reminder about the Resurrection, addressed to the Meccans, who doubted that a human being could be reassembled from his remains.

Vv. 15-26: A short description of Moses’s mission that was hinted at in S.73:5-16. The Bib­lical stories place the Prophet Muhammad in the succession of Prophets from Adam to Jesus.

The Koran is the last appeal to man to submit to the Creator, as there will be no other Prophets after Jesus and Muhammad.

The Koran contains the Wisdom and Knowledge necessary for a man, but no man will ever have access to full Wisdom. No one can grasp the Koran completely, but everyone must believe in it.

V. 18: The greatest punishment for a transgressor is to be abandoned by God to his fate. However, God may give a chance for redemption even to such an obstinate sinner as Pharaoh.

Vv. 27-33: This is a typical “Sign passage” that describes the creation of the world.

Vv. 34-39: A typical passage with Warnings and Reminders (S.84:10-15).

V. 36: On Judgment Day, Hell will be displayed to all mankind and the just will see who has been thrown into it.

V. 41: Lit., “Garden,” meaning “Paradise.”

V. 45: The Prophet’s mission consisted in reciting the Koran, demonstrating God’s Signs, and calling to monotheism. The Messenger was instructed to exercise patience, to use only verbal persuasion, and never ask for a fee. It is only at the close of his mission that the Prophet began to demand from his followers the respect and obedience due to a secular leader and a reli­gious guide.

V. 46: “On the day they see it” — “it” is Hell, in accordance with v.36.

Sura 80 He Frowned. This sura can be divided into five sections: 1) a rebuke to the Prophet for neglecting a poor supplicant and giving all his attention to a wealthy man, even though all men are equal before God; 2) an affirmation of the sacredness of the Revelation; 3) a description ofman's reproduction; 4) a Sign passage; 5) a Warning that the Day of Judgment will be ushered by a horrifying noise or a cry rather than by the sounding of trumpets.

80.      H E F R O W N E D

Meccan, 42 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     [The Prophet] frowned and turned away

2.      when a blind man approached him.

3* How could you know —

he might have cleansed himself

4.      and remembered,

and Remembrance would have helped him!

5.      To the one who flaunted his wealth,

6* you gave your attention,

7.     albeit it was not of your concern

if he did or did not cleanse himself.

8.      But the one who approached you with hope

9.      and trepidation,

10* him you ignored!

11* This is a Reminder

12. for those who care to remember!

13* [It is] in the honored Scrolls,

14.     exalted and immaculate,

15.     [written] by the hands of Scribes,

16.     honorable and rightful.

17.     Woe to man for his denial!

18.     What has [God] created him from?

19.     He has created him from a drop, shaped him,

20.      and leveled his path.

21* Then He will make him die, bury him,

22.      and revive him when He wills.

23.      But alas! Man does not heed His commands!

24*Let man look at what he consumes

25.      and at how We pour rain in downpours

26.      and split the earth with cracks.

27.      We produce on it grain

28.      and grapes, and edible plants,

29.      and olives and palms,

30.      and luxuriant orchards,

31.      and fodder and fruit

32.      for you and for your cattle to use!

33.      When the deafening blast resounds,

34.      on that Day, man will flee from his brother,

35.      his mother, his father,

36.      his wife, and his children.

37.      On that Day every one will care only for himself!

38.      On that Day [some] faces shall glow

39.      with merriment and joy.

40.      On that Day the faces of [others]

shall be covered with dust

41.      and enshrouded in darkness.

42.      They are those who disbelieved and transgressed!

V. 3: “Cleansing” can be understood in different ways: making the highly ritualized ablu­tions before praying, becoming pure in spirit, and giving the prescribed alms: the sure way to keep oneself pure is to be generous and compassionate (S.107:7).

V. 10: According to commentators, the Prophet was talking to some important men in Mecca when he was interrupted by the blind man. In expiation, he elevated the blind man to a high position.

V. 11: The Koran is addressed to all the people, regardless of their origin or wealth.

Vv. 13-15: The original of the Koran was written by Angel scribes on Scrolls or Tablets (S.85:21-22).

V. 21: God “will bury him,” meaning that He will let him repose during the time between death and resurrection. This time is the barrier mentioned in S.23:100.

The Koran speaks of the restoration of man’s body to its original state, as he will appear at the Last Judgment. This return to life should not be confused with the resurrection of a person in a new, exalted state, or “a new creation.”

Vv. 24f: The impression might arise that the Prophet addressed himself mainly to pas­toral and nomadic tribes, but he also appealed to agricultural communities in the few fertile valleys of Arabia. The Koran asserts that it is God’s Revelation (S.56:80; S.26:192) to all nations, to the whole Universe, seen and Unseen.

II.     Eschatology and Apocalypsis

Sura 77 T hose Who Are Sent. As in S.79, a hermetic oath artfully sets a mood of anxiety. This oath might refer to winds, human souls, Angels, or verses of the Koran, depending on what plane, the material or the spiritual one, the listener thinks “those who are sent” stand. The dramatic invective against disbelievers is punctuated by a gloomy refrain. Although S.77 is made of messages with brief descriptions of Hell and Pai- adise, it holds tightly together: it has one topic, one rhythm, one spiritual message.

77.      T HO S E W H OA R E S E N T

Meccan, 50 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by those

who are sent in succession,

2.      blustering in gusts,

3.      scattering all over,

4.      separating sharply,

5* and carrying the Reminder

6.      to justify or to warn!

7.     What has been promised to you shall certainly come to pass

8.      when the stars are dimmed,

9.      when the sky is cleft,

10.     when the mountains are blown away,

11.     when the Messengers face a deadline!

12.     To which Day shall [it] be deferred?

13* — to the Separation Day!

14. How will you know the separation Day?

15* Woe on that Day to those who deny!

16* Have We not destroyed the first ones

17.     and have We not sent others in their wake?

18.     This is how We deal with transgressors!

19* Woe on that Day to those who deny!

20* Have We not created you from a measly drop

21.     that We firmly secured in a safe place

22.      till the appointed time?

23* We managed like the best of Managers!

24.      Woe on that Day to those who deny!

25* Have We not made the earth a repository

26.      for the living and the dead?

27.  Have We not raised on it lofty mountains? Have We not given you fresh water to drink?

28.      Woe on that Day to those who deny!

29.      So, enter [the place] that you have denied, 30* enter the shadow in three columns

31.     that will not refresh nor shelter you from flames!

32.     They are shooting up sparks [huge] like castles,

33.  like tawny camels!

34.  Woe on that Day to those who deny!

35* On that Day they shall not speak

36.  nor shall they be allowed to justify themselves!

37.  Woe on that Day to those who deny!

38.  Such will be the Separation Day when We bring you all together — you and the first ones.

39.     Do you want to plot?

Then try to plot against Me!

40.      Woe on that Day to those who deny!

41* The God-fearing shall stay

in the shade by the springs

42.      with fruit to their hearts’ desire:

43.  — Eat and drink to your health for what you have done!

44.      This is how We reward those who did right!

45.      Woe on that Day to those who deny!

46.      You have little time left

to feast and rejoice — indeed, you are the transgressors!

47.      Woe on that Day to those who deny!

48.  They are told to worship, but they do not worship.

49.      Woe on that Day to those who deny!

50.      In what Message will they now believe?

V. 1: It is said that this sura was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad and his closest friends in the cave of Mina.

Vv. 1-6: The winds that are described in these verses carry clouds, bring rain, whisper and howl, transmit noises and voices. Oftentimes they occur unexpectedly, and if they are strong, they may cause destruction. In the spiritual realm winds suggest change and purification; they can perturb or arouse fear. The wind itself is invisible, but its results are perceived by our senses. The wind is the breath of the holy Spirit: “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting... And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost...” (Acts, 2:2-4).

Vv. 1-6 could also speak of Angels or of God’s Messengers.

V. 5: The word “Reminder” (zikr) often occurs in the Koran. Man is forgetful and he con­stantly needs a reminder to follow the precepts of the Koran and to never let the Afterlife get out of his sight. The repetition of the same exhortations aim at maintaining man in a perpetual state of alertness. Once the Reminder has firmly sunk into the inner heart of man, his soul achieves the closest nearness to God.

V. 13: On Judgment Day the wrong-doers shall be separated from the just and evil deeds shall be separated from good deeds, hence the name “Separation Day.”

V. 15: Denying the Truth or the Day of Judgment.

V. 16: The first ones — the Ancients, the men of Old, the forefathers.

V. 19: Similar refrains occur in the New Testament, for instance: “Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:44, 46, 48).

V. 20: Man should feel ashamed of his lowly origin.

V. 23: “We managed” — We established conception and birth.

V. 25: “Have We not made the earth a repository...” — an example of a rhetorical question introducing a Sign or a Warning passage about God’s power and His goodness to man.

V. 30: The shadow is that of billowing smoke; its branches might represent three major sins: hate, superstition and greed.

Vv. 35-36: In the Koran the sinners are punished individually, as each man is responsible only for himself. In the Bible sin is treated in a totally different way. God often punishes whole nations for the sins of a few people, sparing no women or children, scourging a multitude of innocent souls, enemies, even His chosen people, and absolves of their sins morally unworthy people like David and Solomon. The Koran is silent about the shortcomings of the Prophets out of respect for their mission.

Vv. 41-45: An early description of Paradise. In Paradise, fruit, food, and beverages are alle­gorical. The Koran promises that all the spiritual needs of man shall be fulfilled in the Hereafter.

Sura 88 The Overpowering. Although it consists of disparate sec­tions, S.88 is outstanding for its balanced composition with short, but powerful depic­tions of the Afterlife, followed by Signs and Warnings. In the next suras the theme of Hell and Paradise is expanded with further details.

88.      T H E O V E R P O W E R I N G
Meccan, 26 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Has the story of the Overpowering reached you? 2* On that Day downcast shall be the faces 3* [of those] who toil to exhaustion

4.      and burn in the scorching Fire.

5.      They shall be watered at a scalding fountain,

6* and shall have no other food than the bitter dari’ 7. which shall neither nourish nor satisfy hunger!

8* On that Day delighted shall be the faces

9.      [of those] who rejoice at their deeds.

10* There, in a lofty Garden,

11.    they shall hear no idle talk.

12.     Therein is a gushing spring

13.     and raised couches.

14.     Therein are goblets within reach,

15.     cushions in rows

16.     and carpets spread out.

17* Let them consider the camels —

how they were created,

18* the firmament — how it was raised,

19.     the mountains — how they were piled up,

20.      and the earth — how it was spread out!

21.      So keep warning, for you are their Warner

22.      and not their overseer!

23* But to those who turned away and disbelieved,

24.      God will deal the greatest punishment.

25.      Verily, they shall return to Us!

26* Verily, it is upon Us to call them to account!

V. 1: “The Overpowering” or “the Enveloping” refers to an event or a Day. The Prophet believed that this sura was addressed directly to him, as the “you” is singular. It’s obvious, however, that God speaks here to all listeners.

V. 2: Compare “... gloomy shall be some faces” (S.75:24).

V. 3: The inmates of Hell will be dragging heavy chains (S.73:12). Note that according to the Christian belief, sinners will be tormented in the presence of the Lamb (Rev. 14:9-10).

V. 6: Dari' — a bitter plant. The images of suffering in Hell are, of course, allegorical. Nobody has the slightest idea what the torments of Hell will be like.

V. 8: Comp. “... some faces shall lighten up” (S.75:22).

V. 10: “A lofty Garden” or “a Garden on the heights.”

V. 17: The camel, wonderfully adapted to life in the desert, was the most precious animal for the Arabians, who considered it to be a special gift of God. Domestic animals are very important in pastoral societies and Arabs find in them beauty and grace. They do not allow dogs in their houses, but they love cats and do not object to their presence in mosques and other sacred areas.

Vv. 18f: The sky, the earth and the mountains are the greatest creations of God.

Vv. 23-24: The Koran says that the strongest punishment is deserved by those who have had a chance to become Muslims, but then “turned around and denied.” Rejection of God is equivalent to lying and breaking the first commandment of devotion. The ungrateful and the sinful must fear God’s disapproval. Pious Muslims believe that the words “God, have mercy” (astaghfarul-lah) must be repeated a hundred times a day.

The mercy of God being unlimited, it could extend to Hell, a part of His Creation. Then the Muslim Hell is more like the Catholic Purgatory than the traditional Christian Hell. “Every­thing shall disappear, only the Countenance of you Lord will remain” (S.55:26 and S.28:88). Thus, Hell (and Paradise) seem to be for a protracted and not an eternal sejourn as the Chris­tians believe. Their dwellers will exist as long as it pleases God, and when Hell and Paradise vanish, the individuality and self-conscience of people will already have been dissolved.

In Arabic, “God-fearing” is synonymous with “devoted to God,” “devout” and “fulfilling his duties.”

V. 26: The themes of S.88 are developed and explained in S.52. Apparently these two suras belong to a late period, though they are both listed as Meccan. Repetition of the same themes and verses in the Koran does not make it monotonous and unexciting, as they usually contain subtle changes either in words or in tonality and emphasis. Thus, when the text is read aloud, these variations confer to it a special color and musicality; and the absence of punctu­ation allows the free flow of rhythm and cadence.

SURA 83 T HE CHEATERS. Detailed descriptions of the Hereafter bring more comparisons between the fate of the believers and the disbelievers.

83.     T H E C H E A T E R S

Meccan, 36 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Woe to those who cheat in weighing,

2.     and demand a full measure for themselves,

3.     but reduce it when they weigh [for the others].

4.     Do they not realize that they shall be revived

5* on the Great Day,

6.     the Day when all men shall stand before the Lord of the Worlds!

7.     But no!

The record of the wrong-doers is surely in Sijjin!

8* How will you know what Sijjin is?

9.     It is a Book inscribed.

10.     Woe on that Day to those who deny,

11.     who deny the Judgment Day!

12.     Indeed, only a wicked sinner denies it.

13.   He says when Our Verses are recited to him: “These are fables of the Ancients!”

14.     But no!

The rust of their deeds clings to their hearts!

15* Surely, on that Day they shall be veiled from their Lord

16.     and they shall enter Hellfire,

17.     and hear: — This is what you have denied!

18* But no!

The record of the righteous is surely in ’Illiyin!

19.     How will you know what ’Illiyin is?

20.      It is a Book inscribed,

21* attested by those who are the nearest [to God].

22.      Verily, the righteous in rapture

23.      shall be looking from [their] couches.

24.      You will see in their faces the glow of delight!

25.      They shall be given to drink wine sealed

26.      with a seal of musk —

let all those who aspire to it! —

27.      [wine] mixed with [water] from Tasnim,

28* the source of drink for the nearest [to God].

29.      Verily, the sinners mocked the believers,

30.      and winked at one another while passing by.

31.      And upon returning home, they continued to jest,

32.      and to say to their face:

“Surely these are the ones who lost their way!”

33.      But they were not sent to be their keepers!

34.      On that Day the believers shall laugh at the disbelievers,

35.      while looking around from [their] couches.

36* Will not the disbelievers get what they deserve?

V. 1: Trade ethics was of prime importance in a society engaged mainly in commerce. Apparently, cheating in weighing was common enough to elicit this reprimand.

The search for illicit profit is a test or a temptation. God could have made everybody rich and contented, but then it would have been more difficult to discern the righteous from the sinner. Like wealth, poverty is a test from God, and the road to the Afterlife goes through trials on earth. If all mankind renounced faith, there would be no need to test anyone, as all mankind would be on the way to Hell.

V. 5: Comp. with Joel, 2:30-31: “And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.”

V. 8: The word Sijjin is derived from sijn (prison), and Illiyin from 'ali (high). However, there is no need to speculate on the meaning of the words that are explained in the Koran, itself (Cf. vv. 18, 27).

V. 15: “They shall be veiled from their Lord,” or “a curtain shall descend between them,” (S.7:46) after a preliminary selection based on merits is carried out on Judgment Day.

V. 18: The righteous are also called upright, virtuous, just, faithful, innocent, and blameless.

Vv. 21, 28: “The nearest [to God]” are the Angels and the Spirit Gabriel, who is mentioned by name only in late suras.

V. 36: “Will not the disbelievers get what they deserve?”

Such questions without an answer are rhetoric devices akin to sayings and proverbs. Example: “How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? (Prov. 6:9).

Sura 75 The Resurrection. S.75 consists of several short passages which might have been revealed at different times and then assembled into a sura. The sura starts with a Warning blended with a description of the Last Day, followed by an order to the Prophet to recite the Koran slowly and clearly. Then comes the description of the death and the fate of a sinner, and an affirmation of God's power.

75.      T H E R E S U R R E C T I O N

Meccan, 40 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

I.      I do swear by the Day of Resurrection!

2* I do swear by the soul that has repented!

3* Does man think that We cannot collect his bones

4.      and re-assemble him down to [his] finger tips?

5.      But no!

Man wants to do evil to the last of his days!

6.      He asks:

“When is the Day of Resurrection coming?”

7.     — When his sight is blinded,

8.      when the moon is dimmed,

9.      when the sun and the moon merge into one!

10.     On that Day man shall say:

“Where is my refuge?”

II.      But no!

He has no safe refuge!

12.     On that Day refuge will be only by your Lord.

13* On that Day man will be informed

of what he put forward and what he kept back.

14.     Then man shall become his own accuser,

15.     even if he tries to vindicate himself.

16* — [O Muhammad!] Do not hasten your tongue

in order to speed up [the Reading]!

17.     Verily, it is upon Us to collate and promulgate,

18.     and it is upon you to follow what We read.

19.     Verily, it is upon Us to explicate it!

20.      But no!

You love the fleeting [life]

21.      and neglect the Hereafter!

22.      On that Day some faces shall lighten up

23.      at the sight of their Lord.

24.      On that Day gloomy shall be the faces of those

25.      who realized that their spines shall be broken.

26* But no!

When [his soul] arises to the collar bone,

27.      and a wizard is summoned [to help],

28.      then he will realize that parting time has come.

29*With his legs pressed together,

30.      on that Day he shall be driven to your Lord!

31* He gave no alms and did not pray,

32.      he denied [the Truth] and, turning away,

33.      he returned to his family full of himself.

34.      Woe and woe to you!

35.      And once more: woe and woe to you!

36.      Does man imagine that he will be left unattended?

37.      Was he not a drop of emitted sperm?

38.      Then he became a clot,

and [God] created him and gave him a shape.

39.      He made him as a pair, male and female.

40.      Then is [God] unable to revive the dead?

V. 2: The Koran speaks of three steps in the growth of the soul (nafs), each with its own name: the untamed soul driven to evil ('ammara, S.12:53)); the recanting, the self-accusing soul (lawwama, S.75:2); and the peaceful, soul (mutma'inna, S.89:27).

Vv. 3-4: One of the most persistent objections to the Prophet’s doctrine was the raising of the dead from bones and ashes. His audience accused him of reciting old fables and demanded that he perform miracles (Cf. S.79:10-11).

V. 13: “What he put forward and what he kept back” are man’s good and bad deeds.

Vv. 16-19: An advice about how to recite the Koran, complementing the instructions of SS.96 and 87: its recitation should be expressive and as clear as possible. In the Catholic and Orthodox liturgy, the chanting of the Gospel is preceded by a measured recitation of the Epistle of the day. Similarly, the Koran becomes fully authentic when it is chanted by expert readers.

V. 26: At agony the soul is believed to raise to the throat or to the collar bone before leaving the body.

V. 29: “With his legs pressed together,” or “leg to leg” — in the way a corpse is wrapped in a shroud for burial.

V. 31: “He gave no alms,” implies that he lacked faith and was impure — the faithful purify themselves by giving to charity.

Sura 89 T he Daybreak. This sura is constructed on the model of the preceding one, with a crisp “oath” for introduction, a stern Warning to disbelievers, and a few kind words to the faithful, in conclusion.

89.      T H E D A Y B R E A K

Meccan, 30 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

I.      [I swear] by the daybreak,

2* by the ten nights,

3* by the even and the odd,

4.      and by the passing night!

5.      Is this not an oath

for those who understand?

6.      Have you not seen

how your Lord had treated ’Ad

7* and Iram with its pillars,

8.     unmatched in the land?

9.      And Thamood who dug into the rocks in the valleys,

10* and Pharaoh, the owner of stakes?

II.      They were oppressors in the land,

12.     and kept on spreading corruption.

13.     Your Lord submitted them to the scourge of punishment —

14.     verily, your Lord is watching from the heights!

15* When his Lord tests a man

by giving him honors and favors,

he says:

“My Lord has honored me.”

16* But when [God] withholds his sustenance in order to test him, he says:

“My Lord has humiliated me.”

17* But no!

You do not honor the orphan

18.     and you do not advocate feeding the poor.

19.     You greedily devour [your] inheritance

20.      and have a passion for wealth!

21.      But no!

When the earth crumbles to dust,

22.      and your Lord comes with Angels in ranks,

23* on that Day man shall face Hell.

He will remember on that Day,

but remembrance will not help him!

24*He will say:

“Alas, if only I’d prepared [some good deeds]

for my [future] Life!”

25.   On that Day he will be punished as only [God] can punish.

26.      He shall bind him in chains!

27.      O you, the peaceful soul,

28.      return to your Lord satisfied and pleasing!

29.      Enter with My servants,

30* enter My Paradise!

V. 2: This probably refers to the ten days of pilgrimage. When a verse allows two or more interpretations, it is better to convey in translation the most obvious meaning.

V. 3: Each even number follows an odd number and each even number is the sum of two odd numbers. Comparison between opposites is an effective way to deepen understanding.

V. 7: Iram (or Ubar) is a quasi-mythological city. In 1992, a fortress and campsites were unearthed in Oman, following surveys taken from the space shuttle Challenger in 1984. Arti­facts presumably belonging to Iram date from 2000 B.C., i.e, prior to Greek and Roman times.

V. 10: The stakes could be stelas, obelisks, or wooden posts for raising tents. Apparently, Pharaoh used them to impale or attack his enemies. As in the Bible, Pharaoh is a proper noun.

Vv. 15-16: Such variations on the theme of ingratitude and light-mindedness among men are common in the late suras.

V. 16: “Sustenance” or “subsistence” refer to both the material and the spiritual needs of man.

Vv. 17-18: The basic duties of a Muslim (cf. S.107).

V. 24: The reader is reminded that colloquial contractions and quotation marks distin­guish direct speech from God’s words and the rest of the text (cf. Note to S.112:3). The words of God to man are occasionally introduced by dashes, for clarity’s sake, even though the whole Koran is the direct speech of God.

V. 30: Garden or Paradise? Here, it is definitely Paradise.

Sura 69 T he Inevitable. The first part of this “double sura” starts with a brief description of the fate of the peoples of Thamood, 'Ad, Pharaoh, and Noah, who refused to obey their Messengers. It is followed by a vivid depiction of Hell In the secondpart it is affirmed that the Prophet Muhammad is not a magician or apoet and that he has been forbidden to tamper with the Koran under the penalty of death. The sura ends with the proclamation that the Koran is the Truth and that the Creator is to be glorified at all times.

69.      T H E I N E VI T A B L E

Meccan, 52 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* The Inevitable!

2.    What is the Inevitable?

3.    How will you know what the Inevitable is?

4.    Thamood and ’Ad denied [the Day of] Calamity.

5.    For that [sin] Thamood was destroyed by a thunderbolt

6.    and ’Ad was crushed by a roaring windstorm.

7.    [God] let it rage against them seven nights and eight days in a row. You could have seen people

felled like hollow trunks of palm-trees.

8.      Can you see now a single survivor?

9.    Pharaoh, his predecessors, and the smitten [cities] have all indulged in sinning.

10.  They disobeyed their Lord’s Messengers, and [God] seized them in a mighty grip.

11.    When the flood came, We carried you all in the ark.

12.     Let it be a Warning to you

and let a hearing ear hear it!

13.     When a single blast is blown on the trumpet,

14.     when the earth and the mountains move

and are smashed in one stroke,

15.     then, on that Day, the Event shall occur!

16.     On that Day the sky, turning brittle, shall split.

17.     On that Day the Angels [will stand] at its edges,

and eight [of them] will carry God’s Throne above them.

18.  On that Day you shall be brought to Judgment and everything you used to hide shall be on display.

9* The one who receives his Book

in his right hand shall say:

“Here it is, read my Book!

20.      Indeed, I knew that I’ll face my account!”

21.      And he shall live in bliss

22.      in a lofty Garden,

23.      with fruit within reach:

24* — Eat and drink to your health

for what you have prepared in the past days!

25* But the one who receives his Book

in his left hand shall say:

“Oh! I wish I wouldn’t receive such a Book

26.      and wouldn’t know my account!

27.      Oh! If only my end came soon!

28.      Wealth has not protected me,

29.      and all my power has vanished!”

30* — Grab him, bind him,

31.     and burn him in Hellfire!

32.     Then attach him to a chain seventy cubit long.

33.     Indeed, he did not believe in God, the Highest,

34.      and did not call for feeding the poor!

35.      Today he cannot find any friend in this place,

36.      or any food, except filth

37.      that only the transgressors eat.

38.      By no!

I swear by what you see 39* and by what you do not see!

40.      Truly, these are the words of a noble Messenger,

41.      and not the words of a poet, so weak is your belief,

42.      and not of a soothsayer, so little do you remember!

43.      This is a Revelation of the Lord of the Worlds. 44*But if he ascribes a single of his sayings to Us,

45.      We will surely seize him by his right hand,

46.      We will surely slash his heart’s artery,

47.      and nobody among you will defend him.

48.    Verily, this is a Reminder for those who fear God.

49.    Verily, We know that some of you deny [Him].

50.    Verily, bitter it shall be for the disbelievers!

51.    Verily, [this] is the absolute Truth!

52* So, glorify the Name of your Lord, the Highest.

Vv. 1-3: S.69 starts with the already familiar question that introduces uncommon words. In this instance, we are left to our own guess as to what “The Inevitable” is. Warnings that are cut short produce the impression of suspended threats.

Vv. 19-20 and 25-29: These verses are apparently addressed to the Angels who escort a man to the Last Judgment. About the righteous holding their Book in the right hand, see S.84:7.

Vv. 24, 30-34: These commands are all issued by God.

Vv. 30-37: The duration of punishment is rarely specified in the descriptions of retribu­tions for the sinners. Although the expression “eternal punishment” is occasionally met with in the Koran, the word “eternal” does not carry the meaning of infinite duration that is implied by Christians. The root khld of the word khaled (eternal) signifies perpetuity, duration, conti­nuity, a long sojourn in some place. Many educated Muslims believe that the world which will come into existence after the Last Judgment will also come to an end. Before that time, the people of the Afterlife will gradually lose their sense of identity; then punishment or reward will become meaningless. Only God will be left as the One Reality, capable of creating anew in a void which might be filled by God’s will with a new world with new properties.

V. 39: Heaven is conceived as consisting of seven domes or vaults. The material sky, as a reflection of Heaven, is also seen in the form of seven vaults or spheres.

V. 41: A believing Muslim would not agree that the Koran has any resemblance to poetry. It’s blasphemous to imagine that God, the author of the Koran, was involved in composing verses. The Koran is a marvelous happening and does not belong to any genre. It cannot be com­pared to the Gospel, even though the two Books have the same general purpose. The Koran is full of teaching words and explanations inspired to the Prophet by God. In contrast, the four Gospels describe the life of Jesus and contain only a few of his direct pronouncements as reported by his followers, the majority of whom never saw him face to face.

In 1897, fragments of papyrus reporting “The sayings of our Lord” were found in al- Bahnasa, in Upper Egypt. Fifty years later, more complete manuscripts of early Christian liter­ature were discovered in another location of Upper Egypt, Nag Hammadi. Among them is a col­lection of 114 sayings ascribed to Jesus, with the title of “The Gospel according to Thomas.” These sayings are highly moral and inspiringly Christian, but the Church will always consider them apocryphal because a few of them seem to contradict the canonic Gospel according to John.

Vv. 44f: A stern warning to the Prophet Muhammad.

V. 52: Such a sudden coda concludes several suras.

Sura 70 The Steps. This well-constructed sura is the most complete codex of the Muslim tenets so far. It spells out the duties of man: charity, belief in the Hereafter, prayer, respect for marriage and for covenants, trustworthiness. S.70 paints Hell in somber colors and opposes the ethics of the believers to the laxity of the sinners.

70.      T H E S T E P S
Meccan, 44 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* The inquirer asked about the inevitable punishment

2.      for the unbelievers that nobody can avert.

3* It is from God, the Lord of the Steps

4* by which the Angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a Day of fifty thousand years.

5.     So, endure with gracious endurance!

6.     Indeed, they see [the Day ofJudgment] far away,

7.     but We see it nearby!

8.     This is the Day when the sky shall be like melted copper

9.      and the mountains like carded wool,

10.     Then a friend will not ask about [his] friend,

11.     albeit they will be in sight of each other.

The wrong-doer will want to avoid the punishment

of that Day [at the price of] his children,

12.     his spouse and his brother,

13.     the family that shelters him,

14.     and all of mankind, just to save himself.

15.     But no!

The raging Fire

16.     shall scorch his scalp

17.     and shall reclaim those

who turned around and ran away,

18.     who hoarded and concealed.

19* Verily, man was created restless!

20.      He is fretful when touched by evil

21.      and miserly when touched by success.

22.      But not those who pray,

23.      who are steadfast in their devotions

24.      and share their possessions

25.      with the asking and the poor.

26.      They believe in the Day of Judgment

27.      and fear the punishment of their Lord.

28.      Verily, their Lord’s displeasure deprives them of peace!

29.      They reserve their impulses

30.      for their wives and their slaves, and are blameless!

31.      (And those who covet more are transgressors!)

32.      They honor their trusts and obligations,

33.      they testify uprightly,

34.      and they keep to their prayers.

35.      They shall be honored in the Gardens!

36* What is the matter with the disbelievers who rush to you

37.     in crowds from right and left?

38.     Do they also want to enter the Garden of Bliss?

39.     But no! They know what We created them from!

40*But no! I swear by the Lord of the East and the West

that We surely can

41.     replace [them] by better [people] with no trouble for Us!

42.      So, let them babble and make merry

until they face the promised Day —

43* the Day when they shall dash out of their graves, hurrying as if they raced to a stone marker.

44.  With eyes downcast, they shall be covered with shame — this is how it shall be on their promised Day!

V. 1: The disbelievers wanted to know the date of the Day ofJudgment (S.51:12).

V. 3: “The Steps” (al-ma'aridj, from 'aradja = to ascend) remind one of Jacob’s ladder, but they have a deeper meaning: though God sits on High, He gradually becomes more accessible to people with pure hearts. A cognate word is mi'radj — the mystical Ascent when the Prophet was transported from Mecca to Jerusalem (S.17). One night Gabriel took Muhammad, while he was asleep at the Ka’ba, to the rock of the Temple of the Mount in Jerusalem on a flying horse. From there he brought him to the “Sidra-tree,” the limit of Being before the Absolute. After experiencing the Presence of God, he returned to Mecca as miraculously as he had gone to Jerusalem.

V. 4: As in most of the oath sections, the length of the Day is unreal, since it refers to the Unseen (S.97:3).

V. 19: “Restless,” or impatient, timid, fretful, insecure.

Vv. 36-37: Did they rush toward him to receive his Message?

V. 40: I swear... that We... can”: God makes no distinction between the pronouns when He speaks of Himself (S.88: 23-24).

V. 43: “A stone marker” — an altar stone or a goal post.

Sura 78 The News. The News is the announcement of the Resurrection and the Last Judgment. Particularly strong imagery is used to depict Hell and Paradise and to describe the Proofs of God's existence and His compassion to man.

78.      T H E N E W S

Meccan, 40 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* What are they asking one another?

2.      — About the great News

3.      over which they disagree.

4.      But soon they shall know!

5.      And once more: soon they shall know!

6.      Have We not spread the earth

7.      and [placed] the mountains as supports,

8.      and created you in pairs,

9.      and gave you sleep to rest,

10.     and made a cover of the night,

11.     and gave you daytime to eke out a livelihood?

12.     We have built over you seven skies

13* and placed a resplendescent torch.

14.     We poured abundant water from the clouds

15.     and produced with it grain, vegetables,

16.     and luxuriant gardens!

17.     Verily, the Separation Day is set —

18.  the Day when the trumpet shall resound, and you shall come forth in crowds.

19.     Then the sky shall open its gates,

20.      and the mountains shall dissolve like a mirage.

21.      Verily, Hellfire is a trap —

22.      the destination of the oppressors.

23.      They shall remain there for ever,

24.      with nothing fresh to eat or to drink,

25* but boiling water and pus.

26.      Indeed, they deserved this reward!

27.      They did not fear their account

28.  when they denied our Signs, declaring them false!

29.      We have preserved everything on record.

30.      — So, taste it!

We will not add to you anything, except some more punishment!

31.      Successful shall be those who fear God!

32.      For them there will be orchards and vineyards,

33* and buxom maidens of their age,

34.     and a full cup!

35.     They shall not hear therein any lies or vain talk!

36.     Such will be their reward,

such will be the generous gift from your Lord,

37.  the Lord of Heavens and earth and what is in between, the Compassionate, Whom no one dares contradict!

38.     On that Day, the Spirit and the Angels will stand in ranks.

Nobody shall speak without permission of the Compassionate, and then only to tell the truth.

39.     That will be the Day of Truth!

Let anyone who wills return to his Lord!

40.  Verily, We have warned you of the impending punishment!

On that Day, everyone shall see what his hands have prepared, and the disbeliever will say: “Woe to me! If only I were dust!”

Vv. 1-5: The “Great Day” is expected “soon,” but it will be on the time scale of the Unseen that is different from ours.

V. 13: The “resplendescent torch” is the sun.

V. 25: “Pus” (ghassaq) — icy, putrid water, or tears.

V. 33: This allegorical verse indicates that man shall not suffer in Paradise because of loneliness and lack of womanly love.

The huris are not mentioned by this name yet, but are called here kaua'ib (full-breasted maidens). Each author translates this verse according to his taste:

Companions of Equal Age (AYA).

and high-bosomed maidens for companions (NJD).

And those showing freshness of youth, equals of age (MHS).

And mates, maidens beautiful (MAA).

Sura 52 T he Mountain. The description of the Hereafter is replete with picturesque details. We learn that the believers will be reunited in Paradise with their believing children. The Prophet is encouraged, and the slander that he is no more than a poet is dispelled (vv. 29-49).

52.       T H E M O U N T A I N

Meccan, 49 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by the mountain

2.      and the Scripture recorded

3.      on a parchment unrolled,

4.      and the House well attended,

5.      and the roof raised up high,

6.      and the raging sea!

7.      Verily, imminent is the punishment of your Lord

8.      that nobody can ward off!

9.      On that Day when the sky is jolted a [mighty] jolt

10.     and the mountains are moved a [mighty] move,

11.     woe on that Day to those who denied,

12* and [whose life] was like romping in a pond!

13.     On that Day they shall be ruthlessly flung into Hellfire:

14.     — This is the Fire you used to deny!

15.     Is it magic, or can you not see?

16.     Then burn in it! Bear it or bear it not,

you shall get the reward for what you have done!

17* Among the delights in the Gardens, the God-fearing

18.     will be relishing the gifts of their Lord.

Indeed, their Lord rescued them

from punishment by the blazing Fire:

19.     — Eat and drink to your health for what you have done

20* and recline on thrones standing in rows!

We will join them to the wide-eyed huris.

21.     We will reunite them with their believing siblings

whose posterity shares their faith.

We will not deprive them of anything they achieved — every one will answer for whatever he earned.

22.  We will supply them with fruit and meats to their hearts’ desire.

23.      They shall be passing cups

without frivolous talk or sinful thoughts.

24.      They shall be attended by youths,

as [handsome] as well protected pearls.

25.      Approaching one another with questions,

26.      they will say:

“We used to worry about our families,

27* but God had mercy upon us.

He saved us from punishment by the scorching wind.

28.      Indeed, we had prayed to Him in the past!

Verily, He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.”

29.      — [O Muhammad!] Let you preach!

By your Lord’s mercy you are not a seer or a madman.

30* They say:

“He’s a poet! Wait and see how cruel his fate will be!”

31.     Tell them:

“Wait, and I’ll be waiting with you!”

32.  Have they not been carried away by their imagination, are they not people gone astray?

33.     They say:

“He made [the Koran] up!”

Yes, they will never believe!

34.  Let them produce a similar recitation if they are telling the truth!

35.     Are they capable of creating

if they themselves have been created from nothing?

36.     Are they the creators of Heavens and earth?

No, they are not sure!

37.     Do they possess the treasures of your Lord?

Are they the overseers?

38* Do they have a ladder [to Heaven] for eavesdropping there?

Then let those who listen come up with the proofs!

39.     Are daughters for God and sons for you?

40.      Do you ask them for a fee when they are mired in debt?

41.      Or do they possess the Unseen and write [about it]?

42.      Or are they plotting deception?

But the disbelievers can deceive only themselves!

43.      Or do they have another god besides God?

But God is above anything they associate with Him!

44.  Even if a piece of the sky fell upon them, they would say:

“This is a heap of clouds!”

45.  So, leave them alone till they meet with their Day, till they are stricken down by lightning!

46.    On that Day all their plots shall fail

and they shall not receive any help.

47.    Verily, there is still another punishment for the sinners,

but most of them do not know [about it].

48.    So wait for the judgment of your Lord

and be patient, for you are in His sight!

Praise your Lord when you get up

49.  and praise Him part of the night, and at the setting of the stars!

Vv. 1-6: The spiritual life of man is stimulated by such images as Scriptures revealed on a mountain (Mt. Sinai, Mt. Hira, Mt. of Olives), or holy buildings (the temples of Jerusalem, the Ka’ba), or Heaven depicted as a roof, or the seas, rivers, and springs presented as symbols of life.

V. 12: “Romping in a pond” — “toying with trifles.”

V. 17f: Symbolically, fulfillment will be enjoyed in Paradise: resting, eating and drinking (vv. 19-20 and 22), socializing (vv. 20-21 and 23-25), and freedom from worries (v. 26).

V. 20: Like eating and drinking in Paradise, the huris must be understood metaphori­cally; the vagueness of their description, centered upon their eyes, emphasizes their immateri­ality. Their presence in Heaven is a reminder to man that happiness is complete only when it is shared with another living being (a spouse or a friend, or, here, a huri). The Afterlife will bring the spiritual fulfillment of all of God’s gifts, without exception.

V. 27: The scorching desert wind or the simoon.

V. 30: The rumor that the Prophet Muhammad was a gifted poet was damaging to the idea of a God-sent Koran.

The Arabs descend from Ishmael, the elder son of Abraham by Hagar, about whom God has said: “And as for Ishmael... I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly... I will make him a great nation” (Gen. 17:20). At the insistence of his wife Sarah, Abraham sent Hagar and her son away into the desert (Gen. 21:14). The first born of Ishmael, named after their towns, were Nebajot and Kedar (Gen. 25:13-16). Now, according to Isaiah (21:13-17), Kedar was located in Arabia and the promised Messenger of whom God says: “Mine elect, in whom my soul delighted, I have put my spirit upon him” (Is. 42:1) was to arise from “the villages that Kedar does inhabit” (Is. 42:11). We also read in Ezekiel (27:21): “Arabia, and all the princes of Kedar, they occupied with thee in lambs, and rams, and goats.” Therefore, the coming of the Prophet, a descendant of Ishmael and Kedar, took place as predicted in the Bible.

V. 38: The steps are for Angels, not for the Jinn (S.70:3-4).

Sura 56 T he Event. The “double” Sura 56 is long and complicated. We learn in it about the Inevitable (death andJudgment, Hell and Heaven) and the accession of virtuous ancestors to Paradise. The apocalyptic depiction of Hell brings to mind the Revelation of St. John.

Part 1:1) an oath (vv. 1-6); 2) a description of Paradise (vv. 7-26); 3) its repeated description (vv. 27-40); 4) a description of Hell (vv. 41-50); 5) a Warning (vv. 51-56); 6) a Sign passage (vv. 57-73); 7) a short Doxology for conclusion (v.74).

Part II: 1) a new oath (vv. 75-76); 2) a definition of the Koran (vv. 77-82); 3) a Warning passage (vv. 83-94); 4) a Doxology that repeats v.74 (vv. 95-96).

56.       T H E E V E N T

Meccan, 96 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     When the Event occurs

2.      — and, no doubt, it will occur —

3.     it will be humbling [for some] and exalting [for others].

4.      When the earth shakes shakingly,

5* when the mountains crumble to crumbles

6. and become scattered dust,

7* then you will be divided into three groups:

8* those of the right hand —

who are those of the right hand?

9. And those of the left hand — who are those of the left hand?

10* And the first ones —

[who are] the first ones? —

11.    The ones who are nearest [to God]!

12.     In the Gardens of Delight

13.     there will be a multitude of the first

14.     and a few of the latter.

