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Solomonic Archangels and Demon Princes 02

The Keys to the Gateway of Magic:
Summoning the

Solomonic Archangels
and Demon Princes

Stephen Skinner    David Rankine

Part 2 - Dr Rudd's Nine Hierarchies of Angels with their
Invocations to Visible Appearance

Scriptum per Pet: Smart A: M. Londinensem July 9th 1712. 

The Directory 

The Signs 

The signs of Appearance both of Good     Evil Spirits are    ought to be carefully    well observed by Reason they are the foregoers of such appearances,    whereby are known the differences thereof which is a matter of material Consequence as  shall be more  plainly showed forth.

Good Angels moved

If Good Angels or Elemental powers of Light, or otherwise Dignified spirits, of  benevolent, or Symbolising nature with Celestial powers, and allied  to the welfare    preservation of mankind, are moved    called forth to visible appearance in a Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle as one usual way or customary form is among  the Learned Magicians, then the sign  of their appearance, most seemeth like  a Veil or Curtain of some beautiful Colour, hanging in or about the stone, or Glass, as a bright Cloud or other pretty kind of Hieroglyphical show, both strange    yet very Delightful to behold.

It is therefore to be Remembered, that the Magical Sophie  ought to have for his purpose a Crystal stone, of a round Globic form, very clear    transparent, or other stone of  like Diaphanity, or Ball of Clear    Solid Glass, or thick hollow Glass, with a little hole on the top of like form, of any convenient bigness or Diameter, According as can Reasonably be obtained or made,    the same  to be set  in a frame,    also the Glass to be made with a stalk or shank fixed thereto,    so to be put in a Socket with a foot or pedestal to stand upright; the stone being called by the name of a shew stone,    the Glass by the name of a Glass Receptacle,    in practice or Action, upon Invocation or motion made for spiritual appearance, there shall Either be a wax Candle on  each side thereof, or a Lamp behind the same burning during the time of Action, set on a table, apart fitted    furnished for this purpose, but if Appearance hereof aforesaid be moved for by invocation, out of the show stone or glass Receptacle, or if yet notwithstanding Appearance happen to show themselves out of them, yet the sign of their appearance will be very Delectable,    pleasant, though Various and amusing the Senses to behold, as a shining brightness or sudden flashes, or such like similitudes very splendid in show, all about, or in the place where action is made or appearance  moved.


When Invocation is made to any of the Celestial powers, or  Dignified Elemental spirits of Light,    appearance accordingly is presented and visibly showeth itself, Either in the shew stone, or Glass Receptacle, or otherwise out of them ; then view the same very well    also take notice of its Corporature, Physiognomy, or features of the face, Vestures or Garments, deportment or behaviour, language or whatsoever else may be worthy of note ; by Reason of making a fine  Distinction between the appearance of Good Angels or spirits,    others that are Evil,    of Knowing the same without being Deceived.  For although Evil powers or spirits of Darkness may be Invocated, moved or Called forth to visible appearance    Consulted withall,    made use of in such concerns or upon such actions23, wherein by nature    office, they may be Commanded to serve in all such matters, according as thereupon are Dependent,    as the necessities thereof shall be suitable    Requisite, but then Actions with them are Different24, both in time, place    Order,    also the manner of operation, which by them are Diversely    severally elsewhere hereafter inserted,    showed forth in its proper place, Therefore Do the Magick Philosophers give this Caution saying, Beware that one action, operation, or Secret in this Art be not mixed with another,   

Action Apart

But Let all Celestial, Elemental    Infernal Actions, operations,    invocations, be used    kept apart or separate, according to the Method    manner as are in particular Ascribed,    properly Referred unto each of them.25 Now then Observe that the Appearance of celestial    Benevolent Angels,    other Dignified Elemental spirits, or powers of Light, are to be thus Known or Distinguished from those that are Infernal or Evil powers or spirits of Darkness.26 The Good Angels or Dignified powers of Light as aforesaid, are in Countenance very fair, beautiful, Affable    Youthful, smiling, Amiable,    usually of a flaxenish or Gold coloured hair,    in behaviour or gesture very Courteous    friendly, in speech very Gentle Mild, Grave, Eloquent, using no vain, idle or Superfluous Language, or Discourse; in their Corporature very handsome, straight, Comely, well favoured,    in every Limb most exactly formal    well Composed, their motions sometimes to be plainly perceived, sometimes swift and sometimes  imperceptible; both in their appearance Continuance    Departure,    their Garments    Vestures, of what fashion, form, or Colour so ever thereof, are Likewise very fair, beautiful or Orient,    if it be of many Colours or strange fashion, yet they are also very splendid, rare    Lovely to behold;    in short, they are all Celestially Glorified in all their Appearances, as they are in Countenance    Corporature most Comely, beautiful, Amiable,    well composed, without any of the Least Deformity, Either of hairiness in the face or body, or a swarthy Complexion, or any Crookedness, or either any ill shaped member of the body, so also are their Garments or Vestures, without spot or blemish, Either of being Ragged, or tom or stained, or anywise to be seemingly Dirty or Daubed, with any filthy, Greasy or nasty Soil,    always Embrace the word Mercy.


When the appearance of any Celestial Angels, or Angelical powers of Light, or Dignified Elemental spirits are visibly showed forth    by good testimony or Diligent Observation well known to be so; then with due Reverence given thereto, [it] may be said as followeth.

Receive Thus

Welcome be the Light of the Highest,    welcome be the messengers of Divine Grace    mercy unto us, the true servants    worshippers of the same your God, whose name be glorified both now    for Ever. Amen.

Good or Evil

And if the appearance be of Good, then it will stay, but if not, it will Immediately vanish, or flee hastily away, at the Rehearsal of the word Mercy. But if any Evil power shall appear in the place or stead of that which is Good,    impudently withstand any opposition, then Vanquish it, as in this Case. Evil spirits are to be Dealt withall, in manner    form as hereafter is inserted in its place; by Reason those powers or spirits who are by nature Evil,    so are Contrary to those by nature Good, may not be dealt withall in those actions or operations.  Nor those powers of Light, by nature Good, to be moved in Reference to what Otherwise properly appertaineth or Belongeth by nature    office to the Evil powers of spirits of Darkness, more then as for their Assistance,    so accordingly for Deliverance from any Violent Surprises, assaults, or Illusions, or other infernal temptations or envious attempts   c.

Expected Appearance

Now then, if by these Directions, the Expected appearance is understood    found to be Celestial    of Good, or to be Dignified Elemental spirits or powers of Light,    so likewise of Good, as accordingly was invocated, moved or Called forth  to visible appearance, [then] say thus


Are you the same, whom we have moved    called forth to visible appearance here before us at this time, by the name (N)   or what Else are you    of what order,  amongst the blessed Angels, or otherwise Known or Called by any Mortal man, if you be of Celestial or Elemental Verity    so of Charity, you Cannot Mislike of or Deny these our sayings.


Then if it Maketh any Answer, as peradventure it will, then Make Reply according as the Nature of your Discourse requireth, but if it Make no answer, then repeat the words aforesaid, ‘Are ye the same   c.’

Then it will show forth or tell its name, Order    office the which when it is Known by hearing, then it will speak, or Otherwise show forth, Say then as followeth

Who it is

If you be (N) as you say, in the name of Jesus, say that all wicked angels are justly Condemned,    that by the mercy of God in the merits of Christ, mankind Elect are to be saved.

Answer made, or be gone

Whereunto it will then return a satisfactory answer or, Else it will Depart or be gone away; then if the appearance be Good, as may be Known by the answer    of the Reasons thereof, that was made or given to the aforesaid proposition, Say as followeth

Speak to the Appearance

O ye servants or Messengers, of Divine grace    mercy,    Celestial Angels or angelical powers of Light, or Dignified Elemental spirits    mediums of Benevolence to mankind, Servants of God, you both now at this time    always, are    shall be unto us truly    sincerely welcome; humbly Desiring you also to be friendly unto us,    to Do for us, In whatsoever it shall please God, to give by your Order    office to us, for the better knowledge    benefit of mankind Living on Earth,    Make us partakers of true Science    Sapience, in the Undefiled    Secret wisdom of your Creation.

Answer Made

And if any Answer, shall be made hereunto, or any Discourse from hence should arise or proceed here upon, then both wisdom    Reason must be the principal Conduct in the Management thereof; But if there be Silence,    that no Discourse Ariseth from hence, then begin to make humble request for answer, to such Desires    proposals, as in a Certain writing is Contained which ought to be in Readiness with you,    then will the Efforts of all things be undoubtedly    with good Success Determined   c.


The Signs of Intrusion or appearance of Evil  when action or Invocation is otherwise made, for moving    Calling forth Celestial Angels or Intelligences, or other dignified powers or Elemental spirits of Light, are not Apparent or Visible to be any ways Discernable, more than the shapes, forms, Gestures,    other like principles in Appearance, quite Contrary in behaviour, Language,

Clothing or Vestures, to those above Related,    to be observed of the Good Angels. Neither are they herein otherwise to be judged of them than as intruders, tempters    Illuders, on purpose if possible, to Deceive,    also Destroy the perseverance    hopes of Obtaining any Benefit by Celestial    good mediums; by Reason that they are Degraded    Deprived of power, to send or show forth any forgoing signs of their appearance, in those are such Superior Actions, Invocating or moving only Celestial or Dignified Elemental powers   c to Visible Appearances, herein no ways to have further notice, than to be Vanquished    sent away, as before hath been said.

Observe then that the Corporature, forms    shapes of evil powers or spirits of Darkness, in their appearance by forcible intrusion of this kind, are Easily to be Discovered from the good powers and spirits of Light, as now shall be declared as followeth.

Of Evil Powers

Evil powers or spirits of Darkness, are Ugly Ill-favoured,    Beastly in Shape    appearance, wherein observe if they appear in upright or human stature, then either body, face or Covering are quite Contrary to the other before specified of good.  For although an Evil or infernal spirit, may appear in the Likeness of an Angel of Light, Especially in the time    place, when Good Angels or spirits of Light are Invocated, moved    Called forth, forming themselves very nearly, so Even almost imperceptible to Sight    apprehension, Except Ingeniously Discovered by Curious observation, and Clearly may be Discovered Quickly, by their Raggedness    Uncleaness of their Garments,    Differences of their Countenance in beauty    features,    other decent Composures of the body, Language and behaviour,    the Corporal Deformities of the Limbs, or bestial similitudes, who in times do usually and Suddenly make their Appearance, and as Readily show forth strange motions Gestures,    speaking Unusual blasphemous, Ridiculous or Different Language, Altogether Dissonant    Contrary    very Unlike, both in Manner    matter, to that of the Celestial Angels,    Elemental powers    other Dignified spirits of Light; which also may be soon Discovered by the Diligence of a sober    Curious speculator  , which notable Intrusions, they make on this action, properly to Destroy,    if possible, overthrow the Reason, hope    judgement of the Invocant,    by great Errors    other Ignorant Mistakes, not only to Deceive    Confound the more Solid    Genuine Knowledge    Capacity of man Labouring herein, but also to Distract the senses,    thereby Lead the Understanding into a Meander,    therein to weary    tire us with Variety of Doubts    Desperation, not Knowing how to unravel this Gordian Knot ; or to be Satisfied or Delivered from this hopeless pilgrimage, but by the help of Icarian Wings .

From hence it may be Understood; that Evil powers and spirits of Darkness, Sooner appear as Impudent Intruders, in the time of Good action,    in place where invocation is made, for the moving    Calling forth of any good Angels, or Dignified Elemental powers or spirits of Light to Visible Appearance, than at any other time    place, when as unto themselves they shall be Indifferently by order, office    name invocated, moved    Called forth to Visible appearance for such is their assistance, as by nature    office wherein they are accordingly Serviceable    suitable to the occasion wherein they were Commanded.   Therefore in such actions, Methods, form or observations, as are to be only Referred Unto those Evil powers or spirits of Darkness, those actions we say are Differently set apart,    to be Distinguished both in time, place, order    Method, form    otherwise as aforesaid, so they may be moved    Called forth Commanded    Constrained    accordingly so Dealt withall    used, as the present occasion shall Require    the Direction of the Invocant shall find agreeable to their Nature    office. 

So then, here it is observable that Evil spirits may be invocated    Dealt with Differently and apart by themselves accordingly as aforesaid, but not in such place or at such time, as when Action or Motion is made for the appearance of any Celestial or other Dignified powers or Spirits of Light and other Elemental powers or different spirits by nature good as well as evil and other wandering spirits non-resident in orders certain of like nature,   c, may be constrained    commanded by invocation, to Service    obedience Comparatively as Vile Slaves accordingly, as Elsewhere in a particular treatise.  Invocations properly thereto Referred, with several other Appurtenant Rules    Observations Inserted therein, as Amply    at Large Showed forth.  But Celestial Angels    other Dignified Elemental powers    spirits of Light, by nature    office wholly Benevolent and Good may not be Commanded nor Constrained by any Invocation; they are only to be moved    Called forth by humble Entreaties, Thereby acquiring favour    friendship.

When Wicked Intruders

Now then if at any time    place, when Action or motion are made,    humbly entreated Earnestly besought, for the appearance of any Celestial Angel or Dignified Elemental power, or other spirit or spirits of Light,    wicked Intruders should impudently Insinuate,    thrust themselves in place,    would Enforce Credulity into the Speculator   c. And that it shall be plainly Discovered, then shall the Magical Sophie  Dismiss, Discharge    send away    banish them from hence, after this Manner:

To Banish the Evil Spirits

The Vengeance of God is a two Edged Sword, cutting Rebellious    wicked spirits of Darkness,    all other Usurping powers in pieces, the hand of God is like a strong Oak which when it falleth it Breaketh in pieces many shrubs, the Light of his Eyes Expelleth Darkness,    the sweetness of his mouth Keepeth from Corruption.  Blessed are all those unto whom he showeth mercy,    preserveth from temptation    illusion of wicked intruders, Defending them by his mighty power, Under the Cover of Divine Grace not suffering his humble servants to be overcome or overthrown, by any infernal assaults, now therefore, because you have Come Hither,    Entered without Licence, Seeking to Entrap    Ensnare us,    secretly Conspired by these your Subtleties to deceive    Destroy us    our hopes, In the true meaning of these our sober, innocent, honourable,    Celestial Actions    operations, we Do in the great    mighty name,    by the power of the most high God, triumph Imperially over you,    by the Virtue, force    Efficacy thereof, be you    your powers Vanquished, overthrown,    utterly Defaced;    behold, by Virtue of that Celestial power, by Divine Grace given to us,    wherewith we are potently Dignified,    as heirs of God’s promise through faith Continuing Inherent in us, we Do hereby wholly Deface    overthrow  you,    you are totally Vanquished. Therefore we say Depart,    immediately be gone from hence, in peace, without Noise, turbulence, injury, harm, Violence or Other damage  whatsoever;    as you are of Darkness    the places of Darkness,    have without any Charge or permission Enviously Intruded, Seeking thereby to Ensnare, Deceive    overwhelm us, the Divine Judgement    Vengeance of the most high God, for this your Wicked    malicious Conspiracy    Insinuation, be your Deserved Reward,    as it was Delivered to you, so take it with you, that the malice which you have shown to us, may heap up your own Destruction; be ye therefore Dismissed    immediately we say Depart hence unto your Orders,    there to Continue in the bonds of Confinement, During the Divine pleasure of the Highest.

If they are yet Obstinate,    Impudent,    will not Depart but Rather will withstand the Commands, of the Magician, Let him say as followeth:

To Vanquish

Do ye thus impudently withstand,    obstinately Refuse to Depart from our presence,    from this place    perniciously attempt yet further against us, in the name of Jesus we say Depart ye wicked Seducers,    be ye Immediately gone away from hence    be it unto you according to the word of God, which Judgeth Righteously from Evil unto worse, from worse unto Confusion, from Confusion to Desperation, from Desperation unto Damnation, from Damnation unto Eternal Death, Depart therefore we say unto the Last Cry,    Remain with the prince of Darkness in punishment justly due  as a fit Reward unto your wicked, Malicious Deservings;    the God of mercy Graciously Deliver us from you, Jehovah, Jehovah, Schah. 

And if no Celestial Angel, or other Dignified spirit of Light appears in place to Vanquish,    send away, or seal up any wicked or infernal spirit or spirits of Darkness, When Appearance is present, As Notorious Intruders in the time    place, when Celestial or elemental Actions, with Dignified powers of Light are in agitation or operation.

Rules to be Observed

Then Let the Discrete Magician with prudent passion, have Diligent Regard to himself,    Consult the foregoing Rules, according to Respective    serious observation, who then by the office of himself, will undoubtedly not only Contract the sight    friendship of the Celestial Angels,    also Dignified elemental    other benevolent spirits  of Light, to his Relief    Comfort    to Vanquish    overcome all Evil spirits or powers of Darkness   c: But also he shall have power to Command, Call forth    Constrain all sublunary spirits    powers of all natures, orders    offices, both good    Evil, Light    Darkness, or otherwise Relating thereunto,    bring them to such Obedience as according to their several    Respective natures,    offices they may be so Commanded    Constrained to serve    obey.

A Second Introduction 

When Invocation and Replication thereunto is amply made according to time, method, and order, and the Celestial Angel or Intelligence thereby moved doth appear, or any other Angel or Intelligence of the same Hierarchy, then mark and observe well the manner, shape, form, Corporature, gesture, vestments and foregoing sign thereof, and if in all symbolical likelihood and probable symptoms the Apparition seemeth to be no less, or otherwise conjectured than what is form hence to be expected.

Although that very Intelligence that was moved and called forth by name doth not appear, by reason it is of the superior order of the Hierarchy who are not always sent nor usually go forth neither are moved to visible appearance, but if especial grave and divine pleasure more especially unto choice and peculiar vessels of honour accordingly appointed immediately by the Holy Ghost to fulfil the commands of the Highest but yet some one or other or more of the Celestial powers of the same order as aforesaid, more inferior in degree, may be moved hereby to descend and appear at the earnest request of the Sophie Invocant , and perform whatsoever shall be requested according to its nature and office.

It cannot be unknown to any discrete Magician, that whensoever any good Angel or Celestial Intelligence is moved or called forth to visible appearance, but also that evil spirits and infernal powers of darkness are immediately ready to encroach and appear in the room instead of the good Angels. Therefore, it behoveth to be very careful and greatly observing thereof, both the method and manner how to know and rightly to distinguish the appearance of the good angels or spirits from those that are evil, and how to deal with either of them.

That is to say, how to receive good angels in their appearance and how to vanquish and banish Evil Spirits when they intrude and enter into place and presence, to deceive and overwhelm us. We have sufficiently and at large inserted and shown forth in our Directory.  Therefore, we shall in this place only show forth a method of greeting the Apparition of any Celestial Angel or dignified power of light, and when by all the prescribed rules given, that apparition is truly known to be Celestial and of good, then humbly receive it with ample benevolence, saying as followeth:

To Receive a good Appearance

Welcome be the light of the Highest, and welcome be the Messengers of Divine Grace and mercy unto us, the true servants and worshippers of the same your God, whose name be glorified both now and for evermore.

When known to be Good

If the Appearance is perfectly known and understood, and by all the signs and tokens perfectly known to be Celestial or Angelical powers of light, then with due reverent observance say as followeth.

Receiving Good Angels

O you Servants or Messengers of divine grace and mercy and Celestial Angels, or Intelligences, powers of light, or dignified Elemental Spirits and Mediums of benevolence to mankind, Servants of God, you, both now at this time and always, are and shall be unto us truly and sincerely welcome. Humbly desiring you also to be friendly and do for us in whatsoever it shall please God to give by your Order and Office unto you for the better knowledge and benefit of mankind living here upon Earth, and to make us partakers of true sapience and science in the undefiled and sincere sacred wisdom of your Creation.


And if any Answer shall be made thereunto, or any discourses from hence should arise or proceed thereupon, then both wisdom and reason must be the principal conduct in the management thereof, but if there be silence that no discourse ariseth from hence, then begin to make humble request for answer to your desires and proposals, then will the effects of all things undoubted and with good success be determined.

Fear or Mistrust

But if there should, any fear Doubt or Misimpression, or just Cause of jealousy be had or made of any Expected Apparition, of any Angel or Intelligence of the Celestial Orders, or other elemental power of Light, Celestially Dignified  or otherwise, if at any time there should appear a spirit, which you do think is not of Good, nor of the Order you moved for,  or have any mistrust of it, the which you may Easily perceive by form , Gesture, Motion    Similitude,    also by Its Answering, to any Discourse or Questions made, then may be said thus to it as followeth.

To Know who it is

“In the name of Jesus who art thou?” Then perhaps it will say, “I am the servant of God.”

Then you may say “Art thou Come from God? Art thou sent from him with good tidings or Message?” Then perhaps it will say to you, or some such Like words “What I am he Knoweth, of whom I bear witness.”

Then you may ask its name, saying then “What is your name? Either as it [your name] is notified amongst the blessed Angels, or Called by of mortal man; if you be of Verity,    so of Charity, you Cannot mislike my speeches.”

Then it will tell you its name, or say nothing at all, but if it Doth tell you his name, then you may say to it “If you be N: in the name of Jesus, say that all wicked Angels are Justly Condemned,    that by the mercies of God in the merits of Christ, Mankind Elect is to be saved.”

Then it will give you a Sufficient Answer to satisfy you, or Else It will be gone from you. And then if it be of good and hath answered your request, then perhaps it will say, “Thus much thou hast Required.”

Then you may say, “I did so, for so is his Judgement    justice against the Impenitent    his Mercy to his Elect. To this Truth.” Then you may ask your Desire.

We thought Good to instance, thus much for better information    instruction, although a full narrative hereof is amply    at Large Showed forth, in the foregoing Directions or Directoiy , both as to the Knowledge    Receiving of Good Angels or Celestial Intelligences, or other Elemental spirits or powers of Light, Angelically or Celestially Dignified, And for the Knowledge Vanquishing    Driving away of all Evil spirits,   > infernal powers of Darkness, whensoever any such Apostate shall forcibly Intrude, or make Entrance and Appearance instead of Celestial    good Angels, or other Dignified Elemental powers of Light, in the time    place of those Actions, purposely to Deceive,    Confound    Utterly if possible to Destroy the hopes    Expectations, comforts    benefits of the Sophie Philosophers, in their Elaborate Industry,    Care    Earnest addresses, unto the Celestial Angels, or blessed Intelligences, or Dignified Elemental powers, or other spiritual Mediums or messengers of Divine Light; for the true Knowledge    finding out the true Use of all Physical    metaphysical Arcanums, or Secrets in a Superior or profound Mystery: which Cannot otherwise be Known or found out, but by the Divine Light    Conduct of Angelical Ministry, or other spiritual Revelation,   > instruction by such Mediums of Benevolence to Mankind, as through the Divine Grace Mercy    goodness of the highest, as are by nature Order    office, thereunto, preordinately Decreed    appointed.

But as touching, the Insisting any further of this Matter, we think it needless; Since it is more fully treated of in the foregoing Directory , which we advise to be well understood, by a due    Serious Consideration; before any progress, or Unadvised proceedings are made herein.

Observe also, that Whereas we have Severally    particularly mentioned Celestial Angels, or Blessed intelligences    Elemental powers of Light,    other Dignified spirits of Light, who are by nature    office good,    also friendly    benevolent unto Mankind;    generally inserted them together with Material Distinction, yet Let the grave    Sober Magician take notice, that Consideration be first had, of what Angel, or Intelligence, or what Spirit,    of what Order,    office, he would move or call forth;    so in particular to make Mention thereof accordingly,    not Otherwise, whereunto Every thing ought by Order    nature, Degrees,    office, properly to be Referred.

Here endeth the Isagogical  Preface
or Second Introduction.

A Prayer to be said before the moving     Calling forth any of the Celestial Intelligences, to Visible appearance, by the following KEYS Or Provocations 

O Almighty, Immortal, Immense , Incomprehensible,    most high God, the only Creator of Heaven    Earth, who by thy word Alone, hast in thine omniscience among the rest of thy Marvellous    wonderful works placed and appointed many Hierarchies of Sacred Celestial Angels, from thy mighty    unspeakable throne, unto the fiery region, as ministering spirits, of several names, natures, degrees , orders,    offices, residing in those Eleven Orbs, or spheres, placed one above the Other, as the proper Mansions of those Blessed Angels or Mediums or superior  Messengers, both mediate    immediate, of Divine Grace Light    mercy,    amongst the Sons of men; from the beginning of time, Called Sacred Celestial Intelligences, from the Orb Region, or Element of fire,  from the Superior to the Inferior, in their several    Respective orbicular Mansions, orders    offices, to serve before thee    obey thy Commandments and  Most High Commands , as in thy Divine will    pleasure, in the unity of the  blessed trinity is Decreed    appointed,    also by thy most Gracious    Merciful permission to Minister unto    Illuminate the Understanding of thy servants the sons of men, by their frequent Appearance Verbal Converse, friendly Community, Angelical Archidoctions    other spiritual Instincts, Continually from time to time,    at all times Directing   , instructing,    inspiring them, in all true Science    Sapience,    also to fulfil thy Divine will    Good pleasure therein, to all such of thy  humble    true servants, whom thou art graciously pleased to show forth thy bountiful    paternal Mercies.

We thy most Sinful    undutiful servants unworthy of the Least of thy blessings, yet with an assured Confidence of thy heavenly benignities, Do in thy holy fear, humbly prostrate our selves before thy Almighty presence, at the Sacred feet of thy fatherly Goodness    Clemency, in all Contrition of heart and Earnestness of spirit, humbly beseeching thy  omnipotent Majesty, to have Mercy pity    Compassion upon us,    to pardon all our sins    offences, that we have Committed against thee; And in thy   Infinite Mercy, Graciously to Dignify us with Celestial Dignity, by the power of thy holy spirit,    grant that these thy glorious  ministering Angels or Blessed Intelligences who are said to govern    Reside in the nine Orbs, Orders or Hierarchies, as they are severally    Respectively therein placed    set over.