15.     On decorated couches

16.     they shall recline facing one another.

17.     They shall be waited upon by never aging youths

18.     with goblets, ewers, and cups with spring water

19.     that will cause no headache and no inebriation.

20.      They will have the fruit of their choice,

21.      and the fowl to their liking;

22.      and wide-eyed huris,

23* like well-guarded pearls.

24.      They are their reward for what they have done.

25.      Nobody shall hear there

any frivolous or sinful words,

26.      but only the words: “Peace! Peace!”

27.      Those of the right hand? —

What about those of the right hand?

28.      They are among thornless lote-trees

29* and trees with flowering clusters

30.     in a spreading shade

31.     by the running water

32.     and with abundant fruit,

33.     inexhaustible and never forbidden.

34.      They are upon lofty thrones!

35.      We have created [the huris in a special] creation.

36.      We have made them virgins,

37.      loving and of the same age

38.      as those of the right hand.

39.      There shall be [there] a multitude of the first

40.      and a multitude of later [generations].

41.      And those of the left hand? —

What about those of the left hand?

42.      [They are] in the scorching wind and boiling water,

43.      in the shade of black smoke

44.      without any refreshment or uplift.

45.      Indeed, in the past they lived in dissipation

46.      and persisted in heinous sin.

47.      They used to say:

“What! We shall be raised after we die

and become dust and bones,

48.      and our forefathers too?”

49.      Say:

“Verily, the first and the latter

50.      shall be surely assembled on the appointed Day!”

51.      Then truly, you, the erring, the denying

52* shall eat of the Zakkum-tree,

53.      filling your bellies

54.      and washing it down with boiling water

55.      like camels overcome with thirst.

56.      Such will be their reception on Judgment Day!

57.      Indeed, We have created you,

so why do you not believe?

58.      Do you not see what you are emitting?

59.      Are you those who create, or do We create?

60.      We distribute death among you,

so who can prevent Us

61.   from changing your likeness and re-creating you in a form that you cannot even imagine?

62.   Indeed, you know about the first [creation], so why do you not reflect?

63.      Do you not see what you are sowing?

64.      You make [it] grow, or do We make [it] grow?

65.      If it pleased Us, We could scorch it to chaff.

Then you would wonder:

66.      “What! We’re in debt,

67.      and in deprivation too!”

68.      Do you not see the water you drink?

69.      Do you pour it from a cloud, or do We pour [it]?

70.      If it pleased Us, We could make it brackish.

Then, why are you so ungrateful?

71.      Do you not see the fire you strike?

72.      Did you make the tree for the fire,

or did We make [it]?

73* We made it as a reminder

and as a commodity for the desert dwellers.

74.     Exalt, therefore, the Name of your Lord, the Great!

75* Yes! I swear by the setting place of the stars!

76.     If you only knew how great is this oath!

77* Verily, this is the Holy Koran

78.     in a well-guarded Book.

79.     It can be touched only by the purified ones.

80.      This is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds!

81.      So why do you take this Recitation so lightly,

82.      and make a livelihood at disproving [it]?

83.      When [the soul of a dying man] raises to his throat,

84.      and you are looking,

85.      why do you not see Us, though We are closer to him?

86.      Why, if you are not accountable [for your deeds],

87* do you not bring [his soul] back

if you are telling the truth?

88.     And if he is among the nearest [to God],

89.      to him belongs the rest, the fragrance,

and the Garden of Bliss.

90.      If he is of the right hand,

91.      then Peace upon him

from those of the right hand.

92.      But if he is one of those

who denied and went astray,

93.      he shall be treated to scalding water

94.      and burnt in Hellfire!

95.      Verily, this is the absolute Truth!

96.      So exalt the Name of your Lord, the Great.

Vv. 5-6: This event is the end of the physical world.

Vv. 7f: All the people since Creation will be treated alike; it is assumed that since the dawn of man the righteous have resisted the seduction of Satan and lived and thought like Muslims.

Of all the Scriptures that deal with both the material and the spiritual world, the Koran is the most apt at describing their coexistence and their areas of contact. A deeply religious person belongs to the two worlds simultaneously.

V. 8: “Of the right hand” are the righteous (S.90:18-19).

V. 10: “The first ones” are the Ancients or the first men who believed in God. Muslims consider that it would be unjust to deny access to Paradise to the forefathers only because they lived before the time ofJesus Christ.

V. 23: The huris are “like well-guarded pearls.” (cf. S.52: 24). Their heavenly beauty and purity exclude sexual relations. V. 29: Acacias (talkh), or “plantain trees”.

V. 52: The zakkum-tree appears also in SS. 44, 37, 15.

V. 73: A fire in the desert is a sign of human habitation or a source of spiritual light like Moses’s burning bush.

V. 75: The setting of the stars should remind Muslims that material light is not per­manent, and that only the divine Light that guides man can never be extinguished.

Vv. 77-80: The original of the Koran is in Heaven; it can be touched only by Angels (S.85:21-22). Apparently, when this sura was revealed, a portion of the Koran was already in a Book form.

V. 87: This verse continues v.83.

V. 91: “You” instead of “him” in the original text.

Sura 44 T he Smoke. The first verse of S.44 consists of the two Arabic letters ha and mim. Twenty-nine suras, most of them from Parts III and IV in this arrangement, start with 1-5 letters usually followed by a tribute to the Koran. These letters could be editors' or copiers 'marks; but they may also form separate verses by themselves as integral parts of the Book, possibly with mystical meaning. S.44 consists of 1) an intro­duction (vv. 1-9); 2) a Warning about the Last Day (vv. 10-16); 3) the story of Moses (vv. 17-37); 4) a new reminder about the Separation Day (vv. 38-42); 5) a description of the Hereafter (vv. 43-57); and 6) a short conclusion (vv. 58-59).

44.       T H E S M O K E

Meccan, 59 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

I.      Ha mim.

2* [I swear] by the persuasive Scripture!

3* We sent it down on a blessed Night — indeed, We are the Warners!

4.      [On that Night] all the wise decisions are sorted out

5.      by Our command.

Indeed, We are the Senders

6.      by the mercy of your Lord —

He is the Hearer, the Knowing.

7.     He is the Lord of the Heavens and earth and what is in between.

For someone whose faith is strong,

8.      there is no god, but Him.

He is the One, Who dispenses life and death,

He is your Lord and your forefathers’ Lord.

9.      And yet, they still dally in doubt!

10.     So watch for the Day when the sky belches a thick smoke

II.      that enshrouds the people.

How painful the retribution will be! [They will say:]

12.     “Our Lord! Save us from punishment, we do believe!”

13.     But then, would the Warning help them?

Indeed, a Messenger came to them with clear explanations,

14.     but they turned away from him, saying:

“He’s a madman, taught [by some others]!”

15.   Even if We postponed the punishment for some time, you would surely return to sin!

16.  But on that Day We will grasp you in a powerful grasp, and We will retaliate!

17* Long before them We had tested the people of Pharaoh.

An honorable Messenger came to them [and said]:

18.     “Return to me the servants of God!

I’m truly your trustworthy Messenger!

19.  And don’t exalt yourselves before God — indeed, I came to you with clear authority.

20.  I’m taking refuge in my Lord and your Lord to prevent you from stoning me.

21.      If you don’t trust me, keep away from me!”

22.      Then he turned to his Lord:

“Truly, this is a people of transgressors!”

23.      [And he heard]:

— Depart with My Slaves at night:

you will certainly be pursued!

24.  And leave the sea parted, their army is destined to drown!

25.      How many gardens and fountains they have left behind,

26.      and fields and stately buildings,

27.      and riches they had enjoyed!

28.      We let others inherit their wealth.

29.  Neither Heaven nor earth have shed tears over them, and they have not received a reprieve!

30* We saved the Sons of Israel from the vile punishment

31.     of Pharaoh, an arrogant sinner.

32.     We chose them for a mission among the peoples of the Worlds, 33* and gave them Signs for a manifest trial.

34.      But they said:

35.      “We’ll die only once, and we won’t be raised!

36.      Bring our fathers back if you’re telling the truth!”

37* Are they really better than the people of Tubba’

and those who were before them?

We destroyed them all — indeed, they were sinful!

38.  We have not created the Heaven and earth and what is between them on a whim.

39.  We have created them in Truth, but the majority do not know [it].

40.      Verily, Separation Day is set for everybody!

41.  It is the Day when a friend will not help a friend and when every one shall be helpless,

42.      except those whom God will take into His mercy.

Verily, He is the Mighty, the Merciful.

43.      Verily, the Zakkum-tree

44*shall be the food of the wrong-doers.

45.      It shall boil in their bellies like molten brass,

46.      like boiling water!

47* Seize him, cast him in the midst of the Fire,

48.      and pour the punishing scalding water on his head!

49.      Taste it if you are so mighty and noble!

50.      Verily, this is what you doubted about!

51.      Verily, the God-fearing shall have a safe haven

52.      amid Gardens and springs.

53.      Attired in silk and brocade,

they shall behold one another.

54.      We will join them to the wide-eyed huris.

55.      They shall enjoy there the fruit they desire.

56.      They shall not taste [another] death after the first one!

We will save them from the penalty of the blazing Fire

57.      by your Lord’s mercy —

this will be a great success!

58* Verily, We made [the Koran] easy on your tongue — perhaps they will remember!

59. So wait, and let them wait too!

V. 2: “[I swear] by the persuasive Scripture!” or “by the Glorious Koran!” is a common introduction in late Meccan suras.

V. 3: “We sent it down on a blessed Night” (S.97).

V. 17: This is the story of Moses. Since it disregards chronology, the Koran is not a record of events. Repetition makes the stories seem unreal and timeless. Life is being constantly replenished by the events of the past and the past lives in the present as an eternal reality. Man’s efforts to recover the “lost time” were in vain. The Koran found it and reinstated it in life.

V. 30: “The Sons of Israel” or “the Children of Israel” is the usual designation of the Jews.

V. 33: Examples of “trials”: exodus from Egypt, the conquest of Palestine, the preaching of Prophets culminating with Jesus.

V. 37: Tubba' is a locality controlled by the Thamood tribe, or, possibly, a title of the kings of Yemen.

Vv. 44f: Commentators tend to identify with Abu Jahl every wrong-doer mentioned in the Koran (S.96:9-19).

Vv. 47-49 are addressed to the Angels.

V. 58: The natives of Arabia spoke different dialects, but many of them understood Arabic.

Sura 76 Man. S.76 is a rare example of an apocalyptic sura where more space is devoted to the believers in Paradise than to the reprobates in Hell. Its longer verses are typical of the transition from early suras to later ones; the content and the rhythm are still poetical.

Structure: 1) a Sign passage for introduction (vv. 1-3); 2) events on Judgment Day with emphasis on Paradise (vv. 4-22); 3) an address to the Prophet about the Meccans and an injunction to pray (vv. 23-28); and 4) a Doxology for conclusion (vv. 29-31).

76.               M A N
Meccan, 31 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Was there not a long period of time when man has not been worth mentioning?

2.     Yes, We have created man from a drop of mixed seed! Yes, to test him We gave him hearing and sight!

3* Yes, We guided him — both thankful and disbelieving!

4.     Yes, We prepared chains, restraints, and a Fire for the disbelievers!

5* Verily, the righteous shall be drinking from a cup a mixture with [the water of] Kafur,

6.     the fountain from which the servants of God drink, thereby speeding its flow.

7.     They abide by their vows and dread the Day, the furor of which will be out of control.

8.     For the love of Him they feed the poor, the orphan, and the captive:

9.     “We feed you for God’s sake, and we don’t expect from you any reward or gratitude.

10.  Verily, we fear from our Lord a gloomy and distressful Day!”

11.     But God will save them

from the furor of that Day!

He will shower them with light and joy.

12.  He will reward them for their patience with a Garden and silk.

13.  They shall be reclining on couches, protected from the sun and the cold.

14.     The shade shall spread over them,

and low over them shall hang clusters [of fruit].

15.  ’Round them shall be passed silver vessels and goblets of crystal,

16.     of silver crystal of [the desired] capacity.

17* They shall be offered cups with a mixture with ginger

18.     from the fountain called Salsabil.

19.     They shall be attended by perpetually young men.

If you saw them,

you would think they were scattered pearls!

20.      Look [around], and you will see joy and a great dominion!

21.  They wear silk and brocade, and silver bracelets, and their Lord gives them a pure beverage to drink.

22.      Verily, such is the reward for your efforts!

23.      — [O Muhammad!] We are sending you the Koran in parts.

24.  Wait patiently for the commands of your Lord and do not follow the sinners and renegades.

25.      Celebrate the Name of your Lord mornings and evenings.

26.      Prostrate yourself before Him part of the night

or glorify Him throughout the long night.

27.      Verily, they love the fleeting [life]

and pay no attention to the grievous Day.

28.      We have created them and strengthened their joints,

but had it pleased Us,

We would have replaced [them] by others like them.

29.      Verily, this is a Reminder!

Let anyone who wills follow the path of his Lord!

30* But you cannot will what God does not will.

Verily, God is knowing and wise!

31.     He admits to His mercy those He wills,

and for the sinners He has prepared a painful punishment.

V. 1: Man was a lower form of life for a long period of time (dahr). The extended duration precludes the possibility that the verse speaks of the short-term development of the human embryo.

V. 3: But this happens only as God wills (vv. 30-31).

V. 5: Here Kafur (camphor) is the name of a river.

V. 17: Salsabil, Zanjabil (ginger, Zingiber officinale).

V. 30: As the verses and suras grow longer, rhyme and rhythm are enhanced by such phrases as “God is knowing and wise!” or “You shall see!” Sometimes these additions seem to be of out of context, but they introduce breathing space and color into otherwise a terse and stern text. Like oaths, additions and repetitions create an emotional framework and help hold together dissimilar topics.

Sura 72 The Jinn. This sura belongs to a later period when the followers of the Prophet were already called Muslims and his enemies — Associators. To understand this sura and the following ones, especially, S.55, it is necessary to explain who are the Jinn. They are spirits from the Unknown, maleficent more often than not, who personify the evil schemes of men and their foolish illusions.

S.72 starts with a story about the Jinn eavesdropping on recitations of the Koran, possibly before it has even been revealed to the Prophet. The conversation of theJinn about the Koran is interrupted by a glorification of God and “Say” passages which are important components of many suras (SS. 112,113 and 114 are by themselves exemplars of such passages).

72.      T H E J I N N
Meccan, 28 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* — Say, [O Muhammad!]:

“It has been revealed to me that a company of Jinn

said after hearing [the Koran]:

‘Truly we’ve heard a wonderful Reading

2.      that guides to the right way. We believed in it

and we’ll never associate anyone with our Lord.

3.     Let the Majesty of our Lord be exalted!

He hasn’t taken a consort or a child for Himself.

4* A fool among us has been slandering God,

5.     yet we thought that a man or a Jinni would never lie about God.

6.     True, some males among mankind sought the help of males among the Jinn, but it only increased their folly.

7.     They thought like you that God would never revive anyone.

8.     When we sneaked to Heaven, we found it full of mighty guards and flaming shooting stars.

9.     We found there a place to sit and began to listen. But if someone eavesdrops [again],

he’ll be the target of a flaming meteor!

10.     We don’t know if the ones who are on earth

are destined to perish,

or if their Lord will guide them on the straight path.

11.  Some of us are righteous, but others are not, and we follow separate ways.

12.  We know that we cannot prevail upon God on earth, or frustrate Him by slipping away.

13.     But we heard the Guidance and we believed in Him.

And the one who believes in his Lord isn’t afraid of want or injustice.

14* Some of us are Muslims, and others are renegades. Those who submitted themselves [to God] have found the right way,

15. and the renegades shall be kindling for Hellfire.’”

16* Had [people] stayed on the right path,

We would have given them rain in abundance

17.     to test them thereby.

But those who neglect to remember their Lord, We will submit them to a severe punishment.

18.     The places of worship belong to God,

so don’t call there to any one, except God!

19* As soon as the servant of God stands up to pray, they crowd closely around him.

20.      Say:

“I’m calling upon my Lord

and I’m not associating anyone with Him!”

21.      Say:

“I don’t have the power to harm you or to improve your conduct.”

22.      Say:

“No one will save me from God,

and I won’t find a refuge anywhere, but in Him,

23* if I don’t pass along

what I’ve received from God and His Messages.”

Those who disobey God and His Messenger,

Hellfire is waiting for them —

they will stay in it forever.

24.  When at last they see what has been promised to them, they will know who is weaker in protection

and smaller in number.

25.     Say:

“I don’t know whether what has been promised to you

is nearby or whether my Lord will postpone it.

26.     Indeed, He Alone knows the Unseen

and He will not disclose the Unseen to anyone,

27.     except a Messenger of His choice.

He makes some Observers walk behind and in front of him

28.     to watch how he transmits the Messages of their Lord.

He knows everything about them, and He keeps count of all things!”

Vv. 1f: This passage connects to S.46:29-32.

V. 4: The foolish member of the Jinn clan is Iblis, the leader of their sinful company. The Jinn of the two sexes represent a separate Creation. Unlike the Angels, they possess an intellect and free will. Like men, they are under the Laws of God and will be judged at the end of the World. The virtuous among them can be Muslims. Although the Jinn are of both genders, there are no indications that they can multiply themselves like people do. Some authors prefer to call them spirits (TC), even though they are the genii or Jinn (doublet words) of Islamic folklore.

V. 14: The word “Muslim” is encountered in this version of the Koran for the first time. Most authors insist on translating this word literally, as “the one who surrendered himself [to God].” The common root of Muslim and Islam (slm), has the double meaning of “peace” and “surrender,” and so “Muslim” covers the two notions of accepting peace and committing oneself to God.

V. 16: Rain suggests spiritual gifts.

V. 19: “They” — the people who interfered with his prayers.

V. 20: Absolute faith in One God without association of any deities to Him is the corner­stone of Islam. To be righteous, man must believe in One God and His Word, which is His Law, and observe His commandments, which are stated in their most complete form in S.17:22-37. Righteousness built upon the Word of God as His Law is equivalent to high morals: it is incom­patible with thievery, disrespect for parents, disdain for other people, adultery and other sins. A righteous person treats the others at least as well as he likes to be treated himself. Only faith in one God and a universal attraction to righteousness can suppress the ethnic hatred that fans wars and injustice in the world.

V. 23: “To obey God and His Messenger,” an expression in which God and His Messenger are mentioned together, occurs rarely and only in the late suras.

SURA 55 T H E C O M P A S S I O N A T E. This remarkable sura is quintessentially poetic. By its eerie refrain it combines two of God's Creations: that of mankindmade from clay and that of the Jinn made from fire. This combination leads to the musical dominance of the sonorous Arabic dual form. Everything is in twos, and even, as with the Gardens, in two times two. Afterlife is also described twice. The duality of goodness and evil, reward and punishment, past and future, male and female, is universal and causes the perpetual search for perfection that can be found only in unity. No wonder that this poetic and mystic hymn to dualism is very popular among Muslims.

55.       T H E C O M P A S S I O N A T E

Meccan, 78 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     The Compassionate!

2.      He has taught the Koran.

3.      He has created man

4.      and has taught him intelligent speech.

5.      The sun and the moon follow on schedule,

6* grasses and trees are bowing [to Him].

7.     He has raised the sky and set up the balance.

8.      Do not misuse the balance

9.      and do not cheat by weighing short!

10.     He has spread the earth for all living creatures.

11.     It bears fruit and dates sheathed in clusters,

12.     and grain, and grasses, and fragrant herbs.

13* Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

14.     He has created man from ringing potter’s clay,

15* He has made the Jinn from smokeless fire.

16.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

17* He is the Lord of the two Easts

and the Lord of the two Wests.

18.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

19.     He let the two seas meet each other.

20.      There is a barrier between them they cannot overflow.

21.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

22.      You get corals and pearls from each of them.

23.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

24.      His ships tower above the sea like mountains.

25.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

26.      Everything will disappear,

27.   only the Face of your Lord will remain, full of majesty and nobility.

28.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

29* Everything in Heaven and earth entreats Him.

He abides in [His] Glory day after day!

30.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

31* O you, the two burdensome burdens, We shall deal with you soon!

32.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

33.     O you, companies of Jinn and men!

Do you want to trespass the limits of Heaven and earth?

Then let you trespass!

But you will not get there without authority.

34.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

35.   Intense Fire and smoke shall be sent upon you, and defenseless you shall be against them!

36.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

37* When the sky cleaves asunder and reddens like leather,

38. which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

39* On that Day neither men nor Jinn shall be asked about their sins.

40.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

41.   The wrong-doers shall be recognized by their marks and shall be dragged by their feet and forelocks.

42.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

43.      Behold the Hellfire that the transgressors denied!

44*They trudge between it and scalding water.

45.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

46*But for those who fear their Lord’s Judgment, there shall be two Gardens.

47.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

48.      Each with [plants] of different kinds.

49.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

50.      Each with two running springs.

51.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

52.      Each with two kinds of every fruit.

53.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

54.   They shall recline on carpets lined with brocade, the fruit of both Gardens within easy reach.

55.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

56.      Therein shall be the ones with restrained glances, never touched by a man or a Jinni.

57.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

58.     They are like rubies, they are like pearls!

59.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

60* Is not virtue the best reward for virtue?

61. Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

62* Besides these there shall be two [other] Gardens.

63.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

64.      Each in dark greenery.

65.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

66.      Each with two abundant springs.

67.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

68.      Each with fruit, dates, and pomegranates.

69.      Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

70* Each with the virtuous and the beautiful!

71.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

72.     These are the huris confined to their tents.

73.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

74.     They have never been touched by a man or a Jinni.

75.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

76.     They recline on green cushions and magnificent rugs.

77.     Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?

78.     Blessed be the Name of your Lord

in His Majesty and Glory!

V. 6: “Grasses” (Nadjm) or, by homonymy, “stars.”

V. 13: The refrain, “Which of your Lord’s favors will you both deny?” addressed to both men and Jinn is weaved into descriptions of the Afterlife. The word “both” is essential to pre­serve the Arabic dual number. The refrain seems to intrude from some higher plane. Compare: “O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks to the Lords of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever...” (Ps.136:1-3).

V. 15: The Jinn are made from a nobler material than men.

V. 17: The plurals of “East” and “West” make sense because the sun rises and sets at dif­ferent points on the horizon with two extreme points during the year (S.70:40).

V. 29: In Glory or in Deeds.

V. 31: The “two burdensome burdens” are men and Jinn. Comp.:

We will find leisure to judge you, O ye men and jinn (JMR).

Soon shall We // Settle your affairs, // O both ye worlds! (AYA).

We shall finish off both loads for you (TBI).

Soon We will apply Ourselves to you, O you two armies (MHS).

V. 37: “Reddens like leather” or like overheated fat.

V. 39: It will be too late to ask about their sins.

V. 44: The condemned sinners will be deprived of rest.

V. 46: “Their Lord’s Judgment,” lit. “their Lord’s Standing.” One Garden for Muslim men and one for Muslim Jinn; or one for those nearest to God and one for the other righteous.

V. 60: It is significant that the prescription for virtue follows after the mention of the huris in vv. 56-59.

V. 62: These two Gardens are apparently for those nearest to God; then for whom are the other two? The right perception of a religious text requires immersion in its spiritual and mys­tical content much more than its logical analysis.

V. 70: The righteous will not be deprived of the ability of appreciating loveliness. In later suras, they will be in the company of their wives; indeed, beauty is a feminine attribute. Many verses of the Koran are devoted to beauty: they are beautiful by themselves to hear and to read and they celebrate the splendor of nature. The strongest proofs of the existence of God and His compassion are based on the attraction of man to beauty.

Sura 68 The Pen. Like S.96, this complex sura begins with the mention of the pen. It has six parts: 1) a short oath; 1) words of encouragement to the Prophet (vv. 2­16); 3) a parable about the men who failed to recognize God's will in human affairs (vv. 17' 33); 4) an admonition to the disbelievers and a prediction of their fate (vv. 34'45); 5) a second passage of encouragement to the Prophet with a reference to Jonah (vv. 46'50); and 6) a conclusion (vv. 51'52).

68.       T H E P E N

Meccan, 52 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Nun. [I swear] by the pen and by what they write!

2.     — [O Muhammad!] By the grace of your Lord, you are not insane!

3.      Verily, a sure reward is in store for you,

4.      for you have a noble character.

5.      Soon you shall see, and they shall see

6.      which among you is insane!

7.      Verily, your Lord knows best

who has strayed away from His path, and He knows best who follows the Guidance.

8.      So, do not yield to the disbelievers!

9.      They want you to yield [first], then they would yield.

10.     But do not yield to any despicable swearer,

11.     slanderer, peddler of calumny,

12.     enemy of the good, foe and transgressor,

13.     violent, and impure of birth as well,

14.     even if he has money and sons!

15.     When Our Verses are recited to him, he says:

“Some fables of the Old!”

16.     — Soon We will brand him on the snout!

17.     Verily, We will test them,

as We have tested the owners of the orchard

who decided to harvest in the morning, 18* but forgot to acknowledge [God’s Will].

19* [An Envoy] of your Lord came in their sleep,

20.      and at dawn [their orchard] was bare!

21.      In the morning they called to one another:

22.      “Hurry up to your orchard if you want to harvest!”

23.      They set off, whispering among themselves: 24*“Today we won’t let any indigent in!”

25.      They started the morning with this resolve,

26.      but when they saw everything, they said:

“Truly, we’ve sinned,

27.      and we’ve suffered a loss!”

28* One of the more reasonable among them said:

“Didn’t I tell you to glorify [God]?”

29.      They said:

“Glory to our Lord! Indeed, we were wrong!”

30.      And they began blaming one another,

31.      saying:

“Woe to us, we’ve really transgressed!

32.      Maybe Our Lord would give us another garden

better than this one if we turned to Him!”

33* Such was their retribution,

but their punishment in the Hereafter shall be still harsher, if they only knew!

34.   Verily, the God-fearing shall be with their Lord in the Gardens of Bliss.

35.      Would We treat Muslims and sinners alike?

36.      What is the matter with you, how do you judge?

37.      Or does your Scripture teach you

38.      that you will get anything you choose?

39.      Or have We pledged to you

that before Resurrection Day

you will get everything you demand?

40.      Ask them, who can vouch for that?

41* Are they not the ones who associate partners [to God]

Then, let them produce their partners

if they are telling the truth!

42* On the Day when their knees are laid bare

and they are told to bow,

they will not be able [to do it].

43. Overcome with shame, they shall lower their stare: indeed, they have been called to bow when they were sound!

44.      Then leave to Me those who reject these words.

We will chastise them in stages

from where they do not expect.

45.      I will give them a respite,

but, verily, final is My Decision!

46.      — [O Muhammad!] Are you asking them for a fee

when they are mired in debt?

47.   Or do they own the Unseen so well that they can write [about it]?

48*So wait patiently for your Lord’s Ruling!

And do not be like the companion of the whale

who called to [God] only when in trouble.

49.      Had it not been for his Lord’s mercy,

he would have been cast, in shame, on a deserted shore.

50.      But his Lord chose him and made him righteous.

51.      The disbelievers are ready to stare you down

when they hear the Reminder. They say:

“He’s really insane!”

52.      And this is just a Reminder to the Worlds!

V. 1: “What they write” — presumably, what people write. To avoid a possible anachronism, “pen” could be replaced by “writing reed.” However, as “the pen” creates a certain mystical tone, it is not necessary to look for the historical and linguistic “truth” in translation. Literalness may blur the meaning.

V. 18: By forgetting to say “If God wills” (in sha'-allah) or “As God wills” (ma sha'-allah), the owners of the orchards violated an obligation a Muslim must constantly keep in mind: to acknowledge that nothing ever happens without God’s permission.

V. 19f: The owners of the orchards were punished for their self-reliance. Muslims rely on God so fully that they are often blamed by foreigners for being slow and irresolute in making decisions.

V. 24: The owners are guilty of harshness towards the poor.

V. 28: “One of the more reasonable among them,” lit., “the average among them.”

V. 33: “If they only knew!” i.e., “if they only had spiritual insight!” is one of the exclama­tions characteristic for the Koran.

V. 41: Sin thrives when “partners” are associated to God: this aberration blurs and dis­torts the very idea of One sovereign God, and dilutes personal responsibility.

V. 42: A person rendered vulnerable by some disaster is said to have bare knees.

Vv. 48f: “The companion of the whale” is the Biblical Jonas.

“When in trouble” — when he was swallowed by the whale.

Sura 50 [The Letter] Qaf. S.50 is named after the letter “qaf” it starts with. It consists of six main themes: 1) a one-verse oath by the Koran (v.1); 2) warnings that blend into a Sign passage (vv. 2-11); 3) a reference to Biblical and Arab Prophets (vv. 12-14); 4) a description of the death of a man (vv. 17-19); 5) a depiction of the Last Day and a Warning to man (vv. 20-37); and 6) an advice to the Prophet about praying and dealing with his opponents (vv. 38-45).

Henceforward the reader will be helped to unravel only the most intricate passages. Breaking the text into all its separate items may hinder the assimilation of the sura and compromise the understanding of the Koran as a complex, yet complete entity.

50.      [The Letter] Q A F
Meccan, 45 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Qaf.

[I swear] by the glorious Koran!

2.      The disbelievers were surprised

when a Warner came to them from their midst.

They said:

“What a strange thing!

3* Is it possible that after we die and turn into dust...

What an unexpected turn!”

4* We know how much of [their bodies] will be reclaimed by the soil — indeed, We keep a reliable Record!

5.     But they denied the Truth when it came to them, and now they are in disarray.

6.     Do they not see the sky above them: how We built it,

how We decorated it without any flaws?

7.     And the earth: how We spread it out, how We arranged mountains on it,

how We grew on it a multitude of splendid pairs

8.     for everyone who turns [to God] to see and remember.

9.      We pour blessed water down from the sky.

With its help We grow gardens and fields,

10.     and tall palm trees with rows of fruit clusters

11* to serve as provisions for [Our] servants!

Thus We revive the dead lands, and such will be the Resurrection!

12* The people of Noah denied before them, and so did the dwellers of Ar-rass, [the people of] Thamood,

13.     [the people of] ’Ad,

[the people of] Pharaoh, the brethren of Lot,

14.     the dwellers of Al-’aika, and the people of Tubba’ —

they all rejected the Messengers.

Thus My Warning came true!

15.     Why do they doubt the new Creation?

Did the first Creation exhaust Us?

16* Indeed, We have created man,

and We know what his soul whispers to him.

Indeed, We are closer to him than his jugular vein!

17* When the two Receiving [Angels] will sit to his right and to his left,

18* he will not say a word, but a keen Observer will be at his side.

19.  Truth will be revealed to him at the stupor of death — this is what you tried to avoid!

20.  The trumpet shall be blown and the Promised Day will arrive!

21* All the souls shall come forth, each with a Driver and a Witness.

22.  You have not expected it, but We removed your veil, and sharp is your sight today!

23* His Qarina shall say:

“This is what I have [on him]...”

24* — Cast into Hell every stubborn disbeliever

25.      who obstructs virtue,

transgresses the limits, sows doubts,

26* and associates another god with God! Submit him to a severe punishment!

27.     His Qarina shall say:

“O our Lord! It’s not I who led him into sin, he went far astray all by himself!”

28.      [God] will say:

— Do not argue before Me. Indeed, I warned you,

29.      and My Word is unbending!

I shall never be unjust to [My] servants.

30.      But the Day when We say to Hellfire:

— Are you full?, it shall say: “There is room for some more!”

31.  And the God-fearing? Paradise shall approach them and will not be so far [anymore].

32.  This is what had been promised to every one who turned to [God] and kept [His Word],

33.  who feared the Compassionate deep in his soul and brought [to Him] a devoted heart.

34.      Enter in peace — today is the Day of Eternity!

35.  They will find therein everything they desire, and We will give it to them, and even some more!

36.  How many generations have We destroyed before them that were stronger than they,

but wandered in the land without a place to hide!

37* Verily, this is a Reminder

for anyone who has a heart,

who listens and observes.

38* We have created the Heavens and the earth

and what is in between in six days,

and tiredness has not touched Us!

39.      — [O Muhammad!] Bear patiently everything they say,

and glorify your Lord with praise

before sunrise and before sunset.

40.      Glorify Him part of the night and after the prostrations.

41.      Wait for the Day

when the call of the Calling [Angel] is [heard] nearby,

42.      for the Day when they hear the Shout —

truly, that shall be the Resurrection Day!

43.  Verily, We give life and death, and to Us is [your] return!

44.      On the Day when the earth is split open

by those who rush out [of their graves],

it will be easy for Us to round them up!

45* — [O Muhammad!],

We know best what they are saying,

and you cannot submit them by force.

So remind by the Koran

any one who dreads My Threat!

V. 1: Qaf is the name of a letter, not to be confused with a legendary mountain Qaf pur­ported to encircle the world.

V. 3: Koranic ellipses are preserved as suspension signs.

V. 4: The decayed parts of the body are absorbed by the soil, while the bones are well pre­served in dry climate.

V. 7: “How We grew on it a multitude of splendid pairs” — apparently a reference to sex in plants.

V. 11: The dead shall come forth from under the ground (v. 44).

V. 12: Ar-rass was a community in the realm of the Thamood.

V. 16: The Muslims believe in the close mystic union between God and man. God is ever present in the conscience and soul of His ward. While man is asleep, his spirit is drawn still nearer to his Creator, and as he wakes up, he returns enriched by his dreams. It is natural, therefore, to seek God first within oneself.

V. 17: The two Angels are the ones who carry away the soul of a dead person (S.96:18).

V. 18: The Observer is the Angel or the Demon of the dying person who cannot sin after losing the ability to speak because thoughts cannot be sinful as long as they are not verbalized. Thus animals can never transgress God’s Laws.

V. 21: The Driver and the Witness are two Angels. They seem to be the same as the two Receiving Angels of v. 17.

V. 23f: Each person has two companions: a Recording Angel and a personal Demon of the opposite sex (men have a feminine counterpart, a Qarina, and women have a masculine coun­terpart, a Qarin). These Demons obviously belong to the progeny of Satan and personify man’s attraction to evil. The evildoers and their Qarins/Qarinas will be cast into Hell together. Only the Prophets Muhammad and Jesus have subdued their Qarinas into submission to God.

V. 24: “Cast” is addressed to two Angels; so is the order to “submit” in v.26.

V. 26: Warnings about polytheism are now ubiquitous.

V. 37: “Who observes” or “is a witness” (to the Truth or to the fall of the guilty cities).

V. 38: “And tiredness has not touched Us” — Muslims do not believe that God needed to rest after Creation: indeed, how could the Omnipotent ever feel tired?

V. 45: The duty of the Prophet is not to coerce people, but to persuade them with the help of the Koran.

SURA 53 The STAR. S.53 deserves particular attention. It consists of several sections different in subject, versification, and rhythm. Prominent among these sections are the two visions of the Prophet: Gabriel, descending from Heaven with a portion of the Holy Koran, and the boundary of the Unseen at the Sidrah-tree (vv. 2'18).

Vv. 19'20 refute the divinity of A—lat, A— 'uzza and Manat, the three feminine idols which were worshiped as daughters of God.

53.      T H E S T A R

Meccan, 62 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by the star when it sets!

2* Your companion did not lose his way and did not go astray!

3.     He does not speak for himself,

4.      but reveals the inspiration that inspired him.

5* He was taught by someone great in power,

6.     full of wisdom, who stood upright

7.     in the highest horizon.

8.     Then he descended and approached

9.      within two bow shots or nearer,

10* and inspired to His servant what He inspired.

11.    His heart did not deceive him about what he saw!

12.     So, why do you argue with him about his vision?

13* He saw [the Spirit] at the second descent

14* by the farthest Sidrah-tree

15* near the Garden of Salvation,

16.     by the Sidrah-tree enshrouded in what enshrouded it.

17.     His eyes neither strayed nor faltered.

18.     Verily, he saw the greatest Sign of his Lord!

19* And you, have you seen

[the goddesses] Al-lat and Al-’Uzza, 20*and the third one, Manat?

21* Is it possible that male [children] are for you, and the female are for Him?

22.      Unfair is such a distinction!

23.      These are nothing but names

that you and your fathers gave them.

God did not send any authority down to them.

They follow nothing but guesses

and their souls’ desires,

albeit they have received the Guidance of their Lord!

24.      Will man ever get all he wants?

25* To God belongs the beginning and the end!

26.   Whatever the number of Angels in Heaven, their intercession would be worthless

if God did not allow it to whom He pleases and to whom He approves of.

27.   Verily, only those who deny the Hereafter name Angels after females.

28.   They have no knowledge about it, they only guess, but guesses cannot prevail against the Truth!

29.   — [O Muhammad!] Withdraw from those who turn away from Our Reminder,

who crave only the life of this world.

30.      Their knowledge stops there!

Verily, God knows best who strayed from His path, and He knows best who accepted the Guidance.

31.      To God belongs everything in Heavens and on earth.

He will reward the wrong-doers according to their deeds and He will reward with goodness those who do good works.

32.   Your Lord is truly generous in forgiving those who avoid serious sins and abominations and are guilty only of light offenses.

He knows all about you

since the time He has created you from dirt, and you were embryos in your mothers’ wombs.

So do not justify yourselves,

indeed, He knows best who of you is God-fearing!

33* Have you seen the one who turns away,

34.      gives sparingly and lacks benevolence?

35.      Does he know the Unseen, can he encompass [it]?

36.      Has he not heard from the writings of Moses

37* and Abraham — the faithful [to the law] —

38.     that the one who carries a burden

should not carry some one else’s burden;

39.      that man will get only what he aspires to;

40.      that his striving will soon bear fruit,

41.      and that then he shall get a full reward;

42.      that your Lord is the final destination;

43.      that He grants laughter and grief;

44*that He grants death and life;

45.      that He has created spouses in pairs, male and female,

46.      from a sheltered sperm drop;

47* that upon Him is the Second Creation;

48.      that He enriches and satisfies;

49*that He is the Lord of Sirius;

50.      that He had destroyed the ancient ’Ad

51.      and Thamood without mercy,

52.      and earlier, the people of Noah,

the worst sinners and transgressors;

53* that He had destroyed the overturned [cities]

54.      which were buried under what buried them.

55* About which of your Lord’s favors

will you still contend?

56.      [Muhammad] is a Warner

like [all] the Warners of the past.

57* You are being overtaken by the approaching event,

58.      but nobody, except God, can disclose its [time].

59.      Are you not amazed by this Revelation?

60.      You should cry, yet you are laughing

61.      and wasting your time!

62.      So prostrate yourselves before God and worship Him!

V. 1: “When it sets” or “when it rises.”

V. 2: “Your companion” is the Prophet Muhammad.

V. 5: “Someone great in power” is the Angel Gabriel. “Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation. And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give you skill and understanding” (Dan. 9:21-22).

V. 10: “And inspired to His servant what He inspired” is a typical Arabic expression in which, for emphasis, a verb is repeated or followed by its verbal noun (see vv. 16, 54 and 57). Such cognate accusatives are common in Arabic and rare in English.

V. 13: Prophetic missions are accompanied by visions. We are told only how they occurred; their meaning and results are omitted.

V. 14: According to legend, the Sidrah-tree is covered with a veil made of/by Angels: a startling eschatological image.

V. 15: “Garden of Salvation” or Garden of Serenity, or Garden of the Presence of God... Sometimes it is not possible to find even a remote equivalent of an Arabic word, especially if it has several different meanings, but it is important to use words that bolster devotion to God.

Vv. 19f: In the mind of the idolaters, Al-lat manifested itself as the full moon, Manat as the new moon, and Al-’uzza as a combination of the two. According to Abu-Ja’far Al-Tabari (X-th century), the Prophet initially tolerated the devotion to the three fertility goddesses, and then forbade their cult.

Vv. 20-28: These verses could have been garbled somewhat by the editors, whose work was made difficult by the plausible existence of several versions of the same texts and the sensi­tivity of the matter. Logically, one should read these verses in this order:

23.     These are nothing but names

that you and your fathers gave them.

God did not send them down any authority.

They follow nothing but guesses and [their] souls’ desires, albeit they have received the Guidance of their Lord!

27.  Verily, only those who deny the Hereafter give to the Angels the names of females.

28.  They have no knowledge about it, they only guess, but guesses cannot prevail against the Truth!

21* Is it possible that male [children] are for you, and the female are for Him?

22.     Unfair is such a distinction!

The length of these verses and vv. 29-32 that follow suggests that they are late insertions or modifications. According to the Koran, God can change His Scripture at will (S.87:6-7).

Vv. 21-22: In a society where the birth of a boy was considered to be the result of God’s blessing, the attribution of daughters to God was particularly blasphemous.

V. 25: “The beginning and the end” or “the first [life]” and the Hereafter.

Vv. 33f: A return to the cadence of the first verses.

V. 37: One can surmise that Abraham had received a part of the divine Scripture before Moses.

V. 44: The chronological order of events is irrelevant.

V. 47: The second Creation is the Resurrection of the dead.

V. 49: Sirius, the brightest star, was worshiped by pagans.

V. 53: “The overturned cities” are Sodom and Gomorrah.

V. 55: A slightly modified refrain of S.55.

V. 57: The approaching Event is death or Judgment Day.

Sura 36 [The Letters] Ya Seen. Called by the Prophet “the heart of the Koran, ” this sura is often recited at funerals. It speaks of the fate of the sinners and of their double punishment on earth and in Heaven. Its structure is complicated and tumultuous; appeals to righteousness alternate with warnings. S.36 features a lengthy parable (vv. 13'27) about some allegorical Messengers, probably inspired by the New Tcs- tament (the Evangel, as it is called in the Koran).

36.       [The Letters] Y A S E E N
Meccan, 83 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Ya seen.

2.     [I swear] by the wise Koran!

3.     Indeed, you are one of the Messengers

4.      on the straight path.

5.      This is a Revelation from the Mighty, the Compassionate 6* to make you warn a people

whose fathers have not received a Warning and remained carefree.

7.     The Word [of God] came true against most of them, but they still do not believe.

8.     We have tied chains ’round their necks up to their chins to force their heads up.

9.     We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them,

and We have veiled them to prevent them from seeing.

10.     Warn them or warn them not, they will not believe!

11* You can warn only someone who follows the Reminder and secretly fears the Compassionate.

So give him the good news of a pardon and a noble reward!

12.     Verily, We shall raise the dead!

We write down in a clear record what they have brought forth and the traces they have left behind.

We have recorded everything in the clear Original [Record]!

13.   Give them the example of the dwellers of a town that had been visited by Messengers.

14.   We had sent them two [of them], but they rejected them both.

Then We sent them a third one in support.

They all said:

“We’ve been truly sent to you.”

15.     [The people] said:

“You’re men like us.

The Compassionate hasn’t sent anything!

You do nothing but lie!”

16.     [The Messengers] said:

“Our Lord knows that we’ve been sent to you.

17.     Our only duty is to deliver a clear Message.”

18* [The people] said:

“For us you’re a bad omen.

If you don’t give up, we’ll surely stone you

and inflict upon you a grievous punishment!”

19.     [The Messengers] said:

“Your omens concern you alone.

Have you not been warned? —

Indeed you’re a people transgressing all bounds!”

20.   A man came running from the end of the city and said: “O my people, obey the Messengers!

21* Obey those who don’t ask you for a fee and are guided right!

22.   How wouldn’t I worship the One, Who has created me,

and to Whom you shall all return?

23.      Why should I take other gods beside Him?

Their intercession wouldn’t help me a bit.

They wouldn’t save me

if the Compassionate wished to hurt me,

24.      and, indeed, I’d be in obvious error.

25.      I believe in your Lord, so listen to me!”

26.      [He] was told:

— Enter the Garden!

He said:

“Ah! If only my people knew

27.      that my Lord forgave me

and made me join the honorable ones!”

28.      After that We did not send

Our Heavenly Hosts against his people — We did not have to send them down!

29.      Only one Shout, and they were snuffed out!

30.      Woe to [My] slaves!

Indeed, as soon as a Messenger comes to them, they mock him.

31* Do they not see how many generations that shall never return

We have destroyed before them?

32. Verily, they shall be all brought before Us!

33* Let a Sign for them be the dead earth

and how We revive it,

how We grow upon it the grain they consume,

34.   how We raise upon it gardens with date-palms and vines,

and make therein springs gush forth,

35.   how We let them consume the fruit that have not been made by their hands.

So why are they so ungrateful?

36.   Glory to Him, Who has created in pairs everything the earth brings forth:

people and much of what they are not aware of.

37* A Sign for them is the night.

When We withdraw from it the day,

they remain in darkness.

38.   The sun hastens on its prescribed course, that the Mighty, the Knowing, has decreed.

39.   We measured stations along the path of the moon, and when it returns,

it looks like a dried palm branch.

40.   The sun cannot overtake the moon, the night cannot overtake the day,

and everything sails on the celestial sphere.

41.      [Another] Sign for them

is that We carried their kind on a loaded ark.

42.   We built for them similar [ships] to let them sail upon them.

43.   Had it pleased Us, We would have drowned them all, and nobody would have helped them.

They would not have been saved

44.      without Our mercy

and would not have enjoyed [life] a little longer.

45*They were told:

“If you fear what was before you and what will be after you, then, perhaps, you will be pardoned.”

46.   But not a single Sign of the Signs of their Lord had come to them that they have not rejected.

47.      They were told:

“Contribute of what God has given to you.”

But the disbelievers say to the believers:

“Why should we feed the ones that God could feed if He pleased?” Indeed, you are in plain error!

48.      And they also say:

“When will the promise come true if you’re telling the truth?”

49.   They can expect nothing but a Shout, which shall overtake them

in the midst of their disputes!

50.   They will have no time to draw a will or to return to their families!

51.      At the sound of the trumpet,

they will rush from their graves to their Lord,

52.      saying:

“Oh, woe to us! Who raised us up from our place of repose?”

— But this is what the Compassionate had promised, and the Messengers have been telling the truth!

53.      Verily, just one Shout,

and they shall be all brought before Us.

54.   No soul on that Day shall be wronged in the least, and you shall be repaid only for your deeds.

55* Verily, on that Day the dwellers of the Garden shall rejoice at their work.

56*They shall recline with their spouses on thrones in the shade,

57.   where they shall have fruit and everything they ask for.

58.      And the Word of the Merciful Lord will be: Peace!

59.      On this Day, you, sinners, step aside!

60.      O children of Adam!

Have I not ordered you not to worship Satan, your open enemy,

61.      but to worship Me?

This is the right path.

62.   [Satan] has led astray many of you, will you not comprehend?

63.      Here is Hellfire that has been promised to you!

64.      You shall enter it today for your disbelief!

65*On this Day We will seal their mouths to let them speak to Us with their hands and witness about their deeds with their feet.

66.      If it pleased Us,

We would blind their eyes to let them grope for their path! But then, how would they see?

67.      If it pleased Us,

We would chain them to their place!

But then, how would they advance or return?

68* We cripple the bodies of those to whom We grant a long life. Will they not understand?

69.   We have not taught poetry [to Muhammad] — that is not proper for him!

This is a Reminder and a lucid Koran

70.      to warn the living

and denounce the disbelievers.

71.   Do they not see the cattle in their possession among the things We have made with Our hands?

72.      We tamed them for them,

some for riding, some for eating,

73.      and for other uses and drinks.

Then, why are they so ungrateful?

74.   Why have they taken other gods besides God and hoped that these would help them?

75* But they will not be able to help when they are driven all in one troop!

76. So, do not let their words grieve you —

indeed, We know very well

what they hide and what they reveal.

77.     Is it not plain to man

that We have created him from sperm?

And yet, he is [Our] staunch opponent

78.   when he makes Us equal to others and forgets how he was created. He says:

“Who can revive some rotten bones?”

79.     Say:

“They can be revived by the One,

Who has created them from the beginning and is well informed about the whole creation.

80.      He is the One, who gives you the fire

from the green trees that you use for kindling.

81.      Is the Creator of the Heavens and the earth

unable to create [others] like them?” Yes, He can!

Indeed, He is the Creator, the All-Knowing.

82.      If He wills a thing, He says to it:

— Be! And it appears.

83.      So glorify the One,

Who holds all things in His Hands — indeed, to Him you shall return!

V. 1: The rhyme “een” and “oon” of the sura lends it a tone of sorrow, often appropriate for the recitation of the Koran.

V. 6: The ancestors lived under the preceding Revelations as Christians or Jews; the people who had not received these Revelations directly live under the third Revelation — the Koran.

V. 11: A preacher succeeds when the audience is already on his side. “Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice” (John, 18:37).

V. 18: “Omen” or “bird” — birds were used in divination.

V. 21: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel... “ (1 Thess. 4:16).

Vv. 33f: The Koran convinces people by Signs (S.74:16). Any manifestation of God’s power and benevolence is also a Sign. One Sign should suffice to convert a disbeliever. In reality this is not so; hence the disappointment: “So why are they not thankful?”

The Koran mentions the Signs about three hundred times. Each verse can be considered as a Sign, and the Koran as a collection of Signs. All the manifestations of Nature, all the crea­tures, are Divine Signs carrying part of God’s Revelation.

V. 37: Darkness ensues when the day is withdrawn from the night. Obviously, what is meant here is spiritual darkness.

V. 45: “If you fear what was before you and what will be after you,” i.e., if you fear the past and the future, or the punishment on earth and the punishment in the Hereafter.

V. 55: People will experience full lives in Heaven without any set-backs and disappoint­ments. However, We do not know how closely life in Heaven will resemble life on earth.

V. 56: It has already been said that the believers will be joined in Paradise by their believing children (S.52:21).

V. 65: “Their deeds,” lit., “what they have earned.”

V. 68: “We cripple the bodies” — We make them feeble.

V. 75: The pagans will be judged together with their idols.

III.     Stories about the Prophets

Sura 37 T he Ranks. The third group of suras contains stories about Bib' lical and Arabian Prophets. The stories are extremely stylized because what matters is not the event, but its message. There is little concern for the temporal sequence of events; only an occasional phrase or word identifies the characters, the time, and the place. The protag' onists are all alike, be they Noah's family or ancient Arabs.

In spite of its length, S.37 is remarkable for its smooth transitions and uniform rhythm and style. Judging by its opening oath and short verses, it is one of the oldest suras, but with so many references to the Associators it may be seen as an introduction to the next group ofsuras: IV. Attitude toward the Other Religions.

S.37 consists of a short oath, a doxology, a story about the mischiefs of the Demons, a Sign and a Warning passage, a defense of the Prophet, and a description of the Hereafter. The sura centers on Noah, Abraham, Moses and Aaron, Elias (Elijah), Lot and Jonas. It ends with a Warning to the Associators and a doxology.

37.      T H E R A N K S

Meccan, 182 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by those who stand in ranks,

2.      who relentlessly fight back

3.      and recite the Reminder!

4.      Verily, your God is One!

5* He is the Lord of the Heavens and earth and what is in between.

He is the Lord of the Easts!

6. Verily, We have bedecked the lower sky with stars for splendor

7* and for protection against all the rebellious Satans

8* to prevent them from overhearing the Heavenly Conclave. They are assailed from everywhere,

9. and if they do not retreat, they shall get an everlasting punishment!

10* And if anyone of them steals [a single word], he will be pursued by a blinding flame!

11.   — [O Muhammad!] Ask them whom it was more difficult to create: them or the other creatures We have made?

Indeed, We have made them from sticky clay.

12.     You wonder, but they sneer;

13.     they are reminded, but they do not remember.

14.     And when they see a Sign, they scoff at it

15* and say: “This is plain magic!

16.   Is it possible that we shall be raised after we die and become dust and bones,

17.     we, and our forefathers too?”

18.     Say:

“Yes, and you’ll be covered with shame!”

19* Just one Shout, and they will open their eyes,

20.      and they shall say:

“Woe to us, Judgment Day has come!”

21.      Yes, this is the Day of Selection you used to deny!

22.   [O Angels!], round up the wrong-doers, their wives and whatever they worshiped

23.      besides God!

Lead them on the road to the Blazing Fire,

24.      then stop them and ask:

25.   “What is the matter with you, why don’t you help one another?”

26.      Yes, today they are submissive.

27.      Accusing one another,

28* they say:

“It’s you who forced us!”

29.      [The latter] say:

“No, you were faithless yourselves!

30.   We had no power over you — indeed, you’re a people of rebels!

31* Now the Word of our Lord against us has come true, and we’ll taste [the punishment] for sure.

32.     We misled you, and we ourselves went astray.”

33.     Verily, on that Day they shall share the punishment!

34.      Verily, this is how We deal with the sinners!

35.   Verily, when told that there is no god except God, they bristled with pride

36* and said:

“What! Shall we leave our gods for the sake of a demented poet?”

37. But no! He came with the Truth to vindicate the Messengers.

38.     Verily, you shall taste a painful punishment

39.      in retribution for all you have done —

40.      [you], but not the devoted servants of God!

41.      Their allotted provision

42*is the fruit [of their deeds]. They are honored

43.      in the Gardens of Bliss.

44.      They face one another on couches.

45.      A cup from a fountain is passed around

46.      with clear water, delicious to drink,

47.      that does not inebriate nor fatigue.

48*With them are the wide-eyed ones with modest gazes,

49.      like guarded eggs!

50.      They will turn to one another with questions.

51* One of them will say:

“I had a friend

52.      who said: ‘Were you one of those who believed

53.      that we’ll be brought to judgment

after we died and became dust and bones?’”

54.      He will hear:

— Look [at him]!

55.      He will look and see him in the midst of the Fire;

56.      he will say:

“By God! You’ve almost caused my ruin!

57.      If it weren’t for my Lord’s favor,

I’d have been brought into it myself!

58.      We’ll not die

59.      after the first death,

and we’ll avoid the punishment!”

60.      Verily, this will be a great achievement

61.      For the sake of it, let all the toilers toil!

62.      Is this reward not better than the Zakkum-tree

63* of which We made an ordeal for the wrong-doers?

64*This tree grows from the depth of Hellfire,

65.      and its fruits resemble the heads of Satans.

66.      Verily, they shall consume it, filling their bellies,

67.      washing it down with a boiling drink

68.      before they are returned into the Blazing Fire.

69.      They found that their fathers were deep in error,

70.      and now, they are driven in their footsteps!

71.      Many of their forefathers had gone astray before,

72.      even though We were sending them Warners.

73.      And now see the end of those who were warned,

74.      but not those who dutifully served God!

75* Noah called to Us, the best of Respondents.

76.      We saved him and his family from a mighty distress

77.      and spared his offspring.

78.      With his posterity We left [the greeting]:

79.     Peace upon Noah in the Worlds!

80.      This is how we reward those who do good —

81.      indeed, he was one of Our believing servants.

82.      And then We drowned all the others.

83.      One of his successors was Abraham.

84.      He used to approach his Lord with a pure heart.

85.      Once he said to his father and to his folks:

“What are you worshiping?

86.      You deceive yourselves

when you look for other gods besides God!

87.      What’s your idea of the Lord of the Worlds?”

88* He glanced at the stars

89.      and said:

“I’m really sick!”

90.      They turned away from him and departed.

91.      Then he approached their gods and said:

“Why don’t you eat?

92* What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you talk?”

93.   And he approached closer, hitting them with his right hand.

94.      When [the people] hurried back to him,

95.      he said:

“How can you worship what you’ve carved yourselves?

96.      It’s God, Who created you and everything you’ve made!”

97.      They said:

“Build a furnace and cast him into the blazing fire!”

98.      And they started plotting against him.

99.      [Abraham] said:

“Verily, I’m turning to my Lord,

and He will show me the right way.

100.O my Lord! Give me a righteous [son]!”

101. And We cheered him up with the news of a gentle boy.

102*When his son was old enough to share his work,

[Abraham] said to him:

“O my Son! I saw in a dream that I sacrificed you.

Tell me, what do you think of that?”

[The son] said:

“O my Father! Act as you were told.

You’ll find me compliant if God wills.”

103. When they submitted themselves [to God’s Will], and [Abraham] laid [his son] face down,

104.     We called to him:

— O Abraham!

105.     You have fulfilled [your] vision!

This is how We reward those who do good.

106.     Verily, that was a real test!

107.     We ransomed [his son] with a splendid victim,

108.     and with the posterity We left [the greeting]:

109.     — Peace upon Abraham!

110.     This is how we reward those who do good —

111.     indeed, he was one of Our believing servants.

112.    We gave him the good news of Isaac,

a Prophet among the righteous,

113.    and We blessed both him and Isaac.

Among their offspring some did right, and [others] openly wronged their souls.

114.     We bestowed a favor upon Moses and Aaron:

115.     We rescued them and their people from a great distress.

116.     We helped them, and they were successful.

117.     We gave them a lucid Scripture

118.     and guided them on the right way.

119.     And with the posterity We left [the greeting]:

120.     — Peace upon Moses and Aaron!

121.     This is how we reward those who do good —

122.indeed, they were both Our believing servants.

123.     Verily, Elias was one of the Messengers.

124.     He said to his people:

“Don’t you fear God?

125.     How can you invoke Baal

and forsake the best of Creators —

126.     God, your Lord and your forefathers’ Lord!”

127.     But they rejected him.

They will surely be called [to punishment],

128.     but not the devoted servants of God.

129.     And with the posterity We left [the greeting]:

130* — Peace upon Eliacin!”

131.    This is how we reward those who do good —

132.     indeed, he was one of Our believing servants.

133.     Verily, Lot was one of the Messengers.

134.     We rescued him and all of his family,

135.     except an old woman who lagged behind.

136.     Then, We destroyed the others.

137.     You pass by [their ruins] mornings

138.     and nights, so why do you not understand?

139.     Verily, Jonas was one of the Messengers.

140.     He fled on a laden ship,

141.     and he lost at throwing lots.

142.     A fish swallowed him — indeed, he was to blame!

143.     Had he not been of those who praised Us,

144.     he would have stayed in its belly till Resurrection Day.

145.     We cast him sick on a barren shore,

146.     and We grew over him a plant, a kind of gourd.

147.     We sent him to a hundred thousand people or more,

148.     and We gave them a reprieve after they trusted him.

149* — [O Muhammad!] Ask them if it is possible

that daughters were for your Lord and sons for themselves?

150.Have We created the Angels female, and have they witnessed [it]?

151.    But no! All they say are inventions.

152.     “God begat...” They are liars, indeed!

153.     Could He have preferred daughters to sons?

154.     What is wrong with you if such is your belief?

155.     Why do you not wisen up,

156.     or do you have some clear authority?

157.     Then produce your scripture if you are telling the truth!

158.     They invented a kinship between [God] and the Jinn,

albeit the Jinn know that they shall be judged.

159*Glory to God! [Exalted He is] above what th ey associate,

160.     but not His devoted servants!

161.     Verily, you and whatever you worship

162.     cannot mislead [anyone] about Him —

163.     indeed, you shall burn in the Blazing Fire!

164.     Everyone has a designated place.

165.     Verily, we are standing in ranks.

166.     Verily, we glorify [Him]!

167.     Some of them say:

168.     “Had the Reminder come to us from our forefathers,

169.     surely, we would have been devoted servants of God.”

170.     But they rejected [the Koran], and soon they shall know!

171.     Our Word has preceded Our servants, the Messengers,

172.     that they shall be helped,

173.     and that, verily, Our hosts shall overcome!

174.     Turn away from them for a while,

175*then look at them again,

and soon they shall look back [at you]!

176.     Are they not hastening Our punishment?

177.     But when it descends in their court,

evil shall be that morning for those who were warned!

178.     Turn away from them for a while,

179.     then look at them again,

and soon they shall look back [at you]!

180.     Glory to your Lord, the Lord of Greatness.

[Exalted He is] above what they ascribe [to Him].

181.     Peace to the Messengers,

182.     and praised be God, the Lord of the Worlds!

Vv. 1-3: The Angels stand in ranks to repel the Demons.

V. 5: About the plural of “East,” cf. S.55:17.

V. 7: About the rebellious Satans or Jinn, cf. S.72:1f.

V. 8: “There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves to the Lord, and Satan came also among them” (Job, 1:6).

V. 10: The “blinding flame” might be a meteor.

V. 15: Pretending that the Signs are feats of magic is disbelieving in God.

V. 19: “A Shout” or a “frightening cry.”

V. 28: “It’s you who forced us!,” lit., “it’s you who came to us from the right [side].” The adjective “right” is applied to everything pure, righteous, beneficent. The word “left” charac­terizes everything impure, evil, rebuked. For example, the people of the right hand are the righ­teous and the people of the left hand are the sinners. Another example: Abraham hits the idols with his right, virtuous hand (v.93). Theologians believe that God has two right hands; He uses either His right hand (S.39:67) or both hands.

V. 31: “The Word ... has come true” or “we have been judged.”

Vv. 31 and 32: These verses could be switched around.

V. 36: Crazy, majnun, i.e., possessed by the Jinn.

V. 42: “The fruit [of their deeds]”: their spiritual gifts.

V. 48: Here the Huris are described, but not called by name (cf. S.52:20; S.56:35-37).

V. 51: “The friend” is called here “a qarina” (cf. S.50).

V. 63: “An ordeal” — fitna, a word with many meanings: trial, judgment, or the choice between good and evil. At the beginning it also meant persecution; later on it was used to des­ignate revolt or civil war.

V. 64: From “the bottom” or from “the root” of Hell.

Vv. 88-89: To be left alone, Abraham pretended to be sick.

V. 92: An idol is recognized by his inability to speak.

V. 98: They started their intrigues after they failed to burn Abraham in the furnace.

V. 102: According to the Koran, Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Ishmael, but in Gen. 22:2, Abraham was told to immolate his “only son Isaac.” But Ishmael was 14 years older than Isaac, and, therefore, at the time of this event h e was the only son, and not Isaac. The Muslims believe that Abraham’s ordeal took place in the vicinity of Mecca, sanctified by the rites of pilgrimage, and not at “Moriah” in Palestine (Gen. 22:2). The child is asked for his consent in the Koran, but not in the Bible, and so, for a Muslim, the Biblical version suggests the pagan sacrifice of a child to Moloch and not a free act of devotion.

V. 130: Eliasin instead of Elias (Elijah), for rhyme’s sake.

V. 149f: God could not have daughters (Cf. S.53).

V. 159: Association to God is an odious sin. “Associators” (mushtarikin) are first the pagans and then the Christians, for their worship of the Prophet Jesus. In a general sense, the term Associator can be applied to those who believe in magic feats and superstitions, in healing amulets and astrology, and even to Muslims who do not practice the basic rites of their religion and to scholars who make a fetish out of science.

Vv. 180: “[Exalted He is] above what they ascribe [to Him]”or “[Free He is] of what they ascribe [to Him].”

Muslim theologians have elaborated a sophisticated mystical representation of God based on the postulate that God is the Truth, the Reality, the Absolute. The best known version of the degrees of Reality is the system of Five Divine Presences:

1)   God as “He” or “Him.” It is the perfect, absolute reality to which nothing can be added and nothing can be subtracted, it is God as defined in S.112.

2)    God as Allah, the absolute Being. This manifestation of the divine is one step below God as “He.” Allah is the Compassionate, the Merciful. God as Being interacts with His Cre­ation, and man in particular. God participates in the two opposing acts of giving and taking. This polarity and complementariness is mirrored in the contrasting but not opposing pairs such as male/female, light/darkness, sin/virtue. These pairs are resolved in unity and agreement, and not in conflict or mutual destruction. This is why dualism as conceived in many Western and Eastern religions is a hateful heresy for Muslims.

3)      The World of Power symbolized by the Throne of God. It comprises the Angels who execute the orders of God. As man is superior to Angels by virtue of God’s choice and his intellect, he will be included in the World of Power after Judgment Day.

4)       The World of Dominion symbolized by the footstool of God (al-kursi). It comprises the Jinn and rampant evil and doubt.

5)       The World of the Human, created in the image of God, yet representing the material, the obvious, the totally manifest.

SURA 51 The SCATTERING. S.51 is a composite sura consisting of looselyknit stories and appeals. It is difficult to spot its main intention or even its general direction. A mystical introduction (vv. 1'23) leads to the stories of the Biblical Prophets Abraham, Moses, and Noah and the Arabian prelslamic Prophets of 'Ad and Thamood (vv. 24'46).

The Koran has a large number of protagonists from man to inanimate objects that live, act, and fulfill God's will. Traditionally, literary figures draw life from consecutive bits of information about their likeness, feelings and actions; and each plot is expected to have a temporal and spatial backdrop. Here all is different. The protagonists appear from the thickness of words heavy with meaning and expressive metaphors; the sinners emerge from the fire of remorse and the righteous from the Light of faith. The field of action is the whole world, Heaven and earth. Such is the colorful world of the Koran, such is its amazing language.

51.      T H E S C A T T E R I N G

Meccan, 60 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* [I swear] by those who scatter far and wide,

2.      who carry a burden,

3.      who gently speed by

4.      and distribute the commands.

5.      What has been promised to you is true,

6.      and, verily, Judgment will surely come!

7.      [I swear] by the sky and its paths

8.      that, verily, your words are conflicting,

9* and the deluded ones are deluded by them.

10.     Death to the liars

11.     mired in deception!

12.     They ask:

“When will Judgment Day come?”

13.     It is the Day

when they shall be tried by the Fire!

14.     Have a taste of your trial —

is it not what you were so eager to hasten!

15.   Verily, the God-fearing shall be amidst Gardens and springs,

16.   receiving their Lord gifts for their past good deeds.

17.     They used to sleep little at night,

18.     and at dawn they prayed for forgiveness;

19.   and in their wealth there was a part for the asking and the poor.

20.      There are Signs on earth for the believers!

21.      Some of them are in yourselves — do you not see?

22.   But in Heaven is your sustenance and what has been promised to you.

23.   [I swear] by the Lord of the Heaven and earth, that this is as real as your ability to speak!

24.      Has the story of Abraham’s honored guests reached you?

25.      They came to him, and said: “Peace!”

He said: “Peace!” [and thought]:

“These people are so strange!”

26.      Then he hastened to his family

and brought [the meat] of a fattened calf.

27.      Setting it before them, he said:

“Wouldn’t you like to eat?”

28* He felt afraid of them, but they said:

“Don’t be scared”

and announced to him [the birth of] a wise son.

29.   His wife came forward crying, slapping her face, and saying: “I’m a barren old woman!”

30.      They said:

“Thus spoke your Lord! He’s the Wise, the All-Knowing.”

31.      Abraham said:

“O Envoys! What’s your mission?”

32* They said:

“We’re sent to sinful people

33.     to pelt them down with stones of [baked] clay

34.      reserved by your Lord for those who do wrong.”

35.      We pulled out of there all the believers,

36* and found Muslims only in one household.

37.   We left there a Sign for those who dread a harsh retribution.

38.     And Moses...

We sent him to Pharaoh with clear authority.

39.   But he turned away with his courtiers and said: “He’s a sorcerer or a madman!”

40.   We seized him together with his army and cast them all into the sea — guilty he was indeed!

41.     And ’Ad...

We sent against them a devastating wind,

42.      which spared nothing in its path

and reduced everything to rubble.

43.      And Thamood — they were told:

“Enjoy [life] a little longer!”

44.      but they rebelled against their Lord’s command.

Then a thunderbolt hit them as they were looking.

45.      They could not stay on their feet nor protect themselves.

46.      And before them the people of Noah —

they were sinful people indeed!

47.      We have built the sky with Our Hands

and We stretched it out wide!

48*We have spread forth the earth,

and how well We spread [it]!

49. We have created everything in pairs —

perhaps you will reflect

50* and hurry up to God!

“In truth, He [has sent] me as your lucid Warner!

51* Do not set up another god besides God.

In truth, He [has sent] me as your lucid Warner!”

52.      No Messenger has ever come to their predecessors

without them saying:

“He’s a sorcerer or a madman”

53.      and then passing [these words] along.

Yes, these people have transgressed all limits!

54.      So, turn away from them — for that you will not be blamed,

55.      and keep warning, for Warning is useful to the believers!

56* I have created Jinn and men

to make them worship Me alone.

57* I do not need any provisions from them,

I do not need their food!

58.     Verily, He is God, the Provider,

the All-Mighty, the Powerful.

59.      Verily, the fate of those who do wrong

will be like the fate of their predecessors.

So it is better for them not to hurry!

60.      Woe to the disbelievers on their promised Day!

V. 1-4: The words of this oath are simple and direct, and they are not addressed only to the contemporaries of Mohammad, but to all the people in the world. Theologians and philoso­phers might recognize in these words a mystic meaning and see Angels, Demons, cosmic mael­stroms, and fast currents of celestial matter — indeed, unlimited is the fantasy of man. Most probably this oath is about the Angels bringing God’s gifts to man. Oaths remind man that not all is accessible to him, and that there is between God and him an ineffable spiritual realm to which he might partake if he deserves it by his good deeds.

V. 9: “Deluded by them are the deluded ones” meaning that are deluded only those who seek delusion.

V. 28: Abraham was scared when he understood that his visitors were Angels because they could not eat (in the Bible they do eat). To offer and to accept hospitality is a strong tra­dition in the Middle East to the present time.

V. 32: An introduction to the Biblical story of Lot and the destruction of Sodom. In the following suras stories about the Prophets are enriched by new details. The Prophet’s audience must have liked these stories that inspired and uplifted them, and the Prophet used them to show that all the Messengers had the one and same mission — to transmit to man the eternal spiritual Truth.

V. 36: “Muslims,” or “those surrendering themselves to God.”

V. 41f: According to ancient accounts and legends, South Arabia was inhabited by the people of ’Ad since 2000 B.C. who made successful incursions into Egypt and Mesopotamia (Egypt was seized by the Hyksos in the 17th century, but their relation to ’Ad is uncertain). The people of Madyan lived in Northern Arabia and was contemporary with Abraham (17th century B.C.) and Moses (14th); they prospered till our era. They built their dwellings and temples in the mountains, and, presumably, they can be identified with the Nabateans whose capital city was Petra. After their decline, the people of ’Ad was replaced by that of Samood in Southern Arabia — some localities in Arabia are named after their Prophet Salih.

V. 48: If the earth is flat like a rug, it can be spread and rolled up.

Vv. 50-51: These words are spoken by the Prophet.

V. 51: The proclamation that God is One is as important in Islam as the confession of faith “In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” in Christianity. The profession of faith “There is no god but God (la-illaha-illa-llah), and Muhammad is the Messenger of God” inspired artisans, calligraphers, and architects to produce sumptuous objects of art. Muslim sol­diers have it on their lips during an attack, and it is displayed in graceful arabesques on the Saudi flag and the banners of innumerable Muslim civic groups and organizations.

V. 57: The pagans used to offer food to their idols.

Sura 54 T he Moon. This sura, with its refrain “Such were My pun­ishment and My Warning!” has some resemblance to S.51, but its tone is more quiet and its construction better balanced. It describes the nations who rejected their Messengers and chased them off their lands. For their misdeeds, God will “reward” the disbelievers with a double punishment: on earth and in the Afterlife. The moral of these stories is that people should learn from the mistakes of other nations and accept the admonitions of the Prophet before it is too late.

54.     T H E M O O N

Meccan, 55 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     The Hour is drawing near and the moon is split!

2.     But when they see a Sign,

they turn away and say:

“This is a fleeting delusion!”

3* They have not believed

and have succumbed to their passions.

But each affair has its time!

4* To restrain them, they have been sent Messages

5.      full of the highest wisdom.

But Warning did not help,

6.      so, [o Muhammad], turn away from them!

On the Day when the Caller

summons them to the horrible [event],

7.      they shall emerge from their graves,

their eyes downcast, like scattered locusts,

8.      and rush to the Caller.

The disbelievers shall say:

“What a difficult Day!”

9.      The people of Noah have denied before them.

They rejected Our servant, saying:

“He’s a madman!” and chased him away.

10.     He called to his Lord:

“Help me! They have defeated me!”

11.   Then We opened the gates of the sky, and water poured down.

12.   We gushed springs from the earth, and water gathered by Our command.

13.     We carried [Noah] on [an ark]

made of planks [tied] with palm fibers.

14.     It floated before Our eyes —

such was the reward for the rejected one!

15.     We left this as a Sign,

but who remembers [it] now?

16* Such was My punishment and My Warning!

17.   We have made the Koran easy to remember, but who remembers [it] now?

18.     The people of ’Ad disbelieved [as well].

Such was My punishment and My Warning!

19.     On a day of unceasing distress,

We sent upon them a destructive wind

20.      [which] scattered people like uprooted palm-trees.

21.      Such was My punishment and My Warning!

22.   We have made the Koran easy to remember, but who remembers [it] now?

23.      And [the people of] Thamood rejected [their] Warner.

24.      They said:

“Is he not a man like us?

Why should we follow him?

That would be an error and a folly on our part!

25.   Why has the Reminder been sent to him, [and not to someone else] in our midst? Indeed, he’s an insolent liar!”

26.   — Tomorrow they shall know who is an insolent liar!

27.      To test them We sent them a she-camel.

— [O Salih!] Watch them and brace yourself!

28.   Tell them to share water [with her] and to drink in turns.

29.   But they called their companion who took a knife and hamstrung her.

30.      Such was My punishment and My Warning!

31.      We sent upon them a single blast,

and they became like sticks used by a fence builder.

32.   We have made the Koran easy to remember, but who remembers [it] now?

33.      And the people of Lot rejected the Warning,

34.      so We sent upon them a storm of rocks!

At dawn We rescued only Lot’s family

35.      by Our mercy: this is how We reward the grateful!

36.   [Lot] had warned them about Our retribution, but they disregarded the Warning

37.      and tried to divert his guests.

[In retaliation] We blinded their eyes:

— Let you taste My Wrath and My Warning!

38.      In the morning they were hit by an abiding punishment:

39.      — Let you taste My Wrath and My Warning!

40.   We have made the Koran easy to remember, but who remembers [it] now?

41.      The Warning came to the people of Pharaoh,

42.   but they denied all Our Signs and We grasped them by the grasp of the Mighty, the Powerful.

43* Are your disbelievers any better than they?

Or is there an excuse for you in the Scripture?

44.      They say:

“United we’ll win!”

45.      But the moment they are united,

they will run away showing their backs.

46.      The Hour is indeed promised to them,

and that Hour shall be the most scary and bitter!

47.      Verily, the sinners are in error and madness.

48* On the Day they are dragged face down into the Fire [they will hear:]

— Let you taste the touch of the Saqar!

49. Verily, We have created everything in good proportions. 50* And Our Command is executed in the twinkling of an eye!

51.     We have destroyed the likes of you in the past,

but who remembers [it] now?

52.      All their deeds [are] in the Book —

53.      they are recorded, small and great!

54.   Verily, the God-fearing shall be amid Gardens and rivers

55.   by the throne of Truth, before the almighty King!

V. 3: “Each affair has its time,” i.e., every man will be judged at the time designated for him.

V. 4: “Messages” — “news” in the original.

V. 43: “In the Scripture” — “in the Psalms” in the original.

V. 48: The Saqar: one of the circles of Hell (S.101:11).

V. 50: “Our Command” — the impending Judgment (cf. S.37:31).

Sura 15 Al-Hijr. S.15 is named Al-Hijr after an area or a town that belonged to the tribe of Thamood (v.80). Its complexity suggests that some of its passages belong to the Medinan period; it deals with the disbelievers who have rejected their Mes­sengers; it presents the episode of Adam and Iblis, and tells the stories of the Prophets. Although the stories are expanded and enlivened by protracted dialogues, the characters are distilled to the bare essentials, so that at times they seem shadowy and unreal. As else­where, the moral of the story is more important than the fine points of the narrative. S.15 is rich in metaphors and unusual expressions.

15.      A L - H IJ R

Meccan, 99 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Alif lam ra.

These are some Verses from the Scripture, from the lucid Koran!

2. The time may come when the disbelievers would wish to become Muslims,

3* but leave them alone for the time being, let them feast and enjoy themselves, let them bask in their wishes — indeed, they will know soon enough!

4.     We have never destroyed a town without warning it about its fate.

5.      No nation can speed up or retard its destiny!

6.      [The disbelievers] say:

“O you who has received the Reminder!

You’re really possessed!

7.     Why don’t you come to us accompanied by Angels if you’re one of the truthful?”

8* — We send Angels only for a just cause;

otherwise [the sinners] would not have a respite.

9.     We have truly sent down the Reminder that We truly intend to protect!

10.  And before you, We used to send [Messengers] to ancient communities,

11.     but no Messenger had ever come without being derided.

12* Thus We implant in the hearts of the sinners

13* disbelief [in God].

The ways of the Ancients belong to the past.

14.     If We opened to them the gate of Heaven,

they would rush through it,

15.     saying:

“Our eyes were beclouded,

yes, we were a people bewitched!”

16.     We have set up constellations in the sky

that We beautified for the beholders.

17* We have guarded it from Satans, the stoned ones.

18.     And if one of them listens on the sly,

a bright flame shall chase him away!

19.     We have spread up the earth,

We have strewn upon it mighty mountains,

and We have grown on it everything in good measure.

20*We have given on it provisions to you

and to those for whom you are not accountable.

21. Nothing exists that is not in store with Us,

and We release everything in measured amounts.

22* We send fecundating winds

and pour water from the sky

to let it quench your thirst, although you are not its keepers.

23.  Verily, We dispense life and death, and We shall inherit [all things].

24.  We know which of you is going ahead, and which of you is lagging behind.

25.  Verily, your Lord shall round them all up — indeed, He is wise and all-knowing!

26.      We have created man

from resounding clay, from molded mud.

27.      And earlier We have created the Jinn from scorching wind.

28.      Your Lord said to the Angels:

— I will create man from baked clay, from molded mud.

29.      After I give him form

and fill him with My Spirit, prostrate yourselves before him.

30.      The Angels prostrated themselves in a body,

31.      but not Iblis, who refused to join

those who prostrated themselves.

32* [God] said:

— O Iblis! Why are you not with those who prostrated themselves?

33.     He said:

“I’m not going to prostrate myself before a man whom You’ve created

from resounding clay, from molded mud!”

34.      [God] said:

— Get out of here, you, the stoned one,

35.      and be accursed till Judgment Day!

36.      [Iblis] said:

“O my Lord! Grant me a reprieve till Resurrection Day!”

37.      [God] said:

— Reprieve is granted to you

38.      till the appointed Day.

39.      He said:

“O my Lord! Since You’ve led me into sin,

I’ll tempt [the people] on earth and seduce them [all],

40.      except Your devoted servants.”

41.      [God] said:

— They are all on the straight path to Me!

42.      You have no power over My servants,

only over the sinners who will follow you.

43.      Verily, the abode promised to them is Hell.

44*It has seven gates, each gate for one group.

45.      Verily, The God-fearing shall be amid Gardens and springs:

46.      — Come inside in peace and confidence!

47.      We will remove all bitterness from their hearts

and they shall be brothers, facing each other on thrones.

48.   Tiredness shall not touch them, and they shall not be asked to leave.

49.   — [O Muhammad!] Announce to My servants that, verily, I am the Forgiving, the Merciful.

50.      But, verily, a painful punishment shall be My retribution!

51.      Tell them about Abraham’s guests.

52.      They came to him and said: “Peace!”

He said:

“We’re really afraid of you!”

53.      [The guests] said:

“Don’t be afraid! We’re bringing you the glad tidings

of [the birth] of a wise son.”

54.   [Abraham] said: “How can I rejoice at this news if old age has already touched me?

What good is there in your announcement?”

55.      [The guests] said:

“Don’t despair: we’re bringing you

some truly good tidings!”

56.      [Abraham] said:

“Only the sinners lose faith in God’s mercy.

57.      O Envoys! What’s your mission?”

58.      [The guests] said:

“We have been sent to a people of sinners

59.      of whom we’ll save only Lot and his family,

60.      but not his wife: we know she’s one of those

who will be left behind!”

61.     When the Envoys came to the family of Lot,

62.      he said:

“You’re an alien people!”

63.      [The Envoys] said:

“Yes, and we came to you

with something [many] have qualms about.

64.      We’re bringing you the Truth and we’re trustworthy.

65* Let your family leave at night, then follow in their steps.

Let no one turn around, but proceed whereto you’ll be told!” 66. We announced to him the Command

that those left behind shall be mowed down by the morning.

67* When the city dwellers came out,

exulting at the news [of the visitors],

68.      [Lot] said:

“They are my guests, so don’t dishonor me.

69.      Fear God and don’t put me to shame!”

70* [The people] said:

“Have we not forbidden you to entertain outsiders?”

71.     [Lot] said:

“Here are my daughters, if you must have your way.”

72.     — By your life, [O Prophet!],

they wandered aimlessly in their drunkenness!

73* And at sunrise a blast overtook them.

74* We turned everything upside down

and rained upon them rocks of baked clay.

75.     Verily, there are Signs in this

for those who foresee the future,

76.     indeed, [the ruins of the sinners] are along the road.

77.     Verily, there is a Sign in this for those who believe!

78* Verily, the dwellers of Al-’aika were sinners as well,

79.     and We took revenge upon them.

[The ruins] of both are along the road for everyone to see!

80*And the people of Al-Hijr rejected the Messengers.

81.     We had been sending them Our Signs,

but they turned away from them.

82.      They excavated dwellings in the mountains for security.

83.      But a blast overtook them early in the morning,

84.      and what they had hoarded did not help them!