That is to say:

  1. Methratton, in the ninth Moveable Heaven, in the Order of Seraphims,

  2. Raziel in the Eighth  orb, or Starry Heaven , in the Order of Cherubims,

  3. Cassiel or Zaphkiel,    Jophiel, in the Seventh Orb or Heaven of Saturn, in the Order of Thrones,

  4. Sachiel or Zadkiel in the  Sixth Orb or Heaven of Jupiter, in the Order of Dominations,

  5. Samael, in the fifth Orb or Heaven of Mars, in the order of Potestates,

  6. Michael    Uriel, in the fourth orb or Heaven of Sol, in the Order of Virtues,

  7. Anael in the third Orb or Heaven of Venus, in the Order of Principalities,

  8. Raphael in the Second Orb or heaven of Mercury, in the Order of ArchAngels,

  9. Gabriel, in the first Orb or Heaven of Luna, in the Order of Angels,

Messengers of Divine Grace  from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing    bearing office in Each Respective Orb of  Heaven and Hierarchy, Severally    Distinctly, in general    particular and also all others, thy benevolent Messengers Spirits  of Light,    Residing in the Orbicular Spheres, Angles , Orders , Mansions, Divisions    the Heavens  by thy Divine Goodness    permission,    at our humble Request, Invitations    Invocations, may Move, Descend    appear, to us in this Crystal Stone or Glass , which we shall  Call  Receptacles, as being Convenient  for the Receiving of all Angelical    Spiritual presence, in their appearances,    so for that purpose set here before us.

The which we beseech thee Lord to bless    to Dignify, first with thy omnipotent Confirmation,    Secondly by the influence of the Angelical Confirmations, by them Conveyed therefore    Conjoined thereunto,    also  by their splendour    presence in action,    that in    through the same they may transmit their Luminous Rays, or true    Real presence in appearance to the Sight of our Eyes,    their Voices to our Ears, that we may  plainly    Visibly see them,    audibly hear them speak unto us, or otherwise to Appear out of them, or beside them Visibly to be seen, 8s  to be heard of us, as shall please thy Divine will,    as  shall best or most  benefit,    Comfort, and also best   befitting our Convenience in these actions,  Inquisitions, Matters or things.

That we thus humbly beseech thee to give    grant unto us    all things else that shall be necessary for us, which Great benefits, thou hast been pleased Mercifully  heretofore to Emit,    give to our Ancestors    forefathers, and also Lately to Such of thy Servants, as we have humbly, faithfully, Unfeignedly,    obediently besought thee for true wisdom, by divine    Angelica!  Inspiration    instruction, which they have fully Enjoyed by the Ministry of thy Sacred Angels. 

The nine great Celestial Keys, or Angelical invocations

Moving    Calling forth to Visible appearance, the governing Angels or Blessed Intelligences,    all other the Celestial Ministering Angels,    Mediums spiritual of Divine Light, grace    mercy , Located, residing    bearing Rule, in the Seven Orbs, Heavens, Mansions or spheres, as they are primarily attributed,    properly Referred, to the Seven planets, the Starry firmament,    first Mover, who  therein, according to Every    Each of their several respective Hierarchies, Orders    offices whereunto they Distinctly appertain, Do Serve    obey the Commands of the Most high God,  both immediately    Mediately, as Angelical  Messengers   Spiritual  fulfilling his Omnipotent Decrees, Determinations    Appointments, as Dispensate     Disposed  at his Omniscient  will    pleasure ,    who are frequently Conversant    familiar with such holy pious    Devout men Living on Earth, whensoever they are by them moved     Called forth to Visible appearance as Either may or  shall be firstly  Qualified therefore, or otherwise Endowed with Celestial Gifts, Blessings    Confirmations by Angelical Ministry  or Divine Grace more Superior.

The First Key [Methratton]

The  Moving or Calling forth to Visible Appearance, The Celestial Hierarchy  Of Angels of the Order of Seraphim , whose principal governing Angel or Blessed Intelligence bearing Rule is Methratton,    Residing in the ninth Orb Mansion or Sphere, Called the Primum Mobile or the  first Moveable Heaven. 

Figure 3: Seal of Methratton from Sloane MS 3825 f.49v

The Prayer or Invocation 

O You Glorious, Great, Sacred,    Celestial Angel or Blessed Intelligence, Who is called Methratton;    all others ye  Celestial Angels, servants of the most High, Omnipotent, incomprehensible, immense    Eternal Lord  of Hosts, the only Creator of heaven    Earth,    of all things whatsoever both Celestial, Elemental, Animal, vegetable, Mineral,   > Reptile or Insect, that is Contained    Comprehended therein,    serving as ministering Angels present always before him, at his most High, Superior    Divine Commands,    Appointments, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Seraphim ,    Residing in the ninth Heaven,    bearing office Rule    power, in the Mansion, Orb or sphere Called the first Mover; We the Servants also of the highest, Reverently here present in his holy fear, Do Call upon you,    Do  humbly Request     Earnestly Entreat you,     move you to Visible appearance, in by    through this most Excellent Ineffable, great, Mighty, Signal, Sacred,    Divine name of the most high God Eheia; and his  numeral Attribute, Kether, who Sitteth in the most imperial    highest heaven, before whom all the hosts , or Choir of celestial Angels Incessantly Singeth:  O Mappalaman Hallelujah;  and by the seal of your creation, being the mark or Character of holiness unto you, And by the Occult Mystery     secret  Virtue, Efficacy    influence thereof, Dignifying    Confirming You in Orders, office, name, nature,    Corporality, with Divine Celestial, Angelical, Immortal, Eternal,    Sublime excellency, glory power purity, perfection, Goodness,    Love, first unto the Service of the most high God,    his Divine Laws    Commands,    nextly  unto the Charge, Care     Conduct, Council, Comfort, Benefit,    assistance of  his servants, the sons of men Living on Earth, to Inspire, instruct,    guide them into the Knowledge    way of truth,    all true physical    Metaphysical Sciences, Either Immediately from the holy Ghost, unto More Choice Vessels of honour; or mediately by Divine Grace    permission, from your self or selves, unto the Sons of men, Servants of God Dwelling on Earth, Whensoever you shall be of them Invocated,  Called forth,    thereby moved, to Descend    appear unto them , And by all aforesaid,    by your  great     signal Virtue, power Dignity, excellency    Efficacy thereof, both Immediately, primary   > mediately by  Secondary, by Respective Mediums of Divine Light grace    mercy, as ordinately Dependent,    so thereby flowing    Accordingly Diffusing, by Several Emanations, proper    symbolising power    Virtue, from the superior to the inferior, we do humbly beseech, Earnestly Request     incessantly entreat you O ye  Magnificent, Benevolent     Sacred Angel or Blessed intelligence Methratton, who is said to be the principal Celestial angel, or blessed Intelligence, Governing in the Ninth heaven, Mansion, Orb or sphere, Called the first mover, together with all Others ye  benevolent, Sacred    Celestial Angels or Intelligences, Ministers of truth    true Science    Sapience, both Celestial   , terrestrial, messengers spiritual of Light,    Mediums of Divine Grace, Located, bearing Rule    Residing in the Order or Hierarchy,    office Called Seraphims, in the ninth Heaven, Orb or sphere of the first Mover, from the Superior to the Inferior in general    particular, jointly    Severally, Every    Each one, by office  respectively, and to Gird up    gather yourselves together,    some one or more of you, as it shall please God    by his  Divine permission, to Move   , Descend from your Celestial Mansion, or place of Residence into this Crystal Stone, or Glass Receptacle:     therein to Appear Visibly, unto us    we Do also entreat you would be favourably pleased, in and through the same, to transmit your true Angelical,    Real presence; plainly unto the Sight of our Eyes,    your Voices, Unto our Ears, that we may Visibly See you, and Audibly hear you speak unto us; or otherwise to appear out of the same as it shall please God,    you his servants of Divine Grace,    Messengers of mercy, seemeth most Meet, proper pertinent, or best befitting this action, Appearance, Occasion or matter;    to Show plainly    Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign or test of your Appearance, and we also  further humbly beseech, Earnestly Entreat,  Undeniably Request    move you, O you benevolent    Glorious Angel,    blessed Intelligence,  Methratton, together with all others the Sacred Celestial  Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in power    office, residing in the ninth Orb, or sphere Called, the first Moveable Heaven,    Serving the Divine Decrees, Commands    appointments of the Highest, in the office    order of Seraphims, in through    by this Divine, Signal mighty     powerful name of your God, Eheia    his  numeral Attribute Kether, and the great Efficacy, Virtue      Excellent   power, prevalency,    Superiority, thereof, to gird up    gather your selves together, Every    Each one, jointly    by it self  respectively    Severally,    to move    Descend from your Celestial mansion , or place of Residence, Apparently Visible to the Sight of our Eyes, in to this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle , standing here before us, as being set for the purpose, or otherwise unto us,    before us, out of the same (as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine  Grace,     mercy, Seemeth best befitting this action)    also to show forth, a preceding Sign of your Appearance,    to be friendly unto us,    by your Angelical Benevolence    Celestial Illumination, favourable Assistance, familiar Society, Mutual Correspondence Verbal Converse, Continual Community    Secret  Instructions, both now and  at this time present,    at all other times to Inform,    rightly Direct our more weak Deprived , Stupid and Ignorant Intellect, judgements    understanding ,    to Conduct us by your Angelical Instincts    Archidoctions, into the Luminous path  of Truth, Leading unto ,    giving Entrance into the  ports, Cities    palaces of wisdom    true Science ,    to make us partakers of Undefiled Knowledge, without whose Angelical Guide,       spiritual Conduct,    blessed Assistance,    benevolent advertisements55, it is Very Difficult if not impossible, for us or any Mortal on Earth, to find or obtain, or  be Esteemed worthy of Entrance into, with testimony wherefore, we humbly Entreat    move you O you Great, Sacred,    Celestial Ministering Angel or Intelligence, Methratton;    all other the president    inferior Angels,     Servants of the most high God, residing    officiating in the ninth Heaven Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the first mover, in the order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Seraphim         , who all Obediently serve,    Readily fulfil his Omnipotent Decrees    Commandments, in his Divine Dispensations    Appointments, according to your General    Respective offices, in by and through, this his Ineffable Imperial, Great Signal    Divine name Eheia, and his numeral Attribute Kether,    by the power Efficacy    Virtue50 thereof, we the servants of the same your God,    by the strength    force of our hope    faith in him for Divine Assistance, Grace    Mercy herein51: Do Earnestly request, powerfully Invocate,    Confidently Move you,    Call you forth to Visible Appearance, here before us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle, or otherwise thereout as it shall please God is Given unto you, So to Do,    likewise to show Visibly unto us a foregoing Sign of your appearance, O you Servant of mercy Methratton:    all other ye 52 Celestial Ministering angels, Messengers,    Mediums of Divine grace    Light, from the Superior to the inferior, Residing, Serving,    officiating in the order of Seraphim,  Move (I  say,)    by Superior power,    permission, in the name of the highest Descend    appear,    Visibly show your self, or selves  jointly    Severally    Respectively unto us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle standing here before us, or otherwise out of the Same,  as it shall please God, to permit    Appoint  you    to show us a preceding Sign thereof. And by your Mediate  Angelical Inspiration,  Information,    Chief teachings , to instruct help  and Assist us, both now at this time present,    also at all other times    places, whensoever    wheresoever we shall Invocate, Move, or Call you forth to Visible appearance,    to our Assistance, in whatsoever truth    subject matter, or thing Appertaining thereunto, in all wisdom    true Science, both Celestial   terrestrial,   that shall be necessary for us,   also as any Other Emergent action   , Shall Duly    properly Require to the advancement   setting forth of God’s Glory,    the improvement of our welfare    Comfort,    benefit of our worldly and temporal Estate   Condition, whilst we yet Live,   likewise in all Such matters or things whatsoever Else, that shall be necessary for us to Know and Enjoy, Even beyond what we are able to ask or think, which the Almighty Giver of all good gifts, Shall in his bountiful   paternal Mercy be graciously pleased, hereby to give    to reveal   show forth unto us, or otherwise to bestow upon us; O you great Angel, or blessed Intelligence  Methratton, and all other ye  Celestial Angels of the Order of Seraphims mediums of Divine Grace    mercy, Ministers of true Light   understanding, and servants of the most high God, particularly Recited,   Respectively Spoken of, Invocated,     Called forth to Visible appearance, (as aforesaid) Descend (we say)    by the power of Superior Emission , someone  or more of you appear Visibly here before us, as shall please God,   be friendly Unto us     in your respective offices;  Do for us  as for the Servants of the most high God, whereunto we move you all jointly    severally in power    presence, whose works shall be a song of honour,    the praise of your God In your Creation, Amen.

Let the aforesaid  Invocation, be Devoutly    seriously Read    Uttered then Make a pause, for about nine Minutes of time: which is a little more than half a Quarter of An hour, And if nothing yet appear neither within the Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle  or Otherwise out of them to Visible appearance then Read with Good Devotion,    Serious Observance as aforesaid this following Replication  four or five several times, Observing the Like pause or little Space of time as aforesaid betwixt Every    Each Repetition .

IM Replication  

O Ye  Glorious Angel, or Blessed Intelligence, who by name is called Methratton,    all other the sacred celestial Angels of the order of Seraphim , Residing    Located by Mansion proper, in that  Orb or sphere of heaven Called the primum Mobile or the first Moveable heaven, particularly Recited Mentioned, Moved    Called forth to Visible appearance as in the foregoing Invocation is   > hath been of us Lately    more at Large Rehearsed, humbly So Solicited, Supplicated,    Earnestly requested by the virtue, power     Efficacy whereof,   > of all the Royal words    Sentences therein Contained,    also by the great Mighty  powerful    Excellent name, of the most high God Eheia, and his numeral attribute Kether, or otherwise by the truest,    most Especial name of your God, we the servants also of the highest, reverently here present in his holy fear, Attending his Divine grace Mercy,    good pleasure paternally unto us herein, Do by the strength,    power of our faith hope    Confidence in our God, and our Confirmation in his holy spirit, Dignifying us with Superior power    perfection, humbly Entreat,    Earnestly Request    powerfully move you, O you Great Angel, or blessed Intelligences  from the Superior to the Inferior, in General    particular, Every    Each one for and by It self respectively, by Degrees nature    office, Residing   > being in the mansion or ninth Orb, or the first Moveable Heaven,    serving the Command  of the Highest, in the Order or  Hierarchy of Angels Called Seraphim,  move therefore O ye  Great    Glorious Angel Methratton, or Some one or, more or Either of you, O ye Sacred Celestial Angels of the order of Seraphims, by Degree nature    office,    by the Virtue power     Efficacy of all aforesaid, descend    appear Visibly unto us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle , or otherwise out of the same here before us, as it shall please God,    also you his servants    Celestial Messengers of Divine Grace    mercy,    to show forth plainly unto us, Some Remarkable sign or token, foregoing your Coming    Appearance,    be friendly unto us    Do for us, as for the Servants of the highest, Whereunto in his name we do Again Earnestly Request   > move you, both in power    presence, whose friendship unto us herein    works, shall be a song of honour,    the praise of your God in your Creation,   c.

Figure 4: Seal of Methratton from Harley MS 6482 f. 183v"

  1. In Harley MS 6482, each of these Seals is surrounded by a Kabbalistic explanation which in Sloane MS 3825 occurs instead in the section 'Of the Nine Orders of Celestial Angels.' To keep the texts together we have moved the Harley MS 6482 annotations of these seals to footnotes to be with the equivalent Sloane 3825 passages. See footnote on page 79 et seq.

The Second Key [Raziel]

Moving or Calling forth to Visible Appearance, the Celestial Hierarchy Of Angels, of the Order of Cherubims; whose principal Governing Angel or Blessed Intelligence bearing rule is Raziel: residing in the Eighth Orb, Sphere, Mansion or Heaven Called, the Starry firmament.

Figure 5: Seal of Raziel from Sloane MS 3825 f. 56v

The Prayer or Invocation 

O You Glorious, Great, Sacred,    Celestial Angel, or Blessed Intelligence, who is Called Raziel;    all other ye Celestial Angels, servants of the most high, Omnipotent,   Incomprehensible, Immense, Immortal    Eternal God of hosts, the only Creator of heaven    Earth,    of all things whatsoever both Celestial,   Elemental, Animal, vegetable, Mineral, Reptile, or insect, that is Contained     Comprehended therein: serving as Ministering  Angels, present always before him, at his most Superior     Divine Commands,    Appointments, in the Order or  Hierarchy of Angels Called Cherubims,    Residing in the Eighth Heaven,    bearing office Rule    power in the mansion, orb, or sphere Called the starry firmament; we the servants of the Highest, reverently here present in his holy fear, Do Call upon you,    humbly Request,    Earnestly entreat you    move you , to Visible appearance, in by    through, this most Excellent, ineffable, great, Mighty, Signal, Sacred,    Divine name of the most high God: Jod Jehovah:    his  numeral Attribute, Hockma,  who sitteth in the most [Hl 185b]imperial    highest heavens, before whom all the hosts, or Choir of Celestial Angels, Incessantly Singeth: O Mappa:la:man Hallelujah:    by the Seal of your Creation, being the mark or Character of holiness unto you,    by the Occult Mystery    Secret Virtue, Efficacy    influence thereof, Dignifying    Confirming You in Orders, office, name, nature    Corporality, with Divine, Celestial, Angelical, Immortal, Eternal,    Sublime Excellency, Glory, power, purity, perfection, Goodness    love, first unto the Service of the most high God,    his Divine Laws    Commands;    nextly unto the Charge, Care    Conduct, Counsel,  Benefit,    assistance of his servants, the Sons of men Living on Earth, to inspire, instruct    guide them into the Knowledge    way of truth, in all physical    Metaphysical Sciences, Either immediately from the holy Ghost, unto more Choice Vessels of honour; or Mediately by Divine Grace    permission, from your self or selves, unto the Sons of men, Servants of God, Dwelling on Earth; whensoever you  shall be of them Invocated, Called forth    moved thereby , to Descend    appear Unto them, by all aforesaid,    by your Great    Signal Virtue, power, Dignity    Excellency    Efficacy thereof, both immediately primary    Mediately Secondary, by Respective Mediums of Divine Light, grace    mercy, as ordinately Dependent,    so thereby flowing,    accordingly Diffusing, by several Emanations, proper    A Symbolising power    Virtue, from the Superior to the inferior; we do humbly beseech, Earnestly Request,    Incessantly Entreat you, O ye  Magnificent, Benevolent, and Sacred Angel or Blessed intelligence, Raziel who is said to be the principal Angel or Blessed Intelligence, Governing in the Eighth Mansion, Orb or sphere, Called the starry heaven ; together with all others ye Benevolent Sacred    Celestial Angels, or Intelligences, Ministers of truth    true Sapience    Science , both Celestial,    terrestrial,    Messengers spiritual of Light,    mediums of Divine Grace, Located, Bearing Rule    Residing in the Order, Hierarchy,    office Called Cherubims in the heaven, Orb, or sphere of the Starry firmament from the Superior to the Inferior in general,    particular Jointly    Severally, Every    Each one by office respectively,    to gird up    gather your selves together,    some one or more of you: as it shall please God (by Divine permission) to move    Descend from you Celestial Mansion, or place of Residence, into this Crystal Stone, or Glass Receptacle -    therein to Appear Visibly, unto us ,    we  do also Entreat you would be favourably pleased, in    through the same, to transmit your true Angelical,    Real presence; plainly unto  the Sight of our Eyes,    your Voices, Unto our Ears, that we may Visibly See you,    Audibly hear you speak unto us, or otherwise to appear out of the same, as it shall please God,    you his servants of Divine Grace    Messengers of Mercy, seemeth most Meet, proper pertinent, or  Best befitting this action, Appearance, occasion or Matter;    to Show plainly    Visibly unto us, A foregoing Sign or test of your Appearance, And we also yet further humbly    Earnestly Entreat,    Undeniably Request,    move you, O you Benevolent    Glorious Angel or Blessed Intelligence, Raziel, together with all other the Sacred Celestial Angels, or Blessed  Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in power    office, residing in the Eighth heaven, orb, or sphere, Called the Starry firmament,    Serving the Divine Decrees, Commands,    Appointments of the Highest in the office    order of Cherubims, in through    by this Divine Signal Majesty     powerful name of your God, Jod Jehovah:    his numeral Attribute Hockma:    the great Efficacy, Virtue, Excellency, power, prevalence    Superiority thereof, to gird up    Gather your selves together, Every    Each one jointly,   > by it self respectively    Severally, to move    Descend from your Celestial Mansion or place of Residence, Apparently Visible to the Sight of our Eyes, into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, as being set for that purpose, or otherwise unto us    before us out of the same , as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine Light, Grace    mercy, Seemeth best most   > befitting this Action,    also to show forth, a preceding Sign of your appearance,    to be friendly unto us,    by your Angelical benevolence    Celestial Illumination, favourable Assistance, familiar Society, Mutual Correspondence, Verbal Converse, Continual Community    Sacred Instructions, both now at this  present time,    at all other times, to inform,    Rightly Direct our more Weak Depraved, Stupid,    Ignorant Intellect, Judgements    Understanding,    to Conduct us by your Angelical Instincts,    Archidoctions, into the Luminous path Way of truth, leading unto    giving Entrance into the ports Cities    palaces of wisdom, without whose Angelical   > spiritual Conduct, blessed Assistance,    benevolent advertisements, it is Very Difficult, if not impossible, for us, or any mortal on Earth to find or obtain, or be Esteemed worthy of Entrance into, with testimony, wherefore, we humbly Entreat    move you, O you great, Sacred,    Celestial Angel, or Blessed Intelligence Raziel; And all other the president,    inferior Angels, Servants of the most high God, Residing    officiating in the Eighth Heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the Starry firmament, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Cherubims, who all obediently serve    Readily fulfil his omnipotent Decrees    Commandments, in his Divine Dispensations    appointments, According to your general,    Respective offices, in by    through this ineffable, Imperial, Great, Signal    Divine name Jod Jehovah:    his numeral Attribute Hockma And by the power,  Efficacy   > Virtue thereof; we the servants also of the same your God,    by the strength    force of our faith,    hope in him, for Divine Assistance, Grace,    Mercy herein; Do Earnestly Request, powerfully Invocate,    Confidently move you,    Call you forth to Visible appearance, here before us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle: or otherwise thereout  here before us, as it shall please God, is Given unto you, So to Do;    Likewise to show Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign of your Appearance, O you Servant of mercy Raziel; and all other the Ministering Angels, Messengers,    Mediums of Divine Grace    Light, from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing, Serving    officiating in the order of Cherubims: move (we say)    by the Superior power    permission,    in the name of the Highest, Descend    appear,   , Visibly show your self or selves, Jointly    Severally,    Respectively unto us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us; or otherwise out of the Same (as it shall please God to permit    appoint you)    to show us a preceding Sign thereof,    by your Mediate Angelical Inspiration, information or Chief teaching, to Instruct help, Aid    Assist us, both now at this time present,    at all other times And places, whensoever    wheresoever, we shall Invocate, Move or Call you forth to Visible appearance,    to our Assistance, in whatsoever truth or subject Matter or things, Appertaining thereunto, in all wisdom    true Science, both Celestial    terrestrial: 85c: that shall be Necessary for us,    also as any Other Emergent occasion, Shall Duly    properly Require; to the Advancement    setting forth of God’s glory,    the improvement of our Welfare,    Comfort    benefit of our worldly     temporal Estate    Condition, whilst we yet Live;    Likewise in all Such matters or things whatsoever Else, that shall be necessary for us to Know    Enjoy, Even beyond what we are able to Ask or to think: which the Almighty Giver of all Good gifts shall in his bountiful    paternal Mercy, be graciously pleased, hereby to give you  to Reveal,    show forth unto us, or otherways to bestow upon us, O you great Angel or blessed Intelligence: Raziel: and all other ye Celestial Angels of the Order of Cherubims: mediums of Divine Grace    Mercy, Ministers of true Light    understanding,    servants of the most high God, particularly Recited,    Respectively Spoken of, Invocated, Moved    Called forth to Visible Appearance (as aforesaid) Descend (we say)    by the power of Superior Emission, someone or more of you Appear Visibly here before us, as shall please God,    be friendly unto us    in your respective offices; do for us as for the Servants of the most high God, Whereunto we move you all Jointly    Severally, in power    presence, whose works shall be a song of Honour,    the praise of your God In your Creation, Amen.

2nd Replication

O You Glorious Angels or Blessed Intelligences, who by name is Called Raziel, and all others the sacred Celestial Angels of the order of Cherubims, Residing and located by Mansion proper, in that Orb or Sphere of Heaven Called the Starry firmament, particularly Recited, Mentioned, Moved    Called forth to Visible Appearance, as in the foregoing Invocation is    hath been of us Lately    More at Large Rehearsed, humbly Solicited, Supplicated,    Earnestly Requested, by the virtue, power, force    Efficacy whereof,    of all the Royal words    Sentences therein Contained,    also by the great, Mighty    powerful,   Excellent name of the most high God Jod Jehovah, and his numeral attribute Hockma: or Otherwise by the truest    most Especial name of your God: we the servants also of the Highest, reverently here present in his holy fear, Attending his Divine Grace, Mercy,    good pleasure, paternally unto us herein Do by the Strength   power of our faith, hope   Confidence in our God,    our Confirmation in his holy spirit, Dignifying us with Superior power   , perfection, Humbly Entreat,   , Earnestly Request   powerfully move you, O you great Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in general   particular, Every   Each one for and by it self Respectively, by Degrees Nature   office, Residing,   , being In the mansion or Eighth Orb, or Starry heaven or firmament,    Serving the Command of the Highest, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Cherubims, Move therefore; O ye Great,   Glorious Angel Raziel, or some one or more, or Either of you, O ye Sacred Celestial Angels of the order of Cherubims, by Degree nature   office,   by the Virtue power   Efficacy of all Aforesaid, Descend    Appear Visibly here before us in,    unto us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Or otherwise out of them here before us, as it shall please God,    also you his Servants, or Celestial Messengers of Divine Grace,    Mercy,   to show forth plainly unto us Some Remarkable Sign or token, foregoing your Coming   appearance,   be friendly unto us   Do, for us, as for the Servants of the Highest, whereunto in his name we Do again Earnestly Request   move you, Both in power   presence, whose friendship unto us herein    works, shall be a song of honour,   the praise of your God in your Creation.

Figure 6: Seal of Raziel from Harley MS 6482 f. 192

The Third Key [Cassiel or Zaphkiel    Jophiel    Sabathiel]

Moving or Calling forth, to Visible Appearance, the Celestial Hierarchy Of Angels, of the Order of Thrones; Whose principal Governing Angels, or Blessed Intelligences bearing Rule are Cassiel, or Zaphkiel,    Jophiel;  Residing in the Seventh Orb, Mansion, or Sphere, Called the Orb, Heaven, or sphere of the planet or star Saturn   c.

Figure 7: Seal of Zaphkiel from Sloane MS 3825 f. 60v

The Prayer or Invocation 

O you Glorious, Great Sacred,    Celestial Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, who are Called Cassiel, or Zaphkiel, 8s Jophiel,    Sabathiel;    all others ye Celestial Angels, Servants of the Most High, Omnipotent, Incomprehensible, Immense, Immortal    Eternal God of hosts, the only Creator of heaven    Earth,    of all things whatsoever both Celestial, Elemental, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Reptile, or insect that is Contained    Comprehended therein, and that serve before the Most Excellent, great, high,    Honourable Angel Called , Boel, as Ministering Angels, present always at his most high Superior    Divine Commands    Appointments, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Thrones and Residing in the Seventh Heaven,    Bearing office, rule    power in the Mansion Orb or sphere of the planet or Star Called Saturn: we the servants also of the Highest, Reverently here present in his holy fear, Do Call upon you,    humbly request,    Earnestly entreat you    move you, to Visible Appearance, In by    through his Most Excellent, Ineffable, great, Mighty, Signal, Divine    Sacred name, of the  high God: Jehovah Elohim:    his numeral Attribute, Binah, or prina, who Sitteth in the most imperial    Highest heaven, before whom, the whole host or Choir of Celestial Angels, Incessantly Singeth: O mappa:la:man Hallelujah; who Rested in the Seventh Day, from all his great Works of the creation, which he had made,    also Decreed, Constituted    Appointed you, to Govern the Said Seventh Day   c: And who blessed    Sanctified the Seventh Day, by reason thereon he rested from all his Works, he had Created,    made,    gave Commandment unto his people the Children of Israel, the offspring    seed of Abraham, the son of God, Divine promise,    Terrestrial father of the faithful: to be humbly received thankfully Embraced, Incessantly observed, Reverently honoured,    Choicely Set apart, zealously Kept holy, Obediently received,    Exactly    truly fulfilled throughout their Generations, according to the Commandments of God, Enjoined Them During the whole Continuance of time, they should therefore receive from Divine grace, the Blessed Rewards    gifts of Terrestrial fullness,    felicity in this world, During Mortal Continuance,    Everlasting life, with Eternal Glory in the world to Come,    Sealed the same with his own great holy,    Blessed Names, Sadday, Jah, Ser, Even as the most high    only God of heaven,    Lord of hosts, the Maker of time;    by

the Seal of your Creation, being a  Mark or Character of holiness unto you, And by the Occult Mystery,    Secret Virtue, Efficacy    Influence thereof, Dignifying You    Confirming you in Orders, office, name, Nature,    Corporality with Divine Celestial Angelical, Immortal, Eternal    Sublime Excellency, power, Glory, purity, perfection, Goodness,    love; first unto the Service of the most high God, his Divine Laws    Commands,    nextly unto the Charge, Care   Conduct, Counsel, Comfort, benefit,    Assistance of his servants the Sons of men, living on Earth, to inspire, instruct   > guide them into the Knowledge   way of truth,    all  physical,   Metaphysical Sciences, Either Immediately from the holy Ghost, unto More Choice Vessels of honour, or Mediately by Divine Grace   permission, from your self or selves unto the Sons of men, Servants of God, Dwelling on Earth, whensoever you  shall be of them Invocated, Called forth    moved thereby , to Descend   Appear unto them,  c: by all Aforesaid,    by the great   Signal Virtue power Dignity Excellency   > Efficacy thereof, both immediately primary   > Mediately Secondary,   Respective Mediums of Divine Light grace    mercy, as Ordinately Dependent,   so thereby flowing   Accordingly Diffusing, by Several Emanations proper a Symbolising power   Virtue, from the Superior to the Inferior; we do humbly beseech, Earnestly Request,   > incessantly Entreat you, O you Magnificent, benevolent,    Sacred Angels or Blessed Intelligences, Cassiel, or Zaphkiel,   Jophiel,   Sabathiel: who is said to be the principal Celestial Angels or Blessed Intelligences Governing in the Seventh heaven, Mansion, Orb or Sphere of the planet Saturn; together with all others the Sacred Celestial Angels, or Intelligences, Ministers of truth   true Science   Sapience, both Celestial   terrestrial,   Messengers Spiritual of Light,   Mediums of Divine Grace Located, Residing,   Ruling in the Order    Hierarchy of Angels Called Thrones, in the seventh Heaven, Orb, or Sphere, of the planet, or star, Called Saturn from the Superior to the Inferior, in General   particular jointly   severally, Every   Each one by office, Respectively, to gird up   gather your selves together,   some one or More of you, as it shall please God;   by Divine permission, to Move   Descend from your Celestial Mansion or place of Residence, into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle    therein to appear Visibly unto us:   we Do also Entreat you would be favourably pleased in,    through, the Same, to transmit your true Angelical    Real presence plainly into the Sight of our Eyes,    your Voices unto our Ears, that we may Visibly See you,    Audibly hear you speak unto us, or otherwise to Appear out of the Same, as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine Grace,    Messengers of Mercy, Seemeth most Meet, proper, Pertinent    most befitting this Action, Appearance Occasion, or Matter, and to Show plainly,    Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign, or test of your Appearance    we also yet further humbly beseech,    Earnestly Entreat,    undeniably request    move you, O you benevolent and Glorious Angels or Blessed Intelligences, Cassiel, or Zaphkiel,    Jophiel,    Sabathiel, together with all others the Sacred    Celestial Angels, or blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in power    office, Residing in the Seventh heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the planet or star Called Saturn, 8s Serving the Divine Decrees, Commands,    Appointments of the Highest in the Office or Order of Thrones, in by    through this Divine, Signal. Mighty,    powerful name of your God, Jehovah Elohim,    his numeral attribute Binah, or prina,    the Great Efficacy, Virtue, Excellency, power, Benevolence    Superiority thereof, to Gird up    gather your selves together, Every   Each one jointly,   by it self Respectively   Severally,   to Move    Descend from your Celestial Mansion or place of Residence; Apparently Visible, to the Sight of our Eyes, into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, as being set for that purpose, or otherwise unto us   before us, out of them, as it shall please God,   you his Servants of Divine Grace, Light   ,   Mercy, Seemeth most Meet,    best befitting this action, And also to show forth a preceding Sign of your Appearance,   to be friendly Unto us, And by your Angelical benevolence, Celestial Illumination, favourable Assistance, familiar Society, Mutual Correspondence, Verbal Converse, Continual Community   Sacred Instructions, both now at this present time , and at all other  times, to inform,   rightly Direct our More Weak   Depraved, Stupid,    Ignorant Intellect judgement   Understanding,   to Conduct us by your Angelical Instincts,   Archidoctions, into the Luminous path way of truth, Leading unto   giving Entrance into the ports palaces,    Cities of wisdom,   true Science;   to make us partakers of Undefiled Knowledge, without whose Angelical Guide,    spiritual Conduct, Blessed Assistance   Benevolent Advertisements, it is Very Difficult, if not Impossible for us, or any Mortal on Earth to find or Obtain, or be Esteemed worthy of Entrance into with testimony; wherefore we humbly Entreat,   move you, O you Great    Sacred,    Celestial Angels, or Blessed Intelligences Cassiel, or Zaphkiel,    Jophiel,    Sabathiel    all other the president    inferior Angels, Servants of the most high God, Residing    officiating in the Seventh heaven, Mansion, Orb or, Sphere of the planet or Star Called Saturn, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called   Thrones; who all Obediently Serve,    Readily fulfil his omnipotent Decrees    Commandments, in his Divine Dispensations    Appointments, according to your General    Respective offices, in by    through this ineffable imperial, great, Signal    Divine name Jehovah Elohim;    his numeral attribute Binah, or prina,    the power Efficacy    Virtue, thereof; we the  servants also of the same your God,    by the Strength    force of our faith,    hope in him, for Divine Assistance, Grace    Mercy herein, Do Earnestly Request, powerfully Invocate,    Confidently move you,    Call you forth to Visible Appearance, here before us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or Otherwise thereout  Here before us, as it shall please God is given unto you So to Do; And Likewise to show Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign of your Appearance, O you Servants of Mercy Cassiel, or Zaphkiel,    Jophiel,    Sabathiel and all Others  the Celestial Ministering Angels,    Mediums of Divine Grace,    Light from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing, Serving    officiating in the order of Thrones: Move (we say)    by the  Superior power    permission, in the name of the Highest, Descend    Appear,   , Visibly Show your Self or selves Jointly or Severally    Respectively unto us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, or otherwise out of the Same as it shall please God to permit    appoint you, And to show us a preceding Sign thereof,    by your Mediate Angelical Inspiration, information or Chief teachings, to Instruct, Aid, help    assist us, both at this time present,    also at all other times,    places, whensoever,    wheresoever, we shall Invocate, Move or Call you forth to Visible Appearance,    to our Assistance in whatsoever truth or Subjects,  Matter or things, Appertaining thereunto, in all wisdom    true Science, both Celestial   , Terrestrial that shall be Necessary for us:    also as any Other  Emergent Occasion, Shall Duly    properly Require, to the advancement    setting forth  of God’s Glory,    the Improvement of our Welfare, Comfort,    Benefit of our Worldly    temporal Estate    Condition, Whilst we yet Live;    Likewise in all Such Matters, or things Whatsoever Else, that be necessary for us to Know    Enjoy, Even beyond what we are able to ask or to  think; which the Almighty Giver of all good gifts, Shall in his bountiful    paternal Mercy, be graciously pleased hereby  to give  you to reveal,    show forth unto us, or Otherways  to bestow upon us, O ye great Angels or Blessed Intelligences Cassiel, or Zaphkiel,    Jophiel,    Sabathiel:    all other ye Celestial Angels of the Order of Thrones; Mediums of Divine Grace    Mercy, Ministers of true Light    Understanding,    servants of the most high God, particularly Recited and spoken of, Invocated, Moved,    Called forth to Visible Appearance as aforesaid, Descend (we say)    by the power of Superior Emission, some one or more of you, Appear Visibly here  before us, as  shall please God,    be friendly unto us    (in your Respective offices) Do for us, as for the Servants of the most high God, whereunto we move you all jointly    Severally, in power    presence, whose works shall be a song of honour,    the praise of your God In your Creation, Amen.

3rd Replication

O You Glorious Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, who by name is Called Cassiel or Zaphkiel,    Jophiel,    Sabathiel;    all others  the Sacred Celestial Angels of the Order of Thrones, Residing,    Located by Mansion proper in that Orb or Sphere of Heaven Called Saturn; particularly Recited, Mentioned, Moved    Called forth to Visible Appearance, as in the foregoing Invocation, is    hath been of us Lately    more at Large Rehearsed, Earnestly Solicited, Supplicated,    humbly Requested, by the Virtue, power, force    Efficacy whereof,    by all the Royal words,    Sentences therein Contained,    also by the Great, Mighty, powerful    Excellent name, of the most high God Jehovah Elohim,    his numeral attribute Binah, or prina or Otherwise by the truest    most Especial name of your God, we the servants also of the highest, Reverently present in his holy fear, Attending his Divine Grace, Mercy,    good pleasure, paternally unto us herein, Do by the Strength    power, of our faith, hope    Confidence in our God,    our Confirmation in his holy spirit, Dignifying us, with Superior power    perfection, Humbly Entreat    Earnestly Request,    powerfully move you, O you great Angels or Blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, In General    particular, Every    Each one for and by It self Respectively, by Degrees, nature,    office, Residing,    being in the mansion Or Seventh Heaven, Orb, or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Saturn,    serving the Commands of the Highest, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Thrones: Move therefore O ye great    Glorious Angels Cassiel, or Zaphkiel,    Jophiel,    Sabathiel, or some one or more, or Either of you, O ye Sacred Celestial Angels, of the order of Thrones, by Degree nature    office, And by the Virtue, power    Efficacy of all Aforesaid, Descend    appear Visibly here before us in,    unto us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Or otherwise, out of the same here before us, as it shall please God;    also you his Servants    Messengers of Divine Grace    Mercy;    to show forth plainly unto us, Some Remarkable Sign or token foregoing your Coming    Appearance,    be friendly unto us,    Do for us as for the Servants of the highest, Whereunto in his name we Do again Earnestly Request,    move you, both in power    presence, whose friendship unto us herein,    Works, shall

be a Song of honour,    the praise of your God in your Creation: Amen.

Figure 8: Seal of Zaphkiel from Harley MS 6482 f. 206

The Fourth Key [Sachiel or Zadkiel    Zedekiel]

Moving or  Calling forth, to Visible Appearance, the Celestial Hierarchy Of Angels of the Order of Dominations; Whose principal Governing Angels or Blessed Intelligences, bearing Rule, are Sachiel, or Zadkiel,    Zedekiel:  Residing in the Sixth Orb Or  Mansion, or sphere, being the Orb or  heaven, or sphere of the planet or star Called Jupiter.

Figure 9: Seal of Zadkiel from Sloane MS 3825 f. 65v

The Prayer or Invocation 

O ye Glorious Great, Sacred    Celestial Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, who are Called, Sachiel, or Zadkiel,    Zedekiel: and all others ye Celestial Angels, servants of the most high, Omnipotent, Incomprehensible, Immense, immortal,    Eternal God of hosts, the only Creator of heaven    Earth,    of all things whatsoever, both Celestial, Elemental, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral    Reptile, or Insect, that is Contained    Comprehended therein; 8s that serve before the most Excellent, great, high,    honoured Angel Called Pastor; as Ministering Angels, present always at his most high Superior,    Divine Commands    Appointments, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Dominations ,    Residing in the Sixth Heaven,    bearing office, Rule    power in the Mansion, Orb or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Jupiter: We the  Servants also of the Highest, Reverently here present in his holy fear, Do Call upon you,     humbly Request,    Earnestly Entreat you,    move you, to Visible Appearance, in through    by his most Excellent, ineffable, Great, Mighty, Signal, Sacred,    Divine name of the most high God El:    his numeral Attribute, Hesed: who sitteth in the Most imperial    Highest heaven, before whom all the Hosts or Choir of Celestial Angels Incessantly Singeth, O Mappa:la:man Hallelujah, who Created the great whales    all the fishes in the Seas,    waters,    Every Living Creature Else, whatsoever  that Move th in the Sea , which the waters brought forth Abundantly,    which Increased    multiplied Every creature Severally, according to its Respective Kind,    who also  Created the fowls of the Air, to fly above the Earth, in the Open firmament of Heaven,    Every Winged fowl Becoming fruitful, also  the rest bringing forth, Increasing    Multiplying, after their Diverse    Different Kinds, in the fifth Day of the Week;    also Decreed Constituted,    Appointed you to govern the Said fifth Day   c:    Confirmed the Continuance of all aforesaid, by the Seal of his own  Omnipotent, Great    holy name Adonai: as the most high    only God of heaven,    Lord of hosts, the maker of time, And by the Seal of your Creation, being the Mark or Character of Holiness unto you:    by the Occult Mystery    Secret Virtues, Efficacy    influence thereof, Dignifying and Confirming you, in orders, office, name, nature,    Corporality, with Divine, Celestial, Angelical, Immortal, Eternal,    Sublime Excellency, Glory, power, purity, perfection, Goodness,    love; first Unto the Service of the most high God,    his Divine Laws    Commands; And nextly unto the Charge, Care   > Conduct, Counsel, Comfort, benefit    Assistance of his Servants the sons of men, living on Earth, to Inspire instruct    guide them, into the Knowledge    way of truth    all physical , Metaphysical Sciences, Either, immediately from the holy Ghost, unto  More Choice Vessels of honour, or Mediately by Divine Grace    permission, from your self or selves, unto  the Sons of men, Servants of God Dwelling on Earth, Whensoever you shall be of them Invocated, Called forth,    thereby Moved to Descend,    appear unto them,   c by all aforesaid,    by the great,    Signal Virtue, power, Dignity, Excellency    Efficacy thereof, both Immediately primary    Mediately Secondary, by Respective Mediums of Divine Light, Grace,    Mercy, as Ordinately Dependent,    thereby flowing    accordingly Diffusing by Several Emanations proper a Symbolising power    Virtue, from the Superior to the Inferior: we do humbly Beseech, Earnestly Request    incessantly Entreat you, O you Magnificent, Benevolent    Sacred Angels or Blessed Intelligences, Sachiel or Zadkiel,    Zedekiel: Governing in the Sixth Heaven, Orb, or Sphere of the planet or star Called Jupiter, together with all others ye Benevolent, Sacred    Celestial Angels or Intelligences, Ministers of truth and true Science    Sapience, both Celestial    terrestrial,    Messengers Spiritual of Light,    Mediums of Divine Grace, Located and Bearing Rule    Residing in the Order or Hierarchy    office, Called Dominations, in the Sixth Heaven, Orb or Sphere, of the planet or star Called Jupiter, from the Superior to the Inferior; in General    particular, jointly    Severally, Every    Each one by office, Respectively   c: to Gird up    Descend from your Celestial Mansion or place of Residence, into this Crystal Stone, or Glass Receptacle,    therein to Appear Visibly unto us;    we Do also Entreat, you would be favourably pleased, in    through the same, to transmit your true Angelical    Real presence plainly, unto the Sight of our Eyes,    your Voices unto our Ears, that we may Visibly See you,    Audibly hear you speak unto us, or Otherwise to Appear out of the Same, as it shall please God    you his Servants of Divine Grace,    Messengers of Mercy, Seemeth Most Meet, proper    pertinent, or best befitting this Action, Appearance, Occasion or Matter;    to show  plainly,    Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign or test of your Appearance: And we also yet further humbly beseech, Earnestly Entreat  Undeniably Request    move you, O you Benevolent    Glorious Angels or blessed Intelligences  Sachiel, or Zadkiel,    Zedekiel: together with all others, the Sacred Celestial Angels or Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in power    Office, Residing in the Sixth Heaven, Mansion, Orb or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Jupiter,    Serving the Divine Decrees,      Commands    Appointments of the highest, in the Order    office  of Dominations, in by    through this Divine Signal, Mighty,    powerful name of your God El,    by his Numeral Attribute Hesed,    by the great Efficacy, Virtue, Excellency, power, Prevalence    Superiority thereof, to Gird up,    gather your selves together, Every    Each one of you  jointly,    by it self Respectively    Severally,    to move    Descend from your Celestial Mansion or place of Residence, Apparently Visible, to the Sight of our Eyes, into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle, Standing here before us , out of the same as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine Light, Grace 8s Mercy, Seemeth most Meet    Best befitting this action;    also to show forth a preceding Sign of your Appearance,    to be friendly unto us,    by your Angelical Benevolence, Celestial  Illumination, favourable Assistance, familiar Society, Mutual Correspondence, Verbal Converse, Continual Community,    Sacred Instructions: both now at this present  time present,    at all other  times, to inform and Rightly Direct our more Weak, Deprived, Stupid,    Ignorant Intellect Judgements,    Understandings,    to Conduct us by your Angelical Instincts    Archidoctions, into the Luminous pathway of truth, Leading Unto    giving Entrance into the ports, Cities    palaces of wisdom    true Science;    to make us partakers of Undefiled Knowledge, without whose Angelical guide and spiritual Conduct, blessed Assistance    benevolent advertisements, it is Very Difficult if not Impossible for us, or any Mortal on Earth, to find or Obtain, Or to be Esteemed worthy of Entrance into with Testimony, wherefore we humbly Entreat    Move you, O you great, Sacred,    Celestial Ministering Angels or Intelligences, Sachiel or Zadkiel    Zedekiel;    all others the president    inferior Angels, Servants of the most high God, Residing    officiating in the Sixth Heaven, Mansion, Orb or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Jupiter, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Dominations, who all Obediently Serve    Readily fulfil, his omnipotent Decrees    Commandments, In his Divine Dispensations    Appointments, According to your General    Respective offices, in by    through this  ineffable, Imperial, great, Signal,    Divine name of the most high God El: And his numeral attribute, Hesed,    by the power , Efficacy    Virtue thereof, we the  Servants of the same your God, And by the Strength    force of our faith,    hope in him, for Divine Assistance, Grace    mercy herein  Do Earnestly Request, powerfully Invocate,    Confidently Move you    Call you forth, to Visible Appearance here before us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or otherwise thereout here before us, as it shall please God, is given unto  you So to Do,    Likewise show Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign of your Appearance, O you Servants of Mercy: Sachiel or Zadkiel    Zedekiel:   c: And all others the Celestial Ministering Angels,    Mediums of Divine Grace    Light, from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing serving    officiating in the order of Dominations, Move (we say)    by Divine power    permission, in the Name of the Highest, Descend, Appear,    Visibly show your self or Selves, jointly or  severally,    Respectively unto us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, or Otherwise out of the Same, as it shall please God to permit    Appoint you,    to show us a preceding Sign Thereof,    by your Mediate Angelical Inspiration, information, or Chief teaching, to Instruct, help, Aid    Assist us, both at this time present,    also at all Other times    places, Whensoever    wheresoever we shall Invocate, Move you,    Call you forth to Visible Appearance,    to our Assistance, in whatsoever truth, or Subject Matter or things, Appertaining thereunto, in all wisdom    true Science, both Celestial And terrestrial   c: that shall be necessary for us:    also as any Other Emergent Occasion, shall Duly    properly Require, to the Advancement    Setting forth of God’s Glory,    the Improvement of our Welfare, Comforts    benefits  of our Worldly or temporal Estate,    Condition, Whilst we yet Live,    Likewise in all such Matters or things Whatsoever, Else, that shall be necessary for us to Know    Enjoy, Even beyond what we are able to ask or to think, which the Almighty giver of all good Gifts, shall in his bountiful    paternal Mercy, be Graciously pleased hereby to give you to Reveal,    show forth unto us, or, otherwise to bestow upon us, O you190 great Angels or Blessed Intelligences Sachiel, or Zadkiel,    Zedekiel, And all Others ye Celestial Angels of the order of Dominations, Mediums of Divine Grace    Mercy, Ministers of true Light    Understanding,    Servants of the most high God particularly recited    spoken of, invocated, Moved    Called forth to Visible Appearance, as aforesaid, Descend (we say) by the power of Superior Emission Some one or more of you: Appear here Visibly before us, as shall please God, And be friendly unto us,    in your Respective offices, do for us, as for the Servants of the most high God, whereunto we move you all jointly    severally, in power    presence, whose works shall be a song of honour,    the praise of your God In your Creation, Amen.

4th Replication

O you Glorious Angels, or blessed intelligences, who by name is Called, Sachiel, or Zadkiel,    Zedekiel; And all others the Sacred Celestial Angels of the Order of Dominations, Residing and Located by Mansion proper, in that Orb or Sphere of Heaven Called Jupiter, particularly Recited, Mentioned, Moved    Called forth to Visible Appearance, as in the foregoing Invocation, is    hath been of us Lately    more at Large Rehearsed, Earnestly Solicited, supplicated    humbly Requested: by the Virtue, power, force,    Efficacy whereof,    by all the Royal words,    Sentences therein Contained,    also by the great Mighty powerful    Excellent name of the Most high God El, And his numeral Attribute, Hesed, or otherwise by the truest,    most Especial name of your God, we the servants also of the highest, Reverently present in his holy fear, Attending his Divine Grace, Mercy    good pleasure, paternally unto us herein, Do by the Strength    power, of our faith, hope    Confidence in our God,    our Confirmation in his holy spirit, Dignifying us with Superior power   > perfection, humbly Entreat,    Earnestly request,    powerfully move you, O you great Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in general    particular, Every    Each one for    by it self Respectively, by Degrees, nature    office Residing,    being in the Mansion Or Sixth Heaven, Orb or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Jupiter,    Serving the Commands of the Highest, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Dominations, Move therefore O ye great    Glorious Angels Sachiel, or Zadkiel,    Zedekiel; or some one or more, or Either of you, O ye sacred Celestial Angels of the order of Dominations, by Degree, nature    office,    by the Virtue, power    Efficacy of all, aforesaid; Descend    appear Visibly here before us,    unto us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or otherways out of the same here before us, as it shall please God,    also you his Servants, or Messengers of Divine Grace    Mercy,    to Show forth plainly unto us, Some Remarkable Sign or token, foregoing your Coming    Appearance: And be friendly unto us,    Do for us, as for the Servants of the Highest, Whereunto in his name we Do again Earnestly request    Move you, Both in power    presence, whose friendship unto us herein,    works, Shall be a Song of Honour,    the praise of your God in your Creation: Amen.