85* We have created the heavens and the earth

and what is in between only for a just cause.

And verily, the Hour is near!

So turn away [from them] with dignity!

86.      Verily, your Lord is the Creator, the All-knowing.

87* We gave you the seven often repeated [Verses]

and the glorious Koran!

88* So do not covet what We gave to others.

And do not grieve over them,

but spread your wing over the believers

89. and say: “Truly, I’m a clear Warner.”

90*We are sending [the Message] also to the Dividers —

91.     to those who tear the Koran to sections.

92.      By your Lord, We will bring them to account

93.      for everything they have done.

94.      Preach as commanded to you and shun the Associators!

95.      We are sufficient to you against those who mock

96.      and associate other gods to God.

Soon they shall know!

97.      We know how disheartened you are by their words.

98.      So celebrate the praise of your Lord

and be among those who prostrate themselves.

99*Serve your Lord before the Inevitable comes to you!

V. 1: The word aya usually means “Sign” (S.74:16), but here it is obviously “Verse.”

V. 3: “Soon they shall know” — about their fate.

V. 8: With “a just cause,” lit., “in Truth.” The Angels come down to earth only to collect the souls of the dying.

V. 12: “Sinner” — wrong-doer, criminal (mugrim).

V. 13: “They forgot the ways of the Ancients” or “the ways of the Ancients have been changed.” This verse may be understood in different ways (S.10:102). According to S.48:23, the ways of the Ancients cannot be changed — here they seem to have been abrogated.

V. 17: According to tradition, when he was getting ready to sacrifice his son, Abraham chased Satans away by throwing rocks at him. Hence, one of the rites of pilgrimage consists in throwing rocks at three pillars erected where Satan had bothered Abraham.

V. 20: “Those for whom you are not responsible”: people and the other living creatures.

V. 22: Strong winds often carry away the topsoil.

Vv. 32f: The dialog between God and Iblis recalls the opening of the Book of Job. In the Prophetic suras, the utterances of the protagonists are preceded by “he said’ or “they said.” The exchanges are easier to follow if the names of the speakers are brought in square brackets before the quotations. The dramatic effect can be still enhanced, as follows:

53.      THE GUESTS: “Don’t be afraid!

We’re bringing you the glad tidings

of [the birth] of a wise son.”

54.      ABRAHAM: “How can I rejoice at this news

if old age has already claimed me?

What good is there in your announcement?”

55* THE GUESTS: “We’re bringing you some really good tidings,

so don’t despair!”

56.      ABRAHAM: “Only those who are astray lose faith in God’s mercy.

V. 44: The different groups referred to are religious sects — Gnostics, Nestorians, Mono- physites, Marcionites, Valentinians, etc. Some of them rejected the ignominious death of Christ on the cross.

V. 65: In the steps of the family or the Angels?

V. 67: They greeted Lot’s guests with sinful intentions.

V. 70: “Outsiders” lit., “the Worlds,” or from all the world.

'Alamin (worlds) is a cognate of the Hebrew ’ olam, signifying “all creation” or “all the universe.”

V. 73: The end of the world will be announced by the sound of a trumpet, by a noise, or by a desperate shriek (S.37:2).

V. 74: Burnt clay (sijjil) is a kind of hard volcanic rock.

V. 78: “The dwellers of Al-'aika,” “the dwellers of forests,” also known as Madyan (S.91:11).

V. 80: Al-hijr, like Ar-rass (S.50:12), was a locality or a clan on the territory of Thamood between Syria and Medina.

V. 85: Cf. v.8. In the Koran, the word “Truth” is one of the symbols of human hopes (Truth is God).

V. 87: “The seven often repeated [Verses],” i.e., S.1.

V. 88: “Do not covet,” lit., “do not strain your eyes at.” God did not give wealth and sons to the Prophet Muhammad.

The “wing” is the wide sleeve of a caftan or the symbol of the prophetic mission.

V. 90: The Dividers (Muqtasimin) are “those who tear the Koran into sections,” i.e., those who select parts of the Scripture and reject or hide others: they are the opportunists who recognized in the Koran only what best served their interests. Unfortunately, many Muslim communities are ruled nowadays by such miscreants.

V. 99: The “Inevitable” is death and the Last Judgment.

Sura 26 The Poets. S.26 should have been called “The Prophets” because it gives the longest and most balanced descriptions of Prophetic missions (Moses, vv. 10­69; Abraham, vv. 70-104; Noah, vv. 105-122; Hood, vv. 123-140; Salih, vv. 141-159; Lot, vv. 160-175; and Shu'aib, vv. 176-191). The narratives are framed between repeated Warnings and Signs. Their brisk dialog is suitable for the transposition showed in the Note to S.15:32f. This stylistic variation makes the verbal exchanges more meaningful and lively. It is more important to convey the meaning of the Book as closely as possible, even at the price of some stylistic innovation in translation, rather than to fuddle it by sticking to an archaic style. The poets are condemned at the very end of the sura, in vv. 224-226.

26.      T H E P O E T S

Meccan, 221 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.      Ta sin mim.

2.      Here are some Verses from the lucid Scripture.

3.    — [O Muhammad!] Perhaps you are ready to kill yourself from grief

because they refuse to believe.

4.    If it pleased Us, We would have sent down to them a Sign from Heaven

before which they would have bowed their heads.

5.     But not a single of the Reminders from the Compassionate ever reaches them without them turning away.

6.     They deny them, but soon some news will reach them about what they were scoffing at!

7.      Do they not see when they look at the soil

that We have produced on it so many noble pairs?

8.      Verily, there a Sign in this,

but most of them still disbelieve.

9.      Verily, your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

10* Your Lord called to Moses:

— Go to the sinful people,

11.    the people of Pharaoh. Would they not fear [God]?

12.     [Moses]:

“O my Lord! I’m afraid they’ll reject me.

13.     My chest is tight and my tongue is in knots —

send me Aaron [for help].

14.     They accuse me of a crime

and I’m afraid they’ll kill me.”

15.     — No, by no means!

Go forth with Our Signs, the two of you, and We will be listening with you.

16.     Go to Pharaoh and say:

“We’re truly the Messengers of the Lord of the Worlds.

17.     Release the Children of Israel to us!”

18.     [Pharaoh]:

“Haven’t we raised you as a child?

Haven’t you spent many years among us?

19.     Didn’t you commit the crime you know about?

Then, why are you so ungrateful!”

20* [Moses]:

“I committed it when I was astray

21.     and I fled because I feared you,

but my Lord granted me wisdom and made me a Messenger.

22.   Is your enslaving the Children of Israel the favor you’re blaming me for?”

23.      Pharaoh:

“Who’s the Lord of the Worlds?”

24.      [Moses]:

“He’s the Lord of the Heavens and the earth,

and what is in between if you want the truth.”

25.      [Pharaoh] to those around him:

“Did you hear him?”

26.      [Moses]:

“He’s your Lord and your forefathers’ Lord.”

27.      [Pharaoh to the crowd]:

“The Messenger who came to you is really insane!”

28.      [Moses]:

“[He’s] the Lord of the East and the West, and what is in between if you have any sense!”

29.      [Pharaoh]:

“If you serve any god other than me,

I’ll surely throw you in prison!”

30.      [Moses]:

“And if I show you something convincing?”

31.      [Pharaoh]:

“Show it if you’re telling the truth!”

32.      [Moses] cast his staff,

and it turned into a live snake.

33.      He drew out his hand,

and everybody saw it was white.

34.      [Pharaoh] to the attendants around him:

“Yes, he’s a clever magician,

35.      and by his magic

he wants to drive you out of your lands.

What’s your advice?”

36.      [The attendants]:

“Let him and his brother wait, while you send recruiters to the cities

37.      in order to bring you the craftiest magicians.”

38.      The magicians gathered on the appointed day.

39.      The people were asked:

“Are you all here?”

40.      [The People]:

“Yes, and we’ll follow the magicians if they win!”

41.      The magicians to Pharaoh upon their arrival:

“Is it true that we’ll be rewarded if we win?”

42.      [Pharaoh]:

“Yes, and I’ll make you [my] retainers.”

43.      Moses [to the magicians]:

“Cast what you wanted to cast!”

44.      [The magicians] cast their ropes and staves, [saying]:

“By the power of Pharaoh we shall win!”

45.   Then Moses cast his staff, and it swallowed their fakes.

46.      The magicians prostrated themselves,

47.      saying:

“We do believe in the Lord of the Worlds,

48.      the Lord of Moses and Aaron.”

49.      [Pharaoh]:

“How dare you believe in Him without my permission?

Surely, he’s your master, the one who taught you magic! But soon you shall know!

I’ll cut off each of you a hand on one side and a foot on the other, and then I’ll crucify you all!”

50.      [The magicians]:

“We can’t care less, for we’ll return to our Lord!

51.   We only wish that our Lord forgave our errors and that we were the first to believe!”

52.      We inspired Moses:

— Depart with My servants at night:

you will certainly be pursued.

53.      Pharaoh sent recruiters to the cities,

54.      [and said]: “Their band isn’t that big,

55.      and though they’re furious at us,

56.      there are many of us, and we’ve been warned!”

57.      We expelled them from gardens and springs,

58.      from treasuries and honorable positions.

59.      And so it was!

And We made the Sons of Israel inherit it all.

60.      [Pharaoh’s armies] pursued them at sunrise.

61.   When the two parties came in view of each other, Moses’s companions [said]:

We’ll be overtaken for sure!”

62.      [Moses]:

“No, by no means! Verily, My Lord is with me,

and soon He’ll show me the way!”

63.      We inspired Moses:

— Strike the sea with your staff!

And it parted, the sides overhanging like huge mountains.

64.      We let them engage therein,

65.      and We saved Moses and those who were with him.

66.      And the others We drowned.

67.      Verily, there a Sign in this,

yet most of them do not believe.

68.      Verily, your God is the Mighty, the Merciful.

69.      Tell them the story of Abraham.

70.      [He said] to his father and to his people:

“What are you worshiping?”

71.      [The people]:

“We worship idols and revere them.”

72.      [Abraham]:

“Do they hear you when you call to them?

73.      Do they benefit you or harm you in any way?”

74.      [The people]:

“No, but we know our fathers [served them].”

75.      [Abraham]:

“Look at what you worship,

76.      following your forefathers!

77.      Indeed, th ey are my enemies,

but not the Lord of the Worlds,

78.      Who has created me and guided me,

79.      Who gives me food and drink,

80.      Who heals me when I am sick,

81.      Who will take my life,

and then will revive me,

82.      and Who, I hope,

will forgive my sins on Judgment Day.

83* O my Lord!

Give me wisdom and join me to the righteous.

84.      And let my posterity keep a good memory of me.

85.      Make me an inheritor of the Garden of Bliss!

86.      Forgive my father for going astray.

87.      Don’t put me to shame on Resurrection Day,

88.      the Day when neither wealth nor children will help,

89.      when only the one

who comes to God with a pure heart will be saved.”

90.      The Garden shall be brought near the God-fearing,

91.      Hellfire shall be displayed

to those who went astray.

92.      They will be told:

— Where are those you worshiped

93.      besides God?

Did they help you or did they help themselves?

94.   They will be cast [into Hellfire] together with those who went astray,

95.      together with the hosts of Iblis!

96.      While arguing among themselves, they will say:

97.      “By God, indeed, we were in blatant error

98.      when we associated to the Lord of the Worlds.

99.      Only criminals could have misled us!

100.     And now we’re left without an intercessor

101.     and a sincere friend.

102. But we would join the believers if we were allowed to return!”

103.     Verily, there a Sign in this,

yet most of them still do not believe.

104.     Verily, your God is the Mighty, the Merciful.

105.     The people of Noah rejected the Messengers.

106.     Their brother Noah said to them:

“Won’t you fear [God]?

107.     I’m your faithful Messenger,

108.     so fear God and obey me.

109.I’m not asking you for a reward —

my reward is with the Lord of the Worlds!

110.    So fear God and obey me!”

111.    [The People]:

“How can we believe you

if you are followed by the lowest of us?”

112.    [Noah]:

“What do I know about their deeds?

113.    Their account is with my Lord, don’t you understand?

114.    I wouldn’t drive the believers away.

115.    I’m just a plain Warner.”

116.    [The People]:

“O Noah! You’ll be stoned if you don’t quit!”

117.    [Noah]: “O my Lord! My people reject me.

118. Decide fairly between us and save me and the believers who are on my side!”

119.    We saved him and his followers in a laden ship,

120.     and then, We drowned the others.

121.     Verily, there is a Sign in this,

but most of them still do not believe.

122.     Verily, your God is the Mighty, the Merciful.

123.     ’Ad rejected the Messengers as well.

124.     Their brother Hood said to them:

“Won’t you fear [God]?

125.     I’m your faithful Messenger,

126.     so fear God and obey me!

127.     I’m not asking you for a reward —

my reward is with the Lord of the Worlds!

128.     You raise a landmark for amusement on every hill.

129.     You build castles, hoping to live in them for ever.

130.     You oppress [people],

as [only] tyrants can oppress!

131.     So fear God and obey me!

132.     Yes! Fear the One, Who gave you everything you know,

133.     Who gave you cattle and sons,

134.     gardens and springs.

135.     Verily, I fear for you the punishment of the Great Day!”

136.     [The people]:

“We don’t care whether you warn or don’t warn us.

137.     These are just some superstitions of the Ancients,

138.     and we’re not of those who will be punished.”

139.     They rejected [the Messenger], and We destroyed them.

Verily, there is a Sign in this, but most of them still do not believe.

140.     Verily, your God is the Mighty, the Merciful.

141.     And Thamood also rejected the Messengers.

142.     Their brother Salih said to them:

“Won’t you fear [God]?

143.     I’m your faithful Messenger,

144.     so fear God and obey me!

145.I’m not asking you for a reward —

my reward is with the Lord of the Worlds!

146.     Are you secure amid all your possessions —

147.     amid gardens and springs,

148.     amid fields and palm-trees with edible clusters,

149.     amid the houses

you skillfully excavate in the mountains?

150.So fear God and obey me!

151. And don’t follow the profligate

152*who corrupt the land

instead of doing good deeds.”

153.     [The people]:

“You’re one of the bewitched,

154.     and you’re a mortal like us.

Show us a Sign if you’re telling the truth!”

155.     [Salih]:

“Here’s a she-camel. She has to drink

like you have to drink on appointed days.

156. Don’t harm her, lest you shall be overcome by the punishment of the Great Day!”

157.     But they hamstrung her and regretted it later

158.     when the punishment came upon them.

Verily, there is a Sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

159.     Verily, your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

160.     The people of Lot rejected the Messengers.

161.     Their brother Lot said to them:

“Won’t you fear [God]?”

162.     I’m your faithful Messenger,

163.     so fear God and obey me!

164.I’m not asking you for a reward —

my reward is with the Lord of the Worlds!

165. Of all the creatures in the Worlds, you’re the only ones to go after the males,

166.     abandoning the wives your Lord has created for you!

You’re a people of transgressors!”

167.     [The People]:

“O Lot! If you don’t stop it, surely you’ll be expelled!”

168.     [Lot]:

“How I loathe your comportment!

169.O my Lord! Save me and my family from their doings!”

170.     We saved him and his family, all of them,

171.     except an old woman who stayed behind.

172.     Then We wiped out all the others.

173. We pelted them with rain — dreadful was that rain

for those who were warned!

174. Verily, there is a Sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

175.     Verily, your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

176.     And the people of Al-’aika rejected the Messengers.

177.     Their brother Shu’aib said to them:

“Won’t you fear [God]?”

178.     I’m your faithful Messenger.

179.     So fear God and obey me!

180.     I’m not asking you for a reward —

my reward is with the Lord of the Worlds!

181.     Give a full measure, don’t cheat,

182.     and use an accurate balance to weigh.

183. Don’t steal the people’s possessions, and don’t walk in the land spreading evil.

184.     Fear the One, Who created you and the first people.”

185.     [The people]:

“You’re one of the bewitched!

186.     You’re a mortal like us, and we know you for a liar!

187.     Make a piece of the sky fall upon us

if you’re telling the truth!”

188.     [Shu’aib]:

“My Lord is well aware of your deeds!”

189.     But they rejected him,

and the punishment of the Day of Darkening hit them,

the punishment of the Great Day!

190. Verily, there is a Sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

191.     Verily, your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

192.     Verily, this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.

193.     The faithful Spirit descended with it

194.into your heart to make you warn the clear Arabic tongue,

196*as [revealed] in the Books of the Ancients.

197.     Is it not a Sign that this was known

by learned men among the Children of Israel?

198.     Had We sent [the Revelation] down to a foreigner

199.     to recite it to them,

they would not have believed in it.

200.      We let [disbelief] sink into the hearts of the sinners,

201.      so that they would not believe

until they see the painful punishment

202.      that shall suddenly hit them unawares.

203.      Then they will say:

“Won’t we get a reprieve?”

204.      — But are they not the ones who hastened Our retribution?

205.See, if We let them enjoy a few more years

206.      before [Our] warning comes true,

207.      their enjoyment would not benefit them!

208.      We have not destroyed a single town

before sending them Warners

209.      to remind them — indeed, We are never unjust.

210.      The Revelation is not from the Satans:

211.     it does not suit them, it is beyond their power;

212.     they cannot even eavesdrop upon it!

213.     Therefore, to avoid punishment,

do not call to any other god, except God.

214.     Warn your kin

215.     and take under your wing

the believers who are following you.

216.     And to those who disobey you, say:

“I’m not responsible for your deeds!”

217.     Put your trust in the Mighty, the Merciful,

218.     Who sees you standing up

219.     and bowing with those who prostrate themselves.

220.Indeed, He is the Hearer, the Knowing.

221.Shall I tell you upon whom do the Satans descend?

222.      — They descend upon every despicable sinner,

223.      filling his ears [with rumors] —

indeed, most of them are dissemblers!

224.      And the Poets? They are followed only by sinners!

225.      Do you not see them, wandering in the valleys,

226.      preaching what they themselves do not do?

227.      They are not of those who believed,

did right, remembered God oftentimes, and fought back only when oppressed. The oppressors shall soon learn how their fate will turn out!

V. 21: “When I was astray,” lit., “when I was among the ones who went astray.” By the rules of Arabic versification, all the verses of a poem or a sura, or, at least, extended passages, must have the same rhyme. Grammatical forms such as the well-sounding Arabic plural endings are a rich source of rhyming words.

Vv. 83-89: A rare example of a prayer in the Koran.

V. 152: “Instead of doing good deeds” or “instead of improving themselves,” or “instead of improving it [the land].”

V. 196: “The Books of the Ancients,” lit., “the Psalms”.

The Koran mentions David’s Psalms (zubur) as a separate Scripture.

Sura 20 [The Letters] Ta Ha. The main subject of this sura is an expanded and dramatized story of Moses that includes his confrontation with Pharaoh and his dealing with the golden calf One gets the impression that S20 consists of unrc- lated passages revealed at different periods of the Prophet's mission, as one can gather from abrupt changes in style and content (eg, Aaron is present in some passages and absent in others). The story of Moses is accompanied by sundry advice and appeals that include a piece on Adam, who was a reprobate before he became a Prophet and received the Reminder from God.

20.      [The Letters] TA HA
Meccan, 135 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Ta ha.

2.     We have sent the Koran down to you not to upset you,

3.     but to make you warn the God-fearing

4.     [by a] Message from the Creator of the earth and the lofty Heavens,

5.     the Compassionate firmly established on the Throne.

6.     To Him belongs everything in the Heavens and earth, everything between them and underground.

7.     Say something aloud, and He knows about it, be it secret or concealed.

8.     He is God! There is no god, but Him.

To Him belong the most magnificent Names!

9.      Did the story of Moses reach you?

10* Once, he saw a fire and said to his family:

“Stop! I see a fire!

I might fetch you from it a burning brand

or I might find some guidance by the fire.”

11.    When he reached it, he heard:

— O Moses!

12.     Verily, I am your Lord!

Remove your shoes for you are in the holy valley of Toowa.

13.     You are My chosen one,

so listen to what I will inspire to you!

14.     I am God! There is no god, but Me.

So worship Me and establish the prayer in My remembrance.

15* Verily, the Hour is near! I keep it secret,

so that every soul might be rewarded according to her merit.

16.     Do not let those who do not believe

and follow their passions

distract you from it, lest you perish.

17.     [God] said:

— O Moses! What is in your right hand?

18.     [Moses]:

“It’s my staff. I lean upon it,

I beat [leaves] down with it for my sheep,

and I have other uses for it.”

19.     — O Moses! Cast it down!

20.      He cast it down, and it became a writhing snake.

21.      — Do not be scared, seize it,

and We will restore it to what it was before.

22* — Now, press your hand to your side,

and it shall come out white without harming you.

This is another Sign,

23.      and to let Us display to you the greatest of Our Signs,

24.      go to Pharaoh who has transgressed all bounds!

25.      [Moses]:

“O my Lord! Expand my breast,

26.      lighten my task,

27* and loosen my tongue

28. to let them understand my speech.

29* And give me a deputy from my family,

30. my brother Aaron,

31* to bolster my strength

32.     and to share my task.

33.     We’ll glorify You relentlessly

34.      and remember You often,

35.      indeed, we’re in Your sight!”

36.      — O Moses! Granted is your request!

37.      Truly, We have shown you Our favor in the past

38.      when We inspired your mother

with what We have inspired:

39* — Put your child in a chest and cast it in the river.

The river will push it to the shore and Our common enemy will pick him up.

— [O Moses!] I took you in My affection to let you grow in My sight.

40.      Then your sister came forth and said:

“Let me show you someone who will take good care of him.” Thus, We returned you to your mother to cool her eyes and to stop her grief.

When you killed a man, We saved you from trouble and submitted you to many a test.

You have stayed many years with the people of Madyan, and now, o Moses, you came here as preordained.

41.      I have chosen you to serve Me.

42.   So, you and your brother take My Signs and, without ceasing remembering Me,

43.      go to Pharaoh — indeed, he has transgressed all bounds!

44.      Talk to him amiably —

perhaps he will come to his senses or fear [God].

45.      [Moses and Aaron]:

“O our Lord! We’re afraid that he’ll insult us or resort to violence!”

46.   — Do not be afraid: indeed, I will be by your side, listening and watching.

47.      Go to him together and say:

“We’re the Messengers of your Lord.

Stop tormenting the Sons of Israel and let them go with us!

We come to you with a Sign from your Lord.

Peace be on him who follows the Guidance,

48.      for it has been revealed to us that anyone

who disbelieves and turns away shall be punished!”

49.      [Pharaoh]:

“O Moses! Who is your Lord?”

50.      [Moses]:

“Our Lord is the One Who shaped all things and then provided Guidance.”

51.      [Pharaoh]:

“And what about the former generations?”

52.      [Moses]:

“Knowledge about them is in my Lord’s Book.

My Lord doesn’t err and doesn’t forget!

53.   He is the One Who spread the earth for you like a bed, traced tracks on it for your use,

and sent you water down from the sky!” [God]:

— With its help We grow various plants in pairs

54.      to let you eat and graze your cattle.

Verily, there are Signs in this for those who understand!

55.  We have created you from [the earth], into it We will return you, and then from it We will restore you again.

56.   We showed [Pharaoh] all Our Signs, but he rejected [them] and turned away.

57.      [Pharaoh]: “O Moses!

Did you come to drive us from our lands by your magic?

58.      We’ll surely counter you with similar magic!

Call a meeting that will be convenient for both sides at a place where chances are equal.”

59.      [Moses]:

“Let the meeting be on Decoration Day and let the people assemble at midday.”

60.      Pharaoh retired to devise his plan; then he returned.

61.      [Moses to Pharaoh and his men]:

“Woe to you! Stop slandering God, lest He destroys you by His punishment. A liar won’t be successful!”

62.   They discussed the matter among themselves, but kept their deliberations secret.

63.      [Pharaoh’s men]:

“O Pharaoh! It’s clear that these two magicians want to chase you from your lands by their magic and abolish your exemplary institutions.

64.   Therefore, confer among yourselves and tighten your ranks:

lucky will be the one who wins today!”

65.      [The magicians]:

O Moses! Will you throw first, or shall we start throwing?”

66.      [Moses]:

“Yes, let you throw!”

It seemed to him that their ropes and staves began to move under their spell.

67.      Moses felt fear in his soul.

68.      We said:

— Do not be afraid, indeed, advantage is in your court!

69.   Throw what you hold in your right hand, and it shall swallow their fakes,

for these are just some magic tricks.

A magician shall never succeed no matter where he goes.

70.      [The magicians], prostrating themselves:

“We believe in the God of Aaron and Moses!”

71.      [Pharaoh]:

“How dare you believe in Him without my leave!

Your leader is surely [Moses] — he’s the one who taught you witchcraft!

So from each of you I’ll cut off a hand on one side and a foot on the other, and then I’ll crucify you on trunks of palm-trees!

Then you’ll know for sure whose punishment is the most painful and the most lasting!”

72.      [The magicians to Pharaoh]:

“We’ll never put you above the Proofs that came to us, and above the One, Who created us!

So, decide what you want to decide, but you can decide [only] in the present life!

73.      We have truly believed in our Lord.

Let Him forgive us our errors and the magic you’ve forced upon us.

God is the best and the most lasting!”

74.   Verily, for anyone who appears before his Lord as a sinner, there will be Hellfire

in which he shall neither die nor live.

75.      But for anyone who appears before Him

as a believer and does good deeds, there will be the highest levels:

76.   the Gardens of Eden under which the rivers flow, where they shall remain for ever.

Such is the reward for those who stay pure!

77.      We inspired Moses:

— Leave with My servants at night and open a dry path for them through the sea.

Do not fear to be overtaken, do not fear [anything]!

78.      Pharaoh followed them with his forces,

but the sea swallowed them as swallow it can —

79.   indeed, Pharaoh misled his people instead of guiding them right.

80.      — O Children of Israel!

We rescued you from your enemy,

We gave you a Covenant at the right side of the mountain, and We sent down to you manna and quails.

81.   Eat of the good things We are supplying you with, but in moderation, lest you incur My wrath — indeed, anyone who incurs My wrath shall perish!

82.   But, verily, I am forgiving for those who repented and believed,

did good works, and followed the Guidance.

83.      — O Moses!

Why are you running away from your people?

84.      [Moses]:

“They are the ones who run in my tracks,

and I’m rushing to You, o my Lord, to please You.”

85* [God] said:

— In your absence We submitted your people to a test, but As-Samiri misled them.

86. Moses returned to his people angry and grieving.

He said:

“O My people!

Didn’t your Lord make you a good promise?

Or had you waited for the promise too long?

Or do you want the wrath of your Lord to crash upon you, and that’s why you broke your promise to me?

87.     [The people]:

“We’ve not broken our promise to you willingly.

We have been forced to bring loads of [golden] ornaments from the people and to throw them [into the fire], as As-Samiri had been throwing them.”

88.   When he cast for them the likeness a lowing calf, they said:

“This is your god and Moses’ God he has forgotten about.”

89.      Did they not see

that [the calf] was not responding to their words, and that it could neither harm nor benefit them?

90.      Aaron had been warning them:

“O my people! This is a test for you.

Verily, your Lord is the Compassionate, so follow me and obey my command!”

91.      [They answered:]

“We’ll continue to worship [the calf] until Moses returns to us!”

92.      [Moses]:

“O Aaron! When you saw that they were going astray, what prevented you

93.      from obeying me? Didn’t you defy my command?”

94* [Aaron]:

“O Son of my mother’s!

Don’t grab me by my beard and my hair!

I was afraid you’d say:

’You’ve sown division among the Children of Israel and disobeyed my word!’”

95. [Moses]:

“And you, As-Samiri, what will you say to that?”

96* [As-Samiri]:

“When I saw that nobody was looking,

I took a handful of dust from the track of the Messenger and cast it inside [the calf], as my soul had inspired!”

97.     [Moses]:

“Begone! To the end of your days you’ll have to warn [every passerby]:

’Don’t touch me!’

And verily, the promised [punishment] will not spare you. Look at the god you worshiped so keenly: we’ll burn it and scatter its ashes over the sea.”

98.      Verily, your God is One God!

There is no god besides Him, and His Knowledge extends to all things.

99.      — [O Muhammad!]

We are telling you about past events

and We have sent you a Reminder from Us.

100.     Anyone who turns away from it

shall carry a burden on Resurrection Day

101.     for all eternity.

Grievous shall be this burden on Resurrection Day, 102*the Day when the trumpet is blown,

the Day when We gather all the wrong-doers!

With eyes turned white [by terror],

103*they will whisper to one another:

“You tarried there only ten [days]!”

104.We will know best what they are talking about when the most devout of them says:

“You tarried there only one day!”

105.If they ask you what will happen to the mountains, say: “My Lord will scatter them like dust

106.     and level them to a smooth plain

107.     on which you will see no curves and no bumps.”

108*On that Day they shall follow the Caller

[on a path] without curves.

All voices shall be hushed before the Compassionate, only a rustle shall be audible to you.

109*No one shall benefit from intercession on that Day, except those allowed by the Compassionate, and whose word He will be satisfied with.

110*He knows what they have brought in their hands and what they have left behind.

But they cannot encompass that with [their] knowledge!

111.    Humbled shall be their faces

before the Living, the Self-existing.

Anyone carrying a load of evil shall lose all hope,

112.but anyone who does good works and believes shall not fear injustice or deprivation.

113*We have sent down an Arabic Koran,

with detailed explanation of some Admonitions — perhaps they will fear God,

or they will wake up to remembering [Him].

114*Exalted be God, He is the King, He is the Truth!

— [O Muhammad!]

Do not be hasty with the Koran until its revelation to you is completed, and keep saying:

“O my Lord, increase my knowledge!”

115*In the beginning We made a Covenant with Adam. But he forgot [about it] — We found no firmness in him.

116.    When We told the Angels:

— Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they all complied, except Iblis, who refused.

117.   We said:

— O Adam! Truly, he is your and your wife’s enemy. Do not let him drive you away from the Garden and make you both miserable.

118.   Verily, you shall never be hungry or naked,

119.   nor shall you suffer from thirst and heat.

120*But Satan whispered to him:

“O Adam! Would you like me to lead you

to the Tree of Eternity and the invincible Dominion?”

121. They both ate [of the tree] and, discovering their shame, stitched for themselves some leaves from the Garden, Thus Adam disobeyed his Lord and went astray.

122*Later on his Lord chose him, forgave him, and guided him.

123*[God] said:

— Get out, both of you, and be enemies to one another.

If My Guidance comes to you, then anyone who follows My way shall not err nor be miserable.

124. But anyone who turns away from My Remembrance shall have a arduous life,

and on Resurrection Day We shall raise him blind.

125.    He will say:

“O my Lord! Why have you raised me blind, could I not see before?”

126.    — On this Day, you shall be ignored

just as you ignored Our Signs when they came to you!

127. This is how We reward those who transgressed and did not believe in the Signs of their Lord. And the punishment in the Hereafter

shall be still stronger and more lasting!

128.Is it not a lesson for them

that We destroyed so many of the past generations? Do they not walk in [the ruins of] their dwellings? Verily, there are Signs in this for those who can reason!

129.If the Word of your Lord had not come before, [the Judgment] would have surely taken place. Instead, they have been given a definite time.

130. [O Muhammad!] Bear patiently everything they say. Praise your Lord before sunrise and before sundown. Praise [Him] during a part of the night, and at the beginning and the end of the day — then, perhaps, you’ll be filled with joy!

131*Do not covet what We give to some couples because the glitter of this life is given to them to test their faith,

and your Lord’s sustenance is better and lasts longer! 132*Enjoin the prayer on your family and persevere in it.

We do not ask you to sustain Us —

We are the One, Who sustains you,

and the fear of God tops it all!

133.     [The disbelievers] say:

“Why doesn’t he bring us a Sign from his Lord?”

— Have they not received the Proofs of the first Scriptures?

134.     Had We destroyed them before by Our punishment,

they would have said:

“O our Lord! Had You sent us a Messenger,

we would’ve recognized Your Signs

and avoided shame and humiliation.”


“Everyone is waiting, let you wait too!

Soon you’ll know who took the smooth path,

and who accepted Guidance!”

V. 1: The initial letters of a few suras are used as names of people, like Taha (this sura) and Yaseen (S.36).

Vv. 10-12: According to the Bible, the burning bush episode happened near Mount Horeb (Exod. 3:1f). Muslim commentators place the valley of Toowa at the foot of Mount Sinai.

Vv. 15: “I keep it secret,” or, perhaps, the opposite: “I divulge it.” Linguistic ambiguities feed mystic ratiocinations.

V. 22: Lit., “press your hand to your wing.” The verse can also be read “brace yourself, your hand doesn’t deserve a blame.”

V. 27: Lit., “loosen the knot on my tongue.” Moses had a speech defect since childhood.

V. 29: “A deputy” or a minister or assistant — wazir (vizier).

V. 31; Lit., “to let him strengthen my back.”

V. 39: “Our common enemy” — the Egyptians.

V. 85: In The Bible, the person directly responsible for the worship of the Golden Calf was Aaron himself. The Koran mitigates his guilt because a Prophet could not be such a mis­creant. As-Samiri, mentioned only in this sura, is not a Biblical character. He might be an ancestor of the Samaritans.

V. 94: “Hair,” lit., “head.”

V. 96: The Messenger is either the Prophet or an Angel.

V. 102: “With eyes turned white [by terror]” — “their eyes turned blue” in the original.

V. 103-104: Ten days or one day are equal in eternity.

V. 108: The Caller is the Angel 'Asrafil.

V. 109: Or “Only those who received permission from the Compassionate... will be allowed to intercede.”

V. 110: “What they have brought in their hands and what they have left behind” — their future and their past.

V. 114: Wait until the revelation of the Koran comes to its end: indeed, only a completed Koran can be perfect.

Vv. 115-123: In the episode of Adam and Iblis, the latter was ordered to prostrate himself before Adam, but not to worship him. Worship would have contradicted mono­theism and the refusal of Iblis would have been commendable (prostrations in front of an Ori­ental potentate are still common in the East).

V. 120: The tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:9) is called, in the Koran, “the Tree of Eternity.” However, eternal as it could be, it is “the Tree of Knoweldge of Good and Evil,” judging by the effect eating its fruit had on Adam and Eve.

V. 121: Adam and Eve both ate from the forbidden tree; both disobeyed God. In the Bible, Eve is singled out as the culprit who incited Adam to sin against God (Gen. 3:1-6).

V. 122: “We chose him” in the sense: “We chose him to bestow Our Grace upon him.”

V. 123: Ihbita (get out of here, both of you) is the dual form. In S.2:38, it is ihbitu: (get out, you all), Satan included.

V. 131: God allows some people to be richer than others.

V. 132: God is not a pagan idol that needs food offerings and sustenance. He is the One Who provides man with all he needs.

Sura 11 Hood. Like S.26, with which it has much in common, S.11 recounts the stories of Biblical and Arabian Prophets, namely, Noah (vv. 25-49), Hood (vv. 50-60), Salih (vv. 61-68), Abraham and Lot (vv. 69-83), and Shu 'aib (vv. 84-95). A few verses speak of Moses (vv. 96-99, 100). These stories are similar in style and conclusion, but they approach the Prophets from a somewhat different point of view than in S.26, where the style is concise and direct. Here, it is more ponderous, even convoluted at times, with an accumulation of Signs and Warnings, especially in the introduction and conclusion. S.11 obviously belongs to a late period, as evidenced, for example, by the use of the word “Proof” for Sign, and by a discussion of dissensions among the Jews in vv. 110-111.

11.    HOOD

Meccan, 123 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Alif lam ra.

[This is] a Scripture from the Wise and All-knowing whose Verses based on Wisdom are explained in detail, so that you would not worship anyone, except God.

2.     [Say]:

“Verily, He has [sent] me to you to warn and to bring good tidings.

3.    Ask forgiveness of your Lord and turn to Him in repentance, then He’ll give you a good provision till your appointed time.

He bestows His Grace upon any one rich in Grace.

But if you turned away,

I’d fear for you the punishment of the Great Day.

4.     To God is your return —

He has power over all things!”

5* They cover up their hearts in order to hide from Him, but even if they wrap themselves in their garments, He will know what they hide and what they disclose —

indeed, He knows well what is in the hearts!

6. There is not a single living creature on earth whose existence does not depend upon God. [God] knows where it settles and where it is kept — everything is in a clear Book!

7* He is the One, Who has created the Heavens and the earth in six Days. His Throne was on the Waters.

This was to find out who of you is the best in deeds. If you say to the disbelievers:

“Verily, you’ll be raised after you die,” they will surely say:

“That’s nothing but plain magic!”

8.     Yet if We delayed their punishment for a while, they would surely say:

“What has kept it back?” But on that Day, when it comes to them, nothing shall save them from it, and they shall be encircled by what they were laughing at!

9.     If We give a man a taste Our mercy, and then We withdraw it from him, he would be in despair and disbelief.

10.   But if We allowed him to taste [Our] Grace after he had suffered misfortunes,

he would surely say: “Evil has left me!”

And he will start exulting and showing off.

11.   But not those who are patient and do good works: for them there is forgiveness and a great reward.

12* — [O Muhammad!] You might omit part of what is inspired to you, and your heart might feel tight when they say: “Why hasn’t a treasure been sent down to him, or why didn’t an Angel accompany him?” But you are only a Warner, and God is responsible for everything!

13.   If they say:

“He invented [the Koran],”


“Bring up ten suras in its likeness, and summon anyone you want besides God if you’re telling the truth!”

14.   If they fail to respond, then know that [the Koran] has been sent down to you with the knowledge of God,

and that there is no god, but Him.

So,     would you not become Muslims?

15.   We shall fully pay for their deeds those who prefer this life with its frills.

16.   They are those who cannot expect anything in the Hereafter, except Fire. Void shall be all their works,

and fruitless shall be all their deeds.

17.   The believers are those who accept the clear Verses of their Lord

that are read to them by a witness from Himself, as the Book of Moses was read to them before — this is Guidance and mercy [for mankind].

But the factions who reject it shall meet in the Fire. Have no doubts about it:

this is the Truth from your Lord, although most people do not believe.

18.   Who does more evil than the one who invents lies against God?

They shall be returned to their Lord, and the witnesses shall say:

“These are the ones who lied about their Lord!

Let the curse of God be upon those who do wrong

19.   by seducing others from God’s way and striving to make it crooked.

They are of those who deny the Hereafter!”

20.   They shall not change anything on earth, and they shall have no protectors, except God.

Their punishment shall be doubled — indeed, they are blind and deaf!

21.   They are of those who lost their souls; their fabrications have abandoned them.

22.     Surely, they shall suffer

the greatest losses in the Hereafter.

23.   But those who have believed, have done good deeds, and have been humble before their Lord,

shall dwell in Paradise and stay in it for ever.

24.   Some of them can be compared to those who do not see nor hear, and others to those who hear and see. Are they equal in this comparison? Will you not come to your senses?

25.   We sent Noah to his people. [He said]: “Truly, I’m your lucid Warner.

26.     Don’t worship anyone besides God,

or I’ll fear for you the punishment of the painful Day!”

27.   The disbelieving chieftains of his people said: “We see that you’re a mortal like us,

and that you’re followed only by the lowest

and the most immature of us.

We don’t see that you exceed us in merit, and, therefore, we think that you’re liars!”

28* [Noah] said:

“O my people! Don’t you see that I have a Proof from my Lord?

He has bestowed upon me a Mercy to which you’re blind, but can we force upon you what you deny?

29.      O my people!

I’m not asking you for a fee — my reward is only with God.

And I’m not going to drive the believers away — indeed, they will surely meet with their Lord.

But I see that you are ignorant folks!

30.      O my people!

Who would intercede for me before God

if I drove [the believers] away?

Will you not come to your senses?

31.      I’m not telling you that I own God’s treasuries

and know the Unseen; and I don’t pretend to be an Angel.

I wouldn’t say about those you despise that God won’t bestow upon them any favors — indeed, God knows best what’s in their souls — otherwise, I would be doing wrong.”

32.      [The people] said:

“O Noah! By arguing with us you prolong our dispute.

Bring your threat upon us if you’re telling the truth!”

33.      [Noah] said:

“God will bring it upon you if He wills, and you won’t be able to avoid it!

34.  Much as I desire to advise you, my advice wouldn’t help you

if God wanted you to go astray.

He’s your Lord, and to Him is your return!”

35.      — [O Muhammad!] When they say:

“He invented [the Koran],”


“If I invented it, my sin would be upon me, but I’m not guilty of your sins.”

36.      Noah received the inspiration:

— No one of your people will believe, except those who already have faith.

So, do not grieve over what they do,

37.  but build an ark in Our sight by inspiration from Us, and don’t talk to Me about the transgressors — they shall be drowned, all of them!