Figure 10: Seal of Sachiel from Harley MS 6482 f. 218

The Fifth Key [Samael    Madimiel]

Moving    Calling forth, to Visible Appearance, the Hierarchy Of Angels of the Order of Potestates, whose principal governing Angels or blessed Intelligences, bearing Rule, are  Samael,    Madimiel,     Residing in the fifth Orb, Mansion, or sphere, being the Orb Heaven, or sphere of the planet or Star Called Mars.

Figure 11: Seal of Samael from Sloane MS 3825 f. 70v

The Prayer or Invocation 

O ye Glorious  Great, Sacred    Celestial Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Who are Called Samael    Madimiel: and all Others ye Celestial Angels, Servants of the most high, Omnipotent, Incomprehensible, Immense, Immortal    Eternal God of hosts, the Only Creator of heaven    Earth,    of  all things whatsoever, both Celestial and  Elemental, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral    Reptile, or insect, that is Contained    Comprehended therein, that Serve before the most Excellent, Great, high    Honoured Angel, Called Acimay: as Ministering Angels, present always at his most high Superior    Divine Commands    Appointments, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Potestates,    Residing in the fifth heaven,    bearing office, Rule    power in the Mansion, Orb, or sphere of the planet or Star, Called Mars, we the  Servants also of the Highest, Reverently here present  in his holy fear, Do Call upon you,    humbly Request    Earnestly Entreat,    Move you, to Visible Appearance, in by    through his  most Excellent, Ineffable, great, Mighty , Signal, Sacred    Divine name of the most high God, Elohim Gibor,    his numeral Attribute Geburah; who sitteth in the imperial    highest Heavens, before whom all the host    Choir of Celestial Angels, Incessantly Singeth, O Mappa:la:man: Hallelujah: who in the Creation gathered the waters under the heavens, together into  one place,    Called them Seas;    gave bounds    limits thereunto, which they should not pass or go Beyond;    made the Dry Land appear, and Called the Same Earth,    Commanded It to bring forth,    to  bear Seed in their several And Respective Kinds, for increase    Multiplication;    likewise all trees bearing fruit, wherein the Seeds  thereof Lyeth enclosed, and thereby made also ripe,    fit for Increase, Every fruit tree, according to its Respective    Different Kinds, in the third Day of the Week;    also Decreed, Constituted    Appointed you to Govern the said third Day   c: And Established all aforesaid, by the Seal of his own  Incomprehensible Mighty,    holy great name Ay, Elibra, Elohim, as the most high    only God of heaven, And Lord of Hosts, the maker of time,    by the Seal of your Creation, being the mark, or Character of holiness unto you;    by the Occult, Mystery,    Secret Virtue, Efficacy,    influence thereof, Dignifying and Confirming you in orders, office, name, Nature    Corporality, with Divine, Celestial, Angelical, Immortal, Eternal,    Sublime Excellency, Glory, power, purity, perfection, Goodness    love: first Unto the Service of the most high God,    his Divine Laws and Commands, And nextly, unto the Charge, Care    Conduct, Counsel, Comfort, benefit    Assistance of his Servants, the sons of men, Living on Earth; to Inspire, instruct,    Guide them, into the Knowledge    way of truth,   all true physical,    Metaphysical Sciences, Either Immediately , from the holy Ghost, unto More Choice Vessels of honour, or Mediately by Divine Grace   permission, from your self or selves, unto the Sons of men Servants of God;  Dwelling on Earth, Whensoever you shall be of them Invocated or  Called forth   thereby Moved to Descend   appear unto them:   >c, By all aforesaid,    by the Great   Signal Virtue, power, Dignity, Excellency    Efficacy thereof, both Immediately primary    Mediately Secondary, by respective mediums of Divine Light Grace   Mercy, as Ordinately Dependent    thereby flowing,   accordingly Diffusing by Several Emanations proper, a Symbolising power    Virtue, from the Superior to the Inferior: We do humbly Beseech,   > Earnestly Request,    Incessantly Entreat you, O you Magnificent, benevolent   Sacred Angels or Blessed Intelligences, Samael    Madimiel, Governing in the fifth heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the planet, or star Called Mars, together with all Others ye Benevolent Sacred   Celestial Angels or Blessed Intelligences, Ministers of truth and true Science   Sapience, both Celestial   terrestrial, Messengers Spiritual of Light,    Mediums of Divine Grace, located, Ruling   Residing, in the Order or Hierarchy    office Called Potestates; in the fifth Heaven, Orb; or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Mars, from the Superior to the inferior in general,   particular, jointly    Severally, Every    Each one by office Respectively, to gird up   gather your Selves together,   some one or More of you, as it shall please God,    (by Divine permission) to Move   Descend from your Celestial Mansion or place of Residence, into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle   therein to Appear Visibly, unto us; and we Do also Entreat you would be favourably pleased, in,    through the same, to transmit your true Angelical,   Real presence, plainly, unto the Sight of our Eyes,   your Voices unto our Ears, that we may Visibly See you    Audibly hear you speak unto us, or otherways to appear out of the Same, as it shall please God,    you his Servants, of Divine Grace, and Messengers of mercy, Seemeth Most proper Meet     pertinent or Best befitting this Action, Appearance, Occasion, or Matter;    to show plainly,    Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign or test of your Appearance,    we also yet  further Humbly beseech, Earnestly Entreat Undeniably Request    move you, O you benevolent,    glorious Angels or Blessed Intelligences, Samael,    Madimiel: together with all others the Sacred    Celestial Angels or Blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in power    office, Residing in the fifth heaven, Mansion, Orb, Sphere of the planet or Star Called Mars, And Serving the Divine Decrees, Commands And Appointments of the Highest, in the office of Potestates: in by    through, this Divine, Signal, Mighty    powerful name of your God: Elohim Gibor: and his numeral Attribute, Geburah:    the great Efficacy, Virtue, Excellency, power, prevalence    Superiority thereof, to gird up    gather your Selves together, Every    Each one, jointly    by it Self Respectively    Severally, To Move    Descend from your Celestial Mansion, or place of Residence, Apparently Visible to the Sight of our Eyes, into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, as being set for that purpose, or otherwise unto us,    before us out of them, as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine Light, Grace    Mercy, Seemeth most Meet    best befitting this action, 8s also to show forth a preceding Sign of your Appearance, and to be friendly unto us,    by your Angelical Benevolence, Celestial Illumination, favourable Assistance, familiar Society, Mutual Correspondence, Verbal Converse, Continual Community    Sacred Instructions, both now at this present  time present, [   at all other times present,]     at all other times to instruct ,    Rightly Direct our More Weak, Depraved, Stupid    Ignorant intellect judgements    understanding,    to Conduct us by your Angelical Instincts,    Archidoctions, into the Luminous pathway of truth, Leading unto,    giving Entrance into the ports, Cities    palaces of wisdom    true Science;    to Make us partakers of Undefiled Knowledge, without whose Angelical Guide,   > spiritual Conduct, Blessed Assistance,    benevolent advertisements, it is  Very Difficult, if not impossible, for us or any Mortal on Earth, to find or Obtain, or to be Esteemed Worthy of Entrance, into with testimony Wherefore we humbly Entreat    Move you, O you great Sacred    Celestial Ministering Angels or Intelligences: Samael    Madimiel    all others  you president    inferior Angels, Servants of the most high God, Residing    Officiating in the fifth Heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Mars, in the Order     Hierarchy of Angels Called Potestates, who all Obediently Serve,    Readily fulfil, his Omnipotent Decrees    Commandments, in his Divine Dispensations    Appointments, according to your General    Respective offices, in by    through this  ineffable, Imperial, Great, Signal,    Divine name Elohim Gibor   , his numeral attribute Geburah;    by the power Efficacy    Virtue thereof, We the  Servants of the same your God,    by the Strength    force of our faith,    hope in him, for Divine Assistance, Grace    Mercy herein, Do Earnestly Request, powerfully Invocate,    Confidently move you   > Call you forth to Visible Appearance, here before us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or Otherwise there about  here before us, as it shall please God is Given unto you So to Do,    likewise to show  Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign  of your Appearance, O you Servants of Mercy: Samael,    Madimiel: and all others ye Celestial Ministering Angels,    Mediums of Divine Grace    Light, from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing     Serving    officiating in the Order of Potestates: Move (we say:) and by the  superior power    permission,    in the name of the Highest, Descend, Appear,    Visibly show  your self or Selves, jointly or severally    Respectively unto us, In this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us; or otherwise out of the same, as it shall please God to permit    appoint you,    to show us a preceding Sign thereof,    by your Mediate, Angelical Revelation, Inspiration, information,     Chief teachings, Verbally to Instruct, Aid, help     Assist us: both at this time  present,    also at all other times    places, Whensoever,    wheresoever, we shall Invocate, Move or Call you forth to Visible Appearance,    to our Assistance, in whatsoever truth, or Subject, Matter or things, Appertaining thereunto, in all wisdom    true Science, both Celestial    terrestrial   c: that shall be necessary for us,    also as any Other Emergent Occasion Shall Duly    properly Require, to the Advancement,    Setting forth of God’s Glory,    the Improvement of our Welfare, Comfort    benefit of our Worldly    temporal Estate ,    Condition, whilst we yet Live,    likewise in all Such Matters or things, Whatsoever Else, that shall be necessary for us to Know,    enjoy, Even beyond what we are Able to ask or think, which the Almighty giver of all good gifts, Shall in his bountiful    paternal Mercy, be Graciously pleased, hereby  to give you to Reveal    show forth Unto us, or otherwise to bestow upon us, O ye great Angels or Blessed Intelligences Samael 8g Madimiel,    all other ye Celestial Angels, of the Order of Potestates: Mediums of Divine Grace    Mercy, Ministers of true Light    Understanding, Servants of the most high God, particularly recited,    spoken of, invocated, Moved    Called forth, to Visible Appearance (as aforesaid:) Descend (we say)    by the power of Superior grace    Emission Some one Or more of you, Appear Visibly here before us, as shall please God,    be friendly unto us,    in your Respective offices Do for us, as for the Servants of the most high God, Whereunto we move you all, jointly    Severally in power    presence, whose works shall be a song of honour and the praise of your God, in your Creation, Amen.

5th Replication

O you Glorious Angels, or Blessed intelligences, who by name is Called, Samael,    Madimiel:    all others the Sacred Celestial Angels of the Order of Potestates, Residing,    Located by Mansion proper, in that Orb, or Sphere of Heaven Called Mars, particularly Recited, Mentioned, Moved    Called forth, to Visible Appearance, as in the foregoing Invocation, is,    hath been of us lately  and more at Large rehearsed, Earnestly Solicited, Supplicated    humbly requested: by the Virtue, power, force,    Efficacy whereof, and of all the Royal words    Sentences therein Contained,    also by the great Mighty powerful    Excellent name of the Most high God Elohim Gibor: And his Numeral Attribute, Geburah, or otherwise by the truest,    most Especial name of your God; we the servants also of the Highest, Reverently present in his holy fear, Attending his Divine Grace, Mercy    good pleasure, paternally unto us herein, do by the Strength    power, of our faith, hope    Confidence in our God,    our Confirmation in his holy spirit, Dignifying us with Superior power    perfection, humbly Entreat,    Earnestly Request,    powerfully move you, O you great Angels or Blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior in General    particular, Every    Each one  for    by it self Respectively, by Degrees, nature    office Residing,    being in the mansion of fifth Heaven, orb, or sphere of the planet or Star Called Mars,    serving the Commands of the Highest, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Potestates , Move therefore O you great    glorious Angels Samael,    Madimiel, or some one or more or either of you, O you sacred Celestial Angel of the order of Potestates, by Degree, nature    office,    by the Virtue, power    Efficacy of all aforesaid Descend    Appear, Visibly here before us,    Unto us, in this Ciystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or otherwise out of the same here before us, as it shall please God,    also you his Servants    Messengers of Divine Grace    mercy,    to show forth plainly unto us, Some Remarkable Sign or token foregoing your Coming    Appearance,    be friendly unto us,    Do for us as for the Servants of the Highest, Whereunto in his name we do again Earnestly Request,    Move you, both in power    presence, whose friendship unto us herein,    works shall be a song of honour    the praise of your God in your Creation: Amen.

Figure 12: Seal of Samael from Harley MS 6482 f. 229v

The Sixth Key [Michael, Uriel    Schemeliel]

Moving,    Calling forth; to Visible Appearance, the Celestial Hierarchy Of Angels of the Order of Virtues: whose principal governing Angels Or Blessed Intelligences bearing, Rule are Michael  , Uriel,    Schemeliel,    Residing in the fourth Orb, heaven, Mansion or sphere of Sol, serving Before the great high honoured    Excellent Angel Salamia.

Figure 13: Seal of Michael from Sloane MS 3825 f. 75v

The Prayer or Invocation 

O you Glorious, Great, Sacred,    Celestial Angels    blessed Intelligences, Who are Called, Michiel, Uriel,    Schemeliel; and all others ye Celestial Angels, Servants of the most high   , Omnipotent, Incomprehensible, Immense, Immortal    Eternal God of Hosts, the Only Creator of Heaven    Earth,    of all things whatsoever, both Celestial, Elemental, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral    Reptile or Insect, that Is Contained    Comprehended therein,    that Serve before the great, High    most Excellent ,    honoured Angel, Salamia, As Ministering Angels, present always at  Divine Commands, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels, Called Virtues,    Residing in the fourth Heaven,    bearing Rule, office,    power in the Orb or sphere of the planet Called Sol: we the  servants Also of the highest, reverently here present in his holy fear, Do Call upon you and humbly request    Earnestly Entreat you,    move you, to Visible Appearance, in by and through, this ineffable great Mighty, Signal, Sacred,    Divine name of the most high God, Eloha;    his numeral Attribute Tiphereth, who Sitteth in the   imperial    highest heaven, before whom all hosts or Choir of Celestial Angels Incessantly Singeth, O Mapa:La:man Hallelujah; who Created the Heavens,   , the Earth,    the seas,    separated the Light from the Darkness, in the first Day of the Week,    also Decreed     Constituted    Appointed you to govern the Said first Day:   c: And Established all aforesaid by the Seal of his Incomprehensible, Mighty, holy,    great name: Phaa: as the most high    only God of Heaven    lord of hosts: the maker of time,    by the Seal of your Creation, being the Mark or Character of holiness unto you,    by the Occult Mystery,    Secret Virtue, Efficacy    Influence thereof, Dignifying    Confirming you, in Orders    office, name, Nature,    Corporature : with Divine Celestial, Angelical, Immortal, Eternal,    Sublime Excellency, Glory power, purity, perfection, Goodness    Love: first unto the service of the most high God    his Divine Laws    Commands,    nextly unto the Charge, Care    Conduct, Counsel, Comfort, benefit,    Assistance of his Servants the sons of men, living on Earth, to instruct    guide them Into the Knowledge    way of truth,    all true physical    Metaphysical Sciences, Either Immediately from the holy Ghost: unto More Choice Vessels of honour, or Mediately by Divine grace    permission from your self or Selves, unto the sons of men, Servants of God, Dwelling on Earth, whensoever  you shall be of them Invocated, Called forth,    thereby moved to Descend and Appear unto them by all Aforesaid,    by the great    Signal Virtue, power, Dignity, Excellency    Efficacy thereof, both immediately primary    Mediately Secondary, by respective mediums of Divine   Light grace    mercy, as Ordinately Dependent    so thereby flowing,    Accordingly Diffusing by Several Emanations proper, a Symbolising power    Virtue, from the Superior to the Inferior, we Do humbly beseech,    Earnestly Request,    incessantly Entreat you, O you Magnificent, Benevolent    Sacred Angels or Blessed Intelligences, Michael  , Uriel,    Schemeliel: Governing in the fourth Heaven Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the planet Called Sol, together with all others ye benevolent Sacred    Celestial Angels, or Intelligences, Ministers of truth,    true Science    Sapience, both Celestial    terrestrial, as Messengers of Spiritual light,    Mediums of Divine Grace, Located, ruling    Residing in the Order or Hierarchy    office Called Virtues; in the fourth Heaven, Orb, or Sphere of the planet Called Sol, from the Superior to the Inferior, in General    particular, jointly    severally, Every    Each one, by office Respectively   c: to gird up,    gather your selves together,    some one or more of you, as it shall please God,    by Divine permission, to Move    Descend from your Celestial Mansion or place of Residence, into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle And therein to Appear Visibly, unto us;    we Do also entreat you would be favourably pleased, In    through the same, to transmit your true Angelical    Real presence, plainly unto the Sight of our Eyes,    your Voices unto our Ears, that we may Visibly See you,    Audibly hear you speak unto us; Or otherwise appear out of the Same, as it shall please God    you his Servants of Divine grace,    Messengers of Mercy, seemeth most Meet proper    pertinent or best befitting this Action, Appearance, or Occasion, or Matter,    to show plainly    Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign or test of your Appearance,    we also yet further humbly beseech, Earnestly Entreat, Undeniably request,    move you, O you Benevolent Glorious Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Michael Uriel,    Schemeliel: together with all Others ye Sacred    Celestial Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in power,    office, Residing in the fourth Heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Sol,    serving the Divine Decrees, Commands    Appointments of the Highest, in the Office    order of Virtues, in by    through this Divine, Signal, Mighty    powerful name of your God Eloha,    his numeral Attribute Tiphereth:     the great Efficacy, Virtue, Excellency, power, prevalence    Superiority thereof, to gird up    gather your Selves together, Every    Each one , jointly    severally  by it Self Respectively;    to Move    Descend from your Celestial Mansion, or place of Residence, Apparently Visible to the Sight of our Eyes, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, as being set for that purpose, or Otherwise unto us , out of the same  as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine  Light, grace    mercy, Seemeth good    most meet    best befitting this Action;    also to show forth a preceding Sign of your Appearance, and to be friendly unto us,    by your Angelical Benevolence, Celestial Illumination, favourable Assistance, familiar Society, Mutual Correspondence, Verbal Converse, Continual Community,    Sacred Instructions, both now at this time present,    at all times, to instruct ,    Readily Direct our more Weak, Depraved, Stupid,    Ignorant Intellect, judgements    Understandings,    to Conduct us by your Angelical Instincts and Archidoctions, into the Luminous pathway of truth, Leading unto,    giving Entrance into the ports, Cities    palaces of wisdom    true Science, and  make us partakers of Undefiled Knowledge, Without whose Angelical guide 8s spiritual Conduct, blessed Assistance,    benevolent Advertisements, it is impossible for us or any Mortal on Earth to find, or Obtain, or to be Esteemed worthy of Entrance; into with testimony wherefore we humbly Entreat    move you, O you great Sacred,    Celestial Ministering Angels or Intelligences, Michael, Uriel,    Schemeliel;    all others you president,    inferior Angels, servants of the most high God, Residing    officiating in the fourth heaven Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the planet Sol, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Virtues; who all Obediently Serve,    Readily fulfil, his Omnipotent Decrees    Commandments, in his Divine Dispensations,    Appointments, According to your general    Respective offices, in by    through  his ineffable, Imperial, Great Signal,    Divine name Eloha,    his numeral Attribute, Tiphereth, and the power Efficacy,    Virtue thereof, we Servants also of the same your God,    by the Strength    force of our faith,   hope in him, for Divine Assistance, Grace   > Mercy herein; Do Earnestly request, powerfully invocate and Confidently Move you,    Call you forth to Visible Appearance, here before us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or Otherwise thereout here before us, as it Shall please God, is given unto you So to Do;    likewise to show Visibly Unto us, a foregoing Sign of your Appearance, O you Servants of Mercy: Michael, Uriel,    Schemeliel, and all Others the Celestial Ministering Angels,    Mediums of Divine grace    Light, from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing serving    officiating In the Order of Virtues: Move (we say)    by the   Superior power And permission,    in the name of the highest Descend, Appear,    Visibly show your Selves, jointly or Severally,    Respectively unto us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, or Otherwise out of the Same, as it shall please God to permit    Appoint you, 85 to show us a preceding Sign thereof,    by your Mediate Angelical Inspiration, Information or Chief teachings, to instruct, help, Aid    assist us, both at this time present,    at all Other times    places, whensoever    wheresoever, we shall Invocate move    Call you forth to Visible Appearance,    to our Assistance, in whatsoever truth or Subject Matter or things, Appertaining thereunto, in all wisdom    true Science both Celestial    terrestrial   c: that shall be necessary for us,    also as any Other Emergent Occasion, Shall Duly    properly Require, to the advancement    Setting forth of God’s Glory,    the Improvement of our Welfare, Comfort,    benefit of our Worldly    temporal Estate    Condition, whilst we yet Live,  likewise in Such matters or things whatsoever Else, that shall be Necessary for us to Know    Enjoy, Even beyond what we are able to ask or think, which the Almighty giver of all good gifts, shall in his bountiful     paternal mercy, be graciously pleased hereby to give you, to reveal    show forth unto us; Or, Otherwise to  bestow upon us, O you great Angels or Blessed Intelligences Michael, Uriel,    Schemeliel: And all Others ye Celestial Angels of the Order of Virtues, Mediums of Divine Grace,    Mercy, Ministers of true Light    Understanding,    Servants of the most High God particularly Recited,    spoken of, invocated, Moved    Called forth, to Visible Appearance as aforesaid, Descend, (we say)    by the power of Superior Emission, Some one or more of you, Appear Visibly here before us, as it shall please God,    be friendly unto us,    in your Respective offices, Do for us as for the Servants of the most high God, whereunto we move you all, In power    presence, whose works shall be a song of honour    the praise of your God, in your Creation Amen.

6th Replication

O ye Glorious Angels, or Blessed intelligences, who by name is Called Michael, Uriel,    Schemeliel: And all Others the Sacred Celestial Angels, of the Order of Virtues, Residing    Located by Mansion proper, in that Orb, or sphere of Heaven Called the Sun : particularly Recited, Mentioned, Moved    Called forth, to Visible Appearance, as in the foregoing Invocation, is and hath been of us Lately,    more at Large Rehearsed, Earnestly Solicited, Supplicated    humbly Requested, by the Virtue power, force,    Efficacy whereof,    by all the Royal words    Sentences therein Contained,    also by the great Mighty powerful    Excellent name of the Most high God Eloha,    his numeral Attribute Tiphereth: Or otherwise, by the truest    most Especial name of your God, we the servants also of the highest, reverently here present in his holy fear, Attending his Divine grace, Mercy    good pleasure, paternally unto us herein, Do by the Strength    power, of our faith, hope,   Confidence in our God, 8g our Confirmation in his holy Spirit, Dignifying us, with Superior power 8g perfection, humbly Entreat,   Earnestly Request, 8g powerfully Move you, O you great Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in general   particular, Every   Each one, for, and by it self Respectively, by Degrees, Nature   , office, residing,    being in the Mansion or fourth Heaven, Orb or Sphere of the planet, or Star Called the Sun :    Serving the Commands of the highest, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels, Called Virtues: Move Therefore O ye great 8g glorious Angels, Michael, Uriel,    Schemeliel; or Some One or More, or Either of you, O ye sacred Celestial Angels, of the Order of Virtues, by Degree, nature    office,   by the Virtue, power,    Efficacy of all aforesaid, Descend    appear Visibly, here before us,   unto us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or Otherwise, out of the same, here before us as it shall please God:    also, you his Messengers of Divine grace, 8g Mercy, 8g to show forth plainly unto us, Some Remarkable Sign or token, foregoing your Coming   > appearance,    to be friendly unto us,    Do for us, as for the Servants of the Highest, Whereunto in his name, we Do, again Earnestly request, 8g Move you, both, in power    presence, whose friendship unto us herein, 8g works shall be a song of honour, 8g the praise of your God in your Creation: Amen.

Figure 14: Seal of Michael from Harley MS 6482 f. 24Iv

The Seventh Key [Anael or Haniel    Nogael]

Moving,    Calling forth to Visible Appearance, the Celestial Hierarchy Of Angels, of the Order of Principalities: Whose principal Governing Angels Or Blessed Intelligences, bearing Rule Are, Anael, or Haniel,    Nogael: And Residing in the third Heaven, Orb, Mansion , or Sphere being the  Orb, heaven, or Sphere, of the planet, or Star Called Venus.

Figure 15: Seal of Haniel from Sloane MS 3825 f. 80v

The Prayer or Invocation 

O you Glorious  Great, Sacred,    Celestial Angels or blessed Intelligences, Called Anael, or Hanael ,    Nogael;    all other you Celestial Angels Servants of the Most high God , Omnipotent, Incomprehensible, Immense, Immortal    Eternal, God of hosts, the Only Creator of Heaven    Earth,    of all things whatsoever, both Celestial , Elemental, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral,    Reptile, or Insect, that Is Contained    Comprehended therein , and that serve before the most Excellent, Great, high    honoured Angel, Called  Dagael; as Ministering Angels, present always, at his Most high, Superior,    Divine Commands,    Appointments, in the Order, or Hierarchy of Angels, Called, Principalities,    Residing in the third Heaven, and bearing Rule, office ,    power in the Mansion, Orb, or Sphere, of the planet or star Called Venus: we the  Servants, of the highest, Reverently, here present in his holy fear, Do Call upon you,    humbly Request,   Earnestly Entreat you,    move you, to Visible appearance, in by and through, this most Excellent, Ineffable, great, Mighty, Signal, Sacred   Divine name of the Most high God, Jehovah Zebaoth,    his numeral Attribute Neza: who Sitteth in the most  Imperial,   highest heaven, before whom, all the Choir of Celestial Angels, Incessantly Singeth, O Mappa:laman:Hallelujah Who Created all the  four footed beasts, Cattle, or Animals   all Creeping things, Whatsoever, that Liveth    Moveth, upon the face of the Earth, bringing forth young;    also Increasing   multiplying, in their Several   Respective Kinds; together also with the most Admirable And wonderful Generation, production,    increase, of all Insects,    Reptiles, bred and brought forth, only of heat,   Moisture,    impregnation, of the Air, as a Medium, intermitting the Sun’s heat, to stir up the activity of Nature: which by a Central Invisible fire;   internal ferment Conceiveth a Mortificate Essence,   by a putrefactive power, most Admirably bringing forth, an Increase of Diverse Wonderful Strange, and Innumerable Creatures,   . Different in their Kinds,   Ever

Marvellous to behold, who, also Created man Even Male    female after the most glorious,    Celestial Image of himself;    gave them Dominion over the fishes  of the Sea,    over the fowls of the Air,    over the Cattle,    over Every Creeping thing that Creepeth upon  the Earth;    who then created  the whole creation    also man, Even Male    female, blessed he them,    gave them Rule    power over all, whatsoever was Contained, in the Creation (saying) be fruitful    Multiply,    Replenish the Earth,    Subdue it    have Dominion over the fish of the Sea, over the fowls, of the Air,   > over Every living thing, that Moveth upon the Earth, And also, gave to all Cattle or Beasts of the Earth, fowls of the Air,    to all Animals,    other Creatures Whatsoever, wherein there is life, Every green herb, for Meat, in the Sixth Day of the week;    also Decreed    Constituted    Appointed you to govern the Said Sixth Day:   c: And he Created all things ,    he beheld all things, in the Creation, that he had made, and said they  were good: Sealing    Confirming all aforesaid, in his most high, Omnipotent, great,    holy name, Saday, as the Most high,    only god of heaven,    Lord of hosts the maker of time, And by the Seal of your Creation, being the Mark    Character of Holiness Unto you,    by the Occult Mystery,    Secret Virtue, Efficacy    Influence thereof, Dignifying     Confirming you in Orders, office, name, Nature    Corporality with Divine Celestial, Angelical, Immortal, Eternal    Sublime Excellency, Glory, power, purity, perfection, goodness    Love: first unto the service of the Most high God,    his Divine Laws    Commands,    nextly unto the Charge, Care, Conduct, Counsel, Comfort      benefit, 8s Assistance, of his Servants the sons of men, living on Earth; to inspire   > instruct,    guide them into the Knowledge;    Way of truth,    all true physical,    Metaphysical, Sciences, Either Immediately from the holy Ghost, unto More Choice Vessels of honour, or Mediately by Divine grace, 85 permission from your self, or Selves, unto the Sons of men, Servants of God, Dwelling on Earth, whensoever you shall be of them Invocated, Called forth,    thereby moved to Descend,    Appear unto them,   c: by all aforesaid, 85 by the great Signal Virtue, power, Dignity, Excellency    Efficacy thereof, both immediately primary,    Mediately Secondary, by Respective Mediums of Divine Light, grace    Mercy, as Ordinately Dependent,    so thereby flowing,    Accordingly Diffusing by Several Emanations, proper a Symbolising power,    Virtue, from the Superior to the Inferior: we Do humbly beseech, Earnestly request,    incessantly entreat you, O you Magnificent, Benevolent,    Sacred Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Anael,    Nogael, governing in the third Heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere, of the planet or Star, Called Venus, from the Superior to the Inferior, together with all Others ye benevolent Sacred    Celestial Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Ministers of truth,    true Science    Sapience, both Celestial    Terrestrial;    Messengers Spiritual of Light,    mediums of Divine grace, Located Ruling,    Residing in the Order or Hierarchy,    office Called Principalities, in the third Heaven, Orb, or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Venus,  in general    particular, jointly    severally, Every    Each one by office Respectively,   c: to gird up,    gather your selves together,    some one or more of you, as it shall please God, 8s by Divine permission, to Move    Descend from your Celestial Mansion or place of Residence, into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle    therein to Appear Visibly unto us;    we Do also Entreat you would be graciously pleased, in    through the same, to transmit your true Angelical,    Real Appearance plainly unto the Sight of our Eyes,    your Voices unto our Ears, that we may Visibly See you,    Audibly hear you speak unto us, or Otherwise appear out of the Same, as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine Grace,    Messengers of Mercy, Seemeth most Meet proper, pertinent, or  best befitting this Action; Appearance, Occasion or Matter; and to show plainly,    Visibly Unto us, a foregoing Sign or test of your Appearance,    we also yet further humbly beseech, Earnestly Entreat,    Undeniably request    Move you, O you benevolent,    Glorious Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Anael,    Nogael, together with all Others, ye Celestial Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in power    office, Residing in the third Heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Venus,    serving the Divine Decrees    Commands,    Appointments of the highest, in the office    order Called Principalities, in by   through this  Mighty  Divine Signal,    powerful name of your God Jehovah Zebaoth,    his numeral Attribute Neza,   the great Virtue, Efficacy   , Excellency, power, prevalence   Superiority thereof, to Gird up and Gather your selves together, Every    Each one jointly   by it self Respectively ,   to Move   Descend from your Celestial Mansion, or place of Residence, Apparently,    Visibly to the Sight of our Eyes, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us; as being set for that purpose; or otherwise unto us,    before us, out of them, as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine light, grace    Mercy, Seemeth Most meet,    best befitting this Action;    also to show forth a preceding Sign, of your Appearance,    to be friendly unto us,    by your Angelical Benevolence, Celestial Illumination, favourable Assistance, familiar Society, Mutual Correspondence, Verbal Converse, Continual Community,    Sacred Instructions, both now at this time present,    at all times, to inform    Rightly Direct our more Weak, Depraved, Stupid and Ignorant Intellect, judgements    understandings: to Conduct us by your Angelical Instincts,    Archidoctions, into the Luminous pathway of truth, Leading unto    giving Entrance into the ports, Cities    palaces of wisdom    true Science, and make us partakers of Undefiled Knowledge, without whose Angelical Guide,    Spiritual Conduct, Blessed Assistance,    Benevolent Advertisements, it is very Difficult if not Impossible for us or any Mortal on Earth, to find, or Obtain,    to be Esteemed worthy of Entrance into, with testimony: Wherefore we humbly Entreat,    move you, O you Great Sacred    Celestial Ministering Angels, or Blessed    Intelligences, Anael,    Nogael:    all Others, the president    Inferior Angels, Servants of the Most high God, Residing,    officiating in the third Heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Venus, in the Order,    Hierarchy of Angels Called Principalities, Who all Obediently Serve,    Readily fulfil, his Omnipotent Decrees,   287 Commandments, in his Divine Dispensations    Appointments, According to your general    Respective offices, in and through his ineffable, Imperial, Great, Signal and Divine Name Jehovah Zebaoth:    his Numeral Attribute: Neza:    by the power, Efficacy,    Virtue thereof, We the  Servants also of the same your God,    by the Strength    force of our faith,    hope in him, for Divine Assistance, Grace    Mercy herein,   Do Earnestly Request, powerfully invocate,    Confidently move you,    Call you forth, to Visible Appearance, here before us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or Otherwise thereout here before us, as it shall please God, Is given unto you So to Do, And Likewise to show Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign of your Appearance, O you Servants of Mercy, Anael,    Nogael,   c: and all Others the Celestial Ministering Angels, Mediums of Divine grace,    light, from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing, Serving    officiating in the Order of Principalities; Move (we say)    by the Superior power And permission,    in the name of the Highest; Descend, Appear,    show Visibly your self or selves, jointly or Severally    Respectively unto us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, or otherwise out of the Same, as it shall please God, to permit and Appoint you,    to show us a preceding Sign thereof: And by your Mediate Angelical Inspiration, Information, or Chief teachings to Instruct, help, Aid,    assist us, Both at this time present    Also at all other times,    places whensoever    wheresoever, we shall Invocate Move    Call you forth, to Visible Appearance,    to our Assistance, in whatsoever truths or Subject Matter or things, Appertaining there unto, in all wisdom,    true Science, both Celestial    terrestrial   c: that shall be necessary for us, And also as any other Emergent Occasion, shall duly    properly Require, to the Advancement    setting forth of God’s Glory,    the Improvement of our Welfare, Comfort    benefit of our worldly    temporal Estate,    Condition, whilst we yet Live;    Likewise in all Such Matters, or things whatsoever Else, that shall be Necessary for to Know    enjoy, Even beyond what we are able to ask or think , which the almighty giver of all good things    gifts, shall in his Bountiful    paternal mercy, be graciously pleased here by to give you to Reveal,    show forth unto us, or otherwise to bestow upon us, O you great Angels Or Blessed Intelligences, Anael,    Nogael;    all others ye Celestial Angels of the Order of Principalities, Mediums of Divine Grace,    mercy, Ministers of true Light    understanding,    servants of the Most high God, particularly Recited    spoken of Invocated, Moved    Called forth to Visible Appearance as (aforesaid) Descend, (we say)    by the power of the  Superior Emission, Some one or More of you, Appear Visibly, here before us, as it shall please God,    be friendly unto us,    in your Respective offices, Do for us as for the Servants of the most high God; Whereunto we move you all jointly    Severally, in power presence; whose Works shall be a song of honour,    the praise of your God, in your Creation: Amen.

7th Replication

O you Glorious Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, who by name is Called Anael,    Nogael,    all other the Sacred Celestial Angels, of the Order of Principalities, Residing    located, by Mansion proper, in that Orb, or Sphere of Heaven Called Venus, Particularly Recited, Mentioned, Moved    Called forth, to Visible Appearance, as in the foregoing Invocation is,    hath been of us lately,    more at Large Rehearsed, humbly Solicited, Supplicated    Earnestly Requested, by the Virtue, power, force    Efficacy whereof,   > of all the Royal Words    Sentences therein Contained,    also by the great, Mighty,   powerful,    Excellent name of the most high God Jehovah Zebaoth,    his numeral Attribute: Neza: or Otherwise by the truest    most Especial name of your God, we the servants Also of the Highest, Reverently here present in his holy fear, Attending his Divine grace, Mercy    good pleasure, paternally unto us herein Do by the Strength,    power of our faith, hope,    Confidence in our God,    our Confirmation in his holy spirit, Dignifying us with Superior power,    perfection; humbly Entreat,    Earnestly Request,    powerfully move you, O you great Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in general    particular, Every    Each one, for and by it self Respectively, by Degrees, Nature    office Residing,    being the Mansion or third Orb heaven, or Sphere, of the planet or Star Called Venus,    Serving the Commands of the highest, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels, Called Principalities Move therefore O you great    glorious Angels Anael    Nogael, or some one or More or Either, of you, O ye Sacred Celestial Angels, of the Order of Principalities, by Degree nature    office,    by the Virtue, power,    Efficacy of all aforesaid, Descend    Appear Visibly unto us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or Otherwise out of the same here before us, as it shall please god,    also you his Celestial Messengers of Divine grace 8s Mercy,    to show forth plainly unto us, Some  Remarkable Sign or token foregoing your Coming    appearance    be friendly unto us,    Do for us, as for the Servants of the highest, Whereunto in his name we Do again Earnestly Request,    Move you both in power    presence, whose friendship unto us herein    works shall be a song of honour,    the praise of your God in your Creation, Amen.

Figure 16: Seal of Anael from Harley MS 6482 f. 253v

The Eighth Key [Raphael    Cochabiel]

Moving,    Calling forth to Visible Appearance, the Celestial Hierarchy Of Angels, of the Order of ArchAngels; Whose principal Governing Angels or Blessed Intelligences bearing rule are, Raphael,    Cochabiel;    Residing In the Second Orb, Mansion Or Sphere, being the Orb, Heaven, or Sphere, of the planet, or Star Called Mercury. ’

Figure 17: Seal of Raphael from Sloane MS 3825 f.  

The Prayer or Invocation 

O you Glorious, Great, Sacred,    Celestial Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Who are Called,  Raphael,    Cochabiel,    all others, ye Celestial Angels, Servants of the Most high, Omnipotent, Incomprehensible, Immense, Immortal,    Eternal God of Hosts,  the Only Creator of heaven    Earth,    of all things Whatsoever, both Celestial, Elemental, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral    Reptile, or Insect that Is Contained and Comprehended therein,    that serve before the most Excellent, great, high    honoured Angel, Called Tetra; As Ministering Angels present always, at his most high, Superior,    Divine Commands    Appointments, in the Order and  Hierarchy of Angels Called, Archangels;    Residing in the Second Heaven, Bearing  Rule    power, in the Mansion, Orb, or Sphere, of the planet or star Called Mercury: we Servants also, of the Highest, Reverently here present, in his holy fear, Do Call upon you,    humbly Request,    Earnestly Entreat you    move you, to Visible appearance in by and through, this most Excellent, ineffable, great, Mighty, Signal, Sacred    Divine name, of the Most high God, Elohim Zebaoth,    his numeral Attribute Hod, Who Sitteth in the most  Imperial    Highest Heaven, Before whom all the Hosts  of Celestial Angels Incessantly Singeth, O Mappa:la:man, Hallelujah Who Created the two  Luminaries or great Lights,    set them in the firmament of Heaven, to Divide the Day from the night,    also for, Signs    for Seasons,    for Days    years, the greater Light Sol, to give Light upon the Earth,    govern the Day,  the Lesser light Luna, to give light upon the Earth,    to govern the Night: who also Made the Stars,    set them in the firmament, of Heaven, to give Light upon the Earth,    to Rule Over  the Day,    over the night,    to Divide the Light from the Darkness, In the fourth Day of the Week,    also Decreed, Constituted,    Appointed You to govern the Said fourth Day, Ratifying,    Confirming, all Afore Said, by the Seal, of his most high    holy name, Adonay: as the Most High    only god of heaven,    lord of hosts , the maker of time And by the Seal of your Creation, being the Mark or Character of holiness unto you,    by the Occult Mystery,    Secret Virtue, Efficacy,    influence thereof, Dignifying    Confirming you, in orders, office, name, nature,   Corporality, with Divine Celestial, Angelical,    immortal,      Sublime Excellency, Glory, power    purity, perfection, Goodness    love, first, unto the Service of the most high God,    his Divine Laws,    Commands,  nextly unto the Charge Care,    Conduct, Counsel, Comfort, benefit,    Assistance of his Servants, the Sons of men Living on Earth, to inspire, Instruct,    guide them into the Knowledge,    way of truth,     all true physical,    Metaphysical, Sciences, Either Immediately from the holy Ghost, unto More Choice Vessels of honour, or Mediately by Divine Grace,    permission, from your Self or Selves, unto the Sons of men, Servants of God, Dwelling on Earth, Whensoever you shall be of them Invocated Called forth,    thereby moved, to Descend,    Appear unto them,   c: And  by all aforesaid    by the great, Signal, Virtue, power Dignity     Excellency    Efficacy thereof, both immediately  primary,    Mediately Secondary, by Respective Mediums of Divine light grace    Mercy,    Ordinately Dependent,    so thereby flowing,    accordingly Diffusing, by Several Emanations proper, A Symbolising power    Virtue from the Superior to the Inferior, we Do Humbly beseech, Earnestly Request,    Incessantly Entreat you O you Magnificent, Benevolent,    Sacred Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Raphael,    Cochabiel; governing in the Second Heaven, Mansion, Orb or Sphere, of the planet or Star, Called, Mercury; together with all others, ye benevolent, Sacred,    Celestial, Angels or blessed  Intelligences, Ministers of truth,    true Science,    Sapience, both Celestial    Terrestrial,   Messengers Spiritual of Light,    Mediums of Divine grace, Located, Ruling,    Residing in the office, order, or Hierarchy, Called Archangels:  from the Superior to the Inferior, in general,   > particular, jointly    severally, Every    Each one by office, Respectively,   c: And to gird up,     gather your selves together, Some One or more of you, as it shall please God,    by Divine permission, to Move 8s Descend, from your Celestial Mansion, or place, of Residence, into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle    therein to Appear Visibly, unto us,    we do also, entreat you would be  pleased in    through the same, to transmit your true Angelical,    Real presence, plainly unto the Sight of our Eyes,    your Voices Unto our Ears, that we may Visibly See you    Audibly hear you, speak Unto us; or Otherwise to Appear, out of the Same, as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine grace    Messengers of mercy, Seemeth most meet, proper    pertinent,    best befitting this Action, Appearance, Occasion, or matter;    to show plainly    Visibly unto us a foregoing Sign, or test of your Appearance; And we also yet further humbly beseech, Earnestly Entreat    undeniably request    move you, O you benevolent   glorious Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Raphael, 8g Cochabiel, together with all others, the Sacred   Celestial Angels, or Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in power   office, Residing in the Second heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere, of the planet or Star Called Mercury,   Serving the Divine Decrees, Commands,   Appointments, of the highest, in the office   order of ArchAngels, in by   through, this Divine Signal, Mighty, 8e powerful name of your God Elohim Zebaoth, And his numeral Attribute, Hod,   the great Efficacy, Virtue,    Excellency, power    prevalence,   Superiority, thereof; to Gird up and gather your selves together, Every   Each one jointly,   by It self, Respectively   Severally, to Move   Descend from your Celestial Mansion, or place of Residence, Apparently,    Visibly, to the Sight of our Eyes, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, as being set for that purpose, or otherwise unto us  out of them, as It shall please God,   you his Servants of Divine Light Grace    Mercy; Seemeth most Meet,   best befitting this Action,   to show forth A preceding Sign of your Appearance,   to be friendly unto us   > by your Angelical, benevolence Celestial, Illumination, favourable Assistance; familiar Society, Mutual Correspondence, Verbal Converse, Continual Community,   Sacred Instructions, both now at this time present,   at all times, to inform,   Rightly Direct our more Weak Depraved, Stupid,  Ignorant, Intellect judgements,   Understandings,    to Conduct us by your Angelical Instincts,   Archidoctions, into the Luminous pathway of truth, Leading unto And giving Entrance, into the ports, Cities,   palaces of wisdom,   true Science,    to make us partakers of Undefiled Knowledge, Without whose Angelical Guide    Spiritual Conduct, Blessed Assistance,    Benevolent Advertisements, it is very Difficult if not impossible, for us or any Mortal on Earth, to find or Obtain, or to be Esteemed Worthy of, Entrance, into with testimony, Wherefore we humbly Entreat, 85 move you, O you great Sacred    Celestial, Ministering Angels, or Intelligences, Raphael, and Cochabiel,    all others ye president    Inferior Angels, Servants of the most high God, Residing    officiating, in the Second heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the planet or Star Called Mercury, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called ArchAngels, who all Obediently Serve,    Readily fulfil, his Omnipotent, Decrees    Commandments,    in his Divine Dispensations,    Appointments, Accordingly , to your general    Respective offices, in by    through  his ineffable, Great imperial , Signal    Divine name, Elohim Zebaoth;    his numeral Attribute Hod,    by the power , Efficacy,    Virtue thereof, we Servants, also of the Same your God,    by the Strength,    force of our faith,    hope in him, for Divine Assistance, Grace,    Mercy herein: Do Earnestly Request, powerfully Invocate, and Confidently move you,    Call you forth to Visible Appearance, here before us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or otherwise thereout here before us, as it shall please God, is given unto you, So to Do,    likewise to show Visibly unto us, a foregoing Sign of your Appearance, O you Servants of mercy, Raphael,    Cochabiel;    all Others, the  Celestial Ministering Angels,    Mediums of Divine Grace,    light, from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing     Serving,    officiating in the Order of ArchAngels; move (we say)    by Superior power,    permission,    in the name of the most high God , Descend, Appear,    Visibly show your self, or selves jointly,    Severally,    Respectively Unto us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, or otherwise, out of the Same, as it shall please  God, to permit,    Appoint you, 8s to show us a preceding Sign thereof,    by your Mediate Angelical Inspiration, instructions , or Chief teachings, to instruct, help Aid,    Assist, us both at this time present,    also at all other times,    places, whensoever    wheresoever, we shall Invocate, move    Call you forth, to Visible Appearance,    to our Assistance, in whatsoever truth or Subject Matter, or thing pertaining  thereunto, in all Wisdom,    true Science, both Celestial   , terrestrial   c: that shall be necessary for us,    also as any Other Emergent Occasion, shall Duly    properly Require, to the Advancement    Setting forth of god’s Glory, And the Improvement of our welfare, Comfort,    benefit, of our Worldly,    temporal, Estate    Condition, Whilst we yet Live,    Likewise in all Such Matters or things Whatsoever, Else that shall be necessary for us, to Know, Even beyond What we are able to ask or think, Which the almighty giver of all good gifts Shall in his bountiful    paternal mercy, be graciously pleased, hereby to move ,    give you to Reveal    show, forth unto us, or Otherwise to bestow upon us, O you  Great Angels or blessed Intelligences, Raphael,    Cochabiel,    all other ye Celestial Angels, of the Order, of ArchAngels, Mediums of Divine Grace    Mercy, Ministers of true Light ,    servants of the most high God, particularly Recited,    spoken of, Invocated, Moved    Called forth, to Visible Appearance as aforesaid, Descend, (we say)    by the power of the  Superior Grace,    Emission, Some one or more of you Appear Visibly, here before us, as it shall please God,    be friendly unto us    in your Respective offices, Do for us, as for the Servants of the most high God, whereunto we move you all jointly    Severally, In power    presence whose Works shall be a song of honour,    the praise of your God, in your Creation: Amen.

8th Replication

O you Glorious, Angels; or Blessed Intelligences, who by name is Called Raphael,    Cochabiel;    all others the Sacred, Celestial Angels, of the Order of Arch:angels; Residing    Located, by mansion proper, in that Orb, or Sphere of heaven Called Mercury, particularly Recited, Mentioned, Moved    Called forth, to Visible appearance, as in the foregoing Invocation, is and hath been of us Lately    more at Large Rehearsed, Earnestly Solicited, Supplicated    humbly Requested, by the Virtue power, force    Efficacy, whereof,    of all the Royal Words,    Sentences therein Contained,    also by the great Mighty, powerful,    Excellent name of the most high God Elohim Zebaoth,    his numeral Attribute Hod, or otherwise by the truest,    most Especial name, of your God, We the Servants Also of the Highest, Reverently here present in his holy fear, Attending his Divine Grace Mercy    good pleasure, paternally Unto us herein, Do by the Strength    power of our faith, hope   , Confidence In our God,    our Confirmation in his holy spirit; Dignifying us with Superior power   > perfection, humbly Entreat,    Urgently Request; and powerfully move you, O you great Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in general    particular, Every    Each one, for and by it self Respectively, by Degrees nature    office, residing,    being In the mansion, or Second Heaven, Orb, or Sphere, of the planet or Star Called Mercury,    Serving the Commands of the highest, in the Order, or Hierarchy of Angels Called Arch:Angels, move therefore O ye Great    Glorious Angels, Raphael,    Cochabiel; or some one or more or Either of you, O ye Sacred Celestial Angels, of the Order of Arch:Angels, by Degree nature    office,    by the Virtue power,    Efficacy, of all aforesaid, Descend    Appear Visibly here before us,   unto us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or otherwise out of the Same, here before us, as it shall please God,   also you his Servants,  , Messengers of Divine grace    mercy,   to show forth plainly unto us, Some  Remarkable Sign or token, foregoing your Coming   Appearance, And be friendly unto us,   Do for us, as for the Servants of the highest, whereunto in his name, we Do again Earnestly Request,    Move you, both in power   presence, whose friendship unto us, herein   works, shall be a song of honour,   the praise of your God in your Creation Amen.

Figure 18: Seal of Raphael from Harley MS 6482 f. 265

The Ninth Key [Gabriel    Levaniel]

Moving    Calling, forth, to Visible Appearance, the Celestial Hierarchy Of Angels of the Order of Angels; whose principal governing Angels or Blessed Intelligences, bearing rule are, Gabriel,    Levaniel;    Residing In the first Orb, Mansion or Sphere, being the Orb, Heaven, or Sphere, of the planet Called Luna, or the Moon.