38.  [Noah] began to build the ark, and the chieftains of his people mocked him each time they passed by.

He was saying to them:

“You’re mocking us now, but our turn will come to mock you.

39.      Soon you’ll know

for whom there will be a humiliating punishment, for whom there will be a lasting punishment!”

40*When Our Command was issued, and the waters gushed out, We said:

— Embark a pair of each kind together with your household and those who have believed, but not those who have already been sentenced.

However, only a few shared his faith.

41. [Noah] said:

“Embark on it in the Name of God, whether it sails or stands still!

Verily, my Lord is forgiving and merciful!”

42*When it sailed with them on waves [huge] like mountains, Noah called to his son who was standing aside: “O my son!

Come with us, don’t stay with the disbelievers!”

43. He said:

“I’ll climb a mountain to save myself from the flood.” [Noah] said:

“Today no one shall escape from God’s Command, except those upon whom He bestowed [His] mercy.” A wave came between them, and [the son] was drowned.

44*And it was said:

— O earth, swallow up your waters! O sky, stop [raining]! The waters receded, the event was completed.

[The ark] stood firm on [Mount] Al-Djudi, and it was said:

— Down with those who do wrong!

45.      Noah called to his Lord, saying:

“O my Lord! Surely my son is part of my family, but Your promise is true — indeed, You’re the wisest ofJudges!”

46.      [God] said:

— O Noah! If he misbehaved, he is not part of your family. Do not ask Me what you are not supposed to know.

I urge you not to be one of the ignorant!

47.      [Noah] said:

“O my Lord! Protect me from asking You what I’m not supposed to know.

Unless You forgive me and have mercy upon me, I’ll be among the losers!”

48.      And it was said:

— O Noah! Disembark with peace from Us and with blessings upon you and the nations that will descend from those who are with you. We will allow some nations to enjoy life before We unleash upon them Our painful punishment.

49.      Such are some stories of the Unseen

We are disclosing to you.

Neither you nor your people knew of them before.

Be patient:

the outcome will be [good] for the God-fearing!

50.      [To the people of] ’Ad [We sent] their brother Hood.

He said:

“O my people!

Worship God! You’ve no other gods besides Him: they are just your inventions.

51.      O my people!

I’m not asking you for a fee —

my reward is only with the One, Who has created me.

Don’t you understand?

52.      O my people!

Ask your Lord to forgive you and turn to Him.

He’ll send upon you a copious rain from the sky and add strength to your strength.

So don’t turn away like the sinners!”

53.      [The people] said:

“O Hood! What you’ve brought to us aren’t any Proofs.

We won’t abandon our gods just upon your word.

We don’t believe you!

54.      We can only say that one of our gods

has struck you with evil.”

[Hood] said:

“I’m calling God to witness, and you’re witnesses too that I’m innocent of your associating with Him

55.      other [gods].

Now plot together against me without respite!

56.      I’m putting my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord.

There isn’t any living creature

that He doesn’t hold by its forelock!

Verily, my Lord is on the straight path!

57.      Even if you turned away,

I’ve delivered to you what I’d been sent with.

My Lord shall replace you by another people, and you won’t harm Him in the least, for my Lord is the guardian of all things!”

58.      When We issued Our Command, by Our mercy

We saved Hood and those who had believed with him — We saved them from a severe punishment.

59.      And such were [the people of] ’Ad.

They spurned the Signs of their Lord, disobeyed His Messengers, and followed the commands of some inveterate lawbreakers.

60.      A curse shall follow them

in this life and on Resurrection Day.

Indeed, ’Ad have not believed in their Lord, therefore, down with ’Ad, the people of Hood!

61.      [To the people of] Thamood [We sent] their brother Salih.

He said:

“O my people, worship God!

You’ve no other god, but Him.

He is the One, Who made you from the earth and settled you on it;

so ask for His forgiveness and turn to Him.

Verily, my Lord is nearby, ready to respond!”

62.      [The people] said:

“O Salih! We had expected much from you in the past.

Do you forbid us to worship what our fathers have served?

We’re in great doubt about what you’re calling us to.”

63.      [Salih] said:

“O my people! Consider that if I have the Proofs

from my Lord and that He has bestowed His mercy upon me, who will protect me from God if I disobeyed Him?

You’ll only increase my losses!

64.      O my people!

This she-camel belongs to God, she is a Sign for you.

Let her graze on God’s land, and don’t harm her, lest an impending punishment befalls you!”

65.      But they hamstrung her, and he said:

“You can rejoice in your homes three more days until this threat comes true!”

66.   Once Our decision was made, by Our mercy We rescued from the humiliation of that Day Salih and those who had believed with him.

Verily, your Lord is the Strong, the Almighty.

67.      A Shout overtook the wrong-doers,

and at dawn they were lying prostrate in their dwellings,

68.      as if they had never flourished in them.

[The people of] Thamood have rejected their Lord, therefore, down with Thamood!

69.   Our [heavenly] Envoys came with good tidings to Abraham and said: “Peace!”

And he said: “Peace!”,

and hurried to bring a roasted calf.

70.   When he saw that they did not extend their hands to it, he became suspicious and felt afraid of them.

But they said:

“Fear not — we’ve been sent to the people of Lot.”

71* His wife, who was standing by, laughed when We gave her the good news of [the birth of] Isaac to be followed by Jacob.

72.      She said:

“Alas! How can I give birth when I’m so old?

Here’s my husband, he’s old, too.

That would really be an amazing thing!”

73.      [The Envoys] said:

“Why are you surprised at God’s decree? O members of this household!

Let God’s mercy and His blessings be upon you, Verily, He is praiseworthy and full of glory!”

74.   When Abraham’s fear was dispelled, and he received the good news,

he began pleading with Us for the people of Lot,

75.      for Abraham was kind, sensitive, and striving to God.

76.      [He heard]:

— O Abraham! Do not insist!

Your Lord’s decision has already been issued and a sure punishment is coming to them!

77.   When Our Envoys came to Lot, he felt sorry for them, knowing that he had no power to protect them, and he said: “What a difficult day!”

78* Used to doing abominations, his people came rushing to him. He said:

“O my people! Here are my daughters — they’re purer for you. Fear God and don’t embarrass me before my guests.

Isn’t there a single righteous man among you?”

79.     [The people] said:

“You know it’s not your daughters that we want, you know very well what we’re looking for!”

80.      [Lot] said:

“If I only had power over you, or a mighty support!”

81.      [The Angels] said:

“O Lot! We’re the Envoys of your Lord.

They can’t get at you!

Leave with your household before the end of the night and let nobody look back, except your wife who will share the fate of the rest.

Verily, morning is their appointed time, and morning is already near.”

82.      When Our Decision was made,

We turned [their cities] upside down.

We rained upon them a hail of stones hard like baked clay,

83.      and marked by your Lord.

[Punishment] is not far from those who do wrong!

84.   To [the people of] Madyan [came] their brother Shu’aib. He said:

“O my people, worship God! You have no god besides Him. Don’t measure or weigh short.

I see that you’re doing well, but I fear for you the punishment of the Overwhelming Day.

85.      O my people!

Measure and weigh accurately,

don’t defraud the people of their possessions, and don’t commit evil in the land

by giving yourselves to corruption.

86* If you’re believers, the best for you is what God has bequeathed to you — but your guardian I’m not!”

87.      [The people] said:

“O Shu’aib! Does your religion demand of you

that we abandon what our fathers used to worship, and that we stop managing our property as we like?

Are you not kind and just?”

88.      [Shu’aib] said:

“O my people! Don’t you see

that I’ve the Proofs from my Lord?

Didn’t He provide me with a good sustenance?

Would I want for myself what I’m forbidding you?

I want to help you mend your ways as much as I can, and I rely upon God alone — in Him I trust, and to Him I turn!

89* O my people!

Let not my disapproval lead you to sin,

lest what happened to the peoples of Noah, Hood, and Salih shall happen to you.

And the people of Lot isn’t far from you!

90.      Ask your Lord to forgive you and turn to Him,

for my Lord is merciful and loving!”

91.      [The people] said:

“O Shu’aib! We don’t understand much of what you say, but you’re a weakling in comparison to us.

If it weren’t for your clan, we would’ve stoned you — you’re not that prominent among us!”

92.      He said:

“O my people! Is my clan more important to you than God to Whom you’ve turned your backs?

Verily, God encompasses all what you do!

93.      O my people!

Act as you want, and I’ll act [as I want].

Soon you shall know who gets a humiliating punishment and who is a liar.

So watch, and I’ll be watching with you!”

94.      When Our decision was issued, by Our mercy

We rescued Shu’aib and those who believed with him.

But the Shout came upon the wrong-doers, and in the morning they were lying prostrate in their dwellings,

95.   as if they had not flourished in them in the past. Madyan went away, as Thamood went away!

96.      We sent Moses with Our Signs and a clear authority

97.      to Pharaoh and to the chieftains under Pharaoh’s command.

But how unjust were Pharaoh’s commands!

98.      On Resurrection Day he shall lead his people

and bring them straight to the watering place in the Fire.

Awful is the watering place to which they shall be led!

99.      A curse shall follow them in this [life],

and on Resurrection Day, awful shall be the gift that they will receive!

100.These are some of the events regarding the towns We are telling you about. Some of them are standing,

and [others] are already mown down.

101. We have not wronged them — they have wronged themselves. When God’s decision was issued, whatever they worshiped besides God didn’t help them in the least.

It only aggravated their fall!

102.Such is the hold of your Lord

over the towns for their evil-doing — painful and violent is His grasp!

103.     There is a Sign in this for those

who fear the punishment of the Hereafter.

The Day when all the people are gathered together will be the Day of Witnessing.

104.     We will delay it only a little.

105.     And when that Day comes,

no soul shall dare speak without His permission.

Then some shall feel miserable, and others elated.

106. The miserable ones shall be in the Fire, where there shall be nothing but sighs and sobs.

107. They shall stay there for the duration of Heavens and earth, unless your Lord wills it otherwise —

indeed, your Lord acts as He wills!

108*And the happy ones? They shall stay in Paradise for the duration of Heavens and earth, unless your Lord wills it otherwise.

And this gift shall endure for ever!

109.     — [O Muhammad!]

Do not be troubled by whatever they worship: they worship what their fathers had worshiped before. Verily, We will pay them a full price for their deeds!

110*We gave a Scripture to Moses, but they disagreed about it. Had it not been for an earlier Word of your Lord, the matter between them would have been resolved, but they have strong doubts about it!

111.    Your Lord will surely pay them a full price for their deeds.

He is well informed of what they do.

112. Let you and those who turned with you [to God], be firm as commanded, and do not transgress — indeed, all your deeds are in His sight!

113.    Do not side with the evildoers

or the Fire shall also engulf you.

You shall have no protectors besides God, and nobody shall assist you!

114.    Stand up for prayer at the beginning

and the end of the day, and at the approach of the night. Good deeds cancel the bad ones!

This is a Reminder for those who remember.

115.    Be patient!

Verily, God will not waste the reward of the righteous.

116.    How is it, that except the few We have saved, so few were virtuous in the former generations, who could have forbidden corruption on earth? But the wrong-doers pursued the good things that were given to them and continued to sin.

117*Your Lord will never destroy a town for one transgression if their people are willing to amend.

118.    Had your Lord so willed,

He could have made one nation of all the people.

But they continue to argue,

119.    except those upon whom God has bestowed His mercy — indeed, He created them to confer it to them!

The Word of Your Lord will come true:

— I will fill Hellfire with Jinn and men, together!

120.     We are telling you these stories about the Messengers to fortify your heart — indeed, they bring you the Truth, and they are a Warning and a Reminder to the believers.

121.     Say to the disbelievers:

“Do what’s best for you, and we’ll do [what’s best for us]!

122.     Wait, and we’ll be waiting [too]!”

123.     To God belongs the Unseen in Heavens and on earth, and each affair returns to Him.

So worship Him and trust Him — indeed, your Lord is not unmindful of your deeds!

V. 5: To hide from God is to leave the real world for the realm of empty dreams and material values.

V. 7: Water, so essential to life, is an apt metaphor for the creative power of God, indeed, His Throne is upon the Waters.

V. 12: Occasionally the Prophet doubted his ability of transmitting the Koran accurately and completely.

V. 28: “Proof,” “evidence,” or “clear explanation” (bayina), implying the use of reason, as opposed to “Sign” (aya).

V. 40: God rescued all the righteous and not only Noah and his family. “Water gushed out,” lit., “the oven boiled over.”

V. 42: The Bible does not mention this son of Noah’s.

V. 44: Is Al-Djudi a mountain in Arabia or is it Mt. Ararat?

V. 71: Sarah laughed when she overheard the Angels announcing the birth of a son to the centenarian Abraham.

Vv. 78, 79: Obviously, Islam does not condone homosexuality.

V. 86: The best part of an estate is that which remains after one gives away generous con­tributions.

V. 89: “Isn’t far from you” — in time or in space?

V. 108: The punishment will not be eternal, as the Christians understand it, but tem­porary, until the present world ends (God is free to replace the present Universe by another Creation).

V. 110: God grants a respite to men to allow them to repent.

V. 117: “Just one sin” — probably, polytheism.

SURA 7 T HE HEIGHTS. The Arabic name of this sura (Al-a 'raf) means “The Heights” or “The Barriers” (cf. v. 48). Long as it is, S.7 is easy to follow. Like S.20 it starts with a statement that the Prophetic mission requires much emotional exertion. Then Warning passages frame the stories of Ibis and the fall of Adam (vv. 11'27), and the par' allel descriptions of the missions of Noah (vv. 59'64), Hood (vv. 65'72), Salih (vv. 73'79), Lot (vv. 80'84), Shu'aib (vv. 85'93), and Moses (vv. 103f). Abraham is conspicuously missing.

To some, S.7 may seem to be too elaborate, but an artful recitation of short discon' nected passages attains a highly emotional pitch by the effect of contrasts and repetitions. The Koran is meant for expressive reading aloud more than for silent perusal.

7.      T H E H E I G H T S

Meccan, 206 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Alif lam mim sad.

2.      [This] Scripture is revealed to you

to let you warn and remind the believers.

Let it not be heavy on your chest!

3.     [O people!] Follow what your Lord has revealed to you and do not seek any protectors besides Him.

But how little do you remember!

4* How many towns have We destroyed!

Our wrath came upon them at night or during the midday rest.

5.      When Our wrath came upon them, they could only say:

“Truly, we have transgressed!”

6.     We will question those who received [the Revelations], and We will question those who transmitted them.

7.     We will recount to them everything with Knowledge — indeed, We are [never] absent.

8.      Accurate shall be the Balance on that Day,

and successful will be those whose scales are heavy,

9.     but those whose scales are light shall lose their souls for being hostile to Our Signs.

10.   We have settled you firmly on the earth and We gave you the necessities of life, but how small is your gratitude!

11.     We have created you and gave you a shape.

Then We said to the Angels:

— Prostrate yourselves before Adam!

And they [all] prostrated themselves, except Iblis,

who refused to join those who prostrated themselves.

12* [God] said:

— Why did you not prostrate yourself as I have commanded? [Iblis] said:

I’m better than he,

for You’ve created me of fire, and him of clay!”

13.     [God] said:

— Get out of here!

This is not the place for you to be arrogant.

Out of here, measly one!

14.     [Iblis] said:

“Grant me a reprieve till Resurrection Day!”

15.     [God] said:

— So be among the reprieved!

16.     [Iblis] said:

“Since You’ve led me into sin,

I’m going to ambush those who are on Your straight path.

17.   I’ll assail them from front and back, from right and left!

You’ll see that most of them are ungrateful.”

18.     [God said]:

— Get out from here and be scorned and exiled!

And if anyone of them follows you,

I will pack Hell up with all of you!

19.   And you, Adam, dwell in the Garden with your spouse. Eat anything you want, but do not approach this tree, lest you become transgressors.

20.   Then Satan whispered to them to let them see their shame that was hitherto hidden from them, and he said to them: “Your Lord has forbidden you this tree,

lest you became Angels and lived for ever.”

21.      And he swore to them:

“Truly, I’m your good adviser!”

22.      Thus, by his deception he caused their fall.

When they tasted of the tree,

they noticed their shame, and to cover it up, they stitched together some leaves from the Garden.

Their Lord called them:

— Have I not warned you that this tree is not for you and that, verily, Satan is your open foe?

23.      They said:

“O our Lord! We’ve hurt our souls!

If You don’t forgive us and don’t grant us Your mercy, we’ll certainly be among the losers!”

24.      [God] said:

— Get out of here, and live in enmity to one another! Inhabit the earth and use it for some time.

25.      And He said:

— On it you shall live, and on it you shall die; and from it you shall be brought forth.

26* — O Children of Adam!

We have sent down to you some clothing to cover your shame and make you attractive, but the best garment for you is devotion to God!

This is one of God’s Signs — perhaps you will remember!

27.     — O Children of Adam!

Do not let Satan seduce you as he seduced your foreparents whom he got out of Paradise and divested of their clothes, thus uncovering their shame.

He and his tribe are watching you from where you cannot see them.

We made Satans patrons of the disbelievers!

28.   When [the disbelievers] commit indecency, they say: “We found out that this was our fathers’ way,”

or “God has commanded us to do that.”


“Verily, God doesn’t prescribe indecency.

How can you say about God what you don’t know?” 29*Say:

“My Lord commands justice.

Lift your faces [to Him] in each mosque and call upon Him with sincere devotion.

You shall return [to Him] the same as He has created you!”

30. He guided some people and let others go astray, to make them take Satans as protectors instead of God, while assuming that they were on the right path.

31* — O Children of Adam!

Don a beautiful apparel when you pray.

Eat and drink in moderation —

indeed, [God] does not love those given to excess.

32* Say:

“Who forbade the beautiful [things] that God gives to His servants, and the good things He gives them for food?” Say:

“They are for those who in this life

have sincerely believed in the Day of Resurrection.”

This is how We explain the Signs to knowledgeable people.

33.     Say:

“My Lord has forbidden indecencies, open and secret, and vice, and sedition against the truth, and association to God without His sanction, and saying of God that which you do not know.”

34.   Each community has its term. When this term is reached, they will not be able to advance it

or to retard it even by one hour.

35* — O Children of Adam!

When Messengers of your kin come to you to read you My Verses, those who feared God and mended their ways should neither fear nor grieve.

36. But those who rejected Our Verses and scorned them shall dwell in the Fire and stay in it for ever.

37* Who does a greater wrong than those who lie about God or reject His Signs? Their fate has already been sealed in the part of the Scripture that was given to them. When Our Envoys come to recall their souls, saying: “Where are those you’ve worshiped besides God?”, they will say:

“They’ve deserted us!”

In their disbelief, they shall witness against themselves.

38* [God] will say:

— Enter the Fire with the nations ofJinn and men who died before you. As one community enters, it will curse those who are like it, until they all get inside.

The last ones shall say of the first ones: “O our Lord!

These are the ones who led us astray, so give them a double punishment by the Fire!” [God] will say:

— A double one for each of them, even though you do not know it.

39. And the first ones shall say to the last ones: “You were no better than us,

so taste the punishment for all you’ve amassed!”

40*Verily, the Gates of Heaven shall not open for those who disdained Our Signs and rejected them. They shall not enter Paradise until a camel passes through a needle’s eye. This is how We will treat the sinners!

41.   Hellfire shall be their couch, and a shroud their cover. Such is Our reward for those who do wrong!

42.    As to those who believe and do good works,

We do not load their souls more than they can bear. They shall dwell in Paradise and stay in it for ever!

43.    We will cleanse their hearts of all grief.

Rivers shall flow at their feet, and they will say: “Praised be God for guiding us — indeed, without God’s Guidance we wouldn’t be here. Our Lord’s Messengers have brought us the Truth!” And they will hear:

— This is the Paradise you have inherited for your deeds!

44.      The dwellers of Paradise shall call

to the inmates of the Fire:

“We’ve found that our Lord’s promise to us is true, and you, have you found

that your Lord’s promise to you is true?”

They shall say: “Yes!”

Then a herald shall proclaim among them:

“Let the curse of God be upon the sinners

45.   for turning others away from God’s path and for seeking crookedness in it.

Indeed, they are of those who denied the Hereafter!” 46*And a curtain shall descend between them.

The men on the Heights shall know everyone by their marks, and they shall call to the dwellers of Paradise:

“Peace upon you!”

They have not entered therein, but wished they had.

47.   Turning their eyes to the inmates of the Fire, they shall say:

“Our Lord! Don’t lodge us together with the wrong-doers!”

48.      The men on the Heights shall call

those they recognized by their marks, and say: “Have you been helped by what you’ve amassed and by what made you so proud?

49.      Are you not the ones who swore

that God will never bless them with His mercy:

— Enter Paradise! You shall not fear nor grieve!”

50* The inmates of the Fire shall call

to the dwellers of Paradise:

“Throw us some water or something of the provision God is providing you with!” But they will say:

“God has forbidden both to the disbelievers

51.   who took their religion for sport and amusement and were seduced by the life of this world.”

On that Day We will forget them, just as they forgot the meeting on this Day of theirs and denied Our Signs!

52.   We have sent down to them a Scripture based on Knowledge and We explained it in detail.

It is a Guidance and a mercy for those who believed.

53* Or, maybe they are waiting for the Promise to be fulfilled?

The Day when the Promise is fulfilled, those who have long forgotten about it will say: “Indeed, our Lord’s Messengers have brought us the Truth. Don’t we have any intercessors to intercede for us?

If we were returned [to life], we would never behave like we behaved in the past!” They have lost their souls, and their inventions have disappeared!

54.      Your Lord is God!

He has created the Heavens and the earth in six days; then He established Himself on the Throne.

He covers the day with the veil of the night, and they unfailingly succeed each other.

The sun, the moon, and the stars are obeying His Law.

Is He not the One, Who creates?

Is He not the One, Who rules?

Blessed be God, the Lord of the Worlds!

55.   Call on your Lord humbly and in secret — verily, He does not love the sinners!

56.   And avoid corruption on the land after it had been set in order,

but call on Him in fear and with hope.

Verily, God’s mercy is near those who do good!

57.   He is the One, Who sends the winds that signal the approach of His mercy.

When they carry heavy clouds, We propel them to dry land and pour rain down on it to bring forth fruits of all kinds.

Likewise We will revive the dead — perhaps you will come to your senses!

58.   Plants sprout on good soil by permission of their Lord, but they are scarce on a bad one.

This is how We explain Our Signs to grateful people.

59.      When We sent Noah to his people, he said:

“O my people, worship God!

You have no other god but Him.

I fear for you the punishment of the Great Day!”

60.      The chieftains of his people said:

“We see that you’re in deep error!”

61.      [Noah] said:

“O my people! I’m not the one in error:

I’m a Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds,

62.   I deliver to you the Messages of my Lord and I advise you. Indeed, I know from God what you don’t know.

63.   Why are you surprised that a Reminder from your Lord is brought to you by a man from your midst

to warn you that if you fear God, perhaps you’ll deserve His mercy.”

64.      But they rejected him.

We rescued him in the ark with some others and We drowned those who denied Our Signs. Verily, these people were blind!

65.   To ’Ad [We sent] their brother Hood, who said: “O my people, worship God!

You’ve no other god but Him, so why don’t you fear Him?”

66.   The disbelieving chieftains of his people said: “We see that you’re out of your mind

and we think that you’re also a liar!”

67.     He said:

“O my people! I’m not out of my mind, I’m a Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds

68.   and I’m delivering to you the Messages of my Lord — I’m your faithful adviser.

69* Why are you so surprised that a man from your midst brings to you the Reminder of your Lord to warn you? Remember that [God] has made you the heirs of the people of Noah, and that He raised you above the nations.

If you remember God’s gifts to you, perhaps you will succeed!”

70.     They said:

“If you came to us to make us worship one God and abandon the ones our fathers had worshiped, then bring your threat upon us if you’re telling the truth!”

71.     He said:

“Your Lord’s retribution and wrath

have already fallen upon you.

So why do you argue with me about some names that you and your fathers have invented without God’s permission?

So wait, and I’ll wait with you!”

72.   By Our mercy We rescued him and his companions. And those who denied Our Signs and refused to believe, We destroyed them to the last one!

73* To Thamood [We sent] their brother Salih, who said: “O my people, worship God!

You have no other god but Him.

A clear Proof from your Lord has come to you: this she-camel, consecrated to God.

She is a Sign for you.

Let her graze in the land of God.

Don’t hurt her, lest a painful punishment befalls you.

74.   Remember that [God] made you the successors of ’Ad, and settled you in [this] land

where you build castles in the valleys and excavate dwellings in the mountains.

So remember God’s gifts

and don’t spread corruption in the land!”

75.     The haughty chieftains of his people

said to the believers they considered as weaklings: “Are you sure that Salih is a Messenger of his Lord?” They said:

“Yes, and we believe in what has been sent down with him.”

76.     Then the haughty ones said:

“We reject what you believe in!”

77.   And in defiance to their Lord’s command, they hamstrung the she-camel and said: “O Salih! Bring your threat upon us

if you’re really one of the Messengers!”

78.   An earthquake disposed of them unawares, and in the morning they were lying prostrate in their dwellings.

79.     [Salih] turned away from them and said:

“O my people! I’ve delivered to you the Message of my Lord, and I gave you good advice; but you dislike the advisers!”

80.      And Lot? He said to his people:

“How can you commit shameful acts unheard of in the Worlds?

81.      Lusting after men instead of women!...

Yes, you’re a people without restraint!”

82.      But his people had just one response:

“Expel them from your town — indeed, these people want to stay pure!”

83.   We rescued [Lot] and his family, except his wife, who stayed behind.

84.   We pelted the others with a hail [of stones]. Look at the fate of the transgressors!

85.   And to Madyan [We sent] their brother Shu’aib, who said: “O my people, worship God!

You’ve no other God, except Him.

A clear Proof has come to you from your Lord.

Give a full measure, weigh justly,

don’t appropriate what isn’t yours, and don’t spread corruption in the land after it has been set right.

It’s best for you to believe!

86.   Don’t sit by the roads, threatening the believers, and don’t seduce them from the way of God

in an effort at making it crooked.

Remember how few you were, and how He multiplied you! Consider the fate of the corrupt!

87.   If some of you believe in what I’ve been sent with, and some others don’t believe,

then wait patiently until God rules between us, for He is the best of the Judges!”

88.   The haughty chieftains of the people said: “O Shu’aib!

Return to our way; otherwise, we’ll expel you from town together with those who believe like you.”

He said:

“And what if we hate it?

89.   We would lie against God if we returned to your way after God has rescued us from it.

We won’t return to it, unless God, our Lord, wills it. Our Lord’s Knowledge extends to all things,

and in God we trust.

O our Lord! Rule between us and our people by the Truth, for you’re the best of the Judges!”

90.   The disbelieving chieftains of his people said: “If you follow Shu’aib, you’ll be the losers!”

91.      An earthquake caught them unawares,

and at daybreak they were lying prostrate in their houses.

92.   Wiped out were all those who rejected Shu’aib, as if they had never flourished there!

Yes, the losers were those who rejected Shu’aib!

93.      He turned away from them and said:

“O my people!

I’ve delivered to you the Messages of my Lord and I’ve given you some advice.

Why should I grieve over the people who disbelieve?”

94.      We have never sent a Prophet to a town

without first testing its people by suffering or adversity, hoping they would humble themselves.

95.   Then We kept replacing their suffering by prosperity until they recovered and began to say:

“Our fathers had also experienced turns of adversity and prosperity.”

And at that We took them suddenly, unawares!

96.   If the town-dwellers believed and feared God, We would have certainly extended to them the blessings of Heaven and earth.

But they rejected [Our Message],

and We seized them for what they deserved!

97.   Do the townspeople feel secure, knowing that Our wrath can overtake them at night when they are asleep?

98.      Do they feel secure,

knowing that Our wrath can overtake them during the day while they are having fun?

99.      Are they secure from God’s planning?

Only the people who are doomed think themselves secure from God’s planning!

100.Have We not warned those who inherited the land from its [former] possessors that if We willed, We could punish them for their sins

and seal their hearts to prevent them from hearing?

101.     This is what happened to the towns

We are telling you about.

Their Messengers came to them with the Proofs, but they refused to believe in what they had denied before. This is how God seals the hearts of the disbelievers!

102.We found that most of them were not keeping the Covenant. And We found that most of them were corrupt.

103.     Later on We sent Moses with Our Signs

to Pharaoh and his chieftains, but they rejected them.

Consider the fate of those who did wrong!

104.     Moses said: “O Pharaoh!

I’m a Messenger from the Lord of the Worlds.

105.     My duty is to speak only the Truth about God.

I brought to you the Proofs of your Lord — let the Children of Israel leave with me!”

106.     [Pharaoh] said:

“If you brought a Sign, show it if you’re telling the truth.”

107.     [Moses] cast his staff, and it turned into a snake;

108*he pulled his hand out, and everyone saw it was white.

109.     The chieftains of Pharaoh’s people said:

“Surely, he’s a clever magician

110.     who wants to expel you from your lands.

What is your command?”

111.     And they [also] said:

“Let him and his brother wait

while you’re sending recruiters to the cities

112.     to round up to you the most skilled magicians.”

113.     When the magicians came to Pharaoh, they said:

“We expect to get a reward if we win!”

114.     [Pharaoh] said:

“Yes, I’ll make you [my] retainers.”

115.     They said:

“O Moses! Will you cast, or shall we cast first?”

116.     [Moses] said:

“Let you cast!”

While casting, they put a spell on the eyes of the people and frightened them by showing a great magic feat.

117.     We inspired Moses:

— Cast your staff!

And lo and behold, it swallowed their fakes.

118.     Thus, Truth has won and their deeds have been exposed!

119.     Instead of winning, they were humiliated.

120.     The magicians prostrated themselves

121.     and said:

“We believe in the Lord of the Worlds,

122.     the Lord of Moses and Aaron.”

123.     Pharaoh said:

“How could you believe in Him without my permission?

Surely it’s a plot you devised to exile the people from the city!

But soon you shall know!

124.Off each of you I’ll cut a hand on one side

and a foot on the other; then I’ll crucify you all!”

125.     They said:

“Verily, We’re turning to our Lord.

126.     You retaliate against us only because

we believed in the Signs of Our Lord when they reached us.

O our Lord! Give us endurance and let us die as Muslims!”

127.     The chieftains of Pharaoh’s people said:

“Shall you let Moses and his people

spread corruption in the land

after they have repudiated you and your gods?”

[Pharaoh] said:

“Let’s kill their sons and spare their women —

are they not in our power?”

128.     Moses said to his people:

“Seek God’s help and arm yourselves with patience.

The land belongs to God,

and He’ll give it in inheritance

to those of His servants He pleases —

such is the outcome for the God-fearing!

129.     [The people] said:

“We’ve been persecuted before and after you came to us.”

[Moses] said:

“Your Lord can destroy your enemy and make you inherit the earth.

He’s watching over your deeds.”

130*To make them come to their senses,

We struck the people of Pharaoh

with years [of drought] and scarcity of fruit;

131*but as soon as things improved for them, they said:

“We’ve deserved that!”

When evil befell them, they blamed it on the bad omens of Moses and his followers.

But in God’s sight bad omens were in themselves, albeit most of them did not understand [it].

132.They said [to Moses]:

“No matter what Sign you show to bewitch us with, we won’t believe you!”

133*We sent upon them as evident Signs a flood, locusts, lice, frogs, and blood, but they remained as arrogant as before — indeed, they were sinful people!

134.     Each time retribution fell upon them, they said:

“O Moses!

Call upon your Lord on our behalf, as He bequeathed you!

If you lifted the retribution from us, we’d believe you and we’d let the Children of Israel go with you.”

135.     But each time We lifted the retribution from them

to let them fulfill [their promise], they broke it.

136.     In the end, We punished them:

We drowned them in the sea

for denying Our Signs instead of heeding them.

137. We let the people who were reputedly weak inherit the East and West of the earth We had blessed.

The good promise of your Lord to the Children of Israel came true thanks to their fortitude.

We destroyed everything built by Pharaoh and his people, everything they had made.

138.     We moved the Children of Israel across the sea.

There they met some people who worshiped idols, and they said:

“O Moses! Make us a god in the image of their gods.”

He said:

“Truly you are ignorant people!

139*What they’re holding to will soon be in shambles, and useless will be all their deeds!”

140.     And he said:

“Why should I seek for you a god other than God if He is the One, Who put you above the Worlds?”

141. Indeed, We rescued you from the people of Pharaoh who afflicted you with a most cruel punishment by killing your sons and sparing your women.

Mighty was this test on the part of your Lord!

142*We promised Moses thirty nights,

then We added ten more,

to let him spend forty nights with his Lord.

Moses said to his brother:

“O Aaron! Be my deputy before my people.

Act right, and don’t tread the path of the corrupt.”

143*When Moses came to the place We have designated, his Lord addressed him.

[Moses] said:

“O my Lord! Reveal Yourself to me to let me see You.”

[God] said:

— You cannot see Me!

Look at [this] mountain: if nothing happens to it, then you will be able to see Me.

But when his Lord appeared before the mountain in His glory, it crumbled to dust, and Moses passed out.

When he recovered, he said:

“Glory to You! I’m turning to You in repentance — I’m the first among the believers!”

144.[God] said:

— O Moses! I have chosen you among all the people for My Messages and My Words.

Take what I am giving to you and be grateful.

145*We wrote for him all the matters on Tables, admonishing and explaining everything:

— Hold fast onto this

and order your people to hold onto the best — soon I will show you the abode of the corrupt!

146.I will turn away from My Signs

those who unlawfully aggrandize themselves in the land,

so that even if they saw all the Signs,

they would not believe in them,

and if they saw the right path, they would not follow it.

But if they see the path to corruption,

they will rush upon it —

indeed, they denied Our Signs and made fun of them!

147.Fruitless are the deeds of those who denied Our Signs and the meeting in the Hereafter!

Shall their reward be unlike their own deeds?

148.     While Moses was away,

his people fashioned their ornaments into the shape of a lowing calf.

Did they imagine that it would talk to them or guide them on the right path?

But they embraced it and joined the wrong-doers.

149*When they were slapped on their hands,

they saw their error and said:

“If our Lord does not absolve us and doesn’t forgive, then surely, we’ll be the losers!”

150*Moses returned to his people angry and grieved.

He said:

“Evil were your deeds while I was away.

Do you really want to hasten the judgment of your Lord?”

He cast the Tablets down and,

seizing his brother by the head, dragged him to his side.

[Aaron] said:

“O my mother’s son! The truth is

that the people subdued me and almost killed me.

Don’t humiliate me before the enemies

and don’t assimilate me to the sinful people!”

151.    [Moses] said: “O my Lord!

Forgive me and my brother and admit us into Your mercy,

for You’re the Most Compassionate of all the compassionate.”

152.Verily, the wrath of their Lord and shame in this life shall fall on those who took to the calf —

this is how We reward those who spin lies!

153.But for those who do wrong and then repent and believe, verily, your Lord is forgiving and merciful.

154.When his anger subsided, Moses picked up the Tablets on which were inscribed the Guidance

and the mercy for the God-fearing.

155.     For Our appointed meeting

Moses chose seventy men of his people.

When an earthquake jolted them, he said:

“O my Lord! Had You so willed,

You would’ve destroyed them together with me long ago. Shall You destroy us [now]

because of the actions of some fools among us?

Apparently it’s a trial on Your part

to send some people astray as You will, and to guide the others as You will.

So forgive us and have mercy upon us.

You’re our Protector and the best of forgivers! 156*Prescribe goodness for us in this world and the Next One —

truly, we are turning to You!”

[God] said:

— I strike with My punishment anyone I want, but My mercy extends to everything.

I dispense it to those who fear God,

pay the zakat, believe in Our Signs, 157*and follow the Messenger, the Prophet ummi,

who is mentioned in their Torah and Evangel.

He exhorts them to the lawful and restrains them from evil.

He allows them wholesome [food] and forbids what is foul. He relieves them of their burdens and chains.

They believe in him, honor him, assist him, and follow the Light that was sent down with him.

They are the ones who will prosper!


“O my people! For all of you I’m a Messenger of God, the Sovereign of the Realm of Heavens and earth.

There is no god, but Him!

He is the One, Who gives life and death.

So, believe in God and his Messenger, the Prophet ummi, who believes in God and His Words.

Follow him — perhaps you will receive Guidance.”

159.     Among the people of Moses some

were guided by the Truth and judged by it.

160.     We divided them into twelve tribes.

When the people asked Moses to drink, We inspired him:

— Strike the rock with your staff!

Thereupon, twelve springs gushed forth, and everyone knew from which one to drink.

We shielded them with clouds,

and We sent upon them manna and quails:

— Eat the good things We are providing you with!

They did not wrong Us, they have wronged themselves!

161*They were told:

— Dwell in this town and eat there anything you please.

When you enter a gate,

[say] hittaton and prostrate yourselves.

Then We will forgive your sins, and increase [the share] of the righteous.

162.But the wrong-doers among them replaced this word by another one. Then, for all their sins,

We sent upon them a calamity from Heaven.

163*Ask them about the town by the sea where the Sabbath was not observed.

On the day of Sabbath fish came up to them, but on the days other than the Sabbath, they did not come to them.

This is how We tried them for their impiety!

164.Some of them used to say [to the Warners]: “Why are you warning the people that God is going to destroy anyway or afflict with a strong punishment?” [The Warners] said:

“We’re fulfilling our duty to your Lord and we hope that they will fear God.”

165.   But they forgot what they were warned about,

and We rescued only those who abstained from evil. We struck the wrong-doers with a painful punishment for their sins.

166.When they continued to disregard the prohibitions, We said to them:

— Be despicable apes!

167.And your Lord announced to them that before Resurrection Day He will unleash upon them those

who will submit them to a violent retribution.

Verily, your Lord is quick in punishing, but, verily, He is also forgiving and merciful!

168.We divided them in the land into communities. Some were virtuous, and others were sinful. We tested them with goodness and evil, hoping that they would return [to Us].

169*Their successors inherited the Scripture, but chose the vanities of this life, saying: “We’ll be forgiven [for everything].” But if these vanities returned, they would cling to them [again]. Did they not pledge in the Covenant of their Scripture which they had studied that they will speak only the Truth about God? But the best for the God-fearing is the abode of the Hereafter.

Will you not understand?

170.And what about those who hold onto the Scripture and stand up in prayer?

Surely, We will not allow the reward of the righteous be wasted.

171.When We shook the mountain over them and it [hang] like a canopy,

they thought that it will crash upon them, and [We said]:

— Hold fast to [the Scripture] We have brought to you, and remember everything it says — perhaps you will fear God!

172*When your Lord raised their posterity from the loins of the Sons of Adam, He made them testify about themselves:

— Am I not your Lord?

They said:

“Yes, we do testify [to that].”

Otherwise, on Resurrection Day you would have to say: “Yes, we’ve been mindless about that,”

173. or “Our fathers had been Associators before us, and we are their descendants.

Will You destroy us for the deeds of the mindless?”

174.     This is how We make the Signs clear —

perhaps they will return [to God]!

175*Tell them about the man to whom We sent Our Signs, and he rejected them —

Satan tagged along with him, and he lost the way.

176. Had We so willed, We would have inspired him, but he took to the earth and followed his lusts.

He can be compared to a dog: attack it — it lolls its tongue; leave it alone — it lolls its tongue.

This analogy is for those who reject Our Signs.

Give them [this] example — perhaps they will reflect.

177. A bad example are the people who hurt their souls by rejecting Our Signs.

178. Anyone guided by God is on the right path, and anyone He sends astray suffers a loss.

179.     We have created for Hellfire many Jinn and men.

They have hearts, but cannot understand;

they have eyes, but cannot see;

they have ears, but cannot hear;

they are like cattle, but farther astray.

How mindless they are!

180*To God belong the most beautiful Names.

So call Him accordingly and avoid those who desecrate His Names — soon they shall pay for their deeds!

181. There is a community among those We have created which guides by the Truth and dispenses justice by it.

182.     But those who have rejected Our Signs,

We will lead them to [punishment] step by step, unawares.

183.     I will give them a reprieve, but firm is My decision!

184. Did they not realize that their companion is not crazy, that he is just their lucid Warner.

185.     Do they not see when they look

at the Kingdom of Heavens and earth and everything created by God

that their term is coming to an end?

In what Message will they be able to believe after that?

186.                   Those whom God sends astray

are deprived of Guidance and wander blindly in sin.

187*They ask you:

“When is that Hour coming?”


“Only my Lord knows it! He alone can disclose its time that will be burdensome in the Heavens and earth, and will catch you by surprise!”

They ask you [about the Hour], as if you knew it.


“Only God knows it, but most people do not know!”

188.Say: “It’s not in my power to benefit or to hurt myself, except as God wills.

Had I known the Unseen, I would’ve multiplied goodness, and no evil would’ve touched me.