Figure 19: Seal of Gabriel from Sloane MS 3825 f. 91

The Prayer or Invocation 

O you Glorious, Great, Sacred,    Celestial Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Called Gabriel,    Levaniel,    all other, ye Celestial Angels, or Servants of the most high, Omnipotent, Incomprehensible, Immense, Immortal,    Eternal God of hosts, the only Creator of Heaven    Earth,    of all things, whatsoever, both Celestial,    Elemental, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral,    Reptile or Insect, that Is Contained,    Comprehended therein,    that serve before the most Excellent, high    honoured Angel, Orphaniel, as Ministering Angels, present always at his Most high Superior    Divine Commands    Appointments, in the Order or Hierarchy, of Angels, Called Angels,    Residing in the first Heaven,    Bearing office, Rule    power in the Mansion, Orb, or, Sphere, of the planet, Called, Luna;  we Servants also of the Highest, Reverently here present in his holy fear, Do Call upon you,    humbly Request,    Entreat you,    move you to Visible appearance, in by and through, this most Excellent Ineffable, Great, Mighty,     Signal, Sacred    Divine name of the Most high God, Saday;    his numeral Attribute Yesod, who Sitteth in the Imperial    highest heaven, before whom all the hosts, or Choir of   Angels Incessantly Singeth, O mappadaman: Hallelujah, who Created the firmament in the middle of the Waters,    Divided those waters, that were beneath the firmament, from those that were above it,    Called the firmament heaven,   c: in the Second Day, of the week,    also Decreed Constituted    Appointed, you to govern the said Second Day of the Week,   c: and Sealed the Same in his most high, Great,    holy name, Marinata Abintijaja ; as the most high    only God of heaven,     Lord of hosts, the maker of time, And by the Seal of your Creation, being the Mark or Character, of Holiness, unto you,    by the Occult Mystery    Secret    Virtue, Efficacy,    Influence thereof, Dignifying    Confirming you in Orders, offices, name, Nature,   . Corporality, with Divine, Celestial, Angelical, Immortal, Eternal,    Sublime Excellency, Glory, power, purity, perfection, Goodness    Love, first, unto the Service of the Most high God and his Divine Laws,    Commands,    nextly unto the Charge, Care, 343 Conduct, Counsel, Comfort, benefit,    Assistance, of his Servants, the Sons of men Living on Earth, to inspire, instruct,    to guide them, unto  the Knowledge    way of truth, physical,    Metaphysical Science Either immediately, from the holy Ghost, unto More Choice Vessels of honour, or Mediately by Divine Grace    permission, from your Self or Selves, Unto the Sons of men, Servants of God, Dwelling on Earth, whensoever you shall be of them Invocated, Called forth,    moved thereby , to Descend    Appear, unto them,   c: by all aforesaid,    by the great Signal Virtue, power, Dignity,     Excellency,    Efficacy thereof, both immediately primary    Mediately Secondary, by Respective Mediums, of Divine   light, Grace    Mercy   ,    accordingly Diffusing by Several Emanations proper, A Symbolising power,    Virtue, from the Superior to the Inferior, We do, humbly beseech, Earnestly Request,    incessantly Entreat you O you Magnificent, benevolent    Sacred Angels or blessed Intelligences, Gabriel    Levaniel, governing in the first heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere, of the planet or Star Called Luna, or the moon; together with all Others, ye Benevolent , Sacred    Celestial Angels or Blessed Intelligences, Ministers of truth    true Science,    Sapience, both Celestial    Terrestrial,    Messengers Spiritual ,    Mediums of Divine Grace, Located, Ruling,    Residing, in the Order or Hierarchy,    office Called Angels, from the Superior to the Inferior, in general    particular, Jointly    Severally, Every    Each one by office, Respectively: to Gird up    gather your selves together, Some One or More of you, (as it shall please God)    by Divine permission, to move    Descend, from your Celestial Mansion Or place of Residence, into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle    therein to Appear Visibly, Unto us,    we also Entreat you would be Graciously  pleased, in    through the same to transmit your true Angelical,    Real presence, plainly, Unto the Sight of our Eyes,    your Voices Unto our Ears, that we may Visibly See you,    Audibly hear you, speak Unto us, or otherwise to Appear out of the Same, as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine Grace,    Messengers of Mercy, Seemeth most Meet, proper, pertinent,    best befitting this Action, Appearance Occasion, or Matter    to show plainly,    Visibly Unto us a foregoing Sign or test of your Appearance; And we Do also yet further humbly beseech, Earnestly Entreat    Undeniably Request,    move you, O you benevolent    Glorious, Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Gabriel,    Levaniel; together with all other, the Sacred    Celestial Angels, or blessed Intelligences, from the Superior to the Inferior, in power    office, Residing in the Heaven Mansion, Orb, or Sphere, of the planet Called Luna, or the Moon,    Serving the Divine Decrees, Commands,    Appointments of the Highest, in the Office    order of, Angels, in by    through, this Divine, Signal, Mighty,    powerful name of your God Saday, And his numeral Attribute Yesod,    the great Efficacy, Virtue, Excellency, power, prevalence    Superiority thereof, to gird up    gather your selves together, Every    Each one jointly,    by it self, Respectively,    Severally, to move 8s Descend from your Celestial Mansion, or place of Residence, Apparently Visible, to the Sight of our Eyes, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, as being set for the  purpose; or otherwise unto us,    before us,out of the Same, as it shall please God,    you his Servants of Divine Light, Grace    Mercy, Seemeth most Meet,    best befitting this Action,    to Show forth, a preceding Sign of your Appearance,    to be friendly unto us,    by your Angelical Benevolence, Celestial, Illumination, favourable Assistance, familiar Society, Mutual Correspondence, Verbal Converse, Continual Community    Sacred Instructions, both now and at this time present,    at all other times, to inform, and Rightly Direct, our more Weak, Depraved, Stupid,    ignorant Intellect, judgements,    understandings,    to Conduct us, by your Angelical Instincts,    Archidoctions, into the Luminous pathway of truth, Leading unto    Giving Entrance into the ports, Cities   , palaces of wisdom And true Science,    to Make us partakers of Undefiled Knowledge without whose Angelical guide,    Spiritual Conduct, blessed Assistance,    benevolent Advertisements, it is very Difficult if not Impossible, for us or any Mortal on Earth, to find or obtain,     to be Esteemed Worthy, of Entrance, into with testimony, Wherefore we humbly Entreat   move you, O you great Sacred,    Celestial  Angels, or blessed  Intelligences, Gabriel,   Levaniel, 8g all others ye president   Inferior Angels, Servants of the most high God, Residing    officiating, In the first heaven, Mansion, Orb, or Sphere of the planet or Star  Called Luna, or the Moon, in the Order or Hierarchy of Angels Called Angels; Who all Obediently Serve,    Readily fulfil, his Omnipotent Decrees,   Commands, in his Divine Dispensations,   Appointments, according to your General, Respective offices, in by    through, this ineffable, Imperial, great Signal    Divine name; Saday;    his numeral Attribute Yesod;    by the power, Efficacy,    Virtue thereof; we Servants also of the Same your God,    by the Strength    force, of our faith,    hope in him, for Divine Assistance, grace,    Mercy herein, Do Earnestly Request, powerfully Invocate,    Confidently Move you,    Call you forth, to Visible Appearance, here before us, in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Or otherwise thereout here before us, as it shall please God, is given unto you So to Do, And Likewise to show Visibly Unto us, a foregoing Sign, or token  of your Appearance, O you Servants of Mercy, Gabriel    Levaniel,   c: And all Others, the  Celestial Ministering Angels,    Mediums of Divine Grace    Light, from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing Serving,    officiating In the Order of Angels, Move (we say)    by the  Superior power    permission,    in the Name of the highest, Descend, Appear,    Visibly show your Self or Selves, jointly    severally,    Respectively, unto us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us, or otherwise, out of the Same, as it shall please God, to permit and Appoint you,    to show us a preceding Sign thereof,    by your Mediate Angelical inspiration, Information,     Chief teachings, to Instruct, help, Aid,    Assist us, both at this time, present,    also at all Other times,    places, whensoever    wheresoever, we shall Move    Call you forth, to Visible Appearance,   to our Assistance, in whatsoever truths, or Subject Matter, or things, Appertaining thereunto, in all Wisdom And true Science, both Celestial   Terrestrial,   c: that shall be Necessary for us,   also as any Other Emergent Condition or occasion Shall duly    properly Require, to the Advancement,   Setting forth of God’s Glory,   the improvement of our Welfare, Comfort , benefit, of our Worldly,   temporal, Estate,   Condition, whilst, we yet Live,    likewise, in all Such Matters or things whatsoever Else, that shall be Necessary for us, to Know   Enjoy, Even beyond what we are Able to Ask or think, which the Almighty Giver of all good gifts, Shall in his bountiful   paternal mercy be graciously pleased, hereby to give you: to reveal   show forth unto us, or Otherwise to bestow upon us, O ye great Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, Gabriel,    Levaniel,    all others ye Celestial Angels, of the Order of Angels, Mediums of Divine Grace,   Mercy, Ministers of true Light   Understanding,   Servants of the most high God, particularly Recited   spoken of, Moved Invocated,   Called forth, to Visible Appearance as aforesaid, Descend, (we say)    by Divine power    Superior emission, Some one or More of you, Appear Visibly here before us , as it shall please God    be friendly unto us,    in your Respective offices; Do for us as for the servants of the most high God, Whereunto we move you all jointly,    Severally, in power    presence, whose Works, shall be a song of honour,    the praise of your God, in your Creation Amen.

9th Replication

O you Glorious Angels, or Blessed Intelligences, who by name is Called Gabriel,    Levaniel    all others the Sacred Celestial Angels of the Order of Angels, Residing    located, by Mansion proper in that Orb or Sphere of Heaven, Called Luna or the Moon, particularly Recited, Mentioned, Moved    Called forth, to Visible Appearance, as in the foregoing, Invocation, is    hath been of us, lately,    more at Large Rehearsed, Earnestly Solicited, Supplicated,    humbly Requested, by the Virtue power force    Efficacy, whereof,    by all the Royal Words    Sentences therein Contained, and Also by the great Mighty, powerful    Excellent Name of the most high God Saday,    his numeral Attribute Yesod; or Otherwise, by the truest    most Especial name of your God: we the Servants also of the highest, Reverently present in his holy fear, Attending his Divine grace, Mercy,    good pleasure, paternally Unto us herein, Do by the Strength    power of our faith hope    Confidence in our God,    our Confirmation in his holy Spirit, Dignifying us with Superior power,    perfection, humbly Entreat    Earnestly, request    powerfully move you, O you great Angels, or blessed Intelligences from the Superior to the Inferior, in general    particular, Every    Each one for    by it Self, Respectively by Degrees, Nature    office, Residing    being in the Mansion, or first heaven, Orb, or Sphere, of the planet or Star Called Luna or the moon,    Serving, the Commands of the highest, in the Order or Hierarchy, of Angels Called Angels; move therefore, O ye great,    glorious Angels, Gabriel,    Levaniel; or some one or more, or Either of you, O ye Sacred Celestial Angels, of the Order of Angels, by Degree Nature    office;    by the Virtue, power,    Efficacy, of all Aforesaid, Descend,    Appear Visibly here before us,    unto us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or Otherwise out of the Same, here before us, as it shall please God,    also you his Messengers of Divine Grace    mercy,    to show forth plainly unto us, Some Remarkable Sign or token, foregoing your Coming    Appearance    be friendly unto us,    Do for us as for the Servants of the highest, whereunto in his name, we, Do, Again, Earnestly Request,    move you, both in power    presence; Whose friendship unto us herein,    works shall be a song of honour,    the praise of your God In your Creation Amen.

Figure 20: Seal of Gabriel from Harley MS 6482 f. 277v

The Tenth Key [Issim] 

Moving and calling forth to Visible appearance the Celestial Hierarchy of [Heros] or Choir of Blessed Souls whose Principal Governor is (Issim) or the Soul of (Messiah) in the order of (Animastick) or the (Heros) residing in that Sphere using their Estates, in the Sphere of the Elements.

O Thou glorious great Sacred, Celestial Angel called Sut N: That fell before and belonging to that order of (Animastick) or Choir of Blessed Souls Whose principal Governor is (Issim) or the Soul of (Messiah) bearing Obedience to Animastick Order from the Superior to the Inferior by divine Commands appointments residing in the order of (Heros) or choir of blessed Souls    bearing Office Rule and Power in that Sphere of the Elements We Servants of the highest reverently here present in his holy fear do call upon you Sut N: humbly requesting and entreating you to move to visible Apparition in by    through that full Command of your Principal Governor (Issim) or the Soul of (Messiah) commanding you without any delay lingering or tarrying but at this instant give up descend and Come away as you will answer the contrary upon the highest of Misdomeaure[?], to your principal King and Governor (Issim) who in the Imperial highest Heaven before whence all the Hosts and Choir of (Heros) blessed    [Saules] incessantly Singeth (O map-pa-la- man-Hallelujah) belonging to that (Anamastick order) who created heaven Commandeth Earth    Hell    Sealed also by the Imperial Diadem, Which is his great    holy Name (Marinata Abim Jega) being the most High and only King    Governor of Heaven (Issim) by him being permitted to Us The true Knowledge of Knitting together of natures    also the destruction of Natures    of things that may perish, as of Conjoining   > knitting them together moving from Place to place as into this Country or that Country at pleasure the Knowledge of Mechanical [Crafts] The Knowledge of Physick of all Elemental Creatures amongst us How many kinds there are    their Virtues    use in the Creation as they are severally placed Move therefore Move therefore Move therefore (Move I say)    by all aforesaid descend even at this very instant and plainly in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle    perform all attending to order and all that Shall be required and asked of you Being fully Commanded    charged upon you by your Principal King    Governor (Issim) Of Sut N: residing    bearing Office Rule and Power in that Sphere of the Elements of the Animasticall order of (Heros) or choir of blessed Souls being therefore Commanded by the Great (Magrislodarpe) by Ogim Osi who by Interpretation is (Issim) or the Soul of (Messiah) by whose power being Commanded you must obey and serve Us in all Mundane affairs and Concerns whatsoever (For why) we are servants of the same your God    true Worshipers of the Highest whose Works herein Shall be a Song of Honour    the Praise of your God in your Creation. Amen.

The Tenth Key [alternative version] 

Moving    calling forth to Visible appearance the Celestial Hierarchy of Heroes or Choir of Blessed Souls of the order of Animastick whose Principal governor or Blessed Intelligence is Issim or the Soul of Messiah Residing    bearing Rule in the Sphere of the Elements.

O You Glorious great Sacred and Celestial Angels or Blessed Intelligences Jereceue And Mitraton  whose principal governing Angel or Blessed Intelligence is Issim    all Others ye Celestial Angels or servants of the most high omnipotent Incomprehensible immense Immortal    Eternal God of host[s] the only Creator of heaven    Earth    of all things whatsoever Both Celestial    Elemental Animal Vegetable Mineral    Reptile or Insect that is Contained    Comprehended therein    that Serve before the most high    Excellent honoured Angels Hajoth, Hakadosch as ministering Angels present always at his most high Superior    Divine Commands and Appointments in the Order of Animastick or Choir of Blessed Souls and Residing in the tenth heaven,   > bearing office Rule    power in the sphere of the Elements We Servants also of the Highest    Reverently here present in his holy fear Do Call upon you    humbly Request    Earnestly Entreat you    move you to Visible appearance In by    through this most Excellent Ineffable great mighty Signal Sacred    Divine name of the most high God Issim    his numeral attribute Malcuth who Sitteth in the most Imperial    highest heaven before whom all the hosts or Choir of Angels Incessantly Singeth O Mappadaman Hallelujah who created Heaven    Earth in Six Days and all things that therein is    he Saw that all that he had Done was good    he Rested from his labours    he Blessed all that he had Done    Sealed the Same in his most high great    holy name Marinata Abintjeja as the most high    only God of heaven    Lord of hosts the maker of time    by the Seal of your creation being the mark or Character of holiness unto you 85 by the Occult Mystery    Secret Virtue Efficacy    Influence thereof Dignifying    Confirming you in Orders office name nature    Corporality with Divine Celestial Angelical immortal Eternal    Sublime Excellency glory power purity perfection goodness    love first unto the Service of the most high God    his Divine Laws    Commands    nextly unto the Charge Care Conduct Council Comfort Benefit    Assistance of his Servants the Sons of men Living on Earth to inspire Instruct    guide them unto the Knowledge    way of truth and all true physical    Metaphysical Sciences, Either Immediately from the holy Ghost, unto more choice Vessels of honour or Mediately by Divine Grace,    permission, from your Self or Selves, unto the Sons of men Servants of God Dwelling on Earth, whensoever you Shall be of them Invocated Called forth    thereby moved to descend,    appear unto them   c: by all aforesaid    by the great Signal Virtue, power Dignity Excellency    Efficacy thereof both immediately Primary    Mediately Secondary by Respective mediums of Divine light Grace    mercy    accordingly Dependent    So thereby flowing    accordingly Defusing, by Several Emanations proper a Symbolising power    Virtue from the Superior to the Inferior we Do humbly beseech Earnestly Request Command Constrain    move you Jereceue    Mitraton to visible appearance being Located    bearing Rule in the Sphere of the Elements together with all Others who is under the Command of your principal governor Issim in the Order of Anamastick in general    particular Jointly    Severally Every    Each one by office Respectively to gird up and gather your Selves together Some one or more of you (as it shall please God)   c: by Divine permission to move    Descend from your Celestial mansion or place of Residence into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle    therein to appear visibly unto us    we also Entreat you would be graciously pleased in and through the Same to transmit your true Angelical    Real presence plainly unto the Sight of our Eyes,    your Voices unto our Ears that we may plainly    Visibly See you    Audibly hear you Speak unto us, or Otherwise to appear out of the Same; as it Shall please God    you his Servants of Divine Grace    Messengers of mercy Seemeth most meet proper pertinent    best befitting this Action, Appearance Occasion or Matter,    to Show plainly    Visibly unto us a foregoing Signal or test of your Appearance And we do also yet further humbly Beseech Earnestly Entreat,    undeniably Request    move you O Jereceue    Mitraton to move Descend    appear    personally to give your presence Move I Say from your place of Residence from that mansion Orb    Sphere of the Elements in the Office    order of Animastick In by and through this Divine Signal Mighty    powerful name of your God Issim and his numeral attribute Malcuth And the great Efficacy Virtue Excellency, power prevalence    Superiority thereof, to Gird up and gather your Selves together Every   > Each one jointly    by it Self Respectively    Severally to moveft Descend from your Celestial Mansion or place of Residence Apparently Visible to the Sight of our Eyes into this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us as being Set for that purpose or Otherwise unto us    before us out of the Same as it shall please God    you his Servants of Divine Light Grace    mercy Seemeth most meet,    best befitting this Action And to show forth a preceding Sign of your Appearance    to be friendly unto us    by your Angelical Benevolency, celestial Illumination favourable Assistance: familiar Society, Mutual Correspondence Verbal Converse Continual Community    Sacred Instructions, both now    at this time present, and at all Other times to inform    Rightly Direct our more weak depraved Stupid    Ignorant intellect judgements    understandings And to Conduct us by your Angelical Instincts    Archidoctions in to the luminous pathway of Truth, leading unto    giving Entrance into the ports, Cities    palaces of wisdom    true science    to make us partakers of undefiled Knowledge without whose Angelical Guide    Spiritual Conduct blessed assistance    Benevolent Advertisements it is very Difficult if not impossible for us or any mortal on Earth to find or Obtain,    to be Esteemed worthy of Entrance into with testimony wherefore we humbly Entreat    move you O Jereceue Mitraton,    all Others ye president    Inferior Angels servants of the most high God Residing    officiating in the Sphere of the Elements In the order or Hierarchy of Animasticks who all Obediently Serve and Readily fulfil, his Omnipotent Decrees    commands in his Divine Dispensations    Appointments According to your General respective offices, in by    through this his Ineffable Imperial great Signal    Divine name Issim    his numeral attribute Malcuth    by the power Efficacy    Virtue thereof we Servants also of the Same your God    by the strength    force of our faith    hope in him for Divine Assistance Grace    mercy herein Do Earnestly request powerfully Invocate    Confidently move you    Call you forth to Visible Appearance here before us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle or Otherwise thereout here before us as it shall please God is given unto you So to Do: And likewise to Show Visibly unto us a foregoing Sign or test of your Appearance, O you Servants of mercy Jereceue    Mitraton Residing Serving    officiating in the sphere of the elements (Move we Say) and by Superior power    permission    in the name of the highest Descend appear    Visibly show your Self or Selves jointly    Severally    Respectively unto us in this Crystal Stone or Glass Receptacle Standing here before us or Otherwise out of the Same as it shall please God to permit    Appoint you    to show us a preceding Sign thereof And by your Mediate Angelical Inspiration Information or Chief teaching to instruct help aid    assist us both a this time present    also at all Other times    places whensoever    wheresoever we Shall move,    call you forth to Visible Appearance    to our Assistance in whatsoever truths or Subject matter or things Appertaining thereunto in all wisdom    true Sciences, both Celestial    Terrestrial   c: that Shall be necessary for us And also as any Other Emergent Occasion shall Duly    properly require to the advancement    Setting forth of God’s Glory,    the Improvement of our Welfare; Comfort    benefit of our worldly    temporal Estate    Condition whilst we yet live And likewise all Such matters or things whatsoever Else that shall be necessary for us to Know    Enjoy Even beyond what we are able to ask or think which the almighty giver of all good gifts Shall in his bountiful    paternal mercy be graciously pleased hereby to give you to Reveal    Show forth unto us or Otherwise to bestow upon us O ye great Angels    intelligences Jereceue    Mitraton Residing Locating    bearing Rule in the Sphere of the Elements and all Others ye Celestial Angels of the Order of Anamastick Medium of Divine grace    mercy Ministers of true light    understanding    Servants of the most high God particularly Recited    Spoken of Invocated moved   , Called forth to Visible Appearance (as aforesaid) Descend (we say)    by the power of Superior Emission Some one or more of you Appear Visibly here before us as shall please God    be friendly unto us,    in your respective offices, Do for us, as for the Servants of the most high God whereunto we move you all jointly    Severally in power    presence whose works Shall be a Song of honour    the praise of your God in your Creation. Amen

Part 3 - The Demon Princes

On the Devils and Demon Princes 

There are many spirits, that are said to be by nature Evil,    not only Envious    Enemies to man    his felicity, but adverse to all goodness whatsoever: and yet have been by magicians of former times (Living in Remote    far Countries from us in England and these parts) brought to a Communication, and a Kind of familiarity, with them, whereby their offices    natures have been Discovered, but it hath not been Common among men, Especially the meanest Capacities,    therefore not at all practiced, neither is it fit to be practiced by any Sober philosopher, unless to Satisfy his Curiosity, because of their Turbulence, But yet they are many times called upon, to bind    constrain other Spirits, to Do their offices, which is not at all offensive hurtful or obnoxious, therefore they may be Invocated in Such cases   c: we shall mention Some thereof, because of Discerning the Difference thereof,    therein let the magick Philosopher use his Discretion   c: There are three spirits Called Devils, or infernal spirits, whose names are mentioned in holy writ, namely Lucifer, Beelzebub,    Sathan, therefore as they stand recorded in the Sacred Scriptures, we shall hint at something of them,    no more.

Lucifer is a great spirit, and may not be Invocated nor Called from his Orders, yet by him as by Tantavalerion other spirits may be adjured and bound, for all sprits that are by nature evil, or at least more malign, than usually many Aerial    Terrestrial powers are, such are treated of before, do with a Kind of majesty, Worship    obey him: for this Reason he many not be called upon, Except to Constrain other Subservient spirits to fulfil the Commands    Requests of the Invocant in any Reasonable thing.

The next is Beelzebub who is a great prince (and it is said that before the fall, he was of the order of Cherubims) and 1000000 spirits do minister unto him. He appeareth very beautiful,    giveth to them that call him Gold    Silver and maketh them Expert in Science, he appeareth well for half an hour:    giveth to Each Demand a true Answer, He giveth a servant or Familiar, which will be faithful    obedient, During a man’s Life, whoso Calleth him must have Tears of Amber, Lignum Aloes mastic   c:    invocate towards the east, in Verbis Conceptis wherein he must be importunately and Earnestly Urged, to Do his office, who then at Length will obey.

he third spirit is called Sathan, who was before his fall of the order of Cherubims,    it is Said that because he fell not of his own will, therefore he abideth obscurely in the Air, and so is called the prince of the Air, under whom are four Princes or Kings, bearing Rule in the Air,    have power given    permitted them, to coruscate and Disturb the Air, whereby many Mischiefs befall the Earth, Doing great hurt, and it was this spirit that tempted our forefathers in the Wilderness to Disobedience.

The four Kings of the Air Ruling under Sathan, together with their Councillors    messengers are named as followeth, under whom again are numberless of subservients.













Neopheyn, Barbas, Sebarbas, Alilgon, Gordonizer Lame, Vassago, Othey, Um, Anaboth, Aleche, Berith, Mala

Baal, Temel, Belfarto (or Belferit) , Belferth, Belial, Bawson, Rombulence (or Ramblane), Alphasis, Emlon, Ocarbidaton, Madicon

Oriens King of the East, appeareth with an hundred    two hundred Legions, having a fair Effeminate Countenance,    a goodly Crown upon his head, riding upon an Elephant, having trumpets, Sahlams    much Minstrels of Diverse Instruments going before him,    when he is called he Cometh with other great Kings; but if he be called, alone, then he appeareth in the very likeness of a Royal Horse; He telleth the truth of all things present, past    to Come; giveth money, teacheth Sciences, Confereth Books, and willingly giveth answers to all Demands    Questions, He knoweth all Experiments, and hath power to teach them; There is a King under Oriens, whose name is Baal, whose office is to teach all manner of Sciences, and maketh a man to go Invisible,    hath under him 250 Legions, who so acteth by this Royal Spirit Oriens, must direct his Countenance    actions towards the east, and at the first Constrain the spirit Temel, who is messenger of the East as followeth - first invocating for the aid and Assistance of Oriens,   c: of which Invocation an example hereafter followeth in the practice of Hochma.

O thou spirit who art called Temel, Messenger of the east, I adjure, call upon, bind, command and Constrain thee, by the power, Dignity    authority of the Great and Royal Prince Oriens, the supreme Head of your Hierarchy, I adjure, Command, constrain    in the name,    by the Supremacy of your Orders, I powerfully    Earnestly Urge thee, O thou spirit Temel, Messenger of the East, to appear    show thy self Visible, affable, and in all mildness    serenity here before us,    in no wise turbulent, hurtful or terrible unto us, or any other Creature whatsoever, upon the Earth, but come ye peaceably, Quickly    in all plainness    humility,    give me true    faithful Answers and Resolves, readily and willingly, of my demands    desires, courteously fulfilling my Request, in all things (according to your Order    office) without Delay, fraud, illusion or other deceitful crafts or impositions whatsoever, that may in any wise so hinder, oppose or obstruct my Expectations in the Least, move therefore.