But I’m only a Warner and a carrier of good news for the people who believe.”

189.     He is the One, Who has created you as a single soul.

From it He made for you a spouse to let you find comfort in her.

After they get together,

she bears a light burden and carries it about.

When it becomes heavy, they both call to God, their Lord:

“Give us a righteous [son], and we’ll be grateful!”

190.But as soon as He gives them a righteous [son], they attribute a share of this gift to His partners. Exalted is God above what they associate!

191.How can they associate with Him those who do not create, but have been created,

192.     who cannot help either them or themselves.

193.     They will not follow you if you call them to Guidance:

it makes no difference for you

if you call onto them or keep silent.

194.     Verily, those you call to besides God

are servants like yourselves; call onto them

and let them answer you if you are telling the truth!

195.Do they have legs to walk and hands to grasp with, and eyes to see, and ears to hear?


“Then call upon your associate-gods

and plot relentlessly against me!

196.     Verily, my Protector is God.

He has sent down the Scripture, and He assists the upright.

197.     But those you call to besides Him

will help neither you nor themselves.”

198.     You call them to Guidance, but they do not hear you.

You think they are looking at you, but they are blind.

199.     Uphold forgiveness, enjoin righteousness,

and avoid the ignorant.

200.      And if temptation from Satan affects you,

seek refuge with God — He is hearing and all-knowing!

201.      Verily, when Satan tempts the God-fearing,

they remember [God] and recover their sight.

202*But their brothers are sparing no efforts

to lead them farther astray.

203.If you do not bring them a Verse [of the Koran], they say:

“Why didn’t you contrive one?”


“I’m following only what my Lord inspires me.

It’s an enlightenment from your Lord,

it’s a Guidance and a mercy for the people who believe.”

204.      Listen in silence when the Koran is recited —

perhaps you will receive mercy.

205.Remember your Lord within yourself mornings and evenings, without raising your voice, humbly and fearfully,

and do not be one of the heedless!

206.      Verily, those who are by your Lord

do not disdain serving Him.

They glorify Him and prostrate themselves before Him!

V. 1: Like S.44, this sura begins with letters — here they are alif lam mim sad. People with a passion for decoding letters and numbers try to discover in “a l m s” meaningful combi­nations like “alpha and omega” and mystical messages to the delight of “numerologists,” as each letter has a numerical value. However, these letters are probably editorial marks that helped to arrange the suras in a certain order. Thus, ha mim starts all the suras from 7.40 to S.47; alif lam ra — from S.10 to S.15; alif lam mim — suras 2,3,7,29,32; ta sin mim — SS.26,28. The position of other suras with unique combinations of letters or without letters might have been ques­tionable until the whole Koran was published. Some authorities believe that the letters are in the mythic Syriatic language spoken before the Flood.

V. 4: God destroyed some towns to punish them for their sins.

V. 12: “Created me from fire.” Is Iblis one of the Jinn or a fallen Angel?

V. 26: “Make you attractive,” lit. “cover you with feathers”.

V. 29: “In each mosque” or during each prayer. The command to pray in the direction of Mecca was issued later.

V. 31: The Meccans still supply the pilgrims with white cloth to wear in the sacred land. The first part of this sura might belong to a late period when pilgrimage became a Muslim rite.

V. 32: “The beautiful [things]” or “gifts.” The Koran calls for moderation, but does not approve of asceticism.

V. 35: “To read My Verses” is more logical and direct than “to recite My Signs” or “to convey My Message” (S.36:33f).

V. 37: “In the part of the Scripture that was given them.” Here, the Scripture is the Reve­lation consisting of the Torah, the Evangel and the Koran. The “Envoys” are the Angels of death.

V. 38: “Those who preceded it,” lit. “their sisters”.

V. 40: The camel passing through the eye of a needle: comp. Matt. 19:24; Luke 18:25; Mark 10:25.

V. 46: The Heights separate Paradise from Hell. The fate of the men on the Heights is still undecided — they are in a kind of Purgatory. They recognize the righteous by the glow on their faces.

In the West evil is perceived black and virtue white, but this convention is often reversed in the East. Black is the color of a quiet night, a refreshing shade, the splendid eyes of a gazelle or a beautiful woman, the blessed stone of the Ka’ba. White is the color of dead bodies and dried bones, the blinding sun, the burning sand, leprosy, and the flames of Hell.

The root of the Arabic word for “heights” (al-a'raf) is the same as in “knowledge” ('rf), so that “the heights” also suggest “high knowledge.”

V. 50: The dwellers of Paradise and Hell will see one another. The righteous might pity the sinners and ask God to forgive them. Perhaps, He will. According to the Hadith, God wrote over His Throne the words: “My Mercy Supersedes my Wrath!”

V. 53: “The Promise is fulfilled” or the transmission of the Scripture is completed.

V. 69: One gets the impression that Hood and the other Arab Prophets lived after Noah and before Abraham and Moses.

“Perhaps you will succeed,” “you will prosper,” or still more precisely, you will flourish,” as the Arabic word taflahun is stronger than “you will be successful.” The root of taflahun is flh — to blossom, to burst forth (hence fallah — peasant). The call to the prayer is usually trans­lated with neutral words: “Get up to prayer, get up to success.” In reality it is sounded on a much higher note: Come to life for prayer, come to life for flourishing” (haiyu 'ala-salah, haiyu 'alal falah).

V. 73: In the late suras the word “Sign” (aya) is occasionally replaced by “proof” (bayina). All the meanings of “aya” are combined by some translators in one word — “communication” (MHS).

V. 108: Moses’s hand looked white not because of leprosy but because of divine glow. Muslims believe that Moses was a Black man.

V. 130: “Years [of drought]” or “years of hardship.”

V. 131: It was believed that birds carried good or bad omens. V. 133: The flood is not men­tioned in the Bible among the plagues that afflicted the Egyptians.

V. 139: This verse has different interpretations, depending on the identity of the pagans mentioned in v. 138.

V. 142: “Forty days” for the meeting with God on Mt. Sinai.

V. 143: Moses did not see God, but only spoke to Him.

V. 145: The Biblical ten commandments are not spelled out because they have been replaced by the Koranic laws that vigorously support them.

V. 149: “When they were slapped on their hands,” i.e., when they came to their senses.

V. 150: Contrary to the Bible, Moses didn’t break the Tables of the Law: that would have been sacrilegious. They remain intact further down in v.154.

V. 156: Zakat, the tithe (S.93:10), was usually set at 2.5% of the net worth, as estimated by the taxpayer himself.

V. 157: The Torah and the Evangel (injil) are mentioned by name only in the late suras. For Muslims, the Torah has the same meaning as for the Jews, and Injil is a primary account of Jesus’s life, close to the source of the synoptic Gospels.

Vv. 157-8: It is better to leave the word ummi untranslated because of its many meanings: illiterate, popular, national, ignorant, simple. The divine origin of the Koran is supported by the illiteracy of the Prophet who could have been unlettered in the sense that he was not touched by mundane knowledge, even though he had literate assistants: his wives ’Aisha and Hafza, for example. Some of the Prophet’s enemies pretended that he was just repeating the words of a human teacher, but then the Koran would not have been in perfect Arabic (C.16:103) The fol­lowers ofJesus also believed that Jesus was illiterate (John 7:13, Acts 4:13).

In principle all translations of the Koran are unwarranted unless the translator himself is ummi and reflects the Koran as a mirror. Still, irreproducible sounds and subtle meanings will be always lost in translation. To the opinion that total spiritual immersion in the Koran is pos­sible only in the language in which God expressed His Will is opposed the opinion of many scholars who believe that man ought to pray in the language of the heart that is directly acces­sible to God, and not necessarily in Arabic, and that a person can be a true Muslim without studying the original text of the Holy Book.

V. 161: The meaning of hittaton is unclear. It could be: “in humility we come.”

V. 163: The town is, apparently, a port on the Red Sea. The fish used to surface up to town folks on the Sabbath, as if fish knew that catching them was forbidden on that day. This situ­ation was a temptation for the Jews. According to Islam, all living creatures have some knowledge and conscience, but people usually do not notice it.

V. 169: The “Scripture” — the Pentateuch (the Torah).

V. 172: “From their loins” or “from their backs.”

V. 175: The dodger might be the Biblical Balaam.

V. 180: About the Names of God, cf. S.85:14.

V. 187: “When is the Hour due” — in the original: “when the anchor is cast” or “when they sail into the harbor.”

V. 202: The “brothers [in evil]” are probably the Qarinas (S. 50:23f) or else, the Shaitans.

SURA 28 STORIES. This sura deals with the life of Moses from his birth to his confrontation with Pharaoh. The account of his marriage is patterned on the Biblical story of Laban and Jacob. The story of Moses ends with the episode of the wealthy Korah of the Bible. The castigation of the Associators is stepped up: it will become a recurrent theme in the Koran.

28.    S T O R I E S

Meccan, 88 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Ta sin mim.

2.     Here are some Verses from the lucid Scripture.

3.     We will recite to you from the story of Moses and Pharaoh which is true for believers.

4* Verily, Pharaoh had elevated himself in the land, divided the people into groups, and persecuted one of them by killing their sons and sparing their women.

Truly, He was among the corrupt!

5* We wished to be gracious to those who were persecuted in that land and make them imams and inheritors,

6.     improve their position in the land,

and show Pharaoh, Haman and their hosts what they were so afraid of.

7.     So We inspired the mother of Moses:

— Breast-feed him, and when you will fear for his safety, cast him into the river.

Do not worry or grieve —

We will return him to you and make him a Messenger.

8* Thus the family of Pharaoh retrieved the one who will become their enemy and cause them much grief. Pharaoh, Haman and their hosts were all transgressors.

9. Pharaoh’s wife said:

“Spare him: he’ll be a joy for my eyes and yours.

Perhaps he’ll be useful to us or we’ll adopt him as our son.” Little did they know!

10* In the morning the heart of Moses’s mother was empty, and she was about to reveal [her secret],

but We strengthened her heart to let her stay a believer.

11. She said to [Moses’s] sister:

“Watch over him!”

She began to watch over him from aside, but little did they know!

12* At first We forbade him a wet nurse

until [his sister] said:

“Let me show you a household that will bring him up for you

and will become sincerely attached to him!”

13.  Thus We returned him to his mother to comfort her eyes, stop her grief,

and let her know that God’s promise is true, albeit the majority do not know [it].

14.  When [Moses] grew up and reached maturity, We gave him Wisdom and Knowledge.

This is how We reward those who do good!

15* [One day] he entered the city, unnoticed by its inhabitants. There he came upon two fighting men.

One was of his creed and the other of that of his enemies.

His fellow in creed called him to help against his enemy, and Moses slayed him by a blow with his fist.

He said:

“This is the work of Satan!

Verily, he’s the enemy who leads everyone astray!”

16.     He [also] said:

“O my Lord! Truly, I’ve wronged my soul! Forgive me!” And [God] forgave him —

verily, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful!

17.     He [also] said:

“O my Lord! Since You’ve bestowed Your favor upon me, I’ll never support the corrupt!”

18.  In the morning, as he was [walking] in the city, cautiously looking around, he was called [again] by the man who had sought his help the day before. Moses said to him:

“You’re truly a troublemaker!”

19.  When he had almost subdued their common enemy, the latter said:

“O Moses! Do you want to murder me, as you murdered someone else yesterday?

Apparently you want to be an oppressor in the land, and not a peacemaker!”

20.      At this, a man came running

from the farthest end of the city and said:

“O Moses! The chieftains are considering killing you.

Go away from here — such is my good advice!”

21.      He continued to walk, fearfully looking around, and said:

“O my Lord! Deliver me from the people who do wrong!” 22*And turning his face to Madyan, he said:

“I hope that my Lord will show me the straight path!”

23. Arriving at the watering place in Madyan,

he came upon a group of people watering [their cattle].

There he met two women backing [their flock].

He said:

“What is the matter with you?”

They said:

“We can’t water [our flock] until the shepherds are gone;

and our father is a very old man.”

24*After watering [their flock],

[Moses] turned aside to the shade and said:

“O my Lord! I need all the favor You can bestow upon me!”

25.  One of the two [women] modestly walked toward him and said: “My father invites you to repay you

for watering [our flock]!”

When he arrived, [Moses] told him what happened, and he said:

“Don’t be afraid, you’re safe here from the unjust people!”

26.      One of the two [women] said:

“O my father, hire him! Who would be a better hired hand than a strong and trustworthy [man]!”

27.     [The father] said to him:

“I’d wed you to one of my two daughters, if you work for me for eight years, unless you want to make it ten — you decide.

I don’t want to place any hardship upon you, and, God willing, you’ll find me upright.”

28.      [Moses] said:

“So let it be so between us.

Neither of the terms will burden me.

God is witness to your words.”

29*At the end of the term,

Moses and his kin went their way.

When he saw a fire on the side of a mountain, he said to his kin:

“Wait! I see a fire!

From it I might bring you some news or a burning brand to keep you warm.”

30.     When he approached [the fire],

a voice was heard from a tree in the hallowed grove on the right side of the valley:

— O Moses! Verily, I am God, the Lord of the Worlds.

31.     Cast your staff down!

When he saw that it crawled like a snake, he backed up and ran away. [And he heard]:

— O Moses! Come back, do not be afraid, you are safe!

32* Slip your hand into your bosom, and it shall come out white without harm.

Now press your wing to your side and ward off [your] fear. These are two Proofs from your Lord for Pharaoh and his notables.

Verily, these people are corrupt!

33.     [Moses] said:

“O my Lord! I committed a murder and I fear for my life.

34.     My brother Aaron is more eloquent than I,

so send him along with me as assistant and guarantor;

I’m really afraid of being accused of falsehood.”

35.     [God] said:

— We will strengthen your arm with your brother’s help and give you both such power

that they will not molest you.

With Our Signs you shall certainly win — you and those who will follow you!

36.  When Moses came to them with Our clear Signs, they said: “This’s just some faked magic!

We haven’t heard anything like it from our forefathers.”

37.     Moses said:

“My Lord knows best who comes forth with His Guidance and who is assigned to the best abode.

Verily, the wrong-doers shall never prosper!”

38.     Pharaoh said:

“O Chiefs! I don’t know of any god for you, except myself.

O Haman! Fire me an oven for [firing] clay

and build me a tower to let me ascend to the God of Moses, albeit I’m sure he’s lying!”

39.  Falsely imagining themselves the greatest in the land, [Pharaoh] and his army presumed they will not return to Us.

40.  We took hold of him and his army and cast them into the sea. Look at the end of the wrong-doers!

41.  We made them leaders calling to the Fire — on Resurrection Day no one shall help them!

42.      We sent a curse after them in this world,

and on Resurrection Day they shall be among the despised!

43.  After We destroyed the former generations, We gave Moses the Scripture — an insight, a Guidance, and a mercy for the people — perhaps they will remember!

44.      — [O Muhammad!] You were not on the western side

[of the valley] when We gave the Commandments to Moses, and you did no witness [it].

45.  Ever since We have raised [new] generations that lived for a long time.

You have not dwelt among the people of Madyan and have not recited Our Verses to them.

Yet, We kept sending [them] Messengers!

46.      You were not on the side of the mountain

when We addressed [Moses].

And now, by the mercy of your Lord, you shall be warning a people

to whom no Warner had ever come before — perhaps they will remember!

47.  Otherwise, if they are hit by distress for the deeds they have wrought with their hands, they would say: “O our Lord! Why haven’t You sent us a Messenger? Then we would’ve followed Your Verses

and joined the believers!”

48* Now that Our Truth has come to them, they say:

“Why hasn’t he received what had been sent down to Moses?” But are they not the ones who rejected

what had been sent down to Moses in the past? They say: “[The Torah and the Koran]

are two bits of magic that reinforce each other.”

And they [also] say:

“We do reject it all!”


“Then, produce a Scripture from God that guides better than either of these two,

and I’ll follow it if you’re telling the truth!”

50.      But if they do not answer you,

then know that they follow only their passions.

Who is further astray than the one who follows his passions and is deprived of the Guidance of God?

Verily, God does not guide those who do wrong!

51.  Now that We brought [Our] Word to them, perhaps, they will remember [the Guidance]!

52*Those to whom We had sent the Scripture before, trust it.

53. When it is recited to them, they say:

“We believe in it because it’s the Truth from our Lord.

Indeed, we had been Muslims even before it!”

54*They shall receive a double reward:

for being patient, for repelling evil by virtue, and for spending out of Our provisions.

55.  When they hear vain talk, they turn away and say: “Our affairs are ours, and your affairs are yours! Peace upon you!

We don’t go the way of the ignorant!”

56.  — [O Muhammad!] You cannot guide everyone you like, but God guides everyone He wills —

He knows best those who live by Guidance.

57* [The disbelievers] say:

“Had we followed you in Guidance, we would have been expelled from our land.” Have We not settled them in a sacred place where all kinds of fruit

are brought as sustenance from Us?

But most of them do not know [it]!

58.  How many towns We have destroyed that cherished their way of living!

Almost all their dwellings are deserted by now, and We became [their] inheritors!

59.  Your Lord is not such as to destroy a town before sending a Messenger to its people in order to recite Our Verses to them.

We destroy a town only when its people are doing wrong.

60.      All the things you receive

are mere conveniences and adornments of this life, but that which is with God is better and more lasting! Why do you not understand?

61.  Can you compare those to whom We made a generous promise that shall be certainly fulfilled

to those to whom We gave the provisions of this life, but who will be brought [as sinners] on Resurrection Day.

62* On that Day [God] will summon them and say:

— Where are the ones you claimed to be My ‘partners’?

63* The ones whose guilt has already been established shall say: “O our Lord! Here are the ones we’ve led astray.

We’ve led them astray because we have been misled.

We repudiate them in Your Presence — indeed, it wasn’t us that they worshiped!”

64.      And [the Associators] shall be told:

“Call your ‘partners’ to the rescue!”

They shall call them, but they will not respond, and they shall see the punishment before them. It would have been better for them to accept Guidance!

65.      On that Day [God] will call them and say:

— How did you answer the Messengers?

66.  The events shall be obscured for them on that Day, and they shall not be able to consult one another.

67* But whoever repented, believed and acted uprightly, will hope to be among the successful ones.

68.  Your Lord creates and chooses as He wills, but they will have no choice.

Glory to God! Exalted He is above those they associate!

69.  Your Lord knows what they conceal in their hearts and what they reveal.

70.      He is God, and there is no god but Him!

Praise be to Him in this and the Last [life]!

He will be the Judge, and to Him is your return.

71.      Say:

“Think, if God prolonged your night till Resurrection Day, which god besides God would return you the light?

Why don’t you listen?”

72* Say:

“Think, if God prolonged your day till Resurrection Day, which god besides God would return to you the night to rest?

Why can’t you see?”

73.  By His mercy He has made for you the night and the day to rest and to seek His favors —

perhaps you will be grateful?

74.      The Day will come when He will call them and say:

— Where are My ‘partners’ of your invention?

75.      We shall produce a witness from each community and say:

— Come up with your proofs!

Then they shall realize that all Truth is with God, and their inventions will disappear.

76* Verily, Korah belonged to the people of Moses, but he oppressed them.

We gave him such fortune that a band of strong men were not enough to carry its keys.

His people said to him:

“Don’t exult so much,

verily, God doesn’t like those who exult!

TT. Better look for an abode in the Hereafter, using what you’ve received from God. Don’t forget about your share in this world and be as kind as God is kind to you. And don’t spread corruption in the land, for God doesn’t love the corrupt!”

T8. [Korah] said:

“All this has been given to me for my knowledge.”

Did he not know that God had destroyed

many generations before him that were stronger in power and richer in possessions?

The wrong-doers will not be brought to account [right away]!

T9* Behold, he went out to his people in all his pomp.

Those who were seduced by the life of this world said: “If we only had as much as was given to Korah!

He’s truly a man of great luck!”

80.     But those gifted with Knowledge said:

“Woe to you!

For those who believed and acted uprightly, God’s reward will be much better.

Only those who endure shall get it!”

81.  We made the earth swallow him together with his dwelling. There was no one at his side to defend him against God, and he was not able to defend himself.

82.  In the morning those who had coveted his position the day before, were saying:

“Yes! God increases or decreases provisions to those of His servants He pleases.

If God wasn’t beneficent to us,

He would’ve let [the earth] swallow us as well.

No! The disbelievers shall never prosper!”

83.     We shall give the abode of the Hereafter

to those who do not make much of themselves and do not [spread] evil on earth — such will be the outcome for the God-fearing!

84.  The one who does good works shall receive in exchange something better than the evil-doer.

The reward of the wrong-doers will be their own deeds!

85* — [O Muhammad!] Verily, He, Who trusted you with the Koran will lead you back to the Place of Return.


“My Lord knows best who came with the Guidance and who’s in deep error.”

86.  You have not expected that the Scripture would be dealt to you, except as a mercy from your Lord, so do not support the disbelievers!

8T. Do not let them turn you away from the Verses of God after they have been sent down to you.

So call [people] to your Lord and do not be an Associator!

88.    Do not call on any god, except God.

There is no god, but Him!

Everything shall perish, only His Self shall remain.

He will be the Judge, and to Him you will return!

Vv. 1,2: They are identical to the first two verses of S.26. Both S.26 and S.28 start with the story of Moses.

V. 4: Pharaoh was trying to weaken the Hebrews.

V. 5: The imam is a religious leader. In Iran, he is the ruler of a district or a province, often with a prophetic gift.

V. 8: In the Book of Esther, the enemy of the Jews was a minister of Ahasuerus, Haman. Here, he is the Vizier of Pharaoh.

V. 10: Until now, no distinction was made between the heart and the chest, and “heart” was the word of choice. Now, when in this sura three different words are used for the center of faith and knowledge, it makes sense to point out these differences. The Knowledge that God is One, or Islam itself, is in the chest (sadr) (v.69); faith is in the heart proper (qalb) (v.10); the knowledge of God’s attributes, based on faith, is in the depth of the heart (fu'ad)(also v.10).

V. 12: God forbade him to use a wet nurse because all the available nurses were not Jewish.

V. 15: “Unnoticed” or: “their people lacking vigilance.” As a member Pharaoh’s family, Moses was not supposed to walk in the city alone.

V. 22f: A similar story in the Bible is told about Laban and Jacob (Gen.29).

V. 24: “Turning aside to the shade” — to avoid creating the impression that Moses wor­shiped the sun. To separate themselves from the cult of the sun, Muslims forbade praying at sunrise and sunset, and replaced the solar calendar by the lunar calendar.

V. 29: “On the side of the mountain” or “on the side of [Mt.] Al-Toor.”

V. 32: “Press your wing” — if a man wearing a mantle extends his arm holding a staff, he creates the impression of a wing.

V. 48: This verse is addressed to the Jews of that time.

V. 49: The mentioned Scriptures are the Torah and the Koran.

V. 50: The Koran is easy to understand by members of occidental cultures not only because they share many of their thoughts with Muslims, but also because most of the stories and episodes recounted in it are familiar to the foreigners.

People must control their passions if they don’t want to be punished. An often repeated Warning to the sinners is: “How many towns We have destroyed...” (v. 58). Sin exists in the world because, like everything else, sin is part of God’s Creation. God is compassionate and for­giving, and sin allows Him to forgive. Some sins are due to bad judgment. They are errors that are even useful inasmuch they help man to correct his behavior and find his proper place in society. Man’s desires are also legitimate because it is God Himself Who inspired them to man. However, it is incumbent upon man to rule over his desires and prevent them from escalating to sinful passions.

V. 52: If the Jews had accepted the Koran, there would have been hope for reconciliation between the monotheistic religions.

V. 54: Twice — first here on earth, and then in Heaven.

V. 57: The sacred place is Mecca. For the Kuraish it was a source of income; for Islam it is a symbol of spiritual life.

Vv. 62-64f; 74-75; 87-88: The “partners” of the Associators are not only their idols but also the passions that distract man from God: an excessive pursuit of wealth, art, sports, science.

V. 63: “The ones whose guilt is established”: the sinners and the objects of their cult that will be judged as well. In the light of then Koran idols are not only material representations of gods, but also all those who are falsely endowed by superstitious people with extraordinary qualities. The Koran does not accept the cult of the “saints,” marabouts, miracle workers, hermits, and healers. While defending themselves on Judgment Day, these “saints” will reject their worshipers.

V. 67: “Will hope...” God’s promise is not absolute: it is predicated upon man’s behavior till the last day of his life.

Vv. 72-73: The sun and the moon, the night and the day are Signs of God’s might and grace. “He appointed the moon for sea-sons; the sun knows his going down. Thou makest darkness, and it is night...” (Ps. 104: 19-20).

V. 76: Korah or Qarun was a fabulously rich Levite who led the opposition against Moses and Aaron (Num.16).

V. 79: “In all of his pomp,” lit., “in his adornments.”

V. 85: “The Place of Return” is Mecca or Paradise.

V. 88: “Only His Self shall remain,” i.e., the first of His manifestations according to the doctrine of Five Presences. The first Presence — the One God — is eternal. The other presences are not perfect as they are potentially or totally transient. The term “eternal” has not the same meaning in Arabic and in the other languages. In Arabic it means perpetuity or even “a very long time”.

Sura 71 Noah. S.71 is entirely dedicated to Noah as S.12is toJoseph. However, S.71 is wanting in expository unity and smoothness in transitions. Noah's mission is described in terms that could easily apply to any other Prophet. That reminds us that all the Biblical characters in the Koran are legendary and symbolic. Their stories may be unconvincing to the rational mind, but they create a powerful spiritual mood.

71.     N O A H

Meccan, 28 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* We sent Noah to his people:

— Warn your people

before they are overtaken by a painful punishment!

2. Noah said:

“O my people! I’m your lucid Warner.

3* Serve God, fear Him, and obey me.

4.     Then He will forgive your sins

and reprieve you for a definite term.

Indeed, when God sets a time,

it’s impossible to postpone it, if you [only] knew!”

5.     And he said:

“O my Lord! I’ve been calling to my people night and day,

6.     but my call only increased their alienation.

7.     Each time I told them that You might forgive them, they stuck their fingers in their ears

and wrapped themselves in garments.

They were stubborn and full of haughty arrogance.

8.     I called to them aloud,

9.      I talked to them in gatherings and in secret.

10.   I kept telling them: ‘Beg your Lord’s forgiveness — indeed, He’s all-forgiving.

11.     He’ll make abundant rain fall upon you from the sky.

12.     He’ll multiply your wealth and your sons.

He’ll give you gardens, He’ll give you rivers.

13.     So what’s the matter with you

that you don’t trust the greatness of God?

14* He has created you in stages.

15.     Don’t you see

that God has created the sky in seven layers,

16.   and set up in it the moon as a light and the sun as a lamp?

17.     God has made you grow from the earth like plants.

18.     Later He’ll return you into it

and resurrect you in a [great] resurrection.

19.     God has spread the earth for you like a rug

20*to let you travel on its wide roads.’”

21.     Noah said:

“O my Lord! They’ve disobeyed me and followed those whose wealth and children only increase their loss.

22.      They plotted a huge plot

23* saying:

’Don’t abandon your gods.

Don’t abandon Wadd, Suawa’, Yaguth, Ya’uk, and Nasr.’

24*They’ve seduced many [people] in this way,

so don’t increase the wrong-doers in anything, but error.”

25.   They were drowned for their sins and led into the Fire — nobody could have helped them, except God!

26* Noah said:

“O my Lord! Don’t spare

a single disbelieving dweller on earth.

27. Indeed, if You spare them, they’ll seduce Your servants and breed only wicked disbelievers.

28* O my Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and every believer who enters my house, and all the believing men and women.

And don’t increase the sinners in anything, but perdition!”

V. 1: S.71 might have been originally a part of a longer sura because it lacks an intro­duction and deals only with Noah.

V. 3: A Muslim surren ders to God (S.72:4). He believes in God’s Plan founded on reason and beauty, and wishes to be part of this Plan. He fears God because much is myste­rious and menacing for him in His Way. V. 3 lists the duties of man in a nutshell.

V. 14: A non sequitur referring to embryonic development.

V. 20: “Wide roads” or “mountain passes.”

V. 23: Wadd, Suawa', Yaguth, Ya'uk, and Nasr are the names of five pre-Islamic idols; they were also the symbols of beauty, man-hood, and other human qualities.

V. 24: Continuity requires that it be followed by v.27.

V. 26: “A single disbelieving dweller” or “a single dwelling of the disbelievers.”

V. 28: Noah prays only for the believers and the penitents because it makes no sense to pray for the sinners (cf. v.24).

Sura 12 Joseph. S.12 is devoted to one Biblical character, Joseph, son of Jacob. His story is told in chronological order, but in the typical Koranic style, with the omission of most of the personal names. In contrast to the other Biblical stories, S.12 is not condensed from the Bible, but expanded by the introduction of new details. Some Muslims like the Kharajites mistakenly wanted to exclude it from the Koran as a love story without a clear moral value. Others see in it a deep meaning with universal value.

12.     J O S E P H

Meccan, 111 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Alif lam ra.

Here are some Verses from the lucid Scripture

2.    that We have sent down as an Arabic Koran — perhaps you will understand!

3*. — [O Muhammad!] As We reveal this Koran to you, We will tell you some of the best stories that you did not know before.

4.     Once Joseph said to his father:

“O my father!

I dreamt of eleven stars, the sun, and the moon,

and I saw that they prostrated themselves before me.”

5.     [His father] said:

“O my dear son!

Don’t tell your brothers about your vision, lest they conspire against you — verily, Satan is man’s open enemy!

6.    Know that your Lord will choose you, teach you the interpretation of events,

and extend His mercy to you and to the posterity ofJacob, as He had previously extended it to your forefathers Abraham and Isaac.

Verily, your Lord is knowing and wise!”

7.     Joseph and his brothers were Signs for the probing minds.

8.     [His brothers] said:

“It’s obvious that our father loves Joseph and his [younger] brother more than us, although together we are a mighty force.

Verily, our father is in manifest error.”

9.     [One of them said:]

“Kill Joseph or expel him to a [faraway] land, then our father will turn his attention to you and you’ll become righteous people again!”

10.     Another one said:

“Don’t kill Joseph, but if you want to do something, better throw him to the bottom of a well —

perhaps some passing caravan will pick him up!”

11.     [The brothers] said:

“O our father! Why don’t you trust us with Joseph? Indeed, we sincerely wish him well.

12.   Send him with us tomorrow: let him have fun and play, and we’ll take care of him.”

13.     [Their father] said:

“Surely I’ll feel sad if you take him away with you.

I’m afraid that a wolf will devour him

when you divert your attention from him.”

14.     [The brothers] said:

“But there are many of us;

we’ll rather be hurt ourselves

than let a wolf devour him!”

15.     They went away with him,

conspiring to throw him to the bottom of a well.

We inspired [Joseph]:

— You will surely remind them of their action when they will not know who you are!

16.     At nightfall they came back to their father in tears,

17.     They said:

“O our father! When we went off to race, we left Joseph with our belongings, and a wolf devoured him.

You won’t believe us, but we’re telling the truth!”

18* They had smeared his shirt with some one else’s blood.

[The father] said:

“Yes, you’ve made up a good excuse for yourselves, but patience is a virtue,

and only [God] will help me to unravel your assertions!”

19. A caravan came by,

and one of their men was sent to the well.

He lowered his bucket and said:

“Good luck! Here’s a youth!”

They hid him among their goods,

but God was well aware of what they had done.

20*They sold him for a low price, just for a few dirhams, thinking that he was not worth much more.

21.   A man from Egypt bought him and said to his wife: “Shelter him honorably — he might be useful to us, or we might adopt him.”

Thus We settled Joseph in [that] land to teach him the interpretation of events.

God is in full control of His Designs, but most people do not know [it].

22.      When [Joseph] reached manhood,

We gave him Wisdom and Knowledge — this is Our reward to the righteous!

23* The mistress of the house where he lived tried to subvert his will.

She locked the doors and said:

“Come here!”

He said:

“God forbid! Isn’t [your husband] my master who has kindly sheltered me?

Verily, the wrong-doers won’t succeed!”

24.   But she desired him; and he would have desired her, had he not known the Commands of his Lord.

Thus We turned evil and depravation away from him — verily, he was one of Our faithful servants.

25.      They raced to the door, and she tore his shirt on his back.

At the door they ran into her husband. She said: “Is there a harsher retribution than prison or a painful ordeal

for someone who has plotted evil against your wife?”

26.      [Joseph] said:

“She’s the one who tried to seduce me!”

A witness from her household said:

“If his shirt is torn from the front, she’s telling the truth and he’s lying,

27.   but if his shirt is torn from behind, she’s lying and he’s telling the truth.”

28.   [The husband] saw the shirt torn from behind and said: “Such are the deceits of women!

Verily, mighty are your deceits!

29.      O Joseph! Forget it!

And you, ask forgiveness for your sin — indeed, you are the guilty one!”

30* The women in the city began talking:

“The wife of a noble man tries to seduce a young slave against his will.

He inspired her with love,

and apparently she has really gone astray!”

31* Having heard their gossip, she sent for them and invited them to a banquet.

She gave a knife to each of them and called [Joseph]: “Come before them!”

When they saw him, they became so excited that they cut their hands. They said:

“God help us! He isn’t a mortal but a noble Angel!”

32.     She said:

“This’s the one you’re blaming me for.

I tried to seduce him, but he resisted.

If he doesn’t yield to my demand, he’ll surely be thrown into prison, and be among the vilest!”

33.     [Joseph] said:

“O my Lord! I prefer prison to what I’m urged to do.

If You don’t avert their intrigues against me,

I might become like them and join the ignorant!”

34.      His Lord answered him

and saved him from their ill doings.

Verily, He is the Hearer, the Knowing!

35* Although the evidence was clear, they decided to send him to prison for some time.

36.     Two youths were sent to prison with him.

One of them said:

“I dreamt that I was pressing wine.”

The other one said:

“I dreamt that I was carrying bread on my head, and birds were pecking at it.

[O Joseph!] Interpret this for us —

indeed, we see that you’re one of those who do good.”

37.     [Joseph] said:

“I’ll interpret it before they bring you your food — indeed, it’s part of what my Lord has taught me.

I’ve left the creed of the people

who rejected God and denied the Hereafter,

38.   and I’ve joined the creed of my forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

With God’s grace bestowed upon us and mankind, we should not associate anything with God.

But most people are ungrateful!

39.     O my fellow prisoners!

Who’s better: several lords differing among themselves or God, the One, the Victorious?

40.   Indeed, you aren’t worshiping Him, but only some names that you and your fathers have invented,

and for which God hasn’t sent down any authority.

But only God will be the Judge,

and He commands you to worship Him alone.

This is the right faith, but most people don’t know!

41.      O my fellow prisoners!

One of you shall be pouring wine for his master.

The other one will be crucified, and birds will peck at his head.

Such will be the outcome of the matter you’re asking me about.”

42.  [Joseph] said to the one he thought would be saved: “Remind your master about me!”

But Satan made him forget to tell his master,

and [Joseph] stayed in prison for a few more years.

43* [One day] the King said:

“I’ve seen in my dream seven fat cows that are eaten by seven lean ones, and ears of corn — seven green and the others dry.

O, you Chiefs! Explain my dream to me if you know how to interpret dreams!”

44. [The Chiefs] said:

“This dream is a very confusing vision, and we aren’t skilled at interpreting dreams!”

45* But one of the two men, the one who was released, remembered [Joseph], though much time had passed, [and said]:

“Let me deal with that,

and I’ll interpret them for you.”

46.      [He went to the prison and said]:

“O Joseph! O man of Truth!

Interpret to us [the dream] about seven fat cows that are eaten by seven leans ones, and ears of corn — seven green and the others dry. If I return to the people, perhaps they’ll understand!”

47.  [Joseph] said: “Sow for seven years as usual, but save your harvest in the ear,

except a little to eat from.

48.  There shall follow seven hard [years] that will consume all you’ve saved, except a little that you’ve put aside.

49*Finally, there shall come a rainy year, and people shall resume pressing [wine and oil].”

50. The King said: “Bring him to me!”

When the messenger arrived, Joseph said:

“Return to your master and ask him:

’What happened to the women who cut their hands?’ Verily, my Lord is well aware of their plots!”

51* [The King] said [to the women]:

“What was on your mind when you tried to seduce Joseph?” They said:

“God forbid! We haven’t heard anything evil about him!” And the wife of the notable said:

“Truth is now revealed!

It was I who tried to seduce him, but he proved to be one of the truthful!”

52. This is to let [my husband] know

that I’ve never betrayed him, even in secret —

indeed, God doesn’t support the plots of the wrong-doers! 53* I’m not trying to justify myself.

Verily, the unfettered soul is inclined to evil, unless my Lord dispenses His mercy.

Verily, my Lord is forgiving and merciful!”

54.      The King said:

“Bring him to me, and I’ll attach him to my person.”

After talking to him, he said:

“From now on you’ll stand before us, reliable and trustworthy!”

55.      [Joseph] said:

“Assign to me the stores of the land —

I’ll be their knowledgeable guardian.”

56.   Thus We gave Joseph power in the land to rule over it as he liked.

We bestow Our mercy upon any one We please,

and We do not waste the reward of those who do good!

57.   Verily, the best reward in the Hereafter is for those who believed and feared God.

58.   Joseph’s brothers arrived and were brought in his presence. He recognized them, but they did not recognize him.

59.   After supplying them with provisions, he said: “Bring me your [younger] brother by your father.

Don’t you see that I’m giving you a full measure and that I’m the best in hospitality?

60* But if you don’t bring him to me,

there won’t be any measure from me [anymore], then don’t even approach me!”

61.     [His brothers] said:

“We’ll get him from his father, yes, we’ll do that!”

62.      [Joseph] said to his servants:

“Return their goods to their packs, but so that they wouldn’t know what’s in them until they return home.

Then, perhaps they will come back.”

63.      When they returned to their father, they said:

“O our father! They won’t give us another measure unless you send our brother with us.

We promise to take care of him!”

64.      He said:

“How can I trust you with him

after I’ve once trusted you with his brother?

God is the best Protector,

He is the Most Compassionate of the compassionate!”

65.   When they opened their packs, they saw that their goods had been returned to them. They said:

“O our father! What else could we wish for!

We got our goods back,

thus we’ll feed our family, keep our brother safe, and have an additional camel-load in store, be it a small amount.”

66.      [Their father] said:

“I won’t send him with you

before you swear by God that you’ll bring him back, unless something happens to you.”

After they had sworn their oath, he said:

“God is witness to our words.”

67* Then he said:

“O my sons! Don’t enter [a city] by one gate, but enter by different ones.

I can’t help you against God:

truly, it’s God alone Who decides,

and Him alone I trust. Let those who trust, trust Him!”

68* They entered [the city] as their father had commanded.

It could not have helped them against God, but it was the wish of Jacob’s soul, and he fulfilled it. Indeed, he was full of Knowledge from Our teaching, but most people did not know [it].

69.   When they appeared before Joseph, he invited his [younger] brother to stay with him, and said: “I’m your brother! Don’t feel sorry for their deeds.”

70.      He supplied them with provisions

and placed a cup in his [younger] brother’s pack.

Then a crier proclaimed:

“O, men of the caravan!

There are thieves among you!”

71.      They turned around and said:

“What are you missing?”

72.      They were told:

“The King’s cup is missing!

A camel-load for the one who finds it — we vouch for it!”

73.      [The brothers] said:

“By God! You know that we didn’t come here

to make mischief in the land, and we aren’t thieves!”

74.      [The Egyptians] said:

“How should we punish you if you’re lying?”

75* [The brothers] said:

“Enslave the one in whose pack [the cup] is found.

This is how we punish those who do wrong!”

76* [Joseph] started with their packs

and pulled [the cup] from the [younger] brother’s pack.

Such was Our plan for Joseph.

He would not have applied the law of the King had it not been God’s will.

Thus We raise in ranks anyone We will.

For each one who knows, someone knows better.

77* [The Egyptians] said:

“If he is a thief, he should have a brother

who was a thief before him.”

But Joseph kept this to himself

and did not confide [to his brothers]. He thought:

“You’re in a hot spot,

but God knows best what is on your mind!”

78.     [The brothers] said:

“O Chief! His father is a very old man, so better take one of us instead of him — indeed, we see that you’re of those who do good.”

79.     [Joseph] said:

“God forbid that we hold anyone,

except the one with whom we found our property, or we would be unjust!”

80* In despair, they stepped aside to confer.

The eldest said:

“Don’t you remember that your father

made you swear by God,

and that in the past

you’d been unfair to Joseph?

Therefore, I’ll not leave [this] land

until my father gave me permission,

or God commanded me — indeed, He is the best of all judges!

81.     Return to your father and tell [him]:

’O our father! Your son has been caught stealing.

We vouch only for what we know

and we aren’t keeping any secrets.

82.  Ask in the town in which we have stayed and the caravan with whom we came back if we’re telling the truth!’”

83.      [The father] said:

“No, you’ve made up all of this, but patience is best.

God might bring me back all [my sons], for He is the All-knowing, the Wise.”

84.      Turning away from them, he said:

“Oh how much do I grieve over Joseph!”

His eyes became white from grief, and he was unable to control his sorrow.

85.      [The brothers] said:

“By God! You won’t stop remembering Joseph

till you’re senile and pass away.”

86.      [The father] said:

“Of my distress and my grief I complain [only] to God —

I know from God what you don’t know.

87.  O my sons! Go to search for Joseph and his brother, and don’t despair of God’s mercy.

Verily, nobody despairs of God’s mercy except people without faith!”

88.      When [the brothers] appeared before [Joseph], they said:

“O Chief! An affliction came upon us and our family. We brought a few inexpensive goods with us, yet give us a full measure for charity’s sake.

Verily, God rewards those who give to charity!”

89.      [Joseph] said:

“Do you remember how you treated Joseph and his brother when you were astray?”

90.      [The brothers] said:

“Is it possible that you’re Joseph?”

He said:

“Yes, I’m Joseph, and this’s my brother.

God has been gracious to us.

Truly, God won’t allow that the reward of a God-fearing and patient man be lost if he has acted right.”

91.      They said:

“By God! God has elevated you above us, and, verily, we’ve sinned!”

92.      [Joseph] said:

“Today there won’t be any reproaches to you,

and God will forgive you —

He’s the Most Compassionate of the compassionate!

93.  Take my shirt and cast it upon my father’s face, and he’ll recover his sight.

Then, return to me with all your family.”

94.  When the caravan departed [from Egypt], their father said: “I feel that Joseph is nearby.

Don’t think that I’ve lost my mind!”

95.      He was told:

“By God! You surely keep to your old delusions!”

96.  When the messenger came with the good news and cast [the shirt] upon his face,

he regained his sight and said:

“Didn’t I tell you that I know from God what you don’t know?”

97.      [The brothers] said:

“O our father! Pray for the forgiveness of our sins

— yes, we’re guilty.”

98.      [The father] said:

“I’ll ask my Lord to forgive you.

Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful!”

99.      When they all appeared before Joseph,

he lodged his parents in his house and said: “Enter Egypt in peace if such is God’s will.”

100.     He raised his parents upon the throne,

and they prostrated themselves before him. [Joseph] said: “O my father! My old dream is fulfilled!

My Lord let it come true.

He has been good to me when He released me from prison and brought you here from the desert

after Satan had sown enmity between me and my brothers. Verily, my Lord is generous to any one He wills.

Indeed, He is the All-Knowing, the Wise!

101.             O my Lord! You’ve given me power and You’ve taught me how to interpret events. O Creator of the Heavens and the Earth!

You’re my Protector in this world and the Hereafter. Let me die in submission to You and make me join the upright!”

102*Such is one of the events of the past

that We are inspiring you with — you were not there when evil was planned and intrigues were sprung.

103.     But no matter how you wished it, most people would not believe,

104.     albeit you do not ask them to be rewarded for that.

This is only a Reminder to the Worlds!

105.     How many Signs there are in Heavens and earth

by which they pass by and from which they turn away!

106.     Most of them believe in God,

but only after they associate [other gods] with Him.

107.     But does this make them safe from the punishment of God that shall fall upon them like a pall,

or from the Hour [of Judgment]

that shall come upon them suddenly, taking them unawares!


“This is my way!

I see what is evident, and I’m calling you to God together with those who follow me.

Thanks God, I’m not an Associator!”

109.     And before your time We have been sending men from amongst the townspeople We had inspired. Did they not travel in the land,

did they not see the fate of their predecessors? The abode in the Hereafter is best for the God-fearing. How come you do not understand?

110.     When the Messengers lose hope after suffering rejection, Our help comes to them, and We save those We will. But Our punishment will not spare the guilty people!

111*There is a lesson in these stories for the right-minded.

It is not a fiction, but a confirmation of past events with a description of all things.

It is a Guidance and a mercy for the people who believe!

V. 3: The Prophet’s audience did not know Joseph’s story.

V. 18: The father is already suspicious of his sons.

V. 20: It seems that the brothers were watching from afar. When the wayfarers pulled Joseph out of the well, the brothers approached to take money for him.

A believer does not seek continuity in a story. The Prophet is not a historian, but a reporter of ideas and a preacher. The lack of punctuation gives unity and compactness to the Arabic text, but creates some vagueness that encourages meditation and a mystic outlook. Whereas Christianity is built on theology that spurns logical analysis, Islam is built on intuition and meditation about the beauty of the world and the wisdom of God’s Word. Joseph and his brothers were Signs for th e pro bi ng minds (v.7). A dirham (the Greek drahma) is the 20th part of a dinar.

V. 23: According to tradition, the woman was Zulaikha. She “tried to subvert his will” or “tried to seduce him.”

Vv. 30-34: The story about women swooning at the sight of Joseph is not in the Bible. Thomas Mann borrowed this episode from the Koran and used it in his epic work “Joseph in Egypt” (1936). He thought that the legend ofJoseph had a universal teaching value for mankind. Apparently a particularly long sura was devoted to Joseph for this same reason. Muslim mystics valued this theme, and the Persian poet Nur-eddin Djami wrote in the 15th century a poem entitled “Joseph and Zulaikha”.

V. 31: “A banquet” or “a place to recline.” The beauty ofJoseph is proverbial in the Muslim world. It is said that all men in Paradise will be as handsome as Yusuf (Joseph).

V. 35: “Proofs” or “Signs” [of his innocence], or simply “Signs.” Joseph was safer in prison than in his master’s house.

V. 43: Here Pharaoh is called “the King.”

V. 45: This man remembered Joseph and wanted to learn his interpretation of the dreams, and then pass it on as his own.

V. 49: Egypt relies upon the flood of the Nile and not upon rain for irrigation.

V. 51: It isn’t clear who is the speaker in this verse: the King or Joseph’s master.

V. 53: “The unfettered soul” — man’s low desires (S.75:2).

V. 60: “Provision” or load, measure.

V. 67: Entering through different gates is an advice to avoid envy and suspicion on the part of the local population.

V. 68: Although everything will be according to God’s will, Jacob, being righteous, must still teach piety to the others in the hope that they will mend their ways.

V. 75: “Will lose his freedom,” lit., “will be His own punishment.”

V. 76: Joseph leads the investigation himself.

V. 77: The brother who stole first is not identified.

V. 80: The righteous elder brother remains unnamed.

V. 102: “The past,” lit., “the Unseen.”

V. 111: The Koran never says that Islam is for the Arabs only. Islam should unite all people from Adam to the last newborn in the world. The Muslims respect all religions; although Truth is absolute, it is recognized that it can be attained in different ways. Therefore, it is not nec­essary to destroy temples and monuments if they are not detrimental to Islam. They are valuable in the sight of God if He allowed their building and preservation for ages. Muslim extremists are wrong in their intolerance, but they caused less damage than the Christian zealots who destroyed civilizations and rival Christian beliefs they deemed heretical.

Sura 18 The Cave. This sura is remarkable for its four stories inspired by Biblical and Ancient legends:

1. The Story of the Seven Sleepers. Seven young believers hide from their persecutors in a cave where they stay in suspended animation for 309years (vv. 9- 26). The story shows that people have a personal perception of time and events, and that it is useless to contradict them in these matters.

2.      The Story of the Two Neighbors. The richer of the two is so self- reliant that he forgets to put his fate in the hands of God. He is punished by the loss of his property (vv. 32-44).

3.      The Story of Moses and the Stranger. It teaches that one must never judge people by appearances alone, and that all events have an underlying meaning that cannot be understood without divine inspiration. The Stranger is not named, but as this story merges with the next one, he must be Dhul-Qarnein (vv. 60-82).

4.      The Story of Dh ul-Qa rn ei n. This mysterious character whose name means “the one with two horns” is usually identified with Alexander the Great, who traveled in the world and built a rampart in Central Asia against the evil forces of Gog and Magog. Alexander is in communication with God because no human achievement is con­ceivable without God's intervention (vv. 83-98).

18.      T H E C A V E

Meccan, 110 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Praise be to God, Who has sent down to His servant

a Scripture that is not twisted,

2.      but straightforward,

to warn about His mighty retribution

and to announce a generous reward

to the believers who do good —

3.      [a dwelling] where they will abide for ever.

4* And also to caution those who say:

“God has begotten a son.”

5.      Terrible are these words coming out of their mouths!

Neither they nor their fathers know anything about it, and everything they say is a plain lie!

6.      Had you followed them,

you might have killed yourself out of grief,

knowing that they will never believe in this Revelation!

7.     We made everything on earth to embellish it and to test which of them are the best in deeds.

8.     But verily, We will reduce everything on it to waste and dust!

9* Do you not think that the youths of the cave and ar-raqim were one of Our most amazing Signs?

10.     Once, after hiding in the cave, the young men said:

“O our Lord! Grant us Your mercy

and settle our matter in the right way!”

11.     There in the cave, We sealed their ears for many years.

12* Then We brought them back to life to find out

which of the two sides would better estimate

how long they had stayed [inside].

13. We are telling you their true story.

These youths believed in their Lord,

so We increased [Our] Guidance to them

14.    and fortified their hearts.

Once, they stood up and said: “Our Lord is the Lord of Heavens and earth.

We’ll never call to any one besides Him — that would be blasphemy.

15.   Our people had taken gods besides Him, but why don’t they bring convincing proofs in their favor?

Is there a worse offender

than the one who invents lies about God?”

16.   — [O young men!] Withdraw from them and from those they worship besides God, and escape to a cave.

Your Lord will grant you of His mercy and will facilitate your affair.

17* You could have observed that when the sun rose, it leaned to the right of the cave, and when it set, it moved to the left, while they remained in the middle.

This was one of God’s Signs.

Whoever is guided by God is on the right path, but for whomever He leads astray, you shall not find a protector to show him the right way!

18. You could have thought they were awake, but they were asleep.

We kept turning them right and left, and their dog stretched its forepaws at the entrance. Had you suddenly come upon them, you would have surely fled from them in terror!

19* Then We brought them back to life to let them question one another. One of them said:

“How long we’ve been [here]?”

They said:

“We’ve been here one day or a part of a day.”

And they all said:

“Our Lord knows best how long we’ve been here. Send one of you to the city with your money.

Let him find the purest food and bring it to you to satisfy your hunger.

And let him be careful and not tell anyone about you.

20. Indeed, if they find you, they’ll stone you or force you to return to their cult.

Then you’ll never be successful!”

21* We are telling their story to make it known that God’s promise is true, and that the Hour [ofJudgment] will certainly come. As they were arguing about their affair, [someone] said: “Build a house over them — indeed, their Lord knows them best!”

But those who prevailed in this matter said: “We’d rather build a mosque over them!” 22* Soon [some people] will say that they were three, and that the dog was the fourth.

[Others] will say, guessing the unknown, that they were five, and the dog was the sixth.

[Still others] will say that they were seven, and the dog was the eighth.

Say, [O Muhammed!]:

“My Lord knows best how many they were, but only a few [people] know it.”

Do not argue about them, unless the facts are clear, and do not question anyone about them!

23. And never say about anything:

“I promise, I’ll do it tomorrow,”

24*without adding: “If God wills.”

Each time you forget [it],

remember your Lord and say:

“I hope that my Lord will bring me still closer to the right path!”

25* They stayed in the cave three hundred and nine years.

26.     Say:

“God knows best how long they’ve stayed [there] — indeed, He holds the secrets of Heavens and earth. And how He sees! And how He hears!

They’ve no protector besides Him!

And He doesn’t associate anyone to His decisions!”

27.   So recite what has been revealed to you of the Scripture of your Lord — indeed, no one can change His Words. And you will find a shelter only by Him!

28.   Hold onto those who, seeking His Face, pray to their Lord mornings and evenings, and do not avert your eyes from them, lest the frills of this life tempt you.

Do not obey any one, whose heart We allow to neglect remembering Us, who pursues his passions, and is extravagant in his affairs.

29.     Say:

“Truth emanates from your Lord.” Whoever wants it, let him believe, and whoever does not want it, let him deny.

We have prepared a Fire for the wrong-doers which will take them under its pall!

They will cry out for help, but they shall be given water like molten metal that will scorch their faces.

What a dreadful drink, what an awful refuge!

30.  And what about those who believed and did right? Verily, We shall not suffer that the reward of those who believed and did right goes to waste.

31* For them there are the Gardens of Eden with rivers flowing underneath.

They shall be adorned therein with golden bracelets and dressed in green silk and brocade.

They shall recline therein on raised lounges — what a beautiful reward, what a splendid couch!

32.   — [O Muhammed!] Give them the example of two men. To one of them We gave two vineyards.

We surrounded them with palm-trees and placed corn fields in between.

33.     We caused a river to flow in the middle,

to let each vineyard produce a plentiful crop.

34.   [One of the men] harvested the fruit and argued with his companion, saying:

“I’m richer than you in money and mightier in kinsmen!”

35.   He went into his garden with thoughts harmful to his soul and said:

“I’m sure this is for ever,

36.      and I think that the Hour will never come.

And if I were returned to my Lord,

I’d certainly receive something better in exchange!”

37.      Continuing to argue, his companion said:

“Do you deny the One, Who has created you from dust and then from a drop, and gave you a human figure?

38.      For me, He is God, my Lord,

and I’ll never associate anyone with my Lord!

39.      Why haven’t you said, upon entering your garden:

‘If God wills! There’s no power other than God’s!’

As you see, I’m poorer than you in wealth and children,

40.      but I hope that my Lord

would give me something better than your garden, which He can reduce to a heap of dust by sending upon it a thunderbolt from the sky

41.   or by letting water run underground, so that you won’t recover it.”

42.   When his fruit was wiped out, he was wringing his hands —

indeed, he had spent a lot [on his garden], and now it was utterly destroyed! He said: “Woe to me! I wish I had not associated to my Lord!”

43.   But no one is able to protect him like God, and he is not able to protect himself.

44.      Indeed, protection is only from the True God —

He is the best at rewarding and the best at achieving!

45.   — [O Muhammad!] Give them the example of life in this world.

It is like the water We send down from the sky.

It mixes with the soil and feeds the plants that the wind soon scatters as dry stubble. God has power over everything!

46.   Wealth and sons are just frills of this life, but good deeds endure for ever!

They are the best in the sight of your Lord, the best in rewards and the best in expectations.

47.   The Day when We sweep away the mountains, you will see how the earth will become a flat plain. We will gather them together, all to the last one,

48.     and they will appear before your Lord in ranks:

— Here you came to Us as We had first created you!

And you thought that We will not set up a meeting for you!

49.     The Book shall be opened,

and imagine the horror of the wrong-doers at what is recorded in it! They shall say: “Oh!, woe to us! What kind of a Book it is — it doesn’t conceal anything, small or great, and takes everything into account!” And they shall be faced with all their deeds.

Your Lord will not be unjust to anyone!

50.     We said to the Angels:

— Prostrate yourselves before Adam!

They prostrated themselves, except one of the Jinn called Iblis, who disobeyed his Lord’s Command.

— Would you take him and his offspring

as protectors in My place? Are they not your enemies? What an evil turn for the wrong-doers!

51.   I have not called them to witness the creation of Heavens and earth and their own creation.

How could I have taken helpers from among those who lead [people] astray!

52* On the Day when He says:

— Call those you claimed to be My partners!, they shall call to them, but they will not respond: We shall separate them by a screen!

53.   The wrong-doers will realize at the sight of the Fire that they will fall into it and will find no way to escape.

54.   In this Koran We give to men all kinds of examples, but man is contentious in everything!

55.   When Guidance came to the people, nothing prevented them from believing and asking their Lord to forgive them.

Then they would have avoided the fate of the Ancients and would not have met the punishment head on.

56.     We are sending Messengers

only as bearers of good news and as warners, but the disbelievers enter into vain disputes in order to weaken the Truth.

They take My Signs and Warnings for a joke.

57.     Who is more sinful than the one

who, being reminded of the Signs of his Lord, turns away from them and forgets [the deeds] that his hands have brought forth!

Verily, We have veiled their hearts

and sealed their ears, so that they would not understand!

If you exhorted them to Guidance,

still they would not walk on the straight path!

58* Your Lord is the Forgiving, the Full of Mercy!

Had He called them to account for their deeds,

He would have certainly hastened their punishment.

But their term is fixed, they cannot avoid it!

59. We used to destroy their towns,

but only after they had fallen into sin, and after We set a time for their destruction.

60*Once Moses said to his young servant:

“Even if it takes me many years, I will not give up until I reach the junction of the two seas!”

61* But when they reached the junction, they forgot about their fish, which found its way right into the sea.

62.   On the road he said to his young servant:

“Bring our morning meal,

for we’re exhausted by the journey.”

63.      [The youth] said:

“Didn’t you notice that when we took shelter by the rock, I forgot about the fish!

None other than Satan distracted me from it,

and it slithered into the sea in a marvelous way.”

64.      [Moses] said:

“This is what we were looking for.”

And they went back, retracing their steps.

65* [On their way] they met one of Our servants

to whom We had extended Our mercy

and whom We had instructed in Our Knowledge.

66.      Moses said to him:

“May I join you to let you teach me

your insight about the right way?”

67.      [The stranger] said:

“You won’t have enough patience with me!

68.      How can you be patient

with what you don’t fully understand?”

69.      [Moses] said:

“If God wills, you’ll find me patient.

I won’t disobey you in anything.”

70.      [The stranger] said:

“Follow me if you wish,

but ask me no questions before I speak to you first.”

71.     Then they proceeded on their way.

As they were sailing on a ship, [the stranger] drilled a hole in her.

[Moses] said:

“Did you drill a hole to drown everyone on board?

What a strange thing to do!”

72.      [The stranger] said:

“Didn’t I warn you

that you won’t have enough patience with me?”

73.      [Moses] said:

“Don’t blame me for forgetting, and don’t expect too much of me!”

74.      Farther down the road they met a youth.

[The stranger] killed him.

[Moses] said:

“You killed an innocent [man]. Odious is your action if it isn’t in retaliation for murder!”

75.      [The stranger] said:

“Didn’t I tell you

that you won’t have enough patience with me?”

76.      [Moses] said:

“If I ask you another question, then go your way, but for now, accept my apology!”

77.   Farther on they met the dwellers of a town whom they asked for food;

but they were not welcome there.

Then they came upon a wall that was about to collapse.

[The stranger] rebuilt it.

[Moses] said:

“You could’ve been paid for that, if you wanted to!”

78.      [The stranger] said:

“It’s time for us to part, but let me explain to you the things that made you lose patience.

79.      The ship belonged to poor people toiling upon the sea.

I damaged her because they were chased by a King who was taking all the ships by force.

80* Regarding the boy, we feared that he’d aggrieve his believing parents by his rebellion and ingratitude.

81.     We wished their Lord to replace him

[by a son] better in virtue and compassion.

82.      As to the wall in the city,

it belongs to two young orphans. There is a treasure intended for them under it.

Their father was a righteous man, and your Lord wanted them to dig up their treasure upon reaching manhood, as a mercy of your Lord. Therefore, I did not act on my own.

This is the explanation of what made you lose patience.”

83* — [O Muhammad!] If they ask you about Dhul-Qarnain, say: “I’ll tell you something about him.”

84.   Verily, We have established his power on the earth, and We gave him access to all things.

85.   [Once], while on his way,

86.   he came upon the place where the sun sets and found it setting in a muddy spring. There he encountered some people.

We said:

— O Dhul-Qarnain! Punish them or treat them well.

87* [Dhul-Qarnain] said:

“We’ll punish any one who does wrong, and when he’s returned to his Lord,

[God] will chastise him with a terrible retribution.

88.   But for any one who believed and did right there shall be a good reward,

and our command will be easy for him.”

89.      He followed his way

90*until he reached [the place] where the sun rises.

He saw it rising over a people whom We have not sheltered from it.

91.     And so it was, and We knew what would happen to him.

92.      He proceeded farther on his way

93* until he reached two barriers

in front of which he met some people

who could scarcely understand his words.

94*They said:

“O Dhul-Qarnain!

Gog and Magog are spreading corruption in the land.

Shall we pay you a tribute to build a dam between us and them?”

95* He said:

“The best for me is what My Lord has bestowed upon me.

Help me with power: I’ll set a dam between you and them.

96.      Bring me rods of iron!”

After levelling two mountainsides, he said:

“Fan [the fire]!”

When the flames appeared, he said:

“Bring them, and I’ll pour molten lead over them!”

97.   [Gog and Magog] were unable to climb over [the dam] or to dig through it.

98* [Dhul-Qarnain] said:

“This is a mercy from my Lord,

but when the promise of my Lord is fulfilled, He’ll turn all of this into dust.

True is the promise of my Lord!”

99* On that Day We will send them against each other in waves.

And when the trumpet resounds,

We will gather them all together.

100.On that Day We will have Hellfire

wide open for the disbelievers

101.    whose eyes are veiled from remembering Me,

and who do not hear anything.

102.     Do the disbelievers think

that they can take My servants

as protectors instead of Me?

Verily, We have prepared Hellfire

to shelter the disbelievers!


“Shall I tell you who shall lose most of his labor?

104.It’s the one who wastes his efforts in this life,

imagining that he’s doing good works.”

105.     These are the ones who denied the Signs of their Lord

and their meeting with Him.

Useless will be their works, and on Resurrection Day

We will not give them any credit —

106.     their reward shall be Hellfire!

Indeed, they have not believed

and only mocked My Signs and My Messengers.

107*But those who have believed and done right,

shall receive as a gift the Gardens of Paradise,

108.                   and will remain therein for ever,

never wishing for anything better.


“If the sea were ink

for [writing] the Words of My Lord,

it would have surely run out

before the Words of my Lord were exhausted,

even if We had added an equal [sea] to it!”

110. Say:

“I’m a man like you,

but I’ve been inspired that your God is One God.

If someone hopes to meet his Lord,

let him do good works, worship his Lord,

and avoid associating anyone to Him!”

V. 4: “Son” could also be “child” or “offspring.”

V. 9: “Ar-raqim” means “inscription.” This story seems to be patterned on the legend of the seven sleepers of Ephesus that was popular during the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Decius (201-251).

A cave is a place of refuge for a soul from the demands of the world. It represents the hidden and the spiritual realm and when there are people in it, it is an image of the whole world. Therefore, caves are sanctified places, suitable for meditation. The Prophet used to hide in them from enemies, and many spiritually endowed have people spent all their lives in caves.

V. 12: Some relied on themselves, others on God’s will.

V. 17: “In the middle [of the cave]” or “in the center of the world.”

Vv. 19f: The moral of the story is that man often forms opinions before knowing all the facts. In these verses “you” is replaced by the more natural “we.”

V. 21: Instead of thinking of the Judgment Day, the people offered to commemorate the youths by building them monuments.

V. 22: Details such as the exact number of youths in the cave are irrelevant. The vagueness of this number points out to the allegorical nature of the story.

V. 24: Acknowledging God’s will, cf. S.68:17-33.

V. 25: “And they stayed in the cave three hundred and nine years.” In the Koran, events take place in a sacral time. The same is true of the stories of Moses, Zhul-Qarnain, and Khidr who were endowed with uncanny knowledge and spiritual vision. So it was with David and Solomon (SS. 27,34): David understood the language of birds and ants, Solomon got the throne of the Queen of Sheba in an instant... In these stories, images are piled on top of images, there is no time and place, some words have no direct meaning, and there is a lack of logical continuity. It follows that even the best translation of the Koran is a man’s collection of words. The true Words of God are only in the Arabic Koran.

Occasionally, translators introduce in their books copies of the Arabic original, but someone who can read the Koran in the original does not need a translation, and someone who does not know Arabic cannot be helped by the Arabic text.

V. 31: “Gardens of eternity” or Eden ('Aden), instead of “Gardens of Bliss.”

V. 52: “A ravine” — a dam, or a place of perdition.

V. 58: Another variant — “Indeed, their term is fixed and they have no refuge [except in God].”

V. 60: The junction of two bodies of water like that of the Tigris and Euphrates is a met­aphor about the contact between the physical world with the Unseen, where the water of life flows. There, the notions of virtue are dissolved, and the righteous Khidr (v.65) may seem to act like a criminal (vv. 71, 74).

V. 61: The fish could be a symbol of human knowledge that Moses had temporarily lost (cf. v.66).

V. 65: In the Muslim tradition, the mysterious person met by Moses is Khidr (the Green One). His Biblical prototype is King Melchisedec (Gen. 14:18-20), of whom it is said: “Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning, nor days, nor end of life.” (Heb. 7:3). Khidr has reached the highest wisdom (cf. v.68). He is pure intellect, and some Muslims greet him upon entering an empty room, believing that he might reside there in spirit.

V. 80: Khidr refers to himself both as “I” and “we.”

V. 83: Alexander the Great was identified with Ammon, an Egyptian god represented with two horns; hence his Koranic name the “Two-horned one” (Dhul-Qarnain). Here, he is the paragon of wisdom and virtue.

Vv. 87-88: Dhul-Qarnain behaves as he was told to do, but he acts cautiously and defers the final authority to God.

Vv. 90-91: Apparently, the people of the east led a very primitive life, and Dhul-Karnain, having received no instruction concerning them, has resumed his journey.

Vv. 93f: As the direction of the journey is not indicated, he presumably went farther east. A “dam” or “a barrier.”

V. 94: The Biblical Gog and Magog were unruly tribes of Central Asia (cf. “And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him...” (Ezek. 38:1-2). The names Gog and Magog and the construction of a barrier against their incursions in the Asian Far West bring associations with the Mongol invasions and the Great Chinese Wall.

V. 95: Although Dhul-Qarnain was not interested in material gain, he was on a lower level of spirituality than Khidr.

V. 98: Being a righteous person, Dhul-Qarnein ascribes his good deeds to God’s Providence.

V. 99: “We will send them against each other in waves” — We will let them fight among themselves.

V. 107: First use of the Persian word firdus for Paradise. The ritual public prayer is called salat in Persian and namaz in Turkish.

The custom of praying fi ve times a day has been established after the revelation of the Koran. According to Islam, one ought to pray: 1) just after sunset; 2) when it is really dark; 3) at daybreak; 4) shortly after noon; and 5) midway between noon and sunset. These prayers are public: the household, the neighbors and passers-by may join in (S.40:60).

Sura 10 Jonah. Although S.10 is named afterJonah, it mentions him only in one verse (v.98). The sura speaks of Noah (vv. 71-73) and repeats the events related to Moses (vv. 74-93). The bulk of S.10 consists of the three elements the reader is familiar with by now, namely, Warning, Sign, and Say passages, so that part of this sura could also be placed with the Doxologies (Part V). Suras based essentially on these elements often mix early Meccan with later Medinan inspirational phrases and teachings. Like many later suras, S.10 defends monotheism against Associators of all persuasions.

10.           J O N A H
Meccan, 109 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Alif lam ra.

Here are some Verses from the wise Scripture.

2.    Why are people surprised that We have inspired a man from their midst to warn them

and to bring to the believers the glad tidings that their standing is truly high before their Lord! But the disbelievers say: “Indeed, he’s a real magician!”

3* Verily, your Lord is God,

Who has created Heavens and earth in six days

and then sat firmly on the Throne to manage [His] Design.

There is no intercessor without His permission.

He is God, your Lord, so worship Him!

Would you not you come to your senses?

4. You shall all return to Him — indeed, God’s promise is true!

He starts the Creation and then repeats it in order to give a just reward

to those who believed and worked good deeds.

But for those who denied Him, there is a boiling drink and a painful punishment for their disbelief!

5* He is the One Who made the sun a luminary and the moon a light, and marked its path by stations to teach you how to count the years and how to compute. God has created that only by the Truth, and He explains the Signs to the people who understand.

6* Verily, in the contrast between night and day, and in God’s creations in the Heavens and earth, there are Signs for the people who fear God.

7.     Verily, those who do not hope to meet Us, who enjoy the life of this world,

who are content with it and disregard Our Signs —

8.     their abode shall be the Fire

for what they have prepared for themselves.

9.     Verily, those who believed and worked good deeds, their Lord shall guide them on the path of their faith. Rivers shall flow at their feet in the Gardens of Bliss.

10.  Their prayer will be there: Glory to You, O God! their greeting wll be: Peace!,

and the conclusion of their prayer will be: Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds!

11.    If God were to hasten evil to people

as fast as they want to hasten their well-being, their fate would have already been sealed! Those who do not hope to meet Us, We let them wander blindly in sin.

12.  When harm touches a man, he calls upon Us lying down on his side, sitting, or standing. But as soon as We free him from harm,

he walks by, as if he had never called upon Us because of the harm that touched him.

This is how the deeds of the sinners are made attractive to them!

13.  We have destroyed former generations while they were transgressing.

Their Messengers came to them with the Proofs, yet they refused to believe.

This is how We reward the people who transgress!

14.  We made you their successors in the land to let Us observe how you will behave.

15.    When Our clear Verses are recited to them,

those who do not hope to meet with Us, say to you: “Bring us another Koran or change this one!” Say:

“I can’t change it on my own accord:

I’m following only what is inspired to me.

If I disobeyed my Lord,

I’d fear the punishment of the Great Day.”

16* Say:

“God willing, I wouldn’t be reciting to you [the Koran], and He wouldn’t have let you know about it.

Indeed, I’ve spent my whole life with you, so why don’t you understand?”

17.   Who is more unjust than the one who slanders God or rejects His Signs? Verily, the wrong-doers will not succeed!

18.     Besides God they worship some [idols]

that neither harm nor benefit them. They say: “These are our intercessors before God!”


“Can you tell God anything

He doesn’t already know in Heavens and on earth?

Glory to Him! Exalted He is above anything they associate!”

19* In the beginning people formed one community, but later on they went their separate ways.

Had it not been for an earlier Word from your Lord, their differences would have already been settled.

20*They say:

“Why does’t his Lord send him a Sign?”


“The future is in God’s hands.

Wait, and I’ll be waiting with you.”

21.   As soon as We make people taste of Our mercy after adversity had touched them,

they start scheming against Our Signs.


“God is faster at scheming, and all your schemes are recorded by Angels!”

22.   He is the One, Who guides you on your path by land and sea. When they are sailing on ships

and the wind is favorable, they rejoice. But when a gale comes along upon them, and the waves lash at them from all sides, they think of death and call to God truly believing in Him: “If you rescue us, we’ll be so grateful!”

23.      But after He rescues them,

they break the law by transgressing in the land. O people! Your transgressions shall turn against you — they are enjoyable only in this life.

And when you return to Us, We will reveal to you what you have done.

24.   The present life is like rainwater that We pour down from the sky!

Mingling with the soil, it [brings forth] the plants that feed people and cattle.

When the land turns golden and beautifies itself, its owners think they control it, but by night or day We issue Our Command and strip it naked, as if it were not thriving the day before.

This is how We interpret the Signs to the people who think!

25* God invites to the Home of Peace

and guides to the right path anyone He wills.

26.  Those who do good will receive some goodness, and then some more [goodness].

Neither gloom nor shame shall cover their faces — indeed, they are the dwellers of Paradise, where they shall dwell for ever.

27.  As for those who amassed evil, their reward shall be a matching evil. They shall be overcome by shame,

and no one will protect them from God. Their faces shall be covered with the likeness of shreds from the depth of the darkest night — indeed, they are the dwellers of Fire, where they shall remain for ever!

28* The Day We round them up, We will say to the Associators: — Go, you and your partners, each to your place!

We will separate them, and their partners shall say: “It wasn’t us that you worshiped,

29. and God is sufficient as a witness between us.

Indeed, we had no idea that you were serving us.”

30* Then every soul shall realize what it has brought forth. They shall be returned to God, their true Lord, and their inventions shall vanish from their sight.

31.    Say:

“Who provides you with sustenance from Heaven and earth? Who has power over [your] hearing and seeing?

Who brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living? Who manages the Design?” They shall say: “It’s God”.


“Then why don’t you fear Him?”

32.    He is God, your true Lord,

and what is not Truth is nothing but error! So why are you turning away?

33.  The Word of your Lord has prevailed against those who indulge in iniquity. Verily, they will never believe!

34.     Say:

“Can any of your partners start a creation and then repeat it?”


“It’s God, Who starts a creation and then repeats it. Then why are you so deluded?”

35.     Say:

“Can any of your partners guide you to the Truth?”


“It’s God Who guides to the Truth!”

Who is more worthy to be followed: the One, Who guides to the Truth, or the one who does not guide unless he is guided himself?

What is the matter with you if such is your judgement!

36.      Most of them follow only conjectures,

but, verily, conjectures do not stand up to the Truth! Verily, God knows best what they are doing.

37.      Nobody but God could have composed this Koran!

It confirms what has been revealed before

and explains the Scripture of the Lord of the Worlds that cannot be doubted.

38.      [The disbelievers] say:

“He forged it!”


“Produce a single sura comparable to it and call on anyone you want, except God, if you’re telling the truth!”

39.   They reject what they cannot grasp with their knowledge before its interpretation had reached them,

and so did their predecessors,

but see what was the end of those who did wrong!

40.      Some of them believe, and others do not believe;

but your Lord knows best which of them are corrupt!

41* And if they reject you, say:

“I have my work, and you have your work.

You’re not responsible for what I do,

and I’m not responsible for what you do.”

42*Some of them pretend that they listen to you,

but can you make the deaf understand if they cannot hear?

43.      Others pretend to be looking at you,

but can you guide the blind if they cannot see?

44.   Verily, God is never unjust to the people — the people are unjust to themselves.

45.   The Day He gathers them together, it will seem to them that they have lived only one hour of a day.

They will recognize one another, and those who denied the meeting with God and rejected Guidance will surely be the losers.

46.      — [O Muhammad!] Whether We show you

part of Our promise to them, or We [first] take your soul, they shall return to Us!

God is witness to everything they do!

47.      Each nation has its Messenger.

When the Messenger arrives, their matter is settled according to the law, and nobody is treated unjustly.

48.      They say:

“When will this promise come true if you’re telling the truth?”

49.      Say:

“I cannot to harm or benefit myself, except if God wills. Each nation has its term, and this term cannot be delayed or advanced by a single hour.”

50.      Say:

“What do you think: if His punishment overtakes you during the night or during the day, what part of it the sinners would like to hasten?

51* Or if it does overtake you, would you believe in Him?

Then why were you so eager to hasten it before?”

52.      And the wrong-doers shall be told:

— Taste of the everlasting punishment!

Should you not be rewarded as you deserve?

53.      They ask you: “Is it really true?”


“Yes! By my Lord, this is the Truth, and you can’t avoid [it]!”

54.      Every single sinning soul,

if it possessed everything on earth, would give it all away to ransom herself.

At the sight of the punishment they will assert that they repent, but equitable shall be their sentence — they shall not be treated unjustly!

55.  Verily, everything in Heavens and earth belongs to God. God’s promise is true, but the majority do not know [it].

56* He gives life and death, and to Him is your return!

57.     O people!

You have received an Admonition from your Lord.

It is a cure for the hearts,

a Guidance and a mercy for the believers!

58.      Say:

“Let them rejoice at God’s favors and His mercy — indeed, that’s better than what they’re hoarding.”

59* Say:

“Don’t you see what God sends you for sustenance?

But why have you prohibited part of it and made another part of it lawful?” Say:

“Did God allow it to you, or are you making up about God?”

60.      What do those who make up about God

think about the Resurrection Day? Verily, God is generous to people, but most of them are ungrateful!

61.      Whatever your trade,

whatever you recite from the Koran, whatever the work [you] undertake, We are witnessing what attracts you the most. Even the flimsiest particle cannot hide from your Lord on earth or in heaven!

And there is nothing smaller or larger than it that is not in the clear Book.

62.      Verily, the friends of God should not fear nor grieve.

63.      For those who have believed and feared God,

64.   there shall be good news in this life and in the Hereafter. Immutable are the Words of God — in this is a great success!

65.   Do not let their talk sadden you — indeed, all power is with God.

He is the Hearer, the All-Knowing!

66.      Verily, everything in Heavens and earth belongs to God.

And those who call on partners instead of God, what do they follow? —

They follow only conjectures and lies!

67.   He is the One, Who gave you the night to rest and the day to see.

Verily, there are Signs in this for the people who listen!

68* They say:

“God has begotten a son!”

Glory to Him! He is rich!

Everything in Heavens and earth belongs to Him — you have no part in it,

and you have no right to say of God what you do not know!

69.      Say:

“Verily, those who lie about God shall not be successful!”

70.      Let they enjoy themselves in this world;

then they shall return to Us, and We will make them taste a severe punishment for their disbelief.

71* Tell them the story of Noah. He said to his people:

“O my people! Perhaps my presence

and my reminding you of God’s Signs are hard on you!

While I’m putting my trust in God,

make up your mind about your matters and partners, clarify your intent from all ambiguity, then judge me without delay!

72* But if you turn away, I’m not asking you for a reward — verily, my reward is from God, and I am commanded to be a Muslim.”

73.     They rejected [Noah],

but We saved him with his companions in the ark and made them inherit [the earth].

And We drowned those who rejected Our Signs. See what was the end of those who were warned!

74.  After him We have sent many Messengers with Proofs to peoples who refused to believe

in what they had been rejecting before.

This is how We seal the hearts of the sinners!

75.  Then We sent Moses and Aaron with Our Signs to Pharaoh and his attendants.

But they were arrogant and sinful people.

76.      When Our Truth came to them, they said:

“This is obvious magic!”

77.      Moses said:

“How can you say that about the Truth

that has come to you? Is this [really] magic?

The magicians won’t be successful!”

78.      They said:

“Didn’t you come to us to divert us from our fathers’ ways and to become, you and your brother, great in the land?

We’ll never believe you!”

79.      Pharaoh said:

“Round up to me all the skillful magicians!”

80.  When the magicians came, Moses said to them: “Throw what you intended to throw!”

81.      They threw [their staves] and Moses said:

“What you’ve done is magic,

and, verily, God will bring it to naught!

Verily, God doesn’t support the work of the corrupt!

82.  God establishes the Truth by His Words, even if the sinners hate it!”

83* But fearing persecution

from Pharaoh and his attendants,

only a few of his people believed Moses.

Verily, Pharaoh wielded a great power in the land, and he was transgressing all bounds.

84.      Moses said:

“O my people! If you really believe in God

and surrender to Him, then put your trust in Him!”

85.      They said:

“In God we trust! O our Lord!

Don’t make us victims of the people who do evil,

86.      save us by Your mercy from the people who disbelieve!”

87* We inspired Moses and his brother:

— Build houses for your people in Egypt and turn these houses into houses of worship.

Set up the prayer

and bring the good news to the believers.

88* Moses said:

“O our Lord! You gave Pharaoh and his attendants beauty and wealth in this life.

O our Lord! Is it to let them lead astray from Your way? O our Lord! Wipe out their wealth and harden their hearts, so that they won’t believe until they see the painful punishment!”

89.     [God] said:

— Your prayer is well taken,

so be firm and do not walk in the path of the ignorant.

90*We led the Children of Israel across the sea.

Pharaoh and his hosts pursued them in rancor and enmity. But as the sea was closing upon him, he said: “I believe there’s no god, except the One in Whom the Sons of Israel believe,

and I’m submitting myself to God!”

91. — Now, at last! And before that you were a rebel, [one] of the corrupt,

92* but today We will save your body

to let you be a Sign for those who are with you. Verily, many people still disregard Our Signs!

93. We settled the Children of Israel in a blessed haven and gave them the best of provisions.

They did not disagree among themselves until Knowledge came to them.

Verily, your Lord will judge their disputes on Judgment Day!

94* — [O Muhammad!] If you have doubts about what We have descended upon you, ask those who have read the Scripture before you. Indeed, Truth came to you from your Lord — so do not be of those who have doubts about it

95.   and reject the Signs of God, otherwise you shall be among the losers.

96.   Verily, those against whom the Word of your Lord was fulfilled, will not believe

97.   until they saw the painful punishment, even if all the Signs appeared before them.

98.   How is it that not a [single] community, except the people of Jonah,

believed to their own advantage?

As soon as they believed, We lifted from them the humiliating punishment in this life and allowed them to live a little longer.

99.     God willing, everyone in the land would have believed.

But can you compel people to believe against their will?

100.No soul will believe without God’s permission, and He will cast ignominy

upon those who do not understand.

101.     Say:

“Look at everything in the heavens and earth!” No Signs and no Warners can help the disbelievers.

102.     Can they expect anything different

from what happened to those who died before them?


“So wait, and I’ll be waiting with you!”

103.Then We will save Our Messengers and the believers — indeed, Our task is to save those who have faith!