This Conjuration being Repeated nine times, and if he appeareth not, then proceed with the Conjuration following,    Rehearse It several times; and herein Act with Care    order, by returning again, to that above,    then again to this below, according to discretion.

O you spirit, Belfarto or Belferit, who art the messenger of the King of the East, I Exorcise, adjure, bind, Command and Constrain thee,

in and through the name of our almighty and Heavenly God, creator of heaven    Earth,    of his only begotten Son Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary, the Redeemer of the World,    our only Mediator    advocate with the Father, of all power mercy    goodness, in whose names all the choir of Celestial Angels Rejoice, before whom they Incessantly Sing, O mappa laman Hallelujah, and at whose names all Knees upon Earth Do bow, and all the Aerial Terrestrial and Infernal Host of spirits Do fear    tremble, wherefore I do again adjure, bind, command    Constrain you, O you spirit Belfarto, or Belferit, and I also potently and powerfully urge    Enforce you, in the name, and by the Dignity and Authority of your prince Oriens, and the head of your Hierarchy    orders, that now presently, and without tarrying or delay, that you Enforce the Same spirit, which is called Temel, to appear Visibly, affably and peaceably here before me, and no ways Turbulent, hurtful or terrible to me, or any other creature, and that he may faithfully, humbly, obediently, readily and willingly Do my Commandment and fulfil my Desires in all things, according to his office, wherein he may obey without any test, hindrance, tarrying, tarrying, delay, illusion, fraud, or any other Crafty Deceits or Devices whatsoever, that may oppose, obstruct or deceive me, in my present    future expectations; all which I Constrain and Command thee, O thou Spirit Belfarto, or Belferit, in    through in 8s through the mighty    binding name Tetragrammaton, Jehovah,   c:

Amaymon is a King of the South, He is great    mighty, and appeareth in the Similitude of an old man, with a great Bear; His hair like to horse hair,    hath a bright Crown on his head, and Rideth on a fierce Lion, usually roaring at the first appearance; and shaking a Rod in his hands, his ministering spirits going before him, with all manner of musical Instruments, with him Cometh other three Kings, who are Emlon, Ocarbidaton, and Madicon, being messengers to the King of the South, he cometh with a great Company and very obscurely   c: He giveth a true Answer to all Demands, 8s maketh a man wonderful Cunning and deport, in all Learning, Philosophy    Ars Notoria, he giveth the best acquaintance with nobility,    Confirmeth the Doings thereof (as Dignity, promotion,  c: he may be detained one hour:   c: and but no Longer   c: And when you go to act by this spirit Amaymon, Direct your Self    Countenance to the South, first Invocating    Constraining the spirit Emlon, after the same manner as is before Explained, in the Constraint of the spiritual messengers of the East, under Oriens (viz) Temel and Belfarto, using the same Invocations, only alternating the spirit’s names, and then adjuring the other Spirits, Ocarbidaton and Madicon, as before.

Paimon is King of the West, he appeareth at first somewhat terrible    speaketh with a Hoarse Voice, but being Constrained by a Divine Power, he then taketh the form of a Soldier, and when he Cometh to the presence of the Invocant, is oft times apt to Cavill    make variance, He Rideth upon a dromedary, or a Camel, which is Crowned with a Bright crown,    hath the Countenance of a woman, before goeth a Band of ministering spirits, with all Kind of musical Instruments, And when he appeareth, Let the Invocant Cast a paper to him, wherein is Inscribed, that he shall speak plainly    Distinctly, so that the Master may Understand what he sayeth, And with him Cometh five other principal or regal Spirits, who are Balserth the messenger to the King of the west, and Belial a King, And Baroson a King, and Rombulence or, Ramblane, and Alphasis, they may appear from the 8th hour to the 12th   c: It is also here to be observed, that the spirit Alphasis, is first to be Called upon, and Constrained by Invocation, as is to be understood before in the first Temel, and then, and then afterwards the Regal Spirits Belial, Baroson, Rombulence, Or Ramblane, according to the example of the spirit Belfarto, before Recited.

Egyn is King of the North, he appeareth in the Likeness of a man, his face very fair and Clear, his nostrils very sharp like a sword.

The Practice that all is Hochma,   c; - made use of, by the above named four Kings, Oriens, Paymon, Egyn and Amaymon, is as followeth.

First, the four Kings, and their Particular Presidential Councillors, when directly Called upon, from their Several    respective Orders or mansions, to send such a spirit as was Nominated   c: to effect    fulfil all such proposals, as should be demanded, all which is [done] thus.

O thou great    potent spirit Oriens, King of the East,    bearing Rule Command In the East Region of the Air, I adjure, call upon   Constrain, and most powerfully and Earnestly urge you, by   in, and through the virtue power   might of these Efficacious    binding names, Tetragrammaton, Jehovah, Adonay, Agla, El, Sabaoth, Elohim, Even the Almighty, Immense Incomprehensible   Everliving God, the omnipotent Creator of heaven   Earth,   in   through the names of our Lord   Saviour Jesus Christ, Messias, Sother, Emanuel, the only Begotten Son of god the father, bom of the Virgin Mary, the High King    Lord of all the world, whose name all the Celestial Angels honour    obey, and before whom all the holy Company and Choir of heaven, Incessantly Sing O Mappa laman Hallelujah and at whose Divine    inestimable name, all Knees on Earth do homage and bow, and all the Aerial terrestrial and Infernal spirits Do fear   .tremble, And now by all aforesaid I do now again powerfully adjure, call upon, constrain    most Earnestly urge you O you great    mighty spirit Oriens, King of the East Quadrant of the Air, in and through the most Effectual glorious Sacred    puissant names of him who sayeth it is Done, that now Immediately without further tarrying, or delay, you do Send or Cause to be Sent forth without delay the spirit, Marage or any other from your Order, and to appear visibly, plainly, peaceably, affably in all serenity and humility here apparently to my Sight and view, and positively effectually faithfully, and fully to serve me and to Resolve me in such Queries,    Interrogations, as I Shall ask require    Demand of him,    to fulfil my Requests, and Do my Commandments in all things, according to his office, wherein he may or can, as I shall desire of him,    that without any Delay, Guile, Deceit or other illusions whatsoever, that may In any wise hinder, oppose, obstruct or destroy our Expectations. And I do again Earnestly Importune, adjure, Urge and Constrain you, O you powerful    Regal spirit Oriens, to send forthwith immediately, and now at this present time to me, and to appear plainly Visible before me, the spirit Marage, or some other from your orders or mansions, in all mildness, peace    friendliness, without any hurt, Disturbance, or any other Evil whatsoever, Either to me, or this place, wherein I am, or any other place, Person or creature whatsoever, but that Quietly Courteously   > obediently to serve me    fulfil my Desires,    do my Commandments in all things wherein he may,   c: All which I Earnestly Urge    Constrain thee, O thou Royal and potent spirit Oriens: to do for me in Nomine Patri Filius et Spiritus Sancti.

Let this Constraint be uttered three times, then proceed to the following Exorcism, and Say that Seven or nine times, then Go again to that above, which order observe for two or three hours, or as Occasion shall Require   c:

O thou spirit Marage, I adjure, call upon, bind Constrain and Command thee by the Authority    Dignity of thy prince    head of thy Hierarchy, unto whom thou owest honour    obedience,    by the truest and most Especial name of your master, Commanding the Order and mansion wherein you Inhabit    Reside, I do adjure, Command, constrain    Earnestly urge thee, O thou spirit Marage, to appear, and show thy Self Visibly and affably in all Serenity    meekness here before me, in a fair    Decent form, and in no wise turbulent, hurtful or terrible unto me, or the place wherein I am, or to any other place or Creature whatsoever,, or where such Places come you peaceably,    in all humility,    show thy Self plainly    visibly here before me, to my full view    Eye sight, speaking plainly,    to be understood, giving me faithful    free true answers to all my demands and readily doing my Command according to your office, wherein you may or Can, without any Illusion, or other fraudulent Deceptions whatsoever that lead to the Circumvention of my present Experiment or at all in the Least Destructive to my hopes and Expectations, move therefore, prepare ye    Come away, Show thy self, and make no long tarrying or Delay, and Do for me as for the Servant of the Highest.



Mirage or Baal





be invocated,



of the




him send


Now by Changing the names of the spirits, and the Angle from whence they are Called upon, Respect being had to the other three, as is Exemplified in the Regal spirit Oriens, whose Invocation in this last Experiment of my Hochma, may Serve also for those that are just next foregoing, and to be placed before the Invocation of the spiritual messenger Temel, and that of Paymon, to go before the Constraint of Alphasis, and the Invocation of Amaymon, to proceed the Call of Emlon, so that altering each name in Every several and respective Invocation, and observing the Aerial Angle, or Quarter, East, West, North,    South,    so Invocating according to art, you Can rarely Err or Do amiss   c.

There are other names, by which these four regal Spirits are Known,    have been Invocated,    been brought to familiarity    verbal Community by the L:C.E of S3 as:






King of




by the







they are Called






3 L:C.E of S might be a clue to the identity of the group of angel magicians using these MSS.

The Four Demon Princes 

[Operations of the East Angle of the Air ]

Operations of the East Angle of the Air by Invocation made to the Regal Spirit Orients , who is the King    Ruler of the Same for the moving and  calling forth of all, or any of Such, Aerial Spirits by name Order and office of what Degrees  soever from the Superior to the Inferior to Visible Appearance   c.

O You Royal Spirit of great power who art Called Orients,    said to be King of the East Angle, Region or Mansion of the Air    governing, or bearing Rule therein over many Legions of Aerial Spirits Subjected with you, unto    under the power Obedience    Command of that great and Mighty Spirit Called Sathan who is Said to be the prince of the Air    to govern the  four Angles Regions Divisions or mansions there of East West North and South    unto whom power and Command is given over all Spirits having place, Residence or mansion therein as by the preordinate Decree of the most high God the only Creator of heaven and Earth,    of all things whatsoever is Contained in the Creation is Constituted    appointed. O ye Regal Spirit Orients King of the East Region, or Angle of the Air, Being governed    governing as aforesaid, we the servants of the most high God Reverently here present in his holy fear being Dignified Armed and Supported in the holy Trinity, through Divine grace with Celestial power    Authority given unto our first parents in the Creation, at the Beginning of Time    by Lineal descent from them to us,    all posterity, or Succeeding generations, as the heirs of Gods promise    grace: Even to the utmost period thereof,     by the name of your God    in the name of your prince or head of your Orders    by your Seal or Character, preordinately Decreed of the most High God Confirming, Subjecting    binding you, by Orders and office unto Strict Obedience first to the fulfilling of his Divine will    pleasure, both at his mediate    Immediate Commandments    appointments; Secondly unto the Command Service    Obedience of your prince or head of your Orders as in place Degree    office Appointed; Thirdly, as well unto the Service, Obedience, and assisting of the Sons of Men, Servants of the most high God, now living on Earth, according to your Orders,    office as to tempt    Subvert them from their Allegiance to the Divine laws    Duty to God, by your Evil    Crafty Insinuations    Delusions And by the Contents of all aforesaid;    by the power thereof, we Do Exorcise, Conjure, Command Compel Constrain    move you O you Regal Spirit who is Called Orients King of the East Angle of the Air together with these Royal great    powerful presidential Spirits by name Called Neopheyn, Barbas, Sebarbas and Abigor,   all Other Superior Spirits bearing Command over the more inferior Servient    Subservient Spirits from Degree to Degree Residing and Serving under you in the East Region, Angle Division or mansion of the Air to command, Constrain    Compel this Spirit who by name is Called Belfarto or Belferit,    all other Spirits of great power bearing Rule in your Orders, or Mansion as aforesaid to serve and Assist us in all    Every Such of our Operations and affairs, according to their Orders    offices as we Shall by Certain invocations Request    Command them; And amongst the Rest to Command Constrain, Send or Enforce to Come    appear unto us Either or both of these Spirits who by name are Called Temel, who is said by office to be a messenger attending the Regal Spirit, Orients in the East Angle or mansion of the Air: And also the Spirit by name Called Marage who is Differently said to be a messenger, or familiar Spirit Subservient    Subject in Orders under Orients    Residing in the East Angle    Mansion of the Air, forthwith and immediately at our Invocation to move and Appear in fair and decent form,    in no wise hurtful, Dreadful, terrible or Affrightful unto us or this place or to any other person, or place what Soever, But in all humility,    Serenity, Visibly to the Sight of our Eyes: in Some one or Other of these Glass Receptacles standing here before us,    to make us true    faithful Answers unto all Such our Demands and Requests,    to fulfil and accomplish all Such our Desires, as we Shall by invocation Declare,    at Large in the Contents thereof Expressly Show forth    move unto them without Delay Delusion or Disturbance whereby to Surprise or Assault our Senses with fear and Amazements, or In any wise to Obstruct, or hinder the Effects of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts or Illusions whatsoever.

O ye Spirit of great power, who by name are Called Belfarto or Belferit, together with all Others Spirits of great power, Residing   

Bearing  Rule, in the East Angle, or Mansion of the Air under the Royal Spirit Orients, Who is Said to be King   > principal Governor thereof next under the more Superior Spirit Sathan, the prince of the Air    governing in the four Angles thereof East West North and South, with their principal Kings    all other Spirits from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing,    Bearing office according to Each   Every of their Several Respective Degrees    as wherein they are by Divine Appointment now Orderly placed.  Know ye then O ye Spirit Belfarto or Belferit together with all Others ye Regal 8g Superior Spirits, by Orders   > office, governing    bearing Command over Others the Subservient    Inferior Spirits, from Degree to Degree in the East Angle, or Mansion of the Air, we the servants of the most high God being Dignified, Armed fortified    Supported through Divine Grace, in the holy Trinity with Celestial power, 8g Authority Do in the name of your God, 8g of your high prince Sathan and of your prince Orients the Supreme head of your Orders, 8g by Every 8g Each ofyou[r] Several 8g Respective Seals, or Characters; 8g the Virtues 8g power thereof Exorcise Conjure, Command, Constrain 8g   Call forth, 8g move you, O ye Spirit by name as aforesaid Belfarto or Belferit, together with all Others the Superior Spirits Governing by Orders 8g office, as before is said; to Command Constrain and Compel the Spirits by name Called Temel, who is Said to be a messenger, under the great Spirit Orients King of the East Angle, or Mansion of the Air And also the Spirit who by name is Called Marage who is Differently Said to be a messenger, or familiar Spirit, Subservient, 8g Subject also in Orders under Orients, and Residing in the East Angle or Mansion of the Air: (or any other Spirit or Spirits residing in the East Angle or Mansion of the Air) (as aforesaid) immediately 8g forthwith at our present Invocations, to move 8g Appear, in fair and Decent form, not in any wise hurtful, Dreadful terrible, or Affrightful, unto us, or to this place or to any Other person or place whatsoever but to Come and appear in all humility 8g Serenity in these Glass Receptacles or any one of them, Set for that purpose here before us, being one usual way of Receiving 8g Enclosing of Spirits to the Visible Sight, Service and Assistance of the Sons of men; And to show true 8g Visible Signs unto us of their Coming and Appearance or Otherwise to appear out of them, Visibly here before us, as shall be most Beneficial 8g best Convenient for us in all, or any Such our operations 8g affairs as the Necessity thereof Shall Require and as accordingly Shall in anywise properly Appertain to their Orders 8g offices, 8g to make true 8g faithful Answers, unto us Speaking plainly, So as that we may hear and understand them, And also to fulfil perform    accomplish unto us,    to Serve    assist us in all,    Every Such our Commands,    Requests (as in the Contents of our Invocation, Shall be more at Large Declared,    Expressly Showed forth unto them) without Delay, Delusion or Disturbance whereby to Surprise or Assault our Senses, with fear and amazements or in any wise to Obstruct, or hinder the Effects, of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts or illusions whatsoever.

O ye Spirit, who is called Temel    Said to be by office  a messenger under the Regal Spirit Orients in the East Angle of the Air and also ye Spirit by name Called Marage, who is or may be Differently Said to be a Messenger, or familiar Spirit Serving also amongst many other Subservient or familiar Spirits, in the East Angle of the Air under the Royal Spirit Orients, King    governor thereof; we the Servants of the Highest, Do in the name of your God    by the power of your greatest,    highest governor, the prince of the Air set over    Commanding the four Angles East West North and South, with Every    Each of their Several    Respective Kings    likewise all Other Spirits bearing Rule    Serving therein, Even from the Highest or Superior Spirits by Degrees natures Orders    offices unto the more Inferior Subservients;    by your Seals or Characters, preordinately Decreed of the most high God, Confining, Subjecting    binding you by Orders    office unto Strict Obedience; first, to his Divine commandments; Secondly in Orders unto your Superiors;    thirdly unto the Service    Assistance, by your Orders    office of the Sons of men, now living on Earth,    by the Virtue power, influence,    Efficacy thereof    the Contents of all aforesaid; [we] Call forth    move you to Visible appearance - now then we the Servants of the most high God Do Exorcise, Conjure Command Compel, Constrain Call forth,    move you O you Spirits by name Temel    Marage, with all others ye Subservient Spirits    Every and Each of you in general    particular, jointly    Severally, for and by it Self, respectively, by what name Soever you or any of you are Called move then as we Know from the tradition of our predecessors that Serveth by Orders,    office, as you are by the preordinate Decree of the most high God Orderly    Gradually placed in the East Angle of the Air, as your Mansion or place of Residence    abode, accordingly appointed you to Visible appearance; Move therefore O ye Spirits by name, Temel    Marage,    Some one or Other of ye Subservient Spirits by Orders and office,    Residing in the East Angle, or Mansion of the Air Serving under Orients; (as aforesaid) And in the name of your God,    by the Contents of this invocation and the Constraining power,    force thereof, And appear ye or Some one or any of you , or Either of you by name Orders and office accordingly as we have herein    hereby Specified    Called you forth in fair and Decent form, And not in any wise hurtful Dreadful terrible or Affrightful unto us, or to this place or to any other place or person whatsoever, Visibly to the Sight of our Eyes in these Glass Receptacles or any of them, Standing here before us, as being one usual way, or formal accustomary method, or manner of Receiving and enclosing Spirits, or Otherwise to appear out of them in like manner and Decent form and Shape (as aforesaid) in all humility and Serenity, Visibly here Before us    to Show forth unto us true and Visible Signs foregoing your Coming and appearance; and to make us  true and faithful Answers unto all these and Every Such Other our Demands    Requests, as lyeth here before us    as we Shall yet further propose not here inserted, Speaking plainly and hereas  that we may hear    understand you,    not only to Reveal Discover Make Known,    Show forth unto us the Very truth    Certainty thereof, but also to Serve    assist us,    to fulfil and accomplish for us whatsoever we shall according to your Orders    offices Desire and Command you: Move therefore O ye Spirits, Temel,    Marage, or Some one, or any, or more of you Subservient Spirits  or Spirits not now of us named in this present invocation, move then by Orders    office Residing in the East Angle of the Air prepare ye,    by the power    Efficacy of all aforesaid, Come away and immediately Appear Visibly here before us in Such manner and form, as we have before Specified, without further Delay Delusion or Disturbance whereby to Surprise, or Assault our Senses with fear and amazements, or in any wise to Obstruct or hinder the Effects, of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts or Illusions whatsoever.

[Operations of the West Angle of the Air]

Operations of the West Angle of the Air by Invocation made to the Regal Spirit Paymon , who is the King    Ruler of the Same for the moving and calling forth of all, or any of Such Aerial Spirits, by name Order and office of what Degrees Soever from the Superior to the Inferior to Visible Appearance   c.

O You Royal Spirit of great power who art Called Paymon,    said to be King of the West Angle Region or Mansion of the Air    governing, or bearing Rule therein over many Legions of Aerial Spirits, Subjected with you, unto    under the power Obedience    Command of that great    Mighty Spirit Called Sathan who is Said to be the prince of the Air    to govern the four Angles Regions Divisions or mansions there of East West North and South    unto whom power and Command is given over all Spirits having place, Residence or mansion therein as by the preordinate Decree of the most high God the only Creator of heaven and Earth,    of all things whatsoever is Contained in the Creation, is Constituted    appointed. O ye Regal Spirit Paymon, King of the West Region, or Angle of the Air being governed    governing (as aforesaid) we the Servants of the most high God Reverently here present in his holy fear being Dignified, Armed and Supported in the holy Trinity, through Divine Grace, with Celestial power and Authority given unto our first parents in the Creation, at the Beginning of Time    by Lineal Descent from them to  us,    all posterity, or Succeeding generations, as the heirs of Gods promise    grace: Even to the utmost period thereof, Do by the Virtue power  Influence and Efficacy thereof     by the name of your God    in the name of your Prince or head of your Orders    by your Seal or Character, preordinately Decreed of the most High God Confining, Subjecting   binding  by Orders   office unto Strict Obedience first to the fulfilling of his Divine Will   pleasure both at his Mediate and Immediate Commandments   appointments Secondly unto the Command Service,   obedience of your Prince, or head of your Orders as in place Degree   office appointed; Thirdly as well unto the Service Obedience, and Assisting of the Sons of men Servants of the most high God, now living on Earth, according to your Orders   office as to tempt    Subvert them from their Allegiance to the Divine laws    Duty to ef God, by your Evil    Crafty insinuations    Delusions And by the Contents of all aforesaid    by the power thereof we Do Exorcise, Conjure, Command, Compel, Constrain    move you O ye Regal Spirit who is Called Paymon King of the West Angle of the Air together with these Royal, great    powerful presidential Spirits by name Called Gordonizer    Zeme:    all Other Superior Spirits bearing Command over the more Inferior Servient    Subservient Spirits from Degree to Degree Residing and Serving under you in the West Region, Angle Division or Mansion of the Air to command, Constrain    Compel these Spirits who by name are Called Alphasis    Rombulence or Ramblane; and all Other Spirits of great power bearing Rule in your Orders, or Mansion as aforesaid to Serve and assist us in all    Every Such of our Operations and affairs, according to their Orders    offices, as we Shall by Certain invocations, Request    Command them: and amongst the Rest to command Constrain, send or Enforce to Come    appear unto us Either or Both of these Spirits who by name are Called Belfeth, who is Said by office to be a messenger attending the Regal Spirit Paymon in the West Angle or Mansion of the Air; And also the Spirit by name Called Mirage who is Differently Said to be a messenger or familiar Spirit Subservient;    Subject in Orders under Paymon    Residing in the west Angle and Mansion of the Air forthwith and immediately at our Invocation to move and Appear in fair and decent form,    in no wise hurtful Dreadful, Terrible, or Affrightful unto us, or this place, or to any other person or place whatsoever, but in all humility    Serenity, Visibly to the Sight of our Eyes, in Some one or Other of these Glass Receptacles Standing here before us,    to make us true    faithful Answers unto all Such our Demands    Requests,    to fulfil and accomplish all Such our Desires, as we Shall by invocation Declare,    at Large in the Contents thereof, Expressly Show forth    move unto them without Delay, Delusion or Disturbance, whereby to Surprise or assault our Senses with fear and Amazements, or in any wise to Obstruct or hinder the Effects of these our present Operations, by any Subtle Crafts or Illusions whatsoever.

O ye Spirits, of great power, who by name art Called Alphasis    Rombulence or Ramblane, together with all Others Spirits of great power, Residing    bearing Rule in the west Angle, or mansion of the Air under the Royal Spirit Paymon, Who is Said to be King and Governor thereof, next under the more Superior Spirit Sathan, the prince of the Air,    governing in the 4 Angles thereof East West North and South, with their principal Kings,    all other Spirits from the Superior to the Inferior, Residing    bearing office according to Each    Every of their Several Respective Degrees,    as wherein they are by Divine Appointment now Orderly placed.  Know ye then O ye Spirits Alphasis,    Rombulence or Ramblane together with all Others ye Regal,    Superior Spirits, by Orders    office Governing and Bearing Command over Others the Subservient    inferior Spirits, from Degree to Degree in the west Angle or Mansion of the Air, we the Servants of the most high God being Dignified Armed fortified and Supported through Divine grace in the holy Trinity, with Celestial power    Authority, Do in the name of your God,    of your high prince Sathan, and of your prince Paymon the Supreme head of your Orders,    by Every    Each of your Several    Respective Seals or Characters    the Virtues    power thereof: Exorcise Conjure, Command Constrain,    Call forth    move you, O all ye Spirits by name as aforesaid Alphasis,    Rombulence or Ramblane, together with all Others, the Superior Spirits Governing by Orders and office as before is Said: to command Constrain,    Compel the Spirits by name Called Belferth, who is Said to be a Messenger, under the great Spirit Paymon King of the West Angle or Mansion of the Air And also the Spirit who by name is Called Mirage who is Differently Said to be a Messenger or familiar Spirit, Subservient,    Subject also in Orders under Paymon, and Residing in the west Angle or Mansion of the Air , (as aforesaid) immediately    forthwith, at our present invocation, to move and appear in fair and decent form, not in any wise hurtful, Dreadful terrible, or Affrightful, unto us, or to this place, or to any Other person or place whatsoever but to come and Appear in all humility    Serenity in these Glass Receptacles or any one of them, Set for that purpose here before us being one usual way of Receiving    enclosing of Spirits to the Visible Sight, Service and Assistance of the Sons of men;    to show forth true    Visible Signs unto us foregoing their Coming and Appearance or Otherwise to appear out of them, Visibly here before us, as shall be most Beneficial    Best Convenient for us, in all or any Such our Operations    Affairs, as the Necessity thereof Shall Require and as accordingly Shall in anywise properly appertain to their orders    office,   > to make true    faithful Answers unto us Speaking plainly so as that we may hear    understand them, And also to fulfil perform,    accomplish unto us,    to Serve   Assist us, in all   Every Such our commands   Requests (as in the Contents of our invocations, Shall be more at Large Declared    Expressly Showed forth unto them) without Delay, Delusion or Disturbance whereby to Surprise or Assault our Senses with fear and amazements, or in any wise to Obstruct or hinder the Effects, of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts or illusions whatsoever.