“O people! You can doubt my religion, but I won’t worship what you worship besides God.

I do worship God, the One, Who will recall you, and I’m ordered to remain with the believers.”

105*Like a Hanif, turn your face to religion

and don’t be an Associator.

106.     Don’t call on anything besides God

that can neither help nor harm you,

lest you be a transgressor!

107.     If God touches you with harm,

He alone is able to lift it from you,

and if He wishes you good,

nobody can retard His favor.

He dispenses it to those of His servants He wills.

He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.


“O people! The Truth of your Lord has reached you.

Whoever accepts Guidance, it’s good for his soul,

and whoever goes astray, it’s to her detriment.

And I’m not your guardian!”

109.— [O Muhammad!] Follow what is inspired to you and be patient until God passes His judgment — indeed, He is the best of all judges!

V. 3: “The intercessors” in this verse are the idols. They are the “partners” mentioned in v.18. The real intercessors or protectors are the Angels. They operate under the authority of God, Who is the ultimate and the only Protector (cf. S.86:4).

V. 5: The stations in the sky are the signs of the Zodiac.

V. 6: The Koran is rich in contrasts: night and day, right and wrong, past and present, for­titude and cowardice, truth and deception, pride and shame, Hell and Paradise, freedom of choice and predestination. These contrasts are complementing and not opposing each other. Dualism, as it is understood in the West, is incompatible with Islamic thought, but some of its forms came to be tolerated under the strong influence of Manicheism.

God knows all about each of His creatures; their fate is in His hands. In His infinite com­passion, God extends His mercy to the repenting disbelievers. Are not the most often men­tioned Names of God the Compassionate, the Merciful, and the Forgiving.

The Koran, just as S.10 itself, is the sum of the religious, philosophical, and historical experience of Arabian nations in the VIIth century. It deals with the spiritual and material quests of the people of that time; therefore, those who do not believe in it must still consider it as one of the Great Books of World Culture.

V. 16: The Prophet started receiving the Koran when he was forty years old — fully grown physically and spiritually.

V. 19: “The Word,” i.e., God’s judgment or design. It is also God’s Law. God gives a reprieve to the apostates of different creeds; their differences will be settled on Judgment Day.

V. 20: “The future” or “the Unseen.”

V. 25: “The Home of Peace” — a metaphor for spiritual life.

V. 28: God makes the idols accuse their worshipers (S.28:63).

V. 30: “What it has brought forth” — what it has done in life.

V. 41: This verse seems to be addressed to the Jews.

V. 42: “Some of them pretend to be listening to you, but can you make the deaf under­stand if they cannot hear?” In the original: “some of them pretend to be listening to you. But is it possible to make the deaf hear if they cannot understand?”

V. 51: “Would you believe in Him' or in its [punishment]? Usually ambiguity impov­erishes a text, but in the Koran it may be enriching when it encourages the reader to think and wonder.

V. 56: God has instituted death, as He has created sin in order to let the people be free to choose righteousness in the period of time allotted to them. Angels do not have the freedom to sin and cannot die.

V. 59: The Jews are blamed for self-imposed dietary rules.

V. 68: This verse is obviously aimed at the Christians.

Glorification of God (tamjeed) must be constantly on the lips of the believers. Usually they do it by saying: subhana-llah.

V. 71: “Tell them the story of Noah” — the story or the news? Narratives about the Prophets can be called stories because their protagonists act and talk, and also news because they are communications with one central message: fear God and serve Him.

V. 72: “I am commanded to be a Muslim” or: be one of those who submit themselves [to God]. Submission to God is not valid if it is blind: it must be accompanied by a determi­nation of being righteous.

V. 83: “Of his people” — of the people of Moses or of the people of Pharaoh — probably of the latter (cf. S.7:120).

V. 87: The qibla, “the place of prayer” or the direction for praying. At first the qibla was Jerusalem (Al-Quds), “the sacred city”; thus Daniel prayed in the direction of Jerusalem three times a day (Dan. 6:10). Later on Jerusalem was replaced by Mecca. Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem are the three most sacred sites of Islam. The Shi’ites add Najaf and Kufa in Iraq to this list.

V. 88: “Is it to make them lead [others] astray from Your way” or “let them go off Your way!”

V. 90, 92: Apparently, Pharaoh repented before he died, and his body floated up (for burial?).

V. 94: “Those who preceded you in reading the Scripture” — here, “Scripture” refers to the Revelation received before the Koran.

V. 105: The posterity of Abraham and Ishmael were hanifs, righteous men, the mono­theists of pre-Islamic times. This appellation was adopted by the companions of the Prophet before “Muslim” came into general use. Islam is the primordial “natural” religion; therefore, all the Biblical prophets, including Adam, were Muslims.

Sura 40 The Believer. Like S.10, S.40 contains early and late passages; thus it marks the transition between Meccan and Medinan suras. The composite nature of the sura is felt in the Arabic text by its frequent changes of rhyme. A new rendering of the story of Moses (vv. 23-27) is introduced and concluded by Warning and apocalyptic pas­sages. The sura speaks of an anonymous believer who tried to turn the Egyptians to faith (vv. 28-35; 38-45). Vv. 61-76are a sustained doxology.

40.       T H E B E L I E V E R
Meccan, 85 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Ha mim.

2.     This Scripture is sent down from God, the Mighty, the Knowing,

3.      Who forgives sins and accepts repentance.

He is strict in punishment and rich in bounties.

There is no god but Him, and to Him [is our] return!

4.     Nobody argues about the Signs of God, except the disbelievers.

Do not be deluded by their resourcefulness in the land!

5* [The Signs] have been rejected before them

by the people of Noah and other confederates.

Each people conspired to seize their Messenger

and to dispute unfairly with him to taint the Truth.

But I seized them — such was My punishment!

6. The Word of your Lord against the disbelievers came true — they are indeed the dwellers of the Fire!

7* Those who bear the Throne of their Lord, surround Him and glorify Him.

They believe in Him and ask forgiveness for the believers:

“O our Lord!

You encompass everything with mercy and Knowledge.

Forgive those who turn to You and follow Your way.

Save them from the punishment by the blazing Fire!

8.     O our Lord! Lead them into the Gardens of Eden

that You promised to them

and to the upright among their fathers, their spouses, and their offspring.

You are the Almighty, the Wise.

9.      Preserve them from evil deeds,

and on that Day, bestow Your mercy

upon those whom You have preserved from evil.

This shall be a great success!”

10.     Verily, the disbelievers shall be told:

— God hates you more than you hate yourselves.

Indeed, you rejected faith

when you had been called to it.

11.    They will say:

“O our Lord! You have made us die twice, and twice You have revived us.

Don’t we have a way out after we confessed our sins?”

12.  — [No!] You rejected faith when you were called to One God,

yet you believed when you joined partners to Him. You shall be judged by God, the Exalted, the Great.

13.  He is the One, Who shows you His Signs and sends you sustenance from the sky.

But only those who turn [to Him] remember it!

14.  So call on God and devote yourselves entirely to Him, even if this is hateful for the disbelievers.

15.     The most exalted in rank is the Owner of the Throne!

He inspires by His Command to warn of the Meeting Day anyone of His servants He wills.

16.  On that Day when they come forth before God, they shall not be able to conceal anything. Who will be the Sovereign on that Day? — God, the One, the Victorious.

17.  On that Day every soul shall be rewarded for everything she had amassed.

There shall be no injustice on that Day!

Verily, God is quick at accounting!

18.     Warn them that close by is the Day

when their hearts shall be choked with grief and will rise to their throats.

Then the sinners will have neither a friend nor an intercessor to rely upon.

19.  [God] knows the treachery of the eyes and the secrets of the hearts.

20.     God judges by the Truth, but those

whom they invoke besides Him do not judge anything. Verily, God is the Hearing, the Seeing.

21* Do they not see when they travel about in the land what was the end of their predecessors?

Yet, they were superior to them in power and in their traces on earth!

God seized them for their sins, and nobody protected them from God.

22.  God seized them for rejecting the Messengers who came to them with the Proofs.

Verily, He is powerful and strict in punishment!

23.     We sent Moses with Our Signs and a clear authority

24.      to Pharaoh, Haman, and Korah.

But they said:

“He’s a magician and a liar!”

25.  And when he brought the Truth from Us, they said: “Kill the sons of those who share his belief,

but spare their women.”

The plots of the disbelievers are the way to perdition!

26.      Pharaoh said:

“Let me kill Moses, and let him turn to his Lord.

I’m afraid that he’ll change your religion or spread corruption in the land.”

27.      Moses said:

“I’m calling to my Lord — your Lord, against anyone who makes much of himself and disbelieves in the Reckoning Day.”

28* One of the believers from Pharaoh’s household

who was concealing his faith said:

“Would you really kill a man only because he says:

’My Lord is God!’

Yet he came to you with the Proofs of your Lord.

If he’s lying, his lies will turn against him, but if he’s telling the truth, then you’ll suffer what he’s been warning you about.

Verily, God will not guide an inveterate liar!

29.  O my people! Today the power and the land are in your hands.

But who would save us from God’s retribution if it fell upon us?”

Pharaoh said:

“I want to show you what I see myself, and I’m guiding you only on the way of righteousness.”

30.      Then the believer said:

“O my people! I fear for you [what happened] on the Day of the confederates,

31.      or [what happened] to the peoples of Noah,

’Ad and Thamood, and those who followed them. God doesn’t wish injustice to [His] servants!

32.      O my people! I fear for you the Day when you’ll be called,

33.  the Day when you’ll run away showing your backs, when nobody will intercede for you before God. Whoever God sends astray shall be left without a guide!

34.      Joseph came to you with the Proofs,

but you doubted what he brought to you. And when he died, you said:

‘God shall not send any Messenger after him.’

This is how God sends astray those who are given to dissipation and doubt!

35.      Great is the hatred of God and the believers

for those who contest the Signs of God without authority. This is how God seals the heart of every haughty sinner!”

36* Pharaoh said:

“O Haman! Build me a lofty tower to be my way —

37.  my way to heaven — that I could use to ascend to the God of Moses, although I think he’s lying.” Thus the evil of his deeds

was made attractive to Pharaoh,

and he was turned away from the [straight] path. Pharaoh’s plot had led him to ruin!

38.     And the believer said:

“O my people! Follow me,

and I’ll guide you to the way of righteousness.

39.  O my people! Fleeting is the life of this world, but verily, the Hereafter is a lasting abode!

40.      Whoever does evil shall be rewarded with the same.

But the men or women who do good and believe shall enter Paradise

where they shall receive unlimited provisions.

41.  O my people! If I call you to salvation, why do you call me to the Fire?

42.      You urge me to renounce God

and to associate with Him something unknown to me.

But I’m calling you to the Mighty, the Forgiving.

43.  It’s obvious that your’re calling me to what isn’t worth to be invoked either in this life or in the Hereafter. To God is our return!

The extravagant shall dwell in the Fire!

44.      Soon you’ll remember my words!

As for myself, I’ll commit my case to God.

Verily, God is watching [His] servants!”

45.  God saved him from the evil that had been schemed, but Pharaoh’s household got an evil retribution:

46.  the Fire into which they shall be brought every morning and evening.

The Day when the Hour comes, [God will say]:

— Submit Pharaoh’s people to the harshest punishment!

47.      But they will argue among themselves even in the Fire.

The weak among them shall say to the arrogant ones: “Haven’t we followed you?

So take upon yourselves a share of the Fire!”

48.      But the arrogant ones will say:

“We’re all in it!

Verily, such was God’s judgment upon [His] servants!” 49*The ones in the Fire shall say to the Keepers of Hell:

“Call onto your Lord to make Him shorten the punishment [at least] by one day!”

50* They shall say:

“Haven’t your Messengers come to you with the Proofs?

They shall say: “Yes, they have!”

They shall be told:

“Then pray!”

But the prayer of the disbelievers is just a delusion!

51.  We will surely assist Our Messengers and the believers in this life and on the Day

when the witnesses take the stand.

52.  On that Day excuses will not help the wrong-doers: for them is a curse, for them is an evil abode!

53.      We gave Moses the Guidance,

and We made the Sons of Israel heirs to the Scripture —

54.      it is a Guidance and a Reminder for those who understand.

55* — [O Mohammad!] Be patient.

Verily, God’s promise is true.

Ask forgiveness for your sin

and praise your Lord evenings and mornings.

56. Verily, only those who have no authority argue about the Signs of God.

They have just one [wish] in their hearts: to be greater than the others.

But they shall not see it come true!

And you, seek refuge in God — indeed, He is the Hearing, the Observing.

57* The creation of the Heavens and the earth was more important than the creation of man, but most people do not understand [it].

58.     The blind cannot be compared with the seeing,

and those who believe and do good with the evil-doers. How little [of the Guidance] do you remember!

59.  Verily, the Hour is approaching — no doubt about it, but most people do not believe!

60*Your Lord said:

— Call on Me and I will answer you! But those who are too proud to serve Me shall soon enter Hell in disgrace.

61.  God! He gave you the night to let you rest and the day to let you see!

Verily, God is full of mercy for people, but most people are ungrateful.

62.      He is God, your Lord, the Creator of all things.

There is no god but Him, so why are you turning away?

63.      Indeed, the ones who turn away

are those who reject the Signs of God!

64.  God! He gave you the earth as a dwelling, and the sky as a canopy; He gave you a shape, and how attractive He made your shape!

He provided you with the best sustenance. He is God, your Lord.

Blessed be God, the Lord of the Worlds!

65.  He is the Living One, and there is no god besides Him. So call upon Him and serve Him faithfully in religion. Praised be God, the Lord of the Worlds!

66.      Say:

“Ever since I have received the Proofs from my Lord, I’ve been forbidden to call

upon the ones you worship besides God. I’ve been ordered to surrender

to the Lord of the Worlds.”

67.  He is the One, Who created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then from a blood clot; then He brought you forth as an infant

and let you mature and grow to old age, albeit some of you will die before their appointed time. Perhaps you would reflect!

68.  He is the One, Who gives life and death. When He decides a case, He says to it:

— Let it be! And it is.

69.      Don’t you see how those

who argue about the Signs of God are turning away?

70.      They reject the Scripture

and what We have sent down to them with Our Messengers. But soon they shall know,

71.  when with yokes on their necks they are dragged in chains

72.      into scalding water,

and then into the Fire to be burned!

73.      They will be told:

“Where are those you associated

74.      with God?”

They shall say:

“They have abandoned us!

And we have never invoked anything!”

This is how God sends the disbelievers astray!

75.  — This is because you wrongfully rejoiced in the land and were arrogant.

76.  Enter the gates of Hellfire and stay therein for ever. What an evil abode for the arrogant!

77* — [O Muhammad!] Arm yourself with patience! Verily, God’s promise is true.

Even if [before] recalling you [to Us]

We show you a part

of what We are threatening them with, they shall all return to Us!

78.  We have been sending Messengers before you. We have told you about some of them, but We have not told you about the others.

But no Messenger could have brought a Sign without God’s consent.

When God’s decision is announced, the matter shall be decided in Truth, and the loss shall be upon the liars.

79. God is the One, Who has given you domestic animals, some to ride upon and some to use for food.

80. They are useful to you for another purpose: they enable you to reach any destination according to your hearts’ [desire].

They transport you like ships.

81.     He is ever showing you His Signs.

Which of God’s Signs will you then deny?

82. Do they not see when they travel in the land what was the end of their predecessors?

They were greater in number and stronger in power, and in the traces [they left] in the land.

Yet, what they had hoarded has not profited them!

83. When their Messengers came to them with the Proofs, they exulted in their scholarship,

until they were struck down by what they were laughing at.

84.     At the sight of Our punishment, they said:

“We believe in one God,

and we reject what we used to associate with Him.”

85. But after they see Our punishment, faith will not benefit them any more! Such is the Law of God for His servants, and the disbelievers will suffer a loss!

V. 5: Nowadays, the word hezb (pl. ahzab) means a political party. Here it refers to the confederation or alliance of evil forces (see also v.30 and S.38:11,13). In later suras it applies to the confederation against Islam, as in S.33, The Confederates.

V. 7: “Those who support the Throne” are the Angels or those who fulfill God’s com­mandments (cf. Isa. 6:1-2 and Ezek. 10:1).

V. 21: “The traces” are archeological ruins (see v.82).

V. 28: This man from Pharaoh’s household is not a Biblical character.

V. 36: Haman has been encountered in S.28:8.

V. 49: The Keepers of Hell are the Angels guarding it.

V. 50: The prayer of a disbeliever has no value or purpose. As in Christian teaching, com­munion with God requires His Grace.

V. 55: Like all humans, the Prophet was not blameless.

V. 57: According to this verse, the center of Creation is not man, but the sky and the earth. Man’s assumption that he is at the center of the Universe is false, even if he is one step above the Angels.

V. 60: The private prayer is called da'wa and the communal prayer, salat. It is the first one that is meant here.

Sura 38 [The Letter] Sad. S.38 starts with castigations of poly­theists and ends with descriptions of Hell. Conspicuous is the use of the word “Reminder. ” Parables about David (vv. 17-26) and Solomon (vv. 30-40) constitute new narrative elements. Intercalated between them are the stories of Job (vv. 41-44) and Iblis (vv. 71-85).

38.      [The Letter] S A D
Meccan, 88 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1* Sad. By the Koran and its Reminder!

2* The disbelievers are [mired] in pride and dissent.

3.     How many generations We have destroyed before them! When they called [to Us],

it was too late for their salvation!

4.      They were surprised

that a Warner came from their midst.

The disbelievers said:

“He’s a wizard, a liar!

5.     How could he combine [all] gods in one God? Verily, this is such a strange thing!”

6.      Their chieftains retired, [saying]:

“Go your way and hold fast to your gods, it’s obviously a plot!

7.     We haven’t heard anything like that in the old creed — these are nothing but fabrications!

8.     And why did the Reminder descend upon him and not upon one of us?”

— Yes, they have doubts about My Reminder.

But they have not tasted My punishment yet!

9.     Do they own the treasury of the bounties of your Lord, the Mighty, the Giver?

10.   Do they own the Heavens and earth and what is in between? Even if they hoist themselves [to Heaven] on ropes.

11.     the army of their confederation shall be defeated there!

12.     Before them, the peoples of Noah, ’Ad,

and Pharaoh, the lord of stakes, disbelieved [in Us],

13.     and Thamood, and the people of Lot,

and the dwellers al-’Aika — all their confederations!

14.   They have all rejected their Messengers, and thus deserved My punishment.

15.   They are waiting for the single Shout that shall not be postponed,

16.     They say:

“Our Lord, hasten our lot before the Reckoning Day!”

17* — [O Muhammad!] Bear patiently whatever they say, and remember Our servant David,

the man of strength who used to turn [to Us].

18* We made the mountains join him in glorifying [Us] evenings and at sunrise.

19.  And the birds flocked together to join him in turning [to Us].

20.      We bolstered his kingdom

and gave him Wisdom and eloquence.

21* Have you heard the story of the two litigants? They climbed over the wall into his chamber.

22.     David was scared when they appeared before him.

They said:

“Don’t be afraid! We are fighting each other because one of us has wronged the other one.

Judge between us by the Truth, but don’t judge unjustly, and guide us to the right way.”

23.     [One of them said]:

“This is my brother. He has ninety-nine ewes, and I’ve only one. He said to me:

’Put her in my care’, and he insisted on his demand.”

24* [David] said:

“He has surely wronged you

by insisting that you add your ewe to his flock.

Verily, partners often do wrong to each other, but not those who believe and do good works, but there are so few of them!”

David understood that We were testing him.

He asked his Lord to forgive him;

he prostrated himself and turned [to Him].

25. We forgave him, brought him near Us, and gave him a good retreat:

26* — O David! We appoint you Our deputy on earth.

Judge between men by the Truth and do not indulge in passions, lest they divert you from God’s way.

Verily, those who strayed from God’s way shall receive a severe punishment for forgetting the Reckoning Day.

27.  We have created the heaven and the earth, and what is in between not without purpose as the disbelievers pretend.

Woe from the Fire to those who disbelieve!

28.  Can We treat those who believed and did right like those who spread corruption in the land?

Can We treat the God-fearing like the corrupt?

29*This is the blessed Scripture that We have sent down to you to let [people] meditate on its Verses and let the intelligent ones be reminded.

30. To David We gave a son, Solomon, an outstanding servant, who, verily, used to turn [to Us].

31* One evening, they brought him a few highbred steeds.

32. He said:

“My love for beauty distracts me from remembering my Lord.” [When the sun] hid behind the veil [of the night],

33* [he said]:

“Bring them back to me!”

And he began to stroke their legs and necks.

34* We were testing Solomon

when We placed a dead body on his throne.

But he turned to Us

35.     and said:

“O my Lord! Forgive me and bestow upon me a dominion that nobody will ever deserve after me, for You’re the Giver [of all bounties]!

36.      We subjected to him the wind

to blow softly at his command any way he chose,

37.      and Satans — builders and divers of all kinds,

38.      and others bound in chains.

39.      [And We said]:

— This is Our gift to you!

You may pass it along or keep it outright.

40*Verily, We admitted him to Our Presence and gave him a good retreat.

41.     Remember Our servant Job. He called out to his Lord:

“Satan has afflicted me with suffering and distress!”

42.      — [O Job!] Stomp [the ground] with your foot,

and you shall have cool [water] for washing and drinking.

43.      We returned him his family and doubled its size

as a mercy from Us and as a Reminder for those who can reason.

44* — Take a wisp [of grass] in your hand,

strike [your wife] with it,

and do not break [your oath]!

We found him a patient and outstanding servant.

Verily, he used to turn often [to Us]!

45. Remember Our servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, men of power and insight.

46*We purified them with purity

and reminded them about [the future] abode.

47. For Us they were among the elect and the upright.

48*And remember Ishmael, Elisha and Dhul-Kifl —

they were all among the upright.

49.      This is a Reminder that, verily,

there is a splendid abode for the God-fearing:

50.      the Gardens of Eden with its gates wide open for them.

51.     Therein they shall recline,

asking for a variety of fruits and drinks.

52.   Beside them there shall be [females] of their age with modest glances.

53.      This is what is promised to you for the Reckoning Day!

54.      Verily, such is Our unlimited provision!

55.      So be it!

As for the sinners, there shall be an evil refuge:

56.      Hellfire, in which they shall burn — evil is this bed!

57* So be it!

Therein they shall drink boiling water, a chilling beverage,

58.      and more of such muck.

59.      Behold the crowd that rushes with you!

No welcome for them — they shall all burn in the Fire!

60.      They shall say [to their leaders]:

“Yes, it’s all because of you!

It’s you who aren’t welcome!

It’s you who brought us to this wretched destination!”

61.      They shall also say:

“O our Lord! Double the punishment by the Fire

to the one who brought this upon us!”

62* And they shall say:

“What’s wrong with us,

why don’t we see those we deemed wicked

63.      and treated with mockery?

Why don’t we see them anymore?”

64.   Verily, this is how the inmates of the Fire will be bickering among themselves!

65.      Say:

“I’m truly a Warner!

There is no god besides God, the One, the Victorious,

66.      the Lord of Heavens and earth and what is in between.

He’s the Almighty, the All-Forgiving.”

67.      Say:

“This is a great Message, yet you turn away from it!

69.      I don’t know about the deliberations of the Powers on High.

70.      I’ve been inspired only to be a clear Warner!”

71.      And your Lord said to the Angels:

— I am going to create a mortal from clay.

72.   After I shape him and breathe of My spirit into him, prostrate yourselves before him!

73.      The Angels prostrated themselves in a body,

74.      but not Iblis who was arrogant and became a disbeliever.

75.   — O Iblis! What kept you from prostrating yourself before the one I made with My own hands?

Are you so haughty or are you one of the Highest?

76.      [Iblis] said: “I’m better than he is,

since You made me of fire, and him of clay.”

77.      — Get out of here! May you be stoned,

78.      and may My curse be upon you till Judgment Day!

79.      [Iblis] said:

“O my Lord! Grant me a reprieve till Resurrection Day.”

80.      — Get a reprieve

81.      till the Day of the appointed time!

82.      [Iblis] said:

“[I swear] by Your greatness

that I’ll seduce them by evil, all of them to the last one,

83.      except Your devoted servants!”

84.      — This is the Truth, and I speak the Truth!

85.      Truly, I will fill Hellfire with you

and all those who are following you.

86.      Say:

“I’m not asking you for a fee and I’m not a liar!

87.      This is only a Reminder to the Worlds.

88.      Soon you will learn all the truth about it.”

V. 1: “The Reminder” (zikr) brings up the ideas of warning, remembrance, teaching, reve­lation, and even mystical mood.

Vv. 2-3: A non-sequitur, a frequent occurrence in the Koran (cf. vv. 49, 67). During the chanting of the Koran, such abrupt shifts convey the spontaneity and intensity of the sacred text.

V. 17: David, the slayer of Goliath, was “a man of strength.” Vv. 18, 19: Nature praises God by the singing of birds, and David by playing the harp and reciting the Psalms. The mountains may represent the mighty of this world, and the birds — a tribe defeated by David. One can make numerous comparisons of this type, but they do not add much to the understanding of the Koran.

Vv. 21f: The story of the two litigants is an allegory based on the admonition of the Prophet Nathan to King David for appropriating Uria’s wife while possessing numerous wives and concubines of his own (2 Samuel, 12: 1-4).

V. 24: The intruders disappeared as unexpectedly as they appeared, and David did not judge them. He repented when he realized that the allegory of the litigants was directed against his own misdeeds and that he was not qualified to lecture them.

V. 26: The Koran does not deal directly with the Biblical stories that cast doubt on David’s moral character. The same can be said of Solomon: indeed, a Prophet has to inspire respect for himself and his preaching.

V. 29: This verse may refer either to David and the Psalms, or to the Prophet Muhammad and the Koran.

V. 31: “Highbred,” lit., “strong on their legs, speedy.”

V. 33: Solomon stroked the horses in recognition of the beauty of God’s gifts — or slashed their legs to prove his detachment from material things. This passage is not in the Bible.

V. 34: A dead body — a Jinni, or a ghost.

V. 40: The same has been said about David in v. 25.

V. 44: “Take a wisp [of grass] in your hand and strike [your wife] with it.” This verse can be understood in different ways.

To start with, it is logical to relate it to the story of Job. While God was testing Job by calamities, his wife advised him to curse God and die (Job, 2:9). Job probably swore that he would punish her. God ordered Job to punish her leniently by slapping her with a bunch of grass to avoid breaking his oath. Another possible translation of the verse: “Take a wisp [of grass] in your hand, strike with it and don’t sin” has a different meaning — God had pity for Job and ordered him to strike himself with a wisp of grass in order to alleviate his suffering (in Arabic, “to break an oath” and “to sin” are one and the same word, cf. S.56:46).

V. 46: “We purified them with purity,” probably meaning “we chose them for a pure [purpose].”

V. 48: Ishmael, the elder son of Abraham, is the Patriarch of the Arab race.

V. 57: “Chilling beverages” or “pus.” (S.78:25).

Vv. 62-63: The sinners talk about the Prophet and his followers, who obviously are not in Hell. The dwellers of Hell and Paradise will be able to see one another, cf. S.74:39-42.

Sura 27 The Ants. S.27 gives short versions of the stories of Moses (vv. 7­14), Salih (vv. 45-53), and Lot (vv. 54-58), the latter taken almost verbatim from an earlier sura. The centerpiece is the story of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (vv. 15-45) with the colorful episodes of the ants (v.18) and the birds (vv. 20-28). Arguments for monotheism, the Last Judgment, and the importance of God's Message to man are presented between the stories.

27.      T H E A N T S

Meccan, 93 verses

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

1.     Ta sin.

These are some Verses from the Koran, from the lucid Scripture.

2.      This is Guidance and glad tidings for the believers,

3.     for those who observe the prayer, pay the zakat, and firmly believe in the Hereafter.

4.      As for those who disbelieve in the Hereafter,

We have embellished their deeds,

so that they wander in confusion.

5.      An evil punishment is waiting for them —

they shall suffer the greatest loss in the Hereafter.

6.     — [O Muhammad!] You are receiving the Koran from the Wisest, the All-knowing.

7.      Moses said to his family:

“I see a fire.

I’ll fetch for you from it some news or a burning brand — perhaps it’ll help you to keep warm.”

8* When he approached, a voice was heard:

— Blessed be the One, Who is in the fire and beside it,

and glory to God, the Lord of the Worlds!

9.      O Moses! Verily, I am God, the Almighty, the Wisest.

10.     Cast your staff down!

When [Moses] saw it crawling like a snake,

he ran away and refused to return.

— O Moses! Do not be afraid!

Verily, Messengers are not afraid in My Presence.

11* And if anyone of them does wrong and then replaces evil by goodness, I am the Forgiving, the Merciful.

12* Put your hand into your bosom — it shall come out white, without harm.

This is one of the nine Signs for Pharaoh and his people, indeed, these people are corrupt!

13.   When Our eye-opening Signs reached them, they said: “This is obvious magic!”

14.   They rejected them out of iniquity and pride, though deep inside they have been convinced by them. Consider the fate of the corrupt!

15* We had given Knowledge to David and Solomon.

They said:

“Praise be to God, Who has elevated both of us above many of His believing servants!”

16* Solomon was David’s heir. He said:

“O people! We’ve been taught the language of birds and we’ve been given all things.

Verily, this is a real favor!”

17.   And Solomon’s army ofJinn, men, and birds was brought before him in ranks.

18.   When they reached the valley of the ants, an ant said: “O ants! Repair to your dwellings,

lest Solomon and his army unwittingly squash you.”

19.   [Solomon] laughed at its words and said with a smile: “O my Lord! Inspire me to be thankful for all the favors You showered upon me and my parents,

and for allowing me do the good works that please You. Make me join by Your mercy

[the ranks] of Your righteous servants!”

20* He reviewed the birds and said:

“I don’t see the lapwing. Why is he missing?

21.   I’ll punish him harshly, I’ll even kill him, if he comes to me without a convincing excuse.”

22* But he did not tarry long, and, [flying in], said: “I’ve surveyed [some lands] that you had not surveyed, I come to you from Sheba with reliable news.

23.     I found out that its ruler is a woman,

who received everything and owns a splendid throne.

24.   And I found that she and her people worship the sun instead of God. Satan has embellished their deeds

and made them go astray — they have no Guidance.

25.      They don’t worship God,

Who reveals the secrets of Heavens and earth

and knows what you hide and what you reveal.

26.   He is God, and there’s no god but Him, the Lord of the great Throne!”

27.      [Solomon] said:

“Soon enough we’ll see if you tell the truth or you lie.

28.   Return to them with my letter and throw it to them, then step aside and wait for their response.”

29.      [The Queen] said:

“O notables! An important letter has been delivered to me.

30.      It’s from Solomon:

‘In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

31* Don’t make much of yourselves before me, and come to me as Muslims.’”

32.      And she said:

“O notables! Advise me in this matter,

indeed, I decide all affairs in your presence!”

33.      [The notables] said:

“We’re strong and experienced in ruthless war,

but you’re the one who gives orders. What’s your command?”

34.      She said:

“When kings enter a town, they destroy it and disgrace its most reputable dwellers — that’s what they do!

35.   But I’ll send them a gift and consider what the envoys will bring back in return.”

36* When they came before Solomon, he said: “How can anything make me richer if what God has given to me is better than what He gave you?

Only you can rejoice at your gifts!

37.   Go back to your [people]. We’ll march against them with armies that they will not be able to withstand. We’ll drive them from there in disgrace,

and they’ll feel humiliated.”

38.     And he said:

“O Chiefs! Which of you will bring me her throne before they come before me in submission?”

39* One of the Jinn, Ifreet, said:

“I’ll bring it to you before you leave your place.

Believe me, I’m strong in such stunts!”

40.      Someone who was versed in the Scripture said:

“I’ll bring it to you in the twinkling of an eye!”

When [Solomon] saw [the throne] standing firmly before him, he said:

“By the grace of my Lord, this is a test to see if I’m grateful or ungrateful. To be grateful is good for the soul, but to be ungrateful...

Verily, my Lord is generous and rich!”

41.      And he said:

“Disguise her throne, and then we’ll see

whether she follows the right way, or needs Guidance.”

42*When she arrived, she was asked:

“Is this your throne?”

She said:

“It looks like mine! Knowledge came to us long ago, and we’ve submitted ourselves to God.”

43. And [Solomon] turned her away from worshipping [other gods] besides God, indeed, she belonged to a people without faith.

44*She was told:

“Enter the palace!” Seeing what she thought was a pool of water, she bared her legs.

[Solomon] said:

“The palace is paved with glass.”

She said:

“O my Lord! I have harmed my soul! Now, together with Solomon,

I surrender myself to God, the Lord of the Worlds.”

45.      We sent to [the people of] Thamood their brother Salih.

[He said]:

“Worship God!”

But they [split into] two disputing factions.

46.      [Salih] said:

“O my People! Why do you hasten evil instead of virtue?

Ask God for forgiveness — perhaps He’ll show you mercy!”

47.      They said:

“Our birds have warned us against you and those who are with you.” He said:

“Your birds are from God, and you’re a people on trial!”

48.      In the city there were nine people

who were spreading corruption in the land and did not want to reform.

49*They said:

“Let’s swear to one another by God

that we’ll go at night after [Salih] and his kin.

Then, we’ll tell his heir that we haven’t witnessed

the murder of his family, and that we’re telling the truth!”

50.   They plotted a scheme, and We plotted a scheme, but they did not suspect [it].

51.      Now, see the end of their plot:

— We wiped them out, with all their nation!

52.   Their houses are now in ruins for the wrong they did. Verily, there is a Sign in this for the people who know!

53.      And We saved those who believed and who feared [God].

54.      And Lot... He said to his people:

“Don’t you realize that you’re committing indecency!

55.      Don’t you lust after men instead of women?

Yes, you’re an ignorant people!”

56.   But his people had only one answer: “Expel Lot’s family from our city — these people insist on staying pure!”

57.      We rescued him and his family,

except his wife — We decided to leave her behind.

58.      And We pelted them with rain:

fatal was that rain for those who were warned!

59.      Say:

“Praise to God and peace upon the servants He chose!

Who is better, God or those you associate [with Him]?”

60.      Has He not created the Heavens and earth

and sent you down from the sky

the water We use to grow luxuriant gardens?

Are you able to grow such trees by yourselves?

So, is there a god besides God?

But these people refuse to commit themselves.

61.      Has He not made the earth firm,

and traced riverbeds, and raised mountains upon it, and set up a barrier between the two seas?

So, is there a god besides God?

But most of them do not know [it].

62* Does He not answer the call of [a man] in distress, who calls to Him, does He not relieve his pain? [Did He not] appoint you heirs to the land?

So, is there a god besides God?

How little do you remember!

63.   Does He not guide you through the darkness of land and sea, and send winds as forerunners of His mercy!

So, is there a god besides God?

Exalted is God above whatever they associate with Him!

64.   Does He not begin the Creation, then repeat it and give provisions from the sky and the earth? So, is there a god besides God?


“Bring forth your Proof if you’re telling the truth!”

65.      Say:

“Nobody but God knows the Unseen in Heavens and earth, and nobody knows when he will be raised.”

66.   Yes, little do they know about the Hereafter, and, moreover, they are in doubt about it. How blind they are in this matter!

67.      The disbelievers say:

“Shall we really be raised

after we and our fathers turned to dust?

68.   This has been promised to us and to our fathers before us, yet, these are just some fables of the Ancients!”

69.      Say [to the disbelievers]:

“Go through the land

and see what was the end of the sinners!”

70.   — [O Muhammad!] Do not grieve over them and do not worry about their plots!

71.      They say:

“When will the promise come true if you’re telling the truth!”

72.      Say:

“Maybe a part of what you’d like to hasten is already catching on you!”

73.   Verily, your Lord is full of mercy for mankind, but most of them are ungrateful.

74.      Verily, Your Lord knows

what they hide in their hearts and what they reveal.

75.   There is nothing hidden in Heaven and earth that is not in the lucid Book.

76.   Verily, this Koran enlightens the Children of Israel about most of the matters in their dissensions.

77.      Verily, it is a Guidance and a mercy for the believers.

78.   Verily, your Lord will rule between them in His Judgment — He is the Mighty, the Knowing.

79.      So, trust God — indeed, you are facing the manifest Truth!

80.   Verily, you cannot make the dead listen, as you cannot make the deaf hear your call if they run away [from you].

81.      And you cannot pull the blind out of their error!

Only those who believe in Our Signs will hear you: they are the Muslims!

82* When Our Word is fulfilled,

We will summon a Beast from the earth — let it talk to them! Indeed, Our Signs have not convinced these people!

83.   On that Day We will gather from each nation a crowd of those who deny Our Signs

and they shall be sorted out.

84.      When they come, [God] will say:

— Have you rejected My Signs out of ignorance or because of what you have done?

85.   The Word against them shall be fulfilled because of their wrong-doing,

and they shall not be able to respond!

86.   Don’t they see that We gave them the night to rest and the day to have light?

Verily, there are Signs in this for the people who believe!

87.   On the Day when a blast on the trumpet is sounded, everybody in Heavens and on earth shall be terrified; they shall come before God in abjection,

except those He will want [to save].

88.      And you will see the mountains

that you thought immovable, move like clouds. Such are the works of God,

Who has brought everything to perfection.

Verily, He is aware of your deeds!

89.      Goodness shall accrue to those who do good

and they shall be saved from the terror of that Day.

90.      But whoever comes forward with bad [deeds]

shall be cast face down into the Fire:

— Is there any other reward for you,

except what you have done yourselves?

91.      [Say:]

“I’ve been ordered to worship the Lord of this city

that He has sanctified — indeed, all things belong to Him!

I’m ordered to be a Muslim

92.      and to recite the Koran.”

Those who accept Guidance, do it for their souls.

Say to the one in error:

“I’m just a Warner.”

93.      And say:

“Praised be God!

Soon He’ll show you His Signs and you’ll recognize them!

Your Lord is not heedless of anything you do!”

V. 8: The fire may emanate from Angels. “Who is in the fire and beside it” or “who goes to God or is looking for Him.”

V. 11: Predestination can be mitigated only by God’s mercy and forgiveness (S.81:29).

V. 12: Moses’s hand was luminous, but not leprous as in the Biblical story (S.7:108).

V. 16: All living things know God and praise Him. Cf.: “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; con­sider her ways and be wise” (Prov. 6:6).

V. 20: The lapwing, hudhud in Arabic.

V. 22: Sheba (Saba') was a locality in Southern Arabia, ruled by a Queen called Bilqis. (Cf. 1 Kings 10:1-10).

V. 31: “As Muslims,” or “like those who surrendered to God.”

Surrendering to God is only the first step on God’s path. True Islam (islam) consists in offering one’s whole life to God and doing good deeds, without which faith (iman) is not pos­sible.

Faith includes Knowledge ('ilm or ma'rifa), charity (ihsan), and sincerity (ikhlas). The latter includes the repudiation of the association (shirk) of idols to God and ihsan includes belief in one God, purity, as well as goodness, beauty, and the pursuit of the ideals expressed in God’s names. One of God’s names is the Grateful (ash-Shakur); if God is the Grateful, then an ungrateful man is the lowest of the lowest (S.27: 40; S. 100:6).

Disbelief or unbelief (kufr) is the rejection of Truth, and therefore of God (God is the Truth) and His Koran (the Word of Truth). Disbelieving is concealing God from oneself and others. Faith is based on accepting the Koran, the teaching of scholars, and mystical communi­cation with God. Total immersion in Islam (taqawa) comprises fear of God and obedience to Him. “Devout” and “righteous” are too weak to convey the full meaning of this word.

Knowledge and understanding are the cornerstones of Islam. Neither the belief in a trinity nor solemn rites nor the cult of saints distracts the faithful from direct contact with the Creator.

V. 36: It was more important for Solomon to bring the people of Sheba into Islam than to receive their gifts.

V. 39: Ifreet is a wicked spirit. Solomon prefers the spiritual power of a believer to the sorcery of an evil imp.

Vv. 42-43: These verses can be rendered differently, viz., she said: “It looks like mine!” [Solomon said]: Knowledge has come to us long ago, and we’ve submitted ourselves to God,” and he turned her away from worshipping [other gods] besides God...

V. 44: If the glass floor symbolizes the Truth, then the Queen’s hesitation speaks of the weakness of her faith.

V. 49: The stratagem of Salih’s enemies was aimed at avoiding the retaliation of his nearest relative. Revenge for murder was a duty that could lead to the decimation of entire fam­ilies. Islam offered repentance and pardon as alternatives to the Biblical injunction, “an eye for an eye, a life for a life.”

V. 62: This call to God is the private prayer of S.40:60.

V. 82: “Speak” or “wound.” Here the “Beast” is a metaphor for unbelief, cf. Rev. 13:1f.

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