O ye Spirits, who art called Belferth and Said by office to be a Messenger under the Regal Spirit Paymon, in the West Angle of the Air and also ye Spirit by name Called Mirage, who is or may by Said Differently said to be a Messenger or familiar Spirit Serving also amongst many other Subservient or familiar Spirits in the West Angle of the Air under the Royal Spirit Paymon King    governor thereof; we the Servants of the Highest, Do in the name of your God,    by the power of your greatest    Highest governor, the prince of the Air Set over and Commanding the four Angles East west north and South with Every    Each of their Several    Respective Kings    likewise all Other Spirits bearing Rule and Serving therein Even  from the Highest or Superior Spirits by Degree natures Orders    offices unto the more  Inferior Subservients    by your Seals or Characters, preordinately Decreed of the most high God, Confining, Subjecting    binding you by Orders    office unto Strict Obedience first, to his Divine commandments; Secondly in Orders unto your Superiors;    thirdly unto the Service    Assistance by your Orders    office of the Sons of men, now living on Earth,    by the Virtue power, influence,    Efficacy thereof    the Contents of all aforesaid Call forth    move you to Visible appearance - now then we the Servants of the most high God Do Exorcise, Conjure Command Compel, Constrain Call forth,    move you O ye Spirits by name Belferth    Mirage, with all others ye Subservient Spirits    Every and Each of you in general    particular, jointly    Severally, for and by it Self, respectively, by what name Soever you or any of you are Called move then as we Know from the tradition of our predecessors that Serveth by Orders,    office, as you are by the preordinate Decree of the most high God Orderly    Gradually placed in the West Angle of the Air, as your Mansion or place of Residence    abode, accordingly appointed you to Visible appearance; Move therefore O ye Spirits by name, Belferth    Mirage,    Some one or Other of ye Subservient Spirits by Orders and office,    Residing in the West Angle, or Mansion of the Air Serving under Paymon; (as aforesaid) And in the name of your God,    by the Contents of this invocation and the Constraining power,    force thereof, And appear ye or Some and or any of you, or Either of you by name Orders and office accordingly as we have herein    hereby Specified    Called you forth in fair and Decent forms , And not in any wise hurtful Dreadful terrible or Affrightful unto us, or to this place or to any other place or person whatsoever, Visibly to the Sight of our Eyes in these Glass Receptacles or any of them, Standing here before us, as being one usual way, or formal accustomaiy method, or manner of Receiving and enclosing Spirits, or Otherwise to appear out of them in like  manner and Decent  form and Shape (as aforesaid) in all humility and Serenity, Visibly here Before us    to Show forth unto us time and Visible Signs foregoing your Coming and appearance and to make us true and faithful Answers unto all these and Every Such Other our Demands    Requests, as lyeth here before us    as we Shall yet further propose not here inserted, Speaking plainly and hereas  that we may hear    understand you,    not only to Reveal Discover Make Known,    Show forth unto us the Very truth    Certainty thereof, but also to Serve    assist us,    to ftilfil and accomplish for us whatsoever we shall according to your Orders    offices Desire and Command you: Move therefore O ye Spirits, Belferth    Mirage, or Some one, or any, or more of ye Subservient Spirit or Spirits not now of us named in this present invocation, move then by Orders    office Residing in the West Angle of the Air prepare ye,    by the power    Efficacy of all aforesaid, Come away and immediately Appear Visibly here before us in Such manner and form, as we have before Specified, without further Delay Delusion or Disturbance whereby to Surprise, or Assault our Senses with fear and amazements, or in any wise to Obstruct or hinder the Effects, of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts or Illusions whatsoever.

[Operations of the North Angle of the Air]

Operations of the North Angle of the Air by Invocation made to the Regal Spirit Egin : who is the King    Ruler of the Same, for the moving    calling forth of all, or any of Such Aerial Spirits by name Order and office of what Degree Soever, from the Superior to the inferior to Visible Appearance:   c.

O you Royal Spirit, of great power who art Called Egin    Said to be King of the north Angle Region or Mansion of the Air,    governing or Bearing Rule therein over many Legions of Aerial Spirits Subjected with you, unto    under the power Obedience    Command of that great    Mighty Spirit Called Sathan who is Said to be the prince of the  Air    to govern the four Angles, Regions, Divisions or mansions thereof East West North    South,    unto whom power    command is given over all Spirits having place Residence or Mansion therein as by the preordinate Decree of the Most High God the only Creator of Heaven    Earth:    of all things whatsoever is Contained in the Creation is constituted    Appointed - O ye Regal Spirit Egin King of the north Region or Angle of the Air, being governed    governing (as aforesaid) we the Servants of the most high God Reverently here present in his holy fear, being Dignified Armed    Supported in the holy Trinity, through Divine grace with Celestial power    Authority given unto our first parents in the Creation, at the Beginning of time;    by lineal Descent, from them unto us    all posterity or Succeeding Generations as the heirs of Gods promise    grace, Even to the Utmost period thereof Do by the Virtue Influence    Efficacy thereof,    by the name of your God,    in the name of your prince, or head of your Orders    by your Seal or Character preordinately Decreed of the most High God Confirming Subjecting    Binding you by orders    office unto Strict Obedience first to the fulfilling of his Divine Will    pleasure both at his mediate    immediate commandments    Appointments Secondly unto the command, Service    obedience of your Prince, or head of your Orders, as in place Degree    office Appointed, thirdly as well unto the Service Obedience    Assisting of the Sons of men, Servants of the most high God now living on Earth, according to your Orders    office, as to tempt    Subvert them from their Allegiance to the Divine laws    Duty to God by your Evil and Crafty Insinuations    Delusions    by the contents of all aforesaid    by the power thereof, we Do Exorcise Conjure Command Compel, Constrain    Move you O you Regal Spirit who is Called Egin King of the North Angle of the Air together with these Royal Great    powerful presidential Spirits by name Called Vassago , Othey, Um,   Anaboth    all Other Superior Spirits, bearing command over the more inferior Servient    Subservient Spirits from Degree to Degree Residing   Serving under you in the north Region Angle Division or Mansion of the Air to command Constrain    Compel all or any   Every of those or Such Spirits who are Said by office to be Messengers Serving under Egin:   Attending in the Angle, Region or Mansion of the North and all other Spirits bearing the like office Resident in the Region of the North in your Orders, or Mansion as aforesaid, to Serve   Assist us in all    Every Such of our Operations and affairs, according to such their Orders   offices as we Shall by Certain Invocations, Request and Command them,   amongst the Rest to command, Constrain, Send or Enforce to come   Appear unto us the Spirit by name Called Mirage who is Differently Said to be a Messenger or familiar Spirit Subservient   Subject in Orders under Egin, And Residing in the north Angle   Mansion of the Air forthwith   immediately at our Invocation to move   Appear in fair and decent form,   in no wise hurtful Dreadful terrible or Affrightful unto us or to this place, or to any Other person or place whatsoever, but in all humility   Serenity Visibly to the Sight of our Eyes in Some one or Other of these Glass Receptacles Standing here before us   to make us true and faithful Answers unto all Such our Demands   Requests,   to fulfil,   Accomplish all Such our Desires, as we Shall by invocation Declare   at large in the Contents thereof Expressly Show forth   move unto them without Delay Delusion or Disturbance whereby to Surprise or Assault our Senses with fear   Amazements, or in any wise to Obstruct or hinder the Effects of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts, or Illusions Whatsoever.

O all ye Spirits of great power, who by nature Degree,   office are Constituted   Appointed Messengers,   Serving under the Regal Spirit Egin,   other Superior presidential Spirits: Residing in the region Angle, Division or Mansion of the north Even from the Superior, by Orders   office proper:   bearing like power   command, Gradually to the more Inferior, together with all other Spirits of Great power Residing   bearing rule in the North Angle, or Mansion of the Air under the royal Spirit Egin: who is Said to be King   principal governor thereof, next under the more Superior Spirit Sathan: the prince of the Air   governing in the four Angles thereof East West North   South with their principal Kings   all other Spirits from the Superior to the Inferior, residing    Bearing office according to Each    Every of their Several respective Degrees    as wherein they are by Divine Appointment now Orderly placed, Know then O all ye Spirits Serving in    by office as Messengers,   > as Royal Messengers together with all Others ye Regal    Superior Spirits by Orders    office Governing    bearing Command over Others the Subservient    inferior Spirits from Degree to Degree in the north Angle or Mansion of the Air, we the Servants of the most high God, being Dignified, Armed fortified    Supported through Divine Grace, in the holy Trinity, with Celestial power    Authority, Do in the name of your God,    by your prince Sathan and of your prince Egin; the Supreme [head]  of your Orders    by Every    Each of you  Several    Respective Seals, or Characters    the Virtues    power thereof: Exorcise Conjure Command Constrain, Call forth    move you, O all ye Spirits by Degrees natures office    Order together with all Others the Superior Spirits Governing by Orders    office, as before is Said: to command, constrain    Compel Some one or any of those or Such Servient or Subservient Spirits who are said by office to be messengers Serving    Attending the Regal Spirit Egin:    Other Superior Substitute  presidential Spirits bearing power    Command in the North Region Angle or Mansion of the Air:    also More Especially    in particular amongst the Rest a Certain Spirit who by name is called Mirage who is Differently Said to be a Messenger or familiar Spirit Subservient    Subject    also in Orders under, Egin    Residing in the north Angle or Mansion of the Air: or any other Spirit or Spirits residing in the North Angle or Mansion of the Air (as aforesaid) immediately and forthwith at our present invocations, to Move    Appear in fair and Decent forms  not in any wise Hurtful, Dreadful, terrible or Affrightful unto us, or to this place, or to any other person or place whatsoever: but to come    appear in all humility    Serenity in these, Glass Receptacles or any one of them Set for that purpose here before us, being one usual way of Receiving    enclosing of Spirits to the Visible Sight Service and Assistance of the Sons of men    to show true    Visible Signs unto us of their coming    appearance or Otherwise to appear out of them Visibly  here before us, as shall be most Beneficial    best convenient for us, in all, or any Such our Operations    Affairs, as the necessity thereof Shall Require    as accordingly Shall in anywise properly Appertain to their Orders    offices   , to make true    faithful Answers unto us, Speaking plainly So as that we may hear and understand them    also to fulfil perform    accomplish unto us,    to Serve    Assist us in all and Every Such our commands    Requests (as in the Contents of our Invocation, Shall be more at Large Declared,    Expressly Showed forth unto them) without Delay, Delusion, or Disturbance, whereby to Surprise or Assault our Senses, with fear and Amazements or in any wise to Obstruct or hinder the Effects of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts or Illusions whatsoever.

Dreadful, terrible, or affrightful unto us, or to  this place or to any other place or person whatsoever Visible to the Sight of our Eyes in these Glass Receptacles or any of them Standing here before us as being one usual way, or formal Customary  method or manner or manner of Receiving    enclosing Spirits, or Otherwise to appear out of them in like manner and Decent form    Shape (as aforesaid) in all humility    Serenity, Visibly here before us    to Show forth unto us true    Visible Signs foregoing your Coming    Appearance    to make us true    faithful Answers unto all these and Every Such Other our Demands    Requests, as lyeth here before us,    as we Shall yet further propose not here Inserted, Speaking plainly,    So as that we may hear    understand you    not only to Reveal Discover Make Known,    Show forth unto us the Very truth and Certainty thereof but also to Serve    Assist us    to fulfil and accomplish for us whatsoever we Shall according to your Orders    offices Desire    command you Move therefore O ye Spirit Mirage or Some one, or any or more of you Subservient Spirits or Spirits , not now of us named in this present Invocation move then by Orders    office residing in the North Angle of the Air: prepare ye,    by the power    Efficacy of all aforesaid, Come away,    immediately appear Visibly here before us In Such manner    form as we have before Specified without further Delay, Delusion, or Disturbance whereby to Surprise; or Assault our Senses with fear    Amazements or in any wise to Obstruct or hinder the Effects of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts or Illusions whatsoever.

[Operations of the South Angle of the Air]

Operations of the South Angle of the Air by invocation made to the Regal Spirit Amaymon : who is the King    Ruler of the Same: for the moving and Calling forth of all or any of Such Aerial Spirits by name, Orders,    office of what Degree Soever from the Superior to the Inferior to Visible Appearance.

O You Royal Spirit of great power who art Called Amaymon    said to be King of the South Angle, Region, or Mansion of the Air,    governing or Bearing Rule therein, over many Legions of Aerial Spirits Subjected with you, unto   , under the power Obedience    Command of that great    Mighty Spirit called Sathan, who is Said to be the prince of the Air,    to Govern the four Angles Regions, Divisions or Mansions thereof East west North    South,    unto whom power    Command is given, over all Spirits having place, Residence or Mansion therein as by the preordinate Decree of the most high God, the only Creator of heaven and Earth,    of all things whatsoever is Contained in the Creation, is Constituted    appointed. O ye Regal Spirit Amaymon, King of the South region or Angle of the Air being Governed    Governing (as aforesaid) we the Servants of the most high God Reverently here present in his holy fear, being Dignified, Armed    Supported in the holy trinity, through Divine Grace with Celestial power    Authority given unto our first parents in the Creation at the beginning of time    by lineal Descent from them unto us,    all posterity, or Succeeding generations, as the heirs of Gods promise    grace Even to the Utmost period thereof, Do by the Virtue Influence    Efficacy thereof ,    by the name of your God    in the name of your prince, or head of your Orders,    by your Seal or Character preordinately Decreed of the most High God: Confirming Subjecting    binding you by Orders    office, unto Strict Obedience, first to the fulfilling of his Divine will    pleasure both at his mediate    Immediate Commandments    Appointments, Secondly unto the Command, Service    Obedience of your prince or head of your Orders, as in place Degree    office Appointed Thirdly, as well unto the Service Obedience and Assisting of the Sons of Men Servants of the most high God now living on Earth, according to your Orders    office, as to tempt    Subvert them from their Allegiance to the Divine laws    Duty to God, by your Evil    Crafty Insinuations    Delusions And by the Contents of all aforesaid,    by the power thereof we Do Exorcise, Conjure Command, Compel, Constrain    move you O you Regal Spirit who is Called Amaymon King of the South Angle of the Air together with these Royal Great    powerful presidential Spirits by name Called Aleche, Berith    Mala    all Other Superior Spirits bearing command over the more Inferior Servient    Subservient Spirits from Degree to Degree residing,    Serving under you in the South Region Angle Division or Mansion of the Air to Command, Constrain    Compel these Spirits who by name are Called, Ocarbidaton,    Madicon:    all Other Spirits of great power Bearing Rule in your Orders, or Mansion (as aforesaid) to Serve    Assist us in all,    Every Such of our Operations    affairs, according to their Orders    offices, as we Shall by Certain invocations request    Command them:    amongst the rest to Command, Constrain Send or Enforce to come    Appear unto us, Either or both of those Spirits who by name art Called Emlon, who is said by Office to be a messenger Attending the Regal Spirit, Amaymon in the South Angle or Mansion of the Air,    also the Spirit by name Called Marage, who is Differently said to be a Messenger or familiar Spirit Subservient    Subject in Orders under Amaymon, and Residing in the South Angle    Mansion of the Air forthwith    immediately at our invocation to move    Appear in fair    Decent form    in no wise hurtful, Dreadful terrible or Affrightful unto us or in this place, or to any Other person, or place whatsoever, but in all humility    Serenity Visibly to the Sight of our Eyes, in Some one or Other of these Glass Receptacles Standing here before us,    to make us true    faithful Answers, unto all Such our Demands    Requests,    to fulfil and Accomplish all Such our Desires, as we Shall by invocation Declare,    at Large in the Contents thereof Expressly Show forth    move unto them without Delay Delusion, or Disturbance, whereby to Surprise or45 Assault our Senses with fear and Amazements, or in any wise to Obstruct or hinder the Effects of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts or Illusions whatsoever.

O ye Spirits of great power who by name art Called Ocarbidaton    Madicon: together with all Other Spirits of great power, Residing    bearing rule in the South Angle, or Mansion of the Air, under the Royal Spirit Amaymon who is Said to be King    principal Governor thereof next under the more Superior Spirit Sathan, the prince of the Air,    governing in the four Angles thereof East West North    South with their Principal Kings    all Other Spirits from the Superior to the Inferior Residing    Bearing office according to Each   Every of their Several Respective Degrees    as wherein they are by Divine Appointment now Orderly placed, Know ye then O ye Spirits Ocarbidaton    Madicon together with all Others ye Regal,    Superior Spirits by orders    office, Governing    bearing Command over Others the Subservient    Inferior Spirits from Degree to Degree, in the South Angle or Mansion of the Air we the Servants of the most high God, being Dignified Armed fortified,    Supported through Divine grace in the holy trinity, with Celestial power and Authority: Do in the name of your God,    of your high prince Sathan    of your prince Amaymon, the Supreme head of your Orders,    by Every    Each of your Several    Respective Seals or Characters    the Virtues    powers thereof Exorcise, Conjure Command; Constrain Call forth,    move you, O all ye Spirits by name (as aforesaid) Ocarbidaton,    Madicon: together with all Others the Superior Spirits Governing by Orders    office as before is Said, to Command, Constrain    Compel the Spirits by name Called Emlon, who is Said to be a Messenger under the great Spirit Amaymon King of the South Angle, or mansion of the Air And also the Spirit who by name is Called Marage, who is Differently Said to be a Messenger or familiar Spirit, Subservient,    Subject also in Orders under Amaymon,    Residing in the South Angle or Mansion of the Air (or any other Spirit or Spirits Residing in the South Angle, or Mansion of the Air) (as aforesaid) immediately    forthwith at our present Invocations to Move    Appear in fair    Decent form not in any wise hurtful Dreadful terrible or Affrightful unto us, or to this place, or to any Other person or place whatsoever but to come    appear in all humility    Serenity in these Glass Receptacles or any one of them, Set for that purpose here before us being one usual way of Receiving    Enclosing Spirits to the Visible Sight Service    Assistance of the Sons of men    to show46 true    Visible Signs unto us, foregoing their Coming    appearance or Otherwise to appear out of them Visibly here before us, as shall be most beneficial    best Convenient for us, in all, or any Such our Operations    affairs as the Necessity thereof Shall Require,    as accordingly shall in any wise properly Appertain to their Orders    offices    to make true    faithful Answers unto us Speaking plainly, So as that we may hear    understand them And also to fulfil perform    accomplish unto us,    to Serve    Assist us, in all    Every Such our Commands    Requests (as in the Contents of our invocation Shall be more at large Declared    Expressly Showed forth unto them) without Delay Delusion, or Disturbance whereby to Surprise or Assault our Senses with fear    amazements, or in any wise to Obstruct or hinder the Effects of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts or illusions whatsoever.

O ye Spirit, who is called Emlon,    Said by office to be a Messenger under the Regal Spirit Amaymon, in the South Angle of the Air,    also ye Spirit by name Called Marage, who is or may by Differently Said to be a Messenger or familiar Spirit Serving also Amongst many Other Subservient or familiar Spirits in the South Angle of the Air under the Spirit Amaymon, King    governor thereof we the Servants of the Highest Do in the name of your God,   by the power of your greatest   highest Governor the Prince of the Air, Set over    Commanding the four Angles East west north    South, with Every and Each of their Several    Respective Kings And likewise all Other Spirits bearing Rule    Serving therein Even from the highest or Superior Spirits by Degree Natures Orders   offices unto the more  Inferior Subservients And by your Seals or Characters preordinately Decreed of the most high God, Confining Subjecting   Binding you by orders   office unto Strict Obedience first to his Divine Commandments, Secondly in Orders unto your Superiors And thirdly unto the Service   Assistance by your Orders    office of the Sons of men now living on Earth,    by the Virtue power Influence and Efficacy thereof,   the Contents of all aforesaid, Call forth   move you to Visible appearance: now then we the Servants of the most high God, Do Exorcise Conjure Command, Compel, Constrain    Call forth    move you O ye Spirits by name Emlon   Marage, with all others ye Subservient Spirits    Every and Each of you in general    particular, jointly    Severally for and by it Self respectively, by what name  you or any of you are Called move then as we Know from the tradition of our predecessors that Serveth by Orders   > office as you are by the preordinate Decree of the most high God Orderly    Gradually placed in the South Angle of the Air, as your Mansion or place of Residence    abode accordingly appointed you to Visible appearance move therefore O ye Spirits by name, Emlon   Marage,   Some one or Other of ye Subservient Spirits by Orders   office   residing in the South Angle or Mansion of the Air Serving under Amaymon, (as aforesaid)   in the name of your God,   by the Contents of this invocation   the Constraining power   force thereof, And appear ye or Some one or any, or Either of you by name Orders    office, accordingly, as we have herein   hereby, Specified   Called you forth in fair   Decent forms    not in any wise hurtful Dreadful terrible or Affrightful unto us or to this place or to any other place or person whatsoever Visibly to the Sight of our Eyes in these Glass Receptacles or any of them, Standing here before us, as Being one usual way, or formal accustomary method or manner of Receiving and enclosing Spirits or Otherwise to appear out of them, in like Decent form    Shape,    in like manner (as aforesaid) in all humility    Serenity Visibly here Before us    to Show forth unto us true    Visible Signs foregoing your Coming    Appearance    to make us true    faithful Answers, unto all these,    Every Such Other our Demands    Requests as lyeth here before us    as we Shall yet further propose not here Inserted Speaking plainly,    So as that we may hear    understand you, And not only to reveal Discover make Known    Show forth unto us, the very truth    Certainty thereof but also to Serve    assist us    to fulfil    accomplish for us, whatsoever we Shall according to your Orders    offices Desire    Command you: Move therefore O ye Spirits Emlon    Marage: or Some one or any, or more of ye Subservient Spirits  or Spirits not now of us named in this present Invocation, move then by Orders    office residing in the South Angle of the Air: prepare ye,    by the power    Efficacy of all aforesaid, Come away    immediately Appear Visibly here before us in Such manner    form, as we have  Specified, without further Delay Delusion or Disturbance whereby to Surprise, or assault our Senses with fear    Amazements or in any wise to Obstruct or hinder the Effects of these our present Operations by any Subtle Crafts or Illusions whatsoever   c.


Manuscript Source Material

British Library

Harley MS 6482

Sloane MS 3628

Sloane MS 3821

Sloane MS 3824

Sloane MS 3825

Bodleian Library

Rawlinson MS D.1363

Printed Source Material

Agrippa, H. C. Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Translated by James Freake. Edited by Donald Tyson. Llewellyn, St Paul, 1993.

Agrippa, H. C. Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. First facsimile edition Askin Publishers, London, 1978. It includes Of Occult Magical Ceremonies by Agrippa; Heptameron or Magical Elements by Peter de Abano; Of the Nature of Spirits by Georg Villinganus; Arbatel of Magick; Of Geomancy by Agrippa; Of Astronomical Geomancy by Gerard Cremonensis. A new re-set edition edited by Stephen Skinner, Nicolas-Hays, Berwick, 2005.

Kieckhefer, Richard. Forbidden Rites, A Necromancer’s Manual of the Fifteenth Century. Sutton, Stroud, 1997. A slightly misleading title, as the subject is evocation, not raising the dead. Contains the original text of MS Clm 849 in Latin.

McLean, Adam. A Treatise on Angel Magic. Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks 15.Phanes Press, Grand Rapids, 1990.

Peterson, Joseph [Ed.] The Lesser Key of Solomon: Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis. Weiser Books, York Beach, 2001.

Skinner, Stephen    Rankine, David. The Practical Angel Magic of John Dee's Enochian Tables, Volume 1 Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic, Golden Hoard Press, London, 2004.

Skinner, Stephen    Rankine, David. Dr Rudd's Goetia: Angels    Demons, Volume 3 Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic, Golden Hoard Press, London, 2006.

Printed Background Material

Fanger, Claire [ed]. Conjuring Spirits: Texts and Traditions of Medieval Ritual Magic. Pennsylvania State UP    Sutton Publishing, 1998.Magic in History Series.

Hamill, John [ed]. The Rosicrucian Seer: Magical Writings of Frederick Hockley. Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, 1986. With a note by R A Gilbert.

Harkness, Deborah E. John Dee's Conversations with Angels: Cabala, Alchemy, and the End of Nature. Cambridge, 1999.

Thomas, Keith. Religion and the Decline of Magic. Penguin, London, 1973. An excellent study.

Traister, Barbara Howard. The Notorious Astrological Physician of London: Works and Days of Simon Forman. University of Chicago Press, Chicago    London, 2001.

Modem Books on Practical Evocation

Bardon, Franz. The Practice of Magical Evocation: Instructions for Invoking Spirits from the Spheres Surrounding Us. Rudolf Pravica, Graz, 1956.

Lisiewski, Joseph C. Ceremonial Magic    The Power of Evocation.

New Falcon, Tempe, Arizona, 2004. Primarily concerned with the practical use of just one grimoire, d Abano’s Heptameron.

Runyon, Carroll ‘Poke’. The Book of Solomon’s Magick. CHS, Siverado, 2003. Interesting insights into the nature and use of the Goetic triangle and mirror.

Savedow, Steve. Goetic Evocation: The Magician’s Workbook Volume 2. Eschaton, 1996.

